Landing on NewHall (Life aboard Serenity)

UPDATED: Sunday, March 26, 2006 08:41
VIEWED: 23449
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Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:30 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
*before Pain can finish the sounds of auto-fire echo through the ship followed by a loud boom*

*Fly says*
What the hell.......she holds her head, seeing visions of 13 but makes no sense.
*She closes her eyes tight*
Oh,,,make it stop, make it stop


*Pain looks at Fly then at the remaining crew in the cargo bay*
What was that? It sounded like it came from the passenger dorms.

*Still holding her head her eyes tear from the pain*
I really don't know.....


*they all run out to the passenger dorms only to see that the room the 'bot was in is completely destroyed and XIII standing near the ruins with a smile on his face*
*everybody looks at XIII then each other with a stunned look on their faces except for Pain, then Pain finally says to XIII*

*Fly yells*

What have you done, what........
*She grabs his arm*
You can't just,,,,what have you done!!!

*Fly says to Jack*
Oh, my god Jack.......Jack.......get him out of here..

Mal: *With not a very good look on his face, actually scares everyone*
What in the name....... Someone want to explain what the hell is going on, on my ship!!!!!!

Fly:He...He.just, he just,,,,,Killed her....killed the bot, Sir.
*She is totally stunded and can't speak viewing the door, and the inside of the bunk*

Mal: Jack, Jayne, get this XIII out of my sight, NOW!!!!!

Mal:*grabs Fly's arm, spinning her in his direction, his face only inches from hers*
Fly, you got some splanin' to do here.....I want you to take care of this, then we'll have a nice talk, Dong Ma?
*Mal leaves for the bridge*

Fly: whispers, I wish I could explain sir.

*Fly puts her hands to her head not knowing where to start. JRC puts a hand on her back and says*

I'll give ya a hand

*Fly proceeds to say*

Oh, my God, my God. How did all this happen.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:27 AM


Location: Shower Room

*Pain finishes his shower and hears the yelling coming from the passenger area, he hears the Captain's voice but can't make out what the Cap's saying*

*he quickly dries himself off and puts on his clothes, he takes his pistol from the counter near the sink, unfastens the silencer and sticks the gun back in his waistband while putting the silencer back in his pocket*

*Pain walks out of the shower room and back to the passenger rooms, where he sees Fly looking more worried and sadder than when she heard the news of 13's death*

*he looks at her and JRC who's standing behind her and says with a worried tone in his voice*

What's goin' on? What happened?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:49 AM


*She sees Pain*

Oh, this ain't good, we are gonna need some hefty work done here.....Captn. ain't too happy.......
ugh, how did this go so wrong,,,,,,,she looks at Pain and just laughs from nerves.
We are gonna need major supplies to fix this mess, the door, the room, look at those walls.

Now XIII is locked up. This is a mess.

(sidebar, pain, have you been getting my e-mails from in here?)

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 8:42 AM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
*She sees Pain*

Oh, this ain't good, we are gonna need some hefty work done here.....Captn. ain't too happy.......

Yeah I kinda guessed that from his yellin' *smiles*


ugh, how did this go so wrong,,,,,,,she looks at Pain and just laughs from nerves.
We are gonna need major supplies to fix this mess, the door, the room, look at those walls.

Now XIII is locked up. This is a mess.

Well I don't rightly know. I suppose if Jayne locked up his weapons more often then we wouldn't have this mess here *looks at the destroyed room and the shrapnel riddled wall*. I'm guessin' that the Captain's gonna make us fetch the supplies and fix this place up.

*smiles and looks at Fly and puts a hand on her shoulder*

Yep this is definately a mess. Well I don't know about you but I'm starvin'. Why don't we go to the galley and get somethin' to eat and drink?


(sidebar, pain, have you been getting my e-mails from in here?)

Do you mean the ones from this site telling me I got a response to a post, or something else? Cause if it's the first one then yes.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:02 AM



Why don't we go to the galley and get somethin' to eat and drink?

*Fly smiles at him and says slowly* me. Umm, can that dink be alcohol by any chance......oh, *she turns and looks at him* would you happen to know where XIII put those cigarettes?

*She laughs and they head to the galley*


Do you mean the ones from this site telling me I got a response to a post, or something else? Cause if it's the first one then yes.

Ok, at least you get the reponse ones. No, under a persons profile area you can send an e-mail. I sent one to you there, guess it didn't work..Oh well. OK

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:02 AM



*13 sees Fly, confusion, emotion, gunblast, smokescreens*

XIII: LOck me up, for what? I did what I had to do, that bot had it coming! Oh god, 13..he has to come back, he aint finished with them..

I think a little chaos is in order.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:53 AM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
Umm, can that dink be alcohol by any chance......oh, *she turns and looks at him* would you happen to know where XIII put those cigarettes?

*She laughs and they head to the galley*

Yeah sure *smiles at Fly*. Now I don't know where XIII kept his smokes but I figure you could ask Jack for one of his cigars though.

*smiles at her as they walk to the galley*


Ok, at least you get the reponse ones. No, under a persons profile area you can send an e-mail. I sent one to you there, guess it didn't work..Oh well. OK

Huh? Well I could just give you my e-mail address if you want.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:16 AM



Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:42 AM


Shiny! I'll try the PM thing on this site to see if it'll work for me, but if it doesn't then I'll wave you over the net.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:55 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Shiny! I'll try the PM thing on this site to see if it'll work for me, but if it doesn't then I'll wave you over the net.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?

OK Sent reply see if you get it

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:04 AM


XIII: damn ive got to get out of this damn cell and get back to Zenith.
*begins picking lock*
Fianally that was a high grade lock it took me like an hour and 45 mins to pick it
*wipes sweat off forehead and goes to get 13's corpse*
Now where is that damn shuttle...... ah now i remember i just have to get 13 first ok no where is he.
*looks around sees tarp and gets 13*
to the shuttle, and then well be home buddy.
*takes 13 and him self into the shuttle and launches....destination.....zenith home planet of 13 and XIII.

bye bye serenity......and now recreate 13 as a cyborg


Thursday, March 23, 2006 12:04 PM


Location: Galley

*just as Pain and Fly are about to grab something to eat and drink they hear the distinctive "THUNK" of a shuttle departing, they look at each other and Pain says*

Did that just sound like a shuttle leavin'? That sounded like a shuttle leavin'.

*Pain and Fly run into the cargo bay and find the tarp covered body of 13 missing*

*Pain looks to Fly and says*

Who do you think just took 13's body and a shuttle and high-tailled it outta here?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:56 PM



Did that just sound like a shuttle leavin'? That sounded like a shuttle leavin'

That sounded like a shuttle leavin'
Oh, Lao tian bu


Pain and Fly run into the cargo bay and find the tarp covered body of 13 missing.
Who do you think just took 13's body and a shuttle and high-tailled it outta here?

*Fly looks at Pain, and says*

Liu kou shui de biao zi he hou zi de ben erzi

Ai ya wo men wan le

*She looks at him and raises her arms and slaps the side of her legs*


"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:15 PM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
*Fly looks at Pain, and says*

Liu kou shui de biao zi he hou zi de ben erzi XIII

Ai ya wo men wan le

*She looks at him and raises her arms and slaps the side of her legs*


*Pain looks back at Fly*

You know you're startin' to swear like Jayne now. But I do agree with what you just said. I bet the Cap'n ain't goin' to like this one bit. *turns to face Fly and smiles* So shall we go to the bridge explain what just happened and get chewed out by the Cap'n?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, March 24, 2006 2:35 AM



You know you're startin' to swear like Jayne now.

Yea, I guess it's kinda rubbing off on me, ay.


But I do agree with what you just said. I bet the Cap'n ain't goin' to like this one bit. *turns to face Fly and smiles* So shall we go to the bridge explain what just happened and get chewed out by the Cap'n?

I guess we should........I'm right behind ya......

*says under her breath* Now I really wish I could find those cigarettes!

Can we have that drink first?

*she laughs*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, March 24, 2006 6:34 AM


Yeah it is but it's alright. *Pain turns his head to Fly and smiles* Now let's go to the galley and see if we can't find some sort of booze.

*Pain and Fly head off towards the galley once again*

**Real Life is calling, something about having to go to work right now.**

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, March 24, 2006 3:25 PM


Location Galley

*She is so tired from the days events she sits and puts her head in her arms at the table and just sits there for a few minutes*
*Pain proceeds to the cabinet, finds some meade and pours them a large glass*
*She raises her head and grabs the glass with one hand, and with the other pushes her hair out of the way, looks at Pain and says*
Better Days to come, I'm sure!!!
*She raises her glass to his and hits it saying*
*She chugs the first glass down non stop emptying the glass. Puts the empty glass on the table and says to Pain*
Hit me again Sam.........
*She puts the glass to her mouth and Pain gently grabs the glass saying*
Easy does it fly..
*With the glass to her lips she smiles and lightly sips*
What a day, what a day.....

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, March 24, 2006 4:18 PM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
Location Galley

*She is so tired from the days events she sits and puts her head in her arms at the table and just sits there for a few minutes*
*Pain proceeds to the cabinet, finds some meade and pours them a large glass*
*She raises her head and grabs the glass with one hand, and with the other pushes her hair out of the way, looks at Pain and says*
Better Days to come, I'm sure!!!
*She raises her glass to his and hits it saying*
*She chugs the first glass down non stop emptying the glass. Puts the empty glass on the table and says to Pain*
Hit me again Sam.........
*She puts the glass to her mouth and Pain gently grabs the glass saying*
Easy does it fly..
*With the glass to her lips she smiles and lightly sips*
What a day, what a day.....

*Pain chugs down his meade*

Yep it's been one helluva day.

*nods to Fly and pours himself some more meade*

*looks to Fly*

I'd like to have a good buzz goin' on before we speak to the Cap'n *smiles*

*takes a sip of his meade*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, March 25, 2006 4:06 AM


You and me both
*clacks glasses together*

You and me both......

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, March 25, 2006 11:57 AM


*Pain gulps down his meade, sets his glass down on the table, and looks at Fly*

*slightiy slurred* Whoa this is some good stuff! When did we get this stuff anyways?

*grabs the bottle of meade, looks at it and realizes that it's three-fourths empty*

*Pain pours some more into his glass and says to Fly*

*slightly slurred* Care for some more? *holds up bottle*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:55 PM


*Holds her glass out to Pain*
I got this last time we were on the border planet Bellerophon.

Glad you like it

*Pain fills her glass with what is left*

Not too sure I'm gonna be able to face the captain tonight you know....If I finish this...I fear I will be done for.....

*She is really feeling the effect of the alcohol, seeing as thought it is her third glass*

I am feeling too good......Think I may be able to sleep tonight.......God we have such a mess to clean up....Good thing Kaylee is good with a welding torch......

*her eyes grow heavy and she giggles like a little girl*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, March 25, 2006 4:22 PM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
*Holds her glass out to Pain*
I got this last time we were on the border planet Bellerophon.

Glad you like it

*slurred* Yep gonna have to get some more next time we're on that planet. *Pain's vision gets a little blurry*

*Pain fills her glass with what is left*

Not too sure I'm gonna be able to face the captain tonight you know....If I finish this...I fear I will be done for.....

*Pain takes a sip from his glass and looks at Fly*

Yeah I don't *hic* think I'll be able to either. *Pain gets the tingly feeling of alcohol coursing through his bloodstream*

*She is really feeling the effect of the alcohol, seeing as thought it is her third glass*

I am feeling too good......Think I may be able to sleep tonight.......God we have such a mess to clean up....Good thing Kaylee is good with a welding torch......

*slurred* Me too *chuckles, takes another sip of meade*. Uh huh a very big mess that's what it is. *Pain gets a little bit light-headed*

*her eyes grow heavy and she giggles like a little girl*

*slurred* *chuckles* You're funny *hic*. *Pain chugs down the rest of his drink and not too gracefully gets up and slightly stumbles to the counter, he places his glass on the counter and turns back to face Fly* Whoa the spin is rooming. *chuckles and places his hand on the counter*
*sees Fly laughing at him* No no I'm fine *hic* really I am. *stumbles back to his seat and sits back down*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, March 26, 2006 5:00 AM


I think it is time we hit the hay, don't you think......

*She is really feeling good but thinks the meade has hit Pain more than her*

Common, I'll try to get us to our bunks.......

*She takes him on her shoulder, his arm around her neck. The try to fit through the door together and Pain hits the side of the door.....They laugh so hard they both have to bend over.....They come back up for air and try to proceed to the bunk area laughing all the way*

Looks like we'll have to talk with captn tomorrow......

*She gets to his bunk, opens the door and tries to get him inside.......He stumble a little going in and he plops on the bed. She kneels next to his bed at his feet and takes off one of his shoes while he looks at her....she says*

Done this more than once for ya, haven't I?

*She looks at him and smiles, as she tries to take off the other, this one giving her more trouble than the last*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, March 26, 2006 6:17 AM


*She looks at him for a moment....his eyes close......his breathing slows. He is asleep. She leaves his bunk closes the door. Stands there for a moment. Takes her hair out of the ponytail and she seems to be more drunk that she was. Makes her way to her bunk. Without undressing she goes to bed. The last thing she sees in the blood stained floor, which floods here thoughts with the days events. She closes her eyes. It's a good thing she drank or she wouldn't have slept otherwise*

(New thread when I think of the update)

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, March 26, 2006 8:41 AM


Update new thread

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."






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