Browncoat Army: Serenity Day, June 23rd

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 19:25
VIEWED: 60093
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Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:11 PM


Serenity Day must happen.

Volunteer for a mission:

Updated 4/23/06 8:55pm

Website Mission: Seba has volunteered to head up the website. I love him for it and if I weren't happily married, I'd give him a big wet smooch. I may just do that anyway...

Please check out the site now, also works. It has my contact information up there and a place to purchase the DVD. We're doing Universal, so THIER site will see a sales spike.

There is also a forum being worked on so we're not cluttering up Haken's poor boards with this. Just don't stop posting HERE about other things or I'll be on Haken's naughty list!

Signature Mission: Please change your signatures to this:

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave. works just as well too!

Banner Mission: All submissions are to be sent to MalNourished is in command of this mission. Please have all banner submissions sent to her by April 22nd. Content should include some form of "Serenity Day, June 23rd" and "Browncoat Army".

Avatar Mission: I need submissions for "Serenity Day" avatars, please try to include some form of "June 23rd Serenity Day" OR "Browncoat Army" or both. MalNourished can also take these submissions.

Webring Mission: "Browncoat Army" webring. I've had a few volunteers and I swear I'll get back to you soon!

Webmaster Contact Mission: Any volunteers for this mission, please contact You will be combing the web for all Firefly and Serenity related sites. We're going to start e-mailing those webmasters to link to the Serenity Day/Browncoat Army site and to hopefully display our banner.

FollowMal is prepping her squad and will get a letter to me. She'll then be splitting up mailing assignments for her volunteers to hit them.

Spam Mission: ZISKER has volunteered for this mission. Please visit to volunteer to help. This is to get the word out on BROWNCOAT related groups ONLY. (eg. Yahoo groups, Browncoat forums)

Blog Mission: I need a movie submission to be put up on people's Myspace, LJ, blogspot, and any other blog related site for Browncoats to upload to their blogs. I want a mini-commercial. Submit them to me please.

Podcast Mission: Been taken on by Otma. Got a first draft back and we're working on it!

Radio Mission: Chindi will be handling this one. She will be sending care packages of DVDs to radio stations for them to give away on Serenity Day as contest prizes. Anyone who can mail me with information as to the largest local morning radio show in these cities would be greatly appreciated: Washington DC, NYC, Chicago, Seattle, Vancouver, Kansas City, Boston. (We've already got Philly, SF, and L.A. covered) I need to get her a letter and a list of radio stations.

Anyone else who would like to do a care package to another city's radio station, please let me know. I can get you a letter to include and suggestions as to content.

Serenity Day Swag: Being worked on. KuangZheDe is working on an excellent tee shirt design. We've also got someone working on bumper stickers, magnets, and uh...forehead tattoos. (sorry, had to add that one in there! This was getting WAY too serious.)

I need this. You need this.


One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
Find Serenity June 23rd, 2006.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:32 PM


Signature Mission
Is now under the command of Sergeant MalNourished.

Thank you for enlisting.

Webmaster Mission
Is now under the command of Sergeant FollowMal.

Thank you for enlisting.

I know you two will do excellent jobs. Do us proud!

General, Browncoat Army


Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:33 PM


Browncoat MalN reporting for duty. OK, that's cheesy, but I'm trying to get in the spirit here.

Please email signatures to, and put "Signature Mission" in the subject header.

MalN -- First Mate of the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew


Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:38 PM


Sergeant FollowMal reporting for duty as well.

Will get started combing the web. Saw the other thread had a list... that is a good place to start.

Come on folks, lets really do this thing. You all are so fired up and ready to go. Let's get crews together to help in each stage and let's get going!

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, April 15, 2006 7:47 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Kaele:
Serenity Day must happen.

Volunteer for a mission:

Website Mission: I need someone with the server space and the cashy money to register a domain name. Anyone who can, please e-mail me: Please also consider some form of BB? If you can afford it, wonderful. - Pizmo, gimme a buzz and let me know what you're willing to contribute!

Hi Kaele, and other BCs reading this thread,

Here's what I know: Maxrimstain, the Browncoat who posted the first thread that got us all revved up:

did step up and did start a web page:

Kaele, you have a lot of great ideas, but for the sake of clarity and focus I suggest you can contact him (I'm sure he can use the help!). Domain names and web space have been purchased and a web page will follow shortly (I believe April 20th is the target date).

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, April 15, 2006 8:24 PM


May I suggest also coming up with a plaintext signature for people to put in regular email? Just something simple - the date, a tagline, etc - but a consistent wording and layout. Preferably just one or two lines so people can combine it with sigs they already have, even in situations where long sigs are discouraged (I post in a few such).

Not sure whether it fits as the Signature Mission or some other mission, but there ought to be banners people can put on their own homepages. In a variety of sizes but consistent styling...


Saturday, April 15, 2006 8:29 PM


How's this sit for a letter to Universal/Sci-Fi Channel? Short, sweet and shiny, methinks.


Dear {head honcho},

My name is Jana, and I am a Browncoat. If you don't know what that is, you will soon.

On June 23rd, the fans of the TV show Firefly and the film Serenity will be showing their strength in the greatest fan-based advertising and fundraising campaign in the history of television. Browncoats worldwide will be puchasing copies of the Serenity DVD to show our numbers and desire for a sequel and beyond. In addition, charity film screenings and other events - shindigs, as we like to call them - will be taking place worldwide to raise money for several charities including Serenity Now/Equality Now.

Malcolm Reynolds says in the pilot of the TV show, "We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." Half-seasons of TV shows do not make it onto DVD let alone launched onto the big screen. We've done the impossible.

On June 23rd, watch us do it again.

See you in the world,



You can't take the sky from me.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 8:33 PM


And of course the original and unrelated plan for June 23: Charity screenings of Serenity to benefit Equality Now.

Thirteen cities currently planning such screenings.

June 23

* Albany NY (USA) - The Palace Theater
* Boston MA (USA) - Coolidge Corner Theater
* Denver CO (USA) - Pre-Planning
* Fresno CA (USA) - Pre-Planning
* Los Angeles CA (USA) - Pre-Planning
* Minneapolis MN (USA) - Riverview Theater
* Montreal QC (Canada) - Pre-Planning (Likely Canadian Charity)
* New York City NY (USA) - Pre-Planning
* Portland OR (USA) - Pre-Planning
* Santa Barbara CA (USA) - Pre-Planning
* Toronto ON (Canada) - Pre-Planning (Likely Canadian Charity)

June 24 (See Note Below)

* Bloomington IN (USA) - Pre-Planning
* Seattle WA (USA) - Pre-Planning

Note: The ideal remains either coordinated same-day screenings on June 23, or screenings on days during the week leading into that day, in order to be able to announce the grand total on Joss' actual birthday. If you absolutely, positively, cannot find a way to avoid selecting June 24 you will still be included as part of this effort.



Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:00 PM



Originally posted by Kaele:
Serenity Day must happen.

Volunteer for a mission:

Signature Mission: I need submissions for a "One Army of Browncoats" banner for everyone to add into their sigs. E-mail your submission to me. Please make it flash, include "One Army of Browncoats", "June 23rd Serenity Day" and the picture of the ship somewhere.

General, Browncoat Army

Gotta be Flash, huh? I suck at Flash.

Guess I'll have to try my hand at avatars.



Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:35 PM



Originally posted by Kaele:

Webring Mission: "One Army of Browncoats" webring. I'm f'ing clueless. Do I need a programmer for this?

Yes. But, it's trivial to do.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:25 PM


I agree Kaele should try and coordinate with Maxrimstain...

...but I'm glad he/she took this step.
I also realized that voting and all takes too much time and coordination.
Time we don't have, and coordination we CAN'T have without a PROJECT LEADER.

I'm all set for General Kaele!


Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:28 PM


Uh... please don't make it 'flash'- those of us on dial-up friggin' HATE it. It's useless to us, and convinces us to turn off sigs and avatars completely.
Nice that we all got a chance to provide feedback on this....


Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:34 PM


Finally some action!
But why is it called "Serenity Day" all of a sudden?
On the poll on, FIREFLY DAY wins by far, so what gives?
Better get in touch with Max, boss...

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 12:22 AM


Hello there,

Whats all this then? I need all this explained to me in captain dummy talk.

Whatever it is I agree it should be Firefly day!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:32 AM


Check out the 'Pretty Lil' Ears' thread for the evolution of the idea. Explains the debate.

Can I recommend that all those getting involved use the below signature? I nicked it off someone else (sorry y'all) but it sums up the action, and will get some continuity going when posting on other threads.


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:07 AM


I wanted captain dummy talk... couldnt you post the link?


Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:11 AM


Agatsu, the name being "Firefly Day" may be what is winning on the voting, but it's been used. New folks don't know that... I didn't either, but it's been used with the original push to bring back Firefly. If you'll check out the former thread and read 11th Hours post ( and she's a vet!) you can see that. I know that there's likely to be a struggle about the name. There's thousands of us and all differing opinions, but we have to come back to one solid idea and push.

I have been here for a little while... not a vet, but I love this 'verse. This is the most important idea to come along... we must do this thing. I believe with all my heart and soul that pulling this off as an Army of Browncoats will give us our sequel.

I hope that in that spirit and love we can all agree and make this thing happen.

I'd imagine Kaele and Max will talk about this and all will be agreed upon.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Click here
for info about the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew, Mal's Bunk, and how to join.

FM- Shepherd of the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:12 AM



Here is the link:

Click here
for info about the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew, Mal's Bunk, and how to join.

FM- Shepherd of the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:15 AM


I'm more interested in getting more Firefly TV as opposed to a movie sequel.. therefore I believe the name of this special day thingy should be something with Firefly in it not Serenity.

Its an opinion and its mine.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:21 AM


This is really exciting. I wish I lived in the US.

When's the deadline for the avatar and signature submissions?

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:23 AM


Thanks for the link FollowMal, I'm up to speed now.:)

Just throwing a name up here.. what about "This makes us" People who dont know Firefly or Serenity might be intrigued enough to check it out.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:37 AM


Check out Kaele's original post at the top for any deadlines. I'm still reeling from the excitement myself folks! I love how Browncoats respond when there is a mission to do! I'm so proud to be amongst you all!

If you have any questions,allhailjosswhedon, message Kaele, or me or MalNourished or any of the original folks on the starting thread.... I'm sure we'll get back to you.

As for you wishing to be in the US... we're all in this together, allhailjosswhedon... we're one in this. Doesn't matter where we are... just matters that we are. I'm glad you're with us!

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Click here
for info about the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew, Mal's Bunk, and how to join.

FM- Shepherd of the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:41 AM



You're welcome... and I'm glad to have you!

Don't forget to submit your name idea to Kaele, see her above post for how to do that.

She is coordinating this with the guys and gals who first started this we hope and as it comes together... well, lots of stuff will be considered and decided on, and that is a mighty name.

Click here
for info about the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew, Mal's Bunk, and how to join.

FM- Shepherd of the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, April 16, 2006 3:59 AM


I honestly cannot believe what I'm reading. I've read though both of the threads for this "project" and 3/4 of the replies are pointless bickering about what the day will be called? WTF?


Dear lord, who gives a flying crap about what the day is called, or what the website address is, or any of the other little things that people keep arguing about. Anyone can offer suggestions, and I will too, but stop ARGUING about little crap.

I give props to Kaele for pushing forward with an organizational setup, which as long as everyone shuts up and just helps (rather than trying to run their own or change it) should prove to be pretty effective.

I give props to Maxrimstain, who has set up a website that will work until we get a dedicated domain name for this.

The few people who have stepped up to run this, we need to let them run it. It doesn't matter if you think they aren't running it EXACTLY the way you would. It's never going to work if they are spending every waking moment explaining why they did something. It's not hard...all the majority of us have to do is go to Best Buy or log on to Amazon on June 23rd and buy a DVD. Just do that and we will be fine.

After we get an offical website up, and ONLY AFTER the site is up...we should get the story over to Whedonesque, Slashdot, and Sci-Fi Brain (IGN).


Sunday, April 16, 2006 4:28 AM


i'd be more than happy to make up some banners/ avatars, but unfortunately I don't have the capabilities to make them with Flash, what about gifs?

Want Firefly/ Serenity/ BtVS/ Angel desktop wallpapers? Take a look at the ones I've created at:
Now hosting the Firefly Extended Gagreel
I have added a forum to my site and now I need some members!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 4:33 AM


I've made a dozen banners for june 23rd, still working on more, ill post them when im done, and then you can use them as you wish for any purpose.

OR if you want once done which includes anything which you want just give me a bell....well just send an E-mail: (Dont ask, my dad set up all this web stuff ages ago)
I have 2 banners posted somewhere in that link.


P.S: I have a dozen friends interested in what Serenity and Firefly are, I will ask them not to purchase the DVDs yet untill June 23rd.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 4:39 AM


Captain Artcat of the Houston Browncoats

we have our LoneStar Shindig planned for that same weekend, June 23-25 Greg Edmonson and half of the Bedlam Bards will be joining us. I am spreading the word there, as more info becomes available please let me know I can boost the signal

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Sunday, April 16, 2006 4:48 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by TheBBQChickenMadness:
I honestly cannot believe what I'm reading. I've read though both of the threads for this "project" and 3/4 of the replies are pointless bickering about what the day will be called? WTF?


Dear lord, who gives a flying crap about what the day is called, or what the website address is, or any of the other little things that people keep arguing about. Anyone can offer suggestions, and I will too, but stop ARGUING about little crap.

Well said - too many cooks right now!

If you have ideas and want to help go here:
contact the web master, his email is there.


Originally posted by TheBBQChickenMadness:
I give props to Kaele for pushing forward with an organizational setup, which as long as everyone shuts up and just helps (rather than trying to run their own or change it) should prove to be pretty effective.

I give props to Maxrimstain, who has set up a website that will work until we get a dedicated domain name for this.

Yeah, those 2 need to get together! Kaele write Max, Max pm Kaele...


Originally posted by TheBBQChickenMadness:
The few people who have stepped up to run this, we need to let them run it. It doesn't matter if you think they aren't running it EXACTLY the way you would. It's never going to work if they are spending every waking moment explaining why they did something.

Yep, and probably the best thing you said:


Originally posted by TheBBQChickenMadness:
It's not hard...all the majority of us have to do is go to Best Buy or log on to Amazon on June 23rd and buy a DVD. Just do that and we will be fine.

After we get an offical website up, and ONLY AFTER the site is up...we should get the story over to Whedonesque, Slashdot, and Sci-Fi Brain (IGN).

Thx for the post TheBBQChickenMadness.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Sunday, April 16, 2006 4:56 AM


Two questions:
First, are we supposed to buy a Serenity DVD or the Firefly DVD set? I could do either, but I can't afford both. Is this project meant to get another movie, or the series back, or just our crew back in any form? I think the tagline/signature/banners/whatever else you have planned should clarify this.

Second, (this is a nitpick, and you can feel free to ignore it if you like and go on with your planning) do we have to use a military metaphor? I get how that relates to the series, obviously, but signing up for this project as a general or soldier, that disturbs me. And given the debates about the war currently, it might turn off a lot of people who are otherwise interested.

I love the enthusiasm level here, and I don't want to see that go, just the military talk. Just my $0.02.



Sunday, April 16, 2006 5:11 AM


I'll volunteer for the Spam Mission if no one has taken it yet. I'm used to being called all sorts of unseemly things! Plus I have my own meager comp skills and some computer savvy buddies to fall back on.

Fruit's Oaty Bar! Is a person from the mouse! Fruit's Oaty Bar! Makes your bust from yours female shirt! Continuously eats them! Let them cause you to be surprised!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:01 AM


Ok, this is alot to reply to, and if I don't cover something you've said, I apologize.

I've mailed Max last night. I'm waiting to hear back from him. I cannot wait to get a hold of him and figure out how to do this! This is great!

Someone (was it Pizmo?) suggested I like it and will discuss with Max or whomever else is going to be doing website stuff for us. If anything, I'll purchase the name myself and have to point to the site we do also. It's a generic enough name and can be used to coordinate anything we need to do. I'm thinking along his lines. This isn't just about one day, this is about the long campaign. Serenity Valley wasn't a single day's battle. It dragged on for weeks. Our fight (short as I've been in it) has dragged on for years already. Actions need to be taken and plans need to be coordinated. I feel an Army-type organization will help us. (And no, I'm not in it for a dictatorship, but no one else was stepping up!)

June 23rd IS our current target. Between the charity screenings and the purchase of DVDs (Serenity FIRST please, then Firefly if you can afford it!) this is enough. But the word still does need to get out.

Thanks to everyone who volunteered. For now, I'm taking the first volunteer for a mission as mission commander and assigning them a "Sergeant rank". If another volunteers and you think they will do a better job than you, let me know and you can trade ranks. :) It's not the real army, so there will be lots of pleases and thank you's.

Alot of my organization and mailings will be sent to mission commanders, not to everyone. That will be the job of the commanders to coordinate their volunteers and split up the workload accordingly.

And no, flash is not required for sigs and Avatars. It just popped into mind *shrug* LOL. Submit what you've done and the best will be chosen from ALL the submissions. (And thanks so much for the reminder about our recruits with dial-up!)

This isn't just a U.S. thing. Everyone can be involved. The internet is international and so are Browncoats. Don't be afraid to volunteer if you KNOW you can help. Not everything needs to be done in the US. Viral marketing is universal. (Oh, god, did I just say that?!? LOL!!! The pun! My eyes, my eyes!!!)

Serenity Day MUST happen. And we need that website to coordinate. This works all well and good and e-mails are fine, but we need a 'home'. Home is good!

If I don't hear back from Max by tonight, I'll try other methods of contacting him.

(definately a SHE)


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:13 AM



P.S: I have a dozen friends interested in what Serenity and Firefly are, I will ask them not to purchase the DVDs yet untill June 23rd.

Wrong move!!
You don't know yet if the plan will be successful... let them buy the DVDs now. Chances are that they'll become browncoats and buy MORE copies on the Day

Anyway, people, relax... what's the problem with the military speak? It's a joke, but it has the purpose to remember that we have to work as if in a chain of command...
Otherwise, we'd have THOUSANDS of opinions and thousands of FAILED plans.
So I'll accept anything that will be decided.
We should buy the movie, not the serie.
That'd be silly, our target is Universal, NOT FOX.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:30 AM


Thanks, Kaele, for rethinking the flash requirement.

Gif, JPG, etc, are far easier for those of us with slow connections. These are things we need to take into consideration for any campaign.

I'm on board with whatever comes up. I'm a follower, not a leader.

I'm with Pirata, though. This HAS to be about selling copies of the BDM. "Firefly" as a series is dead until FOX says otherwise, and Joss is tired of the political riot that s television.

We need Universal to stand up and take notes!

-What about commercial sponsor support? I know a number of us own businesses, or work for popular businesses. Just a thought.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:44 AM


i'll be submitting this one- what do you think?
Want Firefly/ Serenity/ BtVS/ Angel desktop wallpapers? Take a look at the ones I've created at:
Now hosting the Firefly Extended Gagreel
I have added a forum to my site and now I need some members!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:49 AM


You folks are rocking my world. Will stay informed and jump in if I see anything I can help with.

Two off the cuff suggestions:

1. Can we push to purchase the BDM? It sickens me that Fox is making so much money off of the FF DVDs. Let's give the money to the folks that believe more in the franchise -- Universal.

2. If the Amazon purchases are linked from the sidebar on the home page, it supports our site. Not sure how workable that is, but hey.

I'm off to spread the word and save money to buy DVDs.

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:51 AM


I like it very much. Can the transitions be faster? It'd be cool to read two cycles instead of (waiting to read) the one.

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:05 AM


Whisper, send that off to MalNourished at It'll be easier for her to keep it all in one place instead of having to search a thread for submissions. :) It looks excellent, thanks for all the hard work!

Serenity Day is about the movie. Arrange a screening, go to the charity screenings already arranged, buy the DVD. We need to try to stay on task here. For anyone who's not near a screening or cannot arrange a screening for whatever reason (like me!), purchasing the DVD is an easy way to do show support. Purchasing the DVD costs less than hubby and I to go to the movies for the night. So in a way, it's all equal in the end.

1) Go to or arrange a Serenity Screening.
2) Purchase the Serenity DVD.

Serenity Day, June 23rd.



Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:19 AM



Originally posted by Whisper:
i'll be submitting this one- what do you think?
Want Firefly/ Serenity/ BtVS/ Angel desktop wallpapers? Take a look at the ones I've created at:
Now hosting the Firefly Extended Gagreel
I have added a forum to my site and now I need some members!

Just some technical suggestions.
Load-time on my dsl wireless connection to my laptop is over 65 seconds- On my home dial-up connection it would be agonizing. Might want to reduce resolution, change the text fade, etc, to speed it up. We live in a world of instant messages- 65 seconds isn't instant.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:32 AM


good point- didn't even think of that. I'll see what i can do.
Want Firefly/ Serenity/ BtVS/ Angel desktop wallpapers? Take a look at the ones I've created at:
Now hosting the Firefly Extended Gagreel
I have added a forum to my site and now I need some members!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:40 AM



Originally posted by Jana:
How's this sit for a letter to Universal/Sci-Fi Channel? Short, sweet and shiny, methinks.


Dear {head honcho},

My name is Jana, and I am a Browncoat. If you don't know what that is, you will soon.

On June 23rd, the fans of the TV show Firefly and the film Serenity will be showing their strength in the greatest fan-based advertising and fundraising campaign in the history of television. Browncoats worldwide will be puchasing copies of the Serenity DVD to show our numbers and desire for a sequel and beyond. In addition, charity film screenings and other events - shindigs, as we like to call them - will be taking place worldwide to raise money for several charities including Serenity Now/Equality Now.

Malcolm Reynolds says in the pilot of the TV show, "We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." Half-seasons of TV shows do not make it onto DVD let alone launched onto the big screen. We've done the impossible.

On June 23rd, watch us do it again.

See you in the world,



You can't take the sky from me.


This is excellent! This is press-release quality. I love it. Once we get this website moving, would you object to us using a form of this as a press-release? Or would you mind beefing it up a little and making it into something along those lines? I'd really appreciate it.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:45 AM



Originally posted by Kaele:

Someone (was it Pizmo?) suggested I like it and will discuss with Max or whomever else is going to be doing website stuff for us.

That was me! Just seems that a domain so specific to that particular day would make it only useful for that one day. But, with a more general one, we'd be able to use it for many other things.

I have business class internet (which isn't that much faster than normal but I got a static IP ), so I could host stuff. It also came with a free domain name registration that I haven't cashed in. So, I can check out if that still stands or if its expired.

At any rate, I could host the webring if needed. It is simple to do, I just have to find the time. I could probably have it up and running by the end of the week.

Gotta run. Sitting on a bus for 3 hours awaits me.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:53 AM



Originally posted by Whisper:
good point- didn't even think of that. I'll see what i can do.

Much better!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:56 AM


And Jana, your letter brought a tear to my eye!
Let's do the Impossible!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:10 AM


I agree that the signatures should be simple and text based. We will use this:

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

(Not sure who to credit for that, but good job.)

Everyone should use this as their signature. Please replace your sig with this, do not simply add it on. Our signatures need to show our unity, so they have to be identical. This is a small sacrifice for all of us, and it's only temporary. When the official website is launched, we will add that link to our sigs.

Please use this sig on any boards that you frequent, in your yahoo groups, emails, and anywhere else you can think of.

The Signature Mission is now the Banner Mission. There is a new thread about banners here:

Please post your banner submissions over there so that this thread doesn't get overcrowded.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:14 AM


Malnourished, the concern has been raised of the analogy of 'one army of Browncoats" to one of army of Brownshirts during WWII.
We might want to rethink that just a tad.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:29 AM


trying to do my part. I put the word out on a couple of message boards (non firefly related). I'd be great if you guys registered (free) and said a few words for encouragment. Thanks.

[url] [/url]

[url] [/url]


Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:29 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
Malnourished, the concern has been raised of the analogy of 'one army of Browncoats" to one of army of Brownshirts during WWII.
We might want to rethink that just a tad.

I just decreased my ignorance a wee bit, and googled "brownshirts." It's disturbing and terrible. I have no desire to offend or hurt anyone, and I certainly would not want to glorify such a sick group in any way.

We are Browncoats, though, and I'm very proud of that name. I believe that it is far enough removed in its application from that other word, so that confusion between the two should be minimal to say the least. With regards to the military terminology, it is all in fun. I am a pacifist, personally, but I believe that "Army" conveys how serious we are in our goals. It also suggests that Browncoats are a force to be reckoned with and alludes to the camaraderie that so many of us share.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:37 AM



Originally posted by Hera:
1. Can we push to purchase the BDM? It sickens me that Fox is making so much money off of the FF DVDs. Let's give the money to the folks that believe more in the franchise -- Universal.

Please don't confuse the evil FOX TV Network with the shiny Fox Home Entertainment, or 20th Century Fox Film Corporation.

FOX Home Entertainment produced the Firefly DVD box set, and made it possible for legions of new fans to discover the awesome show that the slimy, miserable, dim witted, smarmy FOX TV frikken cancelled.


Buying the Firefly DVD does NOT give money to FOX TV... they are not in the money stream on this one anymore. They were just the back birth TV Network that had GOLD in their hands and screwed it up.

FOX Home Entertainment made sure that a show that only was broadcast for half a season, (yet continued to have a VERY dedicated fanbse) got to be made into a DVD boxset.

Can you imagine all the new fans, and the eventual achievement of getting Serenity getting made without the Firefly DVDs to show folk what the fans were so crazy about?

So by all means, if folks can afford it. when you buy Serenity buy Firefly too with a clear conscience. Buying Firefly shows we support the verse in it's multi episode TV presentation too.


2. If the Amazon purchases are linked from the sidebar on the home page, it supports our site. Not sure how workable that is, but hey.

It's always a shiny idea to support this site.


I'm off to spread the word and save money to buy DVDs.

By all means, spread the word. But remember that it's a good idea to support the Firefly DVD too.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:52 AM



Originally posted by MalNourished:

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

And what's wrong with
One Day,
One Plan,
Browncoats Unite
On June 23rd, We aim to misbehave.

I think it says what we want to say, without risking comparison to Nazi armies. I know we can't keep changing the plan, and I know we need to maintain uniformity amongs the Browncoat troops, but we shouldn't do it at the risk of turning off potential fans.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:55 AM



Originally posted by Jana:
How's this sit for a letter to Universal/Sci-Fi Channel? Short, sweet and shiny, methinks.


Dear {head honcho},

My name is Jana, and I am a Browncoat. If you don't know what that is, you will soon.

On June 23rd, the fans of the TV show Firefly and the film Serenity will be showing their strength in the greatest fan-based advertising and fundraising campaign in the history of television. Browncoats worldwide will be puchasing copies of the Serenity DVD to show our numbers and desire for a sequel and beyond. In addition, charity film screenings and other events - shindigs, as we like to call them - will be taking place worldwide to raise money for several charities including Serenity Now/Equality Now.

Malcolm Reynolds says in the pilot of the TV show, "We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." Half-seasons of TV shows do not make it onto DVD let alone launched onto the big screen. We've done the impossible.

On June 23rd, watch us do it again.

See you in the world,



You can't take the sky from me.

The thing I'm wondering is if the tone of the letter is a little too aggressive? Universal/Sci-Fi Channel are folks we want a friendly working relationship with. The letter starts off sounding a bit combative and like they don't know who the heck we are. That can be a bit insulting.

Universal knows very well who the Browncoats are! They reached out many, many times to the fans in the months leading up to the release of Serenity. Universal's reps were always extremely nice to the Browncoats. To address them now like they don't know who we are is a diss.

Please don't address Universal/Sci-Fi Channel as though they are the parents withholding the candy we want... and we're gonna make a big fuss 'till we get it.

There's a difference between being fiesty, and being bratty.

Universal/Sci-Fi Channel are our PARTNERS. We want to have good vibes with them. As folks know, they hold the contracts for two more Serenity sequels and own the Sci-Fi Channel which are valuable beyond words... let's treat 'em right.

The tone of the letter should be more like "we're still holding", and the Browncoats are goin' on a campaign that will bring lots of attention and money(!) to Serenity. Studios just LOVE promotion and money.

Universal has faith in Joss and backed Serenity. The enemy in this battle is folks being unaware. SO MANY people still don't know how awesome Firefly and Serenity are. We are battling to get known to the world.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~






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