Why Wash is 100% alive and mostly well.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006 1:39 PM


Hey, Spike was toasted to ashes and Joss brought him back with a necklace.

When a beloved character can still do great things for the storytellin', Joss will find a way to bring 'im back.

26th Century medicine could very well work a lot like magic.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 1:57 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:
Hey, Spike was toasted to ashes and Joss brought him back with a necklace.

When a beloved character can still do great things for the storytellin', Joss will find a way to bring 'im back.

26th Century medicine could very well work a lot like magic.

I see Firefly in general as having a big departure atmosphere-wise from the rest of Whedon's business. Not knocking Buffy or Angel at all, but Firefly is supposed to be believable from the get-go; we're supposed to buy that what happens there could really happen (from small touches like no sound in space, to large ones like no FTL travel). The only stretches are River's ESP, and terraforming abilities.

That's why I have a hard time seeing anything occur which isn't realistic at the very least. The only time we'd seen someone brought back from death is when they were clinically dead for under a minute (Mal in War Stories). Otherwise, folks don't come back...

That being said, I'm gonna add something that'll sound like I just contradict myself. Given the amount of thought you put into this, PastorBadger, this has a glimmer... a faint glimmer... of possibility. But it'd have to be done real well, else it'd depart from the entire nature of the 'verse. Fact is, I don't see how it could happen myself without delving into disbelief, but perhaps someone with more vision could.

Still, the only completely believable way I've heard so far of bringing Wash back was from someone else who floated the idea of River "talking" to him while she's in the cockpit, sort of like a psychic residue, like how you imagine conversations in your head, but more vibrant 'cause it's River. KF


Lord, I'm walking your way. Let me in, for my feet are sore, my clothes are ragged.
Look in my eyes, Lord, and my sins will play out on them as on a screen. Read them all.
Forgive what you can and send me on my path. I will walk on until you bid me rest.

~Haven Prayer


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 1:59 PM



written by Zeek:
The memorial thing is wrong too. Sure Book's body might not be there, but we know darn sure Mr. Universe didn't up and leave. At the very least they probably burried his buffy bot if the Reavers somehow ate him. So, there were bodies to be burried. Besides I think they probably did bring Book's body onboard all Tracy style.

I'm betting they found Wash right where they left him. All dead.

nope sorry. there might have been a body (mr.universe's) but that doesn't mean some other bodies could not be there, Book's definately not there, so why couldn't wash not be there as well? i think at least wash's "grave" is a memorial marker

keep flyin'


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 2:07 PM


Alright guys, lets boil it down to the real meat of the theory, and throw the less important details to the wayside. (Like whether the ship was reaver or alliance (ahem, reaver, ahem))

Is it possible that he was impaled, fell unconscious, but survived for a couple of Alliance boots to take him out? Possible, yes. Easily so. But I say unlikely.

They Alliance boots who landed on the ground are under heavy orders to find the Tams, and stop the message. Would they search the ship? Yes. But they'd glide over his body like it was nothing. Remember Safe, when they took Book to the Cruiser Magellen? They were ready the leave him to die, and they didn't even have to take him on a shuttle, cruise him up through a raging reaver-Alliance battle, and tend to their own wounded first.

The only fact mitigating this would be a strong desire to interrogate him, which I would find it hard to speak to one way or the other.


Carry the Nuttin'


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 2:44 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:
The memorial thing is wrong too. Sure Book's body might not be there, but we know darn sure Mr. Universe didn't up and leave. At the very least they probably burried his buffy bot if the Reavers somehow ate him.

Nah, they took the love-bot with them - it's in Jayne's bunk.



Wednesday, March 29, 2006 2:55 PM



Originally posted by EvilDinosaur:

And from what I've seen from the series and the movie, medicine has not come to the point of bringing people back from the dead, and even if Wash didn't die instantly, everyone was far too distracted to get him the first aid neccessary to stop him from dying.

Cough. Cough. Tracey. Cough. Cough.

Sure, he was only *mostly* dead. Cue.....
Miracle Max: There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do
Inigo: What's that?
Miracle Max: Go through his clothes and look for loose change



Wednesday, March 29, 2006 3:10 PM


I'm not here to argue about Wash's alive/dead status, but I am going to say that I am quite sure that the ship that chased/EMP'd/harpooned Serenity was a Reaver ship, mainly because YOU CAN SEE IT EARLIER WHEN THEY FIRST PASS THROUGH REAVER SPACE.
Seriously. Check it out. I'm 100% sure. When they first head to Miranda, there is a shot early on in their passage, i'm not sure exactly when, where you can see the same ship in the Reaver Asteroid Belt. With the pointy wing type things and all. It's kinda dark, but I think it gives of a small blip of light at some point.
That would make sense in the argument of "Where the heck were the Alliance for 20 minutes/half an hour?" They were still fighting the Reavers in the air and working their way down. They wouldn't have had the time to organize an infiltration like they did until they were no longer occupied, most like.
I'm convinced that the ship that chases/EMP's them is the harpooner, because why would they just stop chasing?

I'm babbling like a moonbrain.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:02 PM



Originally posted by CHOLLETT:
I'm not here to argue about Wash's alive/dead status, but I am going to say that I am quite sure that the ship that chased/EMP'd/harpooned Serenity was a Reaver ship, mainly because YOU CAN SEE IT EARLIER WHEN THEY FIRST PASS THROUGH REAVER SPACE.
Seriously. Check it out. I'm 100% sure. When they first head to Miranda, there is a shot early on in their passage, i'm not sure exactly when, where you can see the same ship in the Reaver Asteroid Belt. With the pointy wing type things and all. It's kinda dark, but I think it gives of a small blip of light at some point.
That would make sense in the argument of "Where the heck were the Alliance for 20 minutes/half an hour?" They were still fighting the Reavers in the air and working their way down. They wouldn't have had the time to organize an infiltration like they did until they were no longer occupied, most like.
I'm convinced that the ship that chases/EMP's them is the harpooner, because why would they just stop chasing?

I'm babbling like a moonbrain.

I don't understand your last assertion. Neither the bad guys nor the badder guys (you pick which is which) would have "just stopped chasing".

But as to the identity of the ship, you have a sharp eye. It was the same MODEL. The one in the reaver pack was an 8004. The one in the Alliance fleet was an 8010. (By the way, I have it on good authority the 8010 is the same machine, they just changed the plating 'n' hoped no one noticed.)

You see the same ship design and assume it's the same ship? You're gonna be real confused at the breaker's dock.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:03 PM



Originally posted by Johnboy:

Cough. Cough. Tracey. Cough. Cough.

Sure, he was only *mostly* dead. Cue.....
Miracle Max: There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do
Inigo: What's that?
Miracle Max: Go through his clothes and look for loose change


Oh, my dear and fluffy Lord. Have I really brought us to "Princess Bride" references? I am so sorry...


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:06 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:
26th Century medicine could very well work a lot like magic.

"Any technology, sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:13 PM


Wow, that was pretty well-thought-out. I'll take a faint glimmer of hope, sure.

I've heard Joss in a couple interviews mention there's at least a chance at bringing back Book and Wash if he was given another run at a sequel or another series. So sure, seems feasible, if not terribly likely.

Could be an interesting story arc, as well...

Well, I guess there's only one thing left to do: kidnap all the top execs from Fox, SciFi, CW, etc and start pulling fingernails until one of them gives in to reason :)

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:15 PM



Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
Alright guys, lets boil it down to the real meat of the theory, and throw the less important details to the wayside. (Like whether the ship was reaver or alliance (ahem, reaver, ahem))

Is it possible that he was impaled, fell unconscious, but survived for a couple of Alliance boots to take him out? Possible, yes. Easily so. But I say unlikely.

They Alliance boots who landed on the ground are under heavy orders to find the Tams, and stop the message. Would they search the ship? Yes. But they'd glide over his body like it was nothing. Remember Safe, when they took Book to the Cruiser Magellen? They were ready the leave him to die, and they didn't even have to take him on a shuttle, cruise him up through a raging reaver-Alliance battle, and tend to their own wounded first.

The only fact mitigating this would be a strong desire to interrogate him, which I would find it hard to speak to one way or the other.


Carry the Nuttin'

My, what a pessimist. O.K., here's a pessimist's scenario:

A squad enters Serenity, making certain the Tams are not in residence. Surpise! They've just been invited to dinner by a couple of reavers. Bloodshed ensues. Two Feds left standing. One says to the other, "Hey, this pilot might make it." The other answers "So?"
"Well, if we take him back to the ship for, say," wink, "interrogation, then we don't have to rejoin our unit...up with the rest of the reavers!" Long pause. "Capitol, idea. Yes," speaking distinctly, "we shall capture him and take him back for interrogation." they exchange one enthusiastic nod, completely unaware of the Stan & Ollie impression.

That sound more plausable? lol Some things are universal. LIke the C-Y-A of the F-E-Ds.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:25 PM



Originally posted by nuclearday:
Wow, that was pretty well-thought-out. I'll take a faint glimmer of hope, sure.

I've heard Joss in a couple interviews mention there's at least a chance at bringing back Book and Wash if he was given another run at a sequel or another series. So sure, seems feasible, if not terribly likely.

Could be an interesting story arc, as well...

Well, I guess there's only one thing left to do: kidnap all the top execs from Fox, SciFi, CW, etc and start pulling fingernails until one of them gives in to reason :)

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

(Waving hands wildly...) SHHHHH!!!! Don't mention the fingernail plan in public! You'll spoil the surprise.

It's going to be hard enough to get 10,000 Jayne fans in dusters to sneak up on a Fox executive, without giving away the element of surprise. (We're gonna dress 'em up as spec writers with a screenplay to push. In Hollywood, they'll be goram invisible!)


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:13 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

Wow. I don't know if I have much to add here and I almost didn't post, but then I looked at my alias and thought, I have to! Ignore me if I babble on too long.

Okay, you can probably tell that I'm firmly in the camp that would love to see Wash come back. He's my fave! My heart leaped when I saw the title of this thread. I did the little dance of joy.

I agree with what's been said about how important Wash is to the Zoe/Wash relationship, which I thought was one of the best marriage depictions on TV ever. I loved Wash's quips and his ability to switch from clueless clown to fearless hero in a moment (I'm just the pilot. I'll just save the entire gorram crew, that's all.) I really, really want Wash to come back.

That being said, I don't think it will happen. (I happen to agree with the previous post that it was a Reaver ship that EMP'd them and the Alliance came later because they were busy fighting Reavers, but I didn't have time to go back and check the DVD so I could be wrong here.)

Joss is a writer. I'm not a "real" writer, but I've tried, and one thing I know is that you can't cheat your reader/viewer. He dragged us headlong through all of that disbelief, grief, shock, etc., and there would have to be an incredibly strong reason to cheapen that by bringing back the character he killed to cause that reaction in the first place. It's not fair to us to make us go through all those emotions and then laugh it off and say, "I was just foolin'." I don't think he'd do that. I think he meant it.

I'm still sad about Wash and maybe I sell Joss short: maybe he could find a brilliant way to accomplish it. I just don't know if he could find a compelling enough reason to do it.

Just my opinion.

EDIT: Besides, if Joss brought Wash back, how could we ever believe him again if he killed another character? I couldn't.

"Hang on, travelers."


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:02 PM


You are a wonderful person.

a wonderful wonderful person.

you have brought joy back into my Wash-less existance.

I thank you....lots


" ya ever sailed on a Firefly?"


Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:43 AM



Originally posted by Kizyr:
I see Firefly in general as having a big departure atmosphere-wise from the rest of Whedon's business. Not knocking Buffy or Angel at all, but Firefly is supposed to be believable from the get-go; we're supposed to buy that what happens there could really happen (from small touches like no sound in space, to large ones like no FTL travel). The only stretches are River's ESP, and terraforming abilities.

Wait... Buffy and Angel aren't believable?! WTH? I like totally bought into them. My disbelief happens to be suspended pretty darn high, and is held with steel cables...

Oh, and River's ESP makes perfect sense to me. Though the terraforming is problematical. The added challenges of planet proximity/distance to the Sun, and all kinds of wacky gravitational variances based on mass aren't even addressed... but those steel cables are holding pretty tight... so I go along for the ride.

I still think that if Joss set his mind to it, he could find a way to get Wash back... and do it in such a way that it would fit in with the way things work in the 'verse.


That's why I have a hard time seeing anything occur which isn't realistic at the very least. The only time we'd seen someone brought back from death is when they were clinically dead for under a minute (Mal in War Stories). Otherwise, folks don't come back...

Firefly/Serenity takes place 500 years from now... things that we would consider impossible now could be quite doable by then. Hey, our technology right now would be inconceivable to someone who lived in the 1500s.

Btw, I do understand your point. It's just that Wash is a great character, plus he provides a meaningful dynamic in the ensemble. The interplay between Wash and Zoe, Wash and Mal, and Wash/Zoe/Mal, is a wonderful interplay... one that still had a lot more mileage to explore.

Serenity may have marked where the story arc would have taken us by Season 3, but we didn't get all those episodes that would have led up to then. I realize that characters on Joss' shows have a tendancy to get killed from time to time, but we all got cheated from seeing so many stories from this amazing ensemble of characters.

I happen to live firmly in the camp that we'll be seeing more stories from the Firefly/Serenity 'verse... and I was kinda lookin' forward to having the characters get to tell them... ALL the characters.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:49 AM



Originally posted by pastorbadger:
"Any technology, sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke


LOVE that quote... must add it to my collection. Many thanks.

Plus, your posts, mighty entertainin' reading, well thought out, and I'm not above grabbing hope... even if it is a shred.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Thursday, March 30, 2006 3:42 AM


After going through the posts, and re-reading the first one a few times I came up with a few things.

1st- The ship chasing Serenity had to be a Reaver ship for a few reasons. First, an EMP would be a weapon I would think a Reaver would be likely to use. Disabling an enemy instead of killing them is key for freshness. Following the theory that it is a Reaver ship it would make sense that the Reavers were right there when Serenity crash landed sticking Wash with harpoons. If the ship following Serenity was an Alliance ship would they EMP any Reaver ships near? That seems to be the biggest threat for now. Remember the look on the Operative's face when he first saw all those reaver ships? Even he is terrified of them.

2nd- Reavers were on Mal+crew's tail. Alliance going in to check Serenity for any reason seems unrealistic. They can do a scan to see if anyone is there but why is there was one heat signature? Transporting Wash with a harpoon in his chest seems a bit difficult as well. Given the urgency at the time, caring for some guy with a harpoon in his chest doesn't sound like the "charitable" alliance. Only way is if he has some amazing identcard like Shepherd Book. Pulling the harpoon out right away probably would kill him if he wasn't already dead. The amount of time he'd sit there with a harpoon in him is probably too long for medical help.

As for the gravestones, I have thought about that as well. Since I never saw any body being burried, it made me think that him living is possible. But if he is alive (or Book somehow) then I think Joss will bring him back in a way NO ONE BUT JOSS can conjure up. Either way we'll see Alan probably in a flashback, or dream but we'll see more. But inside I do hope one of these theories is right in that Wash is alive and well.

The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 4:22 AM


mornin all,

First of all WELCOME to the new recruits "SHINY"
Thanks to Pastorbadger I think I counted bout 4or5 sign-ons. Great!! why be a lurker when you can put in your $0.2 and get the reaver at buffet treatment(you're the buffet)< This last part is a joke please don't take me serious.

I love threads like this it has me thinking about all kinds of new angles and yepp I can see both sides.

I think one of the things here is FEAR. That being fear of Washs return being done so badly that folks will go "Oh hell no, thats it back to the Happy Days reruns" click. Well have no FEAR,if Joss did bring Wash back I feel that it wouldn't be to near the begining of a new series and it wouldn't be like " Look guys it only went through my shirt and missed me completly.It did have the cloth pulled so tight I couldn't breath though." I think Joss is bettern that.

One other thing, Nauticalgal brought up something I hadn't considered.The "Mourning of Zoe" Washs death, the life changing event that it is, she can't be the same person. I see her as becoming a little less tolerant of Mal and maybe even "Jayne like" about his decisions.

I hope it won't be a cold day on an outter rim planet before the answers to many of these question are brought to light.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 5:47 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
mornin all,

First of all WELCOME to the new recruits "SHINY"
Thanks to Pastorbadger I think I counted bout 4or5 sign-ons. Great!! why be a lurker when you can put in your $0.2 and get the reaver at buffet treatment(you're the buffet)< This last part is a joke please don't take me serious.

I love threads like this it has me thinking about all kinds of new angles and yepp I can see both sides.

I think one of the things here is FEAR. That being fear of Washs return being done so badly that folks will go "Oh hell no, thats it back to the Happy Days reruns" click. Well have no FEAR,if Joss did bring Wash back I feel that it wouldn't be to near the begining of a new series and it wouldn't be like " Look guys it only went through my shirt and missed me completly.It did have the cloth pulled so tight I couldn't breath though." I think Joss is bettern that.

One other thing, Nauticalgal brought up something I hadn't considered.The "Mourning of Zoe" Washs death, the life changing event that it is, she can't be the same person. I see her as becoming a little less tolerant of Mal and maybe even "Jayne like" about his decisions.

I hope it won't be a cold day on an outter rim planet before the answers to many of these question are brought to light.

Thank you for the compliments. And I see exactly what you mean. A small group here are actually fighting for less plausible scenarios in an apparent attempt to keep Wash dead. You can smell the fear.

It's justified though. To quote my own self: "Is it fear that we’ll end up with it “all being a dream” or a journey to the sacred MacGuffin to restore his brain, or something equally silly? Spock did it. John Sheridan did it. Colonel O’Neil did it (four times). Did Luke do it? I can’t recall."

From to . Coming back from the dead is stock and trade in science fiction. I'm hard pressed to remember a 'verse where it hasn't happened. Someone help me out. Can you think of any? And, given that, doesn't that make it a forgone conclusion that Wash must come back? He has no choice but to?

1) Fellow FOX victim “Space, Above & Beyond”: The entire 58th is presumed dead when they fake a distress call and only Nathan makes it back with a head wound.

2) The progenitor, “Star Trek” : Captain Kirk is slipped a Mickey during a ritual fight to the death with Spock. Not to mention a whole movie dedicated to bringing the latter back from the very, very dead.

3) Star Wars, episode VI : Luke’s dad, Obi Wan, Yoda and Elvis all appear to Luke in their now-ascended ghostly form, while the party continues with the original fuzzy-wuzzies.

4) Babylon V : Captain John Sheridan leaps down a very deep hole after triggering a passel of nuclear weapons on a ship which is hurtling right at his butt. He is brought back from “tock”, but only for twenty years. Coming back from the dead gains him cult status among the member races and convention goers.

5) Stargate, SG-1 : With several examples to choose from, I’ll pick Daniel dying in front of witnesses in the infirmary, only to appear naked in a field two seasons later after the ascended beings kicked him out, and after deciding maybe his contract wasn’t such a raw deal after all.

6) O.K., my memory is beginning to fail, but let me make a stab at an “other” category. Dr. Who dies every few years, but the most recent incarnation fits “back from the dead” best. Some of the crew of the Seaview were infected by a “spore” which reanimated their dead bodies in “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea”. Apollo was presumed dead in “The Lost Warrior” on the “Battlestar Galactica”. In “Giant Robot”, the AI with the best sarcastic wit in television is resuscitated against impossible odds on “Lost in Space”. (Oh, jeez, I am really scraping here…) Uhm. “Blake’s 7”? “The Starlost”? “Lexx”? “Farscape”? I know it happened, just can’t remember when. Help me out here.

The worst example of all time? Superman flies very fast around the earth (what?) to turn back time and keep Lois Lane from taking a literal dirt nap.

The best example of all time? We’re writing it in this thread folks. “Serenity II : The Search for the goose juggler.”

It’s inevitable. Everyone does it. It’s always done. It’s never not done. I’m getting my tent and heading for the theater.

The Subtext :
I watch waaaaaaaaay too much science fiction. lol


Thursday, March 30, 2006 5:55 AM



Originally posted by IsaacShepherd:
After going through the posts, and re-reading the first one a few times I came up with a few things.

Alliance going in to check Serenity for any reason seems unrealistic. They can do a scan to see if anyone is there but why is there was one heat signature?

Actually I contend with almost every assertion in your post, but I snipped it because I'm all shagged out from my last diatribe. I picked the most glaring.

Alliance troops checking Serenity is unrealistic? Could it be you ain't recallin' the varied and sneaky ways the Tams have gone undetected on that boat before now? And isn't Serenity the star of this little operation?

One life sign? Did I not explain that by now there were two reavers already at the table and two more fightin' over a drumstick? (I can see now how River kills people with math.) Reavers is...was...human. They show up on a scan as sure as you or me.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:03 AM



Originally posted by pastorbadger:

6) O.K., my memory is beginning to fail, but let me make a stab at an “other” category. Dr. Who dies every few years, but the most recent incarnation fits “back from the dead” best. Some of the crew of the Seaview were infected by a “spore” which reanimated their dead bodies in “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea”. Apollo was presumed dead in “The Lost Warrior” on the “Battlestar Galactica”. In “Giant Robot”, the AI with the best sarcastic wit in television is resuscitated against impossible odds on “Lost in Space”. (Oh, jeez, I am really scraping here…) Uhm. “Blake’s 7”? “The Starlost”? “Lexx”? “Farscape”? I know it happened, just can’t remember when. Help me out here.

Ooh, ooh! I just remembered one more, "Timecop." (I didn't remember that one because I used a time machine to go back and stop myself from buying a ticket and wasting two hours of my life.)

You know, I'm going to be remembering them all day now.

The ultimate "bringing them back from the dead" 'verse? Gotta be either "Blade" or "Millenium". (Hey, I didn't say they had to be good...)


Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:03 AM


WASH LIVES, anybody who disagrees will be pushed into the engines. I don't mean to come across as harsh but with multiple theories, and a nifty diagram if I do say so myself, it is 110% guaranteed that there is a 10-15% chance he is still alive.

Kuang Zhe De


Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:11 AM



Originally posted by KuangZheDe:
WASH LIVES, anybody who disagrees will be pushed into the engines. I don't mean to come across as harsh but with multiple theories, and a nifty diagram if I do say so myself, it is 110% guaranteed that there is a 10-15% chance he is still alive.

Thank you, Zoe. Now, put the Winchester down.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:16 AM



Originally posted by pastorbadger:
Actually I contend with almost every assertion in your post, but I snipped it because I'm all shagged out from my last diatribe. I picked the most glaring.

Alliance troops checking Serenity is unrealistic? Could it be you ain't recallin' the varied and sneaky ways the Tams have gone undetected on that boat before now? And isn't Serenity the star of this little operation?

One life sign? Did I not explain that by now there were two reavers already at the table and two more fightin' over a drumstick? (I can see now how River kills people with math.) Reavers is...was...human. They show up on a scan as sure as you or me.

Help me out with something, Pastorbadger. I'm a likeable guy, and I presume that you are, too =) Bear in mind, I'm not asserting *anything* about your theory. I've said my part on that, you responded, and that's on the table.

I want to ask, though, are you intentionally trying to assert that people that don't accept your theory are foolish? The way that you seem to be responding to everyone that questions, even just a little bit, any part of your theory is that they obviously don't get what you're saying and/or must not be capable of seeing the obvious. I'll concede for just about anyone you want that your proposal is plausible. We've all seen significantly worse scripts work around character deaths.

For criminy sake, though, the guy took a telephone pole through the solar plexus. If there's an obvious assumption, it's that he's on the outs. There are plot devices that can be used to get around that, I'll acknowledge. Your theory is one of them. I'm down with that. It's been done in just about every series in existance where main characters die, so it can be a trend. Okay. (BTW, that also kind of means it's cliche, and can work just as much to mean that it's something that Joss won't touch for the sole reason that everyone does it - see the quote about lasers and FTL travel in SciFi).

I guess all that I'm asking is not to look down so much on people that don't jump on your coattails. Maybe you don't mean to, but you really are, at least from what I see in your messages, coming off as condescending and kind of disrespectful to the discussion participants that aren't 100% behind you.



Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:33 AM


I LOVE this thread. Not saying I agree but I do love it.

Would love for Wash to be alive, him being dead is really gonna mess Zoe up and Joss does have a thing for bringing the dead back to life.

Hope you're right but fear you're wrong.

Just watched BDM for the billionth time and it still shocks/surprises me when Wash gets skewered (I almost expect it to be a different ending, with Wash alive), and I still cry. My little sister thought something really bad had happened when she came in and I was sobbing uncontrolably.

Just thought I'd give my opinion since everyone else is.

Where do I sign up for Fox exec torture mission?

'Midbulk transport, standard radion accelerator, class cod 03-K64, FireFly.'


Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:41 AM


Is it a cliche to never use a cliche?

Kuang Zhe De


Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:44 AM



Originally posted by Amiton:
Help me out with something, Pastorbadger. I'm a likeable guy, and I presume that you are, too =) Bear in mind, I'm not asserting *anything* about your theory. I've said my part on that, you responded, and that's on the table.

I want to ask, though, are you intentionally trying to assert that people that don't accept your theory are foolish? The way that you seem to be responding to everyone that questions, even just a little bit, any part of your theory is that they obviously don't get what you're saying and/or must not be capable of seeing the obvious. I'll concede for just about anyone you want that your proposal is plausible. We've all seen significantly worse scripts work around character deaths.

For criminy sake, though, the guy took a telephone pole through the solar plexus. If there's an obvious assumption, it's that he's on the outs. There are plot devices that can be used to get around that, I'll acknowledge. Your theory is one of them. I'm down with that. It's been done in just about every series in existance where main characters die, so it can be a trend. Okay. (BTW, that also kind of means it's cliche, and can work just as much to mean that it's something that Joss won't touch for the sole reason that everyone does it - see the quote about lasers and FTL travel in SciFi).

I guess all that I'm asking is not to look down so much on people that don't jump on your coattails. Maybe you don't mean to, but you really are, at least from what I see in your messages, coming off as condescending and kind of disrespectful to the discussion participants that aren't 100% behind you.


Well put. Ah, if only that were the first time I'd been so admonished on a forum.

Yes, I am quite genial in person. But I do come across as a in a forum. (Or, guess I should say I come across as a pi ku.)

Fortunately, I'm only on a couple forums. I'm not much of a poster sort of person. You folks are just lucky, I guess. ;)

It's also an occupational hazard. When I tell people to stand up or sit down, I'm unaccustomed to getting an argument.

Sorry (to everyone here) if I've been brusque.
I'll try to be a little more Browncoat and a little less Alliance.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:00 AM


"Freshly dead" Suddenly I just remember The Princess Bride.

Miricle Max:It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do.
Inigo Montoya: What's that?
Miracle Max: Go through his clothes and look for loose change.

Wash brought back to life by the Aliiance?


People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:07 AM



Originally posted by SAVEWASH:

Joss is a writer. I'm not a "real" writer, but I've tried, and one thing I know is that you can't cheat your reader/viewer. He dragged us headlong through all of that disbelief, grief, shock, etc., and there would have to be an incredibly strong reason to cheapen that by bringing back the character he killed to cause that reaction in the first place. It's not fair to us to make us go through all those emotions and then laugh it off and say, "I was just foolin'." I don't think he'd do that. I think he meant it.

I'm still sad about Wash and maybe I sell Joss short: maybe he could find a brilliant way to accomplish it. I just don't know if he could find a compelling enough reason to do it.

Just my opinion.

EDIT: Besides, if Joss brought Wash back, how could we ever believe him again if he killed another character? I couldn't.

Thanks for that SAVEWASH. Exactly right. Bringing Wash back, as good as that would be, would cheapen the story. That's the way I see it.

Personally, I think Wash's spirit is tied up in that electrical energy surrounding Mr. Universe's planet and he'll communicate with the crew via radio.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:21 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by pastorbadger:

Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
It was a Reaver ship. If you watch you the opening scenes you will see that the ship does not match the designs of any of the Alliance craft.

Buzzzzzzz! Oh, sorry but thank you for playing our game. Vanna has some lovely parting gifts for you.

We'll ignore for the moment that you've somehow got a comprehensive set of schematics for all Alliance craft in service, including contractors and new, secret designs, and consider the reavers for a moment: They didn't make their ships! They cut up and uglified whatever was left on Miranda. Maybe what they can jack in the performance of their daily mayhem. A.k.a. Alliance ships. Any reaver ship must also be an Alliance design.

It's the lack of really skinny folk ridin' on the outside of the ship I use to make this call. Reavers aren't known for a quick run through the auto-wash before a big battle.

(I meant that to sound considerably less harsh, but forums don't carry tone, so I'll throw one of these in )

I am sorry my friend, but it is you that is wrong. I was on the development team for the game & YES we had access to the Alliance ship designs from the movie, and the ship that hits Serenity w/ the EMP is most definitely NOT an Alliance craft.

Your theory is interesting, but alas is based on erroneous information.

Hope that didn't sound harsh. It was not meant to be.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:44 AM


the emp came from a reaver ship. wash is dead.

so the crew came back to serenity after the battle and wash was gone?

wash was a great guy but he's gone.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:09 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I am sorry my friend, but it is you that is wrong. I was on the development team for the game & YES we had access to the Alliance ship designs from the movie, and the ship that hits Serenity w/ the EMP is most definitely NOT an Alliance craft.

Your theory is interesting, but alas is based on erroneous information.

Hope that didn't sound harsh. It was not meant to be.

I feel a powerful hankerin’ to be brusque again. ;) First of all, I'm never wrong. Just occasionally misinformed.

On to the point. There isn't one. To quote Jayne, "Don't matter what I said before." I've already relented that it doesn't matter if that ship was Alliance, the outcome doesn't change.

That said, of course it was an Alliance ship. That's a given. Reavers don't sit at drafting tables, work at shipyards or take courses at the local community college. Reavers don't lay keels. Therefore, all ships they fly were either left on Miranda or have been jacked since then. Even if it was full of reavers, it was an Alliance ship. Semantics aside, it’s a question is who’s fleet/pack was it party to.

It was also in the Alliance fleet, because reavers never, ever fly shiny new rides. They have, in every circumstance, conveyed themselves in seriously (cosmetically and mechanically) messed up ships. I doubt they’d lift off in a freshly jacked ride without throwing some mud on the tires. Are you suggesting the extremely unlikely proposal that this particular ship was captured moments before the big battle? “I smell a lot of ‘if’ commin’ offa this plan…”

You say you had access to ship schematics, then you know that animators will use the same template for a dozen rendered ships in a single scene, let alone a ship in two different scenes. If a game uses two disjoint sets of keels for reavers and Alliance, then they’ve flattened the ‘verse to two dimensions. (Not uncommon in a game translation.)

And what is it with the whole pack of you folks who seem to be plucking “an EMP beam is a reaver weapon” out of the gua pi? Feds use non-lethal weapons. Remember the stun rifles from “Ariel” and “Trash”?

I’ll say it again. Feds use non-lethal weapons (along with the lethal ones, to be clear). Reavers use harpoons or magnetic grapplers. Both are very low-tech and easy to maintain. Not subtle nor over-thought. You just watched a slew of reavers using those very harpoons not 30 seconds ago.

Yet it gets into your head that the shiny, clean ship with the high-tech beam weapon just has to be a reaver. “You have a problem with your brain bein’ missin’.”

(Sorry I had to go all Alliance on your pi ku, but “dead horse: good cover, live horse: great pile o’ panic.”)

Oh, and it still doesn't matter which of is is right on this point. ;P


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:20 AM



Originally posted by mikeC:
the emp came from a reaver ship. wash is dead.

Sure could be. We already know they ship dead folk via UPS in this 'verse. Could be next time Zoe makes mail call she gets a happy surprise. (C.O.D. for the mdical bills from the Alliance, of course.) The next movie will center on the Serenity crew's efforts to get enough scratch to get Wash's suspended body out of hock. vbg.


Originally posted by mikeC:
so the crew came back to serenity after the battle and wash was gone?

O.K., now I'm waxing full-on cranky. Who posts a criticism to a forum when he hasn't even read the first post! "The crew returns to Serenity to find only bits of Wash and obvious signs of reaver activity. What would you assume? Even Kaylee believes he’s either gone, or in a reavers “Buffy” lunch box. Tears ensue."


Originally posted by mikeC:
wash was a great guy but he's gone.

Unless mikeC is an anagram for JOSS, you'll forgive me if I don't just take that haughty proclamation as fact.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:26 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by pastorbadger:
That said, of course it was an Alliance ship. That's a given. Reavers don't sit at drafting tables, work at shipyards or take courses at the local community college. Reavers don't lay keels. Therefore, all ships they fly were either left on Miranda or have been jacked since then. Even if it was full of reavers, it was an Alliance ship. Semantics aside, it’s a question is who’s fleet/pack was it party to.

It was also in the Alliance fleet, because reavers never, ever fly shiny new rides. They have, in every circumstance, conveyed themselves in seriously (cosmetically and mechanically) messed up ships. I doubt they’d lift off in a freshly jacked ride without throwing some mud on the tires. Are you suggesting the extremely unlikely proposal that this particular ship was captured moments before the big battle? “I smell a lot of ‘if’ commin’ offa this plan…”

You say you had access to ship schematics, then you know that animators will use the same template for a dozen rendered ships in a single scene, let alone a ship in two different scenes. If a game uses two disjoint sets of keels for reavers and Alliance, then they’ve flattened the ‘verse to two dimensions. (Not uncommon in a game translation.)

Looks like you are "misinformed" again.

The Alliance is not the only producer of spacecraft in the 'verse. There are private ship builders, big corporations (Blue Sun), and other sources of space craft than just the Alliance. Assuming because it flies it must have been Alliance at some point is pure speculation.

Never said the ship was captured moments before the battle. Not even sure how you arrived at that from what I posted.

Actually there were many different types of vessels we looked at for the game. Don't be surprised if a forth coming supplement for the game show cases a bunch of different ships, Alliance and others.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:29 AM


Ok how many times can we beat a dead horse, I mean Wash. 2052

Hes dead,hes not...dead...not.... the debate contiunes.

Joss,start the new series so we can stop this maddness.

It is fun though

to date the dead that have been brought back on the show, Tracy,Mal...... In the bonus material Joss has said that killing off Wash (and Book) was a good way to have people think that Simon was a gonner too in the scene behind the blast doors.Well I say " Joss,Thats no reason to kill off Wash Gorramit!!"

I don't know about the rest of you.But when those blast doors open and Miss Tam is standing there, weapons dripping. I can't help but think "Red River Sonja"


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:44 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
The Alliance is not the only producer of spacecraft in the 'verse. There are private ship builders, big corporations (Blue Sun), and other sources of space craft than just the Alliance. Assuming because it flies it must have been Alliance at some point is pure speculation.

When I say, "an American ship", I don't mean to say a ship built by the American government exclusively. In fact, it's all done by contractor now, so I wouldn't be surprised if all American ships weren't built by private companies, including recent warships.

When I say "an Alliance ship", I only mean to exclude those built by the Independence and then, only during the war.

Now, all ships are Alliance ships, excluding those built by cow fetuses. It's a semantic point, and means even less than the larger issue of who tagged Serenity first.

The important issue I stand behind, is that reavers don't build ships, and don't fly any particular model. There's probably some sorry, scraggly reaver who could only manage a Firefly transport. (Why else would Serenity have been able to sneak by in one. Eh? Eh? Think about THAT! (does the in-your–face dance)

(O.K., O.K., settle down now. Remember what your therapist said : It’s just a TV show…)


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Never said the ship was captured moments before the battle. Not even sure how you arrived at that from what I posted.

(raises voice) BECAUSE IT’S ALL PRETTY AND SHINY! I arrived at it from your post because you want us to believe it could possibly have been a reaver. If you want us to believe it was a reaver ship, it had to be ‘just’ captured, and then I still say they wouldn’t move on without putting enough “bravado” on the hull to avoid attack by fellow reavers.


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Actually there were many different types of vessels we looked at for the game. Don't be surprised if a forth coming supplement for the game show cases a bunch of different ships, Alliance and others.

O.K., THAT I’m looking forward to. But if there aren’t any cows, can it still be a Firefly game? Never mind. Philosophical question. They won’t remember what they are in a game…


Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:02 AM


I hate to say it but your point is floored is O so many ways the fact they had Mr universe’s body and Shepard books (If you must know it was on the front of the ship) and the graves were all the same, and the way the feds work they wanted to kill the Tams so more of a shoot first and ask questions later



Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:13 AM


Sorry to have to put my 2 cents in. I have been lurking for a long time, but this post made me jump in.

I am not sure why you are meeting the idea that Wash may be alive with such disdain. The theory put forward is entirely plausible.

I have seen Serenity roughly 25 times since I got the DVD. I have ALWAYS assumed that it was an Alliance ship that hit Serenity with an EMP. Reavers would have grappled or harpooned.

Bottom line is this - we don't know, most of us hope. The only person who will know is Joss when and if he gets the go ahead.

Find something else to argue about.

Sorry. I feel like I am in kindergarten sitting between 2 know-it-alls who won't budge.

Show me off like a dog, Old men covered in blood, never touched them but they're drowning in it


Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:29 AM


Serenity 2: Joss Repents

Opening scene

(Zoe in Serenity's cargo hold, insuring everything is securely stored.)

Zoe (singing): "Take my love, take my land..."

(A shadowy figure emerges behind her and groans. Startled, Zoe spins and draws a gun. The camera focuses in and we see a man in rags covered in dirt from head to toe.)

Shadowy figure: "Honey, why did you bury me alive?"

(From the voice, we realize with Zoe that the figure is Wash!)

Zoe: "Wash! You were dead! There was a harpoon through your heart!"

Wash: "My heart was moved when I was kid. Result of a trampoline accident..."


Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:36 AM



Originally posted by jolly:
Serenity 2: Joss Repents

Opening scene

(Zoe in Serenity's cargo hold, insuring everything is securely stored.)

Zoe (singing): "Take my love, take my land..."

(A shadowy figure emerges behind her and groans. Startled, Zoe spins and draws a gun. The camera focuses in and we see a man in rags covered in dirt from head to toe.)

Shadowy figure: "Honey, why did you bury me alive?"

(From the voice, we realize with Zoe that the figure is Wash!)

Zoe: "Wash! You were dead! There was a harpoon through your heart!"

Wash: "My heart was moved when I was kid. Result of a trampoline accident..."

lol Funniest one yet.

Did you know there's a real medical condition wher the heart is on the opposite side of the chest? Many decades ago, teenager survived a stabbing because he was left-hearted.

As with Mal's relocated nerve cluster, we should never assume.

(And an extra chuckle for submitting in screenplay form.)


Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:49 AM



Originally posted by OnlyMe:
Sorry to have to put my 2 cents in. I have been lurking for a long time, but this post made me jump in.

I am not sure why you are meeting the idea that Wash may be alive with such disdain. The theory put forward is entirely plausible.

I have seen Serenity roughly 25 times since I got the DVD. I have ALWAYS assumed that it was an Alliance ship that hit Serenity with an EMP. Reavers would have grappled or harpooned.

Bottom line is this - we don't know, most of us hope. The only person who will know is Joss when and if he gets the go ahead.

Find something else to argue about.

Sorry. I feel like I am in kindergarten sitting between 2 know-it-alls who won't budge.

"It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it."
Jeseph Joubert.

You're absolutely right. He's "Scrodinger's Washburn", right now. Both alive and dead until Joss has a bad Denver omlette and, in a fit of pique, decides that he's alive, but none of the rest of the crew will ever find out about it.

Actually, it's not entirely in Joss' hands. He does care what we think. He would care a lot if none of us wanted a Serenity that didn't have Wash in it. Not saying Joss always gets his way, just that sometimes we get our way with Joss.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:49 AM


I know I keep coming back to this thread and I do because................well,I can.

Joss has built such a fan base with his other television shows that adding little bits and pieces here and there are fun for him. By this I mean Puting little things in just to fool the fandom or see if they catch it. Heck Joss himself might not know if Wash is truly dead.

Something that made me think that something was odd about the Wash scene was that after the "run through" he dramaticly lets out his last gasp of air. Now, was that to have the viewer go "Hey the man is truly dead.Cause that had to be his last breath."
I know it was an excited moment and Zoe and Mal rushed away from the danger in 10 seconds,but if you play the scene back again and just have Wash sit there in your mind without the heavy last breath isn't he still dead?

This kinda feels like to me (as in american football) a backfield reverse.Kinda have the crowd follow one way, while the ball goes the other.Crafty and very skillful,Joss.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:11 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by OnlyMe:
Sorry to have to put my 2 cents in. I have been lurking for a long time, but this post made me jump in.

Welcome! Glad to have you here!


Originally posted by OnlyMe:
I have seen Serenity roughly 25 times since I got the DVD. I have ALWAYS assumed that it was an Alliance ship that hit Serenity with an EMP. Reavers would have grappled or harpooned.

You do realize of course that an EMP weapon in space where there is no gravity would be far more effective than a harpoon or grapple. A ship floating dead in space would be easy prey.

Just sayin'.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:15 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
I know I keep coming back to this thread and I do because................well,I can.

Joss has built such a fan base with his other television shows that adding little bits and pieces here and there are fun for him. By this I mean Puting little things in just to fool the fandom or see if they catch it. Heck Joss himself might not know if Wash is truly dead.

Something that made me think that something was odd about the Wash scene was that after the "run through" he dramaticly lets out his last gasp of air. Now, was that to have the viewer go "Hey the man is truly dead.Cause that had to be his last breath."
I know it was an excited moment and Zoe and Mal rushed away from the danger in 10 seconds,but if you play the scene back again and just have Wash sit there in your mind without the heavy last breath isn't he still dead?

This kinda feels like to me (as in american football) a backfield reverse.Kinda have the crowd follow one way, while the ball goes the other.Crafty and very skillful,Joss.

Actually, the last exhalation means his trachea is still connected to his lungs. For a major pnemothorax, the air will bubble out through the wound. You're right. Major clue.

"Hey! Where's that guy with the goram medical charts?"


Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:20 AM




Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:22 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

You do realize of course that an EMP weapon in space where there is no gravity would be far more effective than a harpoon or grapple. A ship floating dead in space would be easy prey.

Just sayin'.

Which is clearly why the Alliance uses 'em, even if they are over-thought and hard to maintain.

Just sayin' back.



Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:23 AM


Thanks! Glad to be here. Happy to know I am not the only one obsessed with the 'verse.

I do. That only makes me more sure that it was Alliance.

An emp in atmo would only temporarily disable the ship, giving the Alliance an opportunity to catch them. That seems a little too refined for Reavers.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:06 AM



Originally posted by jolly:
Serenity 2: Joss Repents

Opening scene

(Zoe in Serenity's cargo hold, insuring everything is securely stored.)

Zoe (singing): "Take my love, take my land..."

(A shadowy figure emerges behind her and groans. Startled, Zoe spins and draws a gun. The camera focuses in and we see a man in rags covered in dirt from head to toe.)

Shadowy figure: "Honey, why did you bury me alive?"

(From the voice, we realize with Zoe that the figure is Wash!)

Zoe: "Wash! You were dead! There was a harpoon through your heart!"

Wash: "My heart was moved when I was kid. Result of a trampoline accident..."

I just saw this and thought it was so gorram funny.

The next line from Zoey " Well after being your wife,I'm glad other parts of you were in the right place."


Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:02 PM


I think Joss was trying to make it pretty certain with the impaling.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."






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