More Proff of Firefly's Greatness

UPDATED: Sunday, April 9, 2006 23:30
VIEWED: 1025
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Sunday, April 9, 2006 12:25 PM


Check this out from

Does Fox need anymore proof about the potential that Firefly has. I would love to know the real reasons to Firefly's demise, like the offical letter from Fox to Joss Whedon about why the show being cancelled.

It would most likely point out that the show did not have a single character to focus on, and that it did not have Aliens (despite being a sci-fi show in space), that the stories where to focused on moral issues that surround us today, that the layout of the show did not conform to the usual blueprint of episodic TV i.e. "The One" character, thats "fights evil", then losses all the way until the last moments of the show only suddenly to have one of those "Moments" then defeats an entire army in about 15 seconds.

You know everything that makes the show great!

It makes you wonder, did the "Fat Cats" at Fox, actually watch the series, or was it to different to "EVERYTHING ELSE" that after the first 15 mins they decided to cancel it. On the premise that "Well it aint nothin like Buffy, so I think I'll pass NEXT, look look, goody goody a new teen horror "Garfield and the ManEating Lasagne, now that has potential".

If "Fox Studios" was a singular entity, I would proberly kick him in the nuts!


Sunday, April 9, 2006 11:30 PM



Originally posted by maxrimstain:
I would love to know the real reasons to Firefly's demise, like the offical letter from Fox to Joss Whedon about why the show being cancelled.

Been thinkin' on this subject for a spell now and haven't seen nothing on what I been thinkin' so I'll pitch in my 2 centavos...

Firstly, remember that Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch. I recently rented "OutFoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" and it was very scary. Could be Rupert actually saw an episode and didn't like the theme or tone or God know what and said "Kill this now!" Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

But on a less conspiritorial bent, there were a lot of things that would send up a red flag. Think for a sec... You're a Fundamentalist Bible-thumper and you happen to catch the episode Jaynestown where River is "fixing" Book's copy of the Bible. You think that wouldn't send you into a rage and have you writing angry letters to Fox an' telling all your neocon fundi Christian friends to do the same? Shoot, soon as I saw that scene I went "Whoa... there had to be fall-out from that one"...

Then there's the lesbian scene -- don't remember if that ep was aired or not, but if it was, well you're gonna have a similar response from the crowd listed above.

But Fox airs all kinda stuff that is just as sensationalist and they don't cancel Family Guy -- though it was pulled off the air for a time, so don't know if the Bible & Lezbo stuff would necesarily kill it.

Overall, I think the show was just too well-written and thought-out. You had to actually pay attention to it and have some knowledge of history and politics to get a lot of the message / theme / tone...

But as Joss says in his interviews & commentary, once they all knew it was a goner early on, they worked extra hard to put every ounce of creativity and love they had into the show, and I'm sure the actors [obviously] did the same. You can watch all the elements of the show -- writing, acting, FX (all those cool off-angle, out-of-focus home video handy-cam shots), photography, music, hell everything on all levels was so far beyond the general gos-seh quality of regular TV that I refuse to even think of Firefly as TV. It was a theatrical mini-series that got stuck on the small screen is all.

Mark my words: TV and film schools will be using Firefly to teach / show students what truly landmark television can and should be.

And what's even more amazing when you stop to think about it is, the show had all kinds of technical errors & holes from a science point of view, all kinds of holes from a civilizational / technological P.O.V. but what carries the show and makes all of us Browncoats so gung-ho about it is the characters and their relationships, their need for and sense of family. That is Joss's genius and success as far as I'm concerned. You write a show about real people with real-world hurts and people will overlook all manner of stupid in other areas. True love is born of passion and feeling, not good looks and fast cars.

Jonathan M.A.Ghaffar:






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