Travel to Persephone PT 2 (Life aboard Serenity)

UPDATED: Thursday, April 13, 2006 07:40
VIEWED: 18763
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Thursday, April 6, 2006 2:48 AM


Update:We got delayed going to Persephone, a little.....The shuttle is back along with 13 who is now a bot created by Wesley Lu Greham who is with XIII on High Charity and they seem to have gotten themselves in a bit of a pickle. Since they saved our butts from the Reavers looks like we'll have to help figure a plan to ward off any evils in their path.......Life goes on.......
Anyone is welcome to join thread!!

Past two threads for info

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, April 6, 2006 3:04 AM


Location Galley:

*She sees Ertia push Jayne out of the way, as she makes her way to the table. Jayne grumbles a bit....she thinks to herself, He may not be great with words but, damn, he is a looker, ain't he just...she wonders if he ever notices her starring at him when he works out....She shakes her head as to snap herself out of it and says to Ertia*

Need help Erita?

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, April 6, 2006 5:02 AM


*Pain rests his feet on the table while still waiting for the food to be cooked. He decides to take a drink and leans over to his left side so he can get to his flask in his right back pocket. He's having some slight trouble getting the flask out of his pocket and decides to lean over just a little bit more to see if it helps to get the flask free only to fall out of the chair and onto the galley floor. Pain gets up and looks at Ertia, Fly, and Jayne and says "What?"*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 6, 2006 5:38 AM


*trying to hide her snickering behind her hand*

Nothing, Pain, nothing at all. You throw yourself on the floor often?

*after that the others can't help it and start laughing, too. Except for Shepherd Book, who only smiles indulgently.*

Thanks for the help, Fly. I was just gonna boil up some rice. We've got these reconstituted veggies that should stir-fry up nicely. We just need some kind of protien.

*bumps Jayne down the counter a little further, wondering how cautious she has to be to keep him from figuring out that she just likes touching him*

What's the word from the Captain? Any chance of a plan? Or do we just going in shooting and take our chances?


Thursday, April 6, 2006 5:52 AM


*Pain dusts himself off even though there wasn't any dust and says*

Ha Ha Ertia.

*sits back down in his chair with his arms folded and mutters to himself*

Y'all a bunch of gorram comedians ain't ya.

*takes a swig of whiskey from his flask*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 6, 2006 6:26 AM


Uh huh. We aren't the ones with an unusual fondness for the floor, are we?


Thursday, April 6, 2006 7:25 AM


*Pain looks at Ertia from his chair and says*

Well maybe the floor has a fondness for me did ya ever think about that?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 6, 2006 8:12 AM


*as 13 requires no chemical energy to survive (or exist, as robots are objects) he is busy brooding in the cargo bay. He does not walk, as his programming permits him from walking on grates. His eyes are soulless, devoid of humanity. Yet inside of his computer mind, he feels regret, and hatred towards his creator. Such a person as 13 is not meant to walk the verse, but the cyborg cannot end his existence. COwardice, or simply desperation?*

I think a little chaos is in order.


Thursday, April 6, 2006 8:58 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
We just need some kind of protien.

Ok, see what I can whoop up

*bumps Jayne down the counter a little further, wondering how cautious she has to be to keep him from figuring out that she just likes touching him*

*Fly joins Erita to try to get a little Jayne action*

What's the word from the Captain? Any chance of a plan? Or do we just going in shooting and take our chances?

Haven't heard anything yet from Captain.....think he's trying to come up with somethin'

You ok over there Pain?

*She smiles at him. Says to Ertia*
After I'm done here I think I'll check on 13...I'm glad he's back, but he isn't 13 know...Just wish, wish things could have gone different is all...

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, April 6, 2006 9:17 AM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
You ok over there Pain?

*She smiles at him. Says to Ertia*
After I'm done here I think I'll check on 13...I'm glad he's back, but he isn't 13 know...Just wish, wish things could have gone different is all...

*Pain looks over at Fly and smiles back at her while trying to balance his boot knife on a finger and says*

Yeah I'm fine. Just waitin' for Ertia to finish cookin' up the food so's I can eat. *mutters* Sure wish I had a smoke though. Give me somethin' to do while I'm waitin'.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 6, 2006 9:36 AM


*13 continues brooding, honing it to an art*

Fly: Are you okay? What' do you think is gonna happen on Zenith?

*13 does not respond, consumed in thought. Fly begins to walk away, when he speaks*

13: I don't think; I calculate. I don't even live, I just exist..I am nothing, a construct of a person dead. I don't feel, I don't love, I don't..

Fly: 13..

*13 leaves to his bunk*

I think a little chaos is in order.


Thursday, April 6, 2006 9:42 AM



Sure wish I had a smoke though. Give me somethin' to do while I'm waitin'

*Throws him a pack of smokes*

Found those from XIII, remember.....Ok Ertia,,,,,here is our protein. I'll pop it in the oven......she makes a nice gentle brush past Jayne....I'm gonna check on 13 and see if I can catch up with JRC. See if he and captain have spoken......Pain, try to stay on your chair hunh.....

*Heads out to see if 13 is where she left him*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, April 6, 2006 9:46 AM


*13 continues brooding, honing it to an art*

Fly: Are you okay? What' do you think is gonna happen on Zenith?

*13 does not respond, consumed in thought. Fly begins to walk away, when he speaks*

13: I don't think; I calculate. I don't even live, I just exist..I am nothing, a construct of a person dead. I don't feel, I don't love, I don't..

Fly: 13..

*13 leaves to his bunk*

*She just sits on the floor and puts her head in one hand*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, April 6, 2006 10:13 AM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:

Sure wish I had a smoke though. Give me somethin' to do while I'm waitin'

*Throws him a pack of smokes*

Found those from XIII, remember.....

*Pain catches the smokes,takes one out and puts it in his mouth and says*

Yeah I remember.

Ok Ertia,,,,,here is our protein. I'll pop it in the oven......she makes a nice gentle brush past Jayne....I'm gonna check on 13 and see if I can catch up with JRC. See if he and captain have spoken......

*he takes a lighter out of his shirt pocket and lights the cig as he watches Fly brush against Jayne while talking to Ertia*

Pain, try to stay on your chair hunh.....

*Heads out to see if 13 is where she left him*

"Yeah I'll try not to." Pain says to Fly as she leaves the galley.

*Pain blows out a perfect smoke ring as he turns his head and looks up at the ceiling*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 6, 2006 1:15 PM


*13 is lying on his bed with his eyes closed, wondering why they are closed. It is not necessary, as they are not organic, yet the lenses could become dusty..*

What am I..

*River stalks into the bunk barefooted, and sits on the floor wordlessly, eyes intent on 13. The cyborg ignores her, and attempts going to sleep before remembering that he cannot*

River: You are a person, 13. Not just fake flesh and metal. There is a person buried in the guilt and hate and jealousy, not a mindless construct.

*she leaves as 13 contemplates her words*

Zenith..what's gonna happen..who's coming out of this alive..

I think a little chaos is in order.


Thursday, April 6, 2006 1:24 PM


*piles food on the table*


*as the holler echoes through the ship, Jayne and Pain start filling their plates.*

I'm still hearing rumors about Zenith. It's starting to make me a bit nervous.

*Jayne looks up from a mouthful of food. "Anythings better than just sittin' around."
Pain nods his agreement as he shovels more food on his plate.*


Thursday, April 6, 2006 1:28 PM


Meanwhile, On High Charity..

Monid: I'm getting some response from our seekers a few hours out. They're's a fleet coming. Did a scan from the seekers, they aren't Alliance.

XIII: Tell Serenity to land on Zenith. We can't take the mercs in the air.

Wesley: I could send out an EMP bomb after them, slow em down.

XIII: No, they can't know we're ready for em.

Monid: Are we, Captain?

XIII: ...

I think a little chaos is in order.


Thursday, April 6, 2006 2:03 PM


*Pain takes a swig from his flask after finishing his first plateful of food and says to Ertia, while he kicks his cigarette butt underneath the table*

This is some very good grub you cooked up Ertia.

*Jayne grunts in agreement as Pain helps himself to a second plateful and wonders to himself*

What the hell is taking JRC so long? If'n he doesn't get here soon Jayne an' me will eat up all the food and drink up all the booze.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 6, 2006 2:34 PM


*She hears Ertia's call for dinner. Starts to make her back to her bunk to see 13 and sees River coming from that very direction*

River: Fly, he is real, let him know he is real. He feels just doesn't remember how. Show him how.

*River walks off and Fly proceeds to her bunk and the bed she'd kept for him. She sees him lying there with his eyes closed. She kneels next to him and puts a hand on his head playing with his hair. She says to him softly*

13, I know you can hear me...I'm sorry what happened to you. I feel your flesh, I feel the blood running through your veins. You are warm not cold, real people are warm...

*She gets no response. She sits there for a moment and decides, dinner may not be a bad idea. She leaves her bunk giving one more look at him before she leaves and says*

13, I don't know how this is possible, because I've not known you for long,,,I feel a connection and, well, I love you 13...

*She turns, closes the door putting one hand on it and turns to make her way to dinner with a heavy heart. She sees everyone has pretty much started already. Says*

Hey,,,any word whats goin' on?

*Just as she says that Mal and Zoe walk in for dinner. She always tenses up when the captain is around and she felt the others saw it this time. She takes a plate and fills it, sits at the table next to Pain and says to Mal*


"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, April 6, 2006 3:18 PM


Mal: Well, we got word from High Charity. XIII wants us to land on Zenith and help them from there. Not much we can do in the sky....I won't give'm word till I talk with all of you....I want each and everyone to give me their thoughts...For one I'm in seeing as though they saved our hides from the Reavers....what you all got to say 'bout it.

*Mal looks around the table and not too many are ready to jump up and start*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, April 6, 2006 4:43 PM


*Pain looks up to see the Cap'n and Zoe enter the galley and take their respective seats at the table*

Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
Mal: Well, we got word from High Charity. XIII wants us to land on Zenith and help them from there. Not much we can do in the sky....I won't give'm word till I talk with all of you....I want each and everyone to give me their thoughts...For one I'm in seeing as though they saved our hides from the Reavers....what you all got to say 'bout it.

*Pain listens to the Cap'n speak as he continues to eat his food, occasionally raising his head to drink out of his flask*

*Mal looks around the table and not too many are ready to jump up and start*

*After the Cap'n finishes talking Pain looks at the Cap'n and then at everyone else at the table, and purposely shovels some more food in his mouth so's that he doesn't have to answer the Cap.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 6, 2006 8:04 PM


*Seeing no one else is speaking, Ertia swallows down a mouthful of rice*

"Well, you're the captain. You say we go, we'll go. And like you said, they did save our lives. I'm just...well you know I'm go se in a firefight."

*Pain snorts and Jaynes grunts "Yah, we know."*

*Gives Jayne a glare*, "But fair is fair. They saved us. Only right to return the favor. I'm in."


Thursday, April 6, 2006 9:14 PM


JRC finally walks in to the galley, interrupting Mal.
"Hey y'all, Doc's cleared me on the back inj....ohh, sorry Cap'n. Hey, grub!"
He helps himself to a plate, trying not to notice the look of irritation on the captain's face. Mal continues. "Book and Kaylee are in too. Best you guys keep cleaning your weapons, look's like there'll be trouble once we're planet-side. Doc also said he wants everybody innoc'ed before we land, including YOU Pain, not gonna be escaping the needle this time, dong ma?" As he heads towards the bridge, he turns to say, "Oh yea, and Inara's gonna be joining us once we're at Zenith. She being dropped off by one of her.....clients." For a second or two, Mal is completely lost in thought, then turns back towards the bridge. JRC notices the brief moment. "It ain't over between them two, is it?"

Everyone dies alone.


Friday, April 7, 2006 2:07 AM


*She swallows a mouth full of food then says to the captain*

Fly: I'm in......
*Everyone stops and looks at her. She looks at them like, What...*
JRC: Well that would be obvious wouldn't it
Fly: Sure, I suppose
Mal: You best be keeping an eye on that little
bot Fly.
Fly: Yes, sir.
Jayne: I'm in, but I hope there's coin involved. Ain't doing no charity work for "High Charity."
*Fly actually thought that was kinda funny*
Mal:Well looks like that's everyone.....
*Everyone tries to finish their meal. It's pretty quiet*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, April 7, 2006 6:03 AM


*Pain finishes up his second plate, gets up and puts it in the sink, takes a swig from his flask and heads off to his bunk to retrieve his weapons all at the while grumbling*

Why do I gotta get innoc'ed? I ain't never get sick. Why do I have ta get innoc'ed?

*Pain walks out of the galley and to his bunk, he opens the hatch and steps in. He goes to his bed where his AK w/ grenade launcher, SMGs, and bandolier of grenades for the grenade launcher are sitting on. He slings the bandolier on first, then the SMGs on each shoulder, and then he slings the AK over his back. Pain stops and thinks to himself "I wonder if I'm gonna need Sonja for this job?" a smile sreads over his face as he opens his weapons locker, kneels down and takes out a two foot long metal tube with a sling, fold out electronic sight, and push button trigger. He holds it up to the light and says "Ah Sonja my very favotite collapsable rocket launcher." He slings Sonja over a shoulder and pulls out a 2'x2'x2' foam lined duffel bag that contains six rockets and sets it down on the floor. Pain then closes the locker, grabs the bag and climbs out of his bunk, walks the short distance to the galley, stands in the galleys entrance and says to everyone still there:*

If'n y'all need me I'll be in the infirmary.

*Pain walks through the galley taking a cig out of the pack in his pocket and lighting it as he heads to the infirmary*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, April 7, 2006 6:17 AM



If'n y'all need me I'll be in the infirmary.

*She looks at everyone, one by one,,,,,,,she puts her chop sticks down and says*

I don't know 'bout you all, but, I'VE gotta see this.....

*She can't believe Pain is really gonna get his shot. She heads out to the Infirmary real quiet like so's he don't hear her commin'. She quietly peeks in the window....Sees doc saying somethin' to Pain as he gets the air out of the syringe. Pain starts to undo his belt buckle to his pants. She stands straigt-up. She mouths the words WHAT, WHAT. Captain did't say the shot was gonna be in the butt.....Nothin' 'bout the butt..nothin'....urgh. She can't bring herself to look again....She can't believe Pain really did it, and in the butt no less*

Damn.......see if you get me in way, no how.....

*She talks to herself all the way back to the galley. She starts to help clean up from dinner still mumuring to herself she clears some plates*

*Under her breath says*

No way

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, April 7, 2006 6:37 AM


Location: Infirmary

*Pain finishes buckling up his pants as he makes his way back to the galley with all the equipment he's carrying, using his free hand to take the cig out if his mouth and flick the ash off of it and put the cig back in his mouth while muttering*

That's the last freakin' time that gorram doc's innocin' me.

*Pain makes his way to the galley and proceeds to the lil' alcove in the corner, sets down on the table the duffel bag of rockets along with the rocket launcher and the AK, takes his flask out of a back pocket and sits down on the couch trying not to grimace as he does so. He takes the cig out of his mouth and snuffs it out with one of his combat boot covered feet and takes a swig from his flask while still muttering*

That's the last freakin' time I'm gonna let that gorram doc innoc me. The last freakin' time.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, April 7, 2006 8:30 AM


*pops into the infirmary*
Hey doc. Got something for me?

*Simon gives his 'serious doctor' face as he checks her med-record* "Left arm, please. You took the 'red-measle' in your right last time. We can't duplicate."

"Uh, Simon, didn't I just hear a rumor that Pain took his in the derrier?"

*Simon just smiles, somewhat wickedly, as he jabs her arm.*

"Oh, Doctor! You didn't? OUCH!" *stares at Doc in disbelief.

"Black mumps tends to cause muscle spasms. Can't have Dr.Pain's trigger arm convulsing, can we?" *his voice is dry but Ertia catches the glint in his eye as she rolls down her sleeve*

"And what about my trigger arm?"

*Simon stares in disbelief* "I don't forsee any problems. They aren't likely to give you a gun again."


Friday, April 7, 2006 10:00 AM


Meanwhile back in the galley........

Pain: No Jayne! For the last time get your gorram man-ape-gone-wrong hands off my rocket launcher!

Jayne: But..but I jus' wanna hold it is all. It's awfully purty.

Pain: NO!! You won't let me hold Vera so I won't let you hold Sonja here! *Pain clutches his rocket launcher close to him, looks down at it and says* There there baby I ain't gonna let Jayne touch you.

*Pain gives Jayne his "you-touch-my-weapons-without-my-permission-I'll-kill-you" look as they continue to argue*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, April 7, 2006 10:06 AM


*13 is contempating FLy's words in silence*


*he knows they're going to Zenith, and prepares his weapons.*

*laser-sharp blades extend from his forearms and legs, and his left hand unscrews to reveal a pistol. A black barrel telescopes from his right eye.*


I think a little chaos is in order.


Friday, April 7, 2006 10:16 AM


*As 13 goes to meet with the rest of the crew, he encounters Fly. The pair are silent, watching.*

You couldn't. A machine is a machine, despite appearences and speech. I could never feel the same for you, despite what you may desire.

Your place is here, with this crew and this ship, not with me.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Friday, April 7, 2006 11:13 AM


*still annoyed with Simon for once again pointing out that she shot a crew-member, Ertia heads to the cargo bay only to come face to face with the armed and modified 13*

WHOA! Battle-bots armed and dangerous! *She backs up a few steps, startled by his suddenly more-less-human-than-usual appearance*

*He just looks at her through his one visible glass eye* "I didn't mean to startle you."

Yah, well, ya did! *She realizes that it would hurt his feelings, if he had any.* Sorry. Just on edge is all.


Friday, April 7, 2006 12:20 PM



Originally posted by 13:
*As 13 goes to meet with the rest of the crew, he encounters Fly. The pair are silent, watching.*
You couldn't. A machine is a machine, despite appearences and speech. I could never feel the same for you, despite what you may desire.
Your place is here, with this crew and this ship, not with me.

*She hears his words and now sees the machine he has become. She quietly says*
Wo de ma he tade
*She puts a hand to her mouth like she were going to be sick and sits at the table with her hand still to her mouth. After a minute she says*
Lao tian bu
*Quietly fades to Pain and Jayne fighting*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, April 7, 2006 6:36 PM


*Ertia arrives in cargo bay, where most everyone is arming up and preparing for a fight, sees Pain and Jayne nose to nose, hollering over who's got the prettier gun*

Oh, for the love of Pete! *They both stop and stare*

"Who's Pete?" *Jayne asks, looking around the cargo bay.*

*Ertia clamps a hand over her mouth and turns around to hide her snicker and comes face to face with the Captain*

"Ertia, want you and Kaylee defending the cargo bay- we lose this ground we lose everything, dong ma?" Mal sets about organizing the ground team as Wash's voice comes over the loudspeaker.

*the pilot sounds disturbingly cheerful for someone about to land them in the middle of a firefight. "We'll be hitting atmo in about five minutes."*


Friday, April 7, 2006 11:28 PM


*13 is once again brooding over his words to Fly*

Maybe I was too, I would've known.

*He rubs his chin thoughtfully, nicking it with his blades.*


*He cleans the fresh blood flowing from the cut, wondering why a machine would bleed...*

I'm not that I?

I think a little chaos is in order.


Friday, April 7, 2006 11:31 PM


*13 is preparing for combat in his bunk, his metal fists and shining blades hurling through the air like meteors. He retracts the left blade as he delivers a haymaker to the steel wall, denting it quite deeply*

Gotta be more careful..

When are we gonna get to the fighting?

I think a little chaos is in order.


Friday, April 7, 2006 11:31 PM


*13 is preparing for combat in his bunk, his metal fists and shining blades hurling through the air like meteors. He retracts the left blade as he delivers a haymaker to the steel wall, denting it quite deeply*

Gotta be more careful..

When are we gonna get to the fighting?

I think a little chaos is in order.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 1:57 AM


*She'd made her way to her bunk to load up on the weapons she prepared hours earlier. She dons the vest, clips, leather thigh holser, of course black, and puts the guns in their repsective places and heads to the infirmary*

Hey Doc
*she starts undoing her pants*
Doc: uh, Fly, what are you going?
*he says while he is taking the air our of the syringe*
Fly: I saw, I thought,,,,oh, no, you didn't mean we don't have to get this in the butt?
Doc: Not quite Fly. Oh, you mean Pain...well yea, that was...OK, your done.....rumor has it he was taking a liking to my girl....
*He uncomfortalby starts to put stuff away*
Fly: OK, then Doc......ok,,,see you after

*She heads to cargo bay*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, April 8, 2006 5:57 AM


Location: Cargo Bay

*Pain and Jayne along with everyone else patiently await for Serenity to land. Pain makes a final check to make sure he has everything and wonders to himself*

I wonder if I might be carrying too many weapons hmm?

*Pain slaps away Jayne's hand as Jayne tries to handle Pain's rocket launcher once again, mutter under his breath Pain says*

Jayne this isn't the time to be trying to take my rocket launcher and if you do it again I'll shoot you in your man parts. Dong ma?

*Jayne gives Pain a sneer and Pain returns one back*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:37 AM


JRC is preparing his mini-arsenal. Loads up his S&W .44 mag six-shooter with its new laser sighting with under-arm holster and a box of ammo in his vest. Under the other arm, his Glock 9mm with 10 extra clips. He looks at his scatter-gun. "Hmmm, no, instead of that, better this one." From his metal foot locker, he pulls out a sawed-off, double barreled shotgun, with its holster mounted between his shoulder blades. "For close encounters," he says. Also in his vest, a box of ammo for the shotgun, two smoke grenades, two flash grenades, and 10 extra clips for his pride and joy, an HK 51 machine gun. "I never did give you a name, darlin'. I wonder.......I know, no female name, just Killer." Straps it to his shoulder. Sheaths a hunting knife in the pocket on his chest, and a small machete in a pocket built into his pant leg. "Damn, glad Doc cleared me of that back thing. Feel 50 pounds heavier. Ohhh gorrram it, gotta go to the john."

Everyone dies alone.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 9:40 AM


Location: Cargo Bay

*She sees everyone ready for action. She sees 13 comming towards them. He looks well prepared for battle*

Mal: Ok this is how it is...High Charity is gonna be landing on the remote side of Zenith just before us...Our goal is to get these folks off their butts so they can make a run for it, and us as well....There are two ships close on our tail....I bet they will try to land with us....We will do what we need to to protect High Charity from land and air attacts....Once the coast is clear, we're out, Dong ma? Maybe this time we can actually make it to Persephone.

*Everyone says "Sir" at different times*

Wash: 2 minutes Mal

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:14 AM


*13 is nervously standing outside of the grate-covered cargo bay*

Uh, guys..I need somebody to help me get across. My programming forces me to walk inside a square pattern, and my feet aren't small enough for the grates.

Help, anyone?

I think a little chaos is in order.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:19 AM


Mal and Zoe hand out small ear buds to all the crew. "We stay in touch with these. No unnecessary chatter, just quick updates on enemy movement, or if you get into a spot of trouble. Jayne, you back us up with that sniper rifle, then come down to join the fight. Pain, 13, Fly you're with me, Zoe's got JRC, and Ertia. Shepard, I gotta ask you again to stay with the ship and Kaylee and River. No one gets on board unless it's one of us. Doc, be ready for any injuries, and please, arm yourself. Wash will keep Serenity on low rev so's we can move on a moment's notice. Pain, you and Fly tend to 13."
Wash over the com: "Cap'n, one minute to TD."

Everyone dies alone.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:25 AM


*Pain and Fly somehow hoist the metal person to the doors of the cargo bay, where he is perched on a railing, as to avoid the grating*

A thing you gotta know about High Charity is..well, a lot more than just two ships are going to be hunting them. Once we're done with these two, your debt is paid, and we'll go our separate ways.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:37 AM


*Pain listens to the Captn speak and says*

Yes sir Cap'n.

*Pain sets down his duffel bag of rockets as him and Fly go to help 13 move across the cargo bay. As soon as they finish helping 13 Pain picks up his duffle bag and walks over to a crate and sits down on it to wait until Serentiy lands dirtside.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, April 8, 2006 2:01 PM


*After they take care of 13 and get their orders from the captain, she looks at Pain and motions to the duffle bag. He know exactly what she is motioning to. He replies*
I've got you covered Fly.
Wash: 10, 9, 8.....
Mal: Fly, Pain....ready..
Fly, Pain:Yes sir
*They can feel the boat teeter back and forth knowing the landing was in next to no time. Fly looks at 13. No emotion just ready for battle..Looks back at Pain again. Looks over to the others, Ertia, Jayne, JRC, Book, Kaylee, and Zoe and lastly the Captain. She closes her eyes holding her gun in her hand, takes a quick deep breath in and exhales. At precisely the same time the cargo bay doors open. The sand from the planet fogs and clouds the opening view*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, April 8, 2006 2:53 PM


*Pain squints his eyes as the dust is blown into the cargo bay, turns to Fly and says*

You know how I said there'll be more times when I'll ask for a favor? *Fly nods* Well I'm gonna need you to carry this duffle bag of rockets for me. It doesn't weigh much and it has a strap so's that you can sling it over your shoulder. I'd appreciate it if you would cause I'm thinkin' I might be carrying a lil' too much *Fly gives Pain a kind of surprised look as he said that* and I'm gonna need my hands free. So do you think you can do that for me please?

*Fly nods, hands Pain her pistol as he hands her the duffle bag, which she slings over her shoulder, and takes back her pistol. Flay says to Pain*

You're gonna owe me big time after this.

*Pain nods as he unslings his AK and says*

I know. *smiles at Fly just as Mal says*

Alright everybody comin' with me an' Zoe get in position we're headin' out!

*Everybody straightens up as they're about to leave and Pain thinks to himself*

I sure hope we come out of this alive.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, April 8, 2006 4:00 PM


*13 grits his teeth, and again wonders why a human action is being acted by a robot*

I am a sickle of ice, a sliver of death..mercy may be shown to those who bestow it, denied of those who laugh at it. Through the storm and the thunder, I shall remain as silence, as a stone, devoid of feeling and weakness..

*this mantra is overheard only by Fly, who casts a quizzical glance at the bot*

I think a little chaos is in order.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 4:16 PM


*Carrying two drawn Decker Peacekeeper pistols, The Grim Jack walks up beside Fly and Pain*

I told you two that I owed you mighty for savin' my life...I'm here to make things square.

You all can fill me in on the specifics later. As for now just point me in the right direction.

*Pulls on a pair of element goggles and smiles around his cigar*

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Saturday, April 8, 2006 4:47 PM


*Pain looks at Jack grins and says*

Hey long time no see. Thought you might've gotten lost in a hidey hole or somthin'.

*Pain turns back to the Cap'n and says*

Hey Cap look who decided to join us for the fun.

*Mal turns around and sees Jack, Mal says*

Glad ya could make it Jack. You join up with Zoe, JRC, and Ertia. Zoe will hand you an ear piece and fill you in on what's goin' down.

*Mal turns back around and says*

Alright crew let's stop lollygaggin' and get this job done.

*Everyone starts to head out*

**(Out of character: It's good to have you back man)**

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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