Get up and do Something!!!

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 3, 2006 14:54
VIEWED: 21624
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:25 PM


Come you lot, stop sitting around thinking about how great season 2 of Firefly would be, and lets bloody do something about it! As in one of my previous posts, if were gonna make some noise we need to direct it in the right direction, talking about: "what if we did this, what if we did that, what if we raised this much" aint goona achieve anything.

There are almost 20'000 members of, thats plenty to ruffle some feathers. We need to contact Whendon personally on this matter, i've tried a few websites linked to him but cannot get an answer as to whether they would be willing to pass on an email to him.

If we can find out what it will take to get Firefly back on the air, we can focus all our efforts on reaching a target. Possibly Fox, Universal or Sci-fi would consider Firefly season 2 if we : raised $10'000 for example, got a 500-000 to 1-000-000 petition organised, we need to find out. Like i said before I can arrange a dedicated website to take the donations and count the emails of who wants more Firefly, BUT we need direction as to whether we fighting a losing battle or if our efforts will actually work.

Dont be put off by my example I would think that they are realisitic examples of what would be needed, but just think about the publicity WORLD WIDE that we would recieve for our cause, Fans forcing a Studio to bring back a TV show, news rooms, blogs, podcasts, radio stations and word of mouth there would be masses of advertising, which means that Firefly would get the exposure it deserves, which means more fans, which in turn means more voices of our cause. Think of it as a world wide snow ball that we would end up throwing at the fats cats at Fox.

We need to stop whining, and get something positive done, out of the near 20'000 members of there has to be a few who know of someway to get a personal message to Joss Whedon, drop him an email, phone call or letter what ever, and get him to this thread and email me

about what we need to do to get his masterpiece back on track!

Success is only a matter of how far you think you can go, and I'm going all the way!


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:50 PM


its no joke im ready to do something about it at least we can try


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:09 AM


I think everyone here has contributed to petitions and such over the years, in fact that was a big part in how Serenity came to be.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:53 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

It... kind of hurts my feelings that you would act like none of us here have done anything.
Talking about what I'd like to see in another season or movie is a good way to get my fix, you know, since it hasn't happened yet, but that doesn't mean that's all I do.

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:01 AM


Bloody Hell, your all talking like you've already been defeated, the point im trying to make is: If we want Joss Whendon to continue the Firefly franchise and have a major Tv/Film company pick it up, we need to direct our efforts into something that we know will make a difference.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:10 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

How. Exactly. Is saying "it hasn't happened YET" talking like I've already been defeated?
Liu kou shui de biao-zi he hou-zi de ben er-zi.

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:14 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by maxrimstain:
Bloody Hell, your all talking like you've already been defeated, the point im trying to make is: If we want Joss Whendon to continue the Firefly franchise and have a major Tv/Film company pick it up, we need to direct our efforts into something that we know will make a difference.

I can appreciate your enthusiasm Maxrimstain, but you are focusing your efforts in the wrong direction.

Take it from an ol' browncoat that has been here since the show was on the air, we have tried it all. We did the letter campaign, email campaigns, post card campaigns, petitions, you name it. If it was a possible way of saving Firefly we did it.

Where our focus needs to be right now is on pushing the "Serenity" DVD as much as possible. Universal has Joss & the cast signed to do two more movies if the first one is successful. Since we barely got the movie budget back between domestic & foreign box office sales that means a lot of eyes are watching the DVD to see what the sales figures are going to show. In order to have a hope of a movie sequel we need to spread the word about the BDM DVD. The higher the sales figures go on the DVD, the more likely our odds of a sequel. If they are not good enough, no sequel. No sequel, little chance of a future.

So, we need to get the DVD out to new people. We need to use the tactics we have been using to push the series DVD all along & redouble our efforts to push the movie DVD. We need to show it to new people. Talk it up on message boards & blogs all over the 'net. We need to chat people up in movie rental/sales places to get them interested. Host a viewing party in your home to show the movie to friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, whoever! Post fliers in game & comic shops, bookstores, rental places (with proper permission of course). Create a buzz.

Yes, we all want the tv series back, but the only hope of that is to make the DVD a smashing success & get a sequel. A sequel will bring in more fans, more money, and make the option of a series resurrection more appealing to the powers that be.

So, Maxrimstain, there you have it. There is your direction. This is where our efforts need to be. Not on petitions and emails, but on rallying around the DVD & bringing new people into the fanbase. Trust me. If the DVD is a big success, we have a future. If it's not, well, the 'verse will get a might darker.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:15 AM


This is getting quickly out of hand. Look, the fact of the matter is raising money won't do anything. Making it clear that a new TV series will raise advertising revenue will get us a new show. Simple as that. I had a post earlier to that effect.

Carry the Nuttin'


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:19 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yeah, what Browncoat1 said. Vote with your dollars. And get converts so they'll do the same!
I've personally bought the series, the movie, the comics, the novel (on order) and a couple other books.

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:44 AM


Thinking about it, news coverage of tens of thousands of fans around the WORLD combining efforts to keep Serenity in the sky would be the best advertising for FOX and Universal. Maybe there should be some global event on a set date - thousands of fans around the world doing something fun that attracts (positive) media attention.
Then again, it didn't go too well for the Enterprise people and such, and I don't know what they tried, apart from raising money and travelling back in time, neither of which worked, obviously.

EDIT: I agree about what Browncoat1 said. The thing about the DVD sales being the best way to GET UP AND DO SOMETHING! But I'm not sure that has to be the ONLY way. Besides, buying DVDs doesn't feel like really DOING something. It's not like I'm putting a lot of effort into that enormous task to walk to the store and whip out some cashy money (or just order the DVDs with a few clicks.), and I think that's what browncoats wanna do. Put an effort into it. Don't get me wrong, buying DVDs IS the best way to go, but there has to be SOMETHING.
Anyways, maybe Universal already decided against Serenity 2 and is doing a happy dance because morons like us still have their hopes up and keep coughing up dough for stuff we already own.

"They just float out there, sending out re... raver... reading parties." - Alan Tudyk


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:53 AM


One of my favourite dreams is about some filthy rich dude such as Bill Gates falling in love with Firefly so much that he buys Fox's rights and gives Joss and the crew a blank cheque to make many many more episodes... HEY! Its a dream! and its mine!

Waking up is kinda depressing..


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:02 AM


World Firefly Day...coordinated with the other fansites. On that day, whatever day it may be, everybody needs to email to Universal. Just throwing it out there, but it needs a day where all can unite to make a statement...even if it does very little, it will do alot for us. Just have to try, thats all that can be asked.

Kuang Zhe De


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:11 AM


Seems i'm not the only one having dreams :)


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:11 AM



Originally posted by KuangZheDe:
World Firefly Day...coordinated with the other fansites. On that day, whatever day it may be, everybody needs to email to Universal. Just throwing it out there, but it needs a day where all can unite to make a statement...even if it does very little, it will do alot for us. Just have to try, thats all that can be asked.

Kuang Zhe De

Maybe it could be coordinated to go with the promo for the HD DVD of Serenity? I'm sure there has to be some kind of campaign to promote Universal's first HD DVD, right? Maybe they'd even be willing to co-operate with the fans to some degree - after all, it's publicity. (But I kinda doubt it.)
Just a thought.

"They just float out there, sending out re... raver... reading parties." - Alan Tudyk


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:14 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

They might smile really wide if we all said we were going to buy a copy on the release date, but don't think they'd do much beyond that.

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:38 AM


teh best thing folks can do besides by the dvd's is convert people, print flyers give them to your local comic book store, try to arrange big screen viewings join your local browncoats and star raising a ruckus.

The Houston Browncoats are sponsoring this years LoneStar Shindig at Apollocon which is a local scifi/ fantasy / horror convention. We are scheduling a bunch of fun activities including possible screenings of Firefly and serenity that will be open to all con goers, there will also be overlap panels with other genres and other shows which is that much more exposure for our show.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:51 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
One of my favourite dreams is about some filthy rich dude such as Bill Gates falling in love with Firefly so much that he buys Fox's rights and gives Joss and the crew a blank cheque to make many many more episodes... HEY! Its a dream! and its mine!

Waking up is kinda depressing..

I had a similar dream starring another jerk. And you know what? Surfing around in the internet i found this silly little website:

Now guess, what i am going to do?!


"Oh Dragonbreth! Gilthorpial!" he yodeled, waving his cleaver around like a madman. He lunged at the nearest wraith with his unwieldly sword. "Banzai!" he screamed. "No quarter asked or given! Dam* the torpedoes" Taking a vicious swipe, Stomper missed his mark by a good yard and tripped on his scabbard.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:06 AM



'It... kind of hurts my feelings that you would act like none of us here have done anything.
Talking about what I'd like to see in another season or movie is a good way to get my fix, you know, since it hasn't happened yet, but that doesn't mean that's all I do.'


I was worried about this. All the frenetic newbie activity and then stepping on the lifers' collective tootsies. Please, please don't take umbrage. I for one am flabbergasted at the amount that has already been achieved by the fans. Awestruck. Honestly.


what's incredibly frustrating is to come into this battle in the middle, when the first strike already achived so much...and then to be left unsure as to what the next move should. I like action. When I love something this much (beyond the magnificence of the show, the idea that something being revived by pure love tickled me some), I want to do something. Buying stuff and using market power just seems a little passive, effective though it may be.


I'm with Maxrimstan. Organisation, and a GOAL. So yeah, I think we need a wee sign from Mr Whedon as to what the desired action should be. I worry somewhat that a kind of closure was reached with Serenity (not in terms of plot/characters/stories ...for the crew/cast etc. and their relationship with it. Did they move on? Do they want to move on? Do THEY want it to continue? Doubt is a killer.)


(a)Market sales are well and good. But never EVER underestimate mainstream publicity. A worldwide event would be amazing. I love the Browncoat gatherings. Major co cordination would just be cool.

(b)Do we even know if anyone in position of influence has acknowledged/recognised the activity on this site yet? Anyone seen any press?

(c)A Word from the Master. Greenlight the action. Just give a SIGN that you're still up for this fight to continue. So many people holding. I shouldn't be doubting, but I for one just need a glint of hope that the angels are going to come.


P.S. So sorry for ranting. I've just been so darn antsy!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:07 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by KuangZheDe:
World Firefly Day...

RUD: Reverse Unificiation Day!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:19 AM


Oh, I like.

What date?



Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:23 AM


Joss has moved on, he'll come back if Universal offer him the chance to make sequels, but if he doesn't get that then he seems pretty happy to just have Serenity and the upcoming comic books.

Nathan seems to REALLY want a trilogy, though he also wants Mal to die at the end.

The others aren't particularily vocal about their feelings other than the fact they'd be more than happy to come back for more.

It's great to see so much enthusiasm from new people to get the show/films back on, but it'd be nice if they checked older posts to see that this sort of post pops up about once per month, and it always reaches the same conclusion: Help sell DVDs. Good DVD sales = profit = sequels.

The release of 'Done The Impossible' should give us a little more publicity, and was trying to find out about rights (don't know if that's still a possibility or not) but apart from that we just have to wait for official word.


Read my fanfic!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:30 AM



Originally posted by Rach:
(c)A Word from the Master. Greenlight the action. Just give a SIGN that you're still up for this fight to continue. So many people holding. I shouldn't be doubting, but I for one just need a glint of hope that the angels are going to come.

I think The Master has given many such signs. Every time anyone asks him, he says he has a lot more to tell about the 'Verse, he's just waiting for the phone to ring. Well, he's not just waiting, he's working on other projects too, but he hasn't given up. I do think he's tired and he's certainly in demand for other projects and waiting for the phone to ring doesn't put food on the table, so he's wise not to just mope and whine, like I'm inclined to do, for Firefly to come back.

They could not take the sky from them -
Our Big Damn Heroes made a film!
I'm gonna see Serenity then
go back the next morning and see it again.
Cuz no one at Fox knew this show had no equal
C'mon Universal, and greenlight the sequel!

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:41 AM


Listen to Browncoat1 and ChronicTheHedgehog, for they are wise.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:44 AM



Originally posted by Grizwald:
I think The Master has given many such signs. Every time anyone asks him, he says he has a lot more to tell about the 'Verse, he's just waiting for the phone to ring. Well, he's not just waiting, he's working on other projects too, but he hasn't given up. I do think he's tired and he's certainly in demand for other projects and waiting for the phone to ring doesn't put food on the table, so he's wise not to just mope and whine, like I'm inclined to do, for Firefly to come back.

Yes. I agree with you Grizzy. Course, It´d be great to receive a word from Joss. But I don´t think, that a statement from him would help in the matter at the moment, because it´s not HIS decision, it´s up to UNIVERSAL. As far as I undestand, Joss can´t make a statement about a Sequel without p... off Universals executives. Forget it. You have to believe, that he´s still behind the project. I think otherwise he would´ve told us.


"Oh Dragonbreth! Gilthorpial!" he yodeled, waving his cleaver around like a madman. He lunged at the nearest wraith with his unwieldly sword. "Banzai!" he screamed. "No quarter asked or given! Dam* the torpedoes" Taking a vicious swipe, Stomper missed his mark by a good yard and tripped on his scabbard.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:20 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Rach:

Oh, I like.

What date?


From the great site:

Unification Day (Late May)
After a week of negotiations, a peace agreement is reached, with the Independents surrendering to Alliance forces.

"The Train Job," the Firefly DVD, and the Firefly website. Lund says it was "(s)ix years today (that) the Alliance sent the Browncoats running." In the same deleted scene referred to earlier, Zoe tells Simon that they were left at Serenity Valley for a week while both sides negotiated the peace, so I have taken Unification Day to be the day those negotiations were finalised, providing an official end to the war.

All of the settled worlds are united as a result of the peace agreement and the Anglo-Sino Alliance, which had originally formed on Earth-That-Was, comes to be formally known as the Union of Allied Planets. It is considered by some to be the dawn of a new galaxy.

Hey, my b-day is in late May!

I agree - read the posts of Browncoat1 and Artcat and ChronicTHH - years of experience fighting the good fight! The few people who can actually make the call and produce the next installation of the 'verse have to $want$ to do it, and buying those lovely dvds is a good way to make them, uh, wantful.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:59 AM


I think theres lots and lots of good points. But i why dont we do all those things everyones on about, no-one can say any different that there hasnt been an influx of new recruits. So why dont we talk to everyone (Joss Wheden), family friend, make the petitions ect ect but do it all at once to make it huge.

"Love. You can do all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don't love, she'll shake you off sure as a turnin' of worlds. Love keeps her in
the air when she oughtta fall down. Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens.
Makes her a home." Mal


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 7:06 AM


On this Reverse Unification Day as many as possible maybe should buy the BDM. I so many people buying multiple copies and such but maybe that's one way that we could show our numbers. Or for those who can't buy it rent it. The think the big bump in profit would let them know that we can be organized plus we really want Firefly.

I really think that we'll eventually get a sequel one way or another. I think the dvd sales are good enough but they want to keep things rolling since more and more people keep joining the ranks. Remember, sequels do take a few years to come out. I'm sure in 3 years or less we'll be seeing Serenity 2. I'd perfer a tv show but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

As for the comments that he is giving up...he hasn't. He's just waiting for a call. It's not up to him at this point, but in the mean time I think he's just doing other projects to pay the bills.

I don't remember if I have done this on this site or not, but I do want to show my appreciation for the veteran Browncoats. Without you guys the Browncoats that converted me may not have exsisted. Plus I know the BDM would not have happened so thank you all. I've only been a fan for a few months but I've been trying to do what I can and convert everyone I know. Thanks again guys.


The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 7:20 AM


Reunification Day sounds like a real shiny idea. If every 'coat goes and buys or rents the DVD, or heck really just about anything that'd help make the Big Heads take some notice. Plus then of course that'd be a perfect day for mass Serenity screenings in various venues. (Hey, we're pretty much a cult, maybe we should start hanging out in airports and malls and handing out copies of the BDM... we'll be waiting patiently behind the Hari Krishnas :)

I agree with the others about Joss and our Heroes as per more continuations. If it's hard being a browncoat and being hooked on a cancelled show, I can't imagine what a rollercoaster it must have been for those who gave it to us. I haven't heard anything, aside from what seemed more like quotes taken out of context, that would make me think any of our pretty heroes wouldn't jump at the chance to fly in Serenity again.

Same time, everyone has to make a living. I think it's real shiny that everyone seems to be getting projects. Joss in particular seems rather busy, and that can't help but increase his pull in the industry. If he says he's waiting for a phone call from Universal, then that's where my letters will be going to.

Oh, and I'll shut up now :)

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:07 AM


June 23 worldwide screenings are being arranged proceeds are going to benefit equality now Joss' favorite charity

June 23 marks Joss' B-day andthe anniversary of one of the early screenings of Serenity

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:28 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by artcat81:
June 23 worldwide screenings are being arranged proceeds are going to benefit equality now Joss' favorite charity

June 23 marks Joss' B-day andthe anniversary of one of the early screenings of Serenity

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse

Fwiw I like it. Seems like a good date with some precedent (and sentiment) already set. A Friday too, nice day for participating in some commerce. I also like "Re-Unification Day," over "Reverse Unification..." for anyone keeping track.

So who stamps it and makes it official?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:37 AM


US States with Serenity June 23, 2006 Charity screenings being arranged by Browncoats


Santa Barbara CA - Pre-Planning mentioned on
Los Angeles CA - Pre-Planning mentioned on

Massachusetts Browncoat trying to decide on a theater.


Minneapolis, MN Riverview Theater

New York Browncoat arranged a theater in Albany, NY 2,800 seat theater

Albany, NY The Palace Theater TICKETS ON SALE NOW

Oregon see Now I wonder who is trying to arrange a screening in Portland.

Washington Seattle - Pre-Planning (note June 24)
mentioned on

Other charity Serenity Screenings coming up:

United Kingdom
Charities: WaterAid and Kevin Smith's Memorial Trust
Date: SUNDAY May 21st
Bristol UK Cube cinema

A Browncoat trying to arrange a charity screening at
Needs emails "ONLY if you'd like to attend the screening "

You and a theater can arrange a Serenity screening near you on June 23 (Joss's birthday) or other days! See
Important New Info To Organize June 23 Benefit Screenings

All you need is a theater and enough Browncoats to convince the theater that it is worth the cost of getting the film. Oh yeah, you need enough guts to contact a theater. Me...sadly lacking in that department.

More info on
including the Universal Contact for US and theonetruebix thinks Canada too. theonetruebix thinks that Universal Contact person might have an assistant who could find the U.I.P. contact for other countries. Remember find a willing theater first before contacting Universal!

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:47 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

wow! That's an impressive list... if that's not a mandate for picking a date for "RU Day," I don't know what is...

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:52 AM


There are lots of browncoat activities going on worldwide, at this point if you want to take a more active role than just buying the dvd join your local browncoat group or start your own

if your in Houston

another thing that works well is donate copies of firefly and or serenity to your local library , the houston crew collected 5 sets of firefly in less than a week and donated them en masse to a local counties library the librarians were VERY excited to get them and its another way to boost the signal

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:12 AM


June 23 sounds great. Gives just enough to organise something. Now where are all those UK browncoats who have been shouting lately?

Chronic, Browncoat1; I've been scouting about on the archive threads and I can see the activity. I reckon it can't hurt though, can it?

I do like the idea of a mass buying of STUFF on that day too (for those who can afford...I suspect a lot of people have already invested a substantial amount in this sofar, and certainly a damn sight more than me; 2 boxsets do not a market push make). A market spike AND a co ordination of events would be a fine attack on two fronts.

I need to give up all this military imagery. I really don't have a foggy what I'm talking about.



Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:18 AM


P.S. Check out the 'Flyers' thread! Very VERY cool.

And stickers. There should be stickers.



Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:24 PM


So, are the screenings on June 23rd part of a bigger event plan for that day? Is there a similar plan like this to get every browncoat from every fansite together to do something outstanding on one set date?

Every one of us could order a copy of the Serenity DVD on Amazon on that day. Not just buy it anywhere, but get it from one source. (I'm not affiliated with amazon in any way, btw. I prefer to use non-mega-corp shops, butheywhatareyagonnado.)
Tens of thousands of people ordering the same title on the same day should get the amazon people into resupply trouble, but I think they won't mind. But they'll notice, and so will Universal.
If we manage to get 50000 browncoats (We're about 18000 active on this board alone) to just buy one DVD for 20 bucks, that'd be a cool mill for Universal right there (not all profits, but hey!). That's just a thought, though, not a telethon pitch.
Anyways, climbing a few ranks on the Amazon charts won't hurt, either.
We probably all own several copies of Serenity already, but I guess everyone can save 20 bucks until June 23rd for another one. Charity-like. And then give it to someone who hasn't seen it yet, or a library - or just leave it on your seat in the bus for someone to find.
That way, we make Universal money, create a bit of a buzz, and we make more people interested in a sequel, since more people will have seen the BDM (and hey, for free!), and I have yet to hear someone say that they didn't like it. The real problem isn't that the BDM sucks, anyway (since it sure as hell doesn't), but that not enough people watched it (duh). Not everyone will turn into a browncoat after watching the movie, but most of them would at least go watch a sequel.
We could maybe get Joss and/or members of the cast to record a video message for our day or something, get them involved as far as they wanna get involved. I'm sure they get requests like that all the time, but this would be the BIG TIME.
(If we're lucky, "Done the Impossible" might come out somewhere around June 23rd, as well - and it's not too unlikely. The shiny Firefly ornament is coming out on june 14th and should sell well. Oh, btw, when is the HD DVD coming out again? If we're lucky, it's June, as well. June is definitely our month.)

Too many of our plans seem to fail because there are too many plans - too many petitions for the same thing (hurting the cause in the end), too many people standing on too many soapboxes calling for too many revolutions on too many days.
ONE is the number here.
ONE day, ONE plan, ONE army of browncoats.
Universal may not notice the drops of rain on their Firefly franchise field, but they'll notice
when it starts pouring, and maybe decide to plow the fields once more.
Yeah, I'm into metaphors, but enough with the pep talk. Is there like an elder council of the fansite webmasters or something? Are they all in touch?
We'd have to be quick, though, if June 23rd is to be it.
And we need some people with more than just enthusiasm to organize this, preferrably veterans.
If all browncoats stick together, we could make this one Big Damn Celebration Day.


"They just float out there, sending out re... raver... reading parties." - Alan Tudyk


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:53 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

I like this idea and I could always find something to do with another copy of the BDM.

So, are we going to do it? When is it official?

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:06 PM



Originally posted by SAVEWASH:
I like this idea and I could always find something to do with another copy of the BDM.

So, are we going to do it? When is it official?

I don't know who's in a position to make it official. I'd also like to hear what the cynics have to say before anyone rushes to action.
I think the webmasters getting in touch and talking it over amongst themselves and within their community (see how seperated that sounds?) should be the next step. If the idea is generally supported on all boards, we're in business.
But if we don't do this together, it's just going to be one Big Damn Disappoinment Day.


"They just float out there, sending out re... raver... reading parties." - Alan Tudyk


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:06 PM



And there is talk in the yahoo group at
about a charity Serenity screening in
Bloomington and Toronto, Canada

If you get a screening of Firefly or
Serenity at ApolloCon, be sure to
email the contact section on

And As for Get up and do Something!!!
Go see SLiTHER Nathan (Our Captain) Fillion's
new movie.

See it during this week and the theater may
hold it over the weekend!

Nathan (Our Captain) Fillion Wants Everyone To Go See Slither As His Birthday Present! Added links to Slither screenings!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:49 PM



Originally posted by Agatsu:

We probably all own several copies of Serenity already, but I guess everyone can save 20 bucks until June 23rd for another one. Charity-like. And then give it to someone who hasn't seen it yet, or a library - or just leave it on your seat in the bus for someone to find.

Hey, we could do a browncoat version of bookcrossings!
People 'release into the wild' copies of books so that others can enjoy the same books they like, but we can release copies of the BDM! This could be fun, getting us lots more recruits and making Universal and that which shall not be named to sit up and take notice.



Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:37 PM



Originally posted by maxrimstain:
There are almost 20'000 members of, thats plenty to ruffle some feathers. We need to contact Whendon personally on this matter, i've tried a few websites linked to him but cannot get an answer as to whether they would be willing to pass on an email to him.

A Quote From Joss ~

"As long as I was able to service the characters with integrity and had enough money so that I wasn't hampered, then I would love to return Serenity to TV. I love that universe; it continues and those characters live on. There could be a series, there could be a miniseries, there could be all sorts of things. I'm not ruling anything out. I'll let it simmer for a while and see if anyone calls."

Joss is open to continuing the 'verse, but now it's at a point where he needs to be the one approached. He pulled out all the stops, and then some, to make Serenity a reality. The next incarnation of the 'verse will be made when he is "asked", and not so much the kind of gnarly, difficult battle he had to wage for Serenity.

The best way to demonstrate that more Firefly/Serenity needs to be made is through a continually growing fanbase, healthy sales of the Firefly and Serenity DVDs, and support of FF/S related merchandise.

When there's money to be made, studios sit up and take notice.

All the fan activities that we organize are great... they keep the fan base spirit alive and thriving... but it will always come down to money being the deciding factor.

Splashy, news grabbing fan activities are like one generation removed from persuading a studio. The activities are useful for getting the word out and drawing in new fans... which very likely translates to more money generated from product sales. But if all those activities don't translate to a measurable difference in profits, a studio won't budge. Again, it keeps coming back to money.

The Browncoats Rise Again website has some excellent suggestions for promoting Firefly/Serenity. I highly recommend that folks check it out and follow the suggestions:

Also, it's a good opportunity to pimp my Firefly/Serenity guerilla marketing posters. They're easy to download and photocopy, and are an extremely useful method for promotion. My webpage also has several marketing ideas on it. So for anyone not familiar with these posters... please take a look... they are a proven way to promote Firefly and Serenity. (Link shown below my signature line.)

I always like to see folks staying motivated and passionate about continuing Firefly and Serenity. As long as that spirit stays strong, and we fight the good fight, we WILL see more of our 'verse.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:06 PM


I'm just going to keep throwing my 2 cents in, and making sure this thread keeps moving to the top of the line...

All suggestions are good.
The downpour metaphor is really quite fantastic.
And true.

Publicity will never hurt (not to mention that leaving surplus copies around is just shiny. Who's not going to watch free stuff???). It's just making sure that the powers that be know we're still out here.

As in, we say 'Hey, watch this.' And then STUFF HAPPENS.

I'd like some elders & cynics on here too. This thread is pretty unvisited compared to some.

Organisation. Co ordination. All very good things.



Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:11 PM


I'm a Firefly newbie - evidence that the machinations of all of you fabulous browncoats are working, yes? - and I've been poking my nose into the fandom. Thought the following seemed a bit pertinent to this conversation. It's a snippet from an interview with Seth McFarlane regarding how the cancelled show Family Guy was brought back onto the air:

"In some ways DVD is more important than television now. I think that’s where the lion’s share of profits are being made these days. The brilliant thing with Family Guy is that instead of just writing letters [when they heard the show was being cancelled] they went out and bought the DVDs, which showed what a huge fan base we have and meant another series was commissioned for TV."

Family Guy is the only show I know of that was brought back onto the small screen after an extensive cancellation - not hiatus - although I may well be omitting other shows. My point is that I think taking a page out of that fandom's book is wise, and focusing on DVD sales makes a lot of sense. Additionally, it might not be a bad idea to investigate what (if any other) effective strategies members of the Family Guy fandom employed in successfully reviving the show, which really is pretty remarkable.

Aaaand that's all. /newbie-rant ;)


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:20 PM


Not this is what im talking about,

the best idea so far is for everyone to go a buy a copy of Serenity (amazon is good) on 23rd June, as for making it official, there its official, more than enough time to spread the word and save a few $$$ for the cause, i will try to get to work on a dedicated webpage although this might be a problem as my wife is due to give birth in the next 3 weeks, i will do my best....

Spread the word.... 23rd June Re-Unification Day - Fox, Universal, Sci-Fi here we come!

We are mighty!!!!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:56 PM


I like that you have mentioned Family Guy in this post. I had mentioned that before. Fans brought that show back, and DVD sales are hugely important. Finding out their tactics may help us in our cause as well. :) I love Family Guy, but I've never really gotten into the net fandom. Maybe you could check that out.

I am completely down for a June 23rd Firefly Day event. Everybody buying a copy or two of Serenity sounds excellent. If it all goes through I would donate my copy to our local library.

"It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think." River


Thursday, April 13, 2006 12:02 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I'll mark my calendar!

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Thursday, April 13, 2006 1:25 AM


I will alert the Houston Coats about buying dvds on June 23rd, I think I will collect them again and take them in to the library myself that way its not jsut one dvd but a pile of them being donated, that makes librarians sit up and take notice

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:34 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

So are we "officially" making June 23rd the day? I really don't like "Reverse Unification Day". How about Independents Day? Ok, maybe the play on words is a bit weak, but I think it more accurately reflects the cause, at least moreso than Unification Day (reverse or otherwise).

Maybe Browncoat Day? Serenity Day?


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:25 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
So are we "officially" making June 23rd the day? I really don't like "Reverse Unification Day". How about Independents Day? Ok, maybe the play on words is a bit weak, but I think it more accurately reflects the cause, at least moreso than Unification Day (reverse or otherwise).

Maybe Browncoat Day? Serenity Day?

To make it feel official it may take a greater consensus from more Browncoats. More posts, thoughts etc. The last few big ideas crashed because there were a lot of naysayers.

In this case however I feel like, "why the heck not??"

I agree, "Reverse" not so good. I like Re-Unification Day because of what it stands for (unifying) and because of the idea of turning an Alliance celebration day into a rallying day for Browncoats. But it ain't up to me!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:32 AM


I heard that Fox may already agree to a directly to DVD and Video release of a new series or film.
Because of the amount of DVD sales.

My part in this is getting some of my friends at school interested in it, already one of my friends has bought Firefly and Serenity online(and already has a small crush on River), another freind wants Serenity and another one has rented it, i think.

I can place advertisements on my clan web site if you want, links to this site etc.....

Iv made me parents watch it, 2 or 3 episodes every week end. They already seen Serenity.
My bro and sis like it too.







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