You are a Browncoat if............................

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Wednesday, April 5, 2006 5:45 AM



Originally posted by sab39:
You spend all day practicing saying "Tai-kong suo-yo duh shing-chiou sai-jin wuh duh pee-goo" so you'll be able to use it later to curse at your bus home being late...

(yes, I really did)

[edited to add: and boy did I ever get a chance to use it, since some hwoon-dan drove a tractor trailer into the overhead wires on the train tracks...]

You do know that means "all the planets in space flushed into my butt" right

it's my insanity that keeps me sane hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Wednesday, April 5, 2006 6:32 AM



You do know that means "all the planets in space flushed into my butt" right

Yep, I know that. But nobody who hears me say it would! (even if they know Chinese, because I guarantee I'm not saying it with the correct enunciation...) Besides, what does it matter? It worked for Wash...

Last night I clicked on a link on a website and immediately reflexively said "Tai-kong suo-yo duh shing-chiou sai-jin wuh duh pee-goo did I ever not ask for Acrobat Reader!"


Friday, April 7, 2006 3:25 PM


...When you walk in to the hospital where your MRI is you see someone smiling and think "Does anyone smile in hospitals? Its the core everyone's rich and happy" And boy I will tell you this hospital reminded me of the one on Ariel a lot.

...You know someone from Canton MA and call said person the hero of Canton.


Ain't that just shiny?


Friday, April 7, 2006 3:39 PM


That happened to me a couple of times with Firefly/Serenity.

It's freaky/embarrassing how many times that happened to me with Buffy.


Friday, April 7, 2006 4:41 PM


One more I forgot:

...When you see somethin fly off someone else's car on the highway you think to yourself, "Was that the primary buffer pannel did the primary buffer pannel just fall off my gorramn ship?"


Ain't that just shiny?


Friday, April 7, 2006 6:36 PM


you walk into a room where there is a tv and playing on said tv is an animated logo in an orangy brown colour in a script like font and you think hoorah, firefly is on, then get supremely sad when you realise it is a programme about psychics who arn't river, and not firefly at all.

when you are on jury duty and you take your computer with you so that you can watch firefly in the copius amounts of down time. and then find your mind wandering towards firefly related day dreamings when you really should be paying attention to what the witnesses are saying...


Friday, April 7, 2006 9:37 PM

ROLANDREYNOLDS're asked to give a eulogy at a funeral and when you go to write it, you open with:

"Here lies ________, now somewhat less attractive now that they're all corpsified and gross..."


Sunday, April 9, 2006 10:10 AM


Got another one...

... when you go with a guy you don't know too well to his prom and it doesn't go too well, you think, "At least there's no dueling."

... when you get home from said prom, you hang your poufy dress (blue, not pink) on your wall, despite the bad time.

No, this must be what going mad feels like.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:10 PM


- you sing filk songs to get you through Dance class.

- your extra credit dance routune in said dance class is to Ballad of Serenity.

- you're STILL harping on a frend of yours to E-mail you so you can send them a link to download eposodes and praying they'll make her buy the series.

- If it's brown, and a clothing item, you want it.

- your friends know this fact about you.

- One of said friends actully BOUGHT you a brown coat (sadly, not a duster) and you havn't taken it off except for to go to bed since.

- You havn't had a conversation that DIDN'T in some way refrence Firefly in a VERY long time.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 8:57 PM


You are a Browncoat if......

'Gorram' no longer registers as a typo in your word processor spell check.

In Wash/Zoe style, you actually address your spouse as 'Husband', 'Wife', or particularly in the latter, 'Lambie-toes'.

You announce dinner as 'standard fare', or 'protein in all the colours of the rainbow'.

You tell people who annoy you that you can 'kill them with your brain'... and if you're too polite to say it out loud, you're thinking it.

You've ever checked your bed for 'space bugs'.

You've ever blamed 'space monkeys' for anything.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:26 AM


You push your grocery cart up and down the aisles for hours, but you just can't seem to find the product labeled "Wife Soup".


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:25 AM


..... your (male) drama teacher reveals that he's ambidextrous, and you can't help but remark - "Came in handy when you were twelve." (Outtake by Alan Tudyk)

..... to this day you can't watch the bit of the movie when

Select to view spoiler:

Wash dies


..... a little girl comes up to you on the street to ask what the picture on your shirt means (it's the Serenity chinese symbol). What should have been a five or six word explanation turns into a desperate plea for her to get her mummy to buy the DVDs of both the series and the film. She promises to go ask.

21 conversions and counting!!!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:47 AM


You're watching your DVD of "Full Metal Jacket," and you get to that part of the film and you say, "What is Jayne doing in Vietnam? And why are they calling him Animal Mother?" Then you sit back and smile and nod, because it makes perfect sense.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:51 AM


Wow...first post on a Firefly/Serenity site ever!
I'm a bit of a newbie to the 'verse...but here goes-

You're a Browncoat if........

A few days after seeing the movie for the first time, you're able to quote it directly and at length.

You get into a heated battle with your twelve year old little brother about how the Alliance is NOT ripped off of Star Wars....(Star Wars Alliance=good, Serenity Alliance=bad) because he refuses to watch the movie...

You used "Gorram" and "shiny" twice each the day after seeing the movie.

You spend hours doing extra chores (if you still live with your parents) because it'll get you that much more cashy money to get the complete DVDs of the show and movie, so that you'll finally know what all the more experienced Browncoats are talking about...(I must confess ignorance to the whole juggling geese thing )

You're taking advantage of your family's MoviePass with Blockbuster to keep the rented copy of Serenity until you can buy your own

You're choreographing a modern/Irish step dance to the end credit music...()

You've already got a Firefly fanfic going and are currently working up the courage to post it.

You suddenly realize that songs you've been listening to for years have hidden Firefly-related meanings...and promptly find ways to work them into your fanfic.

You realize that you are now part of another fantasy and/or sci-fi dorkdom (as my sister calls them) addition to being a Potterhead, Ringer (Lord of the Rings), Trekkie, etc...and feel ridiculously happy about it.

You tell your parents about the above revelation and they cry in despair...

You resolve to convert your fellow X-Files fans into Browncoats because, after all, Fox betrayed X-Files too...they just waited to gain our trust first...

You are shocked to hear that your best friend, who has a complete Buffy DVD set and almost all of Angel and who also worships Joss Whedon, has never heard of Serenity OR Firefly...and promptly insisted upon her watching the movie..

New to the 'verse but ready and more than willing to learn...



Thursday, April 13, 2006 12:53 AM


..... every song you hear is now "So Wash" or "So Simon/Kaylee" or "So Mal", and so on.

..... you have actually written a Firefly sonnet, and can't believe you haven't mentioned it before.

20 conversions and counting!!!


Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:49 AM



Originally posted by Leafy:
You're watching your DVD of "Full Metal Jacket," and you get to that part of the film and you say, "What is Jayne doing in Vietnam? And why are they calling him Animal Mother?" Then you sit back and smile and nod, because it makes perfect sense.

Yes! My husband and I were watching FMJ and there's a scene where the soldiers are looking down at the bodies of the dead and Animal Mother utters an unforgettable line. He's holding his gun, ammo crisscrossing his chest, and GRENADES hanging off his vest! I just looked at my husband who was probably thinking the same thing judging by the grin on his face. I laughed, "Hey, it's young Jayne!" I mean, it's like looking at Jayne's past even though he says he never fought in no war.

Mal: We're still flying.
Simon: It's not much.
Mal: It's enough.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:14 AM


You are man, but you still watched Lifetimes "Window on the Hill" for Jewel Saite. I consider it my greatest personal sacrifice for the cause to this day.

Kuang Zhe De


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:56 PM


When reprimanding a student who will not be quiet, you say, "You're on the raggedy edge of getting a referral."

You have a five disc DVD player and three Firefly episodes and Serenity are always in it.

You wear a Firefly tee shirt under your school sweatshirt, and feel wicked because it says,"On September 30, violence is going to ensue".

You listen obsessively to the Signal, Firefly Talk, and Week in Whedon, on your hour and a half commutes.

You gloat because you get to cross Jayne Avenue twice each school day.

You give copies of Serenity to people who probably aren't remotely interested, but you still have hope.

You finally found a Browncoat group in your town.

You fall asleep almost every night watching Safe or Jaynestown.

"Chow's in need to dress."


Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:09 PM


besides the every day comments of 'Shiny' and saying 'y'all' instead of the correct queens english. I play EVe online. All my ships are called Firefly (Serenity would be to obvious), I talk in the local chat channel like Mal reynolds and I never shut up about Firefly to other players 'Hey you are a new player, do you like Firefly' lol. If they say yes and I say 'my fave episode is Out Of gas', I then get no response. I realise then they don't get it :(


Sunday, April 16, 2006 10:49 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

You say "zu fu ni" when someone sneezes.

Yes. Yes, I do. Almost as soon as I found out wheat it meant I started. Might not be totally correct usage, but I don't give a good gorram!

Ah, yes. And if saying "gorram" and "shiny" are second nature to you. Hee.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 24, 2006 1:36 AM


... you tickle your girlfriend while she drowses on your chest and tell her "sleepiness is weakness of character, ask anyone" with a grin.

... you manage to work in, with the same girlfriend, "here lies ***, my autumn flower," light smack on the bum, giggle giggle, "somewhat less attractive now that she's all corpsified and gross..." and then said girlfriend, right on cue despite never having seen the episode, creams you with a pillow.

... you sing Hero of Canton at the top of your lungs while driving back to school.

... your Browncoat little sister, whom you just converted, joins in. Your Browncoat father, another recent convert, just rolls his eyes at the two of you.

Semper Paratus, mac.


Monday, April 24, 2006 3:11 AM


You are a Browncoat if.... you want a long brown coat. As I indeed do!

~Yorik Kirmah


Monday, April 24, 2006 3:35 AM


For what it's worth I thought I'd drop this link in here.

If the color Brown makes you really happy & the color Blue makes you really nervous.

If people no longer ask what "Shiny" "Gorrammit", or "Rutting" means because you've already explained it several times.

If any any of the following websites are in your favorites folder,, or

If you have ever uttered the phrase “I’m a leaf on the wind,” while driving.

If you have ever rummaged through a thrift store to find an long brown coat, a pair of coveralls, a western style toy gun & holster, or plastic dinosaurs.

If you have ever found yourself humming "The Hero of Canton“ or "The Ballad of Serenity", and thought "If I hum louder maybe I'll meet another Browncoat!"

If you are no longer trying to curse in Chinese, it just comes naturally.

If you've seen any of the following movies and could care less who the "star" of the show was. The Matrix Reloaded, I-Robot, Independence Day, Saving Private Ryan, or Dodgeball.

If when you visit the local DVD store you feel compelled to walk by the "F" section.

If you were really mad at Joss Whedon for several days & got over it, because after all "In Joss We Trust." Than this just might be the shirt for you.....

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - I'm thinkin we rose again


Monday, April 24, 2006 8:58 AM


You're insanely jealous of people who are in the process of watching the BDS / BDM for the first time....

You finish up a successful conference call with 10 people on the other side of the world and accidentally say "shiny!" only to be met with dead silence....

You've sat in meetings from hell and fervently wished you could break out the device the blue hands' dudes have that liquifies everyone's insides....

OK, I need that in captain dummy talk


Monday, April 24, 2006 11:00 AM


Your work email signature has a reference to Serenity/Firely (which you forget about) and forward an email to the CEO of your company - coincidentally called Alliance.

"Tracy Gibson-Lake ı Service Specialist ı
Alliance Communications Management - Outsourced Telecommunications Management
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential or proprietary information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, immediately contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!"

AND said CEO is not amused and you don't care.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!

Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I am his one true love! Is that weird?
(he will believe, he will believe)


Tuesday, April 25, 2006 1:38 PM


While working on a play, you and a fellow browncoat start talking about putting on a Firefly play, and begin discussing who would play which BDH. You get Simon


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:06 AM


... while on a school holiday to Italy, you get really homesick. To cheer you up, your friend (who will not be converted, no matter how hard you try) offers to listen to you describe Firefly. You instantly pull a folder out of your overflowing suitcase - filled with scripts, pictures and fanfics. You then realise you can't watch the DVDs - and have to settle for reading the scripts in your best character voices - and acting out your favourite scenes. And singing the theme tune, and Hero of Canton. You completely forget you were ever sad.

Sadly - she still refuses to watch the DVDs you offer her. Ahh well - I'll get her one day. She thinks Sean is cute.

20 conversions and counting!!!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:03 AM


{Pardon for the break-in...TalynDerre, is that Semper Paratus a reference to the Coast Guard?}

To the theme of the post:

You loan out your Firefly DVD in the hopes of converting a friend, but after a day, you begin to pine for your DVDs...hoping the friend is taking good care of them...

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:48 AM


Tristan, I feel just the same... I loaned my copy of the BDM to my sister (who has her own copy of the series) and I miss it so much...

Creative Writing


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:03 AM


Well, Eloisa, the good news is that I happen to have two copies of the BDM (people knew what to get me for Xmas!), so I know it's there when I need it...but the's out there all by it's lonesome, doing it's best to spread the's like sending out your kids for school the first time (I would imagine, not having kids of my own).
I know they'll be back.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:38 AM


You know your a Browncoat when you constanly day dream about Firefly/Serenity every waking moment, you can't do anything else and that pile of Uni work just keeps growing.......

.......or is it just me?


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:34 PM



Originally posted by Dinky:

Originally posted by BelowZero: cried yourself to sleep when you discovered Nathan had a girlfriend!....

Or when you found out that Summer was Single though you still had no chance...

Though I don't know if she's single or not... I'm just assuming /shrug.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks

Nathon has a Girl friend!??????

(Cries) :censord:


If you play check out the region Firefly.


Thursday, April 27, 2006 3:24 AM


It's sad but true.

On the lending issue. I had to buy extra copies of the DVDs so I could lend them to people. I didn't trust anyone to take care of them.

It's very sad.

20 conversions and counting!!!


Thursday, April 27, 2006 4:49 AM


when you see someone in a suit and think the alliance is on to you. hee hee



Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:51 AM


I have a "lending copy" of the series - currently with my ex-boss, who when I asked her which was her favourite episode responded by naming nine of the fourteen - but not of the BDM. My own daft fault for not being prepared enough, in other words.

You are a Browncoat if........... your mental phraseology for convincing yourself you have enough of or a lot of something is to say you have "a crate" of it. This is fine in some cases, for instance apples, but not when you're in the toiletries aisle in the supermarket and realise you just told yourself you have a crate of ladies' sanitary products.

Creative Writing


Friday, April 28, 2006 5:00 AM


... you spend literally hours begging your friend to watch just one episode. You pick the Pilot - cos it's the first - and should be first. Within ten minutes, said friend asks you if she can borrow the series. You promise to buy her one of her own for her birthday.

20 conversions and counting!!!


Friday, April 28, 2006 8:52 AM


You scour the net looking for any news or items to view that pertain to Firefly/Serenity or Joss Whedon.

You reach out to talk with other browncoats to feel a part of it. Since you don't want Firefly/Serenity to fade into the black.


Saturday, April 29, 2006 4:41 AM


... you find excuses to put Firefly quotes in all your exam-texts. You've even found a way to code the lyrics to the Ballad of Serenity into your Drama notes. Anything for a bit of Browncoat support.

Only problem now is that, instead of learning quotes from "The Tempest" (the exam is off-book), you just remember quotes from Firefly. It's even more difficult now that I know Joss named Miranda after the character in said Shakespeare play. At least I won't forget the quote:

"O brave new world
That has such people in 't"

Good old Joss.

20 conversions and counting!!!


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:12 AM


God, I love all of these!

All my fanfics at


Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:42 AM


You know you're a Browncoat when...

It's Spring Weekend on your campus and all you want to do is stay in and watch Firefly episodes for the 100th time.

You think of your friends in terms of how likely it is that you'll be able to convert them.

You love strawberries even more than ever and try to eat tomatoes with chopsticks like Mal did in the pilot episode.

You look up night courses at local high schools and community colleges that teach Mandarin Chinese just in hopes of coming up with new and interesting swears.

You put up quotes from the BDS and BDM as away messages in hopes that your friends will ask about the references.

You own 9 copies of the comic (one for each character).

You say "gorram it" and "shiny" in regular conversations in spite of the strange looks received.

You sing the Firefly theme whenever you shower and your roommates love you all the more for it.

You feel a sense of vengence whenever people around you talk in the theater because you know they're going to that special level of hell.

You stay up all night to write a paper and end up writing fanfics instead.

You spend hours reading fanfics by other Browncoats and feel serene in knowing ther are others out there in the 'Verse just like you.

Mal: Never goes smooth. How come it never goes smooth?


Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:47 PM


You're already trying to figure out which of the crew you want to be for Halloween.

You think a Chinese paper parisole is a wise investment.

You wonder if learning Chinese would enhance your viewing pleasure.


Sunday, April 30, 2006 7:21 AM


you believe a wedding should involve a wreath, drinking your partner's wine and dancin around the fire.

your friends who haven't seen firefly yet (gorram them!)replace the foul language they usually use with the special browncoat ones you teach them

"captain, could you take the helm? i need this man to tear all my clothes off"
"work, work, work"


Monday, May 1, 2006 3:22 AM


... you have coursework due in three hours, you haven't even started your last piece, and you're simultaneously on these boards and three Firefly LJ communities.

Why must Firefly be so shiny and schoolwork so bad?????????????

20 conversions and counting!!!


Monday, May 1, 2006 3:43 AM



Originally posted by Malstolemyheart:

You put up quotes from the BDS and BDM as away messages in hopes that your friends will ask about the references.

I do this all the time.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, May 1, 2006 11:05 AM


Just ignore this post -- it isn't real -- it's a figment of your imagination...



Monday, May 1, 2006 11:10 AM



Originally posted by Dewrastler:

Originally posted by Malstolemyheart:

You put up quotes from the BDS and BDM as away messages in hopes that your friends will ask about the references.

I do this all the time.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

It works!!! My friends especially like "Some people juggle geese!"

Mal: One of you is gonna fall and die. And I'm not cleaning it up.


Monday, May 1, 2006 10:50 PM


... based on a recent survey of your friends/family:

5 - refuse to watch Firefly because of personal reasons
2 - refuse to watch Firefly because they don't want to end up like you (quoting constantly and swearing in Chinese)
1 - has watched Firefly and isn't too keen (why???)
1 - is the shiny Browncoat who introduced you to Firefly - gotta love her
21 - were forced (some at gunpoint) to watch Firefly and are now rootin', tootin', Firefly quotin' converted Browncoats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21 conversions and counting!!!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 1:57 AM


{this is wat me mum did after I converted her} brought her bed sheets becuase they were named 'serenity' and then when she walked into a bed store, when looking for a new mattress, and brought the one called 'serenity'... I couldn't stop laughing for ages... i was so proud :D

(NB it took me weeks to convince her to watch it and then when she did, she loved it and tries to convert all her friends by offering out my DVDs all the time {cept my friends usually have them})

->U have rips of firefly and Serenity on ure MP4 player so u can watch them at anytime (as long as u have battery)
->U quote so much firefly u start to forget to use proper english
->You take said MP4 player to work and impress all ure chums (who aren't as techno savvy) and sneak in playing the movie for them all at smoko (i got quite a few people to convert after that {to the movie, not to purchasing an Mp4 player :D})
->You spend so much time on this forum that before u noe it, you're back at work the next morning planning wat ure gonna reply that nite


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:43 AM

JAZZ want to buy an iPod Video because the only thing better than having all your music on hand at all times is having all your music, Firefly and the BDM on hand at all times - battery permitting.

...your computer is so ancient that iTunes won't work on it, and you're beyond the point of simple upgrades, so you're going to have to buy/build a shiny new computer just (okay, mostly) to aid in getting mobile Firefly. can't decide which Firefly/BDM quote/reference to have engraved on the back of said iPod.

(It's all true, and my wife thinks I'm crazy. She's probably right.)'re dismayed at the array of duster coats on eBay because so few are brown, and even fewer are even close to the right look. So your wife offers to make you one. (She may think I'm crazy, but she's still awesome.)

I liked the one about changing your existing personalized license plate to another one that's Firefly-related. I'm considering that too... sadly, the obvious (but very shiny) FIREFLY is taken, so if I go for it I'm going to have to get more creative.


You reach out to talk with other browncoats to feel a part of it. Since you don't want Firefly/Serenity to fade into the black.

So true. I'm not exactly a social creature but this is something I can't keep all quiet about. Even if what we have now is all we'll ever have, it can't be left to fade into unknown history.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 3:46 AM


... if you finally borrowed the series and movie two weeks ago and now own both as well as a pair of shiny t-shirts much to the distress of your other half

... you seriously wondered about writing to the bbc to see if in their wisdom they would be interested in using your license fee to fund another series but in the course of researching discovered problems in both the way the beeb accept show ideas and that Joss was closing Mutant Enemy to work on movies and was concerned with what he wanted to do next.

... you are back in work after a week and there are roadworks outside that have been going on for days and you ask, "I bet you wish we had some grenades now,"

... you worry about people picking up your mis-quotes as you have a terrible memory fot that type of thing






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