On the Way to Persephone #3- Life On Board Serenity

UPDATED: Monday, May 1, 2006 12:29
VIEWED: 22709
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006 4:13 PM



Plus our latest adventure...

-In which 13 and XIII returned, we had a massive firefight (I played with GUNS!) and are now slowly getting our feet back under us. Except, that is, for 13, who is now a bot and lost his legs, and JRC, who took some shrapnel in one of his.

So Life on Serenity continues!

Feel free to look around, or join in, or just hide in Inara's shuttle until it seems safe to make a break for the door.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 4:40 PM


*Ertia shakes her head as she watches Fly and Jayne split up the spare guns, setting aside a share for Pain.*

"I'm headed for a shower, provided there's any hot water. Any word on how High Charity came through? If her crew is intact?"


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 4:51 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
(I played with GUNS!)

Yeah and you almost shot me and JRC!

Feel free to look around, or join in, or just hide in Inara's shuttle until it seems safe to make a break for the door.

Especially if Ertia's packing an automatic weapon.

Location: Pain's Bunk

*Pain opens his weapons locker, takes out four more clips for his AK and six more for his Desert Eagle pistols. He then reaches into his weapons locker and pulls out his Remington 870 12 gauge pump action shotgun with pistol grip, 14" shortened barrel, and tactical sling, along with a fifty-five round bandolier as he thinks to himself*

Fly will probably like this baby.

*satisfied that he restock his weapon's ammo supply, Pain closes the weapons locker, climbs out of his bunk carrying the shotgun and bandolier, and heads back to the cargo bay, stopping in the galley to stomp out his old cigarette and light another one before resuming his walk to the cargo bay to rejoin the others*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 9:39 PM


Mal's voice comes over the com: "Can we have everybody in the cargo bay? We'd all like to say a few words about Jack. Doc, you and JRC can stay in the infirmary, Shepard, I guess you can bring your good book, just keep it short'n sweet." In the infirmary, JRC is semi-conscious after the surgery to remove the "splinter" from his leg, but he hears the announcement. "Doc, finish your stichin' and bandage me up quick, I ain't gonna miss this, and don't you dare tell me no."

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 7:19 AM


*Fusses with guns and ammo with Jayne to see what is left. Sees pain walk back with new munitions*

Hey, watcha got there Pain.

*Just as she said that, they hear Book in the back sayin' a few words. They all bow their heads. They see JRC limping back to cargo bay as Book finishes his eulogy for Jack.*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 7:49 AM


*Pain lifts his head, turns to Fly and answers her question*

It's a Remington 870 shotgun modified with a pistol grip, shortened 14" barrel and it has a sling.

*hands the shotgun and the bandolier over to Fly and says*

I noticed you weren't carrying that many weapons so I thought I'd let you use this. *Fly smiles as she handles it* Oh and the bandolier there holds 55 rounds so I don't think you'll have a problem running out of ammo.

*Fly looks at the shotgun then at Pain and hugs him*

*Pain is a little suprised but manages to say*

If you'd like I could let you keep it just so's you'll have another weapon at your disposal. Course I'll have to run to my bunk and give you a case of ammo for it.

*smiles at Fly and says*

Well glad you like it. *walks over to the stack of crates with the pile of weapons that Ertia left them, picks up his bag and starts putting his new weapons in it*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:21 AM



*Pain lifts his head, turns to Fly and answers her question*
It's a Remington 870 shotgun modified with a pistol grip, shortened 14" barrel and it has a sling.
*hands the shotgun and the bandolier over to Fly and says*
I noticed you weren't carrying that many weapons so I thought I'd let you use this.
*Fly smiles as she handles it*
Oh and the bandolier there holds 55 rounds so I don't think you'll have a problem running out of ammo.
*Fly looks at the shotgun then at Pain and hugs him*
*Pain is a little suprised but manages to say*
If you'd like I could let you keep it just so's you'll have another weapon at your disposal.

Ta ma de hun dan, will you look at this.....keep it,,,,,If I'd ain't kiddin' I'd like.

Course I'll have to run to my bunk and give you a case of ammo for it.
*smiles at Fly and says*
Well glad you like it. *walks over to the stack of crates with the pile of weapons that Ertia left them, picks up his bag and starts putting his new weapons in it*

*She inspects the gun with a huge smile and dons the bandoilier and says*
Looks like you'll have to get that ammo

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:45 AM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
*She inspects the gun with a huge smile and dons the bandoilier and says*
Looks like you'll have to get that ammo

*Pain smiles at the still smiling Fly and says*

Well looks like I'll have to now won't I?

*Pain stops loading his bag with weapons, does an 180 degree turn and heads back to his bunk with a grin on his face*

Five minutes later.....

Location: Pain's Bunk

*Pain opens the hatch to his room, climbs down the ladder, and walks over to his weapons locker and opens the second door on the left. He pulls out a metal ammo box with the words "12ga. Shotgun Ammo 300rd Case" in stenciled white lettering in both Chinese and English. He picks it up by the handle, closes the locker door, climbs up the ladder, steps into the hallway, and closes the hatch. Pain then heads to the galley walking toward the pantry and takes a half dozen FOBs, sticks them in his shirt pocket and heads back to the cargo bay.*

Location: Cargo Bay

*Pain walks back into the cargo bay, sees Fly still admiring the shotgun he gave her, walks over to her with the ammo case, sets it down on a crate and says*

Here ya go Fly a 300 round case of 12 gauge "00" buckshot ammo. *smiles at Fly* That should hold ya for a while.

*walks back to his bag and finishes loading it with his new toys*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:13 PM


*Ertia hangs at the back, listening to the service for GrimJack. Something niggles at her, some sense that this ceremony is premature, but there is no proof. She saw his mule head into the fight and return without him.
It almost makes her angry, the gorram hero getting himself killed like that.*

*River tosses her hair back and looks at Ertia over her shoulder and whispers* "Empty shells."


But River is already drifting away, closer to Simon.

Saddened, Ertia heads for the showers before another crisis comes up.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:48 PM



*Pain walks back into the cargo bay, sees Fly still admiring the shotgun he gave her, walks over to her with the ammo case, sets it down on a crate and says*
Here ya go Fly a 300 round case of 12 gauge "00" buckshot ammo. *smiles at Fly* That should hold ya for a while.

Yea should hold me for a while, Oh and Thanks....she is a beauty.....

Pain walks back to his bag and finishes loading it with his new toys

*She follows him to where he is loading his new toys, bends down next to him and says*
May I have one of those? So, how many more ships we got,,,seems like everyone is re-loadin'.....I think there were two more no? *Then she makes her way to 13*
13, I want you to understand this is not your fault.....non of this is......Jack is not your fault....I do need you to do something for me, if that is possible, I need you to go back to High Charity, now and get understand me....please get fixed and come back,,,,,,come back with us....please....
*She has no idea what he feels and what he doesn't. She doesn't care....She kisses him on the forehead and says.....13, please go to Wesley before all the madeness starts again....She holds his head in her arms*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:50 PM


JRC hears the last of Book's eulogy. "The Book of John says: 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.' " The tears well up in JRC's eyes, and he gets a lump in his throat. "Gorram it, I didn't want to do this..." He turns away, limping to his cabin. "If only I had picked off some more of those go se mercs, he might still be with us," he says to no one in particular. Inara sees him go, and Mal nods and points in JRC's direction. She catches up to him, and gently lays her hand on his shoulder. "We all might share the blame for what happened to Jack, but there is no blame to share. He chose to go up against those men, a suicide run, and we all did what we could. I also want to tell you that Mal and Zoe went looking for his remains, and all they found was body, just this." He looks down at her hands. She's holding a rag, with obviously a pistol, which turns out to be a emptied Peacekeeper, and also the remains of a cigar. "It's all they found."

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:07 PM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
Yea should hold me for a while, Oh and Thanks....she is a beauty.....

*Pain smiles and says*

Your welcome Fly.

*She follows him to where he is loading his new toys, bends down next to him and says*
May I have one of those?

*Pain looks at Fly thinking she's talking about one of his newly had guns but notices she's pointing at the FOBs in his shirt pocket and says*

Yeah sure. *takes out two and gives them to her*

So, how many more ships we got,,,seems like everyone is re-loadin'.....I think there were two more no? *Then she makes her way to 13*

"I don't know. Thought there were only the two of them same as you." Pain says as Fly goes to chat with 13.

13, I want you to understand this is not your fault.....non of this is......Jack is not your fault....I do need you to do something for me, if that is possible, I need you to go back to High Charity, now and get understand me....please get fixed and come back,,,,,,come back with us....please....
*She has no idea what he feels and what he doesn't. She doesn't care....She kisses him on the forehead and says.....13, please go to Wesley before all the madeness starts again....She holds his head in her arms*

*Pain finishes putting away his new guns, zips up the bag, turns around to see Fly talking to 13 and thinks to himself*

I wonder what she sees in him.

*Pain shakes off that thought as he heads to his bunk but stops as he sees JRC with a sad look in his eyes leave with Inara right behind him. As Pain sees this he brings up a memory of Jack and them sitting at the table in the galley, eating, drinking and having a good time and thinks to himself as he resumes walking to his bunk*

I'm gonna miss you ol' friend.

*as he finishes saying that Pain takes out a cigarette and lights it while continuing to walk to his bunk*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 7:43 PM


*Rinsing of the dust and other people's blood, Ertia stretches out her stiff muscles. Drying off, she pulls on a tshirt and a clean pair of coveralls and shoves her feet into her combat boots. They could use a polish.*

*Showered, she grabs up her laser pistol and goes looking for Kaylee, who she finds in the engine room* "Hey, Kaylee, you gotta minute?"

The mechanic's been crying. Because of Jack, Ertia knows. She wishes she could reassure her. At least she can distract her. "Need your help. I'm half-through my last power-cel for my laser pistol, and I don't have the charger."

Kaylee looks at the gun in disbelief. "Ain't those not legal?"

"What?" Ertia smiles innocently and pats her perfectly forged papers, "I have the paperwork!"

Kaylee turns the power cel in her hand. "I think I can rig a charger. Gimme an hour or so."

"I owe you strawberries AND chocolate!" Ertia whistles as she leaves the engine room.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 9:28 PM


Inara's talk with JRC has a calming effect, but with his injury still hampering him, he feels restless. "Gotta find something to do, 'fore I go stir crazy." All his weapons are brought down to his bunk by Jayne and Zoe. Jayne expresses an interest in the HK, fondling it in a curious fashion. JRC takes it away, thinks for a moment, then tells him, "What's the old Earth-that-was saying? 'You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.' " Jayne glares at him, and leaves in a huff. JRC sits down next to all the weapons, put the crutches aside, and commences to clean them all, starting with his beloved Killer.

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 5:54 AM


*Ertia leans down and pops her head into JRC's bunk*

"Hey, J. How you feelin? Doc give you enough painkillers? I can fetch you something from the kitchen if you like."

*JRC shrugs* "Not so hungry right now. Could use a drink, though."

"Uh, did doc say you could mix drink with the painkillers?" Ertia looks dubious.

"Doc didn't say I couldn't."


Thursday, April 13, 2006 7:45 AM



"Doc didn't say I couldn't."

"Can you check and see if any of the brandy is left? If not, maybe...." Ertia and JRC didn't see the Doc coming up the hallway to check in on his patient. "You CANNOT have any alcohol. Doc's AND the Captain's orders," he says in an unusually strong voice. A look of resignation comes over JRC's face. "Alright, alright. How 'bout just a glass of water and whatever might be in the galley. Ohh, and thanks Ertia....... (muttering) gorram Doc." He continues with the cleaning of his weapons, Ertia goes to the galley.

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:02 AM


Location: Pain's Bunk

*Pain sets down his duffel bag of newly acquired weapons on his bed, snuffs out his cigarette on the floor, sits down next to the bag, opens it and takes out the guns to inspect them. Pain pulls them out one by one and decides which ones to keep and which ones to trade off once they reach Persephone. Pain pulls out a large revolver and smiles and says*

Ah a Ruger Super Redhawk .480Ruger 6 shot revolver with a 7.5" barrel. This'll fit perfectly in the shoulder holster for my Taurus 608 revolver.

*Pain swings out the cylinder and sees that it only has 3 live rounds in it, frowns and says*

Gorrammit! It's a fetching piece yet I don't have any rounds for it. Oh well guess it means I get to go shopping for some on Persephone.

*Pain puts the Ruger down on his table and resumes going over the weapons laying on his bed, selecting to keep some of the pistols, most of the SMGs, and a couple of rifles, the rest he puts in his bag and sets it down on his footlocker near the foot of his bed.*

*Pain then gets up, stretches and decides to kick back in the cargo bay to eat his remaining FOBs and finish off the whiskey in his flask*

*He opens his hatch, climbs up the ladder into the hallway, closes the hatch, and walks down the stairs leading to the cargo bay*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:38 AM


*13 wheels his way to his bunk, feeling the stumps of his legs, wondering if he'll ever walk again..*

Screw it. They're a good reminder.

*sees a dark shape in the door of his bunk. Mal.*

Mal: I want you offa my ship soon as we dock on Persephone. Sooner, you speak an ill word to any of my crew. I don't know if robots can survive in space, but I'm a little curious to find out. Dong ma? *Mal leaves, anger rolling off in waves, not noticing River eavesdropping the entire time*

I think a little chaos is in order.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:42 AM


A small escape pods floats about, on the drift...charred but intact.

A uniformed man sits dazed, confused, fading in and out of consciousness. In his hand is a book or journal, he isn't sure. He looks around, trying to find a way to silence the pod's incessant audible warning:

"Jeo-shung yong-jur goo-jang. Jien-cha yong-chi gong yin...Jeo-shung yong-jur goo-jang. Jien-cha yong-chi gong yin...Jeo-shung yong-jur goo-jang. Jien-cha yong-chi gong yin"

The panels of buttons, the blinking lights, he doesn't know what they are...but more importantly, he doesn't recollect who or where he is.

"Jeo-shung yong-jur goo-jang. Jien-cha yong-chi gong yin..."

"Lao tyen yeh! Bizui!"

He reaches for a random knob near one of the random flashing lights, but the flashing light and everything else fades as he slips back into the dark...

Please note, I've never participated in an online RPG, so please forgive any style faux pas I may make in the beginning. I lean towards screenwriting so my "style", as seen above is in kind of a pseudo-screenwriting form.

So bear with me, I'll learn as I go.

OPERATIVE: ...and I'm unarmed.
MAL: Good.



Thursday, April 13, 2006 10:30 AM


YAY! Jones comes to play! YAHOOO!

*Ertia heads to the galley to rumble up some grub for JRC and bumps into Zoe* "Heya, Zoe. Do we have an eta for getting off this rock? I kinda have some appointments on Persephone."

*Zoe shakes her head.* "As soon as we get the all clear from High Charity."

"Right. Headed for the galley, you want anything?"

*Zoe gives a wicked grin.* "Just the pilot. Don't need help much there."

Ertia grins back and continues on to find grub, pausing to pet Shipscat on the stair*


Thursday, April 13, 2006 1:37 PM


Loaction: Cargo Bay

*Pain sits on the steps that lead from the cargo bay to the infirmary (having ate his remaining FOB and drank all the whiskey in his flask), twirling a cigar he found in the rear hatch of the hover mule in his hand, thinking about if they've recieved any word from High charity yet*

*He lets out a sigh of frustration and decides to spend some time working out. He walks over to the weight bench, unslings his AK putting it on the ground, takes out the pack of smokes, puts the cigar in it, puts the pack near his AK, lays down on the bench and starts to lift weights.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:17 PM


*Whoot, new player,,,,,welcome Jonesie*

*Realizes there is not much gonna happen right now, makes her way to the Galley,,,,,,Sees JRC in his bunk first*

Hey, can I get you anything?

*OOC, god I'm such a copy cat lol*

Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:43 PM


*While she is standing at the door of JRC's bunk they hear a huge *BOOM* Serenity shutters and she holds on to the door jam...She looks at JRC and says*

Zao gao,,,I think round two's 'bout to happen,,,,,

JRC: Feh feh pi goh,,,,,I think you're right Fly.
Fly: You need help gettin' to your feet.
JRC: Maybe just to get up
*She rushes over to him and helps him up*
Fly: You gonna be alright
JRC: Yea Fly, go, go now

*She tries to make her way to the cargo bay and is practically knocked off her feet by the second *BOOM* She holds on to the walls of Serenity. She hears the Captain over the com,,,

Mal:People, looks like we're in for round two...

*she looks at the com with a face to say, I just said that*

Mal: Looks like High Charity decided to take a bold attack on the two ships left.....they are gonna fight this war and now. Let's make ourselves ready, Ma shong.

*She starts her way again *BOOM* again she has to stop and hold on. Waits....... Then she just bolts it.......she yells*
Everyone all right here?....
*hears everyone in one way or another say yes, and she makes her way to the weapons,,,,,grabs her new baby and waits orders from the captain. She looks at Pain with that, I wanna kill these Wu ming shao jwu. And god, does Pain know that look. They wait*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:38 PM


Location: Cargo Bay

Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
*While she is standing at the door of JRC's bunk they hear a huge *BOOM* Serenity shutters and she holds on to the door jam...She looks at JRC and says*

Zao gao,,,I think round two's 'bout to happen,,,,,

JRC: Feh feh pi goh,,,,,I think you're right Fly.
Fly: You need help gettin' to your feet.
JRC: Maybe just to get up
*She rushes over to him and helps him up*
Fly: You gonna be alright
JRC: Yea Fly, go, go now

*Pain had just finished putting up the weights when he felt the ship shudder from a huge explosion. He holds onto the weights as it happens and after it subsides he runs over to his AK, picks it and the pack of smokes up, and says to himself*

What in the tian xiao de was that.

*She tries to make her way to the cargo bay and is practically knocked off her feet by the second *BOOM* She holds on to the walls of Serenity. She hears the Captain over the com,,,

Mal:People, looks like we're in for round two...

*she looks at the com with a face to say, I just said that*

Mal: Looks like High Charity decided to take a bold attack on the two ships left.....they are gonna fight this war and now. Let's make ourselves ready, Ma shong.

*Pain walks to the com near the cargo bay doors and is about to hit it when a second explosion rocks Serenity and Pain falls to the floor. As the rocking subsides he picks himself up and goes for the com again when he hears the Captain over the shipwide com and says to himself again*

Well no gou shi Captain Tightpants. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

*She starts her way again *BOOM* again she has to stop and hold on. Waits....... Then she just bolts it.......she yells*
Everyone all right here?....
*hears everyone in one way or another say yes, and she makes her way to the weapons,,,,,grabs her new baby and waits orders from the captain. She looks at Pain with that, I wanna kill these Wu ming shao jwu. And god, does Pain know that look. They wait*

*Pain feels a third explosion he readies himself against a bulkhead til the rocking subsides again and sees Fly enter the cargo bay, grabs her weapons, look at him with her "I wanna kill folk" look, as everyone else comes into the cargo bay ready for battle*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 13, 2006 5:13 PM


On the second explosion, the rocking of the ship throws the already-limping JRC off balance, and he falls shoulder-first onto the ladder leading up to the hallway. He catches himself, but just barely. Fly has already left to find out what's happening, so he picks up his d.b. shotgun with the holster and 2 boxes of ammo, and the Glock and holster with about ten clips, and then picks up Killer with her full mag and grabs an extra 10 and slips the ammo into his vest. He looks down at his leg, and sees a small trickle of blood thru the pant leg. "Oh sh*t. Where's that belt?" He straps the belt on to his upper leg, and says, "gotta take this off soon." He picks up the crutches, hauls himself up (slowly), and goes to the cargo bay, almost tripping over Shipscat hauling ass towards the engine room again.

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 5:41 PM


"GORRAM IT!" *The entire contents of the packaged protien supplement bar cupboard dumps at Ertia's feet as the ship shudders with the impact. She grabs the counter to steady herself, and then sprints for the cargo bay.*

*Seeing JRC limping towards her, she gives him a glare.* "Nope! No way Doc is gonna let you fight like that!"

"Like what?" *JRC looks innocently at her, and is echoed by Mal coming up behind him.*

"Like what? He looks fine to me."

Realizing she's surrounded by lunatic hero types, Ertia makes her way down the stairs and to the gun locker. If you can't beat 'em, might as well join 'em!

*She grabs something that looks handsome and sexy in dangerous sort of way, only to have another something handsome and sexy jerk it out of her hands.*

"Huh uh." *Jayne grunts as he puts the gun back.* "No more automatics for you. Ever."

*He reaches into the locker and hands her a small pistol with three spare clips.*

"There. 9 mil. That ones got a nice stiff trigger. Now don't point at any good guys, dong ma?"

She makes an obscene gesture at his back as he stomps away, turning to look longingly back at the other gun.


Friday, April 14, 2006 8:55 AM


JRC's propped up against the cargo bay doors, looking outside at the surrounding area. He turns back to see Jayne coming his way, and behind him, Ertia giving Jayne the one-finger peace sign. JRC tells him, "Nice work with that repeater Jayne." "Wasn't gonna let that happen again," Jayne mutters.

Everyone dies alone.


Friday, April 14, 2006 9:07 AM


*They hear Mal over the com again*
High Charity has given us the clear to go folks, they said they will clear a path for us to leave and we must got now.

Lock it up, let's go!

*He mubles under his breath*

I sure will be happy to be out of this situation and off this Xi niu planet.

Mal:Wash! Get us out of here and on course to
Wash: Shi a

*Everyone gets ready for take off with firefight in the background......It's a hairy liftoff but they finally clear atmo......You can see from the bay windows the firefight taking place.....*

Fly says to Pain and Ertia: Lao tain I hope they will be alright.

Traveling in the black........
The proximity alarm sounds.
Wash:Mal, I picking something up on the radar
Mal:can you get vid
Wash:No, there seems to be no activity....It's a pod
Mal:Now what do you suppose that is doing here
Wash:I'd like to know the same thing
Mal:Keep trying to make contact
Zoe:Sir, what is it?
Mal:An escape pod, can't tell exactly what it says
*They all tilt their heads to see if they can read the writing. It's in Chinese and English. Part of the words are missing*
Wash:Mal there is life in there
Mal: Let's get everyone together and see what we can do to get this thing aboard
*Mal over the Com: Everyone meet in the Galley in 20*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, April 14, 2006 9:18 AM


*Ertia stares at Pain and JRC* "We just left them in that? Is that right?"

*Pain shrugs,* "We saved 'em once. What do you want?"

*Mal's voice calls everyone to the galley and Ertia tucks her pistol back into the gun-locker.* "Wonder what's the crisis this time?"


Friday, April 14, 2006 10:11 AM


*Pain says to Ertia as they head to the galley*

Well I hope it doesn't involve me getting shot at. I think I've had my fill of that today with a lil' help from you with that machine gun of course.

*Ertia gives Pain a look, punches him in the arm and says*

I didn't mean to. It's just that rush of adrenaline I get when I pick up an automatic weapon makes me drunk with power is all.

*Pain looks at Ertia, smiles and says*

Uh huh yeah no more automatic weapons for you. I think me, Mal, and even Jayne agree on that not to mention the others too.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, April 14, 2006 10:45 AM


*Ertia pouts.* "Oh come one, ya act like it's the only time ya ever came under friendly fire."

They come into the galley, and find the others already assembling. Except River, who is sorting through the heap of protien bars on the floor.

"Oops! I'll clean those up!" Ertia crawls down to help.


Friday, April 14, 2006 11:06 AM


*Meanwhile, On High Charity..*

Dammit, dammit, dammit! *Explosions sound as the mercenary ships continually attack HIgh Charity. The automatic weapons system is beginning to suffer damage*

*Ari runs into XIII on his way to the gunners chair, noting that the captain is holding a detonator in his left hand*

XIII: Already sent Lance and the others out on the shuttles. One left for you Ari.

Ari: Captain, I've been flying with you long as I remember. I aint gonna leave you to die to these merc scum! Okay, I realize we're mercs too, but that don't change a thing.

XIII: Take the shuttle. I'll be fine.

Ari: Liar.

XIII: Of course I'm lying, that's what I do! Now, once you *another blast rocks High Charity, as a klaxon begins to sound. XIII recovers,continuing his speech* get outta the fire, send a distress signal to Serenity. They gotta pick you and the others up. Just play passenger awhile until they get to Persephone, then make your way. Get your ass out of here, before I have to use my captain voice.

*Ari departs in Shuttle 4, looking at the battered High Charity through the windshield. Tears form in his eyes as the enormous ship explodes, not before wiping out the merc ships*

Goodbye, Captain.

Moi Passepartout


Friday, April 14, 2006 1:07 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
*Ertia pouts.* "Oh come one, ya act like it's the only time ya ever came under friendly fire."

*Pain says to Ertia*

Well those times were different. During those times I didn't have a trigger happy girl shootin' at me with a machine gun.

*Ertia just sticks her tongue out at him as they enter the galley*

They come into the galley, and find the others already assembling. Except River, who is sorting through the heap of protien bars on the floor.

"Oops! I'll clean those up!" Ertia crawls down to help.

*Pain watches Ertia clean up the mess River made as he sits down in a chair, putting his feet on the table, unslinging his AK and putting it in his lap as he says to the Captain*

So Cap'n what have we got now?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, April 14, 2006 3:38 PM


A uniformed man is desperately searching for something, emptying desk drawers, tearing down wall paintings...he pulls a small device from his belt to see a display that reads:


"Gorramit! It was supposed to be here!"

He stops, detecting a faint audible voice...

"Jeo-shung yong-jur goo-jang. Jien-cha yong-chi gong yin..."

He trys to shake the cobwebs and the voice from his head...there, on the floor amongst the scattered old bound books from the glass case he'd pushed open and busted...priceless bound relics from Earth-That-Was:

THE ART OF WAR by Sun-tzu

Snatching the tome from the floor, he tries to pry it open, but it won't budge...but of course, why would it?

"Jeo-shung yong-jur goo-jang. Jien-cha yong-chi gong yin..."

His knife...from his belt...he jams it in the tome, prys the ever-lovin hell out of it...*POP*...sure enough, hollowed out "relic". Inside, his quarry: the journal of...

"Jeo-shung yong-jur goo-jang. Jien-cha yong-chi gong yin..."

He wakes from the hazy dream, sees the book...the journal, clutched in his hand.

"The journal of...who...what?"

The pain in his head...splitting...

"Jeo-shung yong-jur goo-jang. Jien-cha yong-chi gong yin..."



Friday, April 14, 2006 4:22 PM


*Ari's shuttle closes in on Serenity as he activates the distress signal. He attempts to sleep and forget everyone who died against the mercs, and XIII's final sacrifice. He also nurses the wound that crazy merc with the automatic gave him*

*On Serenity's bridge, a distress signal resounds..*


Saturday, April 15, 2006 2:44 AM


Wash:Mal, now we're gettting a distress signal from a, hold on I have vid.
*They see Ari appear on the screen*
Ari:I am the gunner from High Charity.....The rest of the crew and well ship are gone....there are two shuttles that are carriying who is left, if we get your permission to board sir we just need safe passage to Persephone.
Mal: This is not a good day is it, he says under his breath....OK,,,hold here, we'll see what we can do...We need to deal with this pod first.
Wash: Mal, we gotta think bout that one real soon, the Pod is pretty much out of life support...we HAVE not choice but to deal with this one first Mal
Mal: OK then, we will......starts to leave and says to Wash, Tell the other two shuttles to hold. Mal makes his way to the galley and sees everyon there.

Mal:We have two scituations here. One, needs to be taken care of now and I mean now.....We have a Pod that has life on it but no activity and the life support system is failing..I want you guys to get the Pod in here as quickly as possible, Dong Ma? The other scituation we can deal with when this is over.....We have two shuttles carrying what life was left from High Charity before she exploded.
*Fly gasps and covers her mouth with one hand...Pain looks intent at the captain,,,Ertia looks at the table with a tear in her eye,,,,and JRC shakes his head*

Mal: OK, do what you guys do best.....
*Mal heads back to the Bridge*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:00 PM


"Oh gorram. We never should have left them like that." *Ertia can only stare, blinking at the table.

Simon speaks up. "The injured are first priority- Kaylee, Ertia, can you help me set up triage in the cargo bay?"

Zoe takes the lead, "I need two volunteers to take a shuttle and meet that pod- rescue anyone you find. Everyone else with me to the Cargo Bay to help bring in the shuttles from the Charity."

Everyone looks around at each other for volunteers.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:26 PM


JRC volunteers for whatever he can do, but he's feeling quite useless, having to carry his HK and a crutch. "I can try to provide some security when the shuttles come in, but other than that, I'm feeling I'll be in the way." Simon looks at his leg, noticing the stain of dried blood on his pants. "You can walk around some, but you overexert it, and you'll undo my work. Come with me to the infirmary, we'll try some of that Medi-foam."

Everyone dies alone.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:32 PM


Ertia runs around the ship, collecting blankets, water, and every emergency med-kit and dragging them to the cargo bay.

Her breath aches in her chest. Once more, they'd run when they aughta fought. Or maybe they'd fought when they all aughta run? Heck, she just doesn't know anymore.

Jayne and Pain head to the shuttle and warm it up to go retrieve the pod and Ertia can only hope that they make it in time!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:35 AM


Location: Shuttle #2
*Pain starts to close the airlock door when he sees Fly running towards him. He pushes the door back as Fly says*

Can I come with you guys?

*Pain smiles and says*

Well it's pretty much just a standard docking procedure but if you wanna come with then I guess it's alright. *nods in Jayne's direction* You could help restrain Jayne from touchin' all the buttons and such. *smiles at Fly as they hear Jayne say*


*Pain let's Fly in, closes the airlock door, then the shuttle's door, sits in the pilot's seat and says*

Everyone secure. *looks back at Fly as she gives Pain the thumbs up, then at Jayne who just grunts* Ok then lets get this show on the road.

*As Pain begins with the departing sequence Jayne says*

There's a road?

*Pain rolls his eyes as Fly lets out a groan*

*Pain counts down from ten as the shuttle slides out via the docking clamps. Pain reaches zero as he hits the button to release the shuttle from the clamps and heads out to the escape pod*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:05 AM


From the cargo bay, Ertia feels the shuttle take off and sends a quick prayer to whoever may be listening that they'll get there in time.

Then the first shuttle is docking, and there's no more time to think -


Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:11 AM


*Pain steers the shuttle towards the pod and radios the bridge*

This is Pain in shuttle 2. We've got a visual on the pod and are prepparing to dock with it.

*Mal chimes in over the com*

Shiny. Dock with it, bring whoever's on board in and do it ma shong.

*Pain clicks the com button and says*

Yes sir. *Pain engages the docking sequence* We're docking now. *Pain feels the shuttle shudder as it docks with the pod. Pain looks at Fly then Jayne and says*

Fly I want you to stay here and com the Captain if anything goes wrong. Jayne you and me will secure the pod. Making sure we're not gonna setting ourselves up for a trap. Dong ma?

*Fly and Jayne both nod at Pain as Fly sits down in the pilot seat. Pain and Jayne make their way to the shuttle's hatch, each of them with guns ready. Pain waits by the hatch as the airlock indicator flashes green meaning that everythings pressurized. Pain opens the hatch and motions for Jayne to lead. Jayne walks past Pain with his pistol ready, walks the short length of the airlock passageway, stops at the pod's airlock door and gives Pain the ok signal. Pain nods and heads for the pod's hatch with one of his Desert Eagle pistols in his hands pointed at the floor. He reaches the hatch and motions for Jayne to open it. Jayne opens the door as Pain sweeps the pod's rather small interior noticing the unconcious man in the pilot's seat. Pain nods the all clear sign as Jayne steps in. They proceed to lift the uniformed man out of his seat taking note that he's clutching a book of some sorts and head back to the shuttle, stopping only to close the pod's hatch then walking back to the shuttle. Once inside Pain motions Jayne to lay the man on the floor as he closes the shuttle's hatch. Pain looks up and tells Fly*

Radio the Captain, tell him we got the occupant of the pod and that we're heading back.

*Fly nods as she opens the com and says*

Cap we've safely retrieved the guy from the escape pod and we'll be returning to Serenity shortly.

*Wash chimes in and says*

We'll be here waiting. And what may I ask are you doing over there? I thought Pain and Jayne were the only one's taking the shuttle. Did I miss something?

*Fly responds*

Pain let me tag along. Said to keep Jayne from touching any buttons.

*Wash says*

Ah I see. Can't have the man-ape do that now can we. What with all that button touching. I'm sure the Captain won't mind you tagging along Fly. Well I gotta get back to doing pilot-ty things so uh see you guys when you get back.

*Wash clicks off the com right after everyone on the bridge hears Jayne mutter something insulting in the background. Pain sits in the copilot's seat and sets a return course to Serenity.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:30 AM



Originally posted by ARIZONAVALENTINE:
*Ari's shuttle closes in on Serenity as he activates the distress signal. He attempts to sleep and forget everyone who died against the mercs, and XIII's final sacrifice. He also nurses the wound that crazy merc with the automatic gave him*

The first shuttle docks to Serenity, and everyone rushes to help aboard wounded.

"Ertia, a hand here, if you please." Shepherd Books voice calls her to attention, and she runs to help him with a wounded Charity crewmember, shrapnel protruding from gaping wounds.

"Charity! The Captain!" He keeps saying, turning around and pushing back towards the shuttle in spite of his injury.

Ertia gazes at Book with wide eyes as he calms the wounded man, "Now, son, just relax. I'm sure your captain is fine."

But the last shuttle is docking, and Zoe is yelling "Only one onboard! Unconscious! Doc, we need you over here."

Books mouth tenses at the lie he knows he just told, but continues to speak calmly as the blood flows over Ertia's hands; another mercenary bleeding to death for another days pay.

wow, that was a morbid post for an Easter morning- I think we need some hope and resurrection!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:34 PM


*even from the confines of his bunk 13 can hear Ari, can feel the death emanating from the man*

(but you don't feel death do you? you never will..just continuing a meaningless existence. All you love will be carried away, gravedust. Only, you don't feel love, do you?)

Quiet. *soft, chilling laughter echoes inside his mind)

(they'll all be dead while you remain, a construct, a heartless killer)

I said quiet.

(do you actually think that they trust you? I think the captain has already proved he does not. What about the girl? Would she still hold that trust, even if she knew of what you've done? All questions, no answers..)


(BTW, Happy Easter!)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Monday, April 17, 2006 3:00 AM


Book rushes over to assist Pain and Jayne with the occupant of the pod and lays blankets on the floor of the cargo bay. They lay the man on a blanket and immediately, the cargo bay lighting reveals what the dim shuttle and pod lights could not.

PAIN: "Um, excuse me, but ain't that an Alliance uniform? We rescuin' Alliance now?"

BOOK: "The man is obviously hurt, Pain. He is still a man and it is our duty to help him."

JAYNE: "Yeah, it's our duty to be helpin' him back out the airlock."

Jayne reaches for the man's legs, but Book put's a firm hand to his shoulder.

BOOK: "Not on my watch, son. Now step away and let the doctor take a look at..."

The Shepherd is stopped mid-sentence as he spots the journal clutched in the unconcious man's hand. He takes the journal and gapes at it in fearful amazement.

JAYNE: "What is it preacher? You look like you done been spooked."

BOOK: "Gentlemen, that may be an Alliance uniform on that man, but I assure you...he is NOT Alliance."



Monday, April 17, 2006 5:45 AM


*cue ominous music* da.da.da.dum..

Simon is doing an amazing job, assessing, treating, and directing the efforts of his erst-while nursing team. Fortunately, Inara, Kaylee and Ertia are all capable of applying pressure and administrating morphine.

Ertia glances up to see Shepherd Book holding something in his hands, looking down at the man Pain, Fly and Jayne just rescued. Well, she hopes they rescued him. He's not looking too bright eyed and bushy-tailed at the moment.

There's some kind of stand-off, and then Jayne stands down, allowing Simon into treat the rescuee.

"Is that an Alliance uniform?" Inara whispers in disbelief as she helps bandage a burned forearm.

Ertia just shakes her head. "Looks like Shepherd's vouchin' for him. Guess we'll find out soon enough what's up!"

Book's voice comes over the shipwide intercom; "Captain. Might be you want to join us down here in the cargo bay."

His tone of voice said it wasn't a suggestion.


Monday, April 17, 2006 10:59 AM


*13 wheels his way to the others, noting the Alliance dressed man. He also sees Ari, which brings back painful memories of High Charity..*

*River glides behind the android, lightly tapping his shoulder. The robot wheels around to face her, immediately concerned at the painful look on her face*

RIVER: Don't leave..
13, in a whisper: Do the others know?
RIVER: No, I think the captain just wants you out, no complications no mess. Smooth.
13: I'd stay if I could, there's too much here,'s Mal's ship.
RIVER, a tearful, heartwrenching whisper: It's ours too.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Monday, April 17, 2006 11:09 AM


*After being adminstered several smoothers and having his wounds taken care of, Ari begins to observe the crew, as he always does in times of strife. He watches as a legless 13 enters, and has a hushed conversation with the dark-haired girl. Something strange going on there. 13 is..different. Well, more different than when he was first recreated. Speaking of which..*

*Ari tugs a battered, grimy envelope from his coat, fingers shaking as he read the initials written on the front of the letter..W.L.G.*

Moi Passepartout


Monday, April 17, 2006 12:15 PM


*The Remains of High Charity...*

*Lance is lying dazed in a heap, his clothes and hair matted with blood. The world swims in his vision, shadowy and alien. Monid is lying dead in the pilot's chair, riddled with bullet wounds. But, the windshield (sorry no better word) is intact. Lance mutters a prayer for Monid, and retrieves the dead pilots pistol*

*The Canadian Lancer hears muffled speech outside of the bridge, footsteps and the clink of guns. Mercs. Must not have taken out the whole ship. XIII must've sealed it off, prevent the destruction of the bridge. Merc's boarded anyway*

*Three mercs waltz almost triumphantly back into the bridge, one of them boasting about killing that pilot. They chuckle and joke, but Lance still remains on the floor, a lifeless mannequin. A second before the trio reaches the corpse (to do what?) Lance fires. Three shots, three sprays of bone and gray matter*

*The last man alive on High Charity struggles to his feet, and gently rests Monid's corpse on the ground, folding his arms over his chest. Lance takes hold of the controls, and High Charity begins to fly again*

Gotta get to Persephone..I know who was behind this..


Monday, April 17, 2006 1:02 PM



Originally posted by 13:
*13 wheels his way to the others, noting the Alliance dressed man.

"Heya, Bot-Boy. How ya feeling?" Ertia waits a beat, then frowns. "Oh, sorry, forgot. No feelings. But you should get Kaylee to see about riggin' up some legs for ya. That chair is gonna get mighty cumbersome!"

Just then, Ari recognizes her voice and stirs himself to action, yelling, "YOU! PSYCHOTIC! GUN-CRAZY! YOU EVER SHOOT ME AGAIN AND I'LL SHOOT YOU DOWN!"

"Uh. Ooopsie?" Ertia gives him a small smile before calling to Simon, "Heya Doc! how much more morphine can we give this one?"






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