Hi! I am a lurker...

UPDATED: Saturday, March 25, 2006 08:02
VIEWED: 1829
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Friday, March 24, 2006 6:03 PM


I finally have to post. I have enjoyed reading so much. I got emboldened and went to chat and met such nice folk a few weeks back.

I am a long time Firefly fan. My husband and I watched it from the get go on Fox. We were heartbroken when they cancelled it. We were unaware of the huge fanbase and the move to keep the show flying at the time. I was so choked up when I saw how far you guys went to save the show. THANK YOU!

When we saw that Serenity was being made and jumped for joy! The movie was fabulous, just awesome. When we saw the box office, we were again, heartbroken.

For the last 2 months, I have watched Joss stuff. I had ankle fusion surgery and put me in bed off my feet for 8 weeks and Joss saved me from insanity (well some that I didn't already have). Buffy, Angel, which I did not watch on TV and Firefly of course.

I watched my Firefly DVD (I have watched them soooo many times) and the Serenity in a 3 day stretch ending today....and I am filled with a profound sense of loss.

When I found my self sobbing for Wash or at Tracey's funeral, it was as much for the show as the characters. The writing is so sublime. It hurts me to think I may never see these folk again.

On a lighter note, I did see Spamalot on Broadway the first week Alan replaced Hank Azaria and he was amazing. We waited by the stage door and got his autograph and picture. He was so gracious and nice.

Thanks for putting up with my sap. I am pleased ta meet y'all!



Friday, March 24, 2006 6:12 PM


Welcome, charmuse, lurker no more!
I'm on strawberry duty. They're in the cooler in the galley. Should be some cream in there, too.
We seem to be out of brownies.

There are a couple of 'coats here who are authorized to get into the storeroom and issue your virtual browncoat. I expect they'll be along in a bit, though they may be spending a lot of time preparing for Nathan's birthday, which is coming up on the 27th.

Then there's the SLiTHER opening (31st) to be dealt with. Lots of preoccupation for the Appreciators who hand out the coats.

Back to normal in a week or so...

Oh, and don't step on the Ship's Cat. ::-)

-- bastards singed my turtle --
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Friday, March 24, 2006 6:24 PM


Thank you kindly for the welcome. Fresh strawberries are rare indeed. I believe Sean has a birthday too comin' on soon. I love them all. Adam is coming to a Con here in June and I can't wait, tho I will be a stuttering idiot.



Friday, March 24, 2006 7:37 PM


Welcome! We're glad you decided to speak up and join the ranks of the posters.


"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, now on sale at


Friday, March 24, 2006 7:37 PM


"The writing is so sublime."

Ah, yes, that's Joss Whedon for you. I've been a fan of his since the very first opening scene of Buffy, long, long ago.

And there's going to be more to come in the Serenity world. I'm sure of it.



Friday, March 24, 2006 9:21 PM



Originally posted by charmuse:
I am filled with a profound sense of loss.

When I found my self sobbing for Wash or at Tracey's funeral, it was as much for the show as the characters. The writing is so sublime. It hurts me to think I may never see these folk again.

Thanks for putting up with my sap. I am pleased ta meet y'all!

Charmuse, we are so glad you de-lurked. Welcome home.

Everything you describe is exactly what I felt when I finished watching the series in a full tilt, could-not-stop-watching marathon. I wept at the loss of it. I'd reckon there are many more folks on this board that would say the same thing.

There is hope for another movie though.. we just have to hold the line, just like the Browncoats who got us the movie did. The fact that there are folks like you joining us everyday, with the same "in-love" story means that the fan base is growing and we just have to stay strong.

I'm one of the storeroom clerks who hand out virtual browncoats to folks when they arrive, so...

*hands Charmuse a browncoat*

There you are. I see you already got your strawberries from Buns, she's the best.

There's likely to be more folks come along and greet you. We're glad you're here. Don't forget to share the 'verse with everyone you know.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, March 25, 2006 2:52 AM


Hello and welcome Charmuse,

Glad to have you aboard.My wife and I are fresh recruits here also.We caught the Serenity movie first on dvd, then got the Firefly series from Net Flicks and all were a joy.

One of the things that did attract us to the the FF veres was JW writting on Serenity. Things like,

"Zoey,if I'm not back in an hour. You take the ship and come get me. It's cold and I don't want to be left."


Mal to Jayne " do you want to be the captain?"

Jayne " Yes I do. I figger I could do a site bettern you."

Mal " Well....... ya can't."

those are some of the things I felt myself wanting to say at those moments and when the crew actually says them, well it had the wife and I LOL.

Good to have you here and have your husband join up as well.

Welcome again from Z&C


Saturday, March 25, 2006 8:02 AM


Hi Charmuse! JBW here! Welcome to the board! I see that Bun has let you know about the stash of berries and FM has givn you your browncoat. Dang - i sure wish I know where she kept her keys!.) I like handin' out the mudders milk *places frosty pitcher and mugs on the table* - help yerself!

Your story resonates with me and I guess that's why we end up here. We need like minded people to share our grief over loss of the series, and hope for it's revival. Stick around and post often!

regarding June - have you seen this thread?
There's a few of us going and we're planning a shindig!! Post there and let us know your plans for the con!


I'll be in Jaynes bunk






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