Top 5 Things You'd Like To See In BDM2

UPDATED: Sunday, April 23, 2006 00:09
VIEWED: 16341
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Monday, April 17, 2006 6:35 AM


I just want more. More of everything. Just to have a second movie!

Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I am his one true love! Is that weird?
(he will believe, he will believe)


Monday, April 17, 2006 6:51 AM


1. More of Inara's and Book's (somehow) backstory.
2. Blue Sun.
3. A conflict between Zoe and River, now that River is more than likely the pilot.
4. Inara and Mal romance.
5. Some really evil bad guy that kills another crew member (forgive me, but for a two hour movie, the cast is pretty large. I vote for Simon getting offed.)


5. An additional crew member to change things up. I vote for a cook.

"I aim to misbehave."
"Can't do something smart, do something right".

HOMER: "Oh Lisa, you and your stories; Bart is a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now lets go back to that... building thingy... where our beds and T.V.... is".


Monday, April 17, 2006 6:58 AM


Oh, and of course some naked Inara, River, Zoe, or Kaylee....

if the women here want naked Simon or Mal, I think all the guys are entitled to see some naked Firefly/Serenity women.

"I aim to misbehave."
"Can't do something smart, do something right".

HOMER: "Oh Lisa, you and your stories; Bart is a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now lets go back to that... building thingy... where our beds and T.V.... is".


Monday, April 17, 2006 7:44 PM



Originally posted by Girlaskew:
We need a past on Book. And Inara also. Also, is she still in the Guild?

Yeah, a lot of people seem to want this... understandably. And while I'm curious to see exactly what Joss has in mind too, I already have my own relatively confident theories; I know neither one is original, but they were to me, before I found out how many people shared them.

There are enough clues in the series to assume that Inara is dying, presumably from some fatal disease. Particularly this exchange from "Out of Gas":

INARA: I love this ship. I have from the moment I saw it.

SIMON: I just don't want to die on it.

INARA: (glances away) I don't want to die at all.

The implication seems ot be that since she has to die, she wants it be on Serenity. Put that together with the memory River reads in "Objects in Space": "I'm a big girl. You can tell me." To me, it sure seems like she's remembering talking to her doctor, and finding out about her terminal illness.

I guess this interferes with all the hopes for a happy Mal/Inara relationship. Sorry about that; maybe I'm wrong.

As for Book, after seeing the movie, one of my first thoughts was, "Hey! We got gipped! We never found out Book's mysterious past!" But then I decided, maybe we did, just in a very subtle way. Personally, I'd bet a lot he was an Operative. The similarities between the two characters (sigh... no, not just the fact that they're black) are too strong to ingore: the Operative reevaluates his life view, and turns his back on his military career, just like Book obviously did. And Book just seemed to be way too efficient a fighter, and know way too much about Alliance military procedure (including Operatives) for me to conclude anything else. In fact, if Joss was going to bring time travel into the 'verse (although I hope he doesn't), I'd say the Operative WAS Book. The two characters seem like the early and latter parts of the same life. What do you think?

P.S. Sorry for the rambling, incredibly long-winded post.

"We need a hood ornament."


Monday, April 17, 2006 9:24 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I think that the Operative sort of was Book. Just...not literally. But I agree that the similar characters was probably Joss's way of giving us Book's past(ish). In a subtle way.
I've read a lot about it, but I still take issue with the Inara has a terminal disease theory. She's just too healthy. People have a terminal illness, they do not look that good, they don't move that well, and odds are they are not allowed to be Companions. I'm interested in her story because I just can't decide what it might be.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006 2:10 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I think that the Operative sort of was Book.

So then, I guess, he sort of committed suicide?

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Thursday, April 20, 2006 2:49 PM


Alan returning as Wash's twin brother sporting a moustache and goatee!!!

The Operative has to return for the next movie (although I'd far rather have a new series). He is by far the coolest bad guy in a long time.

AS for comments about charcater development in the film. Well it is a film. You have 2 hours in which to do a self-contained story. You either do action or character. You can't do both in any detail. That was BDMs one problem. Too many central characters. That's why Inara and Book lost out, because Joss had to tell a story. He could either tell one good story (as he pretty much did) or half a dozen small but under done ones.


Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:38 PM


1. Serenity
2. Nathan
3. Gina
4. Adam
5. Jewel

Honorable mentions: Morena, Sean, Summer

I just want a gorram sequel.


Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:46 PM


i dont have a top 5 but i would like to see them taking on the revears more, not head to head though more like destroying their ability to capture ships as after events of serenity they would be forced to keep to the very shady corners of the verse


Friday, April 21, 2006 4:20 PM


1 Jubal Early
2 More bluesun
3 another studant like River for her to fight.

Well, here I am


Friday, April 21, 2006 6:21 PM


Sorry to interject into this thread with questions, but I had a few minor ones about things that lost me in this thread (seen firefly all the way through and serenity several times, but I guess I'm new to the whole browncoat thing).

There was a different person doing the music for the TV series and the movie? That's impressive if there were because the music was fairly similar and was fantastic in both.

What is this Blue Sun that keeps being referred to? The Blue hand guys from the series?

BDM = what? I'm guess big damn movie or something along those lines?



Friday, April 21, 2006 6:21 PM



We've had all the important backstories of River, Simon, Kaylee, Wash and Jayne. That's not where the mysteries lie. So...

1. Mal's backstory. What were the influences in his early life that led him to volunteer for the Independents? Which leads to...

2. What was the earth-shaking -- personality-wise -- event(s) that occurred at The Battle of Serenity Valley, that transformed his and Zoe's life so completely?

3. Zoe's backstory. What aspects of her birth culture allows her to be so steadfastly devoted to Mal? (NB: I think she is ronin and Mal is her substitute warlord.)

4. Book's backstory. Told by video diary, found beneath the mattress in his old quarters, strictly as an example.

5. Inara's backstory. Specifically, what drove her to leave Sihnon and go 'walkabout'? What's in her syringe and how does that affect her motivations?

Once we get past the backstory (which is why I'd call the sequel, "Shadow", btw), we can concentrate on the thrilling climax in the third cinematic installment. Doing a movie with a lot of backstory can be done very effectively, while simultaneously following a contemporary plot; "The Godfather: Part II" leaps to mind.

I'd call the final (contracted) movie, "Firefly", to complete the circle, and to emphasize its main hero 'character'...



6. Gotta see Jayne's mama...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Friday, April 21, 2006 7:54 PM



Originally posted by zoid:
2. What was the earth-shaking -- personality-wise -- event(s) that occurred at The Battle of Serenity Valley, that transformed his and Zoe's life so completely?

3. Zoe's backstory. What aspects of her birth culture allows her to be so steadfastly devoted to Mal? (NB: I think she is ronin and Mal is her substitute warlord.)

5. Inara's backstory. Specifically, what drove her to leave Sihnon and go 'walkabout'? What's in her syringe and how does that affect her motivations?

If you check out the deleted scenes available on the DVD, plus the Visual Companion (pun!)/Joss interviews, they pretty much answer 2 and 3. Both the Independents and the Alliance left Mal in charge of I think 2000 soldiers in Serenity Valley while they negotiated surrender. By the time someone showed up to rescue them, he was down to a couple hundred. Zoe (career military) was the only person from their platoon to survive.

Also, the syringe...fairly sure that's for emergency suicide.

Wife soup!


Friday, April 21, 2006 9:20 PM


SpacePirateQueen wrote:

If you check out the deleted scenes available on the DVD, plus the Visual Companion (pun!)/Joss interviews, they pretty much answer 2 and 3. Both the Independents and the Alliance left Mal in charge of I think 2000 soldiers in Serenity Valley while they negotiated surrender. By the time someone showed up to rescue them, he was down to a couple hundred. Zoe (career military) was the only person from their platoon to survive.

Also, the syringe...fairly sure that's for emergency suicide.

True, Joss does address my number 2 & 3 things I'd "like to see in BDM2", but only in a very superficial way.

As many have written over the course of my two years here, in many threads, there is indeed a special bond that forms between 'brothers-in-arms'. But as they and I have also written, it seldom results in the 'life-debt' style of connection that Mal and Zoe exhibit. In fact, in the case of extraordinarily traumatic events, participants tend to be driven by a need to get as far from each other as possible, to avoid continuous and unbearable reminders of that horrific episode in their lives.

So, with all due respect: Nope. That story's not been told. The fact that Joss went so far as to remove a scene with just a hint of further information on the subject from the pilot episode, indicates (to me and others) that Joss has more to reveal on that score.

So, I'll leave in my request to have that story told. And there is definitely more going on with Zoe than meets the eye. I wanna see deeper into her character's formative past and motivation.

As far as Inara's syringe goes: I refer you to Joss' commentary on the Firefly DVDs for (again) the pilot episode, in which he says a lot of people thought her syringe was for suicide; but that it wasn't, it was part of her "secret". That's from The Man himself.

I was among those who -- like yourself -- thought, "Reavers. She's not going to be taken alive". But, we were wrong, if you believe Joss Whedon...



ronin (from Wikipedia):
"A samurai became masterless from the ruin or fall of his master, or after the loss of his master's favor or privilege. ...It is also a term used for samurai who had lost their masters in wars." (Emphasis mine.) And lest we forget, Kurosawa is the visionary most often referred to in the Western genre. His ronin movies have been outright reshot as Westerns, and have reverberated throughout the genre. Clint Eastwood's "Unforgiven" ( a personal favorite) is very suggestive of this theme. As a further example of how this applies, The Operative is now, by definition, a ronin. That's why he asks Mal how he continued after Serenity Valley: he recognizes Mal as a fellow ronin. That's a pretty powerful moment, a significant revelation.

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:06 PM


Well, like most people here what I really want to see is the series back on TV, I would espacially like to see the first season finished so that we can close the gap between the series and Serenity in a better way and also to let Joss Whedon be able to finish it the way he always wanted. (and also to get some more Book and Wash into it before they go and die)
But in case that doesnt happen, heres my list.

1). Kaylee and Simons relationship, want to see it grow and just enjoy the fact that they are finally together.

2). More backstory and the secrets behind Inara, watched the commentaries on the Firefly Pilot not long ago and I remember Joss saying that the vial that she picks out isnt a suicide kit but something he wanted to work more in further ahead.

3). Zoe after Wash, would like to see how she handles losing him. Also I remember them talking about making a baby in Heart of Gold so I got kinda upset that they never got that far before he died, so im not totally against Zoe being pregnant (although I find it unlikely).

4). Blue Sun, the most evil buggers around. To bad we dont really know that much about them. Would be nice to get a better look at these guys, also now that the Alliance Government is having Post Miranda issues I think these guys will be the ones primary searching after River.

5). Backstory to Mal, Although we have heard much about it, some more flashbacks would be nice, really would like to see how the endless plains of Shadow looked like before the Alliance reduced them to cinder.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:06 PM


Well, like most people here what I really want to see is the series back on TV, I would espacially like to see the first season finished so that we can close the gap between the series and Serenity in a better way and also to let Joss Whedon be able to finish it the way he always wanted. (and also to get some more Book and Wash into it before they go and die)
But in case that doesnt happen, heres my list.

1). Kaylee and Simons relationship, want to see it grow and just enjoy the fact that they are finally together.

2). More backstory and the secrets behind Inara, watched the commentaries on the Firefly Pilot not long ago and I remember Joss saying that the vial that she picks out isnt a suicide kit but something he wanted to work more in further ahead.

3). Zoe after Wash, would like to see how she handles losing him. Also I remember them talking about making a baby in Heart of Gold so I got kinda upset that they never got that far before he died, so im not totally against Zoe being pregnant (although I find it unlikely).

4). Blue Sun, the most evil buggers around. To bad we dont really know that much about them. Would be nice to get a better look at these guys, also now that the Alliance Government is having Post Miranda issues I think these guys will be the ones primary searching after River.

5). Backstory to Mal, Although we have heard much about it, some more flashbacks would be nice, really would like to see how the endless plains of Shadow looked like before the Alliance reduced them to cinder.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:06 PM


Well, like most people here what I really want to see is the series back on TV, I would espacially like to see the first season finished so that we can close the gap between the series and Serenity in a better way and also to let Joss Whedon be able to finish it the way he always wanted. (and also to get some more Book and Wash into it before they go and die)
But in case that doesnt happen, heres my list.

1). Kaylee and Simons relationship, want to see it grow and just enjoy the fact that they are finally together.

2). More backstory and the secrets behind Inara, watched the commentaries on the Firefly Pilot not long ago and I remember Joss saying that the vial that she picks out isnt a suicide kit but something he wanted to work more in further ahead.

3). Zoe after Wash, would like to see how she handles losing him. Also I remember them talking about making a baby in Heart of Gold so I got kinda upset that they never got that far before he died, so im not totally against Zoe being pregnant (although I find it unlikely).

4). Blue Sun, the most evil buggers around. To bad we dont really know that much about them. Would be nice to get a better look at these guys, also now that the Alliance Government is having Post Miranda issues I think these guys will be the ones primary searching after River.

5). Backstory to Mal, Although we have heard much about it, some more flashbacks would be nice, really would like to see how the endless plains of Shadow looked like before the Alliance reduced them to cinder.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:06 PM


Well, like most people here what I really want to see is the series back on TV, I would espacially like to see the first season finished so that we can close the gap between the series and Serenity in a better way and also to let Joss Whedon be able to finish it the way he always wanted. (and also to get some more Book and Wash into it before they go and die)
But in case that doesnt happen, heres my list.

1). Kaylee and Simons relationship, want to see it grow and just enjoy the fact that they are finally together.

2). More backstory and the secrets behind Inara, watched the commentaries on the Firefly Pilot not long ago and I remember Joss saying that the vial that she picks out isnt a suicide kit but something he wanted to work more in further ahead.

3). Zoe after Wash, would like to see how she handles losing him. Also I remember them talking about making a baby in Heart of Gold so I got kinda upset that they never got that far before he died, so im not totally against Zoe being pregnant (although I find it unlikely).

4). Blue Sun, the most evil buggers around. To bad we dont really know that much about them. Would be nice to get a better look at these guys, also now that the Alliance Government is having Post Miranda issues I think these guys will be the ones primary searching after River.

5). Backstory to Mal, Although we have heard much about it, some more flashbacks would be nice, really would like to see how the endless plains of Shadow looked like before the Alliance reduced them to cinder.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:06 PM


Well, like most people here what I really want to see is the series back on TV, I would espacially like to see the first season finished so that we can close the gap between the series and Serenity in a better way and also to let Joss Whedon be able to finish it the way he always wanted. (and also to get some more Book and Wash into it before they go and die)
But in case that doesnt happen, heres my list.

1). Kaylee and Simons relationship, want to see it grow and just enjoy the fact that they are finally together.

2). More backstory and the secrets behind Inara, watched the commentaries on the Firefly Pilot not long ago and I remember Joss saying that the vial that she picks out isnt a suicide kit but something he wanted to work more in further ahead.

3). Zoe after Wash, would like to see how she handles losing him. Also I remember them talking about making a baby in Heart of Gold so I got kinda upset that they never got that far before he died, so im not totally against Zoe being pregnant (although I find it unlikely).

4). Blue Sun, the most evil buggers around. To bad we dont really know that much about them. Would be nice to get a better look at these guys, also now that the Alliance Government is having Post Miranda issues I think these guys will be the ones primary searching after River.

5). Backstory to Mal, Although we have heard much about it, some more flashbacks would be nice, really would like to see how the endless plains of Shadow looked like before the Alliance reduced them to cinder.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:06 PM


Well, like most people here what I really want to see is the series back on TV, I would espacially like to see the first season finished so that we can close the gap between the series and Serenity in a better way and also to let Joss Whedon be able to finish it the way he always wanted. (and also to get some more Book and Wash into it before they go and die)
But in case that doesnt happen, heres my list.

1). Kaylee and Simons relationship, want to see it grow and just enjoy the fact that they are finally together.

2). More backstory and the secrets behind Inara, watched the commentaries on the Firefly Pilot not long ago and I remember Joss saying that the vial that she picks out isnt a suicide kit but something he wanted to work more in further ahead.

3). Zoe after Wash, would like to see how she handles losing him. Also I remember them talking about making a baby in Heart of Gold so I got kinda upset that they never got that far before he died, so im not totally against Zoe being pregnant (although I find it unlikely).

4). Blue Sun, the most evil buggers around. To bad we dont really know that much about them. Would be nice to get a better look at these guys, also now that the Alliance Government is having Post Miranda issues I think these guys will be the ones primary searching after River.

5). Backstory to Mal, Although we have heard much about it, some more flashbacks would be nice, really would like to see how the endless plains of Shadow looked like before the Alliance reduced them to cinder.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, April 22, 2006 7:26 PM


1. Definitely a better soundtrack. Seeing Edmonson back on board would be awesome, but anything that gets back to the laid back western feel of the series would be an improvement. The soundtrack for the movie was the biggest disappointment for me.

2. Slow it the hell down. I know they wanted to placate the 'short attention span' crowd but I'm so over rollercoasters. The pacing of the movie was just too frantic.

3. Also related to pacing, Joss's dialog and character development deserve time to develop. More with the talky bits.

4. More of a personal focus. I know everyone is convinced a 'movie' has to be grand and glorious, but I don't buy it. Lot's of great movies are made about deeply moving, personal stories - stories that don't involve epic battles with evil. You don't see 'em much in big, damn, sci-fi movies, but bucking tradition is what Firefly was all about. And you DID see those kinds of stories in the series. It's part of what made it so cool.

5. Is it too late to get the real Simon back? Maybe Joss had imagined Simon undergoing some personality changing transformations between the end of the series and the movie, but it seemed more than than, especially given the re-telling of River's escape. The Simon of the series was the awkward rich boy, all genteel and out of his element. The movie gave us Simon Bond - 007.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Saturday, April 22, 2006 7:39 PM


Simon did come up with the plan on Aerial. But yeah, i see where your coming from. I guess he kinda would of had little impact in the plot if not for those 00 elements.


Saturday, April 22, 2006 7:41 PM


Whats BDM2

Someday the verse will spit in your soup but at least they gave you soup.
one day
one plan
one mission
one army of browncoats
june 23rd serenity day

-Our mission as browncoats is to make us known.


Sunday, April 23, 2006 12:09 AM


I want to see more interaction amongst the crew, particularly with Mal/Inara (finally doing something about their feelings and getting together), More Simon/Kaylee togetherness (Awwww!!!).

I don't care what anyone else says, I want Wash and Book coming back even if it is in flashbacks, (Come on people! This is Sci Fi, It could happen. lol)

Explanations on backstory on Inara's and Book's characters & and the Blue Sun/Blue Hands Guys.

I want to see what happens next with River and Zoe's characters and see how they deal with the changes in their lives. River's got to know more secrets, and there must be more triggers in her brain to unlock them...

One Day
One Mission
One Army of Browncoats
On June 23, We Aim To Misbehave!
Can't Stop The Signal...
You Can't Take The Sky From Me!






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