I know why I love Serenity. Why do you?

UPDATED: Monday, March 6, 2006 17:12
VIEWED: 4885
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Saturday, March 4, 2006 9:55 PM


I see a little bit of myself in every character. Mal the badass hero, Zoe the dedicated friend, Jayne the big dumb animal, Kaylee's sweetnees (not so much), Inara's heart, Simon's Devotion, Book's faith (again, not so much), The humor of Wash, River's fractured mind, and most importantly Serenity is home, my soul.

P.S. Oh yeah, Reaver's for when i'm hungry, and/or horny!


Tee Hee


Saturday, March 4, 2006 10:03 PM


Oh, young one, I definately see River's fractured mind in you.

In all seriousness, why do I love Serenity?

Because it's great to see character based science fiction with some undercurrents of modern political commentary that doesn't drown you out in Democrats vs Republicans. It's so easy to identify with all the characters, even when they are at odds with each other. We never see a character sacrifice his motivation for plot, and that's a rareity.



Originally posted by agirlyman:
I see a little bit of myself in every character. Mal the badass hero, Zoe the dedicated friend, Jayne the big dumb animal, Kaylee's sweetnees (not so much), Inara's heart, Simon's Devotion, Book's faith (again, not so much), The humor of Wash, River's fractured mind, and most importantly Serenity is home, my soul.

P.S. Oh yeah, Reaver's for when i'm hungry, and/or horny!


Tee Hee

Carry the Nuttin'


Saturday, March 4, 2006 10:32 PM


hmmm. Ok, let's start with the show. The fact that everybody's sort of like a family unit. They also look for redemption or peace in some way boarding onto Serenity. Plus knowning the fact that Simon changed his future for his sister brings me to tears (literally). It would have to be the most unselfish thing anybody could do for someone.

Now the movie? Well...*spoiler alert!!*

They risked their lives to tell the people of thrd naughty thing that the Alliance never told anyone. River knew about it and never understood it.

For an artist standpoint, the way Joss used the camera shots, color to emphasize emotion, and of course lighting .


Saturday, March 4, 2006 11:27 PM


The theme song. It says all that needs to be said.

Where's the KABOOM?! There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom! *sigh* Delays...delays...


Sunday, March 5, 2006 1:31 AM


I love Joss' distinctive style of dialogue......

And the way that all his work includes a really strong sense of belonging and family between his groups of characters. There was the Scoobies in Buffy, Angel's agency, and of course the Firefly crew!!

Jayne is a bit of an outsider (at first) but Joss' work also has a theme of including outsiders into the family unit..... I'm thinking in particular of Fred in Angel, Spike in Buffy and Angel and Anya in Buffy.

I love Joss' sweet, likeable characters - Willow in Buffy, Fred in Angel and Kaylee in Firefly. And I also love to hate Joss' completely outspoken characters - Cordy in Buffy, The Host in Angel and Jayne in Firefly. They may be annoying to live with, but they're essential to the group dynamaics - they provoke and get things moving when they've almost ground to a halt plot-wise!!

(By the way, I'd love know what Adam thinks about Joss statement on the Serenity DVD commentary, that Jayne is Firefly's Cordelia!!! Would it make him laugh... ??!!)

Joss in boss! Three cheers of Joss- hip-hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip-hip hooray!!!!

Thanks Joss, for giving us a series we don't just like, WE LOVE IT!!!


Sunday, March 5, 2006 7:24 AM


For me, the humor. More specifically, the brilliant mix of humor and drama. In the movie and the series, Joss (and all the writers) are just great at taking typical comedic/dramatic scenes and flipping the tone of the scene right when you THINK you are about to see a comedic/dramatic cliche.

Two of my favorite examples from the movie:

After the intoduction to the Operative, we get the beautiful opening and visual intro to Serenity, with the inspiring music (that I'm listening to now). The camera pans around Serenity, the inspiring music building up as we pan, starting to reach it's climax as we begin to make out Wash & Mal on the bridge, then *THUNK*...primary buffer panel falls off the ship and we get the great bookend line from Mal, "What was that?". Great dramatic-to-comedic flip...cracks me up everytime I see it, which is often.

The comedic-to-dramatic flip I love was the scene in the cargo bay after the heist, where Kaylee asks Simon, who didn't even go on the heist, if he was ok...followed by Mal saying "Is HE okay?", which was immediately followed by the reaver popping out to say "boo".

And the scene from the series that hooked me and infected me with Browncoat Fever:

In the REAL pilot for the show, when Dobson had ahold of River in the cargo bay, see's Mal coming back on the ship, and starts with the cliched line "Don't anyone move or I'll..." (BLAM!), Mal nonchalantly(sp?) draws his gun and shoots Dobson in the face, and just keeps walking. Absolutely brilliant. Got me hook, line, & sinker.


OPERATIVE: ...and I'm unarmed.
MAL: Good.



Sunday, March 5, 2006 8:34 AM


It encompasses so much of what I look for in good science fiction. The whole 'verse looks like a place that people actually live in. Just because we're dealing with a story where people fly around in spaceships doesn't mean it can't feel like a real place, and Joss does a great job with that.

("River, psychic? That sounds too much like science fiction."
"We live in a spaceship, dear."

I care about these characters because they feel real to me. I still catch myself wondering what they're up to now. They're not there to fill in the plotline, the plot is there to serve the characters.

It's always an emotional rollercoaster. I love the humour for it's own sake, and also because it contrasts so well with the dramatic points. I know good writing when I want to laugh and cry at the same time, and the BDM was the first movie in a long while that did that for me.

Finally, heart, fnord. I see this point coming up alot in the forums, and the podcasts, too. 'Cause it matters most. Everyone involved in this show cared so much, it's hard for me not to as well.

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 9:28 AM


The characters, and how it is entirely about them, not about, ooh, look at the spaceships and guns! Although, a small budget doesn't allow the Lucas Effect to be put in use.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 9:29 AM


Ya Know What? Just read what nuclearday said. That sums it up.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 11:28 AM


Well, I think what got me into Firefly was the Narration by Mal before they played the Main Theme the one where he says "If you've got a job, We can do it...Dont much care what it is." That combined with the Theme Music is what got me into Firefly.

However what got me hooked to Firefly was the Storytelling and the BDH's, All of them from Mal To River are what make Firefly well Firefly without them there would be no Firefly or no Serenity.

Also I liked the way the Story's unfolded over the course of each Episode in that the Plot slowly begins to pull you in whiel watching it, And the big part of why i like Firefly is the Acting Firefly has the best group of Actor's i have ever seen in any other Movie or TV Show.

So in closeing i guess there were many diffrent things that got me Hooked on Firefly, Ive got to say tho ive been a Trekkie ever since Deep Space Nine came on the air and i have never stopped watching it Untill Enterprise came on the air that is, But i have to say from everything ive seen Firefly beats Star Trek hands down in my opinion.


"You know its funny, We went to the war never looking to comeback but its.....its the real world i couldnt survive....You two carried me through that war now i need you to carry me just a little bit further...If you can." - Tracey to Zoe and Mal (The Message)


Sunday, March 5, 2006 11:37 AM


yar, had the wrong serenity in mind ;p

--- <-inching towards daylight


Sunday, March 5, 2006 11:50 AM


i know why i love serenity, it because when i watch either firefly or serenity i am pushed into a whole new world with brand new experiences.
i have watched firefly with my boy friend who hated most films and programs that are like serenity, the day after he bought firefly and loves it. it just opens a new world to everyone and helps people to dream.



Sunday, March 5, 2006 3:54 PM



Originally posted by agirlyman:
I see a little bit of myself in every character. Mal the badass hero, Zoe the dedicated friend, Jayne the big dumb animal, Kaylee's sweetnees (not so much), Inara's heart, Simon's Devotion, Book's faith (again, not so much), The humor of Wash, River's fractured mind, and most importantly Serenity is home, my soul.

Yeah, that.


Monday, March 6, 2006 12:39 AM


Because it's the only worthwhile film to have escaped from Hollywood, or anywhere, in ages.

I have to come right out and own up to not actually being very keen on the whole going out to the cinema experience.

The films are rarely that great. And by great, I mean I'm looking for something to make you stagger outside into the sunlight (or darkness) in a daze.

I also mean something that is good enough to take your mind off the Dolby THX Surround sound of people eating, drinking or making / taking cellphone calls. (The cliche phrase for the mobile phone generation is "I'm on the train." You can tell civilisation has gone down the drain when you have heard somebody say (My hand to God) "I'm watching Lord of The Rings.")

But enough of my prejudices. Serenity. I actually went out and saw it without being threatened or bribed. Voluntarily even. It was just a pure pleasure. Not a particularly Browncoaty crowd, reasonably normal looking.

I'm not much for talking to strangers, but I did make fleeting eye contact and exchange a the odd cheesy grin / nod where there were other folk doing exactly the same as me: Bursting with excitement, yet too reserved to show it, and surreptitiously checking everyone else out to see if there are any of the Chosen Few Who Know The Big Damn Secret That This Is Guaranteed, And I Mean Cast Iron, To Be Totally Great On Any Level You'd Care To Mention.

And although it wasn't swamped with Browncoats, everyone was dead quiet, enthralled and intent on the film (apart from small bursts of spontaneous applause which are entirely understandable.)

I'm can't think of many films that have had that effect.

Given that there is an actual Film Industry, how come it finds it so difficult to assemble a good script, good actors, a good director and and a good cinematograher in one place?

Serenity can join Pulp Fiction, Aliens, the Colin Firth / Jennifer Ehle Pride and Prejudice, the Empty Child / The Doctor Dances episodes of Dr Who* and Father Ted.*

So there's my verdict. "It would get me into a cinema." There really is no higher accolade.


*Yes, but class will always be class.


Monday, March 6, 2006 3:11 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Colin Firth / Jennifer Ehle Pride and Prejudice

Yeah, this is awesome. The only thing close to firefly in the 'how often I like to watch' and 'time per episode spent watching with a smile on my face' stakes.


Monday, March 6, 2006 4:41 AM


Oops! Huge gaffe to have left "Firefly" off the World's Famous Supreme Team.



Monday, March 6, 2006 4:53 AM


I love Serenity/Firefly because I have never thought of the characters on tv as friends...yup, I sound crazy.

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Monday, March 6, 2006 5:27 AM


That's easy: River! Okay, when I think about this seriously, I actually... still think: River! But even more seriously, everything is about people who care... about River! :) Okay, pulling myself together now, it's Love, in point of fact. Love... for River!

Okay, I give up. :) I try and be serious, but all I hear myself say is: River! Hmm, maybe because my sub-consciousness is trying to tell me I'm not kidding, but, in fact, all serious? Hmm.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, March 6, 2006 6:26 AM


Well, I think a lot of us have similar reasons for loving the series. I'll just add onto other folks' with something additional that really captured me.

It's a combination of the scenarios, the dialogue, and how the lines are delivered that got me. Each and every scene, whatever happened, the characters said exactly what should've been said to make the situations seem real and lifelike, believable and relateable, and, witty and enjoyable.

There're so many pieces of dialogue and scenarios that happen in Firefly that just don't in general. Think back to the pilot: Mal plays one of the meanest tricks on Simon imaginable, and as soon as Simon sees it, you cut to the entire group of them laughing. That doesn't happen in your cliched sci-fi: the captain generally doesn't resort to doing something mean just 'cause it's really, really funny.

Or, think back to the deleted scene with the Operative at the end of the movie. "What a whiner"... it's what everyone wants to say to the villian who talks too much, but Mal will get off regardless.

Or, what about War Stories, where Niska starts out all gleeful at the prospect of forcing Zoe to make a difficult choice.
Niska: Ahh, you see, now you have to cho--
Zoe: Him
Niska: ...???
Zoe: Oh I'm sorry, you were going to make me choose, right? Do you want to finish?

Even at the end of War Stories...
Zoe: No, this is something the captain has to do for himself
Mal: No it aint'!
Zoe: Oh? *fires*

And our favorite, at the end of Shindig...
Mal: Mercy is the mark of a great man. *stab*
Mal: Guess I'm just a good man. ... *stab*
Mal: ...I'm all right.

Seriously, every scene you have that break-away from the old and tired motions, and the characters finally do stuff you expect them to. Mal likes taking cheap shots, especially when they're funny, so no sense of 'honor' is gonna stop him from that. Zoe doesn't get drawn into drama, so if you're gonna go into some long-winded monologue about your master evil plan, expect her to kick you in the windpipe by the fourth word.

There're a million other examples, but I think you know where I'm gettin' at. And something as good as Firefly could only have been pulled off with the collective genious of the original storyboard creators, the writers, and the actors. And that's not even going into the artistic quality of its visuals. KF


Lord, I'm walking your way. Let me in, for my feet are sore, my clothes are ragged.
Look in my eyes, Lord, and my sins will play out on them as on a screen. Read them all.
Forgive what you can and send me on my path. I will walk on until you bid me rest.

~Haven Prayer


Monday, March 6, 2006 6:31 AM


I'm not sure, but I really think it has to do with Adam Baldwin's arm muscles.
*goes to back up the weight lifting scene again*


Monday, March 6, 2006 5:08 PM



Originally posted by agirlyman:
I see a little bit of myself in every character. Mal the badass hero, Zoe the dedicated friend, Jayne the big dumb animal, Kaylee's sweetnees (not so much), Inara's heart, Simon's Devotion, Book's faith (again, not so much), The humor of Wash, River's fractured mind, and most importantly Serenity is home, my soul.
P.S. Oh yeah, Reaver's for when i'm hungry, and/or horny!

Some of that, and some of the very well worded other posts on this thread.

The reason it resonates so deeply with me is that these are ordinary people trying to eke out an existance any way they can - legit or otherwise. Much like us here on earth that still is. Although i would like think we are mostly on the legit side, other than trying to take what advantage we can of the taxman!

They are not a crew of graduates from the academy, out to spead the word of the verse, oversee new civilisations and protect the verse from itself. They are not diplomats out to mediate arguments between planets/races.

They are imperfect people (although Jaynes arms are perfect, and yes followmal, the capin is near perfection)working and living together in close quarters - sounds like a family unit to me. Yeah - some of 'em fit better than others, but in a large family (and I am from one so i know) thats pretty much normal. And in a family, the head of the family looks out for all, as does each member of the family. Now some would argue that Jayne has betrayed some of the family members on occasion, but again, from personal experience, that also happens and the culprit is still welcomed back into the bosum of the family(maybe after some strong words have been exchanged and amends have been made).

It still leaves me wishing that i could see more of the family *heaves a heavy sigh* feeling kinda sad now, need to go watch some FF to cheer up, or maybe another thread....

I'll be in Jaynes bunk


Monday, March 6, 2006 5:12 PM


I love it because the charactors seem real, like actual people you could meet in a cowboy, malticultured galixie filled with control freek gorvornemts that sux at govorning, univers.

The court of this obsession, is abstracted from possession which when the worlds of outside in fall.






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