I beg everyone NOT to see

UPDATED: Sunday, March 12, 2006 06:48
VIEWED: 4404
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Saturday, March 11, 2006 7:36 PM


***Stop reading here if you enjoy sadistic, demented, nasty, heartless, vicious, brutal, aggressive, inhuman, violent, movies that Reavers would make if they weren't too busy murdurin' and rapin'***

(basically, there are a lot of spoilers below)
If you consider this 'movie' one that could be spoiled.

Otherwise: please read on so that you can know what this movie is without getting this images stuck in your head. I feel like I need to warn people of this movie, so bare with me, please.

I've seen Nightmare on Elm Street. True, it was on t.v. and probably cut to shreds, I still saw it. I've seen Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club. And probably more that won't come to my mind right now. Anyway, a lot of bloody (the bodily fluid kind) movies.

I've NEVER seen a movie like this.

My mom and I went to go and see "The Hills Have Eyes" tonight. And I'm not really into scary movies, but I can normally watch them with someone I know, who won't laugh at my freaking out.

Anyway, it started out as a 'scary' movie. With the quick shots of stuff, so's you don't really see it, and the music all creepy and stuff. But that was only the beginning.

Soon, some guy blows off his head with a shotgun, after the deformed hill people gut the family dog. This is gross and freaky but I dealt with it, I know the dog's not dead, really good fakeness. And people get beheaded/shot in the head in lots of normal movies.

Then, the teenage sister starts to get raped by two of the deformed hill people (not at the same time, though I wouldn't 'a put this past the maker of the film). The father ends up burning on a cross in front of his wife, son, son-in-law, and oldest daughter. The son-in-law manages to put out the fire with an extinguisher, and pulls down the charred body. Finally the older sister gets back into the trailer, see's the younger sister being raped. One of the hill people see's her and puts a gun to her little babies head (oh ya, there's a baby too!). The hill person, having the woman's attention, rips open her dress and starts nursing on her. Then the mother/grandmother comes in and is shot in the belly. Falls over pretty near dead onto a couch in the trailer. Then the hill person, shoots the woman/ mother he was nursing on in the head, after somehow being stabbed in the leg with a screwdriver by the younger sister. He grabs the kid and gets outta there, along with the other one, in time to get away from the teen boy who has a .22.

By this point, I'm in tears (which I have NEVER cried in a 'scary' movie before) and shaking. I'm not being dramatic, I was physically shaken by this movie. Seeing this, my mom asked me if I wanted to leave. Thank God, for her.

I'm only 18 and perhaps I'm naive, and should've known what kind of movie Wes Craven makes. But my mom has seen the movies he's made, and said that he's managed to find a new low. I usually ready myself for 'scary' things, cause I can handle most of the 'scary' movies out there. But I really was NOT ready for this movie. And I never will be because I feel that no person should be able to watch this 'movie' without being affected somehow.

Thank you for readin' this far if ya have. Please don't let your kids see this movie either, there were two little kids (like 5-7 probably) sittin' in front of us, and I hate their mom for that. Hopefully they didn't understand it.

Finally, we as human beings, with real beating hearts, and emotions (I'm going on a limb here and assumin' ) should not support a film like this, while a film like Serenity, with heart and emotion, is left in the dust.


Saturday, March 11, 2006 7:49 PM


Every time I see the trailer for that movie there is only one thing going through my mind.

Today we were captured by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever.


Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:09 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Actually, your post is probably going to serve as "viral marketing". Think of it in terms of "The Exorcist" - when that movie hit theatres, they were actually handing out barf bags!

Telling people how sick and disturbing it is will oftentimes have the effect of piqueing their curiosity. "Really? That bad, huh? Wow, I guess I'll have to check it out just to see if I can take it."

People are odd critters, definitely.

I've seen the trailers for the movie, and it just didn't look like it would interest me at all. I mean, I used to enjoy a bit of lighthearted "splatterpunk" now and again (I'm talking books here, not movies), and the trailer reminded me somewhat of David J Schow's short story "Bad Guy Hats". That was one of the sickest, freakiest things I ever did read. Disturbed me, it did. Anyhoo, I can handle reading the stuff and letting my imagination fill in the visuals, but I don't really enjoy watching it on the screen. Did I mention that I'm an odd critter, too, being a person and all... :)

Thanks for the warning. I just wish films like this would get NO publicity or attention, and fun films like Serenity would get MORE. Strange little planet you have here.


A baby seal walks into a club...


Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:11 PM


Based on what you described, this sounds like another case of a director going for shock value because he has no idea how to create real tension. So he throws as many terrible images at you as possible. Not the kind of movie I'm into. If I watch a horror movie, I prefer to be spooked. Scared by the way a director leads my imagination on. Makes me scare myself, in a way. Like M. Night Shyamalan did with The Sixth Sense. That guy's a good filmmaker. I love his movies.

Anyway, now that I know what this particular movie is like, I'll skip it. I was barely interested in seeing it anyway. Thanks for saving me a little money.

Next movie I'm going to see is V for Vendetta. I heart Natalie Portman.


Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:14 PM



Originally posted by SadLittleKing:
Next movie I'm going to see is V for Vendetta. I heart Natalie Portman.

Same here.


Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:38 PM


Hi Just SHiny thanks for the heads up.. this is just disgusting from your description.. not scary. I hope that the film dies a quick death..

oh and may this viral marketing cause death and not delirium!



Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:44 PM


Yeah, I heard about this movie, and also thought about the "hill folk" quote, lol! Sounds like an absolutely awful movie, though. I'd rather be left thinking "huh, that was a cool twist" with scary movies, or like someone said before, "spooked". Excessive, mindless gore just does not constitute a decent movie for me.
*waits patiently for V for Vendetta*

Summer's response to Nathan getting his very own action figure:
"I tried to pull his head off."


Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:45 PM



Originally posted by JustShiny:

I'm only 18 and perhaps I'm naive, and should've known what kind of movie Wes Craven makes. But my mom has seen the movies he's made, and said that he's managed to find a new low.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think Wes Craven had anything to do with this version of "Hills". He made the old version, which I've heard is okay.

This is one of those updates of an old horror movie. And by "update" I mean "You know the parts where they cut away from the gross stuff, as to leave it to the imagination and therefore make it scarier? Well let's actually show that stuff instead."

I never planned on seeing this movie to begin with. Yawn.

The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. - Buffy


Saturday, March 11, 2006 9:42 PM


Ha. I'm goign to see this movie with a friend of mine on Sunday. He's very messed up in the head, but I've seen far worse movies than this with him.

Ok, worse? Has anyone ever heard of the "Guinea Pig" series by Satoru Ogura? I got to see just one of these fine efforts in film making. It begins from the perspective of a stalker with a hand held cam. The stalker eventually captures a woman. Then he's back in his basement with a kobuto (Samurai helmet) on, for some reason. What follows is him cutting peices of the girl he's kidnapped off one by one and then sewing her up before she can die. Very slow cutting with dull instruments, needles, blood spurts, and even a creepy poem ensue. I think he disembowels her at some point, too.

There's 6 other films from this series, and supposedly they get worse. I can't really defend why I even watched this one, suffice to say, I hadn't seen my friend in a while and he had become EXTREMELY anti-social. I've since attempted to steer him away from that type of stuff.

Have you ever:
Used your teeth as wire strippers?
Given yourself stitches?
Made improvised munitions with no base supplies?
Pissed in a canteen?
Gone a month without bathing?

If so, you MIGHT just be a !HOOAH MOTHERF*CKER!


Saturday, March 11, 2006 11:07 PM


The Guinea Pig series is a big Puke-a-rama.

Remember, Remember the fifth of November


Sunday, March 12, 2006 2:10 AM


Yeah, I used to go for that sort of thing. Back in college, we'd all have sort of a running contest to find the sickest, most disgusting and disturbing stuff we could get our hands on. (And the wonders of the internet: we four of us one year all had our computers networked... I won't even go into what I've come home to find as my desktop wallpaper :)

I've come across some pretty disturbing movies, as well. I Spit on Your Grave (don't EVER watch that movie :), Bad Taste, and that one (can't remember the name) from the 70's that was banned in the US about a group of documentary students in the rain forest, come to mind. Sort of got out of that after awhile, though... there's stuff I've seen that I still can't get out of my head ;p

Think the most disturbing book I've read, though, was American Psycho. If you've read it you know what I'm talking about ;p Again, in college, so I was not always in a good state of mind to be reading certain parts there.

Sounds like the Hills is something I'd have liked back then, but... sort of out of that type of movie now. I like my horror to be a bit more 'easy'. Slither looks really good.

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Sunday, March 12, 2006 3:07 AM


Speaking of movies, V, I trust you've already read the graphic novel "V for Vendetta"? I'm really looking forward to the movie after a friend let me read the comic version. I'm still having a hard time convincing anyone that it has great potential if it's anythign like the comic.

Have you ever:
Used your teeth as wire strippers?
Given yourself stitches?
Made improvised munitions with no base supplies?
Pissed in a canteen?
Gone a month without bathing?

If so, you MIGHT just be a !HOOAH MOTHERF*CKER!


Sunday, March 12, 2006 5:27 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Thanks for posting that

I like to watch some horror movies, most not actually being scary (with the exception of The Ring and Blair Witch Project IMO), but I do draw the line at films that seem to be nothing more than a writer/director fulfilling his sick wet dream
Forget artistic freedoms, I do think some films take it too far and even though some may like to watch that sort of thing, from what you've described The Hills Have Eyes is not for me.

So thanks for that description - now I don't need to waste my money on it as I had thought about watching it

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, March 12, 2006 5:30 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Speaking of movies, V, I trust you've already read the graphic novel "V for Vendetta"? I'm really looking forward to the movie after a friend let me read the comic version. I'm still having a hard time convincing anyone that it has great potential if it's anythign like the comic.

I know its off-topic but I can't wait either
I'm currently reading the graphic novel, and now (with the movie's release date looming) am trying to finish it on time

I hope I do get to see it on the cinema - King Kong was the last thing I went to see

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, March 12, 2006 5:32 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Speaking of movies, V, I trust you've already read the graphic novel "V for Vendetta"? I'm really looking forward to the movie after a friend let me read the comic version. I'm still having a hard time convincing anyone that it has great potential if it's anythign like the comic.

Of course! And so far as far as movies based on Alan Moore go, this looks to be third times the charm, after From Hell and the abysmal Leauge of Extrodinary Gentlemen from the many early reviews I've culled though just last night, only Variety seems to have it out for the film.

Remember, Remember the fifth of November


Sunday, March 12, 2006 5:51 AM


Maybe I'm a little burnt out on horror at the moment, but I didn't find The Hills Have Eyes to be too bad. I did think the rape scene was a bit much, but it is by the guy who did High Tension with the scene with the guy and the head in the car, ick. Overall this movie wasn't as disturbing as some that I have seen. For that I point to The Last House on the Left and I Spit On Your Grave. There is also talk that they will be making Jack Ketchums' The Girl Next Door into a movie - most disturbing book I have ever read.

I think the scariest thing about these type of movies is that we can imagine real people doing these horrible things.


Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:09 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by mattcoz:
Every time I see the trailer for that movie there is only one thing going through my mind.

Today we were captured by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever.

Ha ha! Too gorram funny!

But no, I have no plans to see this or any similar type movie. Reality can be to brutal and evil to waste time and $$ to wactch pretend brutality and evil.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:22 AM


Honestly i didnt read all the posts. so im not sure if this is mentioned.

This movie is a remake of one of wes's earlier films. Im not interested in seeing this movie. to me its in the same level of the devils rejects. Just as we have movies with people doing heroic things, we also have those that show the worst in us, or as some people think our primitive nature. and the studios want to make money.

Jayne! The hero of Canton. I LOVE VERA!


Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:48 AM


I went to see "The Hills Have Eyes" twice just to make sure that it was a completely, pointless movie and it is. It's one of those "See what we can do to your head movies. The things that are done in the movie are designed to seriously shock your sensibilities. My sensibilities were not shocked; I was waiting and waiting to see if there was an actual, plot and story to all of this, which in my opinion there wasn’t really. If I had been 18 years of age, yes, the movie might have shocked me, but at 44 I suspect I’m numb to the visual horrors of Hollywood.

The only two movies that have ever shocked my sensibilities were pretty subtle movies; the writers sneaked the horror up on you. One was The Deer Hunter. That Russian roulette scene that those sick Vietnamese were playing with those two captured American Soldiers? I still freak inside when I see that. And another film, which name I can’t remember, was about some Nazi death camp….god! That’s horror.

The Hills Have Eyes is a complete waste of money.







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