Landing on NewHall (Life aboard Serenity)

UPDATED: Sunday, March 26, 2006 08:41
VIEWED: 23484
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Saturday, March 18, 2006 11:05 AM


*JRC jumps from his bunk, startled by the sounds of Pain calling the Doc, heads up the ladder and over to Fly's open hatch.*
"Wha......what's happened to Fly? And where's that little fel....oh man, you gonna tell me he whacked her? Gorram stowaway..." He runs back up the ladder, unholsters his pistol and yells to Wash and Cap'n on the bridge, "Hey, we need help with Fly. That stowaway needs to be found NOW!"

Everyone dies alone.


Saturday, March 18, 2006 11:28 AM


(Location: Bridge)

*talking to River*

...then I said, "Rectum...damn near killed 'em."

*River stares at him blankly*

It's "rectum" like your assh....

*stops when he hears Pain yelling*

*River moves to the control station while Jack Runs off toward the sound of the disturbance*

(Location: Fly's Quarters)

*runs up and sees JRC and Pain holding Fly's still body...his face goes pale*

*slides to the ground and checks her vitals*

*smiles slightly when he finds a pulse*

*hears Pain screaming for blood*

Wait how do we know the naked guy did this?

*looks to JRC and Pain*

Did you guys see him do this?

How do we know he isn't lying somewhere...bleedin'?

*the Captains voice crackles over the com*

We're havin' difficulty locating the Doc. Take Fly on down to the Infirmary. We'll send him when we find 'im.

You guys take her on down. For the first time in my life, I'm going hunting for a naked guy.

*takes off trench coat (exposing his low slung revolver), lights a cigar, and heads off for the Cargo Bay*

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Saturday, March 18, 2006 4:00 PM


Location: Infirmary

*Pain and JRC carry the unconscious Fly into the Infirmary and lay her down in the chair*

*looks over to JRC and says*

Gorram doc picked a hell of a time to run off.

*looks at Fly and back to JRC*

I'm gonna get her a fresh towel to put on her head wound.

*takes his now bloody shirt an' throws it in the nearby trash can, sees a few clean towels laying on the counter and picks one up*

*walks back to Fly and uses the towel as a compress on her wound*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, March 18, 2006 4:22 PM


(Location: Cargo Bay)

*when he gets to the Cargo Bay he draws his revolver...because the entire level is pitch black*

*tries to turn on the emergency floods, but they don't respond*

*mutters under his breath*

Well looks like I'm on the right path.

*pulls out his cigar lighter*

Alright Jack. Get down to the Mule...turn her lights on, and get the Bay's lights back on. Easy.

*moves quickly down to the Mule and turns on her floods*

*smiles, turns around, and comes face-to-"face" with a figure in a dark blue mask*

Well now who the fu...

*the Mask punches Jack hard in the chest while at the same time grabbing the revolver out of his hand*

*Jack crashes back against the Mule, quickly regains his bearings, and spins back to his assailant*

Alright you gorram circus freak, let's dance.

*he turns around and sees the Mask pointing his own revolver at him*

You know I just bought that.

*Jack flips the lights off on the Mule*

*a shot rings out*

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Saturday, March 18, 2006 4:39 PM


(Location: Cargo Bay)

*the lights on the Mule snap back on...illuminating the Mask still holding Jack's gun*

*Jack is nowhere to be seen*

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Saturday, March 18, 2006 7:02 PM


Location: Infirmary

*Pain and JRC hear the echo of a gunshot*

*JRC turns to Pain and says*

That sound like a gunshot to you?

Pain: Yeah it did. Where do you think it came from?

*just before JRC could chime in the com in the Infiramry buzzes, it's the Captain*

*Captain over com*

Pain, JRC the Doc's on his way he should be there shortly and also was that a gunshot I heard?

*Pain walks over to the com and presses the talk button*

Yeah sir I think that was a gunshot. Sounded like it came from the Cargo Bay sir. If you don't mind sir I think me and JRC should stay in the Infirmary to keep guard over Fly and the Doc.

*the Captain responds*

I was just about to advise you to do that Pain, you sure you ain't a reader?

*Pain responds*

No sir I ain't no reader, it's just sometimes I'll say stuff that's on others mind.

*Pain presses the talk button on the com just as the Doc walks in*

*Pain turns to the Doc*

About time you showed up. Fly here's been knocked unconscious with a blunt object and she's lost some blood, so you get your pasty a$$ over there and work on her. Dong ma?

*the Doc moves to Fly and starts to work on her*

**(It's about 2300HRS PST right now so I'll be back tomorrow)**
WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, March 19, 2006 5:24 AM


Location: Infirmary

*the Doc finishes patching up Fly's head wound*

Pain: Well Doc how is she?

Doc: Well she suffered a mild concussion and she's lost a small amount of blood, but she'll come to in a few hours. I gave her some meds to dull the pain, those will make her a lilttle woozy. Um she'll have to stay here overnight so that I can make some observations but she'll definately be fine.

Pain: Alright well we'll stay here and guard her since the Cap'n said so til the problem with the mystery gunshot has been solved.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, March 19, 2006 2:32 PM


3 1/2 hours later

*sounds ring through her head*
*sound.... goes..... in and.... out*
*she hears words, don't make sense, just words*
* shot.......stay......*
*she lays there trying to collect, put the words she heard in order*
*she tries to move her to open her eyes...they feel stuck...tries to say something*


*All of a sudden she yells "Wha.." and sits straight up with one hand in the air*
*Severe pain hits her head like a bat. She takes both palms of her hands and holds her head at the temples, closes her eyes and says*

Ta Ma Duh

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, March 19, 2006 2:32 PM


*she lays back down*


Sunday, March 19, 2006 4:07 PM


*Pain is startled when Fly briefly wakes up*

Gah!!! *literally jumps out of his skin* *tells the Doc* Whoa that girl almost gave me a heart attack. *notices Doc wasn't even phased*

*sees Fly lay back down*

Ah good she went back to sleep. *leans on counter and catches his breath* If you don't mind Doc I'd like to stay here with her jus' so she has some company.

Doc: Yeah ok will you need anything like a blanket or something?

Pain: Naw I won't need anything but Fly could probably use a blanket, which I can get for her.

*Doc nods and continues to look at Fly's vitals on the display*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, March 19, 2006 7:40 PM


*she moves frequently the first half of the night*
*says things not understandable*
*reaches for things that are not there and says*

*lays restful for the rest of the night*
*breaths slow and rythmic*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, March 19, 2006 10:02 PM


Location: Infirmary

*Pain is awakened by Fly's murmuring while he is sleeping in a nearby chair*

Huh? Wha..?

*notices Fly sleeping in the exam chair*

*quietly walks over to the adjacent counter and picks up a blanket*

*he then walks over to the sleeping Fly and puts the blanket on her*

*he whispers to her*

Sleep tight I'll be here to protect you.

*Pain then quietly walks back to the chair in the corner and slowly falls asleep with his hands near his pistols and his ears on high alert*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, March 20, 2006 4:16 AM


*she starts to awaken*
*doesn't hear anything, remembers somthing bout her head hurting so she doesn't try to sit up*
*her mouth is dry*
*tries to open her eyes, she blinks*
*looks to her left then right*
*she sees she is in the infimary*
*she sees pain asleep in the corner chair*
*She tries to speak*

Pai....*the sound that escapes her lips is horse*
*she tries to clear her throught*

*she lifted he head slightly and BANG, the pain ran through her head like a bullett ricocheting in her brain*


"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, March 20, 2006 10:04 AM


**** Been nursing a bad back since Fri. Hope to be back tomorrow. Feel free to substitute a line or two for me. ****

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, March 20, 2006 10:19 AM



Originally posted by JRC:
**** Been nursing a bad back since Fri. Hope to be back tomorrow. Feel free to substitute a line or two for me. ****

awwww Hope you feel better soon!!!!

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, March 20, 2006 11:37 AM


Location: Infirmary

*Pain wakes up, gets out of the chair and stretches*

*he thinks to himself that he swore he heard someone say his name*

*Pain walks over to a mirror and sees that someone drew some bushy eyebrows on him as well as a bra on his naked chest*

*he hears some laughter from somewhere on the ship*

*Pain pokes his head out the infirmary door and yells*

Damn ya River!!!!! I'm gonna get ya back one of these days!!!!!! *shakes fist in the air*

*walks back and sits down in chair surprised that his yelling didn't wake up Fly*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, March 20, 2006 11:40 AM



Originally posted by JRC:
**** Been nursing a bad back since Fri. Hope to be back tomorrow. Feel free to substitute a line or two for me. ****

Everyone dies alone.

Hope you get better. I'll save you some Mudder's Milk for when you return.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, March 20, 2006 1:41 PM


*Hears Pain and tries to speak again*
*clears her throat she says*


"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, March 20, 2006 1:53 PM


*Pain hears Fly speak, gets off the chair and goes to her side*

I'm here Fly what is it?

*takes one of her hands into his*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, March 20, 2006 2:06 PM


*She sees him come her way and take her hand*
*She starts to laugh*

Nice eyebrows and that a bra?

I could use some water.

*she continues to giggle*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, March 20, 2006 2:34 PM


*Pain lets go of Fly's hand*

*clears throat and puts his hands on his waist* Um why yes it is a bra. *tries to maintain his composure* It's a damn fine one too. Gives me the support I need. *stifles a laugh at himself* I'll go get you some water now.

*looks around infirmary to find a glass but fails to find one*

*to Fly*

I'll run to the galley to get you a glass. Then I'll get you some water from the sink over there.

*points to sink and heads for galley*

*all Fly hears when Pain leaves is the laughter of those crew members that are roaming the ship*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, March 20, 2006 2:48 PM


*While he is gone, she tries to sit up*
*She succeeds, but none to fast*
*she laughs quielty to herself 'bout Pains body art and feels the back of her head*

Ai ya

*She thinks she must look like PiGu*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, March 20, 2006 3:30 PM


Location: Galley

*Pain walks into the galley and heads for the pantry*

*he opens a cabinet and takes out a cup*

*he turns around and sees Kaylee enter the galley*

*Kaylee looks at Pain and tries unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh while looking at him*

Kaylee: Oh wow that's uh..that's a good look for ya Pain. *snickers*

Pain to Kaylee: Har har har shut yer trap lil' Kaylee.

*heads back to the infirmary with a cup*

Five minutes later....

Location: Infirmary

*Pain sees Fly holding the back of her head while he heads to the sink, he sticks the mug under the faucet and pours some water into the cup*

*he walks towards Fly and hands her the cup*

Here ya go Fly. Geez that lil' guy gave ya somethin' fierce didn't he?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, March 20, 2006 5:34 PM


*Slowly, carefully, JRC climbs up the ladder from his bunk, mumbling*
"$&^)#)@)$??&!%@(%$, who'd a thought that pickin' up a girl as svelte as Fly would make my back act up again. Even with Pain helping out too!! Gorrammit, I either gotta hit those weights harder or I'm overdoin' it. HEY! Where'd y'all go to?"

Everyone dies alone.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 2:58 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Location: Galley
Here ya go Fly. Geez that lil' guy gave ya somethin' fierce didn't he?

Whadda you mean...You think 13 did this? Really?
Wait a minute.......
*She gets to her feet*
*Feels the back of her head again*
Look bad? *she asks Pain*
*she stands at the sink, washes her hands and face*
*she closes her eyes....*
Oh, yea, I was coming back from the shower....*she starts to remember that moment...*she opens her eyes and looks at him through the mirror* you left a note.....ah, the boy was gone and that's the last thing I remember.

Wait...What do the others think? Jack? Rocket? JRC. They think it was the stowaway too?

*she pauses a few minutes, turns around and leans against the counter with her arms folded and just starts blasting questions to figure this out*
Gosh if not, who then?
Anyone seen him lately, the stowaway?
Are we still on NewHall?
What if we happen to get us another stowaway?
Anyone check the cargo bay to see if there is anything missing, I mean, we could have been robbed.
Captain must be happy 'bout this.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:40 AM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
Wait...What do the others think? Jack? Rocket? JRC. They think it was the stowaway too?

*turns to Fly*

Well besides me, Jack and JRC think it's a possibility given that 13 was the only other person in your room. I don't know about what Rocket thinks since he wasn't there.


Gosh if not, who then?

Don't rightly know. Could be someone else but kinda like to rule out the possible suspects.


Anyone seen him lately, the stowaway?

I don't think so. I've been here with you the entire time. Jack went to the Cargo Bay and JRC helped me get you here.


Are we still on NewHall?

Maybe I don't know.


What if we happen to get us another stowaway?

Again it's a possibility that we might've.


Anyone check the cargo bay to see if there is anything missing, I mean, we could have been robbed.

I believe Jack went to the Cargo Bay immediately as me and JRC were carrying you to this place. If I remember correctly the gunshot did come from the direction of the Cargo Bay.


Captain must be happy 'bout this.

Oh I don't think he is, what with someone runnin' around loose on his ship and firin' off a gun onboard it too.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 8:37 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
I don't think so. I've been here with you the entire time.

*When she heard this she looked at him with an astonished look*
You stayed with me the entire time? You did?

*She walked over and gave him a tight hug*
Thank you!.......*while she was still in his arms she said* By the way, you should really put a shirt on and take off those eyebrows. *She starts giggling like a little girl*
I think we should go check out the cargo bay and see if we can find Jack and the source of the gunshot.
*She turned quickly and instantly got dizzy, she held onto the table*

Whoa......*Took a moment and said* I'm fine......lemme go find my gun. *she took her hair still dirtied with blood and put it into ponytail and they headed toward her bunk*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 8:55 AM


*races down the corridor, having come from the general direction of the cargo bay and heading for the bridge at high speed. Her tail is puffed out to twice it's normal size, and her ears are flat to her head. While the grey tabby cat racing around after invisible (or vermin-like) things is a semi-regular occurance, this time she looks terrified, not excited*


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:08 AM


"I'll meet you in the Cargo Bay." Pain says to Fly as she leaves.

*Pain watches Fly leave and heads to the sink to wash off his eyebrows and bra*

Five minutes of washing off black marker later...

*Pain dries himself off and heads off to his bunk to fetch a shirt*

*Pain gets to his bunk and sees that the hatch to his bunk hasn't been fixed yet, he sighs and carefully climbs back into his bunk*

Location: Pain's Bunk

*Pain puts a clean shirt on, takes off his leg holsters and switches to his H&K Mark 23 .45 pistol and sticks it in his waistband, not wasting time to find its holster*

*he puts a few of the gun's magazines in one of his pockets and the silencer for it in the other*

*he climbs up out of his bunk and waits for Fly at her bunk*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:59 AM


*When she reaches her bunk the door is open. She slides up against the wall to the open door, quickly and cautiously takes a peek in. Doesn't see anything move. All of a sudden she sees shipscat tear assin' toward her coming from the direction of the cargo bay. She looked all puffy like she saw a ghost. She watches her disappear around the corner and enters her bunk. She notices the large blood stain on the floor. She kicks the pillow from the bedding that she had made the night before, grabs her Colt and stuffs it in the back of her pants. She goes to the dresser bottom drawer and takes her Walther PPK. She grabs extra clips already loaded, puts them in her pocket and hears Pain outsiede her door. She puts the gun between her knees and removes her blood stained shirt revealing her slender muscular shape. Grabs another shirt from the draw and she walks over to meet him loadin' the gun*

Hey, I just saw shipscat, looked real spooked.
Thought you were gonna meet me in the cargo bay? You all set?

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:32 AM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
Hey, I just saw shipscat, looked real spooked.

Yeah I saw that as I came here. She had that same look on her face when Jayne tried to shove some firecrackers up her butt. *smirks at that memory*

Thought you were gonna meet me in the cargo bay? You all set?

Yes well I changed my mind. *pulls out his H&K Mark 23 .45 pistol to show her he's ready* Let's go.

*as they walk to the cargo bay, Pain takes the silencer out of his pocket and fastens it to his pistol*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 11:09 AM


im coverin 13 you have to go throu me first sucka!!!!!!!!!


*notices how screwed 13 is*
on second thought......pulls out his own gun and aims for 13's head.

hmm.... I too have an uncle..........come in


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 11:16 AM


*rushes next to Fly, with some clothes on for once. Wolfe brand leather jacket, skintight DG jeans, Ocean Pacific shirt, and dirty glasses.*

*notices everyone has a gun aimed at his head, including XIII, his former buddy..looks at Fly.*

You gonna kill me or just gonna aim that piece at me all day?

*hopefully Fly lowers gun*

Good. I meant what I said before, in the bunk. I did not knock you out, nor do I have any feelings of ill will towards you. Now,if everyone would lower their guns..

*nobody moves an inch*

Alright then...If anyone has a good reason why you should riddle me with holes so bad I could double for Swiss CHeese, step forward.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 1:00 PM


*she takes 13 and lets him stand behind her*
*she looks at Pain, now gun pointed at XIII*

Ok, no one get jumpy now

*XIII gun is now pointed at Pain*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 1:13 PM


Look's like I got supporters. Fly, thanks for taking my side. Now, to sort out this Pain vs. XIII business.

XIII, calm your skinny butt down and put away the shiny piece of metal, or I will break you like a breadstick. Pain, I can't do that to you, so I just suggest not killing XIII.

*a shot rings out, and the echo hangs in the air like a whisper, and all is quiet on Serenity*

*13 slowly looks down at his stomach, noting a large, round hole in his leather jacket*

*His blue-green eyes turn like searchlights with a slow whirl, eventually locking onto the pair of lifeless orbs belonging to Fran, the con-artist lovebot.*

Ruined my jacket..that was new..*collapse*

*Fran smiles, an action not associated with an emotionless construct like herself, and leaves before XIII or anyone else can get a shot at her*

Mal: Just hold on, kid, I'll catch up to that lovebot...*storms off with the rest of the crew, guns drawn and eyes blazing*

13: Fly, Pain, Jack, all you guys, I'm sorry for bursting in on you like this. I gotta get jien ta de gue pretty soon...XIII'll tell you what I did..what I was gonna do..what I..*bloody cough*.haven't done..

Fly: Get the doc!

13: Fly, make sure XIII doesn't get shot or anything bad..and XIII, I'll be seeing you soon enough, if our luck holds. *Bloodier cough, followed by harsh laugh* They never did say it had been good luck, though, did they? Bastards.

XIII: No, they never did, man...

Fly: Gorramit, get the f*cking doc!

13: Don't matter none, I'm done for..just promise me you'll turn that bot into scrap metal..and to never get yourself stuck into the crappy life I did..*bloodiest cough* Luck..never..did...hold..did it? The 13th..Ace..falls...

I think a little chaos is in order.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 1:26 PM


*Kneels down next to 13 holding his head*

NO! NO! Don't let him die

*Looks at Pain*
Get that qing wa coa de liu mang!


Get the Dr!!!!! Now!!!

No, 13 no listen to me, your not done for, you're not.....listent to me

*All you hear in the cargo bay is Fly's voice*


"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 1:49 PM


*Pain takes his gun off of XIII as Fly tells him to get the Doc*

*as Pain runs to the infirmary he hears Fly scream NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO he knows it's too late for 13, but continues to go get the Doc anyways*

*Pain sees no signs of the doc in the infirmary so he heads for the passenger dorm where he finds the Doc in his room*

*Pain slams open the Doc's door and startles the Doc*

Doc: What the....?

Pain: No time to talk *grabs Doc's arm and picks up his doctors bag* I gotta get ya to the cargo bay, for there's a gunshot victim there for ya.
I know he's probably dead now but I'll hold out some hope.

*Pain runs to the cargo bay with the Doc hanging from his arm, the Doc tries speaking to Pain but Pain isn't listening*

*they get to the cargo bay and both of them see that Fly is craddling 13's head in her lap*

*Pain say to the Doc*

Go see if'n you can do anything for 'im will ya?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 1:55 PM


*they try to pull Fly from him so Doc can take a look*
*Tears are steaming from her eyes*

No, No, I knew it couldn't have been him, I knew it......Doc please.......

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 2:16 PM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
*they try to pull Fly from him so Doc can take a look*
*Tears are steaming from her eyes*

No, No, I knew it couldn't have been him, I knew it......Doc please.......

*they (mostly Jack and Pain) finally pull Fly off of 13*

*Pain takes Fly into his arms as she starts to tear up, Fly rests her arms into Pain's chest as he puts his arms tightly around her*

*he tries not put a hand on the back of her head*

*Pain looks at the Doc and the Doc looks back and siliently shakes his head 'no'*

Pain: You sure he's dead Doc?
Doc: Yes. The wound was severely fatal. There was nothing I could've done to save him I'm sorry.

*at the news of 13's death Fly starts to cry*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 2:26 PM


*She continues to cry in his arms for what seemed like a long time*

*She wipes her eyes, looks at Pain and says*

We have to catch that Liu kou shui de biao zi he hou zi de ben er zi. We just have to.

*She kneels down next to 13 and closes his eyes*
*She finds a tarp in the cargo bay and covers him*
*With her hand to her mouth she tries to compose herself*

*She looks at Pain and Jack and says*

Which way did that Jian Huo go?

*she looks at XIII and says*
Are you OK?
You will have to tell later what is going on.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:04 PM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
*She wipes her eyes, looks at Pain and says*

We have to catch that Liu kou shui de biao zi he hou zi de ben er zi. We just have to.

*Pain looks at Fly and says*

Yeah I reckon we should.


*She looks at Pain and Jack and says*

Which way did that Jian Huo go?

I really didn't see which way she went. I figure we'll most likely have to search the ship.


*she looks at XIII and says*
Are you OK?
You will have to tell later what is going on.

*Pain looks at XIII and says with a serious tone*

Oh you'll definately have to tell us what the hell is goin' on and how you got on the ship.

*looks to Fly and Jack*

Let's go find us that 'bot shall we?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 3:30 AM


*She talks with XIII and tells him to say right where he is, they'll be back*

I'm sorry 'bout your friend XIII.

*Looks at Pain and Jack*


"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 8:28 AM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
*Looks at Pain and Jack*


*Pain and Jack look at each other then at Fly*

*Pain says to Fly*

Yep let's go.

*Pain cocks his pistol* *Click Click Whir*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:38 AM


*Just as they started to leave the ship they hear Mal, Jayne and Zoe coming back*
*Jayne was yelling somethin'*
Jayne: Hey, we got her, we got her....

Mal: Lock up this ship we're taking off now for
Persepohne. Lock her up people let's go..

*Then he storms off*

Jayne: What would you like me to do with this one?

Mal: I don't care just get her out of my sight.

*Then he storms off to the bridge. You could hear him yell*


*Jayne Takes Fran to one of the unused bunks and locks'er up*

Jayne: ought to throw you out the air lock latter, nice an slow even, wouldn't that be fun.

*She doesn't say a word, she just looks at him*

*Back in the cargo bay Fly, XIII, Jack, JRC and Radar get the ship ready for take off*

*Fly looks at Pain and says*
No wasn't that a sight!
She is just a little thing ain't she, love to *&*&*&*%&**(*&

*She goes to 13's tarp covered body and sits on the floor next to him. XIII walks up behind her and they just stay there for a while*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:57 AM


JRC, with Radar's help, finished securing the mule and the cargo for takeoff. When the second shot rang out, he was had been talking to Book when he saw first Shipscat, then Kaylee, running for the engine room. They both went to ask what happened. Kaylee told them the sad story.
"You sayin' 13's dead? Killed by a goh se 'bot? Why? And you're tellin' me we had two stowaways?" Kaylee can't look up to answer, she just slowly scratches Shipscat's back. "Preacher, may be a need for you in the cargo bay. Think we all need some answers."

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 10:27 AM


lovebots........spaceships........guns..... someone was bound to die, just his luck finally caught up with him

*lights cigarette......strikes philisophical pose.



Wednesday, March 22, 2006 10:38 AM



Originally posted by XIII:
*lights cigarette..

Give me that....
*she stands up and takes cigarette at same time*
*Then smokes it,,,,,,,*

Ah, I needed one of those.

Well, guess we should see 'bout making 13 ready for funeral.

*Looks at everyone in the room, one by one*

Can't keep 'em here.

(I have to work wed & thur nights)

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:02 AM


*decides to leave and go find fran*
*step step step*
hmm where's those weapons now
*finally finds jaynes bunk and takes every weapon he can find*
now to find that damn love bot grrr.
*unlocks and enters spare bunk room and enters*
ha you piece of sh*t bot
*takes out two smg's*
take this fu*ker
*battle cry*
*shows view of the extra bunks door, all sounds of the ship drouwned out by gunshots, the air is thick with cordite and smoke.*
*Fran is on the ground writhing, with over a thousand bullet holes in her. Fran rolls over to show her smoking craked face*
And now to finish you off, this is for 13.
*rips off jaw and jams fragmentation granade int her throat*
*quikley runs out of room and locks door*
*booooooooooooooooooom, th door flys of hinges*
wow she is really going to feel that
*puts guns back in hulsters*
*crew comes in and sees shrapnel in the wall*

some one finish off the rest


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:02 AM


*wanders inside the memories of Fly and XIII, is evident in XIII's memories*

*MEMORY READING: 13 is playing cards with five unsurly characters, one of them XIII..he pulls an ace..smiles..pulls in the pot..

*flicker..13 is cornered..revolvers blazing..blood trickles like water..XIII is holding his bullet riddled left hand*

* Alliance officer on the ground, throat torn open..13 is standing over him, a knife...XIII and his family cornered by Alliance..blazing homes, screaming children dying in parent's arms...13 and XIII wracked with guilt, running, anywhere, nowhere..*

*XIII boarding Serenity's spare shuttle, 13 locked in a crate by his enemies..*

*The Thirteenth Ace, Most Wanted....*

I think a little chaos is in order.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:01 PM


*Pain say to Fry*

Yeah I reckon we can get Book to say some words, maybe do something with some imagery.

*sees XIII run off, turns his attention back to Fly*

Now where the hell do you suppose he's off t...

*before Pain can finish the sounds of auto-fire echo through the ship followed by a loud boom*

*Pain looks at Fly then at the remaining crew in the cargo bay*

What was that? It sounded like it came from the passenger dorms.

*they all run out to the passenger dorms only to see that the room the 'bot was in is completely destroyed and XIII standing near the ruins with a smile on his face*

*everybody looks at XIII then each other with a stunned look on their faces except for Pain, then Pain finally says to XIII*

Well I ain't cleanin' that up.

*Pain heads off to the shower room and looks back*

And I'm sure as hell ain't explainin' this mess to the Cap'n either*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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