On the Way to Persephone #3- Life On Board Serenity

UPDATED: Monday, May 1, 2006 12:29
VIEWED: 22717
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Monday, April 17, 2006 1:54 PM


Location: Cargo Bay

*Pain is sitting on a crate in a far corner, carefully watching the survivors of High Charity, ready to take action should any one of them decide to do anything stupid. He's noticed that 13 is in the cargo bay and watches as Ertia goes over to speak to him. He calmy lights the cigar that he stuck in his pack of smokes as the one named Ari starts yelling at Ertia for shooting at him with a machine gun. Pain calmy strides over to them, his hand on his AK ready to use it if the need arises. He stops by Ertia's side as she finishes calling for the doc and says to both of them while looking at Ari out of the corner of his left eye, blowing out a puff of smoke from his cigar*

Is there a problem here?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, April 17, 2006 2:03 PM


*Fly gets a sniff of cigar that instantly reminds her of....

Jack.....she says as the words break her trance looking at the unknown man. She turns to see Pain with the cigar....she smiles......was a comforting smell after a while, and I guess it will always be..She sees Pain approach Ari......Doc talks to her and tells her to hand him another blanket and she does.....
She goes back to staring at the unknown man wodering who and where he came from.

She, like the rest, wait for the captain to see this.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, April 17, 2006 5:22 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Is there a problem here?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?

*grins at Pain kind of sheepishly as she ducks behind him to use as cover* "Not really a problem, exactly. I think I kinda maybe shot this gentleman."


Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:38 AM



*Simon shrugs as he withdraws a needle from Ari's arm*

go flames go...uuuuuuu........gotttttta...smoke?

Moi Passepartout


Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:57 AM


*Mal rushes in just as Ari quiets.* "Ertia? You stirrin' up muck again?"

*Still hiding behind Pain, she gives Mal what she hopes is a wide-eyed innocent look* "Not me, Captain. I think the problem is over there."

*Mal follows her finger to the man lying on the cargo bay floor, Shepherd Book at his side, and Jayne standing defensively nearby. He takes a good look, and then looks around accusingly, * "Alliance? Where in the black did that come from!? Somebody want to explain this to me?"


Tuesday, April 18, 2006 2:46 PM


*Pain sees Ari relax as the meds Simon injected in him take effect, relaxing his grip on the AK as he says to Simon*

Good timing there doc. If'n you didn't do what you did I would've had to shoot him.

*Simon looks at Pain and says*

Yes I suppose it was.

*Simon heads off to check on the guy from the escape pod*

Originally posted by SameErtia:
*Mal rushes in just as Ari quiets.* "Ertia? You stirrin' up muck again?"

*Pain smirks as he hears Mal's comment to Ertia, who was still hiding behind him for some reason*

*Still hiding behind Pain, she gives Mal what she hopes is a wide-eyed innocent look* "Not me, Captain. I think the problem is over there."

*Mal follows her finger to the man lying on the cargo bay floor, Shepherd Book at his side, and Jayne standing defensively nearby. He takes a good look, and then looks around accusingly, * "Alliance? Where in the black did that come from!? Somebody want to explain this to me?"

*Pain steps away from Ertia and says to her while smiling*

I'll let you tell him.

*Pain then walks over to where Fly is, calmly smoking his cigar as he repositions his AK*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:56 AM


*Mal breaks her trance this time*

Sir, he is the one we rescued from the pod. Book doesn't think he is Alliance though

Doc: I believe there is nothing more I can do here for him. I need to get him to the infirmary to do some more testing, he needs oxygen and I need to check for internal injuries. The others have been taken care of. They can rest here for the time being.

*Doc motions to Pain to help carry him the unknown man to the infirmary. Pain hands Fly the AK and then*

Pain: Here preacher. You might also be interested in this. He hands the preacher a book, THE ART OF WAR by Sun-tzu.
Book: What is this son?
Pain: Haven't looked at it yet. Found it in the pod. Looked interesting.
Book: Hmmm

*Pain proceeds to help Simon*

Fly: What is it preacher? *He shows here the book* I remember this book......It's a way of life. *She takes the book from Shepherd* It's a book to teach discipline and you apply these concepts to your everyday life. Interesting...You mind? I'd like to look at this.

Book: No, I don't mind.

Mal: Ok, then Doc. You do what you have to do, but handcuff this one. I don't care how, to the table if you have to....I don't want this guy loose on my ship until we know his story. Ertia,,,can you give me an update on who is who here? *He motions to an unconscious Ari and the rest*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 8:20 AM


*Pain helps Simon carry the unconcious man in the Alliance uniform to the infirmary and sets him down in the exam chair. Pain says to the doc as Simon starts checking the man's vitals*

Is there anything you need me to do doc?

*Simon says while looking over the guy*

Um yeah you can put out that cigar and try not to get in the way.

*Pain almost forgetd that he's still smoking the cigar, takes it out and carefully snuffs it out on a counter, wiping off the ashes on the counter so that the doc wouldn't get mad at him and says to Simon*

Well if'n you need me I'll be sitting outside on the couch.

*Simon is too busy with the guy from the escape pod to respond to Pain as Pain steps out of the infirmary and sits down on the couch outside, calmly relighting his cigar as he puts his feet up on the coffee table, noting that the doc is probably still pissed at him for looking at his girl*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 9:56 AM


*Ertia sighs and faces Mal.* "We've got six survivors from High Charity, and one not-so-survived. I'm afraid this one..."

*She glances down at Ari, who's beaming back with a morphine induced smile on his face, humming something under his breath.*
"He kinda took some friendly fire, but it's not too bad. Doc patched him up."

"Freindly fire." Mal repeats, just lookin' at her in that "you are seriously tellin' me you shot him" look. It's getting earily familiar.

"Uh huh!" Ertia tries perky. Sometimes Perky works on Mal.

"Well, get them all into passenger dorms." Didn't seem to work so good. "Double 'em up if you have to."

"Yes, sir." *Ertia goes about trying to find rooms for the new passengers, hoping they actually willl make it to Persephone this time.*


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 10:49 AM


*after clearing up some business with Deep-Water RIkun (first mate of High Charity, 13 returns to his bunk, hoisting his legless body into bed*

(nothing you do will matter to them. they don't even register your feelings they joke, laugh...)

Meanwhile, near Ari's doped self...

*Fly discovers a smudged letter with the initials W.L.G on the seal*

What is this..*curiousity gets the better of her..*

(you guys take the letter from here. I got nothing)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 3:12 PM



*Fly discovers a smudged letter with the initials W.L.G on the seal*

"What is this".
*curiousity gets the better of her. She knows those initials right off the top of her head. Wonders what this could be....She takes the envelope and tucks it in the back pocket of her pants. Since things are calm here, she decides to go to the galley and see if she can find a quick bite to eat. She changes course and instead heads to the infirmary first, to see how the "unknown" is doing.
She sees pain sitting on the couch....
"Hey" she says to him and walks over to the window....Looking through the window she stares at the "unknown", Doc seems to be doing his thing, says to Pain,
"He locked up"
She notices all the wires coming from the "unknowns" body....Pain doesn't seem to hear her at first. He has his head resting on the back of the couch, and feet up on the table...As she turns and starts to walk over to him, says again,
"He locked up".
She climbs over his legs and sits on the couch next to him resting her head on the back of the couch too and her hands folded across her stomach. They both look extreamly tired. Pain finally answers...

Pain: No, not yet, he doesn't seem to pose a threat in his current condition.

Fly: I know, but the captian said....

Pain: I know, I know....*he interrupts her...Fly reaches into her vest and lazily hands Pain a pair of handcuffs....

*Not taking her head off the back of the couch turns to him and says*
When you're done locking him up, wanna head to the galley to see what we can eat....Oh,,,,and I also found another bottle of Meade.....Lemme go get it and I'll meet you there?
*She gets up real tired like and heads out the door......Pain taking notice of the envelope in her back pocket..

Pain: Sure Fly

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 4:46 PM


*Pain watches Fly leave and wonders to himself what's in that envelope that Fly has as he gets up from the couch, walking into the infirmary swinging the handcuffs on his finger thinking to himself*

I wonder where Fly got these and why does she have them?

*Pain walks over to the unconcious man and handcuffs an arm to the chair just as Simon sees him do that and says to Pain*

Wha..What are you doing to my patient? Why are you handcuffing an unconcious man to my exam chair?

*Pain turns to the doctor and says with a smile*

Captain's orders. Mal doesn't want him waking up and going ape sh*t and killing anyone dong ma?

*Pain does a 180 degree turn before Simon has a chance to reply and heads up the stairs to the galley thinking*

A few glasses of meade should help me unwind after this day's hectic events.

*Pain enters the galley and sees Fly securing a bottle of meade and some glasses, he sits down at the table, putting his feet up on it as always and say to Fly who still has her back turned to her*

You know Fly a couple glasses of that stuff should help unwind some of the stress we've had to deal with today.

*Fly turns around walking over to the table and setting down the bottle of meade and the glasses, she smiles at Pain and says*

Yeah I was thinking along those same lines. Help yourself with some of the meade while I go scrounge up something for us to eat. I'm pretty sure you're hungry.

*Pain smiles and says*

Yeah I am getting a mite hungry and thanks for the meade as always.

*Fly smiles back at Pain, turns around and heads to the pantry, stops and says*

Don't forget to pour me a glass will you?

*Pain says as Fly resumes her way to the pantry*

Sure thing Fly.

*Pain takes his feet off the table, grabs the bottle and glasses, opens the bottle and pours some meade into the glasses, smiling as he takes a sip of meade and thinks to himself*

Good ol' Fly always finding a bottle of booze and gettin' me drunk. I think she does that on purpose cause she likes puttin' me to sleep.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 6:39 PM


Ertia comes into the galley to find Pain and Fly sharing a bottle of that yellow honey-stuff. "That stuff gives me the worst hang-overs! too sweet."

"Uh huh." Pain swigs the rest of his glass. "More for me."

"We've got six extra bodies on board and about half the food for 'em." She sighs as she starts putting together chow. "Looks like.. looks like potatos and protien. Not much else."

Fly refills both her and Pain's glasses. "Well, then, taters and protien it'll have to be."

"Yay. Dinner of champions."

"And breakfast." Wash says mournfully as he makes his way back through to the bridge. "We're still days from Persephone."

The others watch him go, silence growing.

Ertia drops down at the table across from Pain. "Ah, hell. Pour me a glass of that."


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 8:30 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
Ertia drops down at the table across from Pain. "Ah, hell. Pour me a glass of that."

*Pain gets up, looks at Ertia, smiles and says*

Sure thing Ertia.

*Pain walks over to the pantry, takes out a glass and walks back to the table. He takes the bottle of meade, pours some of it in the glass and hands it back to Ertia who takes the glass and says*

Thanks Pain.

*Pain replies as he sits back down next to Fly, taking the bottle and refilling his own glass*

You're more than welcome Ertia.

*Pain sets the bottle of meade back down on the table, looks at the two women, raises his glass and says*

Here's to a hopeful few days of nothing bad happening.

*The women raise their glasses as they all say*

Hear! Hear!

*All three take a long swig of meade and place their glasses back on the table as they let the alcohol course through their bodies*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 20, 2006 1:57 AM


*She puts the glass to her lips and as she drinks she can feel the effects almost immeidately because of lack of food. She downs the first glass. Puts the glass on the table.*

Erita: You beeter go slow there Fly
Fly: Yea, sure.....fill 'er up please

*Ertia fills her glass this time. She takes the letter out of her back pocket and sets it on the table and just looks at it. By this time her toes are tingling from the Meade*

Fly: Oh, that Meade sure does taste fine doesn't it.

*She leans back in her chair*

Fly: Well I guess I do need some food

*She gets up feeling the effects of the first shot*

Fly: So Ertia,,,,potatoes and protein, don't get any better than that....

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:05 AM


*Pain sets down his third glass meade, looks at the letter on the table, and gets up out of his chair carefully and says to Ertia and Fly*

Well I'm gonna go to my bunk and take off some of these weapons if'n you two don't mind.

*Pain stops at Fly's chair and grab his AK that's hanging from it and heads to his bunk, he opens the hatch and climbs down the ladder and into his bunk. He walks over to the table in his room which still has the Ruger on it and unslings his SMGs, his AK, and the bandolier of grenades and sets them down on the table hoping that he won't have to use them anymore today. Pain walks over to the ladder, climbs up it and into the hallway, closes the hatch and walks back into the galley.*

*Pain sits back down and eyes the letter. He looks at Ertia who looks a tad on the drunk side, chuckles and says to himself*

That girl just can't hold her liquor.

*Pain pours himself another glass of meade and eyes the letter some more wondering if he should open it or let Fly have that honor as he takes a sip of meade*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:18 AM


Ertia wobbles a little as a gets up and heads into the kitchen. For some reason, that's funny, and she starts laughing as she breaks open a protien pack and pulls a heap of potatos out of the bin.

"Knife. Need knife." She pauses, looks at the potatoes and protien and the frying pan. "Need another drink, too."

"Uh, Ertia, you had enough, maybe?" Pain suggests as she wobbles back to the table and tips more of the golden wonder into her glass.

"Nopes. Not even started yet!"

Soon enough the smells of fried potato and protien hash drifts through the ship, tangy with rosemary and thyme, and sweetened just a tad with all the meade Ertia accidently spills in the frying pan.

"Ooopsie. Made a mess!" For some reason that's pretty funny, too, even as Ertia finds herself sprawled across the counter, laconically stirring the fry. "Heya, Pain, yer kinda cute when yer drunk."

"Yah. Uh, Fly? You sober enough to help her with that?"

Fly is staring at the letter in her hand, and looks up with a puzzled frown, "Huh?"


Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:42 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
"Yah. Uh, Fly? You sober enough to help her with that?"

Fly is staring at the letter in her hand, and looks up with a puzzled frown, "Huh?"

*Pain shakes his head at Fly and says to her*

Never mind. I'll go help Ertia with the food.

*Pain walks over to Ertia, concentrating on walking straight and doing a somewhat decent job of it as he steps to Ertia's side and says*

Perhaps I should help you with that seeing how you're a tad on the drunken side.

*Ertia turns to him drunkenly smiling and says*

I's not drunk Painy reallys I's not.

*Ertia starts to laugh uncontrolably as Pain leads her back to her chair as he says to her*

Uh huh sure you're not. And since when am I only cute to women when they're drunk? Seriously come on.

*Pain walks back to the counter to continue Ertia's cooking and thinks to himself*

I am way more cuter than Jayne on any given day.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 20, 2006 7:27 AM


Ertia leans across the table and shakes Fly's arm. "Psssst... I thinks Pain's drunk..."


Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:44 AM


*Pain hears the ladies laughing as he turns off the stove and goes to the pantry to get some plates. Pain takes out three plates and sets them down on the counter, taking one, scooping some of the hash into it, and putting it on the table until all the plates are on the table with steaming hot food on them. Pain then walks over to the pantry and takes out the ketchup substitute as well as the necessary condiments and puts them on the table as he says to the ladies*

Chow time folks.

*Pain sits down, looks at Fly and Ertia and says to them as he's about to dig in*

What's so funny?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:53 AM


"Yer cute when you're drunk." Ertia repeats, and somehow, this is even funnier. It becomes less funny when she doesn't have the co-ordination to pick up potato with chopsticks.

"Hey, y'all are eatin' without me?" Jayne sticks his head in, followed closely Zoe.

Ertia attempts another pick-up effort, only to have a slice of protien sproing out of her chopsticks.

"More on the stove." Pain grunts with his mouthful.

Ertia's brow furrows in concentration. It's just a dang potato! How hard can it be?

Zoe scoops up two bowls, one for herself and one for Wash and heads for the bridge. "You three better not be too drunk to help clean up the cargo bay later."

"I's not trunks. Pains is." Ertia slurs, giving up on table manners and fiercely spearing a helpless piece of potato on the end of her chopstick. "He's cutes that way."


Thursday, April 20, 2006 1:36 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
"I's not trunks. Pains is." Ertia slurs, giving up on table manners and fiercely spearing a helpless piece of potato on the end of her chopstick. "He's cutes that way."

*Pain says to an obviously drunk Ertia*

What? I'm not drunk I'm just a lil' buzzed and besides I'm not the one having problems with their chopsticks. Course I ain't gonna argue with your "cute" statement about me.

*Pain smiles at Ertia as he takes a sip of his meade and almost chokes on it as Ertia falls off her chair she says giggling while still on the floor*

I's fine really I's is.

*Jayne laughs as he eats his food while Pain helps Ertia sit back down in her chair. Ertia drunkenly pokes Pain in the chest as she laughs and says*

You's funnys Painses.

*Pain smiles and says*

Yeah I'm a regular comedian now I really think you should lay off the booze now.

*Jayne chimes in*

Aww come on now she's jus' startin' to make life interestin'.

*Pain looks at Jayne and says*

Yeah well just be glad that there ain't no automatic weapons laying around here or she would make life a bit more interestin'.

*Jayne snorts as Ertia starts laughing at nothing in particular*

*Pain sits back down next to Fly who's starting to become a lil' like Ertia and says to her smiling*

Well this just might be a first. If'n you pass out before I do I just might have to put you to sleep this time.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:34 PM


Somehow, Ertia's managed to actually eat the food on her plate, and leans on the table, slowly reaching for the bottle that Pain and Jayne keep moving just out of her grasp.

She has a bad feeling they could keep this up all evening. Then she notices the letter in front of Fly. "Heya! What's that! Did we get post?"

"Yah! We got post in the middle of a gorram firefight on a dead-ass moon in the middle of the gorram verse!" Jayne mocks her, "You really are drunk!"

"Gimme! Who's it for?" She snags the letter before Fly can grab it. She reads aloud from the envelope. "Wulg."

"Huh?" Jayne growls,"What is that? Russian?"

"I found it in the cargo bay." Fly reaches for the bottle and Jayne hands it to her. "Something familiar.. like I should know..."

"Wulg? How the hell can ya know what a wulg is?" Jayne asks, his usual confusion on his face.

"W. L. G." Pain anunciates for him. "Initials. Any of the Charity crew with those initials?"

Fly shrugs as she takes the envelope back before Ertia drools on it or something. "I dunno. Should we open it? I mean, what if it's personal?"

help! Does anybody have a plan for this thing?


Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:12 PM


Out of Character: I believe Fly was going to do something with the letter at least that's what she said to me anyways. On a side note you're a funny drunk. Keep it up.

*Pain says to Fly as Ertia somehow manages to snatch away the bottle of meade from Jayne and him*

I don't know. You're the one who found it. I think you should read it if'n you want to.

*Pain takes a sip of of his meade, gets up and takes the bottle away from Ertia as she drunkenly smiles and sticks her tongue at him. He offers the bottle to Jayne who takes it, pours some into his glass and hands Pain back the bottle. Pain takes the bottle, looks at how much is left and sits back down still holding the bottle. He pours the remains of the bottle into his glass, looks at Fly and says*

So have you decided on what you're gonna do with that there letter?

*Fly looks up at Pain then at Jayne and Ertia, who's way past plastered and says*

I still dunno give me a few moments to think it over.

*Fly takes a sip of her meade as she ponders what to do*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:30 PM


Ertia snags the empty bottle and stares into it with one eye pressed to the opening.

"Iss empty! You drunked it all!"

"Well, yer drunked enough for all four of us." Jayne belches loudly as Ertia tries holding the bottle upside down to get the last drops out.

Finally she sighs and lets it roll out of her hands. "Y'all are no fun at all!"

"Hey, we let you shoot us today! What do want?" Pain grumps.

Ertia thinks he's even cuter drunk and grumpy, but she doesn't say it. Instead she sprawls over three chairs and hangs her head backwards so she can see their knees under the table. "Want more meades."


Friday, April 21, 2006 4:02 AM


*She gets the letter back and says*

W.L.G. Stands for Wesley Lu Greham.....That is the person who created 13....When XIII took 13's body and shuttle,,,,he brought 13 to him....he is his creator....I .....I.. think I'm feeling too liquored up to open it now.....I'll save it for later...

*She puts it back in her back pocket. She puts her hands on the table and rests her head on them.....*

Fly: Anyone else as tired as I am.....
Pain: Yea, but I really think you should put some food in that stomach of yours before you get sick.....

*He fixes a plate for her and slides it her way. She plays with the food a bit and takes a bite*

Pain: There, better? *Fly just grumbles. She pushes her food out of the way and lays her head on the table again.....*

Fly: I think I should try to find my way to my bunk.....*She closes her eyes. Hears Ertia and Jayne speaking in the background and that is the last thing she remembers*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, April 21, 2006 5:41 AM


Ertia sits back up, notices Fly slumped on the table. With a point of her finger that nearly takes out Pain's eye, she slurs, "That woman cants hold her liquer."

"Neither can you." Pain laughs at her as she frowns at him.

"Can too." After a puzzled look around, she starts thinking. "Where is everybody? JRC, Bot-boy?"

"Ya know, you really should stop callin' him that." Pain admonishes. "He's helped us out."

"Yah!" Jayne disagrees, "He helped us out into a whole heap o' trouble! We aughta thank him for the favor. Hold him a parade like he's some kinda hero!"

"Still, we should have a little respect. Who knows how much of 13 is still in there." Pain gives his best 'be nice or I'll hurt you' glare.

Unfortunately, it sends Ertia into another fit of giggles. "Cute when yer grumpy!"

"If that letters gotta do with the man who made him, maybe we aughta look?" Jayne suggests, eyeing Fly's unconscious form.

They don't get the chance to make the decision. Mal strides in and goes straight to the stove to fill his plate. As he comes back to the table he eyes his rather relaxed crew, "Y'all get that cargo bay cleaned yet?"

"Right on its, Capn!" Ertia jumps up. She means to go straight to the cargo bay- until she trips over her own boot and falls flat on her face at Mal's feet. "Oopsie. HI, Capn!"

She rolls over to look up at his disgruntled expression, "Yer cute when yer grumpy, too!"

"Ertia? You been drinkin'?"

"No, sirree! I jest...fell down. Yup. Thas all!"

From the amused grin on his face, Pain isn't gonna bail her out this time.


Friday, April 21, 2006 9:31 AM


*Mal looks over at Fly and then at Pain and says*

Is Fly passed out? Cause she looks passed out to me.

*Pain gets up from his chair, he's starting to feel the effects of the alcohol and says*

Yes sir she is. I'll go take her to her bunk so's that she can rest it off then I'll come back here and help Jayne with Ertia, then I'll go help with the clean up of the cargo bay.

*Mal says still looking at the drunk Ertia*

See that you do. Can't be having none of my muscle passed out drunk when we have some unruly folk in our cargo bay.

*Ertia, still on the floor says*

You's still cutes Pains and you's too Cappy Tightspants.

*Ertia laughs as Pain walks over to Fly, helps her up, puts her left arm over his right shoulder while he wraps his right arm around her waist and proceeds to help Fly to her bunk. He's able to get Fly awake enough to slowly walk her to her bunk, Pain opens the hatch and helps Fly down the ladder. He then carefully lays Fly onto her bed and unlaces her boots, taking them off one by one. He sets her boots down at the foot of her bed, walks over to her and places a kiss on her forehead and says*

You go to sleep now. I'll take care of your cargo bay duties.

*Pain is about to leave when Fly grabs one of his arms, looks at him with blurry eyes, smiles and says*

Thank you for helping me to my bunk. Guess I finally passed out before you....

*Fly falls asleep as she lets go of Pain's arm as Pain smiles and heads up the ladder, he stops halfway and says*

You're welcome Fly you always are.

*Pain resumes climbing out of Fly's bunk, closes the hatch and heads back to the galley to help Jayne with Ertia*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, April 21, 2006 5:06 PM


Mal looks down at Ertia. "You gonna stay down there?"

"Uh huh. Comfy." She doesn't get the chance to get settled before Jayne yanks her to her feet and throws her over his shoulder. "OUCH!"

"Quit yer bitchin'." Jayne grumbles. "You know, yer more trouble than your worth. Aughta put ya out the airlock instead in yer bunk."

"Kaylee's bunk." Ertia corrects him, vaguelly remembering that she had to give up her room to one of the newcomers. "Gotta go to Kaylee's. There's a man in my room. OOhhh...maybe we should go to my room! And I'm not sleepy!"

"I'm thinkin' you better be gettin' sleepy." Mal grumbles as Jayne forgets that the doorframe is a little low for the body slung over his shoulder and rams Ertia's back into it.

"OUCH! Capn! SAVE MEeeeeeeeee!"

Mal doesn't look up from his chow. "Night, Ertia."


Friday, April 21, 2006 7:06 PM


The hours are dragging by. JRC has been confined to his bunk by the Doc and the Captain, with two more stitches in his leg plus the Medi-Foam accelerating the healing of the wound. "That foamy stuff does purty well, don't it? Yea, but in the meantime, I'm stuck DOWN HERE, while all the other folk are UP THERE eatin' and drinkin' without me, gorram it. Couldn't partake of the spirits anyway, with these damn pills in my gullet. Gorram Doc. Guess I'll just clean my guns..........AGAIN."

Everyone dies alone.


Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:26 AM


*13 finally drags himself out of his bunk, and wheels (jesus I HATE that f&*king word!!) himself into the galley*

Where'd everybody go?

*He then sees the empty bottles...*

Oh...wish I could get drunk..

*To test this theory, he nabs a three-quarters empty (pessimist..cough.) bottle and takes a swig, almost immediately spitting it out*

Fried my sensors...*continues to look for someone to talk to*

I think a little chaos is in order.


Saturday, April 22, 2006 7:24 AM


*Pain almost runs into Jayne carrying a very drunk Ertia over his shoulder. Pain moves out of the way as Jayne opens the hatch to Kaylee's bunk. Ertia looks up, sees Pain and with a drunken smile she says to an unhappy Jayne*

Oohhs takes mes to Pains's room insteads.

*Jayne's response is muffled as the two of the enter the bunk. Pain decides to head off to the cargo bay and try to do some clean up before all the alcohol he drank takes effect. He heads to the stairs leading to the cargo bay as his vision starts to go blurry. He thinks he sees 13 in the galley but shrugs it off. Pain is almost to the stairs as the alcohol rushing through his bloodstream takes its toll. The last thing Pain remembers before passing out at the top of the stairs is Ertia's drunken plea to Jayne to take her to Pain's bunk.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, April 22, 2006 8:31 AM


oops. reckon we're all in trouble...

Ertia wakes with a start as a shooting pain travels up her shoulder. "OUCH! WHAT THE!!!!"

Opening her eyes, she sees the smiling face of Dr. Tam. She realizes she feels like she NEEDS a doctor. "oooooooooff."

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" Why do doctors gotta be so cheerful when they're telling you you're about to die?

"I'm dying." Ertia groans, covering her aching head and her bloodshot eyes.

"Nope. Just feeling the affects of trying to outdrink Pain and Fly." Simon reassures, none to reassuringly. "Captain's looking for you, and Kaylee said you needed a pick-me-up."

"What did you give me?" She's actually feeling better already.

"Endorphins, painkillers, A and B vitamins, and a nausea supressant. Works wonders for med-school students after final exams, too." Simon stands up heads for the ladder.

"Captains looking for me?" Ertia's brow creases in concern as she realizes she's on her make-shift mattress on the floor of Kaylee's bunk and doesn't remember how she got there. Piece by piece memories come back. "Oh, sweet Buddha, did I really fall on his feet and call him Cappy Tightspants?"

Simon's smile is as close to wicked as it ever gets. "That IS the rumor, yes."

With a groan, Ertia pushes to her feet and splashes some water on her face and over her hair. Best to face the Captain like a.. like a.. a umm.. well, best to just face him and get it over with.


Saturday, April 22, 2006 10:52 AM


Location: Infirmary

*Pain wakes up in the infirmary with a sharp pain in his head. He reaches for his forehead and touches what seems to be a bandage on his head. He notices he's slumped in a chair in the corner and looks to see the occupant from the pod is stiil in the exam chair unconcious. The doctor notices Pain is awake and says*

Hello Pain. Have a good sleep?

*Pain blinks his eyes, looks at the doc and says*

Wha....? How'd I get here?

*Simon says to Pain*

Zoe and Wash found you passed out near the stairs to the cargo bay. They brought you here and waited for me to get here and then they left.

*Pain blinks and says*

I reckon it was Zoe who did most of the carryin'.

*Simon nods as he injects Pain with a cocktail of meds. Pain only grunts as the doc takes the needle out and says to Simon*

What did you just give me?

*Simon replies*

Just something to help with your hangover and to dull the pain of that gash on your head.

*Pain nods and gets up, feeling somewhat better already he points to the man in the exam chair and says*

How's he doing doc? Is he ever going wake up soon?

*Simon says to Pain*

He's doing fine. His vitals are good. He should be awake in a matter of a day or two. Why do you ask?

*Pain looks at the doc and says*

No reason at all just askin'. Well I guess I better go help clean the cargo bay now thanks for patchin' up my hurt doc I appreciate it.

*Before Simon can tell Pain that he needs to see the Captain, Pain heads out of the infirmary and into the cargo bay to help the other crew members with the cleaning.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, April 22, 2006 11:49 AM


Oops! Pain had to be carried to bed, too! Now I don't feel so bad. sorry, 'kinda long expo here.

Ertia climbs out into the passage and heads for the bridge.

Zoe passes her. "Captain wants you."

"Yeah. Thanks." She makes it another three feet when Shepherd Book pokes his head in from the stairway.

"There you are. The Captain is looking for you." Wow, even the Shepherd looks disapproving!

"Thanks." Ertia gets half-way through the galley where 13 is is sitting with a pair of pliers adjusting something in his wrist.

"I think the Captain was looking for you."

"YAH! GOT IT!" Ertia finally snaps.

He looks at her for a long moment through non-human eyes and finally says, "Don't shoot the messenger."

Remembering what Pain said the night before, about not knowing how much of 13 the man was still inside the robot, she apologies, "Sorry. Just... Yah, sorry."

Tentatively she steps up into the bridge. "You wanted to see me?"

"Shut the door and sit down." Mal flips on the auto-pilot and stands up.

"Sir?" She slumps into the co-pilot chair.

"Now, I ain't gonna mince words. I can't be havin a crew that goes getting smashed after every little firefight."

She can't even meet his eye, "Sir, I..."

"It's one thing getting a little wrecked once in a while, but you are makin' a habit of it. I needed my ship ship-shape, and I got a crew dead-drunk and useless!"

"Sir, I'm sorry, I'm..." She pauses, waiting for him to interrupt, then continues, her shame bubbling out of her. "I just... I told you, I'm no good in battle. I crack. I can't... I'm not... I'm not good at killin' folks."

Mal's expression softens a tad, "You killed 18 men yesterday, mei mei. Don't tell me yer no good at it."

"Eighteen?" The number staggers her. She took eighteen lives? "And how many of them were ours?"

"None. You maybe shot Arizona, but I think he just got in crossfire. No tellin' for sure if the lead came from you."

"But I freeze up! I can't function! I'm..." Tears well in her eyes, but she doesn't dare wipe them away. "I get in a melee situation and I panic, just start pullin' the trigger!"

"Exactly." Now Mal is staring straight at her. "I put you where I need a melee situation and you always come through. We get in outnumbered in an ugly way, I know I can drop you down there with a repeater and see our body count triple."

"You... you did that on purpose?" Ertia stares at him.

"Well, not exactly purposeful. Didn't mean for you to get pinned down behind that tire. Thought you had more charge left on your little zoom-gun."

Mal shakes his head as he sits back down. "Point is, everyone on this crew has their strengths. And out here on the Rim we gotta make every single thing count. You done good yesterday. Until you came back and got liquered up."

She's embarrassed and unsure whether to be angry or not. "I am sorry about that, sir."

"Your gonna be alot sorrier." Mal holds up his hand and starts ticking off points,
"I want that cargo bay cleaned, scrubbed and polished.
-Then I want the exhaust ducts cleaned. Kaylee can show you how.
-After that, you personally attend to our guests; laundry, cooking, room cleaning, anything they need.
-When that's done, then you get started re-working those labels for the cargo we're pickin' up on Persephone. I hired you to forge stuff, not for your ability to shoot people."

"Yes, sir." Ertia tries to think of something else to say.

"Well, get to it." Mal turns back to the helm. "You see Fly or Pain, you tell 'em get their baboon-faces up here, pronto."

"Yes, sir." Ertia heads for the door.

"And Ertia?"

"Yes sir?"

"You ever call me cappy tightspants again, yer on septic vac duty for a month, dong ma?"

"Uh, yes, sir." She runs off of the Bridge before he comes up with anything else.


Saturday, April 22, 2006 2:56 PM


Location: Cargo Bay

*Pain is mopping up a spot on the cargo bay floor when he sees Ertia run into the cargo bay with an "I just had my a$$ handed to me by the Captain" look on her face. She sees him and says to Pain*

The Captain's lookin' for you an' Fly. He ain't to happy neither cause he just unloaded a heap of chores on me.

*She looks at the bandage on Pain's forehead and says*

What happened to you?

*Pain hands her the mop and says*

Oh nothin' really just passed out is all and hit my head, nothin' to worry about. So I guess I'll have to go see the Captain huh?

*Ertia looks at him with a worried look on her face and nods. Pain says*

Well guess you should start those chores then. I'll go get Fly and we'll go face the Captain together.

*Pain puts a hand on Ertia's shoulder, smiles and says*

Don't worry me an' Fly will be fine.

*Pain turns around and heads out of the cargo bay to Fly's bunk as Ertia says to noone in particular while resuming Pain's mopping*

I'm not so sure 'bout that.

EDITED TO ADD: OoC: I think I'll let Fly handle hers and Pain's punishment.
WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, April 22, 2006 3:24 PM


Ertia watches Pain go. She's pretty sure Mal won't try to put him out the airlock. Well... kinda sure.


With a sigh, she picks up a bucket and scrub brush and starts near the airlock, working her way across the cargo bay. It's gonna be a long ride to Persephone.

"Need help?" Ari wanders in and leans against the wall. "After all, I think some of that blood's mine."

Ertia shakes her head. "Thanks but nopers. Not interested in lettin' the Captain think I'm pawning off my chores. Doc get those stitches fixed up?"

Ari nods. "Almost like new. You guys got a good doc. How'd you come by him, anyhow?"

A prickle of suspicion runs up Ertia's spine, but she smiles. "Just lucky, I guess."


Sunday, April 23, 2006 11:50 AM


She gets up after a long sleep and sits at the edge of her bed….She realizes she still had the letter in her back pocket. She retrieves the letter and holds it in her hands. The seal unbroken…..She holds it up against her light to see if she may be able to see any lettering inside….she can’t…holds it in her right hand and taps it on her left…….She finally says…..

Oh, well and breaks the seal…….

She opens the letter and….wait, what is this….it’s not a letter at all. She can’t make it out…..looks like lines on top of lines…..some lettering she can’t figure out….she looks at it close…..puts it up to the light again….nothing…looks like lettering all around the edges…..can’t see…..She stares at the letter just shapes and lines…..She puts it on her bed and stares at it and begins to day dream….her eyes feel heavy,,,she,,,she,,sees,,,,something,,,,,,,Tap, tap, tap,,,,,,,the sound of someone tapping on her door breaks her daydream…..

Fly: Yea,,,,,*did I just see*
Pain: Can I come in?
Fly: Yea *Pain enters her bunk*
Pain: Hey, ah,,,,the *Fly breaks into his conversation*
Fly: What happened to you? *Her fingers trace the outside of the bandage he was sporting on his head* Does it hurt?
Pain: *Flinches a little* No, I uh,,,well, after I put you to bed,,,,I uh,,,,well…….Um, the captain wants to see us pronto…..We best get going….Ertia just got her butt reamed by him…….he ain’t too happy this morn *he notices the paper on the bed….He walks over to pick,,,,,Fly snatches it first before he could pick it up….
Pain: Whats that?
Fly: Uh,,,,I don’t know actually. This is what I’ve been carrying around for two days…..this was what we thought was a letter. But I could have sworn, I, uh, saw……Never mind,,,,,,we should see the captain. Puts’ the cryptic paper in her back pocket once again.

He and her walk out and head to the bridge……Upon reaching the bridge the captain doesn’t even turn around and says, “Pain, Fly, have a seat”.
Mal: I gather you two know I’ve spoken to Ertia…..did she inform you of her duties?
Fly: We....*Pain quickly interrupts her*
Pain: Yes captain she did *Fly looks at him like good save. She doesn’t know what has transpired at all.*
Mal: Well I want you two to know that I can’t have you guys passing out drunk like you did last night…..Totally uncalled for,,,,,especially when we have a boat full of unknowns here…..What would happen if I needed you two at a moments notice?
Fly: You are right sir, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again
Pain: Yea, what she said
Mal: Well I’m gonna teach you two a hard lesson,,,,You know I’ve given Ertia a boat load of chores… I want you to report to HER for your chore duties……You both do exactly what she tells you and needs……Dong Ma?
They both reply Dong Ma?

Fly and Pain walk out from the bridge…..she grabs his arm……
Fly: We, we have to report to Ertia….does she know this?
Pain: Uh, no, but wait until she does,,,,,,she is gonna have a field day with this AND us.
Fly: Yea,,,,,boy do I know that

They make their way to the Cargo Bay to tell Ertia,,,,

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, April 23, 2006 12:51 PM


*Ari catches up to 13 before he retreats back into his bunk*

Ari: Where are you going?
13: Bunk. Need some sleep.
Ari: We both know you don't sleep. We've got seven of the remaining crew sleeping in the cargo bay, with no clue where to go or who to follow. They need you to kinda..give em a push in the right direction.
13: Since XIII died, Deep-Water is Captain. Let him tell them what to do.
Ari: Say's he won't do it. Says something bout leaving once we dock.
13: You can't captain a ship that doesn't exist, Ari.
*Deep-Water enters the hallway, a look of bad news*
DW: Charity isn't dead, 13. Got a call from Lance...he's still flying. Monid though...You have to do something.
13: Fine. *He pushes past the two High Charity'ers into his bunk, slamming the door closed.
Ari: Well, that went well. I'm gonna see what that Ertia's up to..don't exactly trust her in that state...
DW: If 13 isn't going to accept leadership, then Charity is truly done for.

(OoC: So much has happened since last post. Namely, Mammoth. How was it, by the way? Didn't catch it. Watcha think of my fanfic?)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Monday, April 24, 2006 5:41 AM


*Pain and Fly reach the cargo bay and spot Ertia, they walk over to her with the same "we got our a$$es handed to us" look that Ertia gave Pain. Ertia says to them*

So how'd it go with the Cap'n?

*Fly responds*

Not too good I'm afraid you see the Captain sorta made us your slaves.

*Ertia's shocked and says*

What? I don't understand.

*Pain chimes in and says*

Yeah he said that we should help you with your chores and to follow your orders.

*Ertia looks at both of them with a sly smile on her face and says*

Oh really! Well now this will certainly help me get back at you guys for getting me drunk. *Pain and Fly give each other an "uh-oh" look as Ertia continues* Pain I want you to see to the passengers, follow their every word. Fly I want you to help clean the cargo bay. After you two are finished come see me about what to do next.

*Pain and Fly nod and are about to go do their assigned chores when Ari and Deep Water enter the cargo bay*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, April 24, 2006 9:35 AM


*A soft knock comes from 13's bunk, but the door opens without permission. River is clutching a large, heavy burlap sack. She empties it, and a pair of strong, human legs fall out*

Pieced this together with spare parts, and some fleshfoam I stole from your bag. I replaced the old steel joints with a durable elastomer.

They should install/attach with relative ease, and if my estimations are correct, the fauxnerves will be in sync with your transmitter chip, unless you adjust the wavelength.

You'll just need Simon to sew them on and they should connect automatically. *She turns away briskly, and leaves with her head held high*

...Thank you.


I think a little chaos is in order.


Monday, April 24, 2006 9:44 AM


Ertia still feels a guilty about overindulging. After all, it's not like they held the bottle to her lips or anything. But it feels good to have someone to share the load. They may actually get everything done before they reach Persephone!

She's not entirely sure that this isn't some trick by the rest of the crew to make it look like she's shirking duty, but if it is, she means to make the most of it.

She grins happily to herself as Pain heads off to make sure the passenger dorms are clean. He hates laundery worse than she does!

Seeing Ari and Deep Water come, she greets them by waving her scrubbrush. "Heya, Ari, DW, hope you two don't mind if we scrub under your feet?"


Monday, April 24, 2006 10:28 AM


*Pain walks towards the laundry station carrying four duffle bags of laundry, each belonging to a High Charity crew member. Pain mutters to himself*

I ain't no gorram maid. I'll be glad when those ta ma de hun dans are off this ship so's that I won't have to stoop to being so gorram nice to them anymore.

*Pain stops in front of the laundry machine. He opens the washing bin's door, opens up a duffle bag, dumps its contents into the bin, closes the door, presses the wash button and somewhat patiently waits for load of laundry to cycle through the washing/autodry cycle.*

*Pain takes out the pack of smokes, pulls out a cigarette, lights it and mutters to himself, as he puts the three-fourths empty pack back in his shirt pocket*

This is the last gorram time I ever play someone's ruttin' maid and don't get nothin' in return.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, April 24, 2006 12:33 PM


*13 exits his bunk uneasily, feeling the steel beneath his feet. Simon leaves quickly, cleaning his scalpel and feeling slightly afraid*

*13 wanders aimlessly, just enjoying the feel of the new legs. River did an excellent job*

*And as he heads to the cargo bay to address the crew, the ghost of a smile flits across his face..*


CanadianLancer: Signal, gotta send a signal...reception, reaction, reactors fried..
Monid: ,,,,.. (whoops, he's dead..)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Monday, April 24, 2006 12:41 PM


*Ari smiles at the offer to have his feet washed, and peels of his socks melodramatically*

Don't mind if I do...get Pain to give DW a back rub, wontcha?

Moi Passepartout


Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:26 AM


Ertia groans and mutters to herself, "Never drinking again. Never ever ever ever drinking..."


Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:46 AM


*Pain sticks the freshly washed and dryed first load of laundry back into the first duffle bag, opens the second bag, dumps its contents into the machine and pushes the wash/autodry button again. Mutters to himself while puffing out smoke from his cigarette.*

Really hate doin' this. Yep I really hate doin' this.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, April 25, 2006 8:06 AM


*13 is, for some reason, singing to himself..*

I knew if I had my chance, I could make those people dance and maybe they'd be happy, for awhile...

*He passes a limping JRC, who picks up the DOn McLean tune..*

February made me shive, with every paper I'd deliver. Bad news on the doorstep, *he passes Fly, who handles the next lyric..*

I couldn't take one more step! I can't remember if i cried, the day I heard of his widowed bride, but something touched me deep inside, the day..*Ertian, Ari, and DW sing together..*

...the music....died..

I think a little chaos is in order.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006 8:56 AM


"Drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dryyyyyyyyyyyyy," Ertia feels better already as she sings along and scans the freshly scrubbed and polished cargo bay. Nothing like an old song to brighten the dark!

"Come on, Fly, we'd better go see Kaylee about the exhaust ducts." She pauses, looks around puzzled, "What exactly ARE exhaust ducts?"


Tuesday, April 25, 2006 9:18 AM


*Pain hears the sound of people singing and trys to remember what song they're singing as he unloads the second load of laundry into its duffle bag. He finally reconizes it as he puts in the third load, hits the button, smiles and hums to himself but still hating having to do other people's laundry. He flicks his cigarette to the ground, snuffs it out, takes out a new one and lights it, thinking to himself as he hums the old tune*

One more gorram load left. Only one more gorram load of ruttin' laundry left and then I get to see what other excitin' chores Ertia wants me to do next.

EDITED TO ADD: Where in the corner of No and Where are JRC, Radar, RocketJock, and Jonestein?
WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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