What makes Firefly cult?

UPDATED: Thursday, March 30, 2006 15:14
VIEWED: 3469
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006 1:56 PM


I'm doing a project for University and I need your help...I need to know your opinion on Firefly as a cult TV show or why it is classed as a cult show, for example the content, the costumes, the mixture of western and sci-fi...I also wish to know about your opinion on the release of the movie Serenity and how the fans can change the course of a show....please give me your input either on the forum or through e-mail


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 2:05 PM


a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
b. The followers of such a religion or sect.
2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.
4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.
a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
b. The object of such devotion.
6. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.

I think 5 and 6 are where you might be able to call firefly a cult. I love!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 2:24 PM


What MysyrE said! Also numbers are the only differece between a cult and a religion.

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 2:43 PM


Many things that are considered to be "cult" seem to, for one reason or another, only appeal to a select group of people. It could be that the program, book, play, or motion picture is different in style, writting, or presentation, and is just to radical in form to win a general audience, any only a few understand the creators intentions, or think they do.
However, even if the said "cult" is not purposefully exclusive to a specific slice of the population, other factors like bad advertising and limited acessablilty make it so. Only after the cult item has been redone from it's mainstream form (ala movies and television) for individual consumption (ala books and videos) do the viewers realise what they've missed.
For example, Weird Al's movie "UHF" has been considered a cult classic because Weird Al is not considered "mainstream" and the movie didn't do very well in theaters. In fact, it was one of Orion Studios' last productions before they went bankrupt. In what could be taken for desperation, they released the movie quickly to catch summer audiences, and also the same year as "E.T. the Extraterestrial." Guess which flick people watched.

Well, ekidd, I'll have you know this is the second paper I've helped a college student on in two days. This is karma for something, I know it, my good nature is working against me. AAAAAAAKKK!!!'s good nature it' me

No, I am not insane, I am crazy. Thank you for asking.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:29 PM


I suppose it depends on how you're defining cult, be it form or function. If cult is a question of form, then what is it about the show's structure, characters, and whatnot that makes it cult? The way to answer that question is by comparing it to other established cult shows like Star Trek, The X-Files, or Twin Peaks. In that case, at first glance, a cult show might be signified by a setting that departs from the norm.

However, if you define cult as a question of function, then you have to ask yourself what pupose Firefly serves for the audience.

Ultimately, the best way to approach it, is by determining how the form and function work together. What is it about the particular characteristics of the form of the cult TV show that Firefly fulfills that help it serve the function of the cult TV show.

That's how I'd approach it. I've written and graded a few dozen papers in my day, if you have any questions or need more help feel free to drop me a line.

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Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre


Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:40 PM


My main interest is how the audience of Firefly interact with the show, and I'd like to know peoples opinions on the attention and following it seems to it because it's a show by Joss whedon or the show itself? and also I'd like to learn more about the fan's interaction with the show and the subsequent movie.....thanks for the input so far.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:23 PM


The cult thing:

There isn't many of us and we are all very very devoted to the show.

"on the attention and following it seems to have."

From one perspective, it is great because it gives us a chance to get more content (though that is quite doubtful).

From another perspective, here, a good chunk of the new comers aren't as polite as they could be (though intermitently I'm guilty of this along with everyone else ). Also, some of the new comers are so gung-ho about the whole thing, they stand a chance at giving us a bad name.

For instance, there was a thread a while back that some guy started, because he wanted to picket F*X's HQ on his vacation and wanted other people to join him. Not exactly the type of attention that most of us want.

There is also the word 'noob' being thrown around now. Something that I never saw here until the last couple of months. Though admittedly this isn't prolific.

"is it because it's a show by Joss whedon or the show itself"

Depends on who you talk to.

There was a thread a while back that asked, "When did you become a Browncoat? Before the show started, during, or after cancelation?"

There was a distrubing number of people that stated that they were a Browncoat before the show even aired. These people I call Whedonites. They are akin to the crazy religous guy.

Those more reasonable stated that it was either during the show or after it was canceled.

(The thread was obviously before the movie, so digging it out of the archive might be challenging.)

Personally, it was the first show for me. I saw the potential of it. I just gave it a chance because it was from Joss. Then again, if it was done by some unknown, I would've given it a chance as well.

"I'd like to learn more about the fan's interaction with the show and the subsequent movie."

What exactly do you mean by this?

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:30 PM


by fan interaction i'm refering to the fans use of forums (why do people use them for example) and the campaign and devotion of the fans which gave a cancelled show a second chance (people making a difference in the outcome/success of a show)


Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:47 PM



Originally posted by ekidd79:

by fan interaction i'm refering to the fans use of forums (why do people use them for example)

In the beginning there were so few of us that you were pretty much guarenteed to not know any other Browncoats. So, the web was a natural place to look and start a community. Given peoples love of this show it isn'a surprise that many of these communities popped up.

Even now, even though there are a good number of us, we are still spread too thin to have local communities. Thus we continue with the online thing.

For instance, I know only a handful of people that actually love Firefly.


Originally posted by ekidd79:

and the campaign and devotion of the fans which gave a cancelled show a second chance (people making a difference in the outcome/success of a show)

I find it super that we were able to get a movie. Speaks volumes about what people can do when they get together to accomplish a common goal. We were just motivated more that most (us and the cast/crew/everyone involved).

It really was a group effort. If Joss just gave up it would have been dead right there. Similarly with the cast. Similarly with the fans. The planets just alined

Now that everything is done and over, I really see the community started to fracture. We don't have a common goal anymore and people are starting to go in there different directions. Natural I guess.

If you have anymore more specific question just let me know and I'll give you some more random thoughts

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:04 PM


if the community is beginning to fracture, do you see a longavity in the firefly fandom, will fans continue to speak on forums/ meet at conventions/petition for a second series? and do you think Firefly/Serenity will stand the test of cult time as with other shows/films (for example star trek or doctor who)


Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:19 PM


Hardly a cult.

That would mean you spent / donated all your money to the cult leaders.

You received nothing in return except some shiny plastic discs.

You eschew your old friends and worship at least daily at some sort of shrine (which might, or might not resemble a PC).

You prostelytise (nowt to do with Companions) a lot.

You join a Bible Study Group in an effort to clarify the strict theological position on kneecaps.

OK, it is a cult after all.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:27 PM


One thing I find pretty interesting is the structure of the fanbase itself. You have everything from the 14 year old girl to the 50+ year old man. I think this is one of our biggest strenghts, although I am wondering lately if Firefly is a "chic flic" in disguise because there are female fans all over the place...

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Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:36 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Firefly and Serenity are friends and family in space, crack jokes to adversity, play space cowboys, tell truth in scifi. Powerful combination.


Kevin Smith: Well, you don't have to have them come out and say it. Look at their body of works. Look what they're doing. What did Joss Whedon's Serenity and Firefly series tell you? What are they trying to tell you through their craft?

Alex Jones: What does V For Vendetta say?

Kevin Smith: Even better. I just saw it last week. I left V For Vendetta walking on a cloud. I say, we're gonna win!

Alex Jones: Let me tell ya what's happening. I can't get into details. But major Hollywood people are being pressured Big Time to SHUT UP. If I could only tell you folks. I then confirmed from a prominent 9/11 leader, that one of the biggest musicians in the world, one of the most loved, is very close to going public. It's so close. And they're watching to see what happens with Charlie Sheen, who hit the barbed wire for us. But again, CNN wouldn't have Ed Asner on last night. They were gonna have him, then they cancelled him. They cancelled because they cannot deal with it.

Infowars Radio, March 29, 2006


Red Dawn FOR REAL: Charlie Sheen says Bush perped 9/11

Firefly and Serenity deprogram River, just like Cathy O'Brien and her daughter Kelly were deprogrammed from CIA/Nazi MKULTRA Project Monarch slave program.

That's why Firefly's owner Sir Rupert Murdock Knight of the British Empire, and Serenity's owners Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire and Queen of England, censored and killed the series, and spun/sabotaged the movie, and banned future episodes (Carlyle Group owns Universal Studios). Can't have the sheeple THINKING about govt mind control, govt genocides, nor the lack of space aliens.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:56 PM



since you requested this be a personal opinion I jumped strait to the bottom. Don't want any influences from other posts.

My definition of "cult" as it applies here would be as follows:small to moderate group of individuals with unified mindset in a group belief or belief through leadership of something to a point of particular truth(s) whether found to be real or imagined.

Now after that let me get some aspirin.

But here cult status I think is not what we're after. Nope, I think that,that is a goal set far to low. What we are looking for here is not "cult" dimention,Nay But a "Resurrected Phenomenon" suits my liking. LET ME HERE A HAL-LA-LOO-YA FRIENDS. Now hand me that rattlesnake.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 3:09 PM



Originally posted by ekidd79:

if the community is beginning to fracture, do you see a longavity in the firefly fandom, will fans continue to speak on forums/ meet at conventions/petition for a second series? and do you think Firefly/Serenity will stand the test of cult time as with other shows/films (for example star trek or doctor who)

Oh I don't think that FF fans will go away any time soon. The devotion is just way too... Well, we are some of the most loyal fans around.

I like that you brough up Star Trek because those guys got three seasons which ended in '69 and a decade later, the first movie. And the fandom is still going strong!

We got half a season and one movie. Perhaps more in time. And our fandom, at least in intensity, arguably rivals theres.

The fracture of the community was something that I saw immediately after the movie. Some liked it, some didn't and that created friction; it divided the community. We are starting to get beyond it, but from time to time, someone new brings it up, and the flame wars start anew. People are starting to ignore those threads for the most part though. Which is nice, because then we can get back to discussing Firefly instead of arguing about it.

Another type of fracture that I'm seeing is people leaving or not posting as much. This is especially seen in the "veteran" posters. The reasons vary.

But, they are replaced by new fans. Still today there are people that post, "Hi I'm new and just heard about Firefly last week!" So, at the very least, we'll have constant numbers (probably better) for a while yet.

I really don't think that we'll get a second season. There are rumors around that people are working on it, but I don't think it'll happen. Similarly with the movie. So, IMO, it's up to us to create new content for the 'verse.

I'm a bit tired, so I hope I answered your questions. If not, get back to me and I'll give it another try

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Thursday, March 30, 2006 3:14 PM


All input is good input so again thanks. My project carries on for the next few weeks so i will be around for a while either checing on this thread or start a new watch this space.






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