Travel to Persephone PT 2 (Life aboard Serenity)

UPDATED: Thursday, April 13, 2006 07:40
VIEWED: 18766
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Saturday, April 8, 2006 4:56 PM


*holsters his pistols long enough to put in the ear piece Zoe gives him*

*Removes his long coat revealing his 'goin to town attire' (black pants, finely pressed white shirt, and a red/black print vest)*

Lets get this here thing done...I didn't get all gussied up for nothin'.

**OoC Good to be back brother**

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young

Wanna fly on Serenity...visit us


Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:14 PM


*About 200 meters from Serenity, Mal and company head for a small outcropping of rock. The Captain holds up his hand in a fist, and everyone stops.*
Over the wireless: "Wait one.......Inara, you here?" he calls in a quiet voice. Five seconds later, "Yes, Mal. There's no one here, you can talk regular for now. A group of about 30 to 40 men went down that way, about 45 minutes ago. Me and my pilot were not spotted." (She tells her pilot to leave in a low-orbit trajectory, to hopefully avoid being spotted). "Mal, these people were not of the friendly sort, plus they were heavily armed. About an hour before that, we spotted two gunships, both bigger than Serenity. What's going on?"

Everyone dies alone.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:24 PM


Mal says, "We have a favor to pay to the crew of High Charity. They needed a few gun-hands. Inara, I want you to go back to Serenity in that direction, about 200 hundred meters. Stay out of sight and then stay inside with the others till we get back." Inara turns to the rest of the crew. "Hello Fly, Ertia, you still with this scoundrel? Zoe, Pain, JRC, Jack, good to see you all again. Jack, why the Sunday best on a killing day? Jayne, get your mind out of the gutter." Jayne's smile quickly leaves his face. Then she noticed 13. "Oh my, who have we here?"

Everyone dies alone.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 7:25 PM


*13breaks away from his unit, his vorpal blades going snickersnack, as he encounters three armed mercenaries*

WARNING: The following explicit scenes of gore and intense violence.If thats not your cuppa, then please go to the next post, and imagine that the fight ended with tea and dumplings*

*The three mercenaries draw their weapons, trying to subdue 13 through intimidation. 13 rolls his eyes, and his eye-pistol fires once, sending out a spray of gray matter and blood.*

Mercenary # 2: Oh, shit.

*13 rushes the remaining mercenaries, his vorpal blades, once again, going snicker-snack. They slide like, well, no simile can describe what happened. The blade retracted from the man's torso, letting the blood spray like a waterfall. Crumple.*

*The final mercenary's eyes are gleaming in fright as he finally begins shooting. 13's blades move like lightning, an illusion of steel. He quickly aims the left at the mercenary, and the blade shoots out of the bots arm, piercing through the terrified man's mouth, shattering teeth and shredding neck*

*13 is entirely drenched in crimson, the blades dripping. His arms and torso are shredded by bullets, and he wonders who's going to patch him up. As he thinks this, his metal/flesh legs buckle beneath him*

Damn, must've nicked a sensor..*he notices that he is leaking blood and coolant at an alarming rate.*

Whoa...I better...sit..down..

*13 collapses among the fallen mercenaries, as his life flows from him*

I think a little chaos is in order.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 9:01 PM


The attack had happened so suddenly, no one had time to react except to dive for cover. 13 had apparently sensed the mercs, coming around the outcropping, and attacked them before the others knew what was happening.
Mal is the first to react. "Inara, are you OK? Darlin', go to the ship now, I'll explain later." She been sprayed by some blood, and begins to shake. "Wha....who is this 13?" Mal says, "GO NOW! Fly, Pain, check on 13."

Everyone dies alone.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 9:18 PM


Welcome back jack, really, really good ta see ya.

now all is right
rocket and radar are next
then all will be better

BTW I'm eastern time

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, April 9, 2006 2:23 AM


*She sees 13 go down....*
Fly: Pain, cover me
Pain: NO, Fly, wait
*Fly Drops the bag and runs for 13. She grabs him by the shirt at the shoulder and drags him to Serenity.
Pain: You could have waited until I said "Clear"
Fly: Oh, sorry, I just react sometimes you know that. You hear that Pain? Sounds like another ship landin' Lemme know whey you are ready, I'm right behind ya.
Fly: My ear piece isn't workin', damn, it's not workin'......motions to Jack and JRC that her ear piece isn't workin'
*Something catches her eye from the side of the ship. She stands up in ready stance and shoots. He's down. Ear piece decides to work now.....
Mal: to your left Fly
Fly: Yea, got it captain.....
Mal: there are more there Fly
*She looks at Pain to make sure he heard the Captain....He did,,Pain walks past her to take the front. She sees another one....shoots, he's down*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, April 9, 2006 7:06 AM


*Stopping momentarily to watch the 'blur of death' that is 13, Jack holstered both of his pistols and stomped out his cigar*

Mal: there are more there Fly

*He saw Pain move past Fly to take the point and started to join them, when a flash of movement off to the right caught Jack's eye. He saw a group of eight mercs tracking low through a dry creek bed, flanking the crew of Serenity*

*looking around he realized he was the only one not engaged*

The Grim Jack: Everybody, we have a group of eight huen dahns at one o'clock...I'm gonna try to slow 'em down with some surprise violence. Fly, Pain...I love you guys if anythin' happens...take care of my Mule.

*Using the cover of some scrub brush, Jack made his way to a bend in the creek bed about 20 yards in front of the pack of soldiers. Making the sign of the cross, he stood a meter beyond the bend, with his hands hovering above his Peacekeepers*

*Counting three beats, Jack pulled his pistols and sprung from around the bend. Engaged in a conversation with the man behind him, the mercenary on point didn't see Jack...nor did he have time to warn his comrades.*

*fire erupted from the ends of Jack's Peacekeepers, taking the first three soldiers to the ground. The fourth, fifth, and sixth soldiers turned to the creek's banks, thinking the fire was coming from the direction of the others. Sprinting toward the pack to close the distance between them, Jack continued his barrage of bullets.*

"Keep their attention a little longer...give the others time," thought Grim Jack.

*The first retaliatory shot came from number Seven and tore through Jack's left shoulder, rendering the arm useless. Without slowing, Jack fired his right pistol into the chest of Seven.*

*Face to face with number Eight, both Jack and the enemy merc raised their weapons to fire*

*Two shots rang out...both men fell*


We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young

Wanna fly on Serenity...visit us


Sunday, April 9, 2006 8:32 AM



Originally posted by GrimJack21502:
*He saw Pain move past Fly to take the point and started to join them, when a flash of movement off to the right caught Jack's eye. He saw a group of eight mercs tracking low through a dry creek bed, flanking the crew of Serenity*

*looking around he realized he was the only one not engaged*

The Grim Jack: Everybody, we have a group of eight huen dahns at one o'clock...I'm gonna try to slow 'em down with some surprise violence. Fly, Pain...I love you guys if anythin' happens...take care of my Mule.

"Sure thing Jack." said Pain as Jack ran off to deal with that threat. Pain shot a merc in the head as he finished that sentence too busy to see where Jack went. *Mal's voiced buzzed in Pain's ear*

Pain I've got a group of mercs at ten o'clock 400 yards out headed your way. There in a transport vehicle with an escort of dirt bikes each with two riders both of which are armed. I don't know what's in the transport but I reckon it can't be good. See what you can do about it. "Yes sir I'll see what I can do." Pain says to the Captn as he looks for some cover.

*Pain runs to some tall boulders for cover and motions for Fly to join him. She hunkers down on his right side behind the rocky cover as Pain puts down his AK and unslings the rocket launcher, extends it, flips open the sight and points it in the direction that Mal told him. Pain looks through the sight as it automatically zooms in on the oncoming threat. Pain smiles as he sees the a cloud of dust give way to a six-wheeled transport truck and the four dirt bikes, two on each side about 10 feet apart. Pain thinks to himself "Didn't your mama's tell you not to stay too close to something that big and can go boom." He smiles as the 'Target Locked' indicator flashes in front of his eyes, he presses down on the trigger button as a rocket with a high explosive warhead surges forth from his beloved rocket launcher and speeds towards the truck.*

"Sir we got something heading straight for...." the merc in the passenger seat didn't have time to finish what he was saying as the truck exploded in a bright orange fireball, the shrapnel and the shockwave of the blast upending those on the bikes either killing them or maiming them too much for them to retaliate against the sudden attack on them.

*Pain looked at the destruction happen through the rocket launchers sights and commed the captain. "Sir you don't have to worry about that threat now. It's taken care of." "Good work Pain" the Captn replies back. Pain is about to respond back when someone's voice chimes in. "We've got a man down! I repeat we've got a man down! Over by the dry creek bed. Jack's been hit!"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, April 9, 2006 9:04 AM


*he couldn't stop the bleeding*

*His life left his body through the fingers holding his stomach*

*In the distance he heard an explosion and smiled*

*singing to himself...*

The Grim Jack: the hero of Zenith, the man they call Pain

"Got one card left to play," thought Jack.

*reaching into his pants pocket, he pulled out a small remote control*

The Grim Jack: Come on old last ride.

*As Jack activated the remote control, his beloved Hover Mule awoke in Serenity's Cargo Bay and drifted out toward the creek bed*

*Tears welled in Jack's eyes when he saw his 'girl' coming to get him*

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young

Wanna fly on Serenity...visit us


Sunday, April 9, 2006 9:25 AM


Wash over wireless: *Hey, the mule's exiting Serenity! Must be Jack and his remote. He may need help!"
JRC hears the message and the one of man down. "Oh sh*t! On my way. Book, Inara, cover that open hatch! Jayne, get down here, we're down a couple of people." Jayne had picked off about ten mercs, and was already coming down to help.

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 9:37 AM



Sunday, April 9, 2006 9:42 AM


About twenty meters from Jack, JRC has stopped. "Jack, hang on!" He tosses one of his smoke grenades, waits for smoke, then takes off in his direction. He sees the carnage, then Jack clutching his stomach. The Mule arrives at the same time. "Good job Jack. Your Mule's here." He takes a large piece of gauze and takes Jack's remaining hand and places them on the wound. "Jack, you need to take yourself back to Serenity pronto. Ertia will try to meet you halfway. Doc, you have incoming wounded!"

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 10:36 AM


"Jack, you need to take yourself back to Serenity pronto. Ertia will try to meet you halfway. Doc, you have incoming wounded!"

*Smiling up at JRC...*

The Grim Jack: We're in some peril here comrade. These jien huos we've deathified are just the fodder. The real guns are waitin' to see what happens and to mark our positions. Thems the ones we have to worry about.

*As he stopped talking, Jack turned to the Mule hovering in front of him. Still sitting, he reached out a lovingly stroked the side of the hover craft.*

The Grim Jack: Me and my 'girl' here are going to go on one last date. We'll find those that are hostin this little shindig and size 'em up for the rest of ya.

*Hands JRC the remote for the Mule*

The Grim Jack: When this is done, bring my good girl back home...don't leave her on this mudball to rust. Help me up into the saddle partner.

*JRC reluctantly helped him into the pilot seat of the Mule. Grabbing JRC's arm before he could pull away, Jack gave him his left Peacekeeper pistol*

The Grim Jack: Take care of this...and when Serenity's gliding peaceful through the Black, light a cigar for me.

*With that Jack engaged the throttle of the Mule and sped off in search of his last adventure*

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young

Wanna fly on Serenity...visit us


Sunday, April 9, 2006 10:45 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:

*Pain looked at the destruction happen through the rocket launchers sights and commed the captain. "Sir you don't have to worry about that threat now. It's taken care of." "Good work Pain" the Captn replies back. Pain is about to respond back when someone's voice chimes in. "We've got a man down! I repeat we've got a man down! Over by the dry creek bed. Jack's been hit!"

Fly:Good shootin' Pain. She sees Pains face when he heard the news of Jack, ....What's goin' on Pain, what's goin' on, my ear piece isn't working agin.....Pain

*She hits him arm to snap him out of it*
Fly:Pain what is it
Fly:Gou shi. He'll be ok. I know he will. What do we have left? Let's finish this and get the Gui out of here. Pain, I don't have an ear peice anymore....Help me here.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, April 9, 2006 12:25 PM


Mal and Zoe are handling the mercs trying to advance on Serenity. Jayne has flanked them and has been laying down suppressing fire. JRC is moving towards Jayne when he hears it...... a 20mm cannon. They're using it to cut a swath to the ship and get a clear shot. "Gorram heavy artillery. Jack was right, that little sh*t. We owe him more than he'll ever know." JRC makes his way past the smaller firefight, about 100 meters past. He's emptied his Glock, used both smoke grenades, but still has his shotgun, flash grenades, S&W, and machine gun. "Time for a little target practice. Could be I still have a way to help Jack."

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 12:36 PM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
Fly:Good shootin' Pain. She sees Pains face when he heard the news of Jack, ....What's goin' on Pain, what's goin' on, my ear piece isn't working agin.....Pain

*She hits him arm to snap him out of it*
Fly:Pain what is it
Fly:Gou shi. He'll be ok. I know he will. What do we have left? Let's finish this and get the Gui out of here. Pain, I don't have an ear peice anymore....Help me here.

*Pain looks to Fly and says*

Yeah I hope he'll be alright too. Alright let's see what do we have left uh well we have the six rockets in that bag *points to where Fly dropped the duffle bag*, still have the grenades for the grenade launcher, still have my pistols, SMGs, all their ammo, my knives, and as for the AK about 10 mags left. That should be pretty much be enough to handle our situation somewhat.

*Pain takes out his ear piece, wipes it off on his shirt, gives it to Fly and says*

Here take mine since yours is all tweaked I don't need it.

*Pain smiles at her, runs to his duffle bag, picks it up, runs back to her and says*

Let's go help the others.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, April 9, 2006 12:38 PM


He unholsters his .44 mag. He advances 50 meters, then crouches behind a fallen tree. Suddenly, the air around him is full of bullets. About a stone's throw away, three men have seen him. "Whoa!" he cries. He pulls a flash grenade from the vest, waits a split-second for them to reload, then lets loose with the HK and heaves the grenade. A loud explosion, bright light, then silence, and the men are incapacitated, they're eardrums burst with the concussion.
He takes the brief pause to check in and report: "Cap'n I'm near the 20mm, about 50 meters from it. About your 2 o'clock. Gonna try to pick off some of those buggers, but I could use some help. And Cap, Jack's in the Mule. He's headed straight for those bastards. I know he ain't coming back."

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 12:48 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:Here take mine since yours is all tweaked I don't need it.
*Pain smiles at her, runs to his duffle bag, picks it up, runs back to her and says*
Let's go help the others.

*She takes the ear piece...Just when Pain finishes speaking they see the empty mule heading towards Jack's position.
Fly:He finally got it didn't he,,,,,,he got the remote to work for the mule...O zhe zhen shi ge kuai le de kin zhan. That will make good cover ready,,,,NOW...

*She puts the bag over her shoulder and they run side by side with the mule using it for cover to rejoin with JRC and Jack

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, April 9, 2006 1:02 PM


"Not long now..." thought Jack, as he looked down at the deep red stain spreading across his stomach.

*The Mule was gliding majestically toward the top of the highest hill overlooking the battlefield below.*

*Suddenly from a neighboring rise, heavy artillery rained down around Jack and his 'girl' sending clouds of sand and shards of rock into the air*

*Hearing JRC exlpain his position and plan to Mal, Jack smiled*

The Grim Jack: You've got my back comrade. Now I'm a gonna cut out those bastards eyes.

*The Mule continued its course toward the crest of the hill...and the Forward Recon Vehicle and makeshift sighting position placed upon it*

The Grim Jack: Just a little longer my beautiful old Mule...just a little longer.

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young

Wanna fly on Serenity...visit us


Sunday, April 9, 2006 1:21 PM


JRC scopes the 20mm position, and then notices the forward spotting post. "Top of the hill, huh? That means I know exactly where you are." Using the laser sighting, he aims....BOOM! "Damn, I forgot the kick this thing has." He missed the target, but nonetheless, got their attention with all the rock shrapnel. They don't know where the shooting is coming from. He scans again, BOOM! One down, then notices....the shoulder-fired heat-seeking missile launcher. "Oh no.....Jack, Jack, come in. They've got a heat-seeker!!!"

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 2:00 PM


"Oh no.....Jack, Jack, come in. They've got a heat-seeker!!!"

*Jack could see the soldier with the missle launcher up ahead. Traveling at full throtle, the Mule closed quickly on the man, who seemed to be just standing there.*

The Grim Jack: Why ain't you tryin' to murder me?

* Throwing the Mule's accelerator to 'full stop', Jack swung the old hovercraft wide...narrowly avoiding the two soldiers wielding grenade launchers hidden behind a fallen tree.*

The Grim Jack: JRC use the remote and call the Mule home...ain't no sense us both dyin' on this rock today.

*Lowering himelf to the ground, Jack reached out and touched the vehicle.*

The Grim Jack: Goodbye old girl. You're the best damn Mule in all the 'Verse and don't let no one tell ya different.

*Stumbling away from the Mule, Jack headed toward the rocket soldier.*

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young

Wanna fly on Serenity...visit us


Sunday, April 9, 2006 2:39 PM


*13 gets up shakily, resisting the wounds in his legs. His arms blades extend once again, and he readies his eye-gun. He looks around, seeing he's inside Serenity.*

Who dragged me here? Diagnostic: 57 % functioning rate. Classifies as ill, go for repairs..

*he shakes off the machine acting in him, dragging up that half-dead, courageous human soul*

Screw function, screw repairs, and screw HIDING!

*13 runs out of the ship, rather kamikaze style, into the rain of bullets and fire. He dodges, ducks, dips, dives, and dodges a barrage of projectiles, cutting into the heart of the battle*

*Fly is being stealth flanked by five mercenaries, distracted by the battle to the front. She sees them at the last moment, knowing death is certain..the men open fire as 13 dogdes, ducks, dips, dives and dodges into the way of the bullets, covering Fly with his flesh/metal body. A small, circular object is in his left hand. He hurls it, and pushes Fly away. The grenade goes off, hurling dust and guts into the air. The dust clears, and 13 is lying on the ground motionless. Fly runs to him, noticing his legs are gone*

I cant feel my legs..wait, I never could..*laughs* That was a....bad..idea..huh?

I think a little chaos is in order.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 4:36 PM


*She sees 13 and tries to not think about his injuries. She sees the men closing in and grabs Pains bag and gets out the rockets and hands him a couple and she takes a couple and shoots them off in the direction the men are coming from.......Gone, they are gone. Silence for a little bit, silence....she looks down at 13*
*She scoops up what is left of him and knows that the only way he will survive is to get him back to High Charity..She looks at Pain*
Pain, I've gotta get him back to High Charity..I haven't heard anything 'bout any immanent danger.
*She looks back at 13*
Whaddid you go and do that for 13, why.....
*High Charity is only yards away and starts to run with him to the ship. When she reaches High Charity she sees XIII and says*
Please, do what you can for him, please.
*She leaves High Charity and sees Serenity not too far away......She grabs the Flashbang grenade and holds it in her left hand. She's running and she is tackled from behind she lands on the ground, grabs her knife from her pant leg and jabs the intruder in the neck at the jugular. She takes the knife out, wipes it on his shirt and puts the knife back, gets up and makes her way to Serentiy...upon entering the cargo bay she sees Kaylee, and Book*
Who and what is left? Did Jack, Pain and JRC make it back?

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, April 9, 2006 4:59 PM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
*She sees 13 and tries to not think about his injuries. She sees the men closing in and grabs Pains bag and gets out the rockets and hands him a couple and she takes a couple and shoots them off in the direction the men are coming from.......Gone, they are gone. Silence for a little bit, silence....she looks down at 13*
*She scoops up what is left of him and knows that the only way he will survive is to get him back to High Charity..She looks at Pain*
Pain, I've gotta get him back to High Charity..I haven't heard anything 'bout any immanent danger.

*Pain looks back at Fly as holds the remains of 13 and says to her*


*He watches her as she leaves Serenity for High Charity, turns to Book and says*

Tell the Captn I'm heading for JRC and Jack's last position.

*Pain checks his AK heads out to Jack and JRC's last known location*

*She looks back at 13*
Whaddid you go and do that for 13, why.....
*High Charity is only yards away and starts to run with him to the ship. When she reaches High Charity she sees XIII and says*
Please, do what you can for him, please.
*She leaves High Charity and sees Serenity not too far away......She grabs the Flashbang grenade and holds it in her left hand. She's running and she is tackled from behind she lands on the ground, grabs her knife from her pant leg and jabs the intruder in the neck at the jugular. She takes the knife out, wipes it on his shirt and puts the knife back, gets up and makes her way to Serentiy...upon entering the cargo bay she sees Kaylee, and Book*
Who and what is left? Did Jack, Pain and JRC make it back?

*Kaylee and Book look at each other, then at Fly and shake their heads "no"*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, April 9, 2006 6:08 PM



Originally posted by GrimJack21502:

The Grim Jack: JRC use the remote and call the Mule home...ain't no sense us both dyin' on this rock today.

*Lowering himelf to the ground, Jack reached out and touched the vehicle.*

The Grim Jack: Goodbye old girl. You're the best damn Mule in all the 'Verse and don't let no one tell ya different.

JRC receives Jack's message. "Copy that Jack, and....goodbye." He activates the small remote, looking for the Mule. "There you are. Now to send you back home." He presses the auto-pilot and home button simultaneously. "For Jack. Now to finish this, before it finishes me."

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 6:16 PM


From position on Zoe's right, Ertia hears the call to meet the injured GrimJack and see him back to Serenity.

Ducking under Zoe's gunbarrel, she rolls down the hillside, and pushes to her feet, only to see Jack's mule headed the other way, into the combat zone.

"Stupid hwoon dahn! Always has to be the gorram hero!" Diving back onto her stomach, bullets whistle over her head. Crawling towards a small tree for cover, she sees it shatter with shrapnel just as she reaches it. "Go se!"

"ERTIA!" Zoe's voice rings in her ear, "Get back up the hill!"

Crawling, she heads back for the hill, only to see a line of mercs cut her off from Zoe and Captain as they advance.

A rolling tire that seems to have come from a blown-apart truck rolls in front of her nose. After a brief prayer, "Lord, thank you for Jayne, Pain and Rocket Launchers!" she flips her radio.

"Zoe, we got ten men coming up from this side. I got no cover and my laser pistols at half-charge- I can take three, maybe five if I don't miss! Need some direction here!"

Grabbing the rolling tire she props it in front of her for cover and aims up the hill, telling herself- "SQUEEZE~ Don't TUG. SQUEEZE- don't TUG!"


Sunday, April 9, 2006 6:18 PM


At Serenity, Book reports to Mal: "Captain, Pain and Fly are headed your way. However, we seem to have drawn some unwanted attention. We have about 20 hostiles coming our way, curiously, they're not firing at the ship, but one almost took Fly down." Mal responds, "I'm sending Jayne your way, and for crying out loud, don't shoot him!" He turns to Jayne, "Take your rifle, and back them up." Meanwhile, JRC had taken out about 5 of the spotting crew, till the mercs get a bead on him. The single-barrel 20mm erupts, spitting out small cannon shells, 3 every second, that reduce trees and rocks to dust. "Sh*t!, Cap'n, Fly, anybody, I'm pinned down!"

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 6:44 PM


Ertia hears JRC's call for help and looks around, but all she can see is dust. "Can't see you, J! Where are ya?"

She squeezes a short blast from her laser pistol, praying that it's enough to take down her target. A pinpoint burn mark erupts on the target's back and he falls.

The man next to him turns and spatters the surroundings with bullets. Ertia's tire deflates and she's left with only the heavy metal rim.

"Oh this is a hell of a time for a flat!" She aims the laser pistol at his chest, praying she doesn't miss.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 8:05 PM


Everything within 15 feet of JRC seems to be exploding. Even the air is hot with cannon shells flying by, striking the foilage and rock another 20 feet away. He's holstered his S&W, and is trying to keep the mercs heads down with the HK, but they're too spread apart, and they're like sharks, smelling a kill, all trying to end him. The 20mm hits a tree, it flys into a thousand pieces, and one finds it mark. "AAHHHHH!!!" A large shard, about two feet long, strikes JRC in the left thigh, just above the knee, exiting out through the back of the leg. "F*ck, this is it! Zoe, Ertia, I'm hit. I'm at your 3 o'clock!" Just beyond the destroyed tree, he spots a shallow gulley, no more than 4 feet deep. After emptying a clip, he crawls into it. He wraps his belt around his upper thigh. With his bayonet, he cuts the shard down to about a foot long. He almost passes out from the pain. "I got some cover guys, but I'm not very mobile. Ertia, at your 12, top of the hill, you and Zoe direct your fire at their spotters. Get them off'a me! And where in the sphincter o'hell are Pain and Fly??"

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 8:58 PM



Originally posted by JRC:
Get them off'a me! And where in the sphincter o'hell are Pain and Fly??"

*Pain fires a burst of auto fire from his AK at three of the mercs taking each down as he ducks behind a huge boulder and says to JRC*

You rang!

*JRC says to Pain while in pain*
Sure took your ass long enough and where the hell did you come from anyway?

*Pain says to JRC*

Sorry I would've been here sooner but there's sort of a nasty dust storm down back a ways.

*Pain peeks up from the boulder and fires another volley at some more mercs, ducking behind the boulder as bullets ricochet off the opposite side*

*Pain ejects an empty mag, slaps in a new one, gets up and fires again, striking a merc in the chest*

*Pain yells out to JRC as the sound of the 20mm cannon fires again*

So how are you doing as far as ammo if'n you don't mind my askin'?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, April 9, 2006 9:23 PM


*Rolling her tire rim along in front of her, Ertia manages to scrounge some extra cover from behind a boulder.*

"OH! Thank you, Lord!" The dead merc lying behind the boulder is holding more weapons and ammo than she can imagine. She tucks her discharged laser pistol into her shirt and shoulders a machine gun, tucking pistols and clips into her belt and down her boots.

Standing up, she unleashes a deadly storm into the remaining men climbing up the hill! And into the sky. And around the flatland. And through the advancing pair of hover-craft. And into the back-hatch panel of the High Charity.....


*Jayne's voice comes over the radio- "Gorram it! Who gave her an AUTOMATIC????" *


Sunday, April 9, 2006 11:09 PM



*Pain yells out to JRC as the sound of the 20mm cannon fires again*

So how are you doing as far as ammo if'n you don't mind my askin'?

"I've got two clips left for Killer here, still got the box of ammo for the double-barrel, but that wont do any good with the s.o.b.'s up there on the ridge. My Glock is gone, still got my Smith and Wesson, and I was given this by Jack." He shows Pain a Peacekeeper. "Got two rounds left." From behind them, they hear an M60 firing rounds towards the hill. "What in the samhill...??? It's Ertia!! She's armed hers....DUCK!" They both bury their faces in the dirt when a dozen rounds fly over their heads, then they hear Jayne's comment. For whatever reason, they both start to laugh uncontrollably. At the top of the hill, in a scene that will never be known to Serenity's crew, the mercenaries look at each other, wondering how anyone could laugh at a time like this.
About a minute later, tears rolling down their cheeks, JRC tells Pain, "Jack's up there somewhere, near that spotting base or the 20mm. Ain't heard anything for the last 20 minutes from him. I think he's gone."

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 11:57 PM



Originally posted by JRC:
"I've got two clips left for Killer here, still got the box of ammo for the double-barrel, but that wont do any good with the s.o.b.'s up there on the ridge. My Glock is gone, still got my Smith and Wesson, and I was given this by Jack." He shows Pain a Peacekeeper. "Got two rounds left."

*Pain says to JRC*

Well I have about eight and a half mags left for the AK, still have the grenades for its grenade launcher, six mags left for each of my Desert Eagles, four full speedloaders for the snub-nosed S&W 327PC revolver in my right ankle holster, eight mags each for my silienced Mac-10s, and one rocket left for my rocket launcher.

From behind them, they hear an M60 firing rounds towards the hill. "What in the samhill...??? It's Ertia!! She's armed hers....DUCK!" They both bury their faces in the dirt when a dozen rounds fly over their heads, then they hear Jayne's comment. For whatever reason, they both start to laugh uncontrollably. At the top of the hill, in a scene that will never be known to Serenity's crew, the mercenaries look at each other, wondering how anyone could laugh at a time like this.

*still laughing Pain says*

I vote we don't let Ertia near anymore automatic weapons when we get back.

About a minute later, tears rolling down their cheeks, JRC tells Pain, "Jack's up there somewhere, near that spotting base or the 20mm. Ain't heard anything for the last 20 minutes from him. I think he's gone."

*Pain says to JRC*

Well Jack did kinda dress differently than what he usually wears to a gunfight and if he is dead then we don't have a choice other than to finish the job and grieve for him later. That's the way he would've wanted it.

*Pain unslings the rocket launcher, extends it, flips open the sight, turns to JRC and says*

So think either me or you can hit that cannon over there with this *nods to rocket launcher*?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, April 10, 2006 1:44 AM


*Crawling through the remains of the three mercs, Jack, pale as a ghost, focused on the object lying ten feet in front of him. He had some how found a way to dispatch the soldiers, but his Peacekeeper was empty...and his time was almost up.*

*Finally reaching the object, he used the rest of his strength to pull himself up to a standing position. Looking across to the oposite hill, Jack could see the 20mm firing barrage after barrage down on his friends.*

The Grim Jack : You boys sure are kickin' up a mighty powerful heat signature with that there boom stick.

*Jack looked down at the object he held. The shoulder mounted Heat Seeker stared back. Raising it to his shoulder, he activated the targeting mechanism. It only took a few seconds for the launcher to target the cannon. Smiling Jack pulled the trigger.*

*The raw force of the missile threw Jack to the ground, but he was able to look up in time to see the 20mm turn into a gorram fireball.*

The Grim Jack: Royal Flush, you ruttin bastards.

*Jack lit his last cigar off of the exhaust port of the spent heat seeker and placed it in his mouth.*

*Smiling around his cigar, his last thoughts were of his friends...and his life aboard Serenity.*

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young

Wanna fly on Serenity...visit us


Monday, April 10, 2006 3:34 AM


*Sees the mule coming back to Sereneity. Empty*
*As the mule comes to a stop she jumps on and says to Book, Kalyee and Zoe*
I gotta get back there and get these guys, keep me covered.
*She reaches Pain and JRC*
We gotta get out of here guys, Jack is done just over there. This machine is too big for me JRC, take us out of here. She helps load the box of ammo. Pain, what do you have left for rockets, looks like we'll need 'em.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, April 10, 2006 3:34 AM


*Sees the mule coming back to Sereneity. Empty*
*As the mule comes to a stop she jumps on and says to Book, Kalyee and Zoe*
I gotta get back there and get these guys, keep me covered.
*She reaches Pain and JRC*
We gotta get out of here guys, Jack is done just over there. This machine is too big for me JRC, take us out of here. She helps load the box of ammo. Pain, what do you have left for rockets, looks like we'll need 'em.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, April 10, 2006 5:27 AM


'Chukk chukk'

The machine gun spends its last round just as Jack's final delivery makes it's appointed round at the canon.

Ertia drops the gun,ducks and rolls as shrapnel and manparts fly everywhere. Pulling out one of the pistols, she dives back to her boulder and surveys the situation.

There's dust and smoke everywhere, and the air is thick with the smell of sulphur and blood. "Dang! That was FUN!"

Quickly, she starts looking for more bodies that might have more wicked toys on them!


Monday, April 10, 2006 5:43 AM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
*She reaches Pain and JRC*
We gotta get out of here guys, Jack is done just over there. This machine is too big for me JRC, take us out of here. She helps load the box of ammo.

*Pain collapses his rocket launcher as Fly shows up, gets up and says*

Yeah I saw that. Saved me the job of having to do it.

*Pain walks over to JRC, looks at Fly and says*

You'll have to help me get JRC into the cockpit since he suffered a mighty nasty leg wound *Pain points to JRC's thigh*.

Pain, what do you have left for rockets, looks like we'll need 'em.

*Pain says as both Fly and him finish hoisting JRC into the Mule*

Well like I told JRC. I only have the one rocket left. Don't know how much help it'll be.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, April 10, 2006 5:56 AM


Another burst of automatic rounds tears through the surroundings, as Ertia purloins another gun. Fortunately, this time, she's pointing it at the bad guys as she runs backwards towards the gulch where she just make out the shape of the mule through the dust.

She drops down between Pain and Fly as her latest toy empties.
"HI, GANG! You miss me? Jeezus, JRC, You're not lookin' so hot! I didn't shoot you, did I?"


Monday, April 10, 2006 8:29 AM


Ertia, I did miss you but, damn girl, you are one hell of a fighter no matter who says what I want you covering my back any day.......
*Fly holds up her hand and they some kinda hand shake thingy*
Hold on JRC we just need to pick up Jack......Pain all set
*She takes the last rocket in hand*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, April 10, 2006 8:54 AM


*all that remains where Jack fell is a cigar butt and an empty Peacekeeper pistol*

**OOC fun playing with you guys Frosty the Snowman...I might be back again someday **

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young

Wanna fly on Serenity...visit us


Monday, April 10, 2006 9:31 AM


JRC is almost shocked when he sees that Fly made it through the small arms fire back at the ship. "Fly, hope you don't mind me saying, but you got quite a pair on you, and I don't mean girly parts neither. Jack's last wish was to keep his beloved Mule safe. Hope he don't come back and haunt you somehow." *He winks at her.* There's a loud BOOM where the 20mm was. "Damn, that was Jack!! He got those sorry bastards! C'mon, we gotta get back to the ship. Maybe those mercs are still near Serenity. We're gonna be flying a little heavy, tho. Fly, I don't think Jack is with us anymore, but we can look for his remains later. And Ertia, "almost" got shot by you, but nice work with the repeater anyway. Pain, keep that launcher loaded. We're coming in hot." At the same tme, he informs Mal and Zoe they're coming in to join the last firefight.

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, April 10, 2006 9:51 AM


*OoC: It was good to have you back man. Hope to see you again sometime soon.*

(JRC beat me to the post)


Monday, April 10, 2006 2:01 PM



JRC is almost shocked when he sees that Fly made it through the small arms fire back at the ship. "Fly, hope you don't mind me saying, but you got quite a pair on you, and I don't mean girly parts neither. Jack's last wish was to keep his beloved Mule safe. Hope he don't come back and haunt you somehow." *He winks at her.* There's a loud BOOM where the 20mm was. "Damn, that was Jack!! He got those sorry bastards! C'mon, we gotta get back to the ship. Maybe those mercs are still near Serenity. We're gonna be flying a little heavy, tho. Fly, I don't think Jack is with us anymore, but we can look for his remains later.

*She listens to JRC with on hand on her hip, she takes the other and slaps her thigh and says*
Yea I know, but at least I gave it a shot...I just had to see for myself is all. Let him haunt me at least he'll still be around in some form. *They all head back to Serenity. She says under her breath*
RIP Jack

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, April 10, 2006 4:15 PM


*A legless 13 is resting in Serenity's cargo bay, silent and guilty*

It was my fault..I brought you guys here, it was my fault Jack died, my fault..

*he somehow overcomes his fear of grates and square patterns to pull himself to and into a wheelchair.*

Oh, god.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Monday, April 10, 2006 4:54 PM


Upon returning to Serenity, Fly, Ertia, JRC, and Pain have found that Mal, Zoe and Jayne have eliminated the 20 or so mercs from the surrounding area. "Damn, I knew they were good, but...." JRC says with awe in his voice. They entered the cargo bay, and found 13 in a wheelchair. The Doc is already waiting for the injured, including JRC and his leg wound. "Let's go to the infirmary see what we can do about that splinter," Doc says. JRC can't believe what he just heard. "Did you say splinter, Doc? I beg to differ!!"

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, April 10, 2006 5:10 PM


*Ertia stands in the cargo bay door staring out at the carnage. She can feel the weight of the guns and ammo she picked up dragging her down. Well, at least she didn't shoot one of their own this time... at least, she thinks she didn't. She has no idea what the crew of High Charity looks like.*

*Book's hand drops onto her shoulder, surprising her.* "That was some work out there today."

"It was go se, Shepherd." *Adrenalin saps from her body and she feels her body start to tremble.*

He just gives her a kindly smile and pats her back before walking away. Ertia straightens her shoulders and heads over to where Pain, Jayne and Fly are comparing war stories. Pulling out the spare guns and clips, she holds them out.

"Think you guys can use these?"


Monday, April 10, 2006 8:25 PM


Location: Cargo Bay of Serenity

Originally posted by SameErtia:
Ertia straightens her shoulders and heads over to where Pain, Jayne and Fly are comparing war stories. Pulling out the spare guns and clips, she holds them out.

"Think you guys can use these?"

*Pain looks up at Ertia sees the mass of weapons she's holding out and says with a smile*

Sure we could use them. Jus' so long as you don't go all crazy with any automatic weapons again.

*Ertia gives Pain a look, lays the weapons and ammo on a nearby crate and smacks Pain in the arm*

*Pain just smiles and says to Fly, Ertia, and even Jayne*

I'm gonna go to my bunk and resupply my weapons with much needed ammo and clips.

*Pain turns his back to them as he heads for his bunk, taking out a cigarette and lighting it*

**(Going to bed now. Will return in the morning.)**
WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, April 10, 2006 10:45 PM


***Two questions:
1.) What's OoC??
2.) Does anyone remember the original thread, before Newhall?
This started before Newhall, did it not?***

Everyone dies alone.






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