What would you want to happen in Firefly2 or Serenity2????

UPDATED: Monday, March 6, 2006 07:25
VIEWED: 7340
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Sunday, March 5, 2006 11:58 AM


RIGHT say our dreams come true and we finaly get a Serenity2 or Firefly2 what would happen.
In Firefly we didn't find much out about shepard, river, or realy anybody else however both shepard and wash [cry:(]died boo hoo.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:03 PM


What will happen or what do we want to happen?

What will happen: Mal will shoot puppies.
What I want to Happen: Mal to shoot kittens.

Carry the Nuttin'


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:12 PM


Harsh yet slightly true but i don't think Mall has the balls i think its more of a jayne thing to do...


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:14 PM


Mal won't shoot the puppies, he'll just order Zoe to do it....politely.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:14 PM


How about Mal and Inara getting it on? For God's sake, we haven't even had a fantasy sequence about this!

wicked tinker


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:16 PM


In my version of reality Sci fi will pick it up and run season 2 before the movie. This will give us Wash and more Book back story. We will then se why Book left the ship. at the end of season 2 they would then televise the movie. After that, season 3 will pick up after the movie telling the story of River's recovery, Zoey picking up the pieces after the death of Wash. A budding romance between Simon and our favorite mechanic. Trying to find work with the Allience looking for more than just the Tams.
A sequel to the movie would be The Allience pursuing the Serenity crew and the crew struggling with the conflict between being criminals and revolutionaries. And Jayne will be in the biggest gun fight in the history of cinema. Oh and he wins.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:21 PM


WOW you have really thought about this,


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:24 PM


well i would have it star in the cargo bay of the firefly(this is for serenity2) where river is training i.e fifghting again the crew witch are looseing when she drops too the floor and has a horrific vesion of the univerity wich she was kept at.......... when she awakes she reqused the captin to fly them in too the cenral plant of the allinences its self the core plant to there power............... when the crew ask why she turns around ans say to get even and free the otherrs like me that talk o me at night and keep me awake.......... the rest well just non stop kick ass fighting



Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:38 PM


Yeah well, It makes the most sense to me and I have nothing else to do until Mal gets back. Btw does anybody know if we could produce a fan production for a commercial for the dvd of both the movie and the series. I am a video production major and wouldn't mind spending some time on it. We could take a collection and try and buy some local air time in a couple of well researched markets. Did I mention I got nothing else to do until Mal gets back.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:47 PM


Actually, heres what I want to see. I wrote Fan Fic to this account, but it was a crap story. Good idea though.

The Alliance uses other Readers to find and capture River. Eh? After this time, maybe they've finally gotten to formula right. So we got a guy sufficiently trained to see River's thoughts yet be able to put on a mental disguise so she doesn't know.

Carry the Nuttin'


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:54 PM


In the continuing story of Serenifly, the Alliance has indeed decided that the cat is out of the bag, so there is no more use in pursuing the Tams. This means that Serenity can now get more work. But they're troubles aren't over. As River is haunted by ghosts and Zoe turns inward in her stoic grief, Inara is faced with a choice that her whole future rests on: does she stay on Serenity but continue in her trade and thereby continue that same old dance with the Captain, does she leave yet again, or does she give up her career so that she can be with Mal? Faced with the idea of being a kept woman and having no valuable input on the ship if she loses her source of income and influence, tensions flare between Mal and Inara as she demands full partnership in Serenity and thereby have an equal say in their business transactions and what deals they take, what heists they plan. Mal has a problem with this. As their tempers flare and personalities clash, Simon is oblivious as he enjoys the quiet simplicity of loving Kaylee and Jayne worries how Inara's employment will effect his percentage.

Meanwhile, the Companion's Guild is unhappy with Inara and want her back or they threaten to excommunicate her. Things are shifting in the government due to the broadwave about Miranda and the Guild is losing it's power and prestige and are scrambling to reclaim their image and purity. Inara traveling with misfits is not helping. Faced with being her own woman and being with the man she loves, or helping to protect the Guild from falling out of the power of it's women and into the cruelty of a patriachal heirarchy, tied in with really deciding/discovering just who she is, Inara is torn.

We learn more about Inara just as she is discovering herself, and learn about her past and what sent her running to the Rim in the first place.

In the end, the Guild crumbles and the women scatter, unwilling to subjugate themselves to the whim of men who don't believe in the spiritual aspect of their business. Inara is left with only herself, and she is stronger and now sure of what she wants. She returns to Mal and Serenity and lays down the law, tells Mal he can take it or leave it: full partners and she plans the crime and she gets the right side of the bed.

Mal takes the deal. :P

Meanwhile, since the disbanding of the Guild, a lot of bitter companions are beginning to spill their secrets. Word reaches Serenity of children being experimented upon, most of them dead, but some perhaps still alive. More information accompanies this, and Simon finds himself slipping away from Kaylee. River lays Zoe's ghosts to rest and is in agreement with her brother in investigating the possibility of there being more students in goverment hands. Mal refuses to help, refuses to get involved in anything that big again. Inara disagrees. River is sure that there are still students alive to be rescued and Simon believes that the government needs to pay for their crimes against humanity. River commandeers the ship while everyone is outside. Kaylee asks Simon not to go, but he chooses to follow his sister over Kaylee, which breaks her heart. Inara thinks Simon and River are right and takes her own ship (yeah, it was on sale after the Guild disbanded) and follows. Mal, Kaylee, Jayne and Zoe are left stranded.

Mal wants his ship back and is forced to follow them into the impending shitstorm...



Sunday, March 5, 2006 1:11 PM


There are some good ideas here. I don't really have anything to top them (or even come close), but I do have some things I'd love to see (some of which have been touched upon before)

- more about Book's past and why he left the ship.
- more about the Hands of Blue guys and Blue Sun (I know this was touched upon/resolved in the Serenity comic set between the film and series, but still...)
- I felt that the Alliance's reason for hunting River for what she knew was wonderful, but surely she is also an experimental lethal weapon - wouldn't they want her back under their control? Surely they might still consider her a threat?
- More Jayne being...well, Jayne!!!
- More about Inara's past
- Saffron's return.

But it's really hard to say what specifically I'd want to see, as part of it is, I like seeing Joss surprise us with what he'd got in his head - those little twists that catch us out.

Gonna stop here before I start gibbering (oops, too late...)

- Shiny. let's be bad guys.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 1:53 PM


intricate fantasies aside, the way the movie ended with Inara unsure of what she wants to do with herself... any future story has to have her resolve that somehow. A story where she's just hanging out again would be too... stagnant. Her indecision at the end of Serenity seemed like such a great setup to really explore where her head and heart are at, and by extension, delve perhaps into her past, why she "ran" from the heart of the Guild in the first place.

I think Simon and Kaylee would replace Wash and Zoe (wah!) as the stable happy couple (until something comes up that makes Simon have to choose between Kaylee and his sister, and you just know that's going to be a bad day for Kaylee).

I'd love to see River being as normal as she can be, being a girl for once, and not front and center this time around (in order to let other characters be delved into). Maybe just some background flavor until, like you said "surely she is also an experimental lethal weapon - wouldn't they want her back under their control? Surely they might still consider her a threat?", this will rear it's ugly head at some point. Although in Serenity, wasn't the progam shut down because the Parliament decided that post-Simon rescuing River, it was too risky an endeavor? Of course, Dr. Mathias' work could have been continued on the sly by other scientists, not willing to abandon their barely-sanctioned experiments. And maybe Blue Sun has too much a stake in the experiments to let the Parliament completely shut the project down.

Did you read the comics that bridge Firefly and Serenity? In those we find out why Book leaves and what happens to the BHM.



Sunday, March 5, 2006 4:21 PM


two words... Blue Sun


Sunday, March 5, 2006 4:31 PM


SimonB, I like the way you think. Your wish list looks a lot like mine. In Serenity 2, I want to see:

--the return of Saffron to cause trouble/almost cooperate with the crew, and to generally look really, really hot

--someone from Book's past to show up and cause trouble for our BDH's, so that we get lots of RonGlasserific flashbacks (some of which could include Wash)

--(please excuse the exuberant use of all caps) GREG EDMONSON'S MUSIC!!!!

Whew, sorry about the shouting.


"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, now on sale at


Sunday, March 5, 2006 4:39 PM


I'd love to see Wash and Book flashbacks.

I'd love to see a heist. A longer heist.

I'd love to hear GREG EDMONDSON'S MUSIC! There ya go, Cedric, I did it too. He's worth shouting for.

I'd love to know more about Mal's past.

( I personally have to put in a vote for more shirtless Mal.) Please excuse the Malaholic in me, she escaped.

Thank you.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, March 5, 2006 4:52 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
( I personally have to put in a vote for more shirtless Mal.)

Well then I'm gonna have to put in my vote for shirtless Kaylee.

Not big into the flashbacks, they need to be looking forward rather than looking to the past.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 4:58 PM


Ok, here is my version of how the new season of Firefly II would begin. It picks up exactly where the movie left off. Maybe even going back to almost the beginning of the movie and adding some stuff we didn’t see in the movie, with short clips that are almost first person from Rivers perspective. As we move very quickly to the end of the movie, things become more disjointed, and in some instances just plain different from what we saw initially. Sometimes viewed in negative film. Finally the timeline catches up with the end of the movie, but things seem even more fragmented and confusing. What??? Zoë’s dead…not Wash… Inara was accidentally killed plant side during Mals fight with the Operative. He bears A LOT of guilt for that. And Book is onboard with the crew??? What the hell is going on???

We see Serenity break Atmo, Wash loads coordinates for Persephone and they’re about to go for hard burn, but wait. What the hell.. Looks like a goram Alliance Armada waiting for Serenity and her crew. We see only the backs of two men standing on the bridge of the flagship, blue hands notably visible. Serenity is ordered to prepare to be boarded. Mal curses something in Chinese, and then attempts to play off the order; like do they mean Serenity or some other firefly class ship in the vicinity? Immediately we see the closest ship fire up their magnetic grappler.

We hear come over the com, “Malcolm Reynolds, you are herby ordered to lay down all arms and submit to the will and sovereign authority of the of the Anglo-Sino Alliance. Your personal war is over; prepare to surrender your ship to our control. That’s about all Mal can take before he blows a gasket. “Kylee, we’re going for hard burn on my mark”. Serenity plots a course directly for the Armada, starts to accelerate and looks like she might be on a collision course. Wash makes a final course correction, “ Kaylee, now”!! Serenity goes hard burn… but they are partially caught in the grasp of magnetic grappler. Ship lurches and veers off its plotted course… slamming Serenity right into the side of a medium cruiser. Slo-mo, mass destruction… Engine pylon folds, looks like a breach in the hull. We see the stunned crew clamor for suits as we watch stuff get sucked out into the black. We see Simon, from a River first person view trying to help her get into a suit.. but he’s not able to, gravity is lost. All the while this sequence all still seems to be very fragmented and confusing partially in black and white some in film negative. We see the breach in the hull now claim Simon… River screams…. A bright flash.

“Mi mi, another bad dream”? River is now fully awake, looking around; Simon has his arms around her and is trying to comfort her. “Where, Simon, where am I.” “You’re safe, you’re on Serenity. It's all ok, there’s nothing to worry about”.

So here we are back to right after “Objects in Space”. I’ve suspected that River is not just a reader, or empathic, but she also has some form of precognitive ability. Each time something has happened, she knew just before. Why, because she probably saw it in one of her nightmares and it takes the form a de-ja vu when it actually happens. So for the most part the BDM winds up being our look into a very lucid River Tam nightmare.

Ok, can you guys live with that?? It dam sure works for me. We get all of out BDHs back and the verse can continue to play out, as it should. Let me know what you think.

Mal: Jayne, just how many weapons you plan on taking? You only got the two arms.
Jayne: I just get excitable as to choice. Like to keep my options open.
Mal: I don’t plan on any shooting taking place during this job.
Jayne: Yeah, well what you plan and what takes place ain’t ever exactly been similar.
Mal: No grenades.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 4:59 PM


So Matt, you are a Kayleeaholic, eh? Well, can't blame you there.

Shirtless Mal is better, but....ok.

Ahhh, but sometimes our past has to be reckoned with in order for us to move forward. There is much to be reckoned with after the BDM.

Just MHO.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, March 5, 2006 5:05 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Ahhh, but sometimes our past has to be reckoned with in order for us to move forward. There is much to be reckoned with after the BDM.

If it really makes sense and is absolutely needed then I'm ok with it, just don't like the idea of looking back just to look back. Oh, and definitely no blue ghosts.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 5:12 PM


No worries Matt, I don't think Joss and our crew will handle that badly. They haven't handled anything badly yet. There won't be any gratuitous flashbacks and I'll wager no blue ghosts anywhere about.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, March 5, 2006 5:38 PM


These are ideas if they continue with a second t.v. season...

Patience (from the pilot) dies and leaves her title of mob boss of a moon to Mal. Mal and the gang run the business for a few episodes.

Jayne leaves after an argument with Mal. Upon entering a bar he runs into Jubal Early (whom Jayne never acctually met). The two partner up on a bounty and Jayne is double crossed by Early. Returns to Serenity by the end.

River befriends a young boy who escaped from the same Alliance test lab she did.

A student of Book (who turns out to have been an assasin for the Alliance) hunts down the men he holds responsible for his master's death: Mal and the Operative.

River becomes the regular pilot of Serenity,and devolps a crush on Mal.

Inara and Mal offically become a couple.

Zoe is pregnent with Wash's child.

"Son of a bitch."


Sunday, March 5, 2006 5:53 PM



Originally posted by AncientMariner:
Jayne leaves after an argument with Mal. Upon entering a bar he runs into Jubal Early (whom Jayne never acctually met). The two partner up on a bounty and Jayne is double crossed by Early. Returns to Serenity by the end.

I'd estimate the chances of that are one in a very large number. Really don't see how Jubal could have survived.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 6:03 PM


Because he is a bad ass bounty hunter. He's just to good a charcter to kill off right away.

"Son of a bitch."


Sunday, March 5, 2006 6:03 PM


I would want the Inara question answered. Will she stay and if so in what capacity. I want to see how River has changed since the Miranda incident. I want to see Zoe and how she is handling her new life.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 6:23 PM


and didn't Joss, jokingly or not, talk about bringing Jubal back at some future point. In the commentaries or somewhere? Or maybe I'm thinking of Dobson... yeah, I think I'm thinkig of the fed. And I had really thought it was a bad joke until I was proved wrong :P

-I still want to see Inara's past

-word on wanting to actually see more of Mal's past, preferably from his prewar day, if only for an interesting juxtaposition to who he is now

-do NOT want to see Zoe pregnant, just cuz babies suck in visual entertainment, IMO.

-Simon have to choose between Kaylee and River

-Inara get together with Mal and then fight horribly and leave him for something else

-Mal happy for a bit. I'd really like to see what that would be like. (you know, before Inara leaves his ass)

-Zoe form a mother-daughter relationship with River. Teach her about boys, making soup, shooting guns, that sort of girly thing. (not that River'd need to be taught any of that)

-Simon try to take on the government/Blue Sun/Blue Handed Men and how that affects everyone else.



Sunday, March 5, 2006 6:25 PM


Yes I belive Jubal needs a part in there. However we all know that Joss won't let all the remainders of the crew make it out of the sequals.

Here it is, *donning flame resistant suit*

Simon and Zoe will die. Along the way Kaylee will latch onto Jayne.

Otherwise the whole deal about Blue Sun, Books past, and maybe Patience in some kinda floaty wellchair/hovercraft a'la captain beep-beep from the original Star Trek pilot should be par for the course. Oh yeah, surely Badger has to get killed in some humerous and grotesque fashon.

Turns out this is my kind of a party!


Sunday, March 5, 2006 6:55 PM



Originally posted by dreamsofthespider:
-Simon have to choose between Kaylee and River

If you mean he gets into a situation where he has to choose one to save, I think it's quite obvious. You save the one that's not a government engineered super-weapon, she can take care of herself.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 7:14 PM


Hey, folks. Just wanted to mention a Browncoat project at We're dedicated to continuing the series in a virtual form (as episode scripts). We've finished Season One, and will be back later this spring with Season Two. Our long-term plans will touch on many of the concepts addressed in this thread. "Here's how it might have been..."


Monday, March 6, 2006 7:21 AM


Does anyone know if anything is happening with Firefly 2 because i think that everyone would love one and with the effort that the fans have put in they cant ignore us, the fans helped get a film and there is so much that needs t be told.
if Firefly was put on at a good time more people would watch it and because so many People loved serenity their are a brand new generation of fans ready to fight, and willing to fight for firefly.

Keep the dream alive!!


Monday, March 6, 2006 7:25 AM


Reading between the lines of the interviews, I think Whedon needs a break. He's been fighting the Battle of "Serenity" for at least three years. Word is there will be more comics, but I think any live action will wait until after "Goners" and "Wonder Woman." I have a feeling that if WW is a huge success, Whedon will have the clout to do whatever he wants with our favorite crew. "Here's how it might have been..."






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