
UPDATED: Tuesday, March 7, 2006 04:58
VIEWED: 5513
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Monday, March 6, 2006 3:43 AM


Well, anyone else supremely disappointed? I'll admit, I haven't seen most of the movies that won awards. Had no real desire to see movies which, to me, seemed politically loaded.

Anyways, the only real one I thought was deserving (aside from some of the technical awards), was Reese Witherspoon. Never much liked her roles in the past, and the movie wasn't what I generally like, but it was a really good performance (so was Juaquin Phoenix) in a really good movie.

Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, March 6, 2006 4:31 AM


I agree about Reese, and all the other wins I was OK with, but CRASH ironically lost out in the category it deserved to win (Best Song) and won in the category it souldn't have (Best Picture).

I dunno. I only saw CRASH the one time when it was first out (actually it was a sneak peak two weeks prior) and didn't think much of it. I liked what it was all about and it's overall tone and delivery, but the way the plotlines were resolved seemed a bit deus ex machina for me. A little too coincidental. Plus, the idea of it snowing in L.A. is one of the most ludicrous things I've ever seen.

But BROKEBACK was first class filmmaking. A completely even, serene tone from beginning to end, and it actually made me misty eyed both times I saw it.

I have to admit though, CRASH seemed like one of those flicks that you have to see again to fully appreciate it. And I know how Ebert was talking about how this was one of those movies that could actually change the world for the better. I have it on my DVD holds at the library, but they're showing it at the RPL again on Thursday and Friday. I'll probably check it out again.

I was glad there wasn't a sweep. Made things interesting.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"I think one of the greatest things about modern America is the computerization of medical records. As a volunteer sheriff, I can look up anyone's psychiatric records and their surgical histories. Yeast infections. There are a huge number of yeast infections in this county. Probably...because we're down river...from that old bread factory."

Dwight - The Office - 209 - E-mail Surveillance


Monday, March 6, 2006 4:51 AM


If the movies on that list aren't remotely interesting I don't watch. I four of the movie even nominated for anything. I saw Munich, Batman Begins, War of the Worlds and, Star Wars Ep 3. They had three nominations in sound editing, visual effects and make up. Serenity should have been in visual effects. It is the first film in history to have that documentary look to the visual effect. Star Wars was in make up, wasn't it all done in the computer. I guess they could be talking about the make up on Natalie Portman (what make up is there in that film.)
I have never been the biggest fan but there are some years where they at least get things right, this years didn't have a chance there were a few movies even worth watching. They complained that they were losing money, if they made better films there might be a chance for that. I think that if they would support more unique and interesting films the Oscars would means more. They seem to look for the same kinds of movies.

Would Brokeback Moutain have been as good if the story was about a man and a woman or is it simply because they are gay (just interested to know)?


Monday, March 6, 2006 6:38 AM


Against my better judgement I decided to watch it... John Stewart was pretty hilarious... and... The "Lobbying" skits were freaking hilarious.

I liked the part with Meryl Streep who presented the honorary award.

I say the best part was at the general beginning... George Clooney definately deserved the award for Best Supporting Actor. Syriana had to've been one of the best movies last year.

On a final note... last year was weird... because everything was thrown against the wall of the extremes... when a movie was good it was real good... when a movie blew it blew hard. There really wasn't a lot of movies out there this year that were mediocre that the movie going public really liked while the critics hated.


Monday, March 6, 2006 6:41 AM


Likewise, I think it was more interesting in that there wasn't a sweep. In general, though, I find that since most of the time, the expected candidate wins, the actual victors aren't always too surprising.

I'm biased towards anyone from my home town or state, so I'm glad Reese Witherspoon won. And, while I'd rather Dolly Parton have gotten the Oscar for her song, one of Three 6 Mafia's crew is from Nashville, so I'll deal with that {^^}.

Oh, and I wouldn't mind having one of those big stuffed penguins the folks who produced March of the Penguins brought up on stage. KF


Lord, I'm walking your way. Let me in, for my feet are sore, my clothes are ragged.
Look in my eyes, Lord, and my sins will play out on them as on a screen. Read them all.
Forgive what you can and send me on my path. I will walk on until you bid me rest.

~Haven Prayer


Monday, March 6, 2006 7:17 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Kizyr:
Likewise, I think it was more interesting in that there wasn't a sweep. In general, though, I find that since most of the time, the expected candidate wins, the actual victors aren't always too surprising.

I was suprised when Angelina Jolie won...

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, March 6, 2006 7:21 AM



Originally posted by Dataless:
Serenity should have been in visual effects. It is the first film in history to have that documentary look to the visual effect.

The visual effects were good, but nowhere close to the big budget movies. There were some very cool things, but nothing I hadn't seen before.

Originally posted by Dataless:
Star Wars was in make up, wasn't it all done in the computer. I guess they could be talking about the make up on Natalie Portman (what make up is there in that film.)

There's a ridiculous amount of makeup in Star Wars. All the different alien races, the Emperor, and the best makeup job in the movie, Anakin and his burns. Padme looked completely natural the whole movie, so not sure where that comment came from, did you even see the movie?


Monday, March 6, 2006 7:35 AM


Anyways, can I buy a Reese Witherspoon? Just wrap her in a bow and send her FedEx?

She was sooo cute in her first scene in the movie.

Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, March 6, 2006 7:42 AM


I didn't watch them. Serenity wasn't on the ticker, so I didn't give them my view.


Monday, March 6, 2006 8:03 AM


ah.. love the diversity of thought here.. but I must weigh in.. and flame away if you like.

I am a huge movie fan too.. and I DID see all the noms and I thought them pretty good... no they are not the popular stuff... but the Oscars are an industry show not a popular vote...

I actually thought Crash was one of the best films last year. Well acted and thought provoking about racism and preconceived notions. I thought Walk the Line was great and Serenity too.. but there are only 5 slots and as has been pointed out fantasy and sci fi do not usually get a nod...

Films are about entertaining and diversion from real life. They are also about educating in a way.. letting the audience know how things felt.. even if the facts are not 100% accurate. I personally think that is a good thing.. I know the difference between a film and a documentary.. so I understand that these are STORIES!!!

Just because we LOVE Serenity so much, does not mean we have to tear down everyhting that is not Serenity... I think we can love it all in their own unique way. And that these films were not your cup of tea or did not resonate with you is ok... different strokes and all that...

For me- this was a good year for the Oscars because the films were small, independent and thought provoking... just another persepective- not the ONLY one...



Monday, March 6, 2006 8:22 AM


Screw that. If it doesn't have Nathan Fillion shooting puppies and Summer Glau going crazy randomly and kicking ass, it's a bad film. Period, end of story. STFU NOOB!!!!!!!!

Nah, I see entirely where your coming from. I just don't agree, because I'm cynical and I think (no, I haven't seen the movies, so yes my opinion is nothing but intuitive ignorance) that a lot of these films are not meant to tell stories but play on peoples emotions about political issues.

I'm also from the camp that says Disney films subvert our children into being PETA candidates.

Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, March 6, 2006 8:24 AM


My kids saw Crash and told me it was very good. Thought provoking and thought altering. They also saw Walk the Line and thought it Oscar worthy as well.

I'm with Chindi, films allow us to be somewhere else, be someone else, experience something that we've never experienced before. They come in all types, love stories, adventure, scifi, and action and just about people interacting with people. There is room in my life for all kinds of films. Just because Serenity is the best and my most favorite of all time, doesn't mean I can't watch something else and enjoy it. And be moved by it.

The Oscars at least surprised this year. And the films nominated weren't generic, they made us think. That is always a good thing.

On a wicked side note, if Serenity couldn't have been nominated, I sure would have liked them better if I'd seen Nathan on the red carpet, But that's just me.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, March 6, 2006 8:29 AM


I didn't watch the Oscars, but I did walk into the room where my daughter was watching while Ben Stiller was presenting in his green 'tard. The man just KILLS me!! There he was floating around the stage, and the King Kong people he presented to obviously didn't think he was funny at all.


Monday, March 6, 2006 8:29 AM


I watched last night - struggled to stay awake (being in EST) till the bitter end!!!

I am a big movie fan and though the BDM is my favorite, i had seen most of the movies nominated. I was happy Crash won best pic. It bucked the going assumption that Brokeback Mountain would win, and also very happy for Paul Haggis, another canadian with great ideas (and gone south to hollywood!). I saw brokeback and thought it was very good, cried at the end, and I thought it would win. But was happy with result.

Thought the show itself a little flat, though Jon Stewart was one of the better things about it. That bit about wakin' up next to Clooney was the best!! I usually have an Ocar shindig but didn't this year - kinda glad. We would have had to consume copious amounts of alchohol to make it interesting (not that that would have been a bad thing ).

The woman were beautiful - I thought some of the best dressed were: Jessica Alba, Xixi (from Geisha), Kiera Knightley, to name a few. And of course, George Clooney looked great. i'm kinda likin' him with the salt n peppa thing goin on.

Just watched the BDM again so all is right in my movie 'verse.

I'll be in Jaynes bunk


Monday, March 6, 2006 8:39 AM


I thought the films that were nominated and won were good and certaily deserving. However, I thinik next year they should start a new category, something like:

Best Feature Film that People Actually Liked and Would Want to Watch Again Because They Enjoyed It Not Because of Obtuse Artistic Principles.

You could call it the BFFPALWWWABTEINBOP awared. In that category Serenity wins hands down, though Wallace and Grommet and Batman would be up there also.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Monday, March 6, 2006 9:08 AM


Oh, the Oscars. There were no real surprises -- well, except Crash as best picture, which wasn't that much or a surprise at all. It was generally understood that if Broakback didn't win, Crash would. Capote was awesome, but I felt it had some pacing issues towards the middle-end. I haven't seen Good Night and Good Luck because it has not been at a theatre near me, which I think is why it could not have one -- too small of a film. So basicly is was BBM v Crash. Munich didn't promote as much as the other movies. Personally, I wanted Munich to win.

I was also disappointed with Crash winning best original screenplay. It was a good movie, and the writers deserve props for juggling so many complicated stories, but... well, I just wanted something else to win. Couldn't it just be happy with its film editing award? It deserved that one.

I wanted GNaGL to win for best cinematography, but alas, Geisha walked away with the oscar. I haven't see either, but GNaGL looked so cool... it was a disapointment for Katie.

I had no problem with the acting winners. Philip Seymour Hoffman deserved his win. Reese Witherspoon... well, I didn't see the preformance, but I have been assured that she was incredible by someone whose opinion I trust, so I'm cool with it. BEst supporting actress I couldn't care about too much. Best supporting actor, I was glad to see George win something (though were was Lucacris' nom? He was awesome. I thought he did better than Matt Dillon).

I was so happy with the best song winner. First of all, the people who accepted it... yeah, as Jon Stewart said, they know how to accept an oscar. Second, just because rap is not treditionally looked at my elitist institution as a medium with any merit. But it is. So take that, conventions.

"Objects in Space"
River: It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think...


Monday, March 6, 2006 9:09 AM



However, I thinik next year they should start a new category, something like:

Best Feature Film that People Actually Liked and Would Want to Watch Again Because They Enjoyed It Not Because of Obtuse Artistic Principles.

LOL that WOULD be a great category!! and tho Serenity would DEFINITELY be in it.. how could you be sure it would not lose to Big Momma's house.. or Saw???

we aren't the only nutters out there.. as your sig articulately expresses...



Monday, March 6, 2006 9:18 AM



Originally posted by Dataless:
Would Brokeback Moutain have been as good if the story was about a man and a woman or is it simply because they are gay (just interested to know)?

That's hard to say. On one hand, it was very much a forbidden love movie. That was its heart and soul. So, I would be inclined at first to say that as long as man and woman's love it forbidden, it would have worked. On the other hand: Cowboys. Notice the word boys in this word. Think about the connotations that come to your mind... yeah. It is considered a very manly profession. If there was a girl cowboy, I think that would have thrown the dynamic of the movie way off, straight into girls-can-do-what-guys-can territory (not that I would have a problem with that -- go feminism -- but it would have been a different movie).

I think that was my long-winded way of saying no, it needed to be a gay cowboy movie, despite the fact that the idea behind the movie (forbidden love) and be done using almost anyone.

"Objects in Space"
River: It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think...


Monday, March 6, 2006 9:51 AM


I didn't see any of the movies that were nominated, so I really can't comment in that regard. I watched for one reason: Jon Stewart. I thought he did a great job. The opening was hilarious, and Ben Stiller was a riot.

As for the rest of it, I'm sure all of those movies were great "make you think about(insert political issue here)" movies, but I have a real problem with those type of flicks. I watch a movie to be entertained, not dragged through someone's real-world political agenda. And over the years I've come to realize that is what most Oscar-nominated films are all about (the major categories anyway).

Despite my distaste for blatently preachy movies, I'll probably end up renting most of them eventually. Most of the folks at the Oscars party I was attending said "Crash" was really outstanding. Ditto for "Capote".

I was happy to see "Wallace & Grommitt" and "King Kong" win awards. Both were incredibly entertaining. Kong, in my opinion, was the best movie of the year(yes, better than the BDM...sorry), and I expected it to be lame.

My 2 cents.


OPERATIVE: ...and I'm unarmed.
MAL: Good.



Monday, March 6, 2006 10:26 AM


Jonestein said,
"I'm sure all of those movies were great "make you think about(insert political issue here)" movies, but I have a real problem with those type of flicks. I watch a movie to be entertained, not dragged through someone's real-world political agenda."

AMEN! I'm in full agreement about this, and also agree the Academy tends to reward such films based on the political agenda within the film, which is one reason I never watch the Academy Awards.


Monday, March 6, 2006 3:03 PM


I agree and disagree. Anyone ever see Conspiracy with Kenneth Branagh? Really good real-world movie. And BDM had some definate, but very subtle, overtones of political thoughts. "They'll keep drifting back to the idea they can make people better."

On the other hand, I don't want to be bombarded with political views. If Brokeback Mountain came out, as is right now, in an air of homosexuality acceptance among the populace of America, I would probably percieve it much different. The fact that it's very relevant and heated subject says to me there is no way there can't be political opinions spewed all over.

Give me a story and characters. The story may express a certain philosophy, or try and teach a lesson, but the lesson or the philosophy should never take precedence over the story.

One of the reasons I've never liked Voltaire, or many writers of fiction who write to expose societal flaws. I don't see stories as the right place to do it, even though it appeals to the masses and makes it more effective.

At the same time, as in movies like Conspiracy, it's really refreshing to watch a serious movie about real-world problems.

What's the real difference? Is there a real difference? Is it personal opinion on whether the movie's agenda is the "right" one? Probably not. It's definately something I can't really think, just feel. It's not a good argument, and not a real good reason for the opinions I have. I'm sure someone feels the same thing, and probably can find the difference better than I can.


Originally posted by Ruxton:
Jonestein said,
"I'm sure all of those movies were great "make you think about(insert political issue here)" movies, but I have a real problem with those type of flicks. I watch a movie to be entertained, not dragged through someone's real-world political agenda."

AMEN! I'm in full agreement about this, and also agree the Academy tends to reward such films based on the political agenda within the film, which is one reason I never watch the Academy Awards.

Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, March 6, 2006 3:28 PM



Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
I agree and disagree. Anyone ever see Conspiracy with Kenneth Branagh? Really good real-world movie. And BDM had some definate, but very subtle, overtones of political thoughts. "They'll keep drifting back to the idea they can make people better."

Heck, I'm sure one could find political overtones in "The Muppet Movie" if one looked hard enough. It's the blatent, shove my political agenda down your throat movies that tick me off. The ones where you know the stars are activists for whatever cause you're supposed to be being indoctrinated with during the movie.

Actually, it's not even the blatent ones that tick me off the's the one's that are marketed as mainstream fare, only to have the writer and/or director's political views slyly interjected into the script.

A certain final installment of a major space epic suddenly comes to mind. And it's not that I necessarily disagreed with the epic director's views, it's that I didn't appreciate being yanked out of my "movie world" and back into this F'd up real world.

T'will be interesting to see the righteous indignation generated from that little comment. (no, I'm not trolling, just voicing an opinion)


OPERATIVE: ...and I'm unarmed.
MAL: Good.



Monday, March 6, 2006 4:20 PM


I honestly don't see anything in your post that'd promote righteous indignation. But, since you are braced from the flames to come, I'll not dissapoint you.



Originally posted by Jonestein:

Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
I agree and disagree. Anyone ever see Conspiracy with Kenneth Branagh? Really good real-world movie. And BDM had some definate, but very subtle, overtones of political thoughts. "They'll keep drifting back to the idea they can make people better."

Heck, I'm sure one could find political overtones in "The Muppet Movie" if one looked hard enough. It's the blatent, shove my political agenda down your throat movies that tick me off. The ones where you know the stars are activists for whatever cause you're supposed to be being indoctrinated with during the movie.

Actually, it's not even the blatent ones that tick me off the's the one's that are marketed as mainstream fare, only to have the writer and/or director's political views slyly interjected into the script.

A certain final installment of a major space epic suddenly comes to mind. And it's not that I necessarily disagreed with the epic director's views, it's that I didn't appreciate being yanked out of my "movie world" and back into this F'd up real world.

T'will be interesting to see the righteous indignation generated from that little comment. (no, I'm not trolling, just voicing an opinion)


OPERATIVE: ...and I'm unarmed.
MAL: Good.


Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, March 6, 2006 5:53 PM


Loved George, he is such a dish
Loved Meryl and Lily they were hilarious
Have not seen crash so don't know about that, but thought Brokeback should have won, I totally enjoyed that movie and the guys did a fantastic job in something that would have been extremely hard for 2 hetrosexual guys to do.

If there isn't any chocolate in heaven, then I ain't going


Monday, March 6, 2006 7:10 PM



Originally posted by Dataless:
Star Wars was in make up, wasn't it all done in the computer. I guess they could be talking about the make up on Natalie Portman (what make up is there in that film.)

There's a ridiculous amount of makeup in Star Wars. All the different alien races, the Emperor, and the best makeup job in the movie, Anakin and his burns. Padme looked completely natural the whole movie, so not sure where that comment came from, did you even see the movie?

Yes I have and I wish some one like Joss Whedon or J.J. Abrams wrote and directed that trilogy. I bet that most if not all of the aliens were Computer Generated just like the Anakin burns. It looked horrible. I can't believe you couldn't tell. Lucas loves digital effects. That movie was the best out of the new trilogy but still sucked. Ok fine the job they did on the Emperor was good but if they were nominated for Padme then the Oscars are the biggest waste of time and money in the history of the planet, I mean the Universe.


Originally posted by Dataless:
Serenity should have been in visual effects. It is the first film in history to have that documentary look to the visual effect.

The visual effects were good, but nowhere close to the big budget movies. There were some very cool things, but nothing I hadn't seen before.

While Serenity cost $40 mil it is still big budget (some have said $80 mil.) The look of the visual effects are not Star wars good but Serenity didn't have an unlimited budget. I was talking about the Documentary feel to the movie in the visual effect. When that ship spinning around after being hit with the EMP it's amazingly beautiful and it had something no other movie has ever attempted and not likely to be attempted again (The look of the camera shaking is not an easy feet for the comupter to do and shouldn't doing something unique and atleast interesting be rewarded by the Academy?) I also said should have been in the V.E. Catagoty not winner they only had three out of the normal five nominations and I have add Star Wars to the Catagory too or why not have Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or Fantastic Four instead of Serenity they might not have won but their were movies worth the nomination this year. I would take the Visual Effects of Serenity in Star Wars if the story was half as good as Serenity's.


Monday, March 6, 2006 7:44 PM


You're right, many of the aliens were digital, but many were makeup and the Anakin burns definitely were, I saw video of them applying it, very cool stuff. And I'll say it again, Natalie didn't even wear much makeup, so stop using that. Here's the image they use on the academy awards site:

Star Wars wasn't even nominated for Visual Effects, the category is about breakthrough achievements, and that "documentary feel" was no breakthrough. The camera shaking is a very common effect, hell they did it in the series. They did a very good job at getting the right look and feel for what they wanted with the budget they had, and that's something to commend them for, but not to give them an award for. I love the effects they had in the movie, but they just don't stand up to the other nominees.


Monday, March 6, 2006 9:45 PM


I got one question: When did making a good movie change from being of good story quality to being "in touch" with real life? Didn't we used to see these god damn things to ESCAPE from life to a large degree? And what the fuck do these assholes know about real life?

To me it seems like the academy's been over-run by sycophants looking to appear smart and politically aware by choosing the most politically fueled movies regardless of their quality. Once again, an industry has been over-run by motherfuckers who want to be popular and controversial instead of people who are just plain good at their fucking craft.

Have you ever:
Used your teeth as wire strippers?
Given yourself stitches?
Made improvised munitions with no base supplies?
Pissed in a canteen?
Gone a month without bathing?

If so, you MIGHT just be a !HOOAH MOTHERF*CKER!


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 3:24 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
I got one question: When did making a good movie change from being of good story quality to being "in touch" with real life? Didn't we used to see these god damn things to ESCAPE from life to a large degree? And what the fuck do these assholes know about real life?

To me it seems like the academy's been over-run by sycophants looking to appear smart and politically aware by choosing the most politically fueled movies regardless of their quality. Once again, an industry has been over-run by motherfuckers who want to be popular and controversial instead of people who are just plain good at their fucking craft.

If so, you MIGHT just be a !HOOAH MOTHERF*CKER!

Not quite as gentle as my post, but I couldn't agree with you more. George Clooney's self-serving "proud to be out of touch" speech made me want to puke.


OPERATIVE: ...and I'm unarmed.
MAL: Good.



Tuesday, March 7, 2006 4:58 AM



Originally posted by Jonestein:
It's the blatent, shove my political agenda down your throat movies that tick me off. The ones where you know the stars are activists for whatever cause you're supposed to be being indoctrinated with during the movie.

I just heard on the radio this morning that viewing of this year's Oscars was down 8% from last year. Hmm.... I wonder why?

Personally, I stopped watching them around 1990 -- and I haven't missed them in the least.

Would rather watch the water spin around in my toilet, actually. It has more artistic merit in my opinion.

And I still can't believe Summer's performance was overlooked by her peers. I can see them looking down their snotty, "arty farty" noses at sci-fi, but a great performance is a great performance even if it's done in a genre that they might otherwise ignore.






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