Atlantic City Shindig

UPDATED: Friday, October 10, 2003 15:45
VIEWED: 10765
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Saturday, September 20, 2003 12:27 PM


The AC Shindig is almost upon us! So who all from here is going?


Saturday, September 20, 2003 12:45 PM


Meeee! Saint of Cheese, andother firend of ours who doesn't post here, and I, will be arriving in AC Friday! Can'twait!


Sunday, September 21, 2003 8:16 AM


Yay! I remember you've been on board for awhile!


Sunday, September 21, 2003 7:08 PM


I wanted to go, and had planned on it, but couldn't. But I expect full, detailed reports from those of you that are going! I'm sure it will be wonderful and I am so envious.



Monday, September 22, 2003 5:05 AM


We'll give you all the gory details! Plus I'm bringing my digital camera along, so I'll be sure to post all the shiny and embarassing pictures here.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:09 PM


Yea, for months had I planned to bask in Browncoat goodness...on a boat, no less (though I've often not been on boats [extra kudos {and Nutra-grains} for them as can ID THAT quote!]). Even learned FF music (Safe, OMR) on the pennywhistle, against the slim hope that there would be similarly deranged, guitar-totin' folk about....

But alas, and oy vey! the 'Dig was scheduled for the week-end of Rosh Hashana...and the wife is one of The Chosen (serves me right for miscengenatin'!) . Thus, all manner of Semitic soirees with the in-laws (as oposed to the outlaws, who are much more fun!) are fixin' to happen, with a command performance by a certain bummin' Browncoat gentile-man .

So do tilt a flagon or six in my name to the Hero of Canton, and to 'Versal Pictures, and to anything else that tilts your flagon. Know that I will be there in spirit (which should not be construed to weird anyone out about drinking!). May your extenders always guard you from the shakes...or something like that....

And, of course,

Keep Flyin'!!

Department of Redundancy Department


Wednesday, September 24, 2003 7:17 PM


I'll be there. It's my first one, and I've been going nuts waiting for these last few months to go by.

Totally bummed that I don't get to meet Phil and Noocyte tho. See you guys in Vermont maybe?

"Say that to my face."
"I said: you're a coward, and a piss-pot. Now, what are you gonna do about it?"
"Nothin'. I just wanted you to face me so that she could get behind you."


Thursday, September 25, 2003 5:05 AM



Originally posted by Lerxst:
I'll be there. It's my first one, and I've been going nuts waiting for these last few months to go by.

Lerxst, where've you been hiding?! Please have a great great time and take many octofabulous pictures.

I won't be going either, anymore. Such is life.

I did get a little card from Nono, though. What a sweetie. Please give her a smooch for me.


I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Monday, September 29, 2003 4:46 AM


Lerxst--I hope you and Susan got back okay! We hit some nasty rain on our way back to Boston. It was wonderful to meet both of you!

Melee--I barely got a chance to talk to you, but it was great to meet you!

I think I only got to talk to maybe a third of the Browncoats there! Hopefully I can chat with more folks in Vermont when that Shindig rolls around.


Monday, September 29, 2003 7:03 AM


Sarah! You ARE COMING TO VERMONT WOMAN! LostAngel says she'll drive down and get you if she has to! By the way, you should soon be recieving, from either Angel or myself (whoever gets it developed first I suppose), a picture that we took for you ^.^


Oh, and whenever someone said they hadn't read the Chronicles Angel immidiatly berated them for it and insisted the hop over here and read them right away... you see, we love you!


Monday, September 29, 2003 7:07 AM


I want to see pictures too!!!!!


Monday, September 29, 2003 7:13 AM



Originally posted by Melee:
Sarah! You ARE COMING TO VERMONT WOMAN! LostAngel says she'll drive down and get you if she has to! By the way, you should soon be recieving, from either Angel or myself (whoever gets it developed first I suppose), a picture that we took for you ^.^


Oh, and whenever someone said they hadn't read the Chronicles Angel immidiatly berated them for it and insisted the hop over here and read them right away... you see, we love you!

You're so sweet, xiaojie! I can't wait to see all y'all's pictures and fun. And thanks, I guess, for the shouting (or shout out) on my behalf.

I need, as I'm sure many people do, more information on this Vermont shindig. The way it's going, I think I'll have no choice between you and Angel and vengeful Philomel.

Will there be sledding and snowman building and hot toddies? Frankly, I quail at the thought of Vermont in the winter. It was 50 degrees on the way to work this morning and that is cold enough for me!

Xie xie, xiaojie. Aihao. And more info!


I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Monday, September 29, 2003 10:11 AM


Sarah! you have to go! If I have to, you have to!! i mean, Angel and Melee are forcing me to come back for it, and I start class 2 days before. So.. not fun as far as travel time.

VT winters are fun! I can't ski, and i hate weather, but i've survived quite a few VT winters. You would only have to deal with one weekend of it. At least it will be cold enough for a brown coat. It was way too warm in AC.

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Monday, September 29, 2003 11:37 AM


Saint of Cheese and Melee,

You guys are great. It was shiny putting a name to a face. I am trying to convince my family we should all go to Vermont for a family vacation.

That will be a fun shindig. Meeting Browncoats is the best.

Hope to see more people there.


Monday, September 29, 2003 5:22 PM


Nadja: We made it home okay, only got rained on a little, and the ride back thru Philly was a lot easier. It was so great to meet you and Eugin (sp?), hope to see you in VT!

Melee, Saint, and FFP -- and Nono, Angel, Gem, HawkMoth, ALC, Momisme, Betsy... and everyone else whose names I can't recall at the moment (sorry!): It was great meeting you guys too. We had such a blast, it was over way too quickly.

Sarah, and the rest of you guys: Y'all better be in VT. That's the only thing that kinda sucked about the shindig, that you guys weren't there.

"Say that to my face."
"I said: you're a coward, and a piss-pot. Now, what are you gonna do about it?"
"Nothin'. I just wanted you to face me so that she could get behind you."


Monday, September 29, 2003 6:47 PM



Originally posted by FireflyPassenger:
Saint of Cheese and Melee,

You guys are great. It was shiny putting a name to a face. I am trying to convince my family we should all go to Vermont for a family vacation.

That will be a fun shindig. Meeting Browncoats is the best.

Hope to see more people there.

It was shiny, wasn't it? It helped a lot to meet other people with a similar obsession. I put a lot of faces with the names, but there are still many that i am confused about. Too many people to get to know, not enough time...

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Monday, September 29, 2003 6:49 PM



Originally posted by FireflyPassenger:
Saint of Cheese and Melee,

You guys are great. It was shiny putting a name to a face. I am trying to convince my family we should all go to Vermont for a family vacation.

That will be a fun shindig. Meeting Browncoats is the best.

Hope to see more people there.

It was shiny, wasn't it? It helped a lot to meet other people with a similar obsession. I put a lot of faces with the names, but there are still many that i am confused about. Too many people to get to know, not enough time...

And i have to leave VT only 2 days before the shindig!! why oculdn't it be a week earlier? I have a frelling month off... grr.. arg..

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:33 AM


Um, and every breath we drew?

Yes, it's me, the disembodied voice that was here, then wasn't. My computer is better, and more importantly, my body is back in shape.

I just wanted to thank y'all for showin' up and making the shindig so shiny. My only regret was not being able to spend time with half as many people as I was able to. I didn't even get to be taken out by that cute guy that I met down there! Then again, if I couldn't spend any time with my browncoats, then it just wouldn't be right to spend it with a cute stranger (anyone see that boy's abs?)

Oh boy, did I have fun anyway. Melee, Saint, and Driver, you guys were the best room-mates I could have had. Cavewitch was the best - back rubs for all! Nono was the backbone of this whole thing, and we raised money for our Charity and others too.

So: Here's a breakdown of the weekend as far as I could see, but keep in mind that I was running around most of the time and couldn't see everything that went on.

Friday afternoon into evening we had the getting-to-know-you barbeque. I met some people in passing, and will forever curse the day that I was put on a second floor room with the bbq on the first floor. The upside is that I have killer thighs and calves. I met Lerxst and his better half, Flycatcher (he never DID explain why he's called Pickles), Cavewitch, Melee, Saint of Cheese, Heavily Armed Kangaroo (her new nickname is Driver), Po1s, Nadjaunseen, PuffGirl2, Aristotle'slovechild and his better half, Rhobynish, the rest of the Chicago Browncoats, Rosa (her new nickname of Shimmy is WELL deserved) Dar and Irish (two of the best peoples I ever met), Maystone, and so many others. Now mind you, I wasn't able to stick around and talk to them, I just smiled and sent the late comers off to find some decent food. Of course there was a bar around the corner, so some of us turned in much later than others.

After the get together, we had a hoop ball tournament, and it was played with all of the rules that the original was played with: get the ball through the hoop. How is up to you. The first round was somewhat civilized, but everyone got the hang of it after that and mayhem and bloodshed abounded after that. (Rich, our hearts went out for your hand and knees) Of course some of the moves did border on molestation, but it was all fair and within the rules, so it's all good.

The next morning was a little painful to experience for some, but that was to be expected. Even though the weekend was a BYOB, the B was brought and handed around with much enthusiasm and generosity. People meandered on the boardwalk (I found some much needed accessories for my Inara-inspired costume with the help of my walking gang.) There was a PT Cruiser weekend taking place, and there were 200 PT Cruisers on display on the boardwalk. Much effort and money was put into every car we saw. We all agreed that we were much better off for being Firefly fans as we didn't put anywhere near as much money into our hobby as these people put into theirs. We did agree that there should have been a firefly Cruiser. We agreed that little dolls of the Tams clinging to the side of the Cruiser would have made a nice touch.

We went on a cruise in the afternoon but in my opinion, the scenery was nice, but the real attraction was sitting down in the sun and hanging out with my brethren - and sistren. I did yell at anyone who didn't read the Chronicals because they avoided fanfic, and Melee, Saint, and Rosa serenaded us with that Halleluiah song. The booze was too expensive, and the snacks were little baggies of doritos, so we just waved at all the people passing us by. We were by far the rowdiest people on the boat. Then again, we did make up half of the passengers, so it was only natural. Kudos to the borwncoats that started a stadium wave on the second deck, even though some people didn't exactly know what you all were doing. We did, and that's all that counts.

That night was the actual Shindig part of the shindig. Almost everyone was dressed up, even if it meant dressing as Jayne in a t-shirt and cargo shorts. (Sorry we couldn't get you looking more manly Driver) We had the Chicago geishas, and Aristotle'slovechild made a splash with his custom made jacket and shirt. Momisme wore a dress that I think Cinderella should have worn to her ball. Ironically, the designer was Betsy and Adam, a little fact that Betsyslu took as a sign. Technically there was dancing after dinner, but the "band" that we were told would play contemporary music actually could have been a Sinatra tribute band. It was all good, some people did dance, but not the dancing that some of us were expecting.

When we got back to the hotel, we did the viewing party thing, and more talking and bonding. Dar made Mudder's Milk, both virgin and blinding, and apple martini's floated about. It was such a great time, no one wanted it to end.

We happened to hold an auction earlier that day, and we raised over $600 for various charities including incorporation fees for the Browncoat Foundation. Among other items for auction were signed photos of cast members, official Firefly baseball cap, t-shirt, pen, a South Park Firefly wall clock, 18 video tapes of Red Dwarf, and an official script.

The goodbye brunch was smaller as many people had to leave earlier in the day. It was a sad day for me to leave all of the people that I had known for a while but never met. But VT is not that far away, and there are plenty of people who can't wait to go. Sarah, I mean it when I say you're comin' to this one if I have to drive down to Hoover and get you myself.

Someone please post the pics, as I left before I could get a copy of the digital pics that were handed out.

So, anyone else wanna give their opinion on how this weekend went?

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:49 AM



Originally posted by lostangel:
Um, and every breath we drew?

But VT is not that far away, and there are plenty of people who can't wait to go. Sarah, I mean it when I say you're comin' to this one if I have to drive down to Hoover and get you myself.

Was hallelujah! Wonderful stories! Tell more! Post pictures! Grr. Argh.

And somebody in the know seriously needs to get the Vermont info out there. Not that the Lost Angel invasion of Alabama wouldn't be a hoot.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:55 AM



Not that the Lost Angel invasion of Alabama wouldn't be a hoot.

Funny you should say that.....

Me and my bunkies all agreed that your Chronicals made us want to chuck it all and go on an angsty road trip of our own. I promised them that if I ever won the lottery, I'd pick them all up, and snatch you, then we'd all go on one together.

BTW, I'll be in #firefly tonight.


Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:59 AM


um, did you say VT? as in a Shindig in VT? where and when?


Tuesday, September 30, 2003 1:15 PM



Originally posted by inire:
um, did you say VT? as in a Shindig in VT? where and when?

Aye-up. Shindig in VT, the land of the cold and the people who say state park like "steet perk." hehe.. or maybe that's just out in the boonies where "Driver" (as she is now deemed) lives.

But yes. There is a shindig in Barre, VT. Why Barre, i have yet to figure out, but it's okay. Their high school's mascot is just color. I personally think a mug of beer is a better mascot. But really, that's all i know about Barre. But enough with the Saint-rant. it's on the weekend of the 23 of January, which makes me want to bash my head against the wall almost as much as the thought of doing my 3 papers this week makes me want to. i.e. I'll be in VT the week before the shindig, but it's kind of not practical to go to 2 days of class, then drive "home" for a shindig, then go back 2 days later. arg....

But yay for January in VT.

Should i be working?nah..

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Tuesday, September 30, 2003 4:20 PM



Originally posted by lostangel:

I didn't even get to be taken out by that cute guy that I met down there! Then again, if I couldn't spend any time with my browncoats, then it just wouldn't be right to spend it with a cute stranger (anyone see that boy's abs?)

Angel, which boy was this?

AND you never did tell us who made the comments about Julia...

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Tuesday, September 30, 2003 5:25 PM


Hi folks! I had a great time at the Shindig and enjoyed meeting folks, though there were some people I never really got a chance to talk with.

I have photos!



Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:11 PM


Veewwy Kewl. I used to live in Montpeculiar (just up the road from Barre, ayup): Barre seems like a good Browncoat town....

I'll have to see if my Ex in Mont-P will put me up; The 20th is my B-day and goin' to a shindig in The State I Thought I'd Die In would be SHI-NY!


Sunday, October 5, 2003 1:25 PM


-remember's LA's rant about the Chronicles- She could never remember that I hadn't read them, and as such, kept bringing them up, an' then berating me when I reminded her that I hadn't read them. On the subject of the photo cd's, I'm still lookin' for a place to host them. I also realized yesterday(while showing my pics to some friends) that I never put my pics from sunday on there. As such, I'll have to do that when I post the file for the cd.

Bai Shen (is happy his friends stopped teasing him about going to convention with jus' guys, but wishes they would stop ragging him on not getting any phone numbers)


Monday, October 6, 2003 6:24 AM


BTW, does anyone know of the easiest way to get to the Browncoat Chronicles?


Monday, October 6, 2003 7:31 AM



Originally posted by Bai_Shen:
BTW, does anyone know of the easiest way to get to the Browncoat Chronicles?

Click on my name. In my profile, look under Blue Sun Room items and scroll down. Start with "When Firefly Fans Attack: The Search for LifeofWily" and work your way up.

Is this considered oogy self-promotion? I don't think it should be.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Monday, October 6, 2003 9:39 AM


Interesting. But why am I starting with LifeOfWily if it's a sequel?


Monday, October 6, 2003 10:26 AM


It's not. It's a prequel.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Tuesday, October 7, 2003 12:31 AM


Hu? Then why does it say its a sequel?


Friday, October 10, 2003 2:51 AM


I just want to say 'thanks huge heaps!' for the references to the Browncoat Chronicles - I've gone to find them and have just read the first installment, and it was amazing!

I had no idea from the comments here, what they were about - it's fabulous stuff, I am really looking forward to reading the rest.

"I think the right place to start is to say, fair is fair. This is who we are. These are our numbers." Mr Willis of Ohio - The West Wing


Friday, October 10, 2003 10:48 AM


Hey man. Thanks for the props and kind words. I appreciate them and I'm very glad you liked the story.

Sorry this is all out here, too, but the message function has gone away and you don't have any contact informatin in your profile.

Please continue to enjoy and if you have thoughts on things, I'd always appreciate hearing them. I've got ideas for more, so even if you get to the end, it's not really the end.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Friday, October 10, 2003 3:45 PM


so sarah, when do we get a new chronicle?

~*Saint of Cheese*~






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