Who? Doctor Who, that's who...

UPDATED: Friday, March 31, 2006 11:50
VIEWED: 9536
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Sunday, March 26, 2006 5:30 AM


I'm fallin in love with scifi all over again. The new "Doc Who" is great! Finally the whores are gettin it right. I'm officially ending my mourning period for the loss of Farscape.

And they kept in-tact the original theme music and the Tardis time-travel sound effect from the original show. Thank god for small miracles. I was afraid they'd get Yanni to "re-imagine" it and have Barry Manilow sing some crappy-ass lyrics over it (kinda like they did with ST Enterprise).

I even love the new look of the Tardis' inner chamber. The new Doc is perfect, the scriptwriting is superb, and his companion Rose is a babe.

What a great show. I wish they had tapped these same people to make the movie version of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". It wouldn't have sucked so bad.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 5:43 AM


I'm guessing you've seen the first three episodes on Sci-Fi. And yeah, they're great but I've got to tell you this... it just gets better!


Sunday, March 26, 2006 6:13 AM


Yep scifi chan. 4th ep already out on BBC airwaves?

Damn I need to get me a satellite dish.

Is it just me or does the new Doc (Eccleston) look alot like Pete Townshend? Somebody get that dude a long-ass multicolored scarf and a pocket full of jelly babies (Tom Baker was the best!).


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 6:53 AM


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks ........................... that's why space is a vacuum.....


Sunday, March 26, 2006 7:39 AM


I like the actress playing Rose. She isn't this skinny waif with high heels and no brains. She has a very natural Kaylee body type and, like Kaylee, is a breath of fresh air.

Gelassenheit means Serenity


Sunday, March 26, 2006 7:57 AM


i have the new series on dvd, was shown on the bbc last year.

the new series is due soon.

oh and my fave episode is "the unquiet dead" with charles dickens in.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 9:42 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Glad you're all liking it.
I was curious to what the reaction would be for sci-fi fans in the US (lets face it, the special effects aren't on par with your shows... at least until the season finale), so I'm glad you've embraced it

Honestly, I grew up watching the show but have never been a raving fan, but I did enjoy the new series.

I didn't care much for the stories involving the Slitheen (Aliens of London/World War 3/BoomTown), but its all fun anyhow.

My favourites of the first season: Dalek; The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances;(which I thought was quite scary for me, let alone children) and the season finale The Parting of the Ways

Oh, and in case there are those that don't yet know, a spin-off entitled Torchwood (an anagram of Doctor Who) is currently being produced. The show will be more adult in content, though so to avoid spoilers, I shan't divulge too much about it yet. (The info is out there if you want to find out)

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, March 26, 2006 11:09 AM


Oh wow. I didn't realise the entire 1st season was already out there on DVD. Assumed this was currently in production (a little out of sorts here).

I'm gonna run right out and go buy it. Thanks for the info. Will keep an eye peeled for Torchwood also ~ I grew up watching the old Doc Who on PBS (they used to show an Ep at midnight every Saturday night here). Seen nearly all of them. They were kinda cheesy at times. But hey, it's classic. Kinda like the original Trek to me.


PS ~ loved "The Unquiet Dead". Am a huge Dickens fan.

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 11:59 AM


Everything goes to DVD so quickly and cheaply these days that i wouldn't be surprised if they announced DVD release halfway through production on many projects.

DVDs cost practically nothing to produce, which is why FOX was willing to take a flier and put the 'Firefly' set out there. There's always a chance of a fluke post-mortem popularity flare.

Which is partially why we are all sitting on this forum, yakkin' away all merry-like.

Anyway, back to topic:

I like the new Dr. Who series. It's a great addition to the sci-fi lineup. Of course it's on Friday night when i go out and have a social life so i have to record it. I wish they'd stop trying to make me watch TV at 9:00 on Friday night. FOX did this to everyone with Firefly, and FOX doesn't have the patience of the sci-fi demographic.

I'm glad they're following sequence, and making the good Doctor younger in his current incarnation. I like the actresses. I'll reserve comment for more info on the development of the Time Lord's plotline. I'm curious to see if they follow a more americanized format or the old rambling BBC-style shows.

If you read nothing else in this post, read this:
Sorry to all new fans, but:

TOM BAKER is the only real Dr. Who!


Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:04 PM



Originally posted by aztechrome:
TOM BAKER is the only real Dr. Who!

There was a study done a while back and it turned up an interesting result: (with very, very few exceptions) no matter who you are, no matter where you are, and no matter when you are, your favorite Doctor is the first one you saw, all others before and since are just pretenders, perhaps pretenders you really like, but pretenders none the less.

That is the way of things, the way of the Whos.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:33 PM


I didn't think "Doctor who" was my kinda show, but after seeing a couple episodes it's a cup of tea I could get use to.


Tee Hee


Sunday, March 26, 2006 2:39 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:

There was a study done a while back and it turned up an interesting result: (with very, very few exceptions) no matter who you are, no matter where you are, and no matter when you are, your favorite Doctor is the first one you saw, all others before and since are just pretenders, perhaps pretenders you really like, but pretenders none the less.

That is the way of things, the way of the Whos.

Um...I don't think anyone talked with me, 'cause I certainly don't fit that pidgeonhole. The first Doctor I saw was Tom Baker, but my favourite one is Sylvester McCoy...with Chris Eccleston and John Pertwee tying for second. Tom Baker actually became one of my least favourite Doctors. (Haven't seen enough of Tennant to know where he'll be as of yet. But The Christmas Invasion was fun!) So, I'm thinking they didn't take a large enough sampling for that study.

I just love causin' trouble and hate being catagorized and shoved to one side. Could be why I'm a browncoat.

The biggest change I've noticed in the series was the pacing and dialogue style. It kinda looks like they were influenced by Joss a bit there. Just MHO.

"Who am I to argue with history?"
"Usually the first in line."-- The Doctor and Rose Tyler, The Doctor Dances


Sunday, March 26, 2006 2:49 PM


I actually completely agree with you on this one, XG. A wonderful modernization of the original series. I don't know that it's fresh and different enough to draw new fans in, but at the very least it'll keep old school fans like myself interested and happy.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 4:00 PM



Originally posted by RMMC:
I just love causin' trouble and hate being catagorized and shoved to one side. Could be why I'm a browncoat.

I'm right with you there. You know the Myers-Briggs personality test? If you don't it places a person into one of 16 personality archetypes. I fall into five of them quite nicely.

“Actually I fall into six but the sixth is something I don't let out because it ... well I can't explain it, but trust me, I might think it and feel it but I ignore it, it’s my only “E” type and I’m not good at dealing with that even though it is on it’s own as strong as each of the other five.”

If anyone is interested I fall into:

Each of these describes me equally well.

(The letters are not interchangeable, ISFJ does not describe me at all, even though I've got all of those letters covered elsewhere. I don't know how it works, but combinations are important.)

I call it being a screwed up mass of contradictions but I wouldn't have it any other way, categories are nice, but the real fun comes when lines are crossed and barriers broken.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 4:10 PM


I could never get into the original Doctor Who, but I'm loving the new one! I am, however, a bit startled by the likability of Christopher Eccleston. This is considering I've seen him most recently in "28 Days Later" where he plays an evil wouldbe rapist, so this is definitely a change in pace. He has an easy charm and wit and you find yourself drawn in. Rose is a nice compliment to him, and my husband's smittten, so I guess everybody wins.

The special effects and makeup are done really well. I totally agree that the people working on Doctor Who should have made the most recent incarnation of Hitchhiker's Guide - it would have been much better.

I'll definitely keep watching this one and buy it when it comes to dvd on July 4th.

Btw, is it true that Eccleston did not return for Season 2? And just who is David Tennant??? I'm already attached to Eccleston!

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Sunday, March 26, 2006 4:16 PM


It is true, no Eccleston in season 2


Sunday, March 26, 2006 4:32 PM



Originally posted by slayer730:

Btw, is it true that Eccleston did not return for Season 2? And just who is David Tennant??? I'm already attached to Eccleston!

***Never judge a book by its movie***

Yep, it is true. David Tennant is the 'current Doctor.' Eccleston only signed for one season (series) and could not be pursuaded to do more. If you are wondering what David Tennant looks like...if you saw Goblet of Fire in the theater this fall, he played Barty Crouch, Jr.



Sunday, March 26, 2006 4:56 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:

Originally posted by RMMC:
I just love causin' trouble and hate being catagorized and shoved to one side. Could be why I'm a browncoat.

I'm right with you there. You know the Myers-Briggs personality test? If you don't it places a person into one of 16 personality archetypes. I fall into five of them quite nicely.

I call it being a screwed up mass of contradictions but I wouldn't have it any other way, categories are nice, but the real fun comes when lines are crossed and barriers broken.

I hadn't heard of it, but as you mentioned it, I just had to go look for it. And, I had to try it, but couldn't do it. It was teling me to make choices of which traits were stronger, and some of them were flat equal. So, looks like I'm again not fitting into their little cramped box.

Actually , I've done a similar test through work and I give it about as much validity, which is to say...none. People are what they are. Nobody, but nobody is exactly the same, and to my mind, trying to label people is trying negate their individuality. Kinda like they're trying to make us all lab rats or something. I know we use labels for other all the time ('isn't she a great artist?' or 'isn't he a great student?') but I think those letters (or in the case of the test I did at work, colours) is incredibly confining, and considerably less-than-accurate. I think it's the 'either-or' thing. You can be either this or that, but you can't be this and that, plus several other things over here.

Wow, that came off kinda defensive, didn't it? Sorry, I didn't mean it as that or as an attack. More of that I just wish that society would stop with the whole, 'we must classify EVERYTHING' mentality that it seems to be in currently. It doesn't leave any room for surprises. I like surprises. Surprises make life a lot shinier.



Sunday, March 26, 2006 11:35 PM



Originally posted by aztechrome:
Everything goes to DVD so quickly and cheaply these days that i wouldn't be surprised if they announced DVD release halfway through production on many projects.

DVDs cost practically nothing to produce, which is why FOX was willing to take a flier and put the 'Firefly' set out there. There's always a chance of a fluke post-mortem popularity flare.

Which is partially why we are all sitting on this forum, yakkin' away all merry-like.

Anyway, back to topic:

I like the new Dr. Who series. It's a great addition to the sci-fi lineup. Of course it's on Friday night when i go out and have a social life so i have to record it. I wish they'd stop trying to make me watch TV at 9:00 on Friday night. FOX did this to everyone with Firefly, and FOX doesn't have the patience of the sci-fi demographic.

I'm glad they're following sequence, and making the good Doctor younger in his current incarnation. I like the actresses. I'll reserve comment for more info on the development of the Time Lord's plotline. I'm curious to see if they follow a more americanized format or the old rambling BBC-style shows.

If you read nothing else in this post, read this:
Sorry to all new fans, but:

TOM BAKER is the only real Dr. Who!

You do know they re-air the show throughout the week, right ? They even air it a few hours later that same night, Friday.

I love this show. I remember my mom watching the old Dr. Who (I'm 29, don't remember much of it, but remember a little) What I do remember is that it was fairly cheesy, but I liked it. So, I'm actually glad they kept some of the cheese factor. I loves me some British Cheese. The new Dr. is a cutie to boot. Yummy. LOL


Monday, March 27, 2006 12:08 AM


I don't know why, but Tom Baker's really the only one fit to carry the mantle.
Still i think this incarnation has a real chance to become a meat-and-potatoes staple like the stargate series. Especially since the production's already done out of country.

Where did they do this study on Dr. Who's?
It would be funny to look at their data.
I would enjoy messing with it.

(BTW, I'm 23, almost 24; and where i'm from you have to go out and make nice to the women if you want to meet them. Don't much know about other parts, i reckon. Sooo..... I often miss the repeats too!
But thanks for the tip!


Monday, March 27, 2006 3:37 AM


I havent watched but 1 1/2 episodes of Dr Who and I think its totally lame. I cringe at the thought of having that on as much as Stargate (or Stargate on as much as Stargate for that matter). I didnt care for the acting, the story or the characters. Stargate I liked, until they started re-running the episodes 25 hours a day 8 days a week.

Just my 2 cents worth.


and for what its worth I never cared for farscape either :P

If wishes were horses we'd all be eatin steaks.


Monday, March 27, 2006 6:09 AM



Why did Eccleston quit the series? This is news to me.

Fuckin actors.. idiots to the last. You folks in the UK have no idea how much of a cult following Doc Who has on the other side of the pond. The "Doctor Who" personae is what Trek's "Kirk" once was before it got exploited to hell by Berman-Braga. Even Shatner started cashing in on it. Love Bill Shatner but a whore is a whore is a whore... he lost me permanently when he E-bay'd his gall stone for charity. Sorry Shatner... too much friggin info there. Nauseating.

Gross-out sphincter scale = 7.9

I shelled out $100 for the DVD set of season 1 of the new Doc Who. In the space of 3 eps I grew impressed with Eccleston ~ this guy would have made a great Doc. Was hoping to see him reprise the role for the next few years. Eh. Oh well. I'm trying desperately to avoid reading anything about the season 1 eps online ~ don't want to bumble into spoilers.

Is Billie Piper (Rose) sticking around for season 2? Also, has season 2 started airing yet? I could easily find out all of this but the DVDs are en route via Next Day mail (should arrive today hopefully) and I don't want to spoilerize the fun by googling anything.

Phtphtpht. Damn it all to hell.


John Pertwee is my 2nd most fav Doc. Him and Baker totally owned the role. If they put a pretty-boy in to replace Eccleston I guarantee you the show is going to take a nasty turn for the worst. I'd have put Jeffrey Lyons in right from the get-go. He'd have been perfect (better than Eccleston). I'd have dressed him up in some super-tacky plaid blazer and the show would have rocked like the old days.

But we gotta rope in that "OMG the show's star is a HEARTTHROB" demographic. Same old formula as always.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Monday, March 27, 2006 6:30 AM


i've seen tennant in action, check out the episode "the cristmas day invasion"

as much as i loved eccleston, tennant is better as the doctor.


Monday, March 27, 2006 7:56 AM


I read this post and looked around, saw Tennant. Very pretty.

Hell I even illegally downloaded the X-mas ep on P2P. I watched the first few regen moments from my illegally downloaded version of it from P2P (peer to peer).

Ahh. The Doc is regen'ng in 1st ep (I remember his lil quip about his ears when he looked is the mirror in Rose's mum's house). Just had to peek...

Come arrest me copyright cops. I ain't hard to find (specially not now). Subpoena this site for it's subscriber list and track me down thru my ISP. Yes I've committed a cardinal sin. A capital offense. I illegally downloaded an ep of a show I've already paid for many times over.

The new Doc is very pretty. Really really truly pretty. Very young. Chicks will dig him.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Monday, March 27, 2006 8:15 AM


I have totally fallen for Dr. Who! I've seen two excelent episodes and maybe I might just go buy it on DVD now that I know it's out. Although I enjoy the anticipation of a new episode every week. But mostly I'm instant gratification (intenet generation).

An I carried such a torch


Monday, March 27, 2006 8:26 AM


Remember that this is a UK made series and the BBC hires actors on a season by season basis.
Unlike the Hollywood system where you sign up for six seasons with an option on a seventh.
For actors remember, this is their career and livelyhood so leaving a series is often more motivated by a possible better job offer as it is by `Ego`.
This is also the reason you also frequently see rumours of one actor or another leaving a US series about season six, their agent is seeking a pay rise and the studio is tightening the screws!

Eccleston was apparently contracted on the understanding that he was only available for one season as he had other commitments, so the plan from the beginning was clearly to have the Doctor regenerate at the end of season 1.
It makes for a blockbuster season ending.

Incidently, look for the references to `BAD WOLF` in each episode.

As far as I am concerned, the only real Dr Who is WILLIAM HARTNELL. (God that dates me!)


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Monday, March 27, 2006 8:38 AM


Ya but the other side of the coin... (the literal coin ~ not figurative)...

People like me watched it on PBS (that's "Yank" for Public Broadcasting System). PBS exists almost entirely off of donations. Once per year they'd run a donate-a-thon to keep "Dovtor Who" on the air. Tom Baker was a regular on the circuit on a state-by-state basis (and we have 50 states over here). He was always pitching the "please donate" cause for PBS and loyal fans like myself couldn't "not" donate.

What am I gonna do? Let Doc Who go off the air? Of course not.

Tom Baker is a class act (hipper than Shatner 9 out of 7 days of the week). It's why he's top Doc in my book. To star in the "new" show is a "right", not a stepping-stone to better things.

Eccleston is a whore. They should have put a "dyed-in-the-wool" science fiction actor into this role (or at least someone who has few better prospects and bonafide talent ~ i.e. Jeffrey Lyons -- I'm a huge fan of "As Time Goes By").

Eccleston could have been the next uber-BOND of sci-fi if he had even the faintest clue. Apparently he didn't. But hey.. scifi chan is pretty clueless as well, so go figure.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Monday, March 27, 2006 9:09 AM


You also have to consider that there were people in the BBC that did`nt see the new series go beyond season 1 and, even successful programs over here tend to be commissioned on a season by season basis.
I dont think you entirely appreciate the differences between the way television opperates in the UK from the US, the BBC is not PBS.
(Incidently, a series like `Firefly` that had a run of fourteen episodes would be, in UK terms a successful series.)
Casting a `Big Name` like you suggest would probably have trippled the budget.
I dont know what the series actually cost BBC WALES but I am willing to bet that a typical similar US series like `SG1` likely spends as much per episode!


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Monday, March 27, 2006 9:53 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by XeroGravity:

Is Billie Piper (Rose) sticking around for season 2? Also, has season 2 started airing yet?

Billie Piper is indeed sticking around for the second year (I'm not sure about the third though)

Season 2 hasn't yet started (though I suppose you could count "The Christmas Invasion" a part of it, so in a way it has.) I believe the second season starts in April/May... though I could be wrong.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Monday, March 27, 2006 10:06 AM


Finally I get to feel smug and knowledgeable over people in America. I spend 99.9% of my fandom avoiding spoilers, missing out on information and generally playing catch-up and now Dr Who is out over there, and I saw it all last summer, I can let out a little yipee!

I'm glad you're all enjoying it. I for one was not looking forward to watching Billie Piper acting (did y'all know she was a pop star? Google it) but I was pleasantly surprised. I never really liked Christopher Eccleston, don't know why, but I loved David Tennant in the Christmas Invasion.

What episode is it up to in America then? Have you seen Dalek yet?

When I think of an interesting signature you'll be the first to know.


Monday, March 27, 2006 12:29 PM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
Why did Eccleston quit the series? This is news to me.

Hi XG,
Well, as Rabbit2 was kind enough to go into, Eccleston was only contracted to play the show for 1 series(season) only. At the time, they weren't even sure if it would do well enough to continue. remember, the show has been off the air since (heck when was Survival run?...*rummage* Oh, yeah...) 1990 not including the rather awful Fux movie. The show is first and foremost, considered a children's programme, but that had a large and strong adult following through the strength of the scripts and also to fond memories of watching when they were children. it was pretty much an institution in the UK on Saturday nights for the whole family to sit down and watch Doctor Who, much as it was in the 70's in the US for families to watch The Muppet Show. Now, with this new lease, there was an an entire generation who had never seen the original programme, and whose demographic was needed to a.) either let, or encourage their children to watch it and to b.) find it interesting enough to watch it themselves.

So, when Russell T. Davies managed to get the Beeb interested in reviving the Doctor, it was only for a single series. (Once the numbers came in from that first series for the UK markets --which is including Australlia and canada--the green light was given for the next twoseries. But that wasn't until after all but The Christmas Invasion had been run.

Rumours abounded about Eccleston leaving as he didn't want to be typecast...but then these stories were coming from Beeb sources--the same ones who tried for months to deny Ecclestion was leaving--when it was the understanding from the start. So...*shrug*

I shelled out $100 for the DVD set of season 1 of the new Doc Who. In the space of 3 eps I grew impressed with Eccleston ~ this guy would have made a great Doc. Was hoping to see him reprise the role for the next few years. Eh. Oh well. I'm trying desperately to avoid reading anything about the season 1 eps online ~ don't want to bumble into spoilers.

I haven't made the monetary plunge for the UK set...yet. I want it as the US and canadian versions actually have less stuff (for you UK viewers, Doctor Who Confidential isn't included in the North American release.)
I'll try not to spoil you, as I usually try to remain spoiler-free myself. I'll just say...Don't go to the official Beeb site or Outpost Gallifrey. Major spoiler territory.

Is Billie Piper (Rose) sticking around for season 2? Also, has season 2 started airing yet? I could easily find out all of this but the DVDs are en route via Next Day mail (should arrive today hopefully) and I don't want to spoilerize the fun by googling anything.

Yes, Billie Piper is in series 2, which will begin being broadcast in the UK soon. The current rumours are that she's gone after series 2, but nobody's confirming that.
There is also news on people who will be guest-starring in series 2 episodes, if you're interested. I'll just list it in the spoiler space below, in case you (or any other spoiler-free people) don't want to know.

Select to view spoiler:

We get the return of Sarah Jane Smith (Liz Sladen) accompanied by K9 (voice of John Leeson). And for the Buffy fans, Anthony Stewart head will guest-star in one episode.

And more spoiler space for other returns:

Select to view spoiler:

The Cybermen will also be returning.



John Pertwee is my 2nd most fav Doc. Him and Baker totally owned the role. If they put a pretty-boy in to replace Eccleston I guarantee you the show is going to take a nasty turn for the worst. I'd have put Jeffrey Lyons in right from the get-go. He'd have been perfect (better than Eccleston). I'd have dressed him up in some super-tacky plaid blazer and the show would have rocked like the old days.

Well, as one of Tennant's previous gigs was Cassanova, I'll leave it up to your own opinion. frankly, all I've seen him do was the Christmas special and the latest Harry Potter movie, so I'm willing to wait and see what we get after the first few shows and give him a chance to settle into the part.

But we gotta rope in that "OMG the show's star is a HEARTTHROB" demographic. Same old formula as always.

I won't argue about that. Unfortunately, with the coming of the MTV generation, character actors are an endangered species. The last one I know of that was given any kind of respect (not to mention star billing in movies) was Brian Dennehy. (If you want an idea about the brass decisions on that sort of thing, I highly recommend the Tom Petty song, Joe, on The Last DJ cd. Amusing, but sadly true.)



Monday, March 27, 2006 12:52 PM



Originally posted by Aramina:
Finally I get to feel smug and knowledgeable over people in America. I spend 99.9% of my fandom avoiding spoilers, missing out on information and generally playing catch-up and now Dr Who is out over there, and I saw it all last summer, I can let out a little yipee!

*giggle* Actually, I've seen it all on CBC which was running about a week and a half behind England. I just love living near the border.
I haven't been ahead of the game since, well, never. I was behind severely watching Buffy because it was constantly being pre-empted by sports in my local viewing area. (Instead of watching on Tuesday, like the rest of the country, I was seeing it on the following Saturday or Sunday. )
Unfortunately, it's looking like CBC won't show series 2 until fall as hockey has returned and the playoffs start next month (which, for those of you who live elsewhere, means NHL hockey will be on every night through June.)

I'm glad you're all enjoying it. I for one was not looking forward to watching Billie Piper acting (did y'all know she was a pop star? Google it) but I was pleasantly surprised. I never really liked Christopher Eccleston, don't know why, but I loved David Tennant in the Christmas Invasion.

I found out about the pop star stuff after seeing the first four episodes, so I wasn't quite as horrified.

What episode is it up to in America then? Have you seen Dalek yet?

Dunno what they're up to as I had the cable pulled a few years back. (Comcast--ya gotta just loathe and despise 'em.) I think that they may be at either Aliens of London or World War III about now.

“Nine hundred years of time and space and I’ve never been slapped by someone’s mother." -- The Doctor, Aliens of London


Monday, March 27, 2006 2:05 PM


1st off, thanks one and all for all the info.


Don't mind my outrage at Eccleston bailing out. I've absorbed the shock and am adjusting (and given how many times I've seen the Doc regen in the old series, this is becoming old hat to me). I've gone through this in varying stages each time (but I always get used to the new stooge after a 3 or 4 eps).

It's just an odd blow to find out yet another incarnation of the Doctor is part of the pantheon of ex-Doctors when I was just getting into the new character. You must have been reading my mind because the minute I heard he quit I immediately figured he was afraid of being typecast. What a fool. Look at Patrick Stewart. He threw himself, whole heart and soul, into Capt. Jean-Luc Picard in Trek's Next Gen and turned the series into a gold mine. Sure as hell didn't hurt his career as he's now a movie star. Eccleston is a great actor (as is Stewart), and really could have gone over the top with this role. Could've would've should've... *shrugs* c'est la vie.

Eccleston should have thrown caution to the wind and taken a gamble. This show was sooooo ripe for a remake by today's standards. I think he was more afraid it would succeed than he was it would get cancelled.

What is "Doctor Who Confidential"? I know there is supposed to be 5 hours of behind-the-scenes that comes with the DVD set I bought.


I actually am somewhat aware that BBC shows usually only have a dozen or dozen and a 1/2 shows per season, but I didn't really know very much about how actors think and operate in the UK. I've seen my fair share of BBC shows and in each instance, they tend to be far superior to our programming over here. Less shows per season, but quality over quantity. It's easier to spot a unicorn in the woods than it is to find BBC programming on the American boob-tube. PBS is the only outlet that runs it (and none of the cable companies where I live carry BBC-America, and I live in a densely populated metropolis).

It's not easy to find real UK programming over here. Hell... "Coupling" is one of the funniest damned shows I've ever seen in my life and rather than air the Brit version, the ego-maniacal whores in hollywood decided to re-make it (and it stunk to high heaven). It suffered a well-deserved premature death.

NEEDY: Am glad to hear Rose will be sticking around. She's robo-babe eye candy. Hubba hubba. Bait for me to tune in. Didn't know she was a pop star but then I'm kinda not much into "pop" music. Rock n Roll.


ps ~ Home from work and no DVDs yet. Keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow, and I'm absolutely chomping at the bit with anticipation over the "Dalek" ep. I'm dying to see what the new Daleks look like.

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Monday, March 27, 2006 4:17 PM


Christopher Ecclestone "no clue" "whore" ?

That's not very nice.

He has more clue about acting than any 10 "dyed in the wool" sci-fi types. (I'm excluding the BDHs from that category. I call them actors.)

What's the problem with him choosing to do one series? I thought everyone had got over themselves by now. When the news broke here it was just like a big line of thick peasants with torches marching up to the big castle to burn him out. Be a fan, by all means, but draw a line, eh?

What he did was completely rescue Dr Who. No reverence for the character or fans' expectations weighing heavily here. More kicking the door in, and completely owning the role in a way that hasn't been seen in a long while.

All the more audacious because this bit of acting was the absolute opposite of anything you'd ever seen from him before. (Conversely, it was no big deal, what with it being acting, which he's pretty handy at...)

If anyone else had been the Doctor, it could have just been another actor in a Bond-style long line.

Maybe he didn't fancy being another Patrick Stewart? He used to be a terrific dramatic actor. Sure he gets Hollywood roles, but I can't think of any good ones lately / ever.

You will dig the Dalek, though. The pepperpot on wheels look might puzzle folk about exactly how menacing they can be (especially in this day and age, having seen Aliens and Predators.)

Trust me, they do not come up short. Very very psycho nutter showboat bastard menacing. Then it gets even better.

And we're getting Cybermen soon as well.


Monday, March 27, 2006 4:59 PM


You will dig the Dalek, though. The pepperpot on wheels look might puzzle folk about exactly how menacing they can be (especially in this day and age, having seen Aliens and Predators.)

Trust me, they do not come up short. Very very psycho nutter showboat bastard menacing. Then it gets even better.

And we're getting Cybermen soon as well.>>>> daleks and cybermen! my cup runneth over! i looove cybermen! dare i ask - there were a few remarks made by the dr as to how his planet had been wiped out (or gone, anyway) do the daleks have anything to do with the disappearance of gallifrey?


Monday, March 27, 2006 5:10 PM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
Don't mind my outrage at Eccleston bailing out. I've absorbed the shock and am adjusting (and given how many times I've seen the Doc regen in the old series, this is becoming old hat to me).

Hi XG! I didn't mind. I figure anything that someone says w/in the first day or so of bad news, is pretty much off the record. If I didn't, I'd be toast myself as I tend to mouth off before my brain can edit it for content.

It's just an odd blow to find out yet another incarnation of the Doctor is part of the pantheon of ex-Doctors when I was just getting into the new character.

As I remember feeling much the same when I found out (mid-season.) It's kinda like finding out that your nice comfy shoes have sprung a leak and now you needs to break in new ones. The new ones may be nice & spiffy, but darned if you didn't like the old ones just a tad better.

You must have been reading my mind because the minute I heard he quit I immediately figured he was afraid of being typecast.

Swamii knows all and see all and is full of...fluff!. (Yeah, I'm a smartass.) Actually, this was the overwhelming thought that occurred to 90%of the people I know (and I've kept in touch with a number of the Dr. Who fans in my area.) Whether or not this is the truth is unknown. Eccleston has certainly never said it. (What we have heard was that he was expressedly forbidden by the Beeb to tell anyone he was leaving at the end of the season until the BBC announced it themselves...several months later.) This is why a lot of people think that Piper will be going after season 2--lots of rumours and absolute silence from her on it, with the BBC either ignoring it or denying it.

What a fool. Look at Patrick Stewart. He threw himself, whole heart and soul, into Capt. Jean-Luc Picard in Trek's Next Gen and turned the series into a gold mine. Sure as hell didn't hurt his career as he's now a movie star. Eccleston is a great actor (as is Stewart), and really could have gone over the top with this role. Could've would've should've... *shrugs* c'est la vie.

Yeah, I'm wishing he'd have stayed with it as well, but as I understand it's also not like he was hurting for work either before or after. It probably helps that he was an established actor before the series, but with stuff like this you just never know.
He did do a really good, angsty Doctor, while still having some of that not-quite-human reactions and thought processes that I'd have sorely missed if they'd have 86'd it. 'Course, I may have gotten really annoyed with the angst after a season or two. I think I OD'd on it watching Buffy.
However it goes, I think it'll take me longer to get used to the Doctor in a pin-striped suit than to the new doctor himself.

What is "Doctor Who Confidential"? I know there is supposed to be 5 hours of behind-the-scenes that comes with the DVD set I bought.

That would be it. They showed bits of it after some of the episodes on CBC, but I'd like to see the whole thing, and for some silly reason, TPTB decided this side of the Pond didn't need it, even though we'll be paying the same price. Twits.


Monday, March 27, 2006 5:28 PM



Originally posted by livlass:
dare i ask - there were a few remarks made by the dr as to how his planet had been wiped out (or gone, anyway) do the daleks have anything to do with the disappearance of gallifrey?

Hi! Ah, another happy fan. I'll answer your question the the spoiler box, so as not to stop anyone who wants to be surprised as its aired.

Select to view spoiler:

The Daleks and the Timelords pretty much obliterate each other in a Timewar. All that's left is other races' memories of both, and the knowledge that they're gone. As I understand it, it's covered in the last book or two of the Eighth Doctor series that's been being published by BBC Books. Below is a link to more info about Doctor#8 from Outpost Gallifrey:

Anyone who wants more Doctor Who info, here's a couple of sites to check out...but beware of spoilers!

Oh, and here's a site for after watching Aliens of London and World War Three:

Select to view spoiler:

So ya tried to get into the secured site and couldn't? Ya gotta wait until after seeing the episodes!

Have fun & happy Whoing!



Monday, March 27, 2006 6:24 PM


thanks, rmmc! figured it was something like that! then again, they are time lords! lol!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:46 AM


Cool, eh?


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:50 AM



Originally posted by Gixxer:

Cool, eh?

>>>>>>>. totally wow! love the new look! cybermen are my absolute faves. gotta stock up on gold. ;-)


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:34 AM


cybermen never looked 1/2 as cool as that in the original series. But neither did daleks...

just saw Dalek ep. Feelin all nostalgic and whatnot. all the more depressing since I gotta adjust to a new Doc.

Piper will be back in S3 I have no doubt. 1st time a chick-sidekick will become the show's anchor versus being just a sidekick.

Fook she can't be all that as a pop star since I never heard hide nor hair of her till I saw this show.


I wan't K-9 and I want him season 2 right upfront "no more fuckin around" gimme my fave mecha-pooch. Do it now u Beeb whores! Do it now!

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:46 PM


When I say "Beeb whores" I mean the Beeb pplz who make the show. Not u beeb watchers.

and PS Gixxer...

any chance u can scale that down to something more manageable in file size?

nothing can kill a thread faster than linking a huge pic into the thread. but then u already knew that? course u did. friggin killjoy.

doesn't affect me I'm high bandwidth... but i just be a'knowin such things. yes i be knowin such things.

get thee to a puter shop and buy thyself a cut'N'crop photoshop thingamadoodad shrinko file thingy. retails at faily righteous prices. cybermen everywhere will be liking u.

or don't. will have to feed u to K-9. or worse.




Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:51 PM


1st time a chick-sidekick will become the show's anchor versus being just a sidekick.
ah, c'mon! sara jane?! jo?! leela!!! ace wasn't so bad either. those few with colin baker were real airheads tho. can't even remember their names.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:19 PM


not even the slightest clue about whom u speak.

but u know i'm right.

piper ain't goin nowhere. she's cute but she ain't uberhawt in a "mesmerize the whole western-TV-watching world kinda way" (but none of them ever are).

Yer dangerous livlass. like radioactive-sludge contaminating all-the-most-fashionable sewers kinda dangerous. I better put on my zuit-suit.



Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:47 PM


you've forced my hand...

i hope that comes out as a link. u have forced my hand.

oh the humanity.

xg ~ and whatnot...
the veil of censorship must be lifted. wake up world!


Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:33 AM


XeroGravity wrote:
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 17:19
not even the slightest clue about whom u speak.

you speak of k9, and you don't know who sara jane is? ah well, you must've been very young not to remember leela, so yer forgiven. but ace was fairly recent. radioactive sludge, huh? well, i AM getting chemo treatments, so i guess i can glow in the dark! lol!


Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:58 PM


Big pic banished. It was only supposed to be a hyperlink.


Friday, March 31, 2006 7:12 AM



Well I was kinda guessing they were the chick sidekicks to each Doc. They came in waves (and seemed to outnumber the many incarnations of Docs), and for whatever reason their names never much stuck out in my mind.

And sorry to hear bout yer whole chemo thing. Good luck with that.


Cool beans. Did the same thing myself recently when I linked a pic. Had no clue it would show up direct on the site. Assumed it would be a URL deal.


Haven't watched the other eps past Dalek due to an utter lack of time but will get caught up in next day or two. So far the show has been top notch (cept for the fact I'll have to adjust to a new doc in S2).

I don't care what they say. I could care less what debates transpired in other threads elsewhere. Eccleston quit because he was afraid of being typecast. Never even heard of him till I saw him in this show, but, was a gut instinct thing that told me so and my instincts never fail. Obviously I wasn't the first person to immediately draw that conclusion in hearing he would'nt be rejoining the cast ~ even though it had been approved for a 2nd season.

BBC has idiots running their casting department. Should've locked the main star into a multi-year contract since this show has cult status.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Friday, March 31, 2006 7:19 AM


Gixxer btw u didn't have to nuke to the link completely... just shrink it down if possible. Hell Livlass replied w/quote so we're stuck with the link anyhow. *shrugs N shit*



Friday, March 31, 2006 8:38 AM


Here`s an update just published as the BBC starts the publicity machine for season 2.
Both David Tennant and Billie Piper have signed up for a season 3.
Here`s a link to the BBC website,

Much as I would like K9 to return on a regular basis myself I suspect he`s only appearing with `Sara Jane` in one episode.
This is a sly nod to a pilot episode for a program called `K9 And Company` that the BBC made years ago. where they teamed up the two characters.
They never made the planned series though.


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?






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