About Adam Breaking Down the Closet - Take 2

UPDATED: Sunday, April 2, 2006 16:08
VIEWED: 9289
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Sunday, April 2, 2006 2:23 AM


I didn't know this hunka-hunka gorgeous man could even fit into a closet - being so close to the Incredible Hulk's size (sans the green coloration), maybe Adam just went in there to get Vera?

His leanings - if any, are his business & I will support & admire him regardless (just can't picture him with long hair though, hee hee). If someone is trying to start a rumor about Adam, well, why? He shouldn't be ashamed IF the rumors are true 'cause we love him.

And if this narly rumor is true, it doesn't matter, I'll still admire him from afar (& I admit to a certain weakness to watching him over Mal), Adam's such s talented/handsome actor & a major kick to watch...and he runs w/the best lines!

Great fighter, too!

Yea, Adam - you've got that tough yet humorous cowboy thing down pat, believe me! :)

Texas Chic



Sunday, April 2, 2006 3:08 AM


we like to call that a april fools joke...

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Sunday, April 2, 2006 3:36 AM


I'll bet you're right about the April Fool's thing, I'm just so gullible at times...(& saying sometimes is kinda self-delusional on my part). :)

Adam is just so handsome & masculine. Sigh.

Read your bio, love what you're doing for the kiddos. Gaming is a terrific distraction & way of venting frustrations, of which I'm sure these little patients have in spades; in my humble opinion video games ARE NOT EVIL. Really, people. I'm an avid gamer, & get quite a kick out of playing with my 9-year old nephew, although his fearlessness and warp-speed reflexes depress me a bit. At least my gaming stratagies still give me an edge over him for now - I hope this continues a while longer! :)

I'm still able to take him to the cleaners at 5 & 7 card stud, but he's getting closer & closer to beating me, not fair! Can't be mad at the little guy, his dad has introduced him to Firefly, and he likes most of the series, although portions of it scare him. Give him a year...

Wonder what Adam thinks about his "coming out?"
He probably laughed & doesn't deem it worthy of a response...



Sunday, April 2, 2006 3:48 AM


Thanks, i try my best to do something to change the way some people view gamers.

I'm not swooning over Adam like you are, but i bet he prolly finds it a lil funny, if he reads this site.

Lil kids are always hard ot beat sometimes. My friends 8 y.o used to clean us out in Texas Holdem, so i don't think it'll be to much longer until he matches you. Glad theres going to be another generation of browncoats after we go old and grey, haha.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Super Hero

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Sunday, April 2, 2006 4:16 AM


I'm amazed at your handle of NoSkillz - seems very far off the mark to me! I'm very impressed with your artwork, & I studied with Amado Pena in Austin who is a very talented artist, unfortunately his skills didn't rub off on me. Neither did acting, although my acting teacher "starred" in the Boggy Creek Monster, guess Joss won't want me to audition.... :)

Speaking of Poker, I learned to play this addicting game (never for money) in Texas from some rough & tumble cowboys - & these guys didn't cut me any slack (I ended up mucking out a lot of stalls & riding some ornery horses till my skills improved). Of course, I had to wear a stupid cowboy hat during our games & drink black coffee - ick, which I always thought was over the top...

Plus, I much prefer FireFly's soundtrack to Country music, 'cause the dog doesn't die & the crops don't fail...



Sunday, April 2, 2006 4:29 AM


Oh thats not my artwork, i just think the comics are hiliarous and having it in my sig reminds me to check it everyday, lol. You on the other hand, sound like you could be a very good artist, I hear most artists are always more critical of their own artwork.

N0Skillz comes from way back in my Counter-Strike days, i used it then cuz i wasn't always on my game.

Sounds like a good way to learn how to play some good poker! And i agree, fireflys soundtrack is better then country music.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Sunday, April 2, 2006 5:02 AM


Thanks "NoSkillz" - yes, I'm great at sketching animals that'll jump off the page at ya, my current project is sketching the lions from the movie "The Ghost and the Darkness"...I can't wait to see the real deals at the museum in Chicago, since I've never heard of lions behaving so out of character. Wonder if a study of their brains at this late date could reveal any clues? But I digress.

I can't paint or sketch people worth a Shimatta, or I'd sketch the FireFly crew....mental block or just mental? :)

With your counter-strike background, do you tend to identify with FireFly's military aspect? I know a lot of military men & women who do! :



Sunday, April 2, 2006 5:18 AM


Adrienne and Noskillz

Yep Jayne does have some of the best lines and Adam is a pro at the way he delivers them. Which brings me to a question.

How much of the Firefly dialoge is actually written by the writters and how much is just thrown in by the actors.

There are scenes in the movie and tv series where someone delivers a line and the opposite actor(s) chuckle as if its something funny that they weren't ready for.Just has me feeling that the whole crew were a "hoot" and the party (before the kiss of death) would have been one I would have really enjoyed being at.Gorram, I may have even gotten on a table and danced with a lampshade on my head (to much mudders milk).

Texas coot, old but not that old


Sunday, April 2, 2006 5:36 AM


I think i might relate to the military aspect of Firefly after i prolly get deployed this fall for the Air Force, idk where i'm going yet tho, so it could just be a payed, tax-free vacation, idk. I dont relate much cause of my gaming background though.

And if you can sketch animals so well, what hold you back from doing people?

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Sunday, April 2, 2006 5:37 AM


with Nathan and Alan there it had to be a hoot to be on that set!

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Sunday, April 2, 2006 5:57 AM


Hi Texas Coot from Texas Gal,

Think you hit the nail on the head, these actors loved (as did we all!) being in the show so much they threw in lines, actions & simply added their own slant to things....& if it ain't broke, why fix it??? It always worked, thanks Joss for allowing genius!

So you'd wear a lampshade on your head to be there, huh? Be kinda hard to see w/that...

If I danced on any table like you I'd be in traction, heights aren't my thing...



Sunday, April 2, 2006 6:08 AM


*tries not to picture anyone dancing on tables...*


*is very unsuccessful*

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Sunday, April 2, 2006 6:24 AM


You're a video-gamer as well as poker player? I know we discussed this earlier in your work with children, which is just too cool.

I'm an avid video-gamer, I usually play games where you shoot the "bad guys" & their heads fly off, as well as games where strategy is involved. This came about when some boyfriend or other gave me my 1st computer, & it had the game "Doom" installed.

I'm better at drawing animals than people, think deep down I love them more. I've been bringing home snakes, lizards, frogs (poor Mom), abandoned dogs & cats, one abused Rottweiller, one abused horse - since I was a little girl. Somehow, the reptiles all "ran away"... :) I joined Wildlife Rescue in 1997 and have found it very rewarding. Looking at me people would never think I play with reptiles! The one thing that makes me scream in typical female fashion is any bug waving far too many legs that can fly at me.... & on these I employ a long-handled broom, stand on a chair, and swat at this impudent critter till it's a pile of goo...

Not sure what the neighbors are thinking, in the future I'll try to employ Mandarin swear words - politely. :)



Sunday, April 2, 2006 6:35 AM


Ooh, you play the fun stress relieving video games. I'm most at home with Stratgy (like the new star wars RTS, its sweet, lol) and MMORPGs. First Person Shooters like Doom are fun, but mostly for multiplayer with friends or just to let off steam. And for the record, i don't know if i'd call myself a poker player, so much as a willing victim, lol.

And you make to much of my donations to Childs Play. I just wish i was in the states so i could volunteer to help bring the toys to the children.

Sounds like your a big animal lover, which i guess would explain your (probably) uncanny ability to draw them. Maybe your just a furry, who knows (kidding!). And i can't disagree with you reaction to most bugs... cuz i have the same reaction... but in a more... manly fashion... heh

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Sunday, April 2, 2006 6:51 AM


I actually do have an "uncanny" way with animals, I'm simply not afraid of them (more fool me, hmmm?).

I owned a Quarter Horse mare, Lady-Bar-Easy (yes, that is her registered name, I just bet you can come up with her nick name)...

No one could train her, I went through 3 good trainers. One broke his leg trying. Another said, "No more"...& no one would lead her anywhere w/out a chain around her nose. When turning her out, she'd pivot & kick up her heels at your head.

She wasn't mean, just spunky. I adored her. I finally decided just to ride her "as is" & it was a kick. I had to board her at a stable where attack dogs were trained, & these dogs got out all the time. Lady chased 'em down. :)

I also have a 30-lb cat who is NOT NICE, he will go after people he doesn't like, & that list is extensive. My vet & his assistants tremble when it is time for my boy to visit. Funny thing is, he's a teddy-bear with me! :)

So you don't like bugs either? At least you can shoot them, for real!



Sunday, April 2, 2006 7:04 AM


IDK if i'd go so far as to shoot them. But throwing a box to tissues of a show will do plenty fine.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Sunday, April 2, 2006 10:16 AM


Use a box of tissues to kill bugs? I don't know if I see the percentage in that! :)

In desperate times, hairspray works quite well & gives the little creepy crawlies a lovely, shiny coat....& makes 'em heavy enough to flush! :)

Don't suppose you tough military guys ever use hairspray, though!

I just returned from a drive to visit some friends, & I'm not certain I drove on the road very much since a) my surgeon just released me to drive (under duress, I can be a real brat) after my eye surgery, and b) this time change is killing me so I'd forget why I wanted to go...much, much more coffee is required, and I think it's time to dig out my spoon & just eat the coffee grounds straight...



Sunday, April 2, 2006 2:18 PM


Haha, you just gotta be accurate! Also i can't say i have hairspray, or gel for that matter. But i found that cleaning products, like windex and such things, worked wonders for the flying bugs you can't seem to hit. I had a problem with them hwen i first moved into my room in guam.

Yes, the time change is killing me to, but i think it hurts me more cause they have me doing rotating shifts. Which is usually ok (3 days of 12 hour shift, then 2-3 day break, then 3 nights of 12 hours shifts) but this weekend they hate me, and i just worked a 12 hour dayshift on sunday, and now i have to work a 12 hour nightshift on monday. So i tryed ot take a 3 hour nap after work, and i am trying ot stay up all night and then sleep through the day...yay

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Sunday, April 2, 2006 3:33 PM


Not to be nosy, but just to be nosy :) - are you by any chance working in the medical field? Of course, if it's too personal a question I won't be insulted if you don't answer. But after working those freaky hours myself in various hospitals over a period of 4-years, the shifts sound awfully familiar to me...

For a time I pursued an RN Degree, had great grades - but with my typical luck (vodoo doll from my ex, I think!) 2-weeks prior to clinicals a REALLY BIG TRUCK (it was a blur) going 70mph (I later learned) hit my poor litte RX-7 & smashed it to smithereens - me, too. There went my future degree - I couldn't take my clinicals with a broken L. foot & broken R. hand, ruptured disks in my neck, plus being majorly spaced out on narcotics. Even patients in tractions would have run from that sight! :)

I was lucky though, I lived to tell the boring tale & whine about it!

I like talk'in to ya, I've been home for months while the docs have done MRIs, Spinal Taps, etc., trying to figure out why I couldn't see. May have to have do yet another surgery - bummer - the last one really, really hurt. The amazing thing is - I can see FireFly on the Big Screen, Serenity too! Everything else is sorta's a miracle! :) Thanks again, Joss!

Take care of yourself where-ever you're stationed kiddo. And carpet cleaner works well on stopping bugs in their wiggly tracks...doesn't smell, either!

I have a picture of myself with wolves at the San Diego Zoo (they're only 3-months old, but soooo huge, I'm wearing a protective suit only 'cause their playful bites will tear right thru ya, plus you can't see me!). Since my cousin works there, I have a free ticket in the door to see all the baby animals (esp. love the big cats). I only hope I can figure out how to send the wolves pic to ya.

Will attempt to draw these wolves after my lions. Want me to post them on your site? Will mail my sketches to you 1st at a "safe" address to see if you deem them worthy (I'll include some Pepto so you don't toss your cookies). :)

Oops - can't figure it how to attach pic here, I'm a luddite, so I'm going to e-mail this pic to you right now. Try not to gag!! :(

SassySadie - Irish Lady


Sunday, April 2, 2006 4:08 PM


Naw, i don't work in the medical field. I work in a command and control field, we provide the big dogs with there info on major stuff thats happening with aircraft and such.

Ooooo, you owned a RX-7 , you are so lucky. Is it wrong that the first thing i picked outta that paragraph was that you owned a RX-7? lol. But that really sucks, i've had a couple of close calls in a car but i've never got hit. I'm glad did make it to tell anyone about it, i'm not so sure i'd call it a boring tale tho! I hope you don't have ot do another surgery, i'm sure they aint fun at all. If you have ot get another surgery, maybe I could send you some delicious british candy, haha.

And you are lucky! baby animals! *resists the urge to go "awwww"* I remember as a kid the Big cats were always my favorite, hell even now in the Sereni-Tree thread my character has a big black panther. And you could send your pictures or draws or w/e to Jpinard at att dot net, if you realy want me to check em out.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!






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