What if they can't get the full cast back for a 2nd season?

UPDATED: Sunday, April 9, 2006 16:23
VIEWED: 3009
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Thursday, April 6, 2006 9:35 PM


Okay, so this is obviously a WHAT IF thread, because the first premise is that there will be a 2nd season. So what if some network (which will from then on have a special place in our hearts) were to finance a second season, but not all actresses and actors would be willing or able to return? Would you want their characters written out? Replaced (can't replace family, can you?)? Would you watch it?

For me, Serenity/Firefly is all about the family, so I'd feel very uncomfortable with that scenario, but watch it anyways, of course. But I doubt any network would pick up a second season if not all of the actresses and actors sign on, and judging by the X-Files, it seems to be a generally bad idea.
Anyways, what are your feelings and thoughts on this?


Thursday, April 6, 2006 11:50 PM


The X-Files was a little different because it was basically a duo, one of whom left. Firefly had 9 main characters - it's an ensemble show. It also seems likely at some point someone would leave Serenity/be killed off anyway (probably Alan). As far as I'm concerned, I think they could cope with any given 6 of the crew. Less than that would be trickier but still...


Friday, April 7, 2006 1:16 AM


I go wherever Kaylee goes, so as long as she comes back I'll be just shiny :)

Honestly, though, of course I'd watch season 2 regardless of who would decide to come back. From everything I've heard though, the only potential problem would be if our Heroes had some other obligations (another series, movie work, etc.) If the interviews are anything to judge by, I think they'd all jump at the chance to work together again. And for the otherwise employed actors at the time, there's always room for guest spots, etc...

My guess is a season 2 comes out, we'd see all of the BDHs in there at some point or another.

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Friday, April 7, 2006 1:50 AM



The X-Files was a little different because it was basically a duo, one of whom left. Firefly had 9 main characters - it's an ensemble show.

Yeah, but the crew is constructed in a way that you can't really take someone out without significantly altering the whole group dynamic and the mental state of at least one other member of the crew, whose change will definitely affect THEIR behavior in the group and so on. It's like chaos theory - you can't change part of the whole without affecting the whole whole. Erm. You know. Wash knew this, because he was a dinosaur expert and has probably seen "Jurassic Park".
I don't know if saying this will get me into trouble, but Book is probably the only character that could be removed without having too much of an effect on the crew.


Friday, April 7, 2006 2:07 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I imagine that if some sort of resurrection of the show was to happen Joss would only do it if he could get the entire cast back together. Remember that the return of all nine cast members was what Joss insisted on to make the BDM.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, April 7, 2006 2:25 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I imagine that if some sort of resurrection of the show was to happen Joss would only do it if he could get the entire cast back together. Remember that the return of all nine cast members was what Joss insisted on to make the BDM.

That's sort of my point, and something a potential new "sponsor" like Universal or the Sci-Fi Channel will take into the equation, since I guess Joss tells them up front or they get that themselves. So this directly affects the next and greatest hurdle to take - the making of a sequel in whatever form - in a negative way.
It just occurred to me and kinda spoiled my day. But I got chocolate.


Friday, April 7, 2006 2:38 AM


It'd be very unlikely that some of them wouldn't return. Joss would be better off not making a 2nd season at all if he can't get the full cast (minus Book and Wash of course). If the full cast isn't in it then the show deserves bad ratings.


Friday, April 7, 2006 3:29 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

I imagine that if some sort of resurrection of the show was to happen Joss would only do it if he could get the entire cast back together. Remember that the return of all nine cast members was what Joss insisted on to make the BDM.

I agree with Browncoat1, this ensemble of actors and crew and director seem to genuinely love each other... they're friends off set for heaven's sake. I think when there is a second movie or a second season, everyone will be back. Even Book and Wash in flash backs or in the line of the story. They are all signed for 2 more movies, that is a good sign.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, April 7, 2006 3:47 AM


Hi, I’ve been lurking since I saw the movie the second week it was in the theaters and became a true Browncoat but I had to register for this question. As a fanatical fan I would definitely want to see all the living characters played by the original actors, but ultimately I think Firefly is about three characters, Mal, Zoe and Serenity. I see it as Mal and Zoe dealing with loss and the only constant they can count on is each other and their ship.
So if Joss could bring us that element I’m sure I would watch.
Now that said I would be sad watching a Firefly/Serenity without Kaylee and Jayne who are my favorite characters.

"One gunstar? Against the whole armada? It'll be a slaughter!"


Friday, April 7, 2006 4:40 AM


Welcome LoganRoss,

I'm glad you registered and I agree with you about Mal, Zoe and Serenity being the core of the show. One time my Mom and I were engaging in a "what if" conversation just like this question and we whittled it down to Mal, Zoe, and Serenity as being the constants we had to see. We also backtracked a little and said we thought that the loss of Kaylee might be too much.. that the show would lose it's heart and be too harsh. I still hold to that part. I truly would not like it if the living characters did not come back. And basically for me, the most important character is Mal.. there is no Serenity or Firefly without Mal. I would not watch it.

That being said, I still don't think we'll have to make that choice... Joss will bring them back... probably all of them. He's good, he'll find a way to weave the storyline so that we are all entranced just like always.

Oh by the way...*hands LoganRoss a browncoat*

you'll be needin' that to go with the rest of your gear, and de-lurk more please.. we love to talk.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, April 7, 2006 6:17 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
Yeah, but the crew is constructed in a way that you can't really take someone out without significantly altering the whole group dynamic and the mental state of at least one other member of the crew, whose change will definitely affect THEIR behavior in the group and so on. It's like chaos theory - you can't change part of the whole without affecting the whole whole.

But that's one of the things I like about the show. It is dynamic. Things do change. Look at the changes in the characters from the series to the movie. Inara's, and subsequently Book's, leaving did significantly alter the whole group dynamic and the mental state of at least one other member of the crew.

I'd love for them to recapture the feeling of Firefly-That-Was, but I'm also confident that whatever comes will be worth the ride. (So long as it's from Joss & co., that is.)

Ain't. We. Just.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 1:16 PM


Glad I got you to finally sign on, LoganRoss.
And you DO make a good point. Of course we'd still watch it since the "essentials" you mentioned are there, and Joss would come up with new, shiny characters, but still, it would be a completely different Firefly. Apart from that, I'd hate to think of members of the crew as being replacable like that.
I'm also not convinced that the new characters would be completely original, since Joss tends to use sort of the same stereotypes for each of his shows (which is fine with me, btw, since I love that ensemble of archetypes). Kaylee is basically Willow, Simon is Guiles, Jayne is Cordelia (muhahahahahaha), Wash is Zander etc. So it could be sorta meh. On the other hand, every Star Trek series was basically the same thing with a new cast. So maybe it'd even still be interesting if SERENITY was the only "character" left. However, they'd never greenlight a Firefly project like that. It's gorram near impossible they're gonna greenlight anything with the whole cast and crew ready to kick some ass, as it is.
And about dynamic changes - I've got nothing against those, as long as they're not too soon, and not forced. It'd be like Angel leaving Buffy after 10 episodes.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 1:25 PM


I've often thought about Joss' quotes along the lines of 'the dead characters could easily return, but not in the way you'd expect etc'. I always had a crazed notion that we'd actually get to see them living or breathing -- courtesy of Blue Sun and the Alliance.

Trying to predict what may happen -- Blue Sun develops a technology (nanites or some such) that can actually reanimate dead tissue. It's a bit more conventionally 'sci-fi' a concept, and not entirely in harmony with the state of the series we know, but hey -- the 'verse can change a lot across several seasons.

Whether or not it was actually their personalities in the bodies is another matter. Zoe would have to deal with the fact her husband was a walking corpse, Book would have to deal with the possibility that perhaps there is no God, since he didn't remember anything about being dead -- or perhaps finds more faith in thinking that God has given him a second chance in the 'verse.

Has anybody else thought along these lines, or is my crazed mind working over-drive again?

-- My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle --


Sunday, April 9, 2006 1:27 PM



Originally posted by LoganRoss:
Hi, I’ve been lurking since I saw the movie the second week it was in the theaters and became a true Browncoat but I had to register for this question. As a fanatical fan I would definitely want to see all the living characters played by the original actors, but ultimately I think Firefly is about three characters, Mal, Zoe and Serenity. I see it as Mal and Zoe dealing with loss and the only constant they can count on is each other and their ship.
So if Joss could bring us that element I’m sure I would watch.
Now that said I would be sad watching a Firefly/Serenity without Kaylee and Jayne who are my favorite characters.

"One gunstar? Against the whole armada? It'll be a slaughter!"

I see your point, but I'd have to digress in one area. River would have to be added to that list. I'd say this is mainly because in so much of the show, it focuses on the crew's reaction to River as well as the fact that they've had to change so much of their lives to include River and Simon. I really think that River is too much an integral part of the show to do without.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 1:32 PM


I'd still watch even if, for whatever reason, not all of the original cast comes back. Why? Because (when) Joss gets another chance at ressurecting the 'verse, he'll know that he has got to make this one really count. He said in one of the commentaries that the good thing about not knowing whether your show will be cancelled or not is that it makes you write the essentials, makes you write better. He would not waste the opportunity--he'd make it as damn good as he possible could.

I have faith that when he gets his chance, he'll try his best to make it as great as possible, whether all the cast comes back or not (but why wouldn't they? aside from legal issues). He surprised us the first time with Firefly...I believe he can surprise us again.

And I just *know* Nathan will wanna jump on board as long as Mal and Serenity are back, I'll be content. I'd still be miffed if they all didn't come back--but I know they couldn't stay away for too long. The 'verse will pull 'em all back in :)

Call me Faith--we're family here, no need to be informal.
*Browncoat since March '06: late on the bandwagon, but I ain't going anywhere!


Sunday, April 9, 2006 3:15 PM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
I don't know if saying this will get me into trouble, but Book is probably the only character that could be removed without having too much of an effect on the crew.

I think that with Book gone gone ((At least as possible it is to be gone in any Jossverse as it is to be)) then he will have some major issues. They were friends, and maybe he'll get in a weightlifting accident sans the Shepard.

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?


Sunday, April 9, 2006 3:30 PM


I wouldnt like it one bit however i would give it a chance and if the first few episodes were good then id carry on watching. Saying this i dont watch SG-1 any more because the guy who played Jack O'Neil isnt their any more and i thought he was the best character.

"Love. You can do all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don't love, she'll shake you off sure as a turnin' of worlds. Love keeps her in
the air when she oughtta fall down. Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens.
Makes her a home." Mal


Sunday, April 9, 2006 4:23 PM


You guys make some good points regarding the dynamics of the crew and their relationships.

BUT, if they couldn't get everyone back, if they only had the seven left at the end of the BDM, that would be OK. Ideal? Nope. OK? Yep. Think about it.

I think Joss might have prepared us for that situation by letting Book and Wash, uh, well, *throat closing* you know *catch in the voice*, anyway. If we had to lose some members that would affect the crew but still maintan the ability to continue the story, then those two were the easiest to let go, as I've mentioned in other threads. There's no story without Mal, and Inara makes Mal interesting, and there's no Mal without Zoe, and there's no Serenity without Kaylee, and there's no River without Simon, and there's no Simon without River, and so on. The only other one we could have lost was Jayne, but with Wash, sigh, you know, there needs to be some sort of comic relief. Also, Jayne brings in the complexity of the potential betrayal to the ship.

Holy crap, why am I so long winded?

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Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre
That's why I don't kiss'em on the mouth- Jayne Cobb






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