Is Nathan Fillion a better actor than Harrison Ford?

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 14:19
VIEWED: 13196
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Friday, March 24, 2006 12:28 PM


In a word, "yes". Even though I think Nathan had better material to work with, you still have to be able to pull it off, not only is Nathan "Captain Malcolm Reynolds", he's a better "Han Solo" as well.
When I watch Fillion on the screen, and in the show I can see that he can do it all, action, drama, and comedy. He make you laugh, cry, and move you. Harrison Ford never made me sad, or care so deeply, about any of his characters. I think he has the emotional acting range of a good looking rock, good for action films I guess.


Tee Hee


Friday, March 24, 2006 12:38 PM


Sweetness indeed!!

You hit the nain on it's head!!! Harrison Ford is alwasy Harrison Ford in differin' costumes. Nathan has way more depth, that's certain.

I look out for me and mine... that don't include you 'less I conjure it does.


Friday, March 24, 2006 1:25 PM

FIRESHINE be fair harrison ford is a good actor......but not half as good as nathon fillion!

"She Crashes - You Crashed Her!"


Friday, March 24, 2006 1:43 PM


Did anyone see Hollywood Homocide? That alone put me off of Harrison Ford, and I was a devoted fan since five. My mom asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I said Princess Leia, because she marries Han Solo. Of course I had just seen Return of the Jedi....but I disgress. It's funny when you begin to notice an actor's work and after seeing Firefly, I began to notice Nathan Fillion in a lot of stuff. Every time I saw him he was great. He's a natural actor, he takes to his roles and makes them his own, without it being him. I think he will blow up like Harrison Ford did, and we will be on the ground floor of his fandom! So my vote is for Nathan, but of course I may still be bitter because I didn't get to marry Han Solo. It's all good, now I'm in it for the hot doctors!:D


Friday, March 24, 2006 2:37 PM


There was that little bit in The Message where the Captain is talking on the wave to some cops who keep asking him about what he's carrying. Captain thinks they must be talking bout stuff he's smuggling, but they're talking about his mail delivery. He starts talking fast, trying to put them off & stall till he can figure out what's going on. Right there he's doing a perfect Han Solo. So I've already seen him do Han Solo & I think he's just *real* fine. Can Mr. Ford do a Nathan Fillion? I haven't seen that yet, but I'm skeptical. That makes Nathan a better actor right there. There's other reasons too but I'll just stop here for now.

...ok maybe one more. There's *three* different preacher roles I've seen Nathan be. Each one was a completely different man from the others, so much that you might not even recognize them as the same guy if you weren't expecting it. That's impressive.

ok just one more thing, Nathan has better looks and a more beautiful voice, and a wickeder sense of humor. That makes him more interesting, and more fun to watch. IMO


Friday, March 24, 2006 3:08 PM


So, what you are saying, is because Nathan can mimic Harrisons "Han Solo" work, he's a better actor?? Thats insane. I can do some damn good impersonations of alot of actors, but I am NOT a better actor. Hell, I'm not an actor at all, lol.

This is a fun thread, and Nathan is an awesome actor,....but let's be real.
Harrison laid the groundwork that Nathan is following. It doesn't mean he is better.
Different,..better at some things, maybe worse at others. Give Nathan another 20 years, and then we can judge.

P.S. I know this is a Firefly board, and I think Nathan has proven he has got the chops. If there was no Han Solo, there would be no Firefly.
Not the way we know it, anyway.


Friday, March 24, 2006 8:45 PM


Tough call in all honesty.

My Biased opinion is "Yes"

Now Unbiased it's harder to say and yes Nathan's resume is a bit shorter than Harrison Ford's but based on the actual work these two actors do and Based on their range I have to say still that Nathan is, IMO, the Better actor.

I'm not saying Harrison Ford is a bad actor but He doesn't have the range Nathan does.

He doesn't pull off funny all by himself.. He has to be the butt of the joke every time and there always has to be some other characte rinvolved to make a funny. Nathan can pull of funny intentionally, unintentionaly, insanely, butt of the joke, pulling the joke, and every other way you can pull off funny including Physical humor.

Harrison ford has never, to my knowledge, played the bad guy and I don't mean renagade bad guy I mean bad evil nasty kill everyone type bad guy. The guy who's doomed to die by the end of things.. Nathan's played that roll at least once as Calab on Buffy. Played the part incredibly well too.

As for Firefly owing it's existance to Star Wars? Feh Star wars is not and will never be the first ever "Space Opera" Ain't even the first American Space Opera.

Hell with that kind of thinking you could say Star Wars owes it's existance to Buck Rodgers.

Firefly would still be Firefly with or without Star Wars. Might have had a few minor tweeks because Firefly was ment to be entirely unlike everything else out there but it would still be Firefly.

Everyone likes to say Mal is very much like Han Solo.. Actually I think Mal is like a blend of Han Solo with alot of Captain Tylor and a bit here and there from Trigun in the mix.

Actually I think Mal's very much just Captain Tylor after he's been War hardened and Shaved off some of his irresponsiblity.. That and Mal doesn't have an entire crew that hates his guts or an Alien (Enemy) princess who thinks he's her "Pet"

Getting back to the topic at hand.. Nathan is one of those rare Actors who can make you forget you're watching an Actor play a role.As someone's said before.. Harrison ford is always just Harrison ford in a new costume.. Doesn't matter if you're watching six days seven nights or star wars or even indiana jones it's allways the same gruff, rugged, mostly selfish anti-hero.

But then That's just My Opinion.

~ I aim to misbehave!


Friday, March 24, 2006 9:33 PM


Yes, far and away. And it's not that I don't like Harrison Ford either. I do. Loved him as Han Solo and Indiana Jones.

And I don't think that Mal is "like" Han Solo either. Mal is Mal, completely and entirely a unique character. Han Solo was a rake, a scoundrel, never a man to keep an army together and fighting when it was hopeless. Mal is. And Nathan played him with perfection.

That is the single most important thing I judge an actor's ability by. Do I forget that he is who HE is, do I become lost in the character?
When I watch Harrison Ford I like his characters, I enjoy the movie he's in, most of the time. But I never forget that he is Harrison Ford. He doesn't have that depth. Nathan does. I forget that he is Nathan when he's Mal. I forget that he is Nathan when he's Caleb. ( Gave me the creeps, my skin crawled.) I even found myself forgetting he was Nathan in a B grade movie, in which he shone.

I predict fine things for our Cap'n. He hasn't inspired this loyalty in us for nothing. He makes us dream. I think that is the most important thing an actor can do.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, March 24, 2006 10:23 PM


I don't think you can make the comparison.

From what I've read of this thread, everyone is comparing Nathan now to Harrison Ford now.

What about Harrison Ford THEN? Thirty years ago when he was in Nathan's shoes, back before the action hero typecasting began. Some of his early work is really good, "Witness" especially comes to mind - he was nominated for an Oscar for that. And he was really funny in "Working Girl". The man has a huge back catalogue - you can't judge him as an actor from just a few roles. Same goes for Nathan.



Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:09 AM



Originally posted by Leighkohl:
Did anyone see Hollywood Homocide? That alone put me off of Harrison Ford, and I was a devoted fan since five. My mom asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I said Princess Leia, because she marries Han Solo.

There it is -PROOF women prefer BAD MEN!
(even when they're five!LOL)

Even further off topic: Anyone ever hear of the theory that the Rebel Alliance were actually the Bad Guys? That the oligarchic royals (i.e., Leia Oragana and her ilk) prefered to surround themselves with criminals since the criminal mind can withstand Jedi mind controls? Oh yes... we're all doomed!

The better actor? Can't judge until Nathan reaches "old-guy" status. But I of course prefer the Captain (walks away leaving all to wonder "which captain did he mean?") ;] (what? he's a general now?)...


Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:21 AM


I wouldn't say that. They are both very good actors with a similar style. Harrison Ford is outstanding in Blade Runner a role Nathan Fillion would have also fitted and he is great as Indiana Jones.

as for Mals Captain status im not one for nitpicking but when the operative was checking Mals data file in serenity it did say Captain. I know he is the Captain of Serenity however it stated on the datafile he was a captain in the Army an we all know he was a Seargent


Saturday, March 25, 2006 2:08 AM


Let Nathan play a difficult character role first. Ford could play a broken character in a creepy thriller anytime. Since Nathan hasn't done that yet it's an improper/unfair/biased comparison.

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music - mphillips 100 in 1 Packs


Saturday, March 25, 2006 3:24 AM



Everyone likes to say Mal is very much like Han Solo..

INCLUDING Joss Whedon, at least thats how I heard it on the commentaries. I thought Joss loosely wrote Mal to be sort of a Han Solo character. AND Star Wars DOES owe a great deal to Buck Rogers. Nothing new under the sun.



Saturday, March 25, 2006 4:00 AM


Indy you're missing the point, harrison can't do comedy, at best he made me "chuckle", he also has never made me sad, let alone cry, it's exactly as I said. Ford hasn't the emotional range that "Nathan" has, i'm pointing right at, but you refuse to see it. I am a Harrison Ford fan from way back, he's was a great action hero, he was great as "Solo", even better at Indy, all i'm saying is Nathan would be better. Seriously, if Ford could have made me laugh, or cry, i'd think he'd have done it by now. Or maybe his best work is ahead of him? I know the truth hurts, but don't let it get you down. Are you trying to tell me that the role of "Han Solo", was better written than "Captain Malcolm" Reynolds? Or that you can see Harrison as Captain of Serenity? Either way I don't see, or buy it. Nathan's acting range would allow him to add another layer to "Han Solo", as it does to any other character he has, or will portray.


Tee Hee


Saturday, March 25, 2006 4:21 AM


I'm not saying it is better written, YOU are missing the point. Han Solo was written as a space cowboy, as was Mal. DO you think Joss was a Star Wars fan, and a Han Solo fan. I do.
Besides, once someone writes a charcter, and the scenes are filmed and in the can,'s easy to say what you would do better.
Like the joke about the guitar players:
"How many guitar players does it take to play a wicked solo??
10....1 to play it, and 9 to say that could have played it better.

I'm not taking this personal, I'm just stating how I feel, as you are. We all have our opinions. Is Robert DeNiro a lesser actor than Nathan, because comedy isn't his forte'(He was great in Meet the Parents, but damn what was Rocky and Bullwinkle all about, lol)?
We're talking apples and oranges here.
I never said H.F. was a better actor, I just said give the man his due, and give Nathan some time to show us he's better.

Am I out of line to say that Nathan doesn't channel some of that H.F vibe for his interpretation of Mal?? Why do you think so many people, incuding yourself, feel that Nathan could play the new Indiana Jones?
I think he would be GREAT as a younger Indiana Jones. I think the best actor so far to even consider, and coming from me, thats alot, lol.
Judging by my screen name, you can see I'm an H.F. fan, but I'm here, and I love Firefly, and the cast. Firefly would not be the same without Nathan at the lead of the crew.

Again, these are opinions. Like yours.
Let's keep it civil.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 7:05 AM



Originally posted by agirlyman:
Ford hasn't the emotional range that "Nathan" has

In how many different roles did you see Nathan so far? Three? Four? Very conclusive indeed.

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music - mphillips 100 in 1 Packs


Saturday, March 25, 2006 7:31 AM



Originally posted by agirlyman:
In a word, "yes". Even though I think Nathan had better material to work with, you still have to be able to pull it off, not only is Nathan "Captain Malcolm Reynolds", he's a better "Han Solo" as well.
When I watch Fillion on the screen, and in the show I can see that he can do it all, action, drama, and comedy. He make you laugh, cry, and move you. Harrison Ford never made me sad, or care so deeply, about any of his characters.

In a word, no.

Don't get me wrong Harrison sure as hell isn't better than Nathan, but when it comes down to it what I judge an actor by isn't how much emotion he or she can make me feel but how real they can be.

In The Empire Strikes Back when he says, "I know," you know you're looking at Han Solo, you don't say, "Oh that was good acting," because when it happens acting and actors are the last thing on your mind.

In Indiana Jones he is Indy, I never feel like I'm watching Harrison Ford, I'm watching Indy.


On the other hand do I think he could have done what Nathan did? Probably not, the line, "Everybody dies alone," sounds like cheap melodrama, it reads like cheap melodrama, it IS cheap melodrama, if someone said it in real life in the most dire of situations it would be cheap melodrama.

Every single place on earth or in time that line has always been cheap melodrama. All save one.

When Mal says it it has power and meaning, and I don't think Harrison could have played Mal there. I don't think he could have played Mal in most of the show, or any of the show.

But I have not seen Harrison go beyond his abilities (though I have not watched any of the movies put out in more recent years) and I think knowing you limits, and refusing to cross them, is just as respectable as having greater limits.


That's just me though.


Something just occured to me that is totally off topic but I feel the need to say. In Ms Henderson Presents when she says, "All deaths are in vain," that has a power much like, "Everybody dies alone," and on a further-to-the-side note if you have not seen that movie you should, if you have the chance.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 7:51 AM



Originally posted by CBY:

Originally posted by agirlyman:
Ford hasn't the emotional range that "Nathan" has

In how many different roles did you see Nathan so far? Three? Four? Very conclusive indeed.

If in three or four roles he can have more range than Ford has had in all of his I'd say that is very conclusive indeed.


(genral response, not to CBY:)

I'm not up to participate in this fight though. I do not personally believe that Harrison Ford could to what Nathan has done (as I've said already), but I also do not know.

I'd have pointed this out in my first post if I'd read the whole thread first but I feel that with this kind of a question it is best to answer unbiased.

The fact is that Mal was a character who was better written than Han Solo or any of Ford's roles. But Harrison isn't the one who wrote them and Nathan didn't write the part of Mal.

Harrison has played the characters that have been written for him, and in the movies I have seen he has done it very well. Nathan has done the same thing.

You can't critize Harrison for acting the parts he has been given to play, though you can critize him for choosing those parts if you want. Still that is a question of prefrence, not acting ability.

Never judge an actor by the writer.

Nathan has done what was writen for Mal, and only a great actor could do that, but if he had been given the role of Han Solo or Indiana Jones as they were written and directed he could not have done them any better than Harrison because Harrison nailed them.


By the way, anyone here remember what Joss said was the inspiration for Firefly? I didn't see it mentioned though I have been known to skip a line by mistake.

"I sort of became obsessed with the idea of life on the frontier, which of course made me think of the Millenium Falcon, because most things do."


Saturday, March 25, 2006 8:38 AM


I love my captain

People are getting a little worked up about this.

That said, I'm still joining the fray.

From what I've seen so far (and this is just my opinion, nobody has to agree with me) I believe that Nathan Fillion is a better actor.
Don't get me wrong, I love watching Harrison Ford movies but I really think that Nathan has a better range. Ford is always the "strong, confident guy". Sometimes he's the slightly jerky "strong, confident guy", or the "strong confident guy" that's out for himself, or the "strong confident guy" that refuses to give in. It's still all the same guy. When have you ever seen him play a truly evil character? Or how about someone who's really emotionally shattered and filled with self doubt?

Even this early in his career Nathan Fillion has quite a varied resume. To use some of his best known parts for examples, there's Malcolm Reynolds, Caleb from Buffy, and his character on Two Guys and a Girl. All three are vastly different characters with different motivations and personalities. Even when he does bit parts like Father David in Dracula 2000, he makes it seem real. In that movie, when Mary starts talking about this thing that wants her soul, he's terrified. It's a last minute character with two scenes and he still managed to catch my attention even though I had no idea who he was (I didn't really watch Two Guys and a Girl at this point).

That came out longer than I expected.
We all seem to be ranting on this topic.

If anyone has completely read all of the posts on this thread then I congradulate you and give you fresh pie of your choosing. You can pick any kind of pie you like. They're all homemade and they all taste great.

Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 9:43 AM



Originally posted by Kayna:
That came out longer than I expected.
We all seem to be ranting on this topic.

If anyone has completely read all of the posts on this thread then I congradulate you and give you fresh pie of your choosing. You can pick any kind of pie you like. They're all homemade and they all taste great.

Strawberry rubarb.

And don't worry, I rant in all topics so if you're only doing it in one you're fine.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 11:06 AM


I love my captain

I love strawberry rubarb. Good chioce.

Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 11:09 AM



Originally posted by Kayna:
That came out longer than I expected.
We all seem to be ranting on this topic.

If anyone has completely read all of the posts on this thread then I congradulate you and give you fresh pie of your choosing. You can pick any kind of pie you like. They're all homemade and they all taste great.

Coconut cream for me, thanks.

And I'll throw in my 2 cents while I'm at it... I've had a crush on Indiana Jones my whole life. I've seen The Last Crusade more than any other movie. Indy is awesome. And Harrison Ford brought him to life. For that, I am grateful.
But I'm gonna have to say that Nathan is the better actor- for reasons that have already been discussed- and I've already read- which, incidently, is why I'm getting this lovely piece of pie. Thank you.

Oh, and I just want to mention that HF has played an evil villain. "What Lies Beneath" shocked and creeped me out just because he always plays the good guy and it's so unsettling seeing him as a murderer.

"Can't take the sky..."


Saturday, March 25, 2006 12:05 PM



Originally posted by IndyBlues:

Am I out of line to say that Nathan doesn't channel some of that H.F vibe for his interpretation of Mal?? Why do you think so many people, incuding yourself, feel that Nathan could play the new Indiana Jones?

Again, these are opinions. Like yours.
Let's keep it civil.

Yes Let's all keep it civil just as I said in my above post It's my opinion adn like everyone else I'm intitled to it.

AS for Nathan playing Indiana Jones.. Here's where all my fellow Nathan appreciators will wanna hunt me down and gut me like so much roadkill.

AS much as I love Nathan's work I don't agree that Nathan should play Indiana jones.. Harrison Ford was the only Indiana Jones and In all fairness Nathan does not look right for a "Younger Indy" Wasn't HF in his mid to late thirties in the Indy movies? Maybe even early forties? Nathan's a bit too grown up to play a young Indy Now Playing some sort of Indy Inspired part maybe but Not Indy himself.

Though if they did make another Indiana Jones Movie with Nathan in it I'd be bound by fandom to watch it cause.. well hell it's Nathan hehe..

Might be contradictory(sic) but Eh That's me..

I'm gonna go hide from the raging mob with pitchforks and torches now hehe.

~ I aim to misbehave!


Saturday, March 25, 2006 12:12 PM


Can I just pop in here please and give Christhecynic a hug,..... because I missed you!

And I've read the thread.. and I'd love some lovely coconut cream pie as well.

Thank you... back to the subject at hand.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:17 PM


Long thread, but has anyone compared Nathan to Harrison's acting at Nathans current age? Harrison now, is old, i mean Sean Connery is the shit, but League of Xtrordinary Gentlemen was his worst movie, mostly cuz he was wicked old and looked akward moving.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:35 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Can I just pop in here please and give Christhecynic a hug,..... because I missed you!

Thanks, I just kind of burned out on a religious discussion. I realized that no matter how many times I repeated myself and no matter how many ways I did it people wouldn't understand.

It's so hard when you just want to say, "Yes, that's true," and then scream, "but READ WHAT I FUCKING SAID!" but you know that the person did read it and they still don't get it. All of their points were valid, they just totally failed to respond to what it actually said.

(I don't care whether I'm right or wrong, but I want people to attack or support what I really said.)

So I dropped off the boards to take a breather, clear my head, and forget that some problems don't have solutions.

Sometimes you can't make someone understand, and no matter how much you want to hate them for it you know you're the one who's failed because it was your job to make them understand you.

I could only take so much of my own failure, it's always harder to forgive yourself than others.


Sorry about that, way off topic.

Anyway, it's good to be back.

Thanks for the hug, I'll give you one in return whenever you want. Or two, or three, whatever.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:40 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:

Thanks for the hug, I'll give you one in return whenever you want. Or two, or three, whatever.

I've been in some of those same conversations in my life. You sound like you have more patience than me. I sort of refuse to do that anymore..... as I prefer hugs.

Thank you, three right now would be just fine.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:40 PM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:
i mean Sean Connery is the shit, but League of Xtrordinary Gentlemen was his worst movie, mostly cuz he was wicked old and looked akward moving.

Actually I thought he was the best part of that movie, his interaction with whats-his-name.

I've looked it up, Shane West. I thought the two went well together.

(Someday someone will have to explain to me how the phrase "the shit" came to mean what it does currently. It makes no sense at all, to me at least, but all things have reasons.)


Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:45 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
I've been in some of those same conversations in my life. You sound like you have more patience than me.

No, I just hate being understood. Makes me stick around longer than I should.

(I guess I could sum it up with the following sort of true statement: "I'd rather have someone hate me for what I am than think I'm something else.")


Thank you, three right now would be just fine.


*Gives FollowMal three hugs*

Involved in four hugs so far, this is a good day.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 8:34 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
I just kind of burned out on a religious discussion. I realized that no matter how many times I repeated myself and no matter how many ways I did it people wouldn't understand. ...

That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth. Er... That's why I never join 'real-world' discussions, rather.


My answer? Yes.

I love Harrison Ford, but I really think Nathan's acting has more depth - just so many complex layers underneath that speak directly to me on an emotional level. And I don't think it's just that his characters (or even just Mal) were so well written - Nathan brings the depth hisownself (the previously mentioned, "Everybody dies alone," line is an excellent example). Heck, the way Joss gushes about him seems like testament enough.

Another way I measure between Ford and Fillion? I've never anticipated whatever the next 'Harrison Ford flick' was the way I've anticipated whatever job Nathan's got coming up next. Harrison Ford's name in a movie I've never heard of lends credibility to the movie for me, but I wouldn't go see some gross horror flick just because Ford was in it. Granted, there is a certain degree of scarcity WRT Nathan's work, but I've never gone hunting down movies just because Ford was in them. With Nathan, however, I've gone searching IMDb just to track down that episode of King of the Hill where he voices 'Frisbee Guy'.

Anyway, somebody here owes me a slice of Nathan pie. (Whoops - there goes my credibility...)

Ain't. We. Just.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 9:20 PM


Harrison Ford tends to play the same character over and over, and while I totally enjoy his films (Han Solo, Indy) they didn't stay with me the way Nathan did as Mal. I accepted Mal as my hero and alter ego the way I never accepted or identified with any of Harrison's characters, who were all a bit larger than life, whereas Nathan's characters have the full range: they lose, they get hurt, they die, they get shot, they don't get the princess, they don't get the medal for saving the cause.....

And even in an arguably awful movie with wooden dialogue, Nathan manages to shine, and make the dialogue work. (See Water's Edge if you don't believe me.) That's something amazing, some quality not too many actors have. In addition, watch some of the subtler moves in Nathan's acting: the body language, the slight twitch when he gets shot at or innoculated, the way he just physically reacts as if he is really there, in the moment...

I can't really explain it well, but altho I love 'em both, Nathan has my vote, by far.

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 9:30 PM


Let's lobby to get Nathan to replace Harrison in Indy 4, then we can compare role to role! That way, the movie could have more physical things like fight sequences, too. I kid; there's no way anyone will ever be Indiana Jones but Harrison Ford... unless they did a prequel -gasp- Lucas: Episode 1, 2, AND 3 anybody!? Is anyone else REALLY worried about this sequel? I think Nathan would be a perfect replacement as a younger Indy. Although, I did like Sean Patrick Flanery in Young Indy Chronicles.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 10:11 PM


Ok...just thought I would throw my two cents (though they be in Canadian currency).

Both actors have their fortes, to be honest. Ford has set the bar high for supposed averge Joe heroes who manage to whoop some ass against crap odds; Nathan matches, if not slightly excedes it by giving more depth. However, Nathan has done more TV, so he had a chance to work on characters that were designed to be peeled like an onion and become more than just archetypes.

Now, on another front, I have to say that Nathan does stuff like romance better....cuz I honestly have cringed a lot moree from Ford doing the UST dance with female costars (though not all of them) than with Nathan. I guess it might come down to the fact that I am closer to Nathan's age than Ford's, so it's less "Dude, he's old enough to be my grandfather" than "Sweet, he's macking with a hottie" cuz Nate is in the right age bracket for being an "older brother" figure to someone like me.'s not a fair contest. Ford has the work experience and CV, while Nathan seems (for me anyway) to me to have the slight advantage with technical skill for doing roles.


Literature has shown us some of humanity's greatest achievements; history, some of our greatest failures -- Alun Lewis


Sunday, March 26, 2006 12:39 AM


I agree that Joss is a Star Wars / Indy fan. One of the most memorable scenes from Raiders is when the crowd part and a swordsman appears showing all his flashy sword moves. Indy just pulls out his gun and shoots him and then turns and carries on looking for Marion. That scene to this day always has me laughing out loud. Now, is not the scene in the Pilot where Mal shoots the Alliance police guy influenced by that indy scene?


Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:36 AM



Originally posted by BelowZero:
And even in an arguably awful movie with wooden dialogue, Nathan manages to shine, and make the dialogue work. (See Water's Edge if you don't believe me.)

I've not seen it, I'll take your word, and unless I find reason to doubt you he gets my vote too. Besides, neutral is the hardest position to hold.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:42 AM



Originally posted by j6ngo1977:
I agree that Joss is a Star Wars / Indy fan. One of the most memorable scenes from Raiders is when the crowd part and a swordsman appears showing all his flashy sword moves. Indy just pulls out his gun and shoots him and then turns and carries on looking for Marion. That scene to this day always has me laughing out loud. Now, is not the scene in the Pilot where Mal shoots the Alliance police guy influenced by that indy scene?

Never thought of that. I've also really never thought about whether or not Joss was a fan of Indy. The only reason I know he's a fan of Star Wars is that he's said it (or things that require it) often enough.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 7:19 AM


You cant really tell whos a better actor because the material is so much better for fillion but if you try to imagine ford playing mal it just wouldnt work. plus hes like 60 now.

when you get cancelled you find someone to carry you


Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:40 PM


I think you can tell, just how many movies has Harrison Ford done? I've seen just about all of them, and i'm telling you I never seen one character he's done that was better than Nathan playing Mal. Maybe when they do "On golden pond II", we will see Ford shine. Nathan on the other hand is just getting started.


Tee Hee


Sunday, March 26, 2006 3:22 PM


I love my captain


Originally posted by nosadseven:
Anyway, somebody here owes me a slice of Nathan pie. (Whoops - there goes my credibility...)

Mmmmmm..Nathan Pie. I think I'll have me a slice of that too.

Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 3:33 PM



Originally posted by j6ngo1977:
as for Mals Captain status im not one for nitpicking but when the operative was checking Mals data file in serenity it did say Captain. I know he is the Captain of Serenity however it stated on the datafile he was a captain in the Army an we all know he was a Seargent

I think it was a field promotion. Came with the commendation for the Battle of Serenity. In the The Firefly DVD deleted scenes, Zoe says Mal was in charge of thousands near the end because all the other leaders were dead.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 5:48 PM


As a long time Harrison Ford fan I feel I have to respond:

Nathan Fillion has excellent timing and I think he is the better actor (sob, I really did have a thing for Harrison Ford for the better part of 26 years!). The facial expressions alone are worth watching on Firefly.

Harrison Ford has made poor choices of late, but some of his past work is excellent. Nothing he's done has topped his performance in Witness. And his performance in Blade Runner is excellent, far from the typical hero type. But, as much as I enjoyed Working Girl, and I know some critics gave him kudos for his comedy abilities, I didn't see it. He looked stiff and unnatural delivering his lines.

I'd like to see him take a chance and choose a project that requires a stretch, who knows - he might surprise people.

But, as much as I feel like I'm being a traitor, I do think Nathan Fillion is a better actor. (But I hold out hope that Ford will redeem himself from his more recent choices someday!)


Sunday, March 26, 2006 6:47 PM


You're not a traitor Raven, it's just the way it is, there are many more actors more talented than Nathan, but I think he can achieve a higher level. Harrison Ford doesn't see the A+ scripts anymore, he would have to luck up on a gem, or if a decent script was wrote specifically for him. Who knows, stranger things have happen.


Tee Hee


Monday, March 27, 2006 3:02 AM


For my two credits worth -

It is a difficult choice. Particularly as Harrison has done far more work than Nathan. Harrison really did embody his earlier roles, you believed in them. Lately his work has gone down (like Connery and others) mainly I think because they are far too old for the roles that they play. There are always rumours of an Indy 4. I hope that it never gets made then the original trilogy won't (possibly) be damaged.

Nathan has the chance to oustshine Harrison. If he can pick the right roles. Hopefully he won't end up doing b-movie style horrors and sci-fi shows/movies where he essentially plays the same character.

Only time can tell.


"Sorry I can't hear you coz of the other voices in my head."


Monday, March 27, 2006 3:28 AM


I loved starwars and firefly both, so Im not biased when it comes to that. But Ive watched them both enough to say (in my opinion) Nathan Fillion is the better actor. In fact Ive thought about what a good actor he is while watching some of the firefly episodes. And Ive also thought about what a bad actor Harrison Ford was while watching starwars. Of course he made starwars a loong time ago. And he was ok as Indiana Jones.

Another person on firefly who's acting I REALLY like is Kaylee :) She pulls her role off so well.

I would love to see Nathan Fillion as Indiana Jones. But I dont want him too busy to do more firefly episodes when Fox comes to their senses ;)


Monday, March 27, 2006 2:50 PM


Not sure if any of you read nathans latest interview but... :

"I don't think anyone could replace Harrison Ford. It's like I always say, 'I don't pay homage to Harrison Ford as much as I copy him exactly.' " -Nathan on him replacing Harrison as Indy.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Monday, March 27, 2006 3:03 PM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:
Not sure if any of you read nathans latest interview but... :

"I don't think anyone could replace Harrison Ford. It's like I always say, 'I don't pay homage to Harrison Ford as much as I copy him exactly.' " -Nathan on him replacing Harrison as Indy.

'Nuff Said.....Booyaa!


Monday, March 27, 2006 7:06 PM


In this case, the copy surpasses the original. I think he was just being kind, cause we all know "Captain Mal Reynolds", blows "Han Solo" out of the airlock.


Tee Hee


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 1:57 AM



Originally posted by agirlyman:
In this case, the copy surpasses the original. I think he was just being kind, cause we all know "Captain Mal Reynolds", blows "Han Solo" out of the airlock.


Tee Hee

Yes. We DO all know that.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 2:05 AM


Nathan Fillion is an amazing actor, mainly with what isn't scripted, as in the way he looks at people and his facial reactions. Harrison Ford knows how to be enigmatic, and funny, but I've never seen much real depth to his acting.

She'll turn you in before you can say "Don't turn me in...lady..."


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 2:15 PM


'fraid I'm not terrablly qualified to answer this question...


If we're talking CHARACTERS...Han Solo vs. Mal Reynolds...I've discovered a fool-proof way to figure out who would, at the very least, win in a shoot-out.

Find a scene where Han quick-draws. (a friend mentioned one to me I forgot) Time it...with something that counts in milliseconds and has a very sensitive pause button.
Do the same for Mal.
Compare times.

Somebody wanna actully do this sometime?






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