Browncoat Army: Serenity Day, June 23rd

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 19:25
VIEWED: 60082
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Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:59 AM


Edited to state:

In case anyone is interested, I deleted this post before the following reply showed up. Paths in cyber space must have crossed.

Took my brain a few minutes to realize the connection with was with "brown" not "army.

11th Hour


Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:06 AM



The combination of the terms ONE, ARMY and Browncoat, for those of us who actually know our history, is very reminiscent of the Nazi 'Brownshirts'. It could potentially be harmful to our cause.

Now, I'm gettin a little sick of you running in and attacking everything I say. If we're to be "one army", fine, so be it. I'm only saying that it's not the best way to get our point across, and we could very well turn off the very new fans we'd be trying to reach.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:09 AM


Here's what I've come up with for a letter so far. Any suggestions what to keep, add, or subtract to it?

Dear Universal,

On June 23, we Browncoats, the fans of Joss Whedon’s Serenity, will take action to show our support for this film and all those who brought it to life. This event will be done alongside and in support of the Serenity Now/Equality Now charity screenings of Serenity across the United States.

Our event is an international one. On this day Browncoats around the world will join together to deliver a simple message. We are a strong, existing fan base, our numbers are constantly growing, and we want more.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Browncoat ____________

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:22 AM



Originally posted by pirata:

P.S: I have a dozen friends interested in what Serenity and Firefly are, I will ask them not to purchase the DVDs yet untill June 23rd.

Wrong move!!
You don't know yet if the plan will be successful... let them buy the DVDs now. Chances are that they'll become browncoats and buy MORE copies on the Day

Goes to show no one knows my friends, they wouldnt buy more than one copy, to be honest i dont think they would become browncoats, just watch the DVD and move on, so the best i can do with them to that they get the DVDs on the 23rd of June, so the plan has a bigger chance of working. It dont matter, they still get to see it, just have to wait alittle longer, i keep feeding them info which makes them want to watch it more and more so they dont give up and forget about it.

Also for everyone else, a list of Firefly Serenity sites:



Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:23 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:

The combination of the terms ONE, ARMY and Browncoat, for those of us who actually know our history, is very reminiscent of the Nazi 'Brownshirts'. It could potentially be harmful to our cause.

Now, I'm gettin a little sick of you running in and attacking everything I say. If we're to be "one army", fine, so be it. I'm only saying that it's not the best way to get our point across, and we could very well turn off the very new fans we'd be trying to reach.

While you were typing this message I had already gone back and deleted my post. I didn't at first make the connection, then I remembered it was the brown coloring of the uniforms you were referring to. Then it made sense.

I came back to check messages and saw your post, but my post was already gone... it's a timing thing.

I didn't realize that it seemed like I was attacking everything you say. I simply bring up points when I see posts which may take things in an unhelpful direction. If you notice, I've responded to other peoples' posts too.

Maybe it's because I've been around since the beginning, but I see some ideas replayed from the past and I'm just trying to head off potential pitfalls. We fans learned a lot through our campaigns, I'm throwing in my experience when I think it's needed.

I'm not trying to run anything, just offering some experienced advice to help out the cause.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:30 AM



Originally posted by 11thHour:


Buying the Firefly DVD does NOT give money to FOX TV... they are not in the money stream on this one anymore. They were just the back birth TV Network that had GOLD in their hands and screwed it up.

FOX Home Entertainment made sure that a show that only was broadcast for half a season, (yet continued to have a VERY dedicated fanbse) got to be made into a DVD boxset.

Hey there 11thHour, thank you for clarifying the corporate relationships for me. This is very helpful. If I can swing purchasing the FF DVD, I can now do it with a clear conscience!

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:54 AM


trying to do my part. I put the word out on a couple of message boards (non firefly related). I'd be great if you guys registered (free) and said a few words for encouragment. Thanks.

[url] [/url]

[url] [/url]


Sunday, April 16, 2006 10:26 AM


Holy god!

First I'd like to wish everyone Happy Easter!

I cannot believe how far this has gone since I've checked last night!

I'd like to help, I'm no good with the computer though. I'm going to try to spread the word via myspace (since that's the biggest medium of communication these days) today.

And of course, i'm in the works of my own screening in buffalo, so that's my contribution. I'll be happy to help more though!

The most recent revision of the letter is good but the only correction I can point out is that canada is also part of this effort so maybe you can re-word "United States" to "North America" instead. Otherwise, i think it's gold!

Keep up the good work gents and ladies! If we keep the speed we're at, we'll sure be sucessful come june!



Sunday, April 16, 2006 10:58 AM



Originally posted by Hera:
Hey there 11thHour, thank you for clarifying the corporate relationships for me. This is very helpful. If I can swing purchasing the FF DVD, I can now do it with a clear conscience!

You're most welcome!

Lots of folks don't realize all the corporate entity relationships... there are so many "Foxes" it can get confuzzled.

We just need to separate the smart, sleek, shiny foxes from the low-down, mangy, skanky, half-wit foxes... heh...



"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:03 AM



Originally posted by Dewrastler:
Here's what I've come up with for a letter so far. Any suggestions what to keep, add, or subtract to it?

Dear Universal,

On June 23, we Browncoats, the fans of Joss Whedon’s Serenity, will take action to show our support for this film and all those who brought it to life. This event will be done alongside and in support of the Serenity Now/Equality Now charity screenings of Serenity across the United States.

Our event is an international one. On this day Browncoats around the world will join together to deliver a simple message. We are a strong, existing fan base, our numbers are constantly growing, and we want more.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Browncoat ____________

Well done... spirited, affirmative, and showing Universal we're still holding.

Good job!

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:28 AM


If it's okay, I'd like to recapture what the general idea behind this was from a previous thread (and how the slogan thing originated, and I assure you I did not notice the brownshirts analogy.), just so people can get the drift.


Every one of us could order a copy of the Serenity DVD on Amazon on that day. Not just buy it anywhere, but get it from one source. (I'm not affiliated with amazon in any way, btw. I prefer to use non-mega-corp shops, butheywhatareyagonnado.)
Tens of thousands of people ordering the same title on the same day should get the amazon people into resupply trouble, but I think they won't mind. But they'll notice, and so will Universal.
If we manage to get 50000 browncoats (We're about 18000 active on this board alone) to just buy one DVD for 20 bucks, that'd be a cool mill for Universal right there (not all profits, but hey!). That's just a thought, though, not a telethon pitch.
Anyways, climbing a few ranks on the Amazon charts won't hurt, either.
We probably all own several copies of Serenity already, but I guess everyone can save 20 bucks until June 23rd for another one. Charity-like. And then give it to someone who hasn't seen it yet, or a library - or just leave it on your seat in the bus for someone to find.
That way, we make Universal money, create a bit of a buzz, and we make more people interested in a sequel, since more people will have seen the BDM (and hey, for free!), and I have yet to hear someone say that they didn't like it. The real problem isn't that the BDM sucks, anyway (since it sure as hell doesn't), but that not enough people watched it (duh). Not everyone will turn into a browncoat after watching the movie, but most of them would at least go watch a sequel.
We could maybe get Joss and/or members of the cast to record a video message for our day or something, get them involved as far as they wanna get involved. I'm sure they get requests like that all the time, but this would be the BIG TIME.
(If we're lucky, "Done the Impossible" might come out somewhere around June 23rd, as well - and it's not too unlikely. The shiny Firefly ornament is coming out on june 14th and should sell well. Oh, btw, when is the HD DVD coming out again? If we're lucky, it's June, as well. June is definitely our month.)

Too many of our plans seem to fail because there are too many plans - too many petitions for the same thing (hurting the cause in the end), too many people standing on too many soapboxes calling for too many revolutions on too many days.
ONE is the number here.
ONE day, ONE plan, ONE army of browncoats.
Universal may not notice the drops of rain on their Firefly franchise field, but they'll notice
when it starts pouring, and maybe decide to plow the fields once more.
Yeah, I'm into metaphors, but enough with the pep talk. Is there like an elder council of the fansite webmasters or something? Are they all in touch?
We'd have to be quick, though, if June 23rd is to be it.
And we need some people with more than just enthusiasm to organize this, preferrably veterans.
If all browncoats stick together, we could make this one Big Damn Celebration Day.

So there you go. There have been lots of discussions since then, but I think and hope the above is still the idea we generally agree on.

Now that Kaele took charge, we should be getting somewhere - and we really should concentrate on the goal and not argue over lesser details. This isn't about getting prestige or forcing your ideas onto others, it's about our beloved Serenity!
So if someone wants to come up with another slogan, I don't care, let's just keep on moving!

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:35 AM


Hey everyone. I really thing this is great what everyone is doing and I hope to help out any way I can. I have a background in graphic design and web design, so if and when the offical site gets going, I can be of help there ( here's a recent commercial site I did: for proof :p ). I tend to agree that a non-flash banner would be preferable, as not everyone has the connection or plug-in installed -- a simple static graphic would be much easier to send and more people would be able to view it. (That said, I'll get to work on one) Also, as far as the name issue, I'm not sure why it wouldn't be simple enough to resolve the issue with "Serenity Firefly Day". Just trying to be democratic. :)

I'm also thinking of trying to set up a screening at my college in Georgia. We have a few dedicated theaters and a student activies council, so I think this could work.

Keep up the good work!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:42 AM


Also, just to make sure, this thing is spreading to sites other than Fireflyfans, I hope. At the very least we should have a direct relationship with the official Serenity board.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 12:18 PM


Point noted, 11th Hour, so here's a fiestier version. And Kaele, you're absolutely welcome to use it as a press release/blog entry/whatever. Writing for PR is one of a few things I do for a living, so I like that it shows even in my hobbies. :) I like Dewrastler's letter, too, (my only worry is that "We aim to misbehave" sounds like we're going to blow up a building for attention) so maybe there can be 2-3 versions on the site for people to choose from?


Dear {head honcho},

My name is Jana, and I am a Browncoat.

On June 23rd, we fans of the TV show Firefly and the film Serenity will be showing our strength in the greatest fan-based advertising and fundraising campaign in the history of television. Browncoats worldwide will be puchasing copies of the Serenity DVD to show our numbers and desire for a sequel and beyond. In addition, charity film screenings and other events - shindigs, as we like to call them - will be taking place worldwide to raise money for several charities including Serenity Now/Equality Now.

We want to reassure you that you made a great investment by bringing back the world of Firefly, and thank you for your faith in the 'verse. New Browncoats appear on message boards every day, and veteran Browncoats are converting friends in full force. We want to show you we're here to stay.

Malcolm Reynolds says in the pilot of the TV show, "We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." Half-seasons of TV shows do not make it onto DVD let alone launched onto the big screen. We've done the impossible.

On June 23rd, watch us do it again.

See you in the world,


Now, how's that sit?


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 12:42 PM



i've spent the last few hours going to forums, myspace, etc and spreading the word. Do you know how many firefly fan groups there are on myspace? good god! i searched firefly to find 19 pages worth.

I also tend to read online comics a lot and I thought to myself, there has got to be a large majority of the readers on these comic sites (penny arcade for example) that like sci-fi

so i took the initiative and e-mailed the web site owners as well as posted in the forums. I still have a lot to go, just thought i'd share my experience.

I've been forwarding them to this site and so if we get the main page up, we have to document the new and updated website.

i'll get back to work now!



Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:02 PM


And don't forget, for those Browncoats up to a challenge beyond online action, join the 13 cities (plus a couple others not listed yet) organizing charity screenings of Serenity on June 23.

(Also, FWIW, what exactly is the "Spam Mission"? It has a less than helpful sound to it, all things considered. Does no one recall how angry people were getting when the movie came out and Browncoats were pimping it on unrelated discussion boards?)



Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:08 PM


Hey Seba

Talk to Maxrimstain! And check out

I love people with skills!


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:51 PM


Ok, I'll work on a Nationstates mission.

Perhaps we could have a day of roaming, where everyone goes out and spreads the word about one browncoat army and what not. Thought I won't promise that, a lot of peeps in my region might take that kinda talk as alliance trash.

If you play check out the region Firefly.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:51 PM



TheBBQChickenMadness wrote:
Sunday, April 16, 2006 03:59
I honestly cannot believe what I'm reading. I've read though both of the threads for this "project" and 3/4 of the replies are pointless bickering about what the day will be called? WTF?


Dear lord, who gives a flying crap about what the day is called, or what the website address is, or any of the other little things that people keep arguing about. Anyone can offer suggestions, and I will too, but stop ARGUING about little crap.

I havent seen any of the bickering this 5 minute member is dribbling about. I have seen people positing opinions & ideas as should be expected. Or maybe we should just do a half assed job as this guys seems to imply..

WHO CARES! what the day is called you say.. Fine then lets call it "Dank tuft of rectal pubic hair day"

Pfft.. newbs


Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:04 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

TheBBQChickenMadness wrote:
Sunday, April 16, 2006 03:59
I honestly cannot believe what I'm reading. I've read though both of the threads for this "project" and 3/4 of the replies are pointless bickering about what the day will be called? WTF?


Dear lord, who gives a flying crap about what the day is called, or what the website address is, or any of the other little things that people keep arguing about. Anyone can offer suggestions, and I will too, but stop ARGUING about little crap.

I havent seen any of the bickering this 5 minute member is dribbling about. I have seen people positing opinions & ideas as should be expected. Or maybe we should just do a half assed job as this guys seems to imply..

WHO CARES! what the day is called you say.. Fine then lets call it "Dank tuft of rectal pubic hair day"

Pfft.. newbs

Calhoun, I think BBQ was talking about the bickering found on the original thread devoted to this topic:

Chill, dude, it's all shiny . . .

Fruit's Oaty Bar! Is a person from the mouse! Fruit's Oaty Bar! Makes your bust from yours female shirt! Continuously eats them! Let them cause you to be surprised!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:49 PM



Originally posted by Jana:

We want to reassure you that you made a great investment by bringing back the world of Firefly, and thank you for your faith in the 'verse. New Browncoats appear on message boards every day, and veteran Browncoats are converting friends in full force. We want to show you we're here to stay.

Malcolm Reynolds says in the pilot of the TV show, "We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." Half-seasons of TV shows do not make it onto DVD let alone launched onto the big screen. We've done the impossible.

On June 23rd, watch us do it again.

See you in the world,


Now, how's that sit?


Jana, it's pretty cunning, I think. Your prose strikes just the right note between congratulating Universal for their involvement and patting Browncoats on the back for theirs. Well done!

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Sunday, April 16, 2006 4:29 PM


By Calhoun

WHO CARES! what the day is called you say.. Fine then lets call it "Dank tuft of rectal pubic hair day"

Much as that gives me the chuckles, I doubt it'd get us very far. :) Serenity Day is appropriate for two reasons stated above. We're focusing on Serenity as a movie in two specific ways. We can make other Browncoat holidays later, I promise. If you'd like to name one after the hair on your pi gu, then you can celebrate that particular one in style with a visit to the beautician for a wax.

By B!x

Also, FWIW, what exactly is the "Spam Mission"? It has a less than helpful sound to it, all things considered. Does no one recall how angry people were getting when the movie came out and Browncoats were pimping it on unrelated discussion boards?

Beans also mentioned this and began doing just such a thing. I'd really rather we not. The Spam mission is for hitting all Firefly and Serenity discussion groups and websites to organize existing Browncoats.

PLEASE PLEASE get in contact with the people listed above so that we're not hitting the same sites. It's a wasted effort and there is so much more we can do! There are other missions I'd like to complete, and hitting sites time and again is wasting our energy. We need to coordinate and attack with a plan. Randomness is ok, but it will accomplish nothing. One drop of rain does not make the grass grow. We need an attack plan that will be effective and focused.

By IanW

I've spent the last few hours going to forums, myspace, etc and spreading the word. Do you know how many firefly fan groups there are on myspace? good god! i searched firefly to find 19 pages worth.

IanW, would you care to be enlisted? I could sure use some help. E-mail me at and we can discuss.

Jana, excellent job. The tone is so impressive and upbeat. Exactly what we're looking for.

11thHour, Fox vs. Fox LOL!!! I must be the odd woman out, because I don't really hate FoxTV for cancelling Firefly. They DID air it and gave our show a beginning. They took a chance on Joss, offered Nathan a job after 2 Guys and a Girl, and pretty much brought our show to life. People made mistakes and I'm sure their hanging their heads over it. Business is what it is and I cannot bring myself to hate them. Now being disappointed and annoyed, that's a different matter entirely! hahahaha

CAPTAINJOSH06: Thanks for the list! FollowMal's already seen it at the other thread and is running with it. If you'd like to coordinate with her some more, please mail her at

SAMEERTIA: Browncoat Army vs. Brownshirts. Whoa there. This is a whole other discussion and one that should probably be brought up elsewhere rather than on this thread. Joss made that decision, not us. Let me assure you though, I have relatives who were affected by WWII (both US Navy and victims in Germany) and my husband's grandfather has a particular tattoo of numbers on the inside of his arm. I can promise that there is no affiliation with any form of genocide here.

This is about love, not hate. We love our show and movie. We love how the people involved with our show and movie still enjoy what they did. We're working to bring about more of this and nothing else. There is no sinister plan.

Well, other than a chance to see more of Nathan as I say that?


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 5:08 PM



Originally posted by Seba:
I'm also thinking of trying to set up a screening at my college in Georgia. We have a few dedicated theaters and a student activies council, so I think this could work.

Whoo-hoo! The South is strangely
lacking in the list of
13 Cities Planning Charity Serenity Screenings

So Charity Serenity Screening in Georgia
would be great!!!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 5:47 PM


Now I feel like I'm a big idiot for asking this but: what significance does June 23 hold? I'm guessing its either the date Firefly was first aired or cancelled...Someone wanna clarify for me please? Thanks.


Ain't that just shiny?


Sunday, April 16, 2006 5:56 PM


Two reasons i know of are: 1) it's Joss Whedon's Birthday. 2) it was the date of the final round of Serenity pre-screenings last summer.

If there are others- I don't know them.
Want Firefly/ Serenity/ BtVS/ Angel desktop wallpapers? Take a look at the ones I've created at:
Now hosting the Firefly Extended Gagreel


Sunday, April 16, 2006 5:57 PM



Originally posted by DanielFyre:
Now I feel like I'm a big idiot for asking this but: what significance does June 23 hold? I'm guessing its either the date Firefly was first aired or cancelled...Someone wanna clarify for me please? Thanks.

It's Joss's birthday! You know the guy who
created Firefly and wrote and directed Serenity.


"We're inviting Browncoats to organize same-day nationwide (and, if it happens, around the world) screenings to be held on June 23, all to benefit Joss' favorite charity -- an event we've therefore dubbed Serenity Now/Equality Now.

So take a look around the site, and join our Yahoo! group. More importantly, start organizing -- because making this happen is entirely in your hands. "

"June 23 is the one-year anniversary of the third and final advance screening of Serenity prior to its release. It's also Joss Whedon's birthday. Will you be organizing a charity screening to benefit Equality Now for that day (or any day during the week leading to June 23)? Browncoats in the following cities are -- so get organizing. "

Worldwide Charity Sernity screenings!!! USA Canada and UK!!!
13 Cities and counting!!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:42 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
Pfft.. newbs

Ok, I've been watching this thread all day long and seen our shiny friendly ship get more and more unfriendly. I don't like that. Sorry, but when I got here, this place was welcoming and kind. I can't let something like this go by.

One of the things that gets compliments for is that it's a wonderful place for newbs. That there isn't any bashing of newbs nor any acting superior and looking down at newbs. I just saw that reversed right there.

Each and every one of us has a right to express ourselves over this. But don't forget that we're all Browncoats first... and we stand together. We are Browncoats whether we've been here 5 minutes or since the beginning. And please note that I said we're "Browncoats", that is the name that Joss gave to Mal's Independents. We adopted it with pride.

We're doing this to bring Mal back.

Someone told me one day when I was blue and holdin' til Mal came back seemed harder than normal for me that we might have to take the ship and rescue Mal and get him back. That is what we are trying to do. We're bickering like Jayne in The Train Job. Let's stop wasting time and rescue the Captain and have our shiny show back.

And no more being mean to newbs!

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:44 PM


First off, everyone that's trying to make this a reality are officially the shiniest people in the verse!

That being said though, I have a few questions.

First, I was wondering about the screenings. I live in Michigan, and while I'm not able to organize a screening myself, I was wondering if there is someone else in the area that could? I would try to lend a hand the best I could...

Second, does anyone know a way of contacting Joss or the BDM's? I just thought it would be cool to let them know what we are doing.

On June 23, we are gonna make so much gorram noise that they'll have to notice.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:02 PM



Originally posted by Rach:

Hey Seba

Talk to Maxrimstain!

Hi. I'm sorry I don't know who that is...have any contact info? Or is it listed on that site?


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:15 PM



Get in touch with Kaele, top post.. and she'll put you in touch with Max if need be.


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:39 PM


Welcome, TheBBQChickenMadness!

We don't normally treat newbies this bad.. we're usually quite friendly.

I see that you just signed in today. First off, we're glad you're here, hope you won't leave.

You'll be needin' your browncoat since you've joined this crew...

*hands TheBBQChickenMadness a browncoat*

There you are. I like the way you think and I think we could use your way of thinking, will you please contact Kaele who posted at the top of this thread about the Slashdot and SciFiBrain ideas. She'll put you where we need you.

And we do need you! I am so glad you spoke up the way you did.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:45 PM


well I don't think there is any way I can help all of you in your selfless mission. But I will wish you the best of luck and hope you do the impossible again! I also looked around a little and found some Firefly/Serenity related sites that weren't on a list posted before. It's not at all much, but it's best I can do! Give them hell!! ;)

Like I said, it's not much. But it's better than nothing! They are just too pretty for god to let them die!

"Listen, if you got guests I can come back later."


Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:40 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well said FollowMal!
Everyone was very nice to me when I first joined, which was not that long ago. Even if we have really differing opinions on something sensitive (i.e. religion etc) we do not flame fellow Browncoats!
That being said, I will explain why I think there has been "bickering" to BBQchicken. In a kind way.
We want to agree on what to call the day so that we can be organized. One day, one plan, one name, one army etc. etc. Organization is key in any huge event, and if it's going to be international it must be even more so. It makes it easier to get things done, easier to tell new recruits what is going on. Just easier. So agreeing on a name, poitless as it might seem on the surface, really is key. Among those who know about it, you can call it anything you want (I call it the Big Damn Promotion myself) but for a website, a gathering, a spam mission, spreading the word in general, everyone needs to know what they're talking about when they say "Serenity Day" (or "Firefly Day" or "Serenifly Day" or "Serenity Firefly Day" or whatever else has been put forward) to avoid confusion.
There, see, that's how we normally respect others. We all apologize for the slur against your newness and hope you'll stick around.
So, anyone know where I can get about a hundred stickers? I'm coming up with some flyer designs in my head, and I'm sure they'll be done in time to pepper my town with them, but I'd like some stickers. Are they sold in bulk?
Oh, and I'll do my best to post some shiny flyer designs here for all to use, assuming I can figure out how to post them (never was that good at getting pics to show up in forums) and it doesn't take my perfectionist self too long to get them done. There will be all kinds, if I have my way. Work begins my next round of days off, so watch for some! (Oh, and anyone who can tell me how to get images from my documents to my posts would really be doin' me a favor)

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:38 PM


Well, Well, whats going on here then!

Everybody seems to have lost direction of what we are trying to achieve!

We have had a sudden change in the ranks (Like that Bloody matters, this is about getting Firefly back on the air, not personal recognition), and bickering on the most important aspect of this project!

The name, the name is the key - how can we spread the word without an official slogan/logo - and more importantly it needs to be directly related to what we are doing, so having a site called or whatever been suggested DOES NOT give the correct impression of what we are doing, 1 day where we celebrate Firefly, simple, thats why is winning by miles in the poll

If this is going to work, and I'm gonna be a nazi and pull ranks, the project I started, we need to come together as a community and help each other out. Why would Fox/Universal/Sci-fi even bother about Firefly and, because its not just about the money where going to be giving them NOW by buying the DVD on a set day, its the money that think they are going to make in the future that will decide the fate of Firefly/Serenity, when we are whining and bickering about whos is charge, and what where gonna call it, what is gonna look like. Those things are being taken care of, we need to spread the word.

Simply as that, just spread the word, if you can get word to Joss him self about our efforts great, I have tried but to no avail. For this to work we need 10 to 20 thousand people on board!

Get with the program, and focus your energy and talents on 1 thing, SPREADING THE WORD!!


Monday, April 17, 2006 12:05 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Max, you'll notice that I said that the name was key in the post right above yours.
I totally appreciate your enthusism about this, I really do, but please ease off us a little, okay? We haven't lost sight of anything. No need to be a nazi. We are, in fact, trying to avoid that reference as much as possible. We're all on board for this, believe me.

To repeat myself, since my post was apparently missed: Anyone know where I can get bulk Serenity and Firefly stickers? I've only got two months to get together enough to pepper the town with, while designing flyers and trying to hold my job all at the same time.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 17, 2006 12:43 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Max, you'll notice that I said that the name was key in the post right above yours.
I totally appreciate your enthusism about this, I really do, but please ease off us a little, okay? We haven't lost sight of anything. No need to be a nazi. We are, in fact, trying to avoid that reference as much as possible. We're all on board for this, believe me.

To repeat myself, since my post was apparently missed: Anyone know where I can get bulk Serenity and Firefly stickers? I've only got two months to get together enough to pepper the town with, while designing flyers and trying to hold my job all at the same time.

Pheonix, that depends what kind of stickers you want. If you want to buy ones that are already made you can do a search of - I did a quick one and hundreds of designs popped up. If you want customized stickers you can check out websites like but those seem to run about $250 for a 250 sticker print and take a month to get - maybe if you google it you could find a cheaper rate. Hope that helps.
One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Fruit's Oaty Bar! Is a person from the mouse! Fruit's Oaty Bar! Makes your bust from yours female shirt! Continuously eats them! Let them cause you to be surprised!


Monday, April 17, 2006 12:53 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Awesome! I will check cafepress. And if I want custom stickers... Well, I do have a month, after all!
I'd like to have the logos. Have to think those have been made somewhere.
Thank you so much!

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 17, 2006 1:04 AM



Originally posted by Kaele:
Serenity Day must happen.

Webmaster Mission: Any volunteers for this mission, please contact You will be combing the web for all Firefly and Serenity related sites. We're going to start e-mailing those webmasters to link to the Serenity Day/Browncoat Army site and to hopefully display our banner.

Blog Mission: I need a movie submission to be put up on people's Myspace, LJ, blogspot, and any other blog related site for Browncoats to upload to their blogs. I want a mini-commercial. Submit them to me please.

OK webring I'm in, if you tell me exactly what I need to do. Blog mission, I can do but maybe someone else write it. Or give me more specifics on what you want and I'll write it (I do freelance writing on the side). I admit I've never written a movie review. But I am on LJ, Myspace,, and My space and LJ have hundreds of FF/S groups we could hit up. And there are thousands of blog sites. So this will actually take a few of us. BUt I'm in to help here.

Under a Blag Flag We Shall Sail


Monday, April 17, 2006 1:53 AM


HEY GUYS! been lurking for lthe last few months but I'm bakc with a fab idea for UK browncoats, not sure if this has already been propsed but we could all send letters to Empire mag from now till the big day.

For those of you that don't know what emire mag is I will explain: Empire is the biggest selling film magazine in the UK and they are on our side! their critics have called the BDM "Glorious" and are calling Nathan Fillion and Mal "the new Han Solo". The've printed a 6 page special on the BDM (entitled "Serenity WOW) and the relase of it on dvd over here in the uk was the cover stoy of Empire's "at home" suppliment (it shows a cartoon Serenity smashing out of a TV in space!)

We need to specifically target 3 Empire guys with emails and letters, James Dyer (he wrote the 6 page special) Olly Richards (reveiwed the film and gave it a 4 out of 5 "Very Good" rating (basically meaning that they urge you to go, even if you dont generally like tht sort of movie)and Angie Errigo (she wrote the flattering DVD release article)

The end result of this campagn would hopefully be an artivcle written by us or on behalf of us in Empire Magazine, perhaps even a sponsered event in the uk of some kind. I'm gonna need some help with this so i might make a separate threat for us Brits, wot do you guys think?

Reavers Vs Oompaloompas, clash of the titans! (I'm talking scary Oompaloompas with orange skin and green hair, not the rubbish new ones)


Monday, April 17, 2006 3:02 AM


Hey Darklighters,

Excellent idea. Am UK too. Haven't read Empire for ages, but have been following the enthusiasm with they've talked up FF/Serenity with interest.

Move onto the
thread: it's working on UK action.

If you've got a postal address, it could be even more effective: hopefully there are some new flyers/graphics coming out soon for June 23. Or if you've got any creative juices of your own...

Speak soon

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 17, 2006 5:12 AM


Your best bet is getting a graphic desinger to design you a sticker then take thenm to a local printer....If you get about 500-100 you can get em real cheap

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 17, 2006 6:32 AM


How close are we to the official name or finalists for it?

MySpace has a group I really liked the name of and thought would work for this new cause: Serenity Browncoats.

I thought "Serenity Browncoats Day" has a nice universal intriguing appeal and isn’t taken.

Just my 2 cents. Any thoughts?

Update: Maxrimstain added the website name as a voting option so ignore this post if you don't like it or vote if you do.

... I'm in.


Monday, April 17, 2006 7:09 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by IThas2Bme:
How close are we to the official name or finalists for it?

MySpace has a group I really liked the name of and thought would work for this new cause: Serenity Browncoats.

I thought "Serenity Browncoats Day" has a nice universal intriguing appeal and isn’t taken.

Just my 2 cents. Any thoughts?

... I'm in.

Hi IThas2Bme, There have been a lot of good suggestions made for the site's domain name (yours included), so a poll was set-up to address that question a little while ago here:

125 Votes
24 Votes
20 Votes
6 Votes
5 Votes Keep this one
4 Votes
1 Votes

Based on that the following domain name was registered:

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, April 17, 2006 8:26 AM


I think is a good choice.

Combine the banner I saw on this site that had a picture of the ship, "Serenity Day", and the date with this website.

Then you get a concise image that promotes both the series and the movie.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.
On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 17, 2006 8:33 AM


Right now I'm already convincing one of my comrades to become a browncoat.


Monday, April 17, 2006 9:04 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
First off, everyone that's trying to make this a reality are officially the shiniest people in the verse!

That being said though, I have a few questions.

First, I was wondering about the screenings. I live in Michigan, and while I'm not able to organize a screening myself, I was wondering if there is someone else in the area that could? I would try to lend a hand the best I could...

Second, does anyone know a way of contacting Joss or the BDM's? I just thought it would be cool to let them know what we are doing.

On June 23, we are gonna make so much gorram noise that they'll have to notice.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.

That would be cool to get an organized screening in michigan on June 23rd. I'm gonna get with a friend who knows a lot of people at the cons and comic shops and see what turns up.. I'm not sure how many of us browncoats are in michigan..

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 17, 2006 9:09 AM



Originally posted by Kaele:
Serenity Day must happen.

Banner Mission: All submissions are to be sent to MalNourished is in command of this mission. Please have all banner submissions sent to her by April 22nd. Content should include some form of "Serenity Day, June 23rd" and "Browncoat Army".

Does anyone know how to get in touch with 11th hour?
those flyers were fantastic and would look great as banners.. just a thought..

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 17, 2006 9:18 AM


You have the full support of on this initiative. I am the administrator for this local fan site and would like to keep abreast of this. Please PM or email ( me anything you require. Also, any pertinent links that I can post can be sent as well.

___________________________________________________ ! The homebase of Northern Kentucky FireFly fans!


Monday, April 17, 2006 9:35 AM


Hey Shineyshindug

Does anyone know how to get in touch with 11th hour?
those flyers were fantastic and would look great as banners.. just a thought..

I know - I love them too. I sent her a wee message. General Kaele was thinking along the same lines by the looks of things.

But they're just so sexy! How good would they look as, I'm not going there. Wasn't me. Honest.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 17, 2006 1:50 PM


FollowMal says jump...I'm already airborne.

Other than buying multiple copies of Serenity on the 23rd, please let me know if there is anything a non-techie can do!

Fight on my beloved Browncoats...fight for your Captain!

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young

Wanna fly on Serenity...visit us

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.






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