SerenityDay: Change the Date? VOTE NOW

UPDATED: Sunday, April 30, 2006 23:38
VIEWED: 46899
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:13 AM


Browncoats! There is an alternative to the controversial situation we all find ourselves in re: Serenity Day and Serenity/Now and Equality/Now

I say we put this to a vote. One vote per post, and be brief with your ideas about which day is the best. It's time this got out into conversation with all Browncoats and that way we all get heard. And let's all be civilized about this. Our future is riding on this.

There is a list of good reasons to move this campaign to September 30th that have been suggested by others:


I think we should gear this towards donating extra copies you purchase to a public or university library or to the troops.

Seeing one email or one poster is not enough to convince your average person. We need tens of thousands of participants (Browncoats and new fans alike) and it will take a lot of time for our numbers to grow.

Waiting allows us to stagger our advertising campaign. We start with Browncoats, then reach out to borderline fans and genre/comic fans and finally push to get the general public's involvement. The more time there is, the more people that will be participating. Remember, every time a new fan is made we gain that person AND also the people that the new fan can recruit... friends, family, co-workers, etc. Allowing more time for the promotion adds much more weight, and people, to the momentum. One fan who buys a DVD on June 23rd, could have become 10 times (or many more) people by September 30th. Word of mouth needs time to really get's a math thing.

The Sci-Fi conventions are a GREAT opportunity to promote Firefly/Serenity...the attendees are our target audience! Browncoats always have a fan table presence at the cons which attract lots of people. It's a great way to reach beyond the people that frequent message boards. We really should not miss out on this resource. There are lots of fans who attend conventions who would have never seen promotions on message boards.

From a psychological point of view, it's very good to have a nice big event to look forward to. It will be much better, and create a sense of vital (not stagnant) fan base, if the browncoats can talk about events still in the works... rather than something that already happened, with nothing especially new to report. We really NEED the perception that the fan base is continually growing.

Promotion for Wonder Woman will be picking up more and more. There will be lots of news coming out, and advertising at the Sci-Fi conventions too. Serenity Day can ride some of this wave of promotion by mentioning Joss Whedon, writer and director of "Wonder Woman", also wrote and directed Serenity and Firefly. We could attract a lot of comic book fans... a majority of which have a good chance of liking Firefly/Serenity.

If part of our promotional plans include advertisements in local newspapers, we will need lead-in time to design and have ads ready for upcoming issues. June is just too soon to organize this properly and we could be losing a useful marketing tool.

September 30th is a Saturday.That's a GREAT day for the DVD purchase because the majority people aren't trapped at work. They can get online from home, or have the opportunity and time to purchase DVDs at stores. Also, we could suggest that Serenity Day include people planning their own home Serenity screening parties. Fans can have get togethers all over...and invite new folk too!

Maybe we could deflect some of the pressure and expectations for this campaign by gearing it more to a big "Thank You" to Universal on the anniversary of Serenity's premiere. That way the endeavor won't catch so much criticism by people who keep harping that Serenity Day is a naive attempt to impress Universal enough to give us sequels. If the day is approached as a "thank you" and commemoration, plus a great way to build the fan base, and then it turns out to exceed expectations, then all the better.

This is all above and away better than the mess we find ourselves in now. We could promote this awesome charitable event to our hearts content and perhaps even expect some help from their quarter as well, with the good will we will sow before our turn comes.

Here are our options:

A campaign burdened with strife and real possibility of splintering Browncoats or a compromise that would work wonderfully for both campaigns. What do you say?

What are the motivations for going ahead on June 23rd? Is wanting to stand in the face of an adversary a good enough reason to push for an earlier date? Weigh those motivations honestly against the benefits for waiting until Sept. 30th.

Also reference:

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:21 AM


Well, ive already started to lay my plans for June 23rd and started to organise things around my end of the verse. I think that we could loose some of the drive if we changed the date know. I mean the word has already started to spread that the Browncoat commmunity will do something on the 23rd, Think we wín more by keeping the original date.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:21 AM


Well, ive already started to lay my plans for June 23rd and started to organise things around my end of the verse. I think that we could loose some of the drive if we changed the date know. I mean the word has already started to spread that the Browncoat commmunity will do something on the 23rd, Think we wín more by keeping the original date.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:21 AM


Well, ive already started to lay my plans for June 23rd and started to organise things around my end of the verse. I think that we could loose some of the drive if we changed the date know. I mean the word has already started to spread that the Browncoat commmunity will do something on the 23rd, Think we wín more by keeping the original date.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:21 AM


Well, ive already started to lay my plans for June 23rd and started to organise things around my end of the verse. I think that we could loose some of the drive if we changed the date know. I mean the word has already started to spread that the Browncoat commmunity will do something on the 23rd, Think we wín more by keeping the original date.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:21 AM


Well, ive already started to lay my plans for June 23rd and started to organise things around my end of the verse. I think that we could loose some of the drive if we changed the date know. I mean the word has already started to spread that the Browncoat commmunity will do something on the 23rd, Think we wín more by keeping the original date.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:21 AM


Well, ive already started to lay my plans for June 23rd and started to organise things around my end of the verse. I think that we could loose some of the drive if we changed the date know. I mean the word has already started to spread that the Browncoat commmunity will do something on the 23rd, Think we wín more by keeping the original date.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:31 AM



Originally posted by Vinterdraken:
Well, ive already started to lay my plans for June 23rd and started to organise things around my end of the verse. I think that we could loose some of the drive if we changed the date know. I mean the word has already started to spread that the Browncoat commmunity will do something on the 23rd, Think we wín more by keeping the original date.

I agree - I've already been doing my part to spread the date to all my friends that love Firefly - plus, haven't people already told Universal about this and given the date?

I personally think if we change now some people may see it as indicisive and pull out. I think we just need to consolidate our efforts, bring all the Brownboat community together (regardless of who's idea this originally was - something I was just reading on another thread and present a united front.

Of course...we could do another Serenity Day in September to follow it

Anyway, that's just my feelings, but I'll do my part to support the cause regardless of what day you all settle on.

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:33 AM


I'm just gonna copy what I posted in the other thread (didn't know there'd be another thread for voting):

I have to say, although I thought setting Serenity Day on the same day as the Serenity Now/Equality Now screening (and the birthday bonus) would make perfect sense, but since this can only move in the wrong direction if unrest breaks out amongst Browncoats - and since I trust the veterans- , I have to be bigger than the last thing holding me back (SPITE against B!x) and vote for yes, let's postpone.
It could lose us some momentum, but we get some shiny things to keep us interested and busy along the way, like the Firefly Ornament, new comic books, Done the Impossible, conventions, oh, and let's not forget Serenity Now/Equality Now. :) Not to mention the preparations for september.
It seems like an eternity away, but we're gonna have lots to do, and lots to keep us focused - and most of all, more time to plan, and maybe get some of the Crew on board (not Joss, for reasons mentioned in other threads).
If you all are true Browncoats, we can hold until september, and be even mightier.

And, Zoid, keep in mind we're not "backing off" because of B!x's efforts to boycott us, but because it's best for all as long as B!x is alive. We would have all the "right" to have Serenity Day on June 23rd, but we CHOSE to do the right thing. No worries.
And Serenity Now/Equality Now has prospered and will continue to prosper, (dare I say) mainly due to Serenity Day, but I don't care if THEONETRUEB!X gets his 15 minutes of fame for it, as long as it helps Equality Now and Serenity.

So let's all take a deep breath, move the date, and get going. The website should be ready soon, and the logo is easily changed. No official plan has yet been made "public", so if we spread the word quickly enough, it will only create a lil' bit of confusion, but in the end, it will be better for everyone. If one person can't swallow his pride, a few thousands will have to, because we are mighty.
But even if we put all this ego-trip- gao se aside, september really sounds better and better the more I think about it. More time is always good. There's this "Firefly Starter DVD" thing going on in Germany starting next month (I posted about this), so obviously efforts are being made from an official side (even though it may just be national) to spread the interest in Firefly. So let's spread the disease even more. Uh. "Disease" might not be the right word, but I think we all agree that Firefly is contageous. So we massively recruit new people while organising shiny things for Serenity Day on September 30th.
We're gonna be in for a longer haul, but it's gonna be all the shinier. What say you all?

Bit of a long post.
To sum it up: Although I'd personally prefer June, I see the advantages (and disadvantages) of september, and I trust the veterans, so okay, let's move it.
We're gonna lose the momentum and early summer, though, which is when people are most eager to be active.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:38 AM



Originally posted by SimonB:

Of course...we could do another Serenity Day in September to follow it

I'm not sure if that's a crazy idea or a brilliant one. If we could manage to make Serenity Day 2 way bigger than the first one, that'd show Universal what's going on, and we'd be busy and present all the way.
But: Still not sure if it's crazy.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:41 AM



Originally posted by Hera:
Also reference:

WHAT? It's on Whedonesque's news? That's great and devastating news! Now I'm totally lost.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:42 AM


Keep it on June 23rd

. . .but yeah, a follow up day could be shiny too

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Little or no free time, but want to help?
Help Spread the Signal:


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:44 AM


The Browncoat community is already doing something on June 23rd. That's part of the problem.

Some things are in motion already for Serenity Day on the 23rd, and it might be a little inconvenient to shift gears to Sept. 30. But there are so many benefits for waiting until September.

Is there anything that is underway that absolutely can't be used or adapted for Sept 30? I think that we should give people more credit than that. This whole idea has been around all of two weeks, and I'm sure that the momentum can carry on. Some people want instant gratification, and lots of people don't want to move the day just because the charity screenings leader is mad. I don't think we should move the date because of him, I think we should move it because it's for the best. What's the use of doing Serenity Day at all if we aren't going to do it right?

Let's take the time, spread the word, and really rock Sept. 30!!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:46 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
I'm not sure if that's a crazy idea or a brilliant one. If we could manage to make Serenity Day 2 way bigger than the first one, that'd show Universal what's going on, and we'd be busy and present all the way.
But: Still not sure if it's crazy.

Well, I said it - so, yeah: crazy. utterly and totally without sanity and gibbering all the way.

But I should also point out...I was only joking there when I said it

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:47 AM


Doesn't anyone think we should've discussed this BEFORE everything started? I don't mind Sept 30th, but we should also keep June 23rd! Too many people have been notified about it.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:49 AM


Just a thought...

What if we could all convince Universal to re-release the BDM in theaters nationwide on Sept. 30th? I bet the film would make a ton more cashy money than it did the first time...

A Browncoat Marketing Maven's 2-cents...


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:50 AM


Hera, I compliment your bravery on going ahead and posting this. This really needed to be done.

I am voting to move Serenity Day to September 30th. It's the anniversary of the release of the movie and I like marking that, heck I think we ought to make it annual!

It also puts to rest some of this mean fighting that has been going on for some time now, and it just keeps ratcheting up. We are in conflict with a charitable organizer, for cryin' out loud, do we really want to do that? And do we want to push so hard when all we are getting is strife within our own community. This is bad for how Browncoats look to the outside world IMHO. We must compromise about this and set this straight.
We're Browncoats... we're used to holdin' the line together, not shootin' at each other!

I like waiting for all the shiny reasons listed above, more time, closer to DragonCon and all the other cons. There is buzz now and energy now about the charity screenings, there can be more buzz about the Serenity Day event. Heck, maybe even B!x would accept our olive branch and in exchange for our support now, be supportive of us?
B!x? What do you say? We are after all the folks who were brought together by this shiny show.

I have never felt right about choosing June 23rd, just felt wrong to me to not honor a fellow Browncoat's already planned campaign.. and I know we would have pushed his stuff too and I know it could work all cool for both of us and I know it is not a date owned by him and I know he's been harsh. All beside the point. Sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war!

I like that we are voting too... seems more like an "Independent" idea!

So, my vote is Serenity Day, September 30th!!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:51 AM


Keep it.
Being the date of his birthday was the whole concept, and it makes a point. thats maybe how we get some extra publicity, come on guys. The events would be too close together, 3 months later? And two heads are better than one.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:52 AM


My vote would be to keep it on June 23rd.

As has been said, the word about the 23rd has already begun to be spread. I agree that the loss of momentum and appearing indecisive is sadly probably a bit too much. Additionally, there is no reason why the two events can't each be spun to be mutually beneficial efforts that are just separate efforts by sections in the same Browncoat community. The "story of June 23rd", to use B!x's words, is told largely by us, and every one of us can choose to tell it like a conflict of interest, or we can tell it as a tale of friendship and solidarity in movements. I don't think I have to say that the latter is preferable overall.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:55 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

June 23rd. I do like the follow up idea though, immensely - doesn't everyone want to do something on that day anyway?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:58 AM


Those are some very convincing, well thought out reasons *ahem* for having September 30th as Serenity Day.

For those people who are concerned about changing the date from June 23rd to September 30th... well, this endeavor has only been going for maybe a week now. Anything that has been done can be revised.

Remember, Serenity was originally scheduled to be released on April 22nd! Then Universal pushed the date to September 30th. They made this decision to avoid some big budget Sci-Fi movies that were coming out in April, movies that probably would have either severely hampered Serenity's box office, or buried her. Plus the later release date gave Joss a lot more time to fine tune the movie and really polish it... and he used EVERY day of that extra time. It also gave US advance screenings.

When the movie release date was changed, it was done after several weeks and fans had already done a lot of promotion for the April date. Heck, I STILL have stacks of guerilla marketing posters that become obsolete because of the date change.

There was a lot fuss from the fans... some understood right away, but others were pretty annoyed... some thought it meant Universal lost faith in Serenity. But it was just the opposite, the release date was changed because in the long run it would benefit Serenity. So it took some time, feathers got smoothed again, folks saw the good points of waiting, and adjusted. You gotta give credit to Browncoats for being flexible and changing the mission plan if it gives them a tactical advantage.

If folks want the DVD purchases for Serenity Day to REALLY make an impression... then more time is needed to spread the word and recruit new fans. It's a big world out there, lots of new folk need to know about the 'verse. More than just the faithful from the message boards are needed to make the impact this campaign is aiming for.

Something to acknowledge Joss's birthday on June 23rd can still be done, of course! All this work has brought a lot of attention, okay not all of it positive, but a lot of people woke up. So, definitely do something cool and supportive for Joss' birthday. But save Serenity Day, the big "look at our numbers" for a date where there can be enough momentum gathered for it to really make a splash.

So, I vote for September 30th to be Serenity Day... just in case my meaning wasn't clear... heh...

11th Hour


We also don't need all the grief associated with the two big Serenity events happening on the same day. Everytime it looks like there will be a way to have coexistence, the furor heats up again. Is THAT how we want to mark Joss' birthday?! So much energy is being expended fighting amongst ourselves... energy and time that needs to be channeled into guerilla marketing... which takes time and persistence.

This isn't about backing down, or having someone who may have caused a lot of negativity "win", it's separate from that. What's the date that offers the best chances for success? Okay, in my not so humble opinion, it's September 30th... the day Joss, the BDHs, hundreds of cheering Browncoats, stood on the red carpet at the premiere and saw "Serenity" in bright lights on the marquee. THAT was Serenity Day.

Btw, if I truly thought June 23rd was the best choice for Serenity Day, I wouldn't budge... you can bet on that. But September 30th is the date that wins in my book.

Okay, all of that was waaaaay more than my 2 cents, but I'm feelin' all wordy on this subject...


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:00 AM


What happened? He see your face?

...and the birth of bipartisan Browncoatalism had begun!!!

looks like I'm buying on two days.. even if we officially vote, I think time is of the essence on this.

U gonna be smart here Riva?!?


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:13 AM


I vote for Sept. 30. It seems self-destructive for our community to continue this conflict, and I don't think the infighting will stop until there's compromise. It seems to me that the charitable screenings should get priority because, like FollowMal pointed out, they are for charity. It would prove BC's have heart if we could compromise in favor of the charity event.

Can't the existing SerenityDay campaign postpone the date as a gesture of unity and good will? Apologies if it's too difficult, I really don't know.

Any rate I intend to go to the Pasadena charitable screening on June 23. If it turns out I'm also supposed to go shopping on the same day... well twist my arm to go shopping.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:13 AM


I agree with the notion to keep June 23rd and then do a follow-up on September 30th.

Why can't we do both?


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:18 AM



Originally posted by SadLittleKing:
I agree with the notion to keep June 23rd and then do a follow-up on September 30th.

Why can't we do both?

Acknowledging both days can certainly be done.

But the main question is, which day will be specifically designated "Serenity Day"? The day geared to demonstrate to Universal, with BIG DVDs sales, that the fans have significant buying power.

So between the two dates, which provides the best chance to really dazzle Universal with numbers that even a major studio will have to admit are great?

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:27 AM


Fellow Browncoats,

I, too, am voting to move Serenity Day to September 30th. Here's my rationale (I kinda copied a lot from what I wrote on a private list; but as the issue hasn't changed, nor should my words have to).

I remember a Seinfeld episode, where Jerry explains how, in Children's Court, all issues are resolved by "calling" them. "But, Your Honor, I wanted to sit in the front-seat." "But did you call it? No? Sorry, kiddo, you have to call it. Overruled!" I kinda feel we experienced a day in Children's Court. :) We got slammed, hard, because basically another person "called" the 23rd first; and the majority of the Judges in question, on Whedonesque, ruled against us on that basis.

Now, for the worthier part, can we expect to win an appeal? Or rather, is it wise to even try? See, that's what it boils down to, for me. Momentum ain't exactly an ex-nihilo thing; it's like gravity: the real pull only starts when your mass increases. And for that to happen, we need the cooperation of folks in the field. Were people rude or insensitive to our efforts? Don't matter none. In the simplest of terms, we simply cannot afford to lose, or alienate, the very people we need for this to work. As Mal pointed out, eliminating the middle man is never as simple as it sounds. This quadrant, we play nice. Got enemies enough as it is.

Things got ugly. And that's regrettable. As the Operative said so well: "We should have done this as men. Not with fire." After all, what's in a day? As River pointed out, "Day" is just a vestigial mode of time measurement. :) That's all it really is. There's no objective reason we cannot reschedule for another day. I mean, we can squabble over people bitchin' about us wanting to sit on someone else's chair; and whether it's really his chair; or who died and made him king, etc. And we could really do all that, if deemed necessary. But foremost on our minds, I think, should be the question: do we really NEED to sit on someone else's chair? "Days", as River said, are based on solar cycles. Applicable. :) Which means, we got about 364 others to choose from. I'd say, we do just that; I'm thinking we'll rise again at another date.

Also, I hate fighting. I mean, I'll kill a man in a fair fight. Or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight. :) But, in all earnest, I'm here for River, and the company of my fellow Browncoats. And I thought this was just about us picking up a few extra DVD sets on a given day. Why'd this get so complicated?

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:29 AM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by SadLittleKing:
I agree with the notion to keep June 23rd and then do a follow-up on September 30th.

Why can't we do both?

Acknowledging both days can certainly be done.

But the main question is, which day will be specifically designated "Serenity Day"? The day geared to demonstrate to Universal, with BIG DVDs sales, that the fans have significant buying power.

So between the two dates, which provides the best chance to really dazzle Universal with numbers that even a major studio will have to admit are great?

11th Hour

Please take note that I say this politely:

Who frakkin' cares?!

I think the only thing Universal would care about is the spike in Serenity DVD sales. Do you think they would like that to happen sooner or later? Or both? And which option would help our cause the most? My answer would be the third option. Both days. If the name of the day has to be official, then June 23rd could be "Serenity Day" and September 30th could be "Serenity Anniversary". But do we have to get caught up in this useless argument over what specific day is called what? The point is to generate a spike in sales of the DVD. Let's focus on that rather than gettin' caught up in the silly details. All we need to do is what will help our cause. One day of a sales spike is good, two days is better. I get the feeling that's how Universal would see it.

Again, I don't mean to sound....however I may be sounding. I'm saying this in the most polite way I know how. So excuse me if none of that came out in a polite fashion.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:35 AM



Originally posted by BadgersFlunky:
The Browncoat community is already doing something on June 23rd. That's part of the problem.

Some things are in motion already for Serenity Day on the 23rd, and it might be a little inconvenient to shift gears to Sept. 30. But there are so many benefits for waiting until September.

Is there anything that is underway that absolutely can't be used or adapted for Sept 30? I think that we should give people more credit than that. This whole idea has been around all of two weeks, and I'm sure that the momentum can carry on. Some people want instant gratification, and lots of people don't want to move the day just because the charity screenings leader is mad. I don't think we should move the date because of him, I think we should move it because it's for the best. What's the use of doing Serenity Day at all if we aren't going to do it right?

Let's take the time, spread the word, and really rock Sept. 30!!

IMHO, some folks are missing the point of the desire to change it to another day. We aren't going to be able to merge the Serenity Day and Serenity Now/Equality Now campaigns. They ARE NOT going to be mutually beneficial to each other. He does not desire our help, our input or to share the day with us. He won't stop us from stumping for his stuff, but he ain't gonna oblige us with the same. Have you not read his disclaimer and then the bottom "please go read what I really think page"!?

Well, here it is:

Instead of getting mad and thinking well, we should just show that guy... I think we need to have more level heads prevail. If this cannot be compromised on and that is now impossible, we should move our date. We help promote the charity screenings and then we turn our attention to our day. In between we recruit and recruit. I have a vision of us trying this too early thinking we're gonna show ole Universal a thing or two about how many folks are gonna buy Serenity and then coming up short and becoming the moonbrains that the folks over on Whedonesque are afraid we are. And as for a follow up on September 30th. If we don't have the numbers on June 23rd to rock their socks off, do you think anyone is going to promote for us again or ride along on the ride again? We get one chance to ace this folks. That is the way it is.

I want more 'verse.. ain't gonna happen if we don't succeed.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:35 AM


You all decide on a date and I will be "there" . At this point though, how do we expect hoardes to "show up" when we can't even agree on a date.

As to all the "negative" talk. I have been following the various postings about this for a while, and I have been lurking since the movie came out. Not once did I see any REAL negativity, until I saw the positng by onetruebix.

I am sorry, for a "Charitable Organizer" he hasn't much charity. It saddens me.

Were I NOT already familiar with Equality Now, his demeanor would NOT convince me to check it out or contribute.

But thats just me.

Pick a day, pick 12, I'll be there!

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!

Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I am his one true love! Is that weird?
(he will believe, he will believe)


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:40 AM



Originally posted by SadLittleKing:
Who frakkin' cares?!

I think the only thing Universal would care about is the spike in Serenity DVD sales. Do you think they would like that to happen sooner or later? Or both? And which option would help our cause the most? My answer would be the third option. Both days. If the name of the day has to be official, then June 23rd could be "Serenity Day" and September 30th could be "Serenity Anniversary". But do we have to get caught up in this useless argument over what specific day is called what? The point is to generate a spike in sales of the DVD. Let's focus on that rather than gettin' caught up in the silly details. All we need to do is what will help our cause. One day of a sales spike is good, two days is better. I get the feeling that's how Universal would see it.

Again, I don't mean to sound....however I may be sounding. I'm saying this in the most polite way I know how. So excuse me if none of that came out in a polite fashion.

This was you trying to be polite? Dude, needs work.

Your post misses a lot of the points... points that people who have been following this subject are already familiar with. While this is a message board and a place for expressing opinions, an informed opinion is a lot more valuable to a discussion.

And since this thread was meant as a place to vote, and you don't "frakkin" care... then why are you here? Just to add yet more negativity and conflict to a subject that already has too much?


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:41 AM


missed all the discord

June 23--Joss' birthday--and since so many are already planned--cinemas just cant CHANGE times like that--they "rented" the movie--provided a place for us all to watch

what is the discord-the charity--if you are really against it--dont go seems simple to me

Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:45 AM


I would take either day...although September 30th is a natural day to celebrate the 'Verse!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:53 AM


I was unaware that it had reached this level of division! Division BAD!!!!!!!!

My official Vote- we change the date of Serenity Day (although I think Sept is too far out. We need something more immediate.)

I fully understand Bix's concern that the Serenity Day campaign could be harmful to the promotion of a benefit for Equality Now.

I also ENTIRELY fail to see how SerenityNow/EqualityNow could fail to benefit from a combined effort.

We've actually gotten more people interested in the charity screenings through our efforts than SerenityNow/EqualityNow managed since it began!

However, after reading Bix's disclaimer, my opinion, I'm kinda of the opinion of screw him and the horse that he rode in on. I think I'll send my donation directly to Equality Now, thanks.

YES, Changing the date is a hassle. A HUGE one, seeing as a number of us have been changing our websites, altering sigs, creating graphics, letters, advertising materials, etc that now ALL have to be redone.
But if it keeps the Browncoats working towards their goals -


-then I'm all for it.

I suggest we focus our June 23rd efforts towards Equality Now (not necessarily Serenity Now) and then pull our marketing stunt later in the summer.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:58 AM



I am really dismayed at his behavior on the Whedonesque board.

Just not neighborly. But there you go. It is a big 'verse.

I need a set of DVD's to loan and one in case the ones I already have finally succumb to overuse. So if someone tells me when I can get 'em.......................

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!

Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I am his one true love! Is that weird?
(he will believe, he will believe)


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:06 AM


In an ideal verse we could combine the 2 efforts.But since it appears some people can't share or play nicely ,I think we should wait until Sept.Why not show how gracious we can be in the face of well, nastiness.



I swallowed a bug.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:06 AM



Every day is Firefly/Serenity day to me.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:06 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

The irony is that changing the date will only hurt BIX's cause - less attention being spread and less publicity to fellow browncoats that could only help his cause on that day. So, ironically, if we wanted to stick it to him we should change the date to later... but that would actually end up hurting Equality now in the how messed up is that? Dude needs to swallow his pride and embrace the Serenity Day event and all the people we have sent him and will send him, who will inturn benefit the Equality Now charity.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:22 AM



Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
In an ideal verse we could combine the 2 efforts.But since it appears some people can't share or play nicely ,I think we should wait until Sept.Why not show how gracious we can be in the face of well, nastiness.

I personally don’t care how mean B!X becomes about this, because there's nothing we can do about that. The fact remains that he’s put in a lot of work for Serenity Now, and we have a lot of work left to do on the Serenity Day materials. We need the time to do this right. Some of the volunteers have day jobs! We haven’t got the message of what we’re trying to accomplish figured out even amongst ourselves enough to eliminate people's questions, and these questions and ruminations are what’s killing us now.

It’s taken us an entire week alone to decide on a sig, a name, and a url. Those 3 alone caused a lot of churn and airing of great ideas. Now the date has caused this controversy.

We need the time to iron all this out. We don’t have time to do this right and mend (or burn) bridges at the same time.

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:23 AM


I suggest that all who can go out and support Bix's charity screenings. Thats the beat thing we can do right now. We keep our efforts up and move the date to Sept. 30th. This gives us more time to prepare for our day. I always thought June 23 was too soon. But we don't abandon any of the charity screenings we were planning on going to or even planning to set up. The screenings still go for a good cause. Our cause still needs time to mature.

Kaele where are you? We need our fearless leader!

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:37 AM


An idea...

What about if June 23rd became like a kind of dry run to test the effectiveness of the campaign? Keep campaigning to have folks buy DVDs on that date (Happy Birthday Joss!), afterward, we can see what the sales figures ended up being. Then the battle plan will become a lot clearer. Either the numbers will be really great (don't mean to be negative, but doubt that truly "awesome" numbers can happen in such a short amount of time), or the sales will be a lot less than all the great expectations were hoping for. But at least some "real world" results will be available.

Then folks can get geared up for Serenity Day on September 30th. Either with confidence that we're already coming from a strong place, or the cold, hard realization that there's still a whole lotta promotin' to be done.

If the "test run" thing sounds like a good idea, then it can be named something without the word "Serenity" in it. That will help delineate the DVD buying campaign from the Serenity Now/Equality Now charity screenings. Some peace can be achieved it the names of the different events really are "different".

Sometimes an army has to have a few skirmishes to test itself, then they can come back for the big battle even stronger.

11th Hour


For anyone who hasn't done guerilla marketing, let me just say it can be a tough battle. It's fun because you're doing it with your browncoat buddies, but going out there into the big world, and talkin' up folk who won't initially have interest in what you have to say, is a lot to overcome. There's a lot of things out there trying to grab peoples' attention... takes a lot of persistence and good energy to make a dent.

You can get already existing fans excited about an idea, but getting other folk convinced is a different matter. It will take time to create the kind of effect fans want for Serenity Day.


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:43 AM


We HAVE to keep it the 23rd.

Our fanbase does not exist in an environment which supports sudden change.

Everyone here knows that the 23rd is the day.
If we change it, we're going to lose a significant percentage of our participants.
Remember, everybody is doing this out of good will. No one is compelled.
If we start changing dates, titles, times, etc.; the effort will simply become confused. Our efforts will dissipate. Just buy it on Amazon or whereever if you can't get to a video store to buy a copy. It's not that hard.
I say our board is big enough. I've been telling people in my community that the 23rd is the day.

You can't stop the signal, but if you scramble it, noone will tune in.




Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:44 AM


Please change the date to Sept 30th. I find the ruthless infighting very discouraging. I don't want to go up against the vets. Since they are so offended, I think we should be gracious and just pick a different day. Besides, Serenity's anniversary would have more significance to Universal than Joss' birthday. This project would be a great way to say thank you to Universal. It makes more sense to approach it this way rather than claiming to be able to show them huge sales numbers to influence them to make more Serenity installments. Just make it a day of celebration for what we have already been given and what we hope to have more of.

Avoiding conflict among The Coats will not cause a loss of momentum. It will contribute toward building momentum and the project will become stronger and more successful. Success is our ultimate goal.

(MALicious on the Browncoats board)


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:53 AM


Speaking from experience, if you're going to go ahead with this you'll need more time in terms of planning and speaking to the press and the fanbase. Plus a lot of the fans don't know who the organisers are. Bonds have to be built and there has to be some sort of recognition factor. I didn't have a clue who you guys were which is why I said what I said at Whedonesque.

June 23rd looks like a rush date and smacks of a hasty effort which ultimately will not achieve much. September 30th is a far more recogniseable date to Browncoats than June 23rd.

And might I suggest that you have your own dedicated PHP forum for the campaign? As threads here tend to get bumped and down like there's no tomorrow. And it's easier for people to post their own ideas on how to get noticed and for other people to comment on the ideas.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:54 AM


Change it.

Yeah, who am I? :) I'm DizzyEllie, and I've been following this from pretty much the beginning.

B!X is pretty popular amongst many of the fans outside of this site, and sorry, but as much as I disagree with how he voices his opinion, he does have the high-ground on this one: he picked the date first and his cause is for charity. There is no way you can win that argument. The more folks push against B!X and his screenings, the more this whole thing will be viewed very negatively from the fanbase outside of Once again, I do not agree with how B!X is handling this (he could be nicer, and just say "no" to combining the events and state the two events are not linked; instead he is deriding the Serenity Day folks as selfish and self-serving. Not cool or classy in my book.).

Pick Sept 30, and there is months to get the word out, no conflict with the very-vocal-B!X, and there will be some distance from all this negativity.

Sorry, but if you want this effort to succeed, you'll have to pull in more people then from But I, for one, will be on board with my purchase no matter what day you choose.

Best of luck, either way!

Welcome to Serenity - Joss Whedon


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:56 AM


My vote is keep the 23rd and Plan for a Bigger Bang on Sept. 30th!

Wash: Closing in.
Zoe: Planet's coming up a might fast.
Wash: That's just 'cause I'm goin' down too quick. Likely crash and kill us all.
Mal: Well, if that happens, let me know.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:57 AM



Originally posted by aztechrome:
We HAVE to keep it the 23rd.

Our fanbase does not exist in an environment which supports sudden change.

Really? Are browncoats so fragile and easily discouraged that a date change will collapse the environment? Whoa... if the fanbase is that easily toppled, it wasn't very strong to begin with.

Remember, Serenity was originally scheduled to be released on April 22nd. Universal changed the date after several weeks. Sure it caused a fuss, but the browncoats regrouped and continued the campaign. Give the fans some credit.


Everyone here knows that the 23rd is the day.
If we change it, we're going to lose a significant percentage of our participants.

Everyone? Who is this "everyone" of whom you speak? This idea only just got started. Believe me there are still many, many fans who don't know about this campaign yet. And if you're concerned about losing participants, well there will be a big loss of good people if the date stays on the 23rd. Good people who sincerely believe that Serenity Day needs to take place on September 30th.


Remember, everybody is doing this out of good will. No one is compelled.
If we start changing dates, titles, times, etc.; the effort will simply become confused. Our efforts will dissipate.

You forgot the part where the sky is falling...


Just buy it on Amazon or whereever if you can't get to a video store to buy a copy. It's not that hard.
I say our board is big enough. I've been telling people in my community that the 23rd is the day.

The numbers of members who frequent this board are not big enough to make the kind of impact on Universal people want for the DVD buying campaign. Anyone who has experience with these kinds of fan generated campaigns, especially the Firefly/Serenity ones, knows that. Also, as much as people may wish it, not everyone on this board will participate. Anyway, are you counting total number of members? A lot of people who registered over the years don't check in too often, or at all, any more.

Besides, wouldn't it be a good to get an idea of just how strong the sales will be by have a "first phase" buying campaign on the 23rd. Then use those figures to gage how to proceed with the really big Serenity Day campaign on September 30th?

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:12 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by SadLittleKing:
Who frakkin' cares?!

I think the only thing Universal would care about is the spike in Serenity DVD sales. Do you think they would like that to happen sooner or later? Or both? And which option would help our cause the most? My answer would be the third option. Both days. If the name of the day has to be official, then June 23rd could be "Serenity Day" and September 30th could be "Serenity Anniversary". But do we have to get caught up in this useless argument over what specific day is called what? The point is to generate a spike in sales of the DVD. Let's focus on that rather than gettin' caught up in the silly details. All we need to do is what will help our cause. One day of a sales spike is good, two days is better. I get the feeling that's how Universal would see it.

Again, I don't mean to sound....however I may be sounding. I'm saying this in the most polite way I know how. So excuse me if none of that came out in a polite fashion.

This was you trying to be polite? Dude, needs work.

Thanks for the unpolite comment in return.


Your post misses a lot of the points... points that people who have been following this subject are already familiar with. While this is a message board and a place for expressing opinions, an informed opinion is a lot more valuable to a discussion.

What points? The bottom line is a spike in DVD sales. I don't see the disconnect. The least you can do is explain it to me if there's some big piece of the puzzle I'm missing. I don't spend all day on message boards.


And since this thread was meant as a place to vote, and you don't "frakkin" care... then why are you here? Just to add yet more negativity and conflict to a subject that already has too much?

What negativity? I said I wanted you take what I said in a polite manner. I'm not trying to start anything. On the contrary, I just supported an idea for how to end the squabbling and conflict.

By the way, why am I here? Cause I love Firefly/Serenity and I wanna support it. I said I don't care about the names of days and junk like that. Just pick a day. Heck, pick two. Names aren't important. What's important is the action taken.


An idea...

What about if June 23rd became like a kind of dry run to test the effectiveness of the campaign? Keep campaigning to have folks buy DVDs on that date (Happy Birthday Joss!), afterward, we can see what the sales figures ended up being. Then the battle plan will become a lot clearer. Either the numbers will be really great (don't mean to be negative, but doubt that truly "awesome" numbers can happen in such a short amount of time), or the sales will be a lot less than all the great expectations were hoping for. But at least some "real world" results will be available.

Then folks can get geared up for Serenity Day on September 30th. Either with confidence that we're already coming from a strong place, or the cold, hard realization that there's still a whole lotta promotin' to be done.

Oh, so we do BOTH days. Thank you for finally coming around.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:19 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:
And if you're concerned about losing participants, well there will be a big loss of good people if the date stays on the 23rd. Good people who sincerely believe that Serenity Day needs to take place on September 30th.

Listen to what she speaks, Browncoats.. she is right about this one. There are a lot of fine people who were intitially involved with this who don't like the way this is devolving. Don't like this backstabbing, fighting atmosphere. Miss the board being the friendly wonderful place it used to be. I am one. Do you think folks who are sensible want to be involved with a campaign with this much against it right off the bat? I know folks who will not stay with this if it doesn't change.


The numbers of members who frequent this board are not big enough to make the kind of impact on Universal people want for the DVD buying campaign.

Another truth. We here on are insular. We think those shiny numbers coming in are the folks who frequent this place every day and are on here posting constantly. That is not so. There is a small core group of folks who are here all the time and some who come and go. You are all miscounting the support from fans on other boards... they do not feel the same way about this. Some of them are looking at this fighting and have no desire to be associated with this campaign.

We need numbers, big numbers to do this right. More time gives us those numbers. It's just sensible. Does a general go into battle with not enough troops and expect to be successful? Do they go into battle fighting amongst themselves and expect to win? That is what we are talking about here.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:23 PM


June 23rd it my vote, unless we can somehow agree to do something on BOTH days.


One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:24 PM


I have two points to make.

First, I vote for September. It does make more sense to take more time and recruit more Browncoats. Plus, showing a united front makes a whole lot of sense.

Second, who is in charge of making the final decision? Effectiveness on the battlefield demands that there must be a leader, and that the troops must follow, even if they don't necessarily agree.I have no ego in this, so tell me which way to shoot, and I'll shoot. I'll shoot twice if I have to.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:25 PM


I have two points to make.

First, I vote for September. It does make more sense to take more time and recruit more Browncoats. Plus, showing a united front makes a whole lot of sense.

Second, who is in charge of making the final decision? Effectiveness on the battlefield demands that there must be a leader, and that the troops must follow, even if they don't necessarily agree.I have no ego in this, so tell me which way to shoot, and I'll shoot. I'll shoot twice if I have to.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:28 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Listen to what she speaks, Browncoats.. she is right about this one. There are a lot of fine people who were intitially involved with this who don't like the way this is devolving. Don't like this backstabbing, fighting atmosphere. Miss the board being the friendly wonderful place it used to be. I am one. Do you think folks who are sensible want to be involved with a campaign with this much against it right off the bat? I know folks who will not stay with this if it doesn't change.

Right now, I'm feeling like not staying with this. This whole thing is becoming more complicated than it really needs to be. That's what's causing this infighting. It should be simple. We got a day. Stick with it. We got another day as well. And we'll go with that. That's not difficult. If you keep it simple, things stay simple and fun. But if you start making things more complex than need be, by having official names and stuff that a lot of people need to agree on, you're just gonna get more arguing. A large group of people aren't gonna agree on the exact same thing.

Stop with the voting. Say "Show up on June 23rd." Also say "Then show up on September 30th." That's not hard. Keep it simple for everyone.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:42 PM


Had to delete this... first time a double post happened to me.

Scroll down for the post that was here... then got duplicated for some reason...


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:44 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by aztechrome:
We HAVE to keep it the 23rd.

Our fanbase does not exist in an environment which supports sudden change.

Really? Are browncoats so fragile and easily discouraged that a date change will collapse the environment? Whoa... if the fanbase is that easily toppled, it wasn't very strong to begin with.

Remember, Serenity was originally scheduled to be released on April 22nd. Universal changed the date after several weeks. Sure it caused a fuss, but the browncoats regrouped and continued the campaign. Give the fans some credit.

I give the fans plenty of credit. I'm one of them. But is among the most rabid places on the net regarding the 'verse; and we're not even focused on one plan. I'm not so worried about a postponement as a dispersed and meaningless effort. Too many cooks are spoiling the soup here. The plan needs to be concretized.
Look at the board. People are confused, and have their own ideas.


Everyone here knows that the 23rd is the day.
If we change it, we're going to lose a significant percentage of our participants.


Everyone? Who is this "everyone" of whom you speak? This idea only just got started. Believe me there are still many, many fans who don't know about this campaign yet. And if you're concerned about losing participants, well there will be a big loss of good people if the date stays on the 23rd. Good people who sincerely believe that Serenity Day needs to take place on September 30th.

Well, it's been the 23rd ever since I remember dates being bandied around. Now we've got a schism over the 23rd/30th and some people wanting to put forth 2 efforts instead of one, etc. Sounds to me like the meaningless blip that some people have been calling our effort will be even more meaniningless if it happens in two or three increments within a nebulous plan of attack. Go for the 30th if you think it's better for some reason. I still don't see why the efforts can't be complimentary if unfortunately unaffiliated.


Remember, everybody is doing this out of good will. No one is compelled.
If we start changing dates, titles, times, etc.; the effort will simply become confused. Our efforts will dissipate.

You forgot the part where the sky is falling...

If the sky's falling we should do something sooner rather than later.


Just buy it on Amazon or whereever if you can't get to a video store to buy a copy. It's not that hard.
I say our board is big enough. I've been telling people in my community that the 23rd is the day.

The numbers of members who frequent this board are not big enough to make the kind of impact on Universal people want for the DVD buying campaign. Anyone who has experience with these kinds of fan generated campaigns, especially the Firefly/Serenity ones, knows that. Also, as much as people may wish it, not everyone on this board will participate. Anyway, are you counting total number of members? A lot of people who registered over the years don't check in too often, or at all, any more.

Besides, wouldn't it be a good to get an idea of just how strong the sales will be by have a "first phase" buying campaign on the 23rd. Then use those figures to gage how to proceed with the really big Serenity Day campaign on September 30th?

11th Hour

Again, I don't think there's enough focus to run 2 campaigns. And if we mux things up any more, we won't even know what to make of the June 23rd numbers or what they represent.
Secondly, unlike most EVERYONE ELSE. I think the 23rd could be a felicitous date. Can't we share? We did B!x a favor by advertising those gigs on our boards. B!x accused us of solipsizing the 'verse, but his comments are clearly the finest example of solipsistic epistemology. I don't think anyone was trying to "steal" anything here at
Finally, I'll buy a second copy of Serenity, out of dedication. But I have my limits, I'm not going to buy a third copy on the 30th of Sep. Honestly, I don't make that much money, and it's an effort to buy the 1 extra copy. (a UC BA is worth $8.50 hr where i work, GO ECONOMY! )
I don't really care. I just think somone needs to PICK ONE!
Until we do that, we can't start reaching outside of this board, as you said. I've said myself that our best way would be to network and activate all the sleepers we can. (See various guerilla promotional postings).

Hey, we're all browncoats here. So I'll chill out.
But we need to choose. Soon. Or we will have no time to do the rest of our work


"What is the difference between work and love? Show me..." (JLG Passion)


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:47 PM



Originally posted by SadLittleKing:
What points? The bottom line is a spike in DVD sales. I don't see the disconnect. The least you can do is explain it to me if there's some big piece of the puzzle I'm missing. I don't spend all day on message boards.

And I also don't want to expend more energy explaining what has already been posted in several threads.

The short: The bottom line is NOT just a spike in DVD sales. The Serenity Day campaign is being geared to have really huge sales, huge enough to impress Universal.

There are conflicting purposes here. The website for Serenity Day wants to wow Universal with enough sales to convince them to make a sequel. Other fans are content with showing a spike in sales. These are two VERY DIFFERENT goals.

This thread is for voting on which day to designate Serenity Day. The BIG day for really showing awesome sales to Universal. That kind of campaign needs a lot of time and work to really pull off. If not, then the fan base still looks too small, at least in Universal's eyes, to warrant the kind of investment more incarnations of Serenity will cost.


What negativity? I said I wanted you take what I said in a polite manner. I'm not trying to start anything. On the contrary, I just supported an idea for how to end the squabbling and conflict.

Take some responsibility. When you start a post with "Who frakkin cares?!" that comes off as combative.


By the way, why am I here? Cause I love Firefly/Serenity and I wanna support it. I said I don't care about the names of days and junk like that. Just pick a day. Heck, pick two. Names aren't important. What's important is the action taken.

If you read more closely, I was asking why you were here, in this thread, if you don't "frakkin'" care much about the date. This is a thread for voting. If you really don't care, then why not just see what the result turns out to be and go with it?

Keep your thoughts clear. If you're posting and chiming in, you do care. People who don't care don't post


Oh, so we do BOTH days. Thank you for finally coming around.

I have been saying that the fans can acknowledge both days for a while now. I was making a distinction between how to approach each of the days... and I made the distinction with reasons not brought up by other people yet.

• June 23rd ~ First test run to see what numbers of the DVD buying campaign are. Use this info and experience to improve the campaign for the BIG buying endeavor on Serenity Day, September 30th.

• Choose a 'verse themed name for June 23rd that does not include the word "Serenity". This will do a lot to separate the campaign from the "Serenity Now/Equality Now" screenings, and turn the heat off all the conflicts over the endeavors occuring on the same date.


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~






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