What the heck is Firefly?!?!?

UPDATED: Monday, March 27, 2006 13:12
VIEWED: 8758
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Friday, March 24, 2006 6:32 PM


I never saw the movie, never heard of the series. I remember people being excited when the movie came out. But it wasn't something I thought i would like and never saw it.

That being said, I subscribe to an internet TV channel. There are only a few channels, and I happened across a show called Firefly at ep 1 Season 1.

I sat and watched 4 hours of it (being late for work) and on the way home bought the DVD of the series. After ep 10 I bought the DVD, and now I'm all out of content. I'm actually sad.

I am scanning around and i fear there is no hope. Does anyone think there is a valid way to get the series started again? Or is there even a small rumor it might be coming back?

This is my last desperate attempt at hope.



Friday, March 24, 2006 6:40 PM


There is talk of bringing Firefly back. Check the thread labelled "Sci-Fi Petition (Firefly)" to sign two different petitions. One is to have the Sci-Fi Channel pick up the series (last I checked it had less than 900 signatures, but that was about 8 hours ago). The other is to have some channel like HBO do Firefly (Last I checked, they had just under 10,600 signatures, but that too was several hours ago). We need everyone we can get to sign up. Have a good one!


Friday, March 24, 2006 6:43 PM


Time to fire up the proxies and get on the bangwagen


Friday, March 24, 2006 6:59 PM



Originally posted by reaverman:
There is talk of bringing Firefly back. Check the thread labelled "Sci-Fi Petition (Firefly)" to sign two different petitions. One is to have the Sci-Fi Channel pick up the series (last I checked it had less than 900 signatures, but that was about 8 hours ago). The other is to have some channel like HBO do Firefly (Last I checked, they had just under 10,600 signatures, but that too was several hours ago). We need everyone we can get to sign up. Have a good one!

OK where is that thread?


Friday, March 24, 2006 7:02 PM


Never give up hope!!!Never!!! We hold! We hold till the series comes back! There are some in the 'verse that will surrender and accept defeat. We call them "purblebellies" where I come from. A true Browncoat never gives up deep down inside, there's always at least a smoldering coal of hope mixed with a strong defiant attitude. Sign the petitions, spread the word to your friends and keep flyin! Email Universal execs and politely thank them for making the movie. Let them know that you're interested in seeing sequels if they make them.
It's amazing what a proper Serenity or Firefly bumper sticker can do to pique someone's curiosity. They act like a virus for people bored stuck in traffic.



Friday, March 24, 2006 7:41 PM


Check out for suggestions on what you can do to further the cause.

Remember, there are only two kinds of people: those who are Browncoats, and those who aren't Browncoats--yet.

You're proof that every single day, there are more people discovering Firefly. Every single day, we're getting closer to having everyone on this gorram rock. No power in the 'verse can stop us.


"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, now on sale at


Friday, March 24, 2006 7:43 PM


Oh, yeah, check out the 11th Hour website.


"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, now on sale at


Friday, March 24, 2006 9:07 PM


Hi, Omeganine, welcome to our shiny ship.
This show is addictive, huh? And wonderful!

The link to the petition thread is here:

There is also a letter writing campaign and postcard sending campaign. I'll try to post more about that in the next couple of days.

We'll get more of the 'verse if we keep holdin' and work hard and buy Serenity stuff.. that is what talks to TPTB. So we all have to keep telling those we love about Firefly and hopefully they will fall in love too.

Oh, and you need your browncoat!

*hands Omeganine a browncoat from her storeroom*

There you are, all geared up and ready to help us hold the line!

There will be folks along who will offer you food and strawberries and other goodies, most likely.
Post often, please, we love to talk.

ETA: Check out Cedrics CD in his signature!
It's a beaut!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, March 25, 2006 12:18 AM


Welcome. Your Browncoat is in the post :)


Saturday, March 25, 2006 12:49 AM



Originally posted by OmegaNine:
and now I'm all out of content. I'm actually sad.

You'll still be sad, but here's some 'content' you may have missed:


Saturday, March 25, 2006 4:15 AM


Omeganine " What the heck is Firefly?"

good question and one of the reasons its felt was a drawback to the tv series.
The name isn't a catchy one.
"Firefly" sounds as if it is should be seen on the "Animal Planet" station.

It may be the reason why it was missed by so many the first time around.Maybe " Firefly: Adventures in Space (or the Black) or " Into the Black" may have brought aboard a few extra fans. These are all ifs and maybes and well, "Water under the ships bridge"

Joss W. is a great writter. I'm not one to second guess his reasons for naming his shows what he has.I only know that many of the true Firefly fans are here (and other FF fan sites) and the mission is not complete. Just watching it again the other day I thought about how much story of each character is undeveloped. There is plenty of room for more. We are here to help see it happen. I find it sad that "Art" is not seen by the big companies as anything of value. Its all and only about $$.Well theres money to be made given the chance and we're hoping to spread Fireflyism like the pax-viruse in the verse.

:) Z&C


Saturday, March 25, 2006 9:29 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Hi, Omeganine, welcome to our shiny ship.
This show is addictive, huh? And wonderful!

The link to the petition thread is here:

I signed that petition, but I can't find the other one.
Just bought another set of Firefly DVD's as well. Found out that "Best Buy" really isn't. Definitely coulda gotten it cheaper, but I didn't want to wait. I suppose the more different retailers see demand, the better.
Never would have done that for any other series. I guess that's just the way Firefly is.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 9:31 AM


there is *always* hope.

untill one of 'em dies ;)

but that won't happen


Saturday, March 25, 2006 10:24 AM


I don't want you to think I'm bragging, you're here, you're family, it doesn't matter when you came.

I've been here since the start, and I remember when Firefly was first taken from us, we had to wait three years for Serenity to come to theaters, but it was worth the wait. Don't give up hope, for the longest time we didn't have reason to hope.

We have reason now, what can happen once can happen twice, and we have something we can do that makes more difference than online petitions. What we can to is both simple and important beyond words.

We can spread the word. If you truly want more tell someone, tell everyone. Every new convert is a DVD sale and a name on an online petition, and another person spreading the world.

Even more important personally, though not to getting it back, a new Firefly fan is a new friend a new family member.

TV and movies are both run by money, if a network thinks it will make money they will pick it up, and if Universal thinks it will make money they'll give us a Sequel.

The only way we can make them think that is if we increase our numbers, and while you might not think it makes a difference if you personally bring people to the show and movie it does.

We lost because of superior numbers, but we don't need all that much to keep flying, all we need is more.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 3:06 PM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
Omeganine " What the heck is Firefly?"

good question and one of the reasons its felt was a drawback to the tv series.
The name isn't a catchy one.
"Firefly" sounds as if it is should be seen on the "Animal Planet" station.

It may be the reason why it was missed by so many the first time around.Maybe " Firefly: Adventures in Space (or the Black) or " Into the Black" may have brought aboard a few extra fans. These are all ifs and maybes and well, "Water under the ships bridge"

Joss W. is a great writter. I'm not one to second guess his reasons for naming his shows what he has.I only know that many of the true Firefly fans are here (and other FF fan sites) and the mission is not complete. Just watching it again the other day I thought about how much story of each character is undeveloped. There is plenty of room for more. We are here to help see it happen. I find it sad that "Art" is not seen by the big companies as anything of value. Its all and only about $$.Well theres money to be made given the chance and we'er hoping to spread Fireflyism like the pax-viruse in the verse.

:) Z&C

I'm just pissed the killed off Book, I always wanted to know what he was before he was a shepherd. But i agree, there is sooo much room for another few seasons. You can tell he tried him best to tie stuff up in the movie without giving it all away. Looks like he has hope as well.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 3:31 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Hi OmegaNine and welcome. Depending on your level of withdrawl there are a few things you can do:

Read an unaired script here:

It would have made a really good ep imho.

Then there are the works of the talented, industrious fans who have decided they just couldn't wait for the tv programmers to "get it," and have crafted their own versions of what the series may have been.

And if you just need to hear our BDH (Big Damn Heroes) delivering some of the best lines from the show have a listen to the station in my sig.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, March 25, 2006 5:53 PM


Ok I wanted to respond again, actually my body wants to sleep but the caffeine in my bloodstream won't let me and if I don't simply say or do something I'll go insane, and not in a good way.

There are some who have given up hope, and that is truly sad, but we can't expect them to stay with a lost cause for ever. And that's what we are, a lost cause, we have been since before the show came on the air.

I'm not looking to have a perfect ending, I'm not waiting for Firefly to be reinstated for eternity as we watch the crew grow old.

I just want one more hour, and I want that to sustain me until I get another.

We're fighting a war we already lost (where have I heard that before?) but that doesn't mean we stop fighting. We hold.

The important thing is not to win, it's never to win, we won't change the industry, we won't make good fiction come before money, we wont be recognized as the greatest fans of the greatest show.

The important thing is never to win. The important thing is not to lose. To keep flying if I can borrow from the show again.

We're born losers for whatever reason, this world has a flow and we're against it. We'll never be the heroes storming in with the light of god shining down on them and gleaming armor protecting them, but I'll settle for being the one who limps off the battlefield and lives long enough to fight the good fight again. Or better yet read a good book and run the hell away from the battlefield until it's absolutely necessary to return.

I need to drink less soda, if this is what the caffeine in soda does to me imagine what the same amount of coffee would do.

Joss said if you like it tell everyone, and I keep on saying the same. Tell anyone, tell everyone, let them see, if they don't like it so much the worse for them, but if they would have and you chose not to share it with them think of how much they miss out just because you didn't do your part.

I am someone who believes unreasonably, and I'm proud of it. Reasonable belief might not make you suffer, but it doesn't reward you either. Our history always celebrates the idiots who took on the impossible. Even the losers. Especially the losers.

I'll never be a martyr, thank whatever gods there be, and I doubt I'll ever be part of something that shapes the political, physical or religious world. But I know I'm part of something bigger than myself here, and I don't care if it is unreasonable, I don’t care if it is stupid or hopeless.

This show and these characters touched my soul, and for that I owe them, I owe them and those who brought them to life. Fiction can be more powerful than real life, it can reach deeper inside of you than anything else, and it has to if it has any chance of making a difference, it can make you forget for a moment your drab wretched lives (points to whoever knows where I stole that from) it can make you remember everything you have to be thankful for.

It can take you to places you'll never go and show you people you'll never meet, and when you look in their eyes you see yourself.

Firefly gave that to me, while some things have equaled it in that respect nothing has surpassed it, and for that I owe unreasonable belief and unfounded faith.

I need to sleep now, good night.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:20 PM


Hello, OmegaNine. You look shiny in that lovely browncoat.

Stop by the galley and check out the fresh strawberries I found on my last shuttle run. Badger held me up for big money for cream cheese but I found bargain chocolate, so there's a dish of dip for the berries. Alternatively, cream in the cooler, and sugar in the bowl.

Put a napkin over that coat so the juice can't get on it.

-- bastards singed my turtle --
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:27 PM


For my two cents, I hope SCIFI is the one to bring Firefly back, 'cause I don't have HBO! though, I've heard tell that SCIFI may not be able to afford it!

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD


Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:49 PM


I would agree Scifi would do a great job i think in picking up the show. Though they seem to be kinda full right now with there Stargate shows and BSG but maybe going into their off season now they will start to think about new shows.

Best thing to do is to keep writting and keep spreading the word. Tell everyone u know about the show get them hooked and tell them to write a letter or drop an email to the scifi channel. I know i have sent three now.

Keep the firefly flying.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 9:07 PM


Well I got 4 of my friend hooked. I loaned the DVDs to a buddy and he ... not so legally copied them, but he swears he is going to buy a set when he gets the money. 2 of my friends saw the first 5 eps (i was watching them when they came over) and are eagerly awaiting the amazon shipment. So I did the best I could to spread the word. I sickened both the partitions, and 3 of my biddies have too. I hope to see someone pick it up.

I will keep spreading the word, and hopfully things will work out soon.

P.S. - I had NO idea that the gibberish they where speaking was chinese. I just that it was gibberish. Nice touch.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:17 PM



Originally posted by OmegaNine:
I will keep spreading the word, and hopfully things will work out soon.

Good, very good.


P.S. - I had NO idea that the gibberish they where speaking was chinese. I just that it was gibberish. Nice touch.

now you know how to say such useful things as, "Understand?" "Shut up!" "Filthy fornicators of livestock," and of course, "A baboon's ass crack," in a foreign language.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:53 PM



Originally posted by OmegaNine:
I'm just pissed the killed off Book, I always wanted to know what he was before he was a shepherd. But i agree, there is sooo much room for another few seasons. You can tell he tried him best to tie stuff up in the movie without giving it all away. Looks like he has hope as well.

Same here.

And I agree with the other poster about the unaired script "Dead or Alive".

If they ever brought "Firefly" back to TV, they should finish off the first stinking season (the one cut short) -- even though the movie takes place after it. They could do the "Dead or Alive" script, and other things with both Book and Wash.

Seriously, I doubt they'd do that. But that would be my wish.

Then, if "Firefly" got renewed for another season, they could start that "after" the movie.
But any initial renewed TV manifestation of "Firefly" (in my opinion), should finish off the first season, first.

Fat chance of that happening, though.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 8:35 PM



Originally posted by equus108:
I would agree Scifi would do a great job i think in picking up the show. Though they seem to be kinda full right now with there Stargate shows and BSG but maybe going into their off season now they will start to think about new shows.

Best thing to do is to keep writting and keep spreading the word. Tell everyone u know about the show get them hooked and tell them to write a letter or drop an email to the scifi channel. I know i have sent three now.

Keep the firefly flying.

I agree 100%! Hmmm... maybe they'd consider dropping Stargate Atlantis to make room *crosses fingers hopefully*.

P.S. I got my best friend and both of his brothers hooked on Firefly. I lent my DVD set to another friend (she's probably watching it as I write). My folks are hooked on it, along with my brother (who, at five years old, likes to threaten me with the chain of command *shudders in fear*).

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 8:49 PM


I'll be right here with you, fighting no matter what and being an unreasonable believer too.

You made me cry, but in a good way

I love this Browncoat family I belong to and I'm proud of being a part of it!

I'll hold 'til Mal gets back.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, March 26, 2006 10:48 PM



Just signed up and figured this is as good a place as any to say my first hellos.

What's Firefly? While I saw the movie when it came out, I didn't really know until a couple of weeks ago. I thought the movie was pretty good but hadn't heard much about Joss's 'other show.' I wasn't really inspired to pursue it.

Then I found the series on DVD real cheap the other week. I thought I wouldn't lost much in buying it...I was actually expecting a mediocre show. Man was I wrong! My bf and I have been watching a couple of eps every night and finished it on the weekend. It was really painful when I realised we only had one or two eps left and then there'd be no more, ever. (Really glad to find this place and see there is some hope after all, woo!)

I must say, I really regretted watching the movie before the series. The death of certain characters didn't mean a whole lot to me at the time. It was sad growing to love them in the series and knowing that they'll die.

Mostly, my bf and I couldn't believe the show had been cancelled. I was sad and pissed off. I can't say I envy you guys who saw it when it first went to air! That would've been much worse.

Anyway. I've already started pushing the series on people I think will be interested (sadly don't know many people who'll watch that science fiction stuff). Every sale counts though ;)

Now I think I'll explore this place some more...


Sunday, March 26, 2006 11:27 PM



Originally posted by reaverman:

I agree 100%! Hmmm... maybe they'd consider dropping Stargate Atlantis to make room *crosses fingers hopefully*.

Hey, now, I want Firefly to come back just as 'next person, but don't touch my Stargate Atlantis.

Btw, this is my first post to this forum. :) Been readin' you guys for a while, but usually read so much I'm too tired to post. (usually late late LATE at night when I'm on here)

Well, anyways, hello & how'd'ya do. I'm fine, thanks.


Monday, March 27, 2006 4:24 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site & the fandom OmegaNine! Great to have you here amongst the faithful.

Thanks for giving the show a chance. It really does sell itself.

The best way to help the cause is to share the show & the movie w/ as many people as you possibly can. The more new people we introduce to the series on DVD & the movie the better. We need to sell as many movie DVDs as we possibly can to have a hope of a sequel. Successful sales of the movie DVD will convince Universal to greenlight the sequel. A successful sequel gives us all sorts of possibilities as far as where we can go from there.

Keep flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, March 27, 2006 7:32 AM


Welcome Pallas and Ladyfinger007

We're happy to have you here

please tell everyone that you can about Firefly & Serenity and have them join up. The verse is a big place and can hold a lot of fans.

I'm doing what I can to have friends and relitives pick up the FF banner but sometimes it isn't easy. Our oldest son thinks that everything his parents are into has to be the most uncoolest things on the planet.He refuses to watch the show and thats fine with us. But I do have an ACE in my back pocket, his girlfriend. She has agreed to watch the show with his mom and I and if she does it he'll likely sit in. Kind of a crafty way to bring him in but I think Cap Mal would give us a thumbs-up
" We mean to be thieving here but what we're after is not yours"



Monday, March 27, 2006 1:12 PM



Originally posted by OmegaNine:
Or is there even a small rumor it might be coming back?

Actually it's about one per week.

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music - mphillips 100 in 1 Packs






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