I only wish I would have known...

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 5, 2006 05:46
VIEWED: 2739
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006 5:39 PM


This is sort of a rehash of a post I made in the forum related to the Firefly RPG, but I just wanted to speak my peace.

I found out about Firefly late. Too late. I saw the movie, Serenity, on a whim because I was bored and it got good reviews, and I loved it. I bought it recently with my first paycheck from my new job, and a week later I bought the Firefly series on DVD.

I love this show. I mean I really love it. The characters are so amazing. I've never seen a tv show where I empathize with the characters. I don't comment about how good someone's performance is or think about their acting - I can just feel what the actors are portraying. It's incredible.

I've never burst out laughing at a tv show before. Yeah, I've chuckled at Seinfeld or some other sitcoms once or twice - but nothing has ever sent me through a cycle of emotions like this show. Jaynestown alone had me laughing so hard I could split, almost bring me to tears (and believe me, I NEVER cry), and then question and really empathize with how the big guy felt at the end of the episode.

There are just so many things that should have went right with this show. So many reasons it should be the most popular show ever. But bad marketing and networking seemed to have yet another victim...

I'm just sorry, and dissapointed, that although the fight to keep Firefly on the air didn't succeed, that I wasn't there. I'm upset that Serenity's sales didn't turn out that well - it was so good I figured everybody had seen it! (Well they love it now when I brought it to a party on DVD!)

I wish I could have been there, fighting on the front lines for this show. I guess that's how Mal felt when he lost a war that should have went right. Kind of ironic.

This show has a meaning and depth to me that I can never thank the creators and all that made it possible enough for. Thank you.

It's a perfect performance in the most painful way: it will always leave me wanting more...

P.S.: I never thought ANYONE could get me to love westerns :)


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 5:51 PM


FuctionX, you have said so beautifully what I've been feeling for the past month! Only I couldn't put it into words. My journey to discovering Serenity/Firefly was much like yours. I feel horrible that I didn't know about Firefly when it was on. I feel like I didn't do my part. So I'm trying to make up for it now. I don't think I have a friend left who hasn't heard how awesome Serenity/Firefly is. I know I'm driving them all crazy, but I'll keep on pressin' until their converted! I'm just so excited that finally I have fellow browncoats to talk to! You all have kept me sane! Thanks!


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 5:54 PM



Originally posted by FunctionX:
I wish I could have been there, fighting on the front lines for this show. I guess that's how Mal felt when he lost a war that should have went right. Kind of ironic.

Hey now.

Show ain't gonna die, FunctionX. You know why? Because it is so... very... pretty. It's just too pretty for God to let it die.

So you hold! You hold till the BDHs get back!

Okay, so I'll never be the cap'n. But basically, I agree with everything you said except for the fact that you seem to be resigned to the war being over and the good guys having lost.

Someone posted earlier today that the number of registered users on this site has doubled in the last year. Every day at least two or three people seem to show up needing FollowMal to give them their shiny Browncoats. Everyone who posts about some shindig or other always says that the attendance turns out to be much higher than they expected.

War ain't over. We're still flying. It's not much...

But it's enough.


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 6:29 PM


Well, you've got the first characteristic of a true browncoat down: Being crushed by inevitable (sometimes already transpired!) defeat.

Now for the next part: Keep on walkin', 'cause there's nothing else for you to do.

I wasn't on the front lines of this, either (only found Firefly in '04). But your story just reminds me of the sheer power of this little piece of creativity from Whedon and Co. It makes me believe in it all the more. It doesn't matter that there isn't likely to be more of it, it's doing something powerful that the world can really benefit from: Giving people art that embodies endless determination, family, conviction, and doing the right thing where you have the power to do so. In other words - inspiring the Browncoat in people.

So, we know how you feel. On the flipside, FF/S has put me in emotional situations that I hadn't really thought I would be before. I mishandled my Serenity DVD a bit by accident the other day, and I actually found myself thinking, "You know, I don't care if this breaks, 'cause the joy I would get from having to buying a new one would immediately offset any disappointment." Crazy no? Well, no... When you really love someone/something, it's never a burden to support them, even at a cost to yourself. I can't think of many 'products' these days that I can get behind like that.

As for westerns, heh, I hear you on that one. I actually gave shows like Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, Have Gun Will Travel, and Rawhide a decent lookin' at after FF/S changed my knee-jerk reaction towards the look of the genre... and wow, some of those shows have really fricken awesome writing. Gunsmoke ran for like, 20 years, and they did some pretty awesomely innovative stuff with television that we just take for granted these days. Sometimes they're kinda weak, but they're often far from one-dimensional, particularly if you watch a decent amount - you start to see the facets, and of course, the moral themes those kinds of shows stand on are a rarity this day in age. I found it to be pretty refreshing.

Anyhow, I have this tendency to be a bit long winded, but I hope you got my main message of welcome and solidarity :D See ya out in the black.


“When peace comes to mean the absence of conflict on the one hand, and when conflict with an unjust and racist political order is a moral imperative on the other, then it is not difficult to understand that the better class of human beings are, in fact, deeply committed to disturbing the peace and creating conflict.”
~Farid Esack


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 10:46 PM



Someone posted earlier today that the number of registered users on this site has doubled in the last year. Every day at least two or three people seem to show up needing FollowMal to give them their shiny Browncoats.

Actually, I did the math a few days back because I was curious. Since January 1st, the site has been averaging 43 newbies a day! And this has remained fairly consistent during this entire period. I expected the number to drop off after the movie dvd was released and after SciFi stopped showing episodes, but it really hasn't.

Also, most of the new people that I've spoken with (over on the chat) are also new converts to the show. People are still getting converted by the movie and by their browncoat friends at a pretty impressive rate.

So have faith and just believe, browncoats. We need to hold because this show is too damn pretty to die!



Wednesday, April 5, 2006 2:22 AM


Estimated 20,000 and growing?
We are Legion.

(actually, apparently legion is only about 3000 - 6000, so we're...what are we? Super Legion?)

Whatever are they going to do with us all?



Wednesday, April 5, 2006 2:31 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site & to the fanbase FunctionX. Make yourself at home.

Like others have said, don't worry about being late to the party, the fact you are here now is what is important.

Your description of the gambit of emotions that Firefly ran you through is what everyone here has experienced. This is part of the reason we are all here now.

Ok, we lost the initial battle to keep the show on the air, but we did win the battle to get the DVD released. We also won a huge victory in getting the BDM made. This war is a long ways from over. Look at all we have now that we wouldn't have if not for us browncoats. We have comics, action figures, trading cards, clothing, and a plethora of other items.

What you can do to assist in the efforts is to spread the word. Share the series & movie with everyone you know. Lend the DVDs to friends & family. Bring new fans into the fold. The more new people we can recruit the better our chances of a future.

Keep flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, April 5, 2006 3:27 AM


Don´t worry. It isn´t over - I strongly believe it isn´t. I had a brief look at the DVD top-selling-SF-charts on amazon (Germany) where Serenity is in 11th place and the special edition in 10th place (I bought 3 DVD´s myself plus the Firefly Boxset...). I think, this is reasonably shiny, esp. when you consider that Firefly never aired in our free TV. Star Wars Ep.III is on 13! In the lead is Potter followed by the 2 versions of king kong, then batman, narnia etc. You can´t beat those multi-zillion-dollar blockbusters.

So. Don´t worry. We´re holding....


The Wizard paused a moment before speaking to focus his eyes, which had recently developed a tendency to cross, and looked gravely at Dildo.
"It is time to talk of the Ring," he said.
"Ring? What ring?" said Dildo.
"Thee knows only too well what Ring," said Goodgulf. "The one in thy pocket, Master Bugger."
"Oooooh, that Ring," said Dildo with a show of innocense, "I thought you meant the ring you leave in my tub after your seances with your rubber duck."


Wednesday, April 5, 2006 4:24 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Welcome to the site & to the fanbase FunctionX. Make yourself at home.

Like others have said, don't worry about being late to the party, the fact you are here now is what is important.

Your description of the gambit of emotions that Firefly ran you through is what everyone here has experienced. This is part of the reason we are all here now.

Ok, we lost the initial battle to keep the show on the air, but we did win the battle to get the DVD released. We also won a huge victory in getting the BDM made. This war is a long ways from over. Look at all we have now that we wouldn't have if not for us browncoats. We have comics, action figures, trading cards, clothing, and a plethora of other items.

What you can do to assist in the efforts is to spread the word. Share the series & movie with everyone you know. Lend the DVDs to friends & family. Bring new fans into the fold. The more new people we can recruit the better our chances of a future.

Keep flyin'!

yeah, but you know what we don't have? Serenity the ship herself. I for one would love to have toy lego models & anything else I could get my hands on that had more to do with the ship

it's my insanity that keeps me sane hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Wednesday, April 5, 2006 4:30 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown:
yeah, but you know what we don't have? Serenity the ship herself. I for one would love to have toy lego models & anything else I could get my hands on that had more to do with the ship

it's my insanity that keeps me sane hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

You have seen this right?

[img] [/img]

So, we do have Serenity the ship. In a manner of speaking of course.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, April 5, 2006 4:33 AM


All is NOT lost...there will be a sequel,

in the mean time get to enjoy the comic,
because they are alreadly starting work on new stories in comic book form....

enjoy, and keep flying.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse
have you checked out this thread?:

and listen to 'I'm Going To See Serenity':


Wednesday, April 5, 2006 4:45 AM



Originally posted by FunctionX:
This is sort of a rehash of a post I made in the forum related to the Firefly RPG, but I just wanted to speak my peace.

I found out about Firefly late. Too late. I saw the movie, Serenity, on a whim because I was bored and it got good reviews, and I loved it. I bought it recently with my first paycheck from my new job, and a week later I bought the Firefly series on DVD.

I love this show. I mean I really love it. The characters are so amazing. I've never seen a tv show where I empathize with the characters. I don't comment about how good someone's performance is or think about their acting - I can just feel what the actors are portraying. It's incredible.

I've never burst out laughing at a tv show before. Yeah, I've chuckled at Seinfeld or some other sitcoms once or twice - but nothing has ever sent me through a cycle of emotions like this show. Jaynestown alone had me laughing so hard I could split, almost bring me to tears (and believe me, I NEVER cry), and then question and really empathize with how the big guy felt at the end of the episode.

There are just so many things that should have went right with this show. So many reasons it should be the most popular show ever. But bad marketing and networking seemed to have yet another victim...

I'm just sorry, and dissapointed, that although the fight to keep Firefly on the air didn't succeed, that I wasn't there. I'm upset that Serenity's sales didn't turn out that well - it was so good I figured everybody had seen it! (Well they love it now when I brought it to a party on DVD!)

I wish I could have been there, fighting on the front lines for this show. I guess that's how Mal felt when he lost a war that should have went right. Kind of ironic.

This show has a meaning and depth to me that I can never thank the creators and all that made it possible enough for. Thank you.

It's a perfect performance in the most painful way: it will always leave me wanting more...

P.S.: I never thought ANYONE could get me to love westerns :)

I know exactly what you mean mate i hadnt even heard of Firefly not even seen it on the telly here in England so it was actually only by luck iv got the box set but im glad i did. Ive got plenty of favourite shows but there's just something about Firefly that sets it apart from other SCI-FI shows and just shows in general havent got a clue what it is but i love it now and i want more.

"Love, you know all the math in the verse but if you take a boat in the air, you dont love she'll shake you up sure as turn of the worlds" Mal


Wednesday, April 5, 2006 5:46 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Originally posted by Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown:
yeah, but you know what we don't have? Serenity the ship herself. I for one would love to have toy lego models & anything else I could get my hands on that had more to do with the ship

it's my insanity that keeps me sane hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

You have seen this right?

[img] [/img]

So, we do have Serenity the ship. In a manner of speaking of course.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

no I haven't thanks

it's my insanity that keeps me sane hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha






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