Season 2 Picking up where Season 1 Left off (if possible)

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 00:59
VIEWED: 5565
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Monday, April 10, 2006 1:34 AM


I know there has been great discussion about if we get a Season 2, where to start. Before the movie or after. I say before because of this.

I watched Serenity this weekend, twice. The beginning is Simon getting her out of the Alliances medical facility. BEFORE they are on Serenity. The episode "Serenity" has them boarding the ship for the first time. AFTER he broke her out. So there is a jump in the movie that is what the series was about.

So why couldn't we have the series pick back up before the movie happened? I mean there's always Season 3 for Book and Wash to be gone because of the movie. And besides we know why Inara left from the series but we didn't find out why Book did. I'd like to see that, maybe find out why the Alliance was so willing to heal him, and see some of the adventures where Serenity had to hide out on Book's planet.

What do you think?

Under a Blag Flag We Shall Sail


Monday, April 10, 2006 1:41 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I so, so completely agree. I guess the comic book fills in Book leaving (I'm looking for it) but it would be nice to *see* it. And all the stuff Joss talked about wanting to do "at a later date" in comentary, etc. including Book's past and explaining, say, what was in Inara's little box in the pilot and Blue Sun and finding out just what those blue-handed men *are*... I mean, right now I just have theories on SO MANY things and I would love to see what it was actually meant to be.

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Monday, April 10, 2006 7:15 AM


I actually have mixed feelings about this. While it would be nice to see everything that happened between the end of the show and the beginning of the movie, I'm not sure I want to go back there. Do we really wanna see Kaylee pining over Simon again when we know they got together? Do we really wanna see Book chased off by Mal even though we know Book's fate? Can we really stomach seeing Zoe and Wash so happy together after knowing what happens there? And I don't know about you guys, but I'd like to not go back to seeing River as a basketcase.

I certainly wouldn't mind if Joss wanted to go back and tell the stories that happened in between the show and movie, but I'd prefer he just moved forward from where Serenity ends. I already know what happened before, I'd like to see where we go from here.


Monday, April 10, 2006 7:29 AM


Hey guys it does seem a little confusing but,

Whos to say that it was Serenity that picked up the Tams as they made their escape from "The special hell" cooked up by Key Members of Parliament.

Could have been a different ship. Even a different Firefly



Monday, April 10, 2006 7:36 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
Hey guys it does seem a little confusing but,

Whos to say that it was Serenity that picked up the Tams as they made their escape from "The special hell" cooked up by Key Members of Parliament.

Could have been a different ship. Even a different Firefly


It wasn't Serenity that picked up Simon and River at the beginning of the movie. In the series pilot, Simon explained that he paid some men to help him break River out of the Alliance facility. That's what was shown at the beginning of Serenity. Simon and River never actually boarded Serenity until the series pilot. The escape scene at the beginning of the movie was simply to inform those who've never seen Firefly on a bit of the background of why Simon and River are wanted by the Alliance. It was also a good way to introduce the Operative which was a scene that was important to the story (the Operative mentioning that River was in a room with key members of Parliment with that connecting to River knowing about Miranda).


Monday, April 10, 2006 7:47 AM


I'm with sadlittleking.. it would make more sense to move forward, since we'd know what already happened in Serenity's time period.. A lot could be done in terms of flashbacks, dreams, dare I say 'visions' that could also help tell backstories and fill in the voids..
Sure, I'd love to see things continue the way they ended in season one, but by doing so would diminish the value of the BDM and again, we'd know the fate of two of our BDH's..

"...use of a swhat??"


Monday, April 10, 2006 3:53 PM


I think that would make more sense for Firefly to have a "season 1.5" between the final ep and the movie to fill in the gap and then move on to after the movie. However, that being said I hope that they do not do it that way. I agree with the people who say that it would be kind of hard to know what is going to happen, but I don't think it would be that hard.

The problem with moving the show after the the movie is simple: a lot of the plot threads have been concluded. River is (more) sane, Simon and Kaylee are together, the Alliance has other things to take care of besides the crew, most of the crews contacts are dead, Book is dead, the Reavers are probably greatly reduced in number, and Mal and Inara have at least begun to show their affection. That being said there are more threads that have been opened up: River can probably figure out most of the stuff floating around in her head now, Zoe has issues to work through now, River must now build new relationships with each of the crew members, the crew might just be famous now, etc.

Personally, if it were up to me I would set it up like this: the first new episodes would be the last third of season 1 (making for a 21 ep season), these eps would take care of Inara leaving among other things, the second season would deal with the increasing feelings of hostility between Mal and Simon (that culminate in the movie) and the increasing pressure in the Alliance to recover River, Book would leave about halfway through and the movie would go between seasons 2 and 3. The third season would deal with the changes with River, the Alliance and Zoe. The rest of the seasons would depend on what happened in season 3.

Anyway thats just my take.


Monday, April 10, 2006 3:59 PM


While all that is true I want to see what the men with blue hands was about. It wasn't in the movie and it was explored more than once in the series. And where did the animosity between Simon and Mal come from? Things like that I want to see in a series. Which is why I say season 2 before the movie.

Under a Blag Flag We Shall Sail


Monday, April 10, 2006 4:56 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yeah, I can understand it being maybe frustrating or sad to see things we know the outcome of, but think of all the future little browncoats who wouldn't see the movie before the series. The series could go on from where it left off, like fredgiblet describes, then everything could still culminate in the movie. Then it could be packaged as a series with the movie at the end and we could all have a continuous story to enjoy and pass on to a new generation of browncoats. That idea just makes me very very happy.

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Monday, April 10, 2006 6:04 PM


Why would the series have anything to do with the movie...? I mean think about it if Firefly did in fact come back to television they could disregard the movie completely and it can act as its own seperate entity. Joss can go back and rewrite everything. Who knows maybe Book stays around? or maybe he leaves but to a different location just to make it clear that the movie, while associated with the series didn't exist along the same lines of the series. I personally would like it if it went back to where we left off and just went in a new direction completely forgetting about the movie and the events in it. Have the events maybe come but retell it in a way that the movie is not needed for the story line. IE have River find Miranda another way. etc. etc. This is what I would like to see but I doubt it. I did like the BDM very much but I think the way it started and ended if Firefly were to ever come back to television the movie would in fact end up hurting the series due to the gaps and confusion.


Ain't that just shiny?


Monday, April 10, 2006 6:22 PM


I'm with all of ya'll a little. I would love to see Wash and Book alive and well, but the series should go forward. I don't want to see River so messed up and I do want to see Simon and Kaylee together. the comic Joss Whedon did covered some of the gap between show and movie, but very superficially. I want to know who Book was before he was a shepard and I REALLY want to know why Inara left the temple and came to Serenity. The point is, the show never should have been cancelled, and we should all know this stuff already!


Monday, April 10, 2006 10:11 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by thenextmrsreynolds:
the show never should have been cancelled, and we should all know this stuff already!

Yes, in a perfect 'verse without stupid ta ma de hun dans in charge. Pardon my Chinese. He chu-sheng za-jiao de zang-huo!

But it's not a perfect 'verse. So, with what we have...
You know, it is nice to see River sane, but she was so much fun spouting gibberish. What would she even be like sane?

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Monday, April 10, 2006 10:14 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by DanielFyre:
Why would the series have anything to do with the movie...?

I can't believe you would even ask that.

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Monday, April 10, 2006 10:15 PM



Originally posted by Cathera:
While all that is true I want to see what the men with blue hands was about. It wasn't in the movie and it was explored more than once in the series. And where did the animosity between Simon and Mal come from? Things like that I want to see in a series. Which is why I say season 2 before the movie.

Under a Blag Flag We Shall Sail

The men with blue hands were tied off during the comic books.

"See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like."


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 5:36 AM


If I had to decide this is how I would do a Firefly continuation, maybe this might happen who knows.

First due to Firefly being canceled so early and the film not doing brillantly at the box office I reckon its unlikely someone will ask Joss to do a whole series.

So I was thinking if Firefly was given the green light it would be on a smaller budget, so Joss could do a mini-series (4-6 Episodes) set before the movie bringing us up to speed on events and allowing us to see some of the stuff intended for the end of series 1. (Dead of Alive :D)

How well this mini-series did would determine what happened next. Since this would be a smallish project there would be less risk for the company. If however it was a major sucess on TV and DVD then biggers things could be done like Firefly Series 2.

"You can't take the sky from me"


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 5:39 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Dowie100:
If I had to decide this is how I would do a Firefly continuation, maybe this might happen who knows.

First due to Firefly being canceled so early and the film not doing brillantly at the box office I reckon its unlikely someone will ask Joss to do a whole series.

So I was thinking if Firefly was given the green light it would be on a smaller budget, so Joss could do a mini-series (4-6 Episodes) set before the movie bringing us up to speed on events and allowing us to see some of the stuff intended for the end of series 1. (Dead of Alive :D)

How well this mini-series did would determine what happened next. Since this would be a smallish project there would be less risk for the company. If however it was a major sucess on TV and DVD then biggers things could be done like Firefly Series 2.

"You can't take the sky from me"

That would be very cool. That would be perfect!

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 5:54 AM


Uhm, guys... you are aware that Joss has said many times that the movie was a condensed version of what Season 2 was going to be anyway, right? Story's been told. Joss doesn't seem to be the type to repeat himself, or disregard a story he seems quite satisfied with. Or do you really want to see Wash and Book die again? (though I can see some potential for Jossian meaness there. He'd probably decapitate Wash to silence those who don't beleive a telephone pole through the chest was fatal)

And for those who want to disregard the movie from continuity alltogether: The last thing FF/Serenity needs in order to survive is to go the splintered-continuity route that say, Highlander has.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 6:01 AM



I know there has been great discussion about if we get a Season 2, where to start. Before the movie or after. I say before because of this.

I watched Serenity this weekend, twice. The beginning is Simon getting her out of the Alliances medical facility. BEFORE they are on Serenity. The episode "Serenity" has them boarding the ship for the first time. AFTER he broke her out. So there is a jump in the movie that is what the series was about.

So why couldn't we have the series pick back up before the movie happened? I mean there's always Season 3 for Book and Wash to be gone because of the movie. And besides we know why Inara left from the series but we didn't find out why Book did. I'd like to see that, maybe find out why the Alliance was so willing to heal him, and see some of the adventures where Serenity had to hide out on Book's planet.

What do you think?

There are a few problems with your idea, as great as it is. For one, have you noticed that a few of the actors are getting on in age (ie- Ron Glass and Nathan Fillion)? The comics also filled in that gap of how and why Book left.

The movie Serenity also served as to what Season 2 would have been, albiet in two hours. So if we were to get a Season 2 now, it would technically be picking up where Season 3 would have been. Besides, I would rather see a continuation of the story, not a precursor.

We know how it all gets to that point, so now lets see how River handles being pilot, how Mal and Inara's romance continues, how Zoe handles Wash's death, and how Simon and Kaylee's new found relationship goes (plus whatever Jayne does will be a hoot to watch no matter what).

"I aim to misbehave."
"Can't do something smart, do something right".

HOMER: "Oh Lisa, you and your stories; Bart is a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now lets go back to that... building thingy... where our beds and T.V.... is".


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 6:48 AM


I would like to see it start back in where the series left off. There is way too much bitterness in Mal in the movie that wasn't there before. I think there are still a lot of holes to be filled in. I'd like to see season 2 as Joss planned it originally, leading up to the movie. Something happened in there that we didn't see. Also gives more time for us to see into the secrets that each of our BDHs has kept hidden to this point. Lots of story still to tell that just wasn't told in the first season or the movie.



Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:03 AM


I think instead of season 2 starting after the end of season 1 and before the movie, I think maybe flashbacks would be the way to go. The important things, like Book leaving and Inara actually leaving would be things I would think Joss would show in pieces when the time is right.

I do not think Joss would waste time with whole episodes or an entire season when we know Book and Wash's fate (as noted above by sadlittleking). Same thing with Simon and Kaylee, but flashbacks could really work depending on the episode.

Not only could flashbacks fill in the gaps but would include Alan and Ron in on the next movie and/or season. I believe they are contracted to do 3 movies.


The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:18 AM


All great thoughts here - I would personally like to see the series continue. There are many routes to go down... for instance:

*River could become the resident powerhouse on the ship and could start participating in jobs more heavily through planning and kicking butt(and piloting the ship)

*Flashbacks to different scenes with Book on the ship could be shot, as well as flashbacks to what might have been with Zoe and Wash (Zoe fantasizing about kids for example, real tear-jerker stuff). Along with everyone flashing back and actually getting time to mourn their two departed friends

*Jayne becoming steadily more loyal and moral

*Kaylee and Simon of course going through the start of a real relationship together (jealousy, passion, all those little things like holding hands - and Jayne's wisecracks about it, ha ha)

*And finally looking into why Inara left the core worlds and started wandering, along with new moments with Mal

I just think there are lots of ways the series could still go - we could also see how bad the Alliance was hurt from the Reaver information! Maybe bring back characters from the first season, like Jubal possibly renouncing his ways and joining the crew??? Or Saffron??? A new revolution starting up again??? I realize I am grasping here...


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:43 PM




The movie Serenity also served as to what Season 2 would have been, albiet in two hours. So if we were to get a Season 2 now, it would technically be picking up where Season 3 would have been. Besides, I would rather see a continuation of the story, not a precursor.


I didn't know it was supposed to season 2. So then the real season 2 would be what would have been season 3. I still want to see some of that stuff but I can want all I want and see if any of it comes true.

Under a Blag Flag We Shall Sail


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:51 PM


And we still don't know anything about the Blue Hands thugs. We don't know why Shepard Book was "so important" when he was wounded and had to be taken to the Alliance ship "Dorkmunder" or whatever...

And who says that Book and Wash can't be resurrected? If we can clone a higher mammal today, imagine what we could do in the future. There's a plot line in itself, we've got to stop the evil alliance from getting Rivers DNA and cloning her! Oh God we're doomed! Who's flying this thing? Oh, that would be me... Okay bad quote. Bad Bad Chmee...

There are a lot of unanswered questions out there. Wanna bet you can think of more?



Tuesday, April 11, 2006 2:33 PM


What happened to the Blue Hands was explained in the comics.

"I aim to misbehave."
"Can't do something smart, do something right".

HOMER: "Oh Lisa, you and your stories; Bart is a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now lets go back to that... building thingy... where our beds and T.V.... is".


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 2:57 PM


Comics? I thought that was something only Wash would read...

Actually I didn't even know there were comics!


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 3:00 PM


Well, go read them!!! They act as a prequel to the movie, and also a bridge for the series and movie; telling us how Book and Inara left, what happened to the Blue Hands, how the Operative comes in, a cameo by Badger, how Mal and crew and hooked up with Fanty and Mingo, plus a surprise visit by a past villian!!!

"I aim to misbehave."
"Can't do something smart, do something right".

HOMER: "Oh Lisa, you and your stories; Bart is a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now lets go back to that... building thingy... where our beds and T.V.... is".


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 9:48 PM


the ship that broke them(river) out wasn't a firefly class ship. it was much to small. (oh and the script kinda says that it was small too)


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:06 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

So I ran out and bought the comic (and the visual companion, and Finding Serenity) and I guess it does bridge the gap... but I don't see how it really explains the blue hands. I mean, it's pretty short, you can't get everything in, and it's a comic book so the style is all different. All it did was maybe reinforce my idea that the blue hands are, well, robots, since it looks like they're covered with that blue laytex from the neck down, and show that they kind of passed the mission on... but you know it doesn't explain the decision to reneg on the "wanted alive" thing on River's warrant. They wanted her alive, and the Operative just wanted to stop her.
I did really liked everything with Shepard Book, though, that was a nice way to explain him leaving.
Anyway, no reason they couldn't film the comics. Tell me it wouldn't be cool to see a zero-g battle on the screen.

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:49 PM



Originally posted by SadLittleKing:

Originally posted by zzetta13:
Hey guys it does seem a little confusing but,

Whos to say that it was Serenity that picked up the Tams as they made their escape from "The special hell" cooked up by Key Members of Parliament.

Could have been a different ship. Even a different Firefly


It wasn't Serenity that picked up Simon and River at the beginning of the movie. In the series pilot, Simon explained that he paid some men to help him break River out of the Alliance facility. That's what was shown at the beginning of Serenity. Simon and River never actually boarded Serenity until the series pilot. The escape scene at the beginning of the movie was simply to inform those who've never seen Firefly on a bit of the background of why Simon and River are wanted by the Alliance. It was also a good way to introduce the Operative which was a scene that was important to the story (the Operative mentioning that River was in a room with key members of Parliment with that connecting to River knowing about Miranda).

I like this idea, but what if the resuce scene at the begning of the movie was actually serenity and its crew, say the alliance did capture river and wanted to finish what they started, thats why in the film she a killer weapon and not a basket case.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:12 AM


You know that you all loved Season 1 and the move was good also. Why don't we trust in the man that made us fall in love with the show. I'll be willing to bet he awwwwws us all.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:59 AM



I like this idea, but what if the resuce scene at the begning of the movie was actually serenity and its crew, say the alliance did capture river and wanted to finish what they started, thats why in the film she a killer weapon and not a basket case.

I would say your right but in "War Stories" Kaylee can's shoot the bad guys and River picks up the gun and takes them out without looking. That is the hint she's a weapon underneath it all.

Under a Blag Flag We Shall Sail


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:59 AM


duplicate post deleted






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