UPDATED: Saturday, April 29, 2006 08:28
VIEWED: 33358
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Friday, April 14, 2006 1:30 PM



maybe you can have the site name be

the 623 means june 23rd and re-unification day is obviouslly the name of the day (or somthing else if you change it.)

just my 2 cents


Friday, April 14, 2006 1:42 PM


oh yeah, I just thought of another idea.

when we get the website up, i'm going to post flyers around college campus on the bullitins- i figure, people at the college level age will notice this more than most ya know?

I was thinking of doing this for advertizement of the charity screening as well, but when school is out, you can even do this at media play, barnes&nobles etc. any store that has a bullitin on it.

coffee shops also allow fliers to be shown (esp if it's a charity event)


Friday, April 14, 2006 2:18 PM


We should try to make this look as professional as possible. Or rather do it so professional that we don't have to make it look professional.
For example, I'd advise against everyone making their own banners and just go wild. We need a few professional designs we agree on and then we ALL wear one of them in our sigs on ANY board.
I suggest that anyone who wants to submit banners should do so until Thursday night. On Friday and Saturday we vote on which ones to use, and from Sunday forth everyone picks the one he likes the most in the selection.

Since this isn't supposed to be an FFF thing, but a united Browncoat effort, we really should invite the representatives of the other websites to participate in the planning phase, or we're gonna have 30+ individual groups of browncoats with different plans for June 23rd that haven't been coordinated with the others, and the whole mess will just look chaotic.
Are there currently any discussions on any of the other boards about June 23rd?
We may need a few catchy lines like "On June 23, we aim to misbehave.". Any suggestions?

On a slightly different note, I don't think it would do much good to try and organize a screening in Germany, due to the lack of browncoats (No Firefly on TV here). At least there aren't enough German browncoats in one place, which as opposed to the Fruity Oaty Bar would be MANDATORY for a screening.

I forgot a few points I wanted to mention, but I can't remember what they were.


One day.
One plan.
One army of browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Friday, April 14, 2006 2:45 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Uh... "Unification Day" is the day the Alliance got control of the planets... and by the way, defeated the Independents.

Why would we want to name this after the day the Feds took over and crushed the spirited Browncoats?!

LOL good point.

But then again...the Browncoasts lost...

we want to win.

Maybe we SHOULD emulate the winning side.

Tongue n' cheek, but me (and my wife) are here to help however we can (P.S. - I donated to your 11th hour page a couple days ago)


Friday, April 14, 2006 3:10 PM


I agree with everything you mentioned. I'm waiting for the offical banners etc. to print out myself.

Since i'm from Buffalo, NY, i doubt there's a lot of browncoats here, but i'm willing be convinced that there's a lot of "closet-firefly-fans". :tounge:

My opinion on the charity thing is that if I publicize this correctly, people will come to see this movie just for the charity, not even knowing the 'verse as we love and cherish it. In a way, it's almost briliance in that fact becuase it'll spread the word faster than word of mouth in a short period of time.

Plus, advertizing will be much easier becuase again, it's a charity, so a lot of news stations would pick up the story becuase it's such a unique charity-> thus continuing the story on all the details (the 23rd being joss' birthday, explaining the tv show yada yada). Think as a regular movie goer that has a friday night to kill. I'd go see the movie becuase it's for a good cause and also becuase I havn't seen the movie yet.

I was thinking of allowing free admitance with showing a reciept of the movie bought that day or somthing like that. Granted, i'll have to throw in 5-7 bucks for that person's admitance, but at least they spent 17 bucks on the movie.. right?

Also, this is another idea I have: selling the merch (dvds) after the screenings and donating the proceeds to the charity as well (again selling more movies/DVDs)

i'm a poor college student, so i couldn't pull this last idea off myself but ya know, if i work things out well enough, I might get lucky

I'll keep everyone updated of course :)


Friday, April 14, 2006 3:29 PM



Originally posted by Dewrastler:
I don't remember who designed the postcard based on mphillips artwork a while back, but I liked that. That is something I would like to see us use against Universal, along with maybe a few other designs.

That was ME.

You have my permission. Double check with MPhillips about posting that link on your page, but I don't think he'd mind at all.


Click here
for info about the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew, Mal's Bunk, and how to join.

>>Appreciatin' Nathan's original "FLaF"


Friday, April 14, 2006 3:42 PM


Why June 23rd, out of curiousity? Is it becuase it's Joss's birthday? Or because that was the date of the last round of Serenity pre-screenings?

Want Firefly/ Serenity/ BtVS/ Angel desktop wallpapers? Take a look at the ones I've created at:
Now hosting the Firefly Extended Gagreel
I have added a forum to my site and now I need some members!


Friday, April 14, 2006 3:43 PM



Originally posted by jayduck:

Originally posted by 11thHour:

Uh... "Unification Day" is the day the Alliance got control of the planets... and by the way, defeated the Independents.

Why would we want to name this after the day the Feds took over and crushed the spirited Browncoats?!

LOL good point.

But then again...the Browncoasts lost...

we want to win.

Maybe we SHOULD emulate the winning side.

Browncoats don't want nothin' to do with anything that smells of the Alliance no how! Hell, if we did then why not call it "FOX TV Day"?!

'scuse me while I get sick in the corner...

Okay... I'm alright now!


Tongue n' cheek, but me (and my wife) are here to help however we can (P.S. - I donated to your 11th hour page a couple days ago)

The help will definitely be needed, all the fans want this project to make a loud and clear statement...

... and thank ya kindly for the coin to help keep my lil' ol' Firefly/Serenity guerilla marketing website flyin'!



"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Friday, April 14, 2006 3:58 PM


That's the only thing that can make the project fail. Really:

ONE leader
(not proposing myself, not enough time beside posting).
People, one is enough. We're all browncoats, so we all have enough brains. I'd go with a Vet, but it doesn't matter.
He'll just have to re-read through the proposals posted here and in the other threads... all the reasonable notes have been made already.
No need to keep debating the same things over and over, we'd just create chaos and slow down.

ONE name

ONE Banner

ONE signature Banner

This we need right now, so that we could start advertising and elaborate the little details in a more "relaxed" way.


Friday, April 14, 2006 4:18 PM


I agree with one leader. I'd offer myself, but I don't know about the time commitment. I'm kinda maxed out as it is volunteering to get some viral advertising done for a convention that some of the BDH's are showing up at.

I am not so good at websites, but I'm a fair decent hand at organizing things and finding people to do stuff.

I'm writing an e-mail to the people at The site's already up and running and if I get a reply from them, I can ask them to update a bit and help get the word out about June 23rd. They can add in some of the ideas on here already. I'm also adding a post onto about the ideas posted on here.

You can't stop the signal.


Click here
for info about the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew, Mal's Bunk, and how to join.

>>Appreciatin' Nathan's original "FLaF"


Friday, April 14, 2006 4:54 PM


Exactly right on that point. We need the controlled organization of a leader, and we need to put down all the ideas of this thread into one simple, bulleted proposal. Thats the only way to be taken seriously.

Right now, as a mess we can be shrugged off. I heard the rain analogy earlier so I'm going to run with it.

A small shower can be ignored, but a thunderstorm is a force of nature to be reckoned with. We need to join together and controlled to be that force.


Friday, April 14, 2006 7:22 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

You people are amazing - you have so much energy!
My hopes for any web site that is created for this world wide event are:

1. State the first, main objective: Spread the word to all Browncoats for a call to buy a copy of the DVD Serenity (first) or Firefly (second) on the date of June 23rd. The purchase of the dvds is the single largest positive act we can do to effect the return of a sequel or a tv series. There’s really no way to state that any better: June 23rd happens and we all buy a Serenity DVD.

2. To provide a list of where special screenings of Serenity are going to be held and when on that day.

3. To provide a resource for banners to use by fans in bulletin boards or fan sites - whereever - for promoting #1.

4. For those that want to go beyond the initial idea, to provide printable text that can be downloaded for letters to:

A: local media outlets to announce the event for added buzz.
B. to be sent to Universal to congratulate them on their taking the chance on Serenity and that we eagerly await their decision to make a sequel.

Main Big Thing: Buy Serenity June 23rd! I can’t wait! I’m looking forward to seeing who I might run into doing the same thing!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:13 AM


Let's hope people reading all of those different "versions" of June 23rd won't get confused. Someone needs to work on the DEFINITE plan and spread the TRUE word.
As it is now, I guess a lot of people who heard about this just know they're supposed to buy the DVD. However, as far as I know, the plan is to ORDER IT FROM AMAZON. That way, it climbs WAY up the amazon rankings and has more of an impact.

See, confusion right there. It's great there's so much input by everyone, but we need someone to make stuff OFFICIAL and summarize it on the website.
The website has to be factual and instructional and up-to-date.


"They just float out there, sending out re... raver... reading parties." - Alan Tudyk


Saturday, April 15, 2006 3:13 AM


Since we can't possible have all the mail arrive at Universal at the same time (the postal system doesn't just work well enough) I say we start the letter campaign nine days before June 23. That way we can send postcards with a theme, a different character each day. And finally, on Serenity day, the tenth day, it will be the Serenity theme.

All we need now is organization and participation. Can't wait for the web site to get up and running.

One day.
One plan.
One army of browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 4:53 AM



Originally posted by Dewrastler:
Since we can't possible have all the mail arrive at Universal at the same time (the postal system doesn't just work well enough) I say we start the letter campaign nine days before June 23. That way we can send postcards with a theme, a different character each day. And finally, on Serenity day, the tenth day, it will be the Serenity theme.

All we need now is organization and participation. Can't wait for the web site to get up and running.

One day.
One plan.
One army of browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Great idea. This will also satisfy the "Why not make it 2 days/one WEEK" - people on here. We'll send a letter every day the nine days prior to June 23rd, and since we "warn" Universal that something big is going to happen, they might think it's the great letter campaign and go "Grooooan...", and then BOOM! Amazon is a few ten thousand copies short on Serenity DVDs. That oughta put a smile and/or puzzled look on the faces of the Universal people.
Uhm, who's the webmaster here? FollowMal? Maybe we could make some kind of announcement on the front page (last update has been in January, anyways...).
As soon as we have someone in charge, they can open another, official thread... this one is getting kinda long again...

I don't even know who's a veteran and who's a newbie, so please, some veteran who knows what they're doing, take charge!

Nice sig, Dewrastler.

EDIT: Hm, btw, someone should talk to the Serenity/Equality people and ask what they think about the plan, since technically, it's THEIR day.
But I think they won't mind.


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:16 AM


In case you missed the massive attempt to co-ordinate this effort and get everybody in the same boat and doing the same thing

it is an open poll i started about how we as a community can pull together and decided, what where gonna call it, and what we gonna do.

Its like in the comments at the begining of this thread, there are to many thing going on all at the same time, to many threads and discussions about what are we gonna do. get to the link above and vote about how were gonna do this, because if we are, we might as well do it properly.



Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:53 AM


I thought that was a good sounding signature myself too, so I took it and ran. Just going for the whole unity thing until we can get official banners going.

Plus, I just think it sums up what we're all doing here really well. Now that we've all been talking this through for a good while, time for some action. I'm ready, just need some help steering myself in the right direction.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:27 AM


As well as buying the BDM, might we all want to preorder the shiny new Firefly Official Companion (Volume ONE!) on the same day?


You can't take the sky from me...


Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:54 AM


If you want to... the more money they make on the franchise, the happier everyone will be.
But everything except the Serenity DVD is NOT MANDATORY.
If we have to decide about too many things, none of them will get done right, so let's concentrate on the DVD and helping the Serenity Now/Equality Now-people in arranging screenings (did anyone check with them about the charity thing for Equality now and how that works?). I like the letter campaign, too.

Okay, so doesn't anyone WANT to take charge of this project or are you all just shy little mice?


One day.
One plan.
One army of browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:36 AM


well, i'm planing on having a screening in my city so i've been doing some reasearch on the whole bit.

You have to find a venue that will agree to have the charity screening. Becuase june 23rd is on a friday, they may not be happy to give up revenue on a friday so they're planing the week of the 23rd as the last possible resort if you cna't book a 23rd.

You then contact either the universal represenative that the venue has contact with, or the universal rep. listed on the website. This will take care of the legality of the event.

After that, you have to advertize, create tickets, find the right movie medium (do movie theaters require movie reels for example? or can they play the DVD we own?)

I'm in buffalo and we have a lot of old theaters that play independant films... my plan is to have SEVERAL airings on that friday to reach the whole county in these theaters.

The briliance of this plan is that it's made for the charity, so that means advertizing will be easy becuase news stations, radio, all types of media will advertize this event if you spread the word correctly.

some of my ideas with the serenity screening is that I was thinking of trying to find a financial backer (maybe the movie groups?) that will sell the movie, series AFTER the airing and also donate the procedes to the charity. My guess is that if they liked the movie, they may want to pick it up right after ya know?

also: have we found someone to write up the "offical" letter we're mailing out? I'd voluenteer but i'm not the best choice for writing.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:19 AM


That's why people keep asking for someone to take charge and apply volunteers to specific tasks.
Come on, you people managed to get a BDM of a cancelled show, it must have been more organized than this.
Hm, which gives me an idea... maybe we could get this project under the patronage of one the crew, or even Joss. They wouldn't have to do much, just say that they think it's mindblowingly shiny and let us quote them, or do an online interview about their thoughts about this. It would get us a LOT more motivated Browncoats and make Firefly Day somewhat official. And I'm quite sure Universal won't burn them on the stake for supporting what is basically a buying frenzy on their franchise combined with a huge (absolutely FREE) advertising event AND charity. I mean, come ON!
Maybe we could organize a letter explaining what we're planning and an Aussie Browncoat could give it to Summer at the Supanova convention on April 21st-23rd. I'm sure she can get in touch with the others if she likes the idea. If there are fan interviews planned with her there (or anyone else from the family anywhere, of course), they could ask her if she heard about it etc...
From the impression I got of Joss and the crew, they seem to like us almost as much as we like them, and I'm sure they won't object to our efforts to boost their careers, either.
Max, could you take out the BROWNCOAT DAY option on the site? Someone, I think 11th Hour, mentioned that that name has already been taken.
So, do you wanna take charge? You're obviously doing something.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:42 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
That's why people keep asking for someone to take charge and apply volunteers to specific tasks.
Come on, you people managed to get a BDM of a cancelled show, it must have been more organized than this.
Hm, which gives me an idea... maybe we could get this project under the patronage of one the crew, or even Joss.

While it is a very good idea to get organized under some leadership, Joss himself cannot be directly connected to this.

The studio and media would just see it as Joss directing his army of loyal fans to do his bidding. It would smack of a rather incestuous set-up.

This project must stay solely a fan originated and promoted indeavor. It also will help WILDLY to recruit as many new fans as possible. We also don't want to come off as an insulated group of followers who performed a short term dramatic buying frenzy.

Everyone try to remember to look at this from a studio's point of view. Passionate fandom isn't enough. They want to see that there's a widespread audience out there that will justify the millions of dollars of investment it takes to produce either a TV show, mini-series, or more movie sequels.

So it's much better for Joss if he's not directly involved... in fact, it's crucial. Now it's perfectly fine for him to comment on the event, but not be part of it. Joss already personally fought to get "Serenity" flying again (with some help from fans of course). But this time the demonstration has to come purely from the fans... that's the way to PROVE that there's a big, passionate audience out there to watch/buy tickets/PPV, whatever, for more Firefly/Serenity.

11th Hour
Veteran of Many a Firefly/Serenity Promotion Campaign


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:48 AM


Hm, good point.
I liked my idea, but I guess you can't reason with... uhm, reason.


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:49 AM



Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:51 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
That's why people keep asking for someone to take charge and apply volunteers to specific tasks.
Come on, you people managed to get a BDM of a cancelled show, it must have been more organized than this.
Hm, which gives me an idea... maybe we could get this project under the patronage of one the crew, or even Joss. They wouldn't have to do much, just say that they think it's mindblowingly shiny and let us quote them, or do an online interview about their thoughts about this. It would get us a LOT more motivated Browncoats and make Firefly Day somewhat official. And I'm quite sure Universal won't burn them on the stake for supporting what is basically a buying frenzy on their franchise combined with a huge (absolutely FREE) advertising event AND charity. I mean, come ON!
Maybe we could organize a letter explaining what we're planning and an Aussie Browncoat could give it to Summer at the Supanova convention on April 21st-23rd. I'm sure she can get in touch with the others if she likes the idea. If there are fan interviews planned with her there (or anyone else from the family anywhere, of course), they could ask her if she heard about it etc...
From the impression I got of Joss and the crew, they seem to like us almost as much as we like them, and I'm sure they won't object to our efforts to boost their careers, either.


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

well, i see your point, we've been talking talking talking.

The first thing we need is an offical website. I don't want to bash anyone but there isn't any one website that give all the details in fine print black and white.

the link you have quoted is a good start. Why don't we make a deadline to have the entire shindig planed by? say next friday? Even though we have 2 months, that's not a lot. BY the time we have everything planed, it'll be 3 weeks from fireflyday or whatever we have.

Agatsu, I like the idea, it will create a LOT of buzz if we got a main character or even joss himself to urge us on. AND we'll have the video live and straming on the website.

Maxrimstain, do you have the resources for all of this?

So what do we have to work on coming up till friday?

1. A definate name for the website

2. the contact to the firefly crew/joss

3. the offical letter everyone will print for our mass-mailing campaign.

As far as a leader, I nominate RACH (if he wants it).

last thing i want to say- i am kind of disappointed with the view counts on Maxrimstain's website. And this thread also. We're counting on 20,000 members to buy the dvd but hell, not even 1/10 has even seen this thread!

We need this thread to be stickied, red flagged, underlined and a link up on the main page. I"m going to send out an e-mail now.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:54 AM


I'm sure somewhere over at, you will find someone who can tell you exactly how it's done, if you're not satisfied with their FAQ:

EDIT: Uhm, MegMac? I just answered the question while you deleted it for some reason. Now I look like a gorramn fool!


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:02 PM


IANW, 11th Hour has made a good point about making this solely a FAN effort. As much as I'd love to see Joss or someone from the crew participate, and as much as that would motivate more people, it might be misinterpreted as an effort by Joss to use his mindless fan drones to get his show back.
Pity, though. Ah well, as long as they're happy with what we did after it's done - and they can comment on it then as long as they want.
And yeah, not really a lot of people on the few threads about this. That's why I suggested putting something on the mainpage here at


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:07 PM


I volunteer to write mass mailing letter just as long as I get a bit of input as to what's in it.

Dear Universal/Sci-fi,

We're Browncoats. On June 23rd, we're doing some cool stuff for charity. Watch for it. (sci-fi: Air Firefly that day? Please?)

We are mighty.


Something along those lines, only a bit more pretty, no? I shall work on it and keep you all posted.


You can't take the sky from me.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:07 PM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
I'm sure somewhere over at, you will find someone who can tell you exactly how it's done, if you're not satisfied with their FAQ:

EDIT: Uhm, MegMac? I just answered the question while you deleted it for some reason. Now I look like a gorramn fool!

Sorry, I deleted it because the question had been sort of answered in an earlier post. Didn't expect you to reply so fast - will check those sites. I now feel like a gorram fool so I guess we're even

Mal: Wheel never stops turning, Badger.
Badger: That only matters to the people on the rim.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:14 PM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
IANW, 11th Hour has made a good point about making this solely a FAN effort. As much as I'd love to see Joss or someone from the crew participate, and as much as that would motivate more people, it might be misinterpreted as an effort by Joss to use his mindless fan drones to get his show back.
Pity, though. Ah well, as long as they're happy with what we did after it's done - and they can comment on it then as long as they want.
And yeah, not really a lot of people on the few threads about this. That's why I suggested putting something on the mainpage here at


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Yeah, he wrote that while I was responding.. good point.

still, i tried to find a "contact us" link on and couldn't find one! who do we contact to sticky this thread and get it on the latest updates on the main page?


Jana: that sounds about right. Also, we agreed that each letter will be preferrably hand written so it will be taken notice more?


Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:15 PM


Well, we're not only doing charity, and maybe it would be better if Sci-Fi would air Firefly PRIOR or AFTER June 23rd. No use trying to lure people into the theatre to watch Serenity while Firefly is on TV at the same time.
I'm looking forward to your first draft!


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:23 PM


I like the idea of airing the show before the 23rd. Kind of a "If you like what you see here, then..." sort of thing.

Anybody know of any Browncoats near Baltimore, MD? I live near there and I'd love to do something but I'm a minor, still in high school, so I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to do in regards to finding a screening venue or getting viewing rights from Universal. Unless I can convert one of my parents...which isn't looking too promising...

And is the cafepress merchandise "official"? Does it add to the overall profits of the movie? Just wondering...

New to the 'verse but ready and more than willing to learn.



Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:31 PM


Shiny, Im in!

Well anyway here is my first banner:

-Background could be more Brown
-Maybe the text is brown and the background is space.
-Faces of characters on it, blending to make the background.

Any other feedback?



Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:43 PM


Great banner. And I liked that you went with Serenity Day. Personally, thats what I think we should go with because it puts more of an emphasis on the BDM, which is what we're going for.

As for feedback, could you possibly find a font similar to that used for the official Serenity ads. Or maybe something close to it. And I like the idea of fading in some of the characters into the background. Overall, though, I still like it.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 2:44 PM


Any Alberta Browncoats out there? I'm in Calgary and going to try to start off some guerilla marketing in the city. Posting flyers outside movie stores and such. Lets see some Cowtown serenification on June 23rd.

No power in the verse can stop us on June 23rd


Saturday, April 15, 2006 5:33 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Of course I have been guerilla marketing so long I don't know much else. I am going to contact local theatres & see what I can find out about a screening in this area.
Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Have you checked out the FAQ and other
info on

As Of April 15, 2006:
13 Cities Planning Charity Serenity Screenings

You can also join the Yahoo group there to
discuss Charity screenings of Serenity.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 5:43 PM



Originally posted by ianw:
I'm for a charity screening in buffalo, NY but i feel like i'm the only browncoat in the area. Is there anyone that can help or at least just hold my hand through the process?

june 23rd isn't exactly the best timing for me either sicne that'll be the last week for my summer calculus II class but i'm willing to sacrifice some sleep and maybe an ulser or two for the contribution


Why don't you start your own thread like
"Any other Buffalo, NY Browncoats want a Charity Serenity screening?" You might find some Buffalo Browncoats.

If not there is always the Albany, NY or the
New York, NY screening.

There is a yahoo group on
to discuss the Charity Serenity screenings.
Sort of virtual hand holding.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 5:56 PM


All right. We need a leader and no one's stepping up.

I'll stand on the soap box. Just call me General Kaele. LOL

I'm hoping to see alot of "This is what you want? I'm getting it done! Expect an e-mail from me."


Website Mission: I need someone with the server space and the cashy money to register a domain name. Anyone who can, please e-mail me: I'll decide on the name and we'll go from there. Please also consider some form of BB? If you can afford it, wonderful. - Pizmo, gimme a buzz and let me know what you're willing to contribute!

Signature Mission: I need submissions for a "One Army of Browncoats" banner for everyone to add into their sigs. E-mail your submission to me. There will be no voting, I will choose it. Voting takes too much time. Please make it flash, include "One Army of Browncoats", "June 23rd Serenity Day" and the picture of the ship somewhere.

Avatar Mission: I need submissions for "One Army of Browncoats" avatars. Ditto above.

Webring Mission: "One Army of Browncoats" webring. I'm f'ing clueless. Do I need a programmer for this?

Webmaster Mission: I need a volunteer to begin combing the web for all Firefly and Serenity related sites. We're going to start e-mailing those webmasters to link to the Serenity Day site. Get me that list and I'll get you a letter to send them.

Spam Mission: Ditto the on Yahoo groups. As well as a volunteer to go join all those groups and post info/links. In other words, I need a guinea pig spammer. Contact me to volunteer and be prepared to be called all manner of unseemly things. This will not be an easy mission.

Blog Mission: I need a movie submission to be put up on people's Myspace, LJ, blogspot, and any other blog related site for Browncoats to upload to their blogs. I want a mini-commercial. Submit to me and I'll choose one.

Podcast Mission: I need someone with a nice voice and fairly good recording software. Another commercial. I will take submissions on content.

Phone Mission: I need someone who's got unlimited long distance calling. I've got something in mind, but I'll need to discuss this with them. Only reply if you've got telemarketing experience and are willing to spend some hours on the phone.

I need this. You need this.



One Army of Browncoats


Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:12 PM


This has been moved to a new thread:

General, Browncoat Army


Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:25 PM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
On a slightly different note, I don't think it would do much good to try and organize a screening in Germany, due to the lack of browncoats (No Firefly on TV here). At least there aren't enough German browncoats in one place, which as opposed to the Fruity Oaty Bar would be MANDATORY for a screening.

Germany was in the million dollar Box Office club
for Serenity. How about a big city near the
Autobahn. All you need is at least one really
determined and brave Browncoat and about twenty
or so other Browncoats to attend a screening.
100 would be better.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 7:50 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Kaele:
All right. We need a leader and no one's stepping up.

Hi Kaele, and other BCs reading this thread,

Here's what I know: Maxrimstain, the Browncoat who posted the first thread that got us all revved up:

did step up and did start a web page:

For the sake of clarity and focus I suggest you can contact him (I'm sure he can use the help!). Domain names and web space have been purchased and a web page will follow shortly (I believe April 20th is the target date).

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, April 15, 2006 8:03 PM



Originally posted by ianw:
Since i'm from Buffalo, NY, i doubt there's a lot of browncoats here, but i'm willing be convinced that there's a lot of "closet-firefly-fans".

Looks like there are at least 3 or 4 of you
Buffalo Browncoats. Maybe you could get their
help with your Charity Serenity Screening.

"Buffalo Browncoats?, Need me some more friends!

I'm curious. I've been looking here, there, and everywhere. I have found links to the NYC Browncoat yahoo group and the Rochester, NY Browncoat website.

Are there any Buffalo, NY Browncoats? I would like to either join or start one if there isn't.

Thank you to Shelley for pointing me here and helping me find the other two.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:16 PM


drunk post---->

lomglive the browncoats!!!!

for all who yearn for buffalo bnrown coats, lemme post tomm . we'll make this shindig the best of the land...



Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:09 PM



Originally posted by Anonymous1:
Germany was in the million dollar Box Office club
for Serenity. How about a big city near the
Autobahn. All you need is at least one really
determined and brave Browncoat and about twenty
or so other Browncoats to attend a screening.
100 would be better.

Hm, I'm gonna check with the German Firefly forum.
Okay, found it. 199 registered members ACROSS GERMANY. That's not much. I guess most of the German Firefly fans went to english speaking boards like this one... And the only mention of a German fansite that I found led to a dead link.
But anyways, I'll see what I can do.


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:56 PM


My new version of `Serenity Day` banner

This time i found a papyrus style font which goes with firefly and serenity. And I have added the 23rd june part.

Although i believe I could try and find a space type of text like the 1 i have on my Serenity DVD box. The original Firefly Text im working on.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:22 AM



Jeez, you go away for a day and it all goes off! Love it all.

CaptainJosh, Avatar, all those who've done banners, want to talk to Maxrimstain? I'm thinking we might to vote on an official one. One thing is easier.

Jana, love the letter. Short, sweet and to the point.

Haven't really got anything to add. Still trying to find some Scots and do the practical. Keep getting everyone onto

Love y'all.


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:37 AM


I'm in...100%


Sunday, April 16, 2006 4:30 AM


Well, I'm all right. - Mal

If flans buy the Serenity DVD from a site that ranks sales, it may be better to not buy if it's already ranked number 1.

I think it'd be better to wait until it's number 2 and then buy it, so you can get it to number 1 again, and have a claim like "Amazon's number 1 average ranking DVD seller for x weeks". Amazon has a average ranking, highest, and lowest, for the product for every day.

This'd be better than blowing it all on one day, since sales numbers aren't made public. It also helps by listing Serenity longer on prominent Amazon pages.


Hm, I'm gonna check with the German Firefly forum.
Okay, found it. 199 registered members ACROSS GERMANY. That's not much. I guess most of the German Firefly fans went to english speaking boards like this one... And the only mention of a German fansite that I found led to a dead link.
But anyways, I'll see what I can do.


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Agatsu, please remove the long line of =s from your sig, and edit your past posts with it to stop the page widening which makes it hard to read threads you post in with some browser setups. Please also ask ianw to edit his posts quoting the =s.

Folk may also want to reconsider the conbination of browncoat, army, plan, and ONE ONE ONE; see and
I am Jack's username
How to write thread titles:


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:46 AM


Heya, Jack.
You're absolutely right about the "One army of Browncoats" analogy to Nazi Germany. Sadly, this place has mob mentality, not military support logic. Look for a heap of arguments on why we need to be called "An army of Browncoats" including that "military speak is all in fun" and "That was so long ago nobody remembers what Brownshirts were". I'm guessing there will also be an influx of those who will be upset that their ideas were 'dissed' and those who will leap to the defense of them.

Okay, now that I've presented all the arguements for it one place, no one else has to clutter up the thread with it.

As for rethinking, this thing is flying fast and hard, with little chance for changes in direction now. The hope is that the early guerella marketers who performed so marvelously to bring us the BDM a few years ago can manage to keep it from flying straight into a brick wall.

(Although it would be nice if they would actually listen to those of for whom those marketing techniques DIDN'T work, so that they might try something different to reach new audiences this time.)


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:30 AM


For people who can't afford to buy Serenity, what about renting Serenity (or Firefly) instead?

When you can't run, you crawl.
And when you can't do that...
You find someone to carry you.






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