Your mission: Keep track of Sci-fi channel listings

UPDATED: Friday, March 10, 2006 14:11
VIEWED: 3978
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Thursday, March 9, 2006 1:06 PM


You never know when you're going to find a nugget, or maybe even a "Gem". This past monday I caught a four hour block from this season of "Battlestar Galactica". This was perfect, because you just can't watch one or two episodes, and get a feel for the show. "Firefly" is a fluke in this respect, I do believe in my heart if I could have seen one episode i would have been hooked. Anyway, Galactica is the real deal, a solid "nugget", with "Gem" potential. The verdict on Stargate: Atlantis is yet to be determined. Stargate sg1 is in it's 8th season I think? they must be doing somethign right, I plan to check that out sometime soon as well.

P.S. Don't forget Friday (Marth 10th)Firefly marathon starting 10am eastern on Sci-fi channel, get your friends family to tivo, or dvr it!


Tee Hee


Thursday, March 9, 2006 4:38 PM


I told all the important people in my life about the FF marathon. We'll be watching as much as we can.

As for not being able to was just one episode of BSG at a time, I completely agree. That show keeps me on the edge of my seat. The absolute best one was the first regular episode, I think it was called 33, where they had to keep jumping. It was super duper.

Leaning inot the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre


Thursday, March 9, 2006 8:03 PM


I love BSG, too. The series just keeps getting better and better. There's been no other show that's been able to make me drop my jaw in shock and awe of what I'm witnessing. Best show on television. Well, because Firefly ain't on anyway.

Speaking of Sci-Fi, don't forget to watch Summer Glau in Mammoth on April 22nd. Also, there's another series, called Doctor Who, premiering on March 17th. Nobody from Firefly is in it, but it should be at least worth checking out. I hope.


Thursday, March 9, 2006 8:15 PM



agirlyman wrote:
Thursday, March 09, 2006 13:06
You never know when you're going to find a nugget, or maybe even a "Gem". This past monday I caught a four hour block from this season of "Battlestar Galactica". This was perfect, because you just can't watch one or two episodes, and get a feel for the show. "Firefly" is a fluke in this respect, I do believe in my heart if I could have seen one episode i would have been hooked. Anyway, Galactica is the real deal, a solid "nugget", with "Gem" potential. The verdict on Stargate: Atlantis is yet to be determined. Stargate sg1 is in it's 8th season I think? they must be doing somethign right, I plan to check that out sometime soon as well.

Battlestar Galactica is easily the best show on TV at the moment. I like SG Atlantis, it took me a while to get into it but now I am fine with it.
SG1 is into its 9th season now and Richard Dean Anderson has left, Ben Browder from Farscape has taken over SG1 and is doing a good job as far as i'm concerned. Claudia Black from Farscape is in SG1 now too. I never miss Battlestar, Atlantis or SG1 every week. They are my staple. :) ps.Invasion, House and Lost are 3 others I try to catch all the time as well.


Thursday, March 9, 2006 10:06 PM


*sigh* I miss getting Scifi channel...

Battlestar Galactica
This show is the real deal, and I agree, it is better in marathon. I wanted to check it out last summer and ended up watching the thirteen hour marathon of season one the week season two premiered. It was intense.

Stargate SG-1
It was good for about four seasons... Then season five sucked. Then Daniel died, and it stucked more. Season six sucked. Daniel came back in season seven, but it still sucked. Season eight was fun. Season nine (current season) is horrible. Next season starts season ten. I have no clue why it is still on.

Stargate Atlantis
I have seen a few episodes here and there. It seems okay. Like early SG-1, it is fun to watch, and enjoyable show. But it isn't like Battlestar or Firefly, not a great show, just sort of campy and fun.

I love SciFi. During the day they ususally run marathons of older shows -- Sliders, Quantam Leap, the original Star Trek, Andromeda, X-files, I think BEastmaster... its fun stuff.

"Objects in Space"
River: It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think...


Thursday, March 9, 2006 10:27 PM


The new Doctor Who is supposed to start next week, I'm all giddy with anticipation.

Don't suppose there are any fans of the doctor here are there?

Where's the KABOOM?! There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom! *sigh* Delays...delays...


Friday, March 10, 2006 2:44 AM



Arcadia wrote:
Thursday, March 09, 2006 22:06

Stargate SG-1 Season nine (current season) is horrible.

I love SciFi. During the day they ususally run marathons of older shows -- Sliders, Quantam Leap, the original Star Trek, Andromeda, X-files, I think BEastmaster... its fun stuff.

SG1 Season 9 is horrible? Am I correct in thinking you didnt like Farscape? ... Each to their own.. but I have to say that the list of sci fi shows you prefixed by saying "I love sci fi" are mostly all much MUCH crappier than SG1 S9.. I mean come on.. Andromeda? Beastmaster? hehehe.. I never really gave Sliders or Quantum Leap a fair go so i'm not so sure about them.


Friday, March 10, 2006 1:51 PM


Watched a good episode of Stargate: Atlantis today, it was pretty good, I noticed alot of "Fireflisms", far as humor, and some of the crew. There alot of season finales tonight on the Sci-fi channel. One thing I hate in Sci-fi, it's when the aliens look, corny, dopey, or cuddly. Anyways I got my dvr set, going out to get drunk! I will come home later, and most likely fall asleep watching them.

Gorram it's good to be da King!


Tee Hee


Friday, March 10, 2006 2:05 PM


The one catch with Doctor Who is that the 2005 episodes do follow on the 1963-1989 series and 1996 TV movie. You really are starting with season 27 and there are references to past events you just won't get if you haven't watched at least the key episodes from the previous 800 or so.

"See? You're doing it right now. What's so damn important about bein' proper? Don't mean nothin' out here in the black."


Friday, March 10, 2006 2:11 PM


I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, going all the way back to seeing Jon Pertwee episodes first run in syndication in the U.S. on channel 9 in New York early Sunday mornings. I have all the DVDs released to date and can't wait for the "The Beginning" boxed set (first three stories) coming out later this month.

Doctor Who is amazing. The stories Douglas Adams either wrote or was script editor for were incredible, especially with Tom Baker playing the Doctor. Watch "Pirate Planet" sometime and see how many lines Douglas Adams took from that to use in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy :)

"Shepherd Book was just tellin' funny stories about his days at the monastery."






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