Questions about Serenity Day

UPDATED: Monday, April 24, 2006 16:55
VIEWED: 6014
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Sunday, April 23, 2006 10:16 PM


I'm not quite sure what my question is actually... well, what do I do?

I buy Serenity from the Universal website?

I'm assuming that I place the order ON the 23th of June... right?

Is there anything else?

Does it have to be the DVD? can it be PSP, VHS, or HD-DVD?


Well, I asked and a ton of responses came to me during a small time...

For anyone like me who is now deciding "Ya'know I think I actually will take part in the June 23rd/Serenity Day/Re-Unification Day/whatchamahcallit... here's a post that I just read here in this thread...

Serenity Day Fact Sheet

Who we are:
We are a group of fans called Browncoats who got together to organize a day to appreciate what Joss Whedon has given to us in the form of [ “Serenity”], a movie released in September of 2005.

Why we are doing this:
Let’s be honest here. Universal and their related companies and investors made a movie for one reason: to make a profit. They didn’t do it because Browncoats are fuzzy wuzzy or because they felt bad that Mr. Whedon didn’t get to live out his dream of more seasons of Firefly. They did it for the money.

Many of us Browncoats grew tired of sitting on forums and not doing anything to actively promote a movie that we all love. Serenity became known for its use of viral marketing, and continuing that tradition, this is a fan-based extension of that campaign.

We are hoping that a sales spike of Serenity on June 23rd will turn some heads, generate some interest and garner the attention of the companies responsible for a Serenity sequel. We do this with full knowledge that our efforts will not be responsible for a sequel. Rather, we are raising awareness of our wish for a sequel by speaking in a way that the businesses responsible for a sequel would understand: cashy money.

There has been another effort independent of this site going on since January of this year for charity screenings of Serenity. (See below) But not all of us will be able to attend due to different circumstances. Here at this site, we wanted a way for all Browncoats to help.

What we’d like you to do:
If you don’t already have a copy of the DVD or the new HD DVD, please wait until June 23rd to purchase one. You may do so at a local store, or [(internal link) visit this page] to see recommended online stores to make a purchase.

If you decide to purchase from Amazon, there are two specific sites that Browncoats frequent and those sites receive a percentage of sales if you use their links to purchase the DVD. Please see the front pages of and These two use the contributions from Amazon to keep themselves up and running.

If you already own the DVD, purchase one or more anyway and please see the [(link) Donate your DVD] page.

If you’d like to do more:
Purchase a [probably “Serenity Day Tee Shirt”] to help us advertise what we’re doing.

Visit our [(internal link) “Downloads Page”] for avatars, flyers and more to help spread the word.

Add a banner from our [(internal link) “Downloads Page] to your website.

Join the [ “Browncoat Signal Corps”] to help spread the word in different forums. There is a post format there for you to copy and paste if you’re not sure what to say.

Please visit [ “Serenity Now/Equality Now’s” website] to find a screening of Serenity near you. If you are able, that page also has a very nice fact sheet on how to arrange your own screening. We fully support CSTS and their efforts.

Consider purchasing other Universal licensed products. [ “Hot Topic”] has some excellent tee shirts available for purchase. And of course, Amazon and other sites have the novel of the movie for sale.

Spread the word, talk this up anywhere you can, or [ “volunteer to help out”] the Browncoat Army.


Sunday, April 23, 2006 10:25 PM


From what I have figured (that note might be horribly innacurate and even sometimes wrong) you place the order on date. And its up to you what format you want (after all you will be owning the property later, wouldnt be fair if you were forced to buy it in a format you cant use).

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, April 23, 2006 10:25 PM


From what I have figured (that note might be horribly innacurate and even sometimes wrong) you place the order on date. And its up to you what format you want (after all you will be owning the property later, wouldnt be fair if you were forced to buy it in a format you cant use).

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, April 23, 2006 10:25 PM


From what I have figured (that note might be horribly innacurate and even sometimes wrong) you place the order on date. And its up to you what format you want (after all you will be owning the property later, wouldnt be fair if you were forced to buy it in a format you cant use).

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, April 23, 2006 10:25 PM


From what I have figured (that note might be horribly innacurate and even sometimes wrong) you place the order on date. And its up to you what format you want (after all you will be owning the property later, wouldnt be fair if you were forced to buy it in a format you cant use).

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, April 23, 2006 10:25 PM


From what I have figured (that note might be horribly innacurate and even sometimes wrong) you place the order on date. And its up to you what format you want (after all you will be owning the property later, wouldnt be fair if you were forced to buy it in a format you cant use).

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, April 23, 2006 10:25 PM


From what I have figured (that note might be horribly innacurate and even sometimes wrong) you place the order on date. And its up to you what format you want (after all you will be owning the property later, wouldnt be fair if you were forced to buy it in a format you cant use).

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, April 23, 2006 11:14 PM


There'll be an FAQ thread soon. Until then, let me get you in on the evil scheme.

On June 23, we buy as many copies of Serenity as possible, from any source possible. Be it Amazon, the Universal website or the little shop around the corner, if they got it, we buy it. Note that it's mainly SERENITY we're after, not Firefly (Universal/Fox). But nobody's keeping you from buying ANYTHING Serenity and Firefly-related, or going to or even organizing one of the special screenings that are done by the shiny people at Their effort is seperate from ours (and PLEASE make that distinction!), but we're gonna promote and help each other as good as we can. At least that's the plan.

I, for one, am gonna purchase up to five copies of Serenity, including the Australian tin box (Amazon) and the HD-DVD (Universal website). I'm gonna purchase three copies of the German Special Edition and a Firefly DVD box in local stores. (Hm, it just dawned on me that the purchases in shops aren't neccessarily gonna register for Serenity Day itself. We're gonna have to discuss that.)
I'll also order the Visual Companion from Amazon, since I can't find it in any store.
The companion (hehe), Australian Tin Box and HD-DVD are for me, mememe. The other three copies, I give away. One to friends, one to the library, one I'll leave in a bus or something. Every one of those is gonna have a sticker attached which explains where it's coming from, and a link to this site.
The Firefly box, I'll be giving to a friend as a birthday present.
I'll also be donating 50 bucks to Equality Now (through a link from, if that is possible, so they get credit for it. I'll have to check.). This doesn't have a direct impact on the Serenity Day effort since theirs is a seperate and nobler cause, but it's charity, and it's Serenity, and that's a good combo, if y'all ask me.
I'd very much like to visit one of the independant special screenings, but Germany is dry land when it comes to Firefly. I'm working on it, though. Maybe I'll even fly to London for a screening, but I don't know yet.

Yeah, that's a lot of money, but I got 2 months to put it aside.
Apart from that, I'm going to SPREAD THE WORD every chance I get, of course!

That's my plan for and up to Serenity Day. But if you just do any one of the things mentioned above, you've done enough in my book.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 24, 2006 1:36 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
(Hm, it just dawned on me that the purchases in shops aren't neccessarily gonna register for Serenity Day itself. We're gonna have to discuss that.)

How will buying it from the store not register if lots of people are doing it on the same day?

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 24, 2006 1:42 AM


Because I guess they aren't neccessarily gonna order a replacement on the very same day. But if it gets re-stocked automatically, maybe the computer stores the date on the new order for the store, I dunno. We should find out about this.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 24, 2006 2:01 AM


If you buy from a major retailer (ie. Best Buy, Circuit City, Wal Mart) the sale would register on the day it is made. These retaielrs operate on an sku based computer inventory system that tracks each product on hand, in transit and in warehouse.

Shopping at "Mom and Pop's Movie Store" likely won't be registered, however, since they likely wouldn't have such sophisticated inventory systems.


Monday, April 24, 2006 2:04 AM


That's a really good point. I would urge people to all buy from either amazon or universal, focus our impact in one place. Obviously it wouldn't be a requirement, but it'd help.

Are we going to do a letter campaign, all postmarked for S-day?


Originally posted by Agatsu:
Because I guess they aren't neccessarily gonna order a replacement on the very same day. But if it gets re-stocked automatically, maybe the computer stores the date on the new order for the store, I dunno. We should find out about this.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, April 24, 2006 2:04 AM


That's a really good point. I would urge people to all buy from either amazon or universal, focus our impact in one place. Obviously it wouldn't be a requirement, but it'd help.

Are we going to do a letter campaign, all postmarked for S-day?


Originally posted by Agatsu:
Because I guess they aren't neccessarily gonna order a replacement on the very same day. But if it gets re-stocked automatically, maybe the computer stores the date on the new order for the store, I dunno. We should find out about this.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, April 24, 2006 4:27 AM


I disagree about buying all from one place. Even though smaller retailers may have less sophisticated tracking systems, the bump in sales is still sure to be noticed even if it's only detected after the fact.

Furthermore as others have pointed out in other threads, giving all our business to Amazon might cause resentment among smaller retailers, who are exactly the kind of people we want on our side.

IMHO, the goal should be to spread the sales love as widely as possible. If we can manage to buy up just about every copy of Serenity that's on any shelf of any retailer, PLUS every licensed shirt out of every Hot Topic store, PLUS produce a massive Amazon/ sales spike, PLUS buy a bunch straight from 'Versal, I think that would be an absolutely fantastic achievement and is what we should be aiming for.

If nothing else, that *sounds* a lot more impressive than an Amazon sales spike by itself.


Monday, April 24, 2006 4:56 AM


What happened? He see your face?

I would suggest we do not focus our efforts on Amazon or universal alone.

Why? Well, I think we will get into the minds of Universal for sure by the sheer quantity. But, I think we want to create a buzz. Not only in the entertainment industry but further than that.

If we hit the retail establishment as well; that gets retail execs talking. Even right down to the stock boy who has to put them back on the shelf. To make a story in our genre of entertainment and beyond it takes someone to present it to an editor/site/magazine. With hitting various sellers/locations across the world we have more people involved and more BUZZ is created. ...and the more BUZZ the more people may buy and the more interesting it is to reporters/article writers... the BUZZ will create more sales...

I know we live in an on-demand world but the major retailers with real-time sku inventory systems have to do daily, weekly or monthly reporting to get to the data across for sales info. Now, they could have daily notifications of sku items that are just performing out of the ordinary. (which I’m sure exists, across all depts.? who knows?) A while back some posted a link about target having Firefly and Serenity in their national sales paper. This is just one of the many examples of the BUZZ reaching those who may not have heard of our BDHs before. Some exec saw some numbers or even liked the show and put it in there. (Along side a limited set of DVDs at that)

Anyone agree?

Edit: I see someone does, just beat me too it SAB39
U gonna be smart here Riva?!?


Monday, April 24, 2006 5:55 AM


Well put pdcharles and SAB39. We are trying to create a commotion, so the more people who now about it the better.

As for the letters, I mentioned that earlier and want to reinforce that I think it's something we should put a lot of effort into. But I don't think it should just be sent out on Serenity Day, but the nine days prior to and on Serenity (I picked nine because we have 9 BDHs, makes sense to me. You can even theme the letters now if you want). So, yes. Letters are important.


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 24, 2006 6:10 AM


Dunno if it counts , but I have emailed the [URL] [/URL] link to everyone in my address book, and everyone at work....T

hat one kinda got me into trouble with the boss(not suppose to use the email for non-work related stuff), but I didn't get fired thats the main thing...


Monday, April 24, 2006 6:30 AM


My god, the interest in this is wonderful!

As Agatsu said, we're encouraging everyone to buy the DVD. You pick the format. I'm not 'tellin' anyone to do one specific thing, I'm askin. (Reverse of the Cap'n, I know...LOL) Askin' with those great big, lashy eyes and pouty look. Please please please?

What I recommend is this on June 23rd: If you can go to the Universal site and purchase, please do so. This would be my highest preference.

If you feel more comfortable going elsewhere, then do it. Any sales will help. ALL sales will help. If it's an extra copy for you, we're also askin that you consider donating the DVD to a local public or college library. I've e-mailed asking about some sort of coordination with them. The more us fans can come together, the better this'll work out!

Once you've purchased the DVD FIRST, then share the love and go buy some other Officially (yes please!) licensed products, be they shirts, books, RPGs whatever.

What we need until then is people talking this up. Post around, chat with friends. Check out the Browncoat Army Signal Corps for some help in what to post:

Tees will be coming up soon so you can advertise just as easily strolling down the street. :)


One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
Find Serenity on June 23rd.


Monday, April 24, 2006 7:31 AM


I would like to add this. I believe that this site (more specifically Haken) receives something for each Amazon purchase that was referred by the link on this site. If I'm right, anyone who's buying from Amazon might want to do so through the link on the home page. Just thought it'd be a way to support this site and thank Haken for running it while supporting the Serenity Day cause.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Monday, April 24, 2006 7:39 AM


Sounds awfully good to me. :)

Can't forget Haken.

So if you decide to order from Amazon, please don't forget our shiny sites that we surf every day. It'll show the sales on that day AND help out a Browncoat related site.


One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
Find Serenity on June 23rd.


Monday, April 24, 2006 10:31 AM


Kaele, you should really get a faq together on the website so we can coordinate this better. I can help make one up if need be, but seeing as the end of crew season and finals are coming up, I'd appreciate being your last option.

Questions for the FAQ:

What are we buying (main objective, secondary products)?

Who are we buying it from?

Are we mass mailing?

What date should the letters be postmarked?

EDIT: Who and at what addresses are we mailing them? (Scifi, Universal, CW, 20th Century Fox?)

Should we hint at the soon jump in sales, if the letters are sent before S-day?

How are we planning on advertising this to non browncoats?

Are there charity screenings?

Where are the charity screenings?

Here's an idea: Regional directors. I know there are browncoats from all over, we need some motivators to take charge of different regions. May I suggest:
USA - Northeast
USA - South
USA - Midwest
USA - Southwest
USA - Northwest (Idaho, you can come too)
Canada (perhaps arrange something special for our BDH?)

Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, April 24, 2006 10:44 AM


I agree, Kaele, have a q and a that people can go to so that there is an option rather than the rest of us answering questions about this. If you have to make it something that your crews can copy and paste.. that'd be the way to go. Saves those busy crews of your's time.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Monday, April 24, 2006 11:26 AM


the mailing addresses can be found on:

look at #8 of the "Top 10 things a browncoat can do right now to help re-light firefly!"

Personally, I'm going to be writing to Joss (also listed on the website) in addition to the studios and tell him how much I appreciate his work and what i'm doing to keep him in the firefly business.

EVERYTHING is going to be hand written. As a matter of fact, i'm going to pre-write and pre-letter everything so i have it all set for the big campaign. It shows a little more effort when things are hand written and i'm sure everyone that reads my letters will understand that as well.

Didn't we have the final draft of the letter finished a while back? I could have sworn I copied it on my home pc (i'm at work now).

Oh, and as far as buying the DVDs, I was thinking of printing out a small message on the inside of the DVD. Has anyone ever seen "pay it forward" ? that's where I struck an idea: i'll leave a message to the person that owns the dvd to follow my example and explain the circumstances.
Like for example:

"if the owner enjoys the movie, then you must be excited to know that the firefly tv series was based on this movie! The only way to encourage universal/fox to create more films/episodes is to purchase the products and follow my example, spread the word, leave this DVD with a complete stranger and pickup another copy! If not, enjoy anyway!"

it might not work, but who knows. it's worth a shot. At least the message is crossed that I purposely left the DVD for someone to take and that may build interest in the lucky finder.

Oh and a side note: i lent the first dvd of the serise to a friend that is a huge movie buff. He wasn't taken by the stories. That surprised the hell out of me. Now i make fun becuase I tell him his taste sucks but still, i'm surprised to find someone NOT like the 'verse and everything about it. It's like that one guy in your office and everyone just seems to like except that cynical bitch from payroll. (whoopse, i used a specific refrence)


Monday, April 24, 2006 11:29 AM


Yeah, that's a good idea. It kind of defeats the purpose if the person that finds the Serenity DVD takes it to lost and found or something...

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Monday, April 24, 2006 12:27 PM


You might just have to spell it out for me, because I think I'm missing it. I went to the Browncoats Rise Again and couldn't find a address specifically for Universal. I hope I'm not going blind. Thanks.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 24, 2006 12:33 PM


This has already been asked but: What if we're flat broke? Is spreading the word enough? Trying to get others to join us in our fight? 'Cause honestly, I don't even have enough to fill up my truck most days.

the woods are lovely, dark, and deep
but I have promises to keep
and miles to go before I sleep


Monday, April 24, 2006 2:23 PM



Originally posted by Dewrastler:
You might just have to spell it out for me, because I think I'm missing it. I went to the Browncoats Rise Again and couldn't find a address specifically for Universal. I hope I'm not going blind. Thanks.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

ya know, i thought it was there but I guess not. Sorry! we're going to ahve to dig for that one. It says "contact fox, universal..." so I assumed.


Monday, April 24, 2006 2:47 PM


Man, you guys must be reading my mind. I just did up a Fact Page to go to Seba this week so it can hit the site... He's gonna be busy with other stuff till Thursday, so it's giving me some time to do MY work and give him content for the site. I've got a few pages of content I need to get to him ASAP.

Checking the board is getting harder and harder for me, so send any comments about this to Thanks guys!

And YES, just spreading the word helps too!


Serenity Day Fact Sheet

Who we are:
We are a group of fans called Browncoats who got together to organize a day to appreciate what Joss Whedon has given to us in the form of [ “Serenity”], a movie released in September of 2005.

Why we are doing this:
Let’s be honest here. Universal and their related companies and investors made a movie for one reason: to make a profit. They didn’t do it because Browncoats are fuzzy wuzzy or because they felt bad that Mr. Whedon didn’t get to live out his dream of more seasons of Firefly. They did it for the money.

Many of us Browncoats grew tired of sitting on forums and not doing anything to actively promote a movie that we all love. Serenity became known for its use of viral marketing, and continuing that tradition, this is a fan-based extension of that campaign.

We are hoping that a sales spike of Serenity on June 23rd will turn some heads, generate some interest and garner the attention of the companies responsible for a Serenity sequel. We do this with full knowledge that our efforts will not be responsible for a sequel. Rather, we are raising awareness of our wish for a sequel by speaking in a way that the businesses responsible for a sequel would understand: cashy money.

There has been another effort independent of this site going on since January of this year for charity screenings of Serenity. (See below) But not all of us will be able to attend due to different circumstances. Here at this site, we wanted a way for all Browncoats to help.

What we’d like you to do:
If you don’t already have a copy of the DVD or the new HD DVD, please wait until June 23rd to purchase one. You may do so at a local store, or [(internal link) visit this page] to see recommended online stores to make a purchase.

If you decide to purchase from Amazon, there are two specific sites that Browncoats frequent and those sites receive a percentage of sales if you use their links to purchase the DVD. Please see the front pages of and These two use the contributions from Amazon to keep themselves up and running.

If you already own the DVD, purchase one or more anyway and please see the [(link) Donate your DVD] page.

If you’d like to do more:
Purchase a [probably “Serenity Day Tee Shirt”] to help us advertise what we’re doing.

Visit our [(internal link) “Downloads Page”] for avatars, flyers and more to help spread the word.

Add a banner from our [(internal link) “Downloads Page] to your website.

Join the [ “Browncoat Signal Corps”] to help spread the word in different forums. There is a post format there for you to copy and paste if you’re not sure what to say.

Please visit [ “Serenity Now/Equality Now’s” website] to find a screening of Serenity near you. If you are able, that page also has a very nice fact sheet on how to arrange your own screening. We fully support CSTS and their efforts.

Consider purchasing other Universal licensed products. [ “Hot Topic”] has some excellent tee shirts available for purchase. And of course, Amazon and other sites have the novel of the movie for sale.

Spread the word, talk this up anywhere you can, or [ “volunteer to help out”] the Browncoat Army.


Sorry for all the weird signs, but this is the draft I'm sending to Seba so he knows where to link stuff to.


One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
Find Serenity on June 23rd.


Monday, April 24, 2006 3:49 PM


Sorry guys, I kinda lost track of the preparations...

But I see the webpage progressed a lot, shiny!
Now, is there a banner chosen already?
I need the signature one, so that I can spread the message more effectively :)
Thanx for the continuated efforts, everyone!


Monday, April 24, 2006 3:56 PM


There are licensed shirts at Hot Topic? Not at mine. I was there Sat and my husband was buying me stuff fo rmy birthday. Believe me I was looking for Firefly/Serenity stuff including bumper stickers and t-shirts.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 24, 2006 4:55 PM


What about stickers? I saw one on CafePress, but it didn't have the whole date or a website.






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