Serenity Day Supporters...

UPDATED: Saturday, April 29, 2006 05:08
VIEWED: 8702
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:58 AM


Fellow Browncoats:

So, I'm reading my email this morning and I get a message from, their April 2006 update. In it is a link to the "Can't Stop The Serenity" campaign, of which they are a part. I think, "Cool!" and click the link (
). It's about a round of charity screenings scheduled for 23rd June, to benefit Equality Now, to which I am at least not opposed ideologically, even though has pissed me off on the question of Equality in the past (long story; ask me in this thread, if you really want to know), to the point where I don't visit that site unless FFFn is offline. It goes on to say "Anybody can get involved by visiting", so I do.

That's where I find that the site is 'administered' (i.e., 'run with an iron fist of censorship') by "The One True b!X", a frequent poster at, and maybe even around here. Right on the home page, he 'politely' accuses the 'buy a DVD on June 23rd to show Universal we care' movements springing up around the world of having ripped off his idea, and of watering down his efforts (click on "Please Read This Disclaimer Regarding The UNRELATED "Serenity Day" Occuring On The Same Date", which takes you to

At the bottom of that page is a further link, in which he rants on about what he really thinks of Serenity Day movements and their organizers (link title, "Note: If you want to know how I really feel, read the pure unadulterated venting I posted elsewhere", which takes you to

The following was my reply to his repugnant accusations, since it will undoubtedly never be published on b!X's own website:

This is the most childish crap I have ever heard. To summarize your whining: "I thought of this first. Everyone else is just copying my idea. Their idea is not nearly as good as mine. I will not have my idea -- which is far superior to the efforts of others -- sullied by being related to these 'usurpers' ideas, which are going to be "nothing more than a blip on the radar" anyway."

You, sir, are a dick. On the positive side, though, it is attitudes like yours that eloquently prove why a male-dominated society is so evil: You can't resist the call of your own ambition for even a second. What we truly need in order to accomplish the goals of a fine organization like Equality Now, is an environment of sharing and non-competitiveness.

So, thanks for the reverse-example of those ideals, *schmuck*.



You can explain to Equality Now why I will be avoiding "your" events like the plague they are, and encouraging everyone else to read your despicable opinions and do likewise. Or you can come down off your high horse and apologize to those other groups and their efforts, which you've slandered (of which, I am not a member). I'll be over at FFFn, as always, should you decide to use that lump two feet above your ass for something other than a hat rack.

As I said, I posted this reply on his website, whereupon I got the following message:

Your comment has been received and held for approval by the blog owner. Comments will be moderated, and there is no guarantee that they will be published. This site is comparable to a private living room, not part of the public square.

If you're fortunate, you may become designated as a Trusted Commenter, at which point you will no longer see this message and your comments will be posted immediately.

I reckon I will not be "fortunate" enough to become a "Trusted Commenter", nor do I hope to ever have Fortune visit me thus. 'Sycophant' is not a title to which I aspire.

Now that I've ranted in return, on a freedom-of-speech forum, I'd like to urge folks not to stoop to b!X's level. I will not, in fact, encourage a civil war amongst the Browncoats, and do encourage people to attend theatrical "Serenity" screenings, if you are lucky enough to live close to one. Furthermore, the cause they further (Equality Now) is more than merely worthy, it is vital.

It's just a shame that such an important cause is being championed by such an emasculated coward (i.e., "dickless shithead") as TOTb!X.

So why respond at all? Good question. My only justification is that I could not stand idly by while b!X accused Serenity Day organizers of stealing his idea (as though Joss' birthday were his private domain), and claiming that your efforts would result in only "a blip on Universal's radar", meaning your efforts are worthless.

I disagree very strongly with his sentiments -- all of them -- and with his motivations for expressing those sentiments.

Still, maybe at some point he'll grow a pair and realize that there's room for everybody on the 23rd of June, and that Browncoats have room in their hearts -- and pocketbooks -- for both Serenity Day and "Can't Stop The Serenity".



b!X: If you ever read this, the proof that you are doing "Can't Stop The Serenity" for the wrong reasons (i.e., strictly for your own aggrandizement) is your statement:

...The point of this was supposed to be pure, outward, and other-directed. It was supposed to be a joy to work on.

Now, it's drudgery. A chore...

That's not the spirit of charity, of altruism. That's unadulterated Ego and ambition. If it were really "other-directed", then doing the work without any praise or reward would still bring Joy to your heart. The fact that it could ever get ruined for you means you were only doing it for yourself, regardless what your mouth professes.

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:12 AM


You're a very "up" person!

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:14 AM


Amen sister.

He posted here a bit ago, but I have to say he was a bit more polished and respectful than that.

What I want to say to him is this, the Serenity Day hoopla being generated will only HELP his charity screenings. So he should be glad for the free publicity. All of us running around, recruiting Browncoats, bringing attention by our June 23rd signatures, posters, stickers and postings will make more people aware of our Shiny Verse and may line the pockets of Equality Now.

I thought one did things because it was the "done thing" (as my Grandma - God Rest her soul- would say). You work on a charity venture because it is the right thing to do, not because you have a good time doing it, or it gets you a pat on the back.

Besides, am I wrong or isn't the 23rd Joss' birthday? If so then in choosing that day for his "charity screenings" wasn't he hoping to get an atta boy from the master? Now that is pathetic.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!

Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I am his one true love! Is that weird?
(he will believe, he will believe)


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:22 AM


lol, I... hadn't realized there was supposed to be some sort of "hierarchy" involved with these events. :P

I can sort of see his point about how he's trying to send a message of "look how pious and charitable us Browncoats are" vs "look how much money we can spend on this," but:

I think it's fair to say that not everyone is going to be able to make it to one of the screenings (it's still a little up in the air if I'll be able to make it, myself.) The DVD buying spree on that day sounds to me like a fair alternative for those who still want to get involved on that day, but can't make it to one of the charity showings. Myself, I was sorta planning on doing both...

Luckily, it's still a ways off, so hopefully some manner of compromise can be worked out before "the day." The last thing we're going to need is news of infighting among the ranks. (I'm rather tempted to send a message his way if I can do it in a blatantly non-flaming manner :)

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:25 AM


Please keep it civil here... We don't want unrest between Browncoats, do we? We're gonna work something out, if B!x is the least bit reasonable and half as selfless as he claims to be.
But it did strike me as odd that he's merrily recruiting people here who want to do a screening because of Serenity Day (The number of screenings went up from 11 since december to 24 since the announcment of Serenity day not 3 weeks ago.), while at the same time throwing a fit at his site about how our selfish efforts disgust him. I dunno. I dunno him, but if it's really the charity he's all about, he should see that what we are doing is helping Serenity Now/Equality Now a great deal, as long as we make sure everyone knows that it's 2 seperate events by one big happy family of fans.
Anyways, keep it civil. One Army, remember?

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:27 AM



while i had some of the same setiments you mentioned, posting this thread doesn't help ANYTHING. I was going to message kaele and ask her what she thought about it but if you noticed, kaele has from a few weeks ago, made the point clear that the two days are seperate and are working together, if not for the same purpose, then in the same meduim- our love for the 'verse.

I can understand becuase i thought b!x would have some enthusiasm for us sharing the day and helping spread the ord for him (like agst explained), create more a buzz than without us...but that's optimistic thinking that doesn't share.

so anyway, moving forward, zoid has shown the devide that started a few weeks ago, but we shouldn't share this pessimisim. For those that cannot host a screenig in their home town, we offered an alternative to celebrate joss' birthday, becuase let's admit, there's a lot of screenings NOT showing in the us,canada,australia and uk

one more point i want to share is that the pessimism that the people on other sites (whedonesque, cantstoptheserenity and other sites) will not be convinced by us arguing with them. we want to UNITE browncoats on this day and bickering will not win over anyone. it might seperate OUR ranks as well if things become so petty.

Keep strong, keep doing what you love becuase it is love that brings us together and that makes us great!



Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:34 AM


We'll get this sorted out. I know it sucks to just wait, and that we're probably all a bit puzzled by this latest development, but please don't write angry posts, it's only going to create an hwaifest amongst Browncoats, and we can't have that.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:43 AM


Just out of curiosity, won't going to the charity screenings benefit the BDM and Equality Now no matter who we support? I may not like where The One True b!X is coming from, but as long as people are trying to support the cause, everything's shiny, right?

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:44 AM


Of course, one of the many things zoid is wrong about is the idea that his or her comment would never be published on my site.

Let me make this clear: I don't give a rat's ass about "credit" and the bit about "joy" was, as you can see, posted on my personal site, where I have every right in the world to talk about how things AFFECT ME PERSONALLY.

I continue to be boggled that so many people don't understand and seem unconcerned with the fact that the story of June 23 has been radically changed from one of outward, other-directed altruism to one that inevitably will be reported as being nothing more than fans agitating to benefit themselves.

The entire mess could have been avoided if people had been aware and astute enough to REALIZE how the story of June 23 would be completely altered by launching an inward, self-directed effort on the same day.

It's not ME that I'm worried about (as I said, my personal site is for me to talk about how things affect me, and I'm not going to apologize for that) -- it's the story of June 23.

I have also said repeatedly that of course individual organizers are free to link or not link the two efforts as they see fit, on the ground where they are.

But I am under no obligation to somehow just roll over in the face of the fundamental story of JUne 23 being radically altered.

I am also under no obligation to refrian from posting to my own personal website whatever I want to about how a situation affects me personally. The point about "joy" wasn't that people were supposed to concerned with my joy -- the point simply was that what had been a joy no longer was one.

In terms of the effort itself, my joy is irrelevant. Whether or not I am joyful, Equality Now is going to gave funds raised for it in June. But in terms of my personal life, my joy is not irrelevant. And I have the right to talk about that on my personal site.

I'll also point out that it's zoid who is tossing around words like "schmuck." I've made no such personal attacks.

Organize Your June 23 Charity Screening!
More than twenty cities in four countries are making plans.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:59 AM



Either b!X recognizes and repents, or what I've said sticks. Right and Wrong are not negotiable.

To everybody else, a repeat of what I said before: Support both Serenity Day efforts and Can't Stop The Serenity.

(NB: deepgirl187, please re-read my entire post, above. Even though I said I would be encouraging others to avoid the screenings in my letter to b!X's site, I could never actually do anything that hurt Serenity, or Equality Now.)

Just because b!X is an egotistical miscreant, doesn't mean that Equality Now is in any way related to his misguided sentiments. Don't shoot the message, just because the messenger is evil...



i'm not a "sister" (read my Profile), but i sincerely appreciate your implied compliment of communality with yourself. zoid is a 47-year-old male, father of two girls and a boy, devoted husband of a marvelous (and, frankly, mysterious) woman. i'm also not a Feminist. i'm a 'humanist', my definition of which being that every human should have the same rights and societal expectations, regardless of sex, age, race, creed, or sexual orientation. No one group should be in a position of advantage, strictly because they happen to be born in the societally dominant body/mental configuration. ...And that's from this Christian Caucasion male's perspective. i'm tired of this (expletive deleted, meaning "Western Cultural bias"). It's just entirely too wasteful of the near-limitless human gift, and destructive to everyone who is 'different', to boot.

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:25 AM


ONETRUEB!X, care to explain the part about the numbers of screenings having risen from 11 to 24 in less than three weeks since the idea of Serenity Day came up? Of course the date is getting closer, so more people get in gear to do screenings, but most of those people signed up HERE, after hearing about Serenity Day. They didn't hear about Serenity now/Equality Now somewhere and went to to sign up, they heard about Serenity Day here and wanted to do something, and charity combined with Firefly? Field Day!
I'm not trying to start hwai, just curious as to how exactly that hurts Equality now more than the public thinking the two events are selfish and connected? We can easily make sure that the two events are considered seperate by everyone, but still help each other a great deal. As a matter of fact, we can help you more than you can help us, since we're not planning on waving the banner of charity, but instead do our own thing and support Serenity Now/Equality Now as good as we can. We dig charity. All manner of ideas to promote and help Serenity Now/Equality Now are all over this forum and have been part of the plan ever since the idea of Serenity Day was conceived. And it was always about being ONE happy family of Browncoats. Well, we called it "Army", but... that's not the point. Point is, we are all connected by our shared love and appreciation for Firefly, and we can each do our own thing on Joss's birthday, and still support and be merry with each other, shiny?
So, what else are you afraid of could hurt Equality Now except for the media linking the two events together - which can be avoided? If we make it clear for every Browncoat how important this differentiation is, they won't screw up in an interview or some such and even point that out unasked or off-camera. We're not entirely stupid, you know.

Even if THAT would be screwed up somehow, your screenings have doubled since the Serenity Day hype, meaning double the money for Equality Now.
Now weigh each against the other, and tell me in how far Serenity Day is hurting Equality Now.

Come on, man, we're on the same side here! Just trust us that we won't screw with your cause in the least, but support it to our best effort and make sure people know they're two seperate events, and everyone's happy! People will see that ONE group of Browncoats did this shiny charity thing while the OTHER celebrated the joy that is Serenity while supporting their fellow fans in their heroic effort (and we're talking THOUSANDS more supporters here) on that Joss Whedon guy's birthday. Which shows what kind of shiny and smart and united and charitable people Browncoats are, don't you think?
So let's all just think this through, and I'm sure we can all get along if we're being reasonable.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:44 AM


/me steps back.

Just wanting to echo some of the sentiments in the previous posts. This whole thing has the potential to turn ugly real quick. It hasn't yet, but let's face it, one thing the internet does real well is ugly...

Surely there's plenty of time for a workable compromise here where everyone wins. I rather think both events are absolutely shiny ideas, and I'll go with whatever the leaders come up with.

Anyways, just sending shiny thoughts 'cause I thought my previous posting may have been a little hastily written :)

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:51 AM


Shiny happy people holding haaaaaands...

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:53 AM


Let's take this argument to a vote. Check it here:

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:53 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Agatsu - you make so many excellent points. I should just repeat everything you said...
BIX - I'm fuzzy on why you don't see the recent June23rd events and buzz as a boost to your cause, the end result being additional outward spirit and benefits for Equality Now. Maybe we can't attribute all of the new screenings to it but I'm sure if you check your sites traffic logs you'll see a spike from the moment that Serenity Day was first discussed. These people would probably never have heard of your efforts (myself included) had there not been Serenity Day.
What's Chinese for "it's all good?"

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:02 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Hera:
Browncoats! There is an alternative to the controversial situation we all find ourselves in re: Serenity Day and Serenity/Now and Equality/Now

There is a list of good reasons to move this campaign to September 30th that have been suggested by others...

Sweet Jeezus! September??!! Universal will have forgotten that they even made the film by then!
Seriously, that seems like a long way off. Sometimes people can take too long trying to make everything perfect-perfect, and they end up missing the opportunity. No offense but I think that's crazy talk.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:07 AM


There is nothing that says we have to do the deed on June 23rd because it was the first date suggested. Let’s give ourselves the luxury of the time to establish a presence in the fan community. Postponing 3 months will give the Browncoats enough time to get up to speed and on-board, while also allowing them enough time to get materials out to convert new Browncoats.

I do not think ennui will creep in if we give ourselves more time. I myself would be devastated if I checked back in with the fan community and realized I had missed the opportunity to help out on a huge fan initiative because I had been out of touch for a few weeks. People drift away for several reasons. We need time to get the word out to them and get them back.

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:21 AM


I have to say, although I thought setting Serenity Day on the same day as the Serenity Now/Equality Now screening (and the birthday bonus) would make perfect sense, but since this can only move in the wrong direction if unrest breaks out amongst Browncoats - and since I trust the veterans- , I have to be bigger than the last thing holding me back (SPITE against B!x) and vote for yes, let's postpone.
It could lose us some momentum, but we get some shiny things to keep us interested and busy along the way, like the Firefly Ornament, new comic books, Done the Impossible, conventions, oh, and let's not forget Serenity Now/Equality Now. :) Not to mention the preparations for september.
It seems like an eternity away, but we're gonna have lots to do, and lots to keep us focused - and most of all, more time to plan, and maybe get some of the Crew on board (not Joss, for reasons mentioned in other threads).
If you all are true Browncoats, we can hold until september, and be even mightier.

And, Zoid, keep in mind we're not "backing off" because of B!x's efforts to boycott us, but because it's best for all as long as B!x is alive. We would have all the "right" to have Serenity Day on June 23rd, but we CHOSE to do the right thing. No worries.
And Serenity Now/Equality Now has prospered and will continue to prosper, (dare I say) mainly due to Serenity Day, but I don't care if THEONETRUEB!X gets his 15 minutes of fame for it, as long as it helps Equality Now and Serenity.

So let's all take a deep breath, move the date, and get going. The website should be ready soon, and the logo is easily changed. No official plan has yet been made "public", so if we spread the word quickly enough, it will only create a lil' bit of confusion, but in the end, it will be better for everyone. If one person can't swallow his pride, a few thousands will have to, because we are mighty.
But even if we put all this ego-trip- gao se aside, september really sounds better and better the more I think about it. More time is always good. There's this "Firefly Starter DVD" thing going on in Germany starting next month (I posted about this), so obviously efforts are being made from an official side (even though it may just be national) to spread the interest in Firefly. So let's spread the disease even more. Uh. "Disease" might not be the right word, but I think we all agree that Firefly is contageous. So we massively recruit new people while organising shiny things for Serenity Day on September 30th.
We're gonna be in for a longer haul, but it's gonna be all the shinier. What say you all?

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:28 AM



Originally posted by Hera:
I myself would be devastated if I checked back in with the fan community and realized I had missed the opportunity to help out on a huge fan initiative because I had been out of touch for a few weeks.

Well, I felt bummed when I saw I had missed the chance to help get Serenity made, so I'm with you.
We're still at 30 new members a day - we could make that grow exponentially until September, and they'd all be glad they didn't miss it.
Of course, by that logic, we would postpone Serenity Day eternally, but we won't. But we WILL give more people a chance to participate.
3 months longer is a loooong time, though, but since we're going for a symbolic date, september 30th seems fine. Anyways, like I said, I trust the people who helped getting Serenity made, and if some of them think september is better, that's good enough for me.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:32 AM


hera makes a good point.

While june 23rd is exciting to look forward to since it's close, it does present problems due to the time restraints

i'm going to give the "leaders" these thoughts and get back to you guys


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:36 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Hera:
There is nothing that says we have to do the deed on June 23rd because it was the first date suggested.

There were other dates suggested, the alignment of JW's b-day and the other Browncoat energy being roused on that day were the clinchers for the date.


Originally posted by Hera:
I do not think ennui will creep in if we give ourselves more time. I myself would be devastated if I checked back in with the fan community and realized I had missed the opportunity to help out on a huge fan initiative because I had been out of touch for a few weeks. People drift away for several reasons. We need time to get the word out to them and get them back.

I think some ennui has already crept in imho. Zoid's thread is the first mention I've seen of the event since the site had it's wonderful facelift over a week ago. The buzz has gotten a little quieter.

By September 30th we may be looking at a number of fans having drifted away because there hasn't been anything to inspire them or rally them sooner. Sure, the die hard fans will be here but our numbers will probably never be as great as they are now.

Agatsu - just noticed your post above and frankly that sounds like give-up talk to my ears, "well ok, someone complained (who should be thankful) so let's move it..." And what if someone comes up and says they have a problem with Sept 30th?? We just keep changing?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:36 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
So we massively recruit new people while organising shiny things for Serenity Day on September 30th.
We're gonna be in for a longer haul, but it's gonna be all the shinier. What say you all?


Finally at last someone has talked about this all out in the open rather than just worrying over what B!x is doing.

I say we wait til September 30th. Gives us longer and also let's us plan more and takes the controversy and problems that are occuring with
B!x and eases them. I don't like conflict within our beloved Browncoat ranks.. we are so good at holdin' together,let's hold somemore and make a real go of Serenity Day!

ETA: I just hit HOME and see that there is a thread started to vote... what a wonderful idea... then we get what ALL the folk want. Here I go.. off to vote and put in my 2 cents.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:31 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
You, sir, are a should (my change) decide to use that lump two feet above your ass for something other than a hat rack

Zoid, I love you. You ROCK.

To everyone else, Zoid is one of the kindest, smartest, realest persons on the planet. I know this for a fact because I know everyone on the planet, of course.

On June 23rd, I, personally, will be renting several copies of Serenity at my nearest Blockbuster and immediately turning around and putting them back into the return bin. Then I'm going home to watch one of my own copies. If there is a screening near me, I'll go to that as well.

AND, on September 30th, I will also do whatever is necessary to get some attention for our BDM. AND on Christmas, New Years and Groundhog days as well if need be.

I don't rock boats. I help them float. Every day of the year, if necessary!


I'm going to add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:07 AM


I beg to differ on your assertion that you have made no "personal attacks".

Everything you have posted on at
is extremely offensive. Most especially your assumption that you are smarter than the rest of the world.

As I read your writings I get the image of a little boy holding his breath and stomping his foot.

1. The upshot is this. You do not OWN June 23.
2. No one ever intended to "steal your thunder".
3. If you want your cause to be taken seriously or in fact if YOU want to be taken seriously - treat people with respect. That is not a lot to ask.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!

Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I am his one true love! Is that weird?
(he will believe, he will believe)


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:03 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I beg to differ on your assertion that you have made no "personal attacks".

Everything you have posted on at
is extremely offensive. Most especially your assumption that you are smarter than the rest of the world.

As I read your writings I get the image of a little boy holding his breath and stomping his foot.

1. The upshot is this. You do not OWN June 23.
2. No one ever intended to "steal your thunder".
3. If you want your cause to be taken seriously or in fact if YOU want to be taken seriously - treat people with respect. That is not a lot to ask.

I agree with this analysis.
I don't understand why we can't do our own thing if B!X is going to be a little B*#*%.
I don't see why our effort to buy DVDs would harm his effort. Furthermore, i suspect that we have less "co-opted" the screening efforts than actually promoted them by posting them on our board, and networking through all of our connections.
If that guy doesn't want to ally with the rest of the 'verse, then that's kinda his problem. In my view, we did him a favor by spreading the word.
I find it ironic that he is "trying to suppress the idea of infighting among the browncoats."
What an odd statement to issue if one seeks to avoid making others angry.
Keep it the gorram 23rd, by my pretty floral bonnet!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:41 PM


Looks like tempers are getting a mite riled.

We're all on the same side here, aren't we? Insulting other Browncoats never helps matters, even if they started it. Best to let emotions cool down, think it through, and do what's best. We all want the same thing.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:41 PM


Looks like tempers are getting a mite riled.

We're all on the same side here, aren't we? Insulting other Browncoats never helps matters, even if they started it. Best to let emotions cool down, think it through, and do what's best. We all want the same thing.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:53 PM


(oops wrong post)

And I just won't comment publically about B!X, I frankly have no interest, hell I didnt even read his response to me on the whedonesque thread that earned a rebuke from one of the moderators:P. I want to be calm, not angry.

ETA: Yeah.... lets not get riled up(learn from my lesson.....oh boy what a lesson...sorry about causing some of the bruhahaha), its not worth the time and energy. People are the way they are. Just do what you believe is the right thing, act in the right way, and refrain from making comments of other people's actions... take the higher road, so to speak. Its actually great for our egos if we take the high road! Especially since we are all a bunch of greedy foolish idiotic, moronic, self absorbed narcisitic crazy people. Did I just go too far? ;)

Trying to organize a charity screening of Serenity in Montreal, need to know if there is interest! Contact me by signing up on the board or private message me!

Two campaigns, two different missions.

For shindigs in Montreal join (need to register to see the firefly/serenity section):

Canadian? join:


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1:29 PM


I like the campaign plan. We could ALL start a "Serenity Campaign" on June 23rd by supporting Serenity Now/Equality Now (IT'S CHARITY!), then set up summer BBQ Shindigs, collect support on the conventions, rally the troops, plan September 30th to the minute, maybe get some of the cast on board (recording short video messages at a convention to motivate people is not much work for them, and they'll like it, and it will do wonders for morale.). Then we top it off with Serenity Day in September and watch how our buying frenzy combined with spreading the word (and the DVDs) and Christmas sales are gonna do.
The reason "we are gonna make it bigger, so we made a campaign out of it and set Serenity Day as the Grand Finale on Sept 30th" sounds good enough to me to let everyone save face or whatever.

And how could even THEONEANDTRUEALMIGHTYB!X object to that "campaign"-plan? "HIS" event starting off a campaign that spans all of the summer? He'll like it, and he can't complain that we're hijacking anything, because we're coming to him as fellow Browncoats to help Serenity Now/Equality Now and not ask anything in return but his support for the campaign as a whole. If he still objects, I think his own people will start asking questions as to his priorities, if they haven't already. He's not our business, though, Serenity is.
Let's do what's best for Serenity.

I support the "Serenity Summer Campaign"-idea with the SN/EN screenings as the start (as a pure charity event), Serenity Day on Sept. 30th to top it off, and all manners of shiny Shindigs and conventions and missions inbetween.
Come on, people, this is gonna ROCK! There's damage done no matter what we do, and this is the best way to get out of this increasingly unpleasant situation with the best results for everyone.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:21 PM


Further commentary from TOTb!X, in addition to his statement above:

(From Whedonesque, where virtually everyone vigorously nodded their heads in agreement. Interior quote emphases mine.):

...And anyone who actually knew anything about fundraising would know that "one can just collect donations from your lcoal (sic) group and have all of that go to the charity" and "people give to charities all the time, why is there a push for this" are laughable statements made only out of annoyance that people are criticizing the Serenity Day "buy the DVD!" effort.

As for the first, these charity screenings are not just so the local Browncoats can get together and the 20 of them have their ticket money go to EN. Many of these screenings will not at all merely be the local Browncoat crews, but will encompass both more general scifi audiences, and audiences who are inclined to support a group like EN and so come out to see a movie.

Perhaps you're unaware of such things,
but charities, and groups supporting charities hold fundraisers all the time, because "people give to charities all the time" is not something, in fact, which provides enough support for most charities. That's why fundraisers exist.

Stick to running your little moon, er, planning your little event,
rather than trying to dissect the other one, because you're only showing that you don't understand very much.


(From b!X "private" site, in response to my comments reprinted at the top of this page):

You don't read very well, do you. The complaint was never that something was first -- it was that the arrival of the other effort fundamentally changed the story of June 23 from one about fans organizing to do good for other people, to one about fans organizing to try to do good for themselves.

It changes the story from one about raising funds for and awareness of Equality Now, to one about merely trying to get a Serenity sequel.

I'll leave it to others to decide which one of those stories is one closer to a story about schmucks, if that's the word we're going to be tossing aorund (sic).

...and my response:

b!X wrote:

You don't read very well, do you...

...And you don't know any Jewish people, do you? Schmuck is Yiddish for 'dick', which I'd already opined you were. Strangely, calling you a 'dick' did not offend you; but calling you a schmuck did. Very interesting.

Since having read your commentaries here, which you defended on FFFn as being purely private musings (then why did you link to them on your public site?), I have gone on to read your comments on Whedonesque, as well. As a consequence, I have been forced to reevaluate my original impression of you.

You, sir, are an elitist prick. "Furious nads!" indeed. What a pair you've got! You honestly think you're better than other people. This notion you have in your head that the 'little people' couldn't possibly understand that charity events are really intended for the upper crust of society -- and much more important than fans wanting more Firefly-based entertainment -- is not only insulting, it's revolting. How do you sleep at night?

So that's what you fear? That working stiffs wanting more Firefly will spoil the pate at your shindig? "Do you mind if I call you Ath?"

As you stated on Whedonesque, your target audience for the Equality Now benefit screenings won't have many (if any) rank-and-file Browncoats, but rather lots of influential nabobs (ooh! another word you'll doubtless misinterpret) looking for a tax write-off.

Then you summed up:

...I'll leave it to others to decide which one of those stories is one closer to a story about schmucks, if that's the word we're going to be tossing aorund.

First, it's a bad idea to use the words 'schmucks' and 'tossing' in the same sentence: Someone with a sense of humor might wander in, and how would that reflect on you?

Tell you what though, sport. Why don't you just admit that you're not the only one whose life has worth. And I mean really accept that notion into your heart. Are you familiar with the actual concept of Charity, or only of fundraisers?

Deeply Disillusioned By Joss' Inner Circle, If You Represent Their Mindset,


Anytime you feel up to a debate on the issues, name the time and place. Someplace public. High noon-ish.

I've had some mail stating that engaging this guy is harmful. Some of y'all have commented likewise in this thread. I recognize that calling this guy out may actually hurt the Serenity Day movement, cutting into the sales figures intended to impress Universal to the extent of getting us some more Firefly.

But I won't make deals with the devil. b!X has said some truly wicked things around the Interweb, not just about the Serenity Day concept, but about FFFn patrons (not about to say 'matrons', am I?) as well.

But, I'll make you all a deal: I will resist my truest nature and not respond further to this ass -- I mean, 'tookus' -- unless he's stupid enough to take me up on my offer of debate.

In which case, y'all will just have to ostracize me from the community, 'cause I'm gonna put his lights out, forensically speaking...



Mal-licious: Right back at ya', babe.

And I'll be buying at least three Serenity DVDs (I've already got the libraries picked out) on June 23rd, and going to see Serenity in a theatre, if anyone's got one going in my 'city' (technically).

I know I'm not playing by the rules -- everyone wants to move to September 30th (am I the only one who thinks that's like celebrating that Universal pushed our debut back in '05? couldn't we get Nicole Kidman as a spokesperson?), and I'll just be taking up a seat at the theatre that could have had a rich person's flawlessly liposuctioned ass in it -- but then again, I reckon I've still got some free will left. I plan on using it on June 23rd.

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:33 PM


My vote: June 23rd.

There is another effort, launched last year, involving soccer activities on June 23. That effort, called FIFA World-Cup is unrelated to Can´t Stop The Serenity or the Serenity Now / Equality Now screening plan. The maintainer of this website had been taking no official position on that other June 23 campaign, and has asked that questions about it not be directed here.
Here's one of my concerns: Rather than the eventual media coverage reporting that Browncoats are going to soccer-matches to benefit the favorite charity of the film's creator as a sort of birthday present and thank you, said coverage will report that Browncoats are going to see soccer-matches in an attempt to convince Universal to make a sequel.
That wasn't the point. It was never the point. The organizers of the so-called "FIFA World-Cup” could have chosen any other day -- say, the end of World War II. Instead, they picked one that was already in play, and had been for months.
(…) at this point, I wanted to be on record as making it clear that these two different events should, generally speaking, be viewed as distinct. The charity screenings event is meant to harness our energies to benefit others, while the so-called "FIFA World Cup", and foremost the match France vs. Togo on June 23rd is meant to engage people in the far easier action of watching soccer to benefit themselves in the future.
Those two goals (!!) are unrelated, and I, at least, do not want the outward nature of the charity screenings to be bastardized, in the eventual media coverage of soccer-events, into just being another aspect of "FIFA World Cup" and its goal of getting a sequel.(...) etc.etc.


One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!


Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:57 AM


Okay. I just was on Whedonesque for the first time reading the link to a post supplied above. And I am angry. So angry I did something I have never done before which is write down some comments and membernames that made me mad. This post will be long and my honest opinion without editing myself. B!x and Simon are very negative. I was pretty fired up after reading their comments. Simon said the Serinity day movement would "hurt the fandom" and was "extremely ill thought out". I disagree. I don't see how buying the movie (ie money in the pockets of Universal) on one day out of 365 could really hurt at all. It's our choice when and where we will buy a movie. B!x (not his screen name in Whedonesque) made a comment about people supporting Serenity day (FFN way)not trying to dissect the other movement, but that's EXACTLY what he is trying to do to ours. What a contradiction. IMO, not very smart. Argentbear says the currant tone of our campaign seems to suggest Universal owes us. That's YOUR perception buddy. I never got that out of all the posts I've read here. TamaraC says " I've been fighting the fight since 02 and am a little burnt out. Carry on, but don't expect that there wont be criticism from the cynical." Gee, I would never expect criticism from that bunch. That was half of their post and most people really DIDN'T make good points on Whedonesque. Some did, but most well..... Also if your burnt out, stop. Don't try to get everyone all apathetic just cause you are. The superiority tone of most people responding to that thread with I've been around from the start smacks of condecention. Just because some people actually go out of a Friday night (ie don't sit in front of the comp in underwear talking to people never met or watching tv) and didn't see the series when it was on air does not mean your a better fan than them and that your opinion has a stronger foundation. That kind of attitude will turn people off of your site (and make then come here). That's what it did for me. First and last time i go to Whedonesque. Good jobs guys, way to grow a fanbase. EdDantes says this movement "Won't have any good effect." How the heck do you know? Are you psychic? Do voices from the future speak to you? Why don't these people just concentrate on their own event. The time they've taken to bash ours could have been used to the benefit of promoting their own. Once again, IMO, not very smart. I might get totally flamed for what I say next. The negative tone of the people who seem to be involved with their event completely turned me off it. If there is a viewing in my area, I won't be going. They want to bash other people's ideas, well they are only hurting their own. I know others out there prob feel the same way if they read that post, so you are losing interest in your Charity Event because you can't just let others have their event. Be careful with your negative words because in the end they hurt your cause, not our feelings. These guys are literally shooting their own movement in the foot by being critical of others. Get over yourselves and let the cause do the speaking. Your hurting your charity. I'm not says don't support their cause, because in the end it's a good thing to donate to charity, i'm just saying I won't. Rather give money to the Humane Societies. Also, I don't think Universal owes us and that's not why I will participate in Serenity Day. Also not participating because I want a sequel (Although I'd be pleased as punch if they made one!). I will buy the DVD on the date of choice and give it to a friend, because all I really want is to turn people on to a great TV show and Movie so's I can chat about it with others IRL. And show them what TV can really be. Unite, not divide. In closing, one memberon Whedonesque (didn't write the name down oops!) says Serenity day "Smacks of desperation" and askes " How many fans will buy multiple copies?". Answer him or her. People of Whedonesque: If you are having a bad day and need to bash, insert head into wall. You really, really, really turned me of your site and you are hurting the fandom with all your superiorty complexs and newbie bashing. Don't try to recruit new people if you're just going to be rude to them. Thats my rant, flame me if you will. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your bashing will never hurt me.


Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:38 AM



I read your Profile page -- and thanks for taking the time to fill it out, btw. An empty Profile page is one of my pet peeves. I especially like the way you didn't give out any potentially exploitable personal information, yet still managed to tell everyone a lot about the person you are (or consider yourself to be). You have eloquently proved that it can be done, if one simply takes the time to step out of the 'shadows of anonymity' long enough to see the basic outlines of personality. It's only polite to let someone know to whom they are speaking, enough to properly open the channels of communication.

You've gotta post a picture of the bearded 'pimp' dragon, though. I've got a mental image of an iguana that facially resembles Snoop Dogg, wearing a purple felt fedora, that I can't get out of my head...

We the fans of FFFn are as pleased as punch to have you as a member of our family. And I feel I can say that without fear of contradiction; I know this place that well.

So it is with the deepest love that I tell you: You weren't going to get a Whedonesque membership in any event. They are a 'closed site' and do not accept new members (just try posting, if you don't believe me).

Think of membership in the Augusta National Golf Club, home of The Masters Tournament. You must either be born into it; or else someone who is born into it owes your Daddy a 'favor'.

I'm sure Whedonesque justify their membership practices as 'keeping out the undesirables' -- trolls and such, you understand -- but then again, think of the scandalized ANGC members when T. Woods was fitted with his first green jacket, too. That's the problem, in general, with 'select' memberships: People get the idea that they are, in many ways, superior to other people.

Whedonesque is obviously not a golfing site, so the analogy may be lost on some readers. It is a pseudo-intellectual site, where the pseudo-intellectual elitists sit and ponder amongst themselves:
"Everyone else's thoughts are so vastly inferior to Our own. Why do they bother thinking at all? They should leave that to Us, the pseudo-intellectual Elect. We are beneficent, are We not? We will, in due course, let the Flandom know what they should be thinking and doing."

(NB: This is precisely my problem with modern American politics, btw. But that's how elitism works, and it's precisely the same on both sides of the 'aisle', so don't think I'm letting either Party off the hook.)

So, if you can stand hangin' with us commoners, we're glad to have you, your family, and your friends (and their friends).

For everyone:
Read between the lines of the posts on that Whedonesque page linked above, as well as the post of the Whedonesque user ('kurya'/Prakash) who posted on this thread. Can you sense the almost palpable desperation that underlies every post that contradicts the opinions of the 'Elite Within The Elite'? Once the Old Ones have made their call, a differing opinion must come groveling on its belly to be heard, and 'Please don't smite me, O Lord' writ large on its forehead.

What an utter load of shite. I say, "Screw them!" and everything they stand for. (...not to put too fine a point on it.) I heartily encourage folks to speak their own minds and kowtow to no one while doing so. In the marketplace of ideas, "Live free or die!" should be every human's motto...



SoK: Sorry to mix a welcome to yourself and a hot-headed commentary on self-appointed Flan leaders. But as everyone knows, my thoughts do ramble a bit. To me it's a segue; to everyone else it's probably, "WTF?!".

Welcome to the board, ladygirl.

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:52 AM


Not to put more kindle in the fire. But arent we doing this for the show and not for our own personal egos? Allt this fighting aint getting us anywhere, my vote is that we hug and make up and then continue doing our good work.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:52 AM


Not to put more kindle in the fire. But arent we doing this for the show and not for our own personal egos? Allt this fighting aint getting us anywhere, my vote is that we hug and make up and then continue doing our good work.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:52 AM


Not to put more kindle in the fire. But arent we doing this for the show and not for our own personal egos? Allt this fighting aint getting us anywhere, my vote is that we hug and make up and then continue doing our good work.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:52 AM


Not to put more kindle in the fire. But arent we doing this for the show and not for our own personal egos? Allt this fighting aint getting us anywhere, my vote is that we hug and make up and then continue doing our good work.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:52 AM


Not to put more kindle in the fire. But arent we doing this for the show and not for our own personal egos? Allt this fighting aint getting us anywhere, my vote is that we hug and make up and then continue doing our good work.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:52 AM


Not to put more kindle in the fire. But arent we doing this for the show and not for our own personal egos? Allt this fighting aint getting us anywhere, my vote is that we hug and make up and then continue doing our good work.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:54 AM



I'll hug them -- and mean it -- as soon as they stop kicking my family in the teeth.

I reckon I can continue "doing our good work" with or without their approval.


One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!


Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:08 AM



"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:09 AM


GO ZOID!! I'm with you 100%.

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Thursday, April 27, 2006 8:41 AM


Zoid hun, the organizers of both events are not fighting, both have come forward and told everyone things are civil I have seen Kaele post that to this board and Bix too, all you are doing is fanning the flames, and its taking away from the causes its not helping anyone.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Thursday, April 27, 2006 9:31 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


My comrade, my friend, you have been around a bit longer than me (in life, not on You should know that there are at times people you simply can not reason with. People whose perceptions or ideals we can not comprehend and perhaps we are better off not doing so. It would seem you have run into such a person.

I understand your reasoning for calling B!x out and I applaud your sense of loyalty to and the cause, but I agree w/ our fellow 'coats. If you continue to call him out it will only serve to further the division that exists. Better to be the bigger (and better ) browncoat & let it go.

I think our efforts are better spent on doing all we can to push the sales of the DVD & spread the word. Anyone with any sense can see that what we are doing is for the betterment of all. If the sales are good enough we get a sequel. A sequel means more work for Joss & the BDHs, which means more money (& exposure) for them & 'Versal. Are we being a bit selfish in trying to get a sequel? Hell yes! But it's a good kind of selfish, right?

We want the story to continue & our cast to work. We want to share the story with everyone willing to give it a chance. Sharing our joy & the wonderful story Joss has created is a positive thing, perhaps not as philanthropic as a charity event, but we each do what we can. I give to charities & do community service, so I feel no shame in doing a Serenity Day or Summer Campaign for my browncoat family & the fans yet to be found.

Let it go my friend. Some fights just aren't worth the casualties that will come of it.


Your Independent Comrade,

Browncoat 1


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:09 PM


Thanks for the shiny welcome Zoid. And I must apologize for the appearance of my post above. Looking at it is hard. As I stated in another discussion, I havn't been getting much sleep lately (lots of crazy stuff going on in my life right now). So I just started typing and did not think....indent duh! So's anyhows I have some pretty fuzzy pictures of my pimp dragon but unfortunately no purple fedora. That made me chuckle. So my question is: Can I use the blog area to write personal stuff unrelated to Firefly? Can I post pictures and my own poems there (I promise if so not too many)? If so I would try to get a picture of the lizard up. I say try because this site is my first foray into forums. I am really ignorant about the protocal and procedure of it all. I only did internet chat like twice when I was 17 until I realized internet chat and teenage girls should not mix. So everyone please forgive any silly mistakes but also let me know what i am doing wrong so i can fix it:)


Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:15 PM


I would side with Zoid and say call him out til we beat him to a pulp with our logic, reason and intelligance. But I would never call out an unarmed man.

Zoid, he isn't worth the heartburn!

Take a deep breath, write him off and don't let him get under your skin!

One summer.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

And a bunch of Rings that make Shiny people do silly things!

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!

Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I am his one true love! Is that weird?
(he will believe, he will believe)


Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:33 PM


Hi, ServantofKushiel,

I haven't been to Whedonesque yet, but after all I've heard about it over here, I'll have to give it a peek.

I really don't understand why anyone would bash anything anyone is trying to do for FF/S. Any support is a positive thing. I agree with you -- how in the world can buying copies of their product be a bad thing for the product? And I'm not getting "desperation" at all from the posts here, or on any other fansite I've visited. What I'm seeing is enthusiasm and warmth and that really ought to make anyone happy who's into Firefly.

I'll do whatever I can to help. I do want a sequel. Hell, I've even got my fingers crossed for a continuation of the series. The more stories are told, the more people will ultimately come in contact with this wonderful stuff, the more we'll get to see our guys and girls grow. But to turn people on to something that's this outstandingly relevant and well-done and ... well, bring them into something like this, well that's just ruttin' wonderful.

Ain't no room for elitism out on the Rim.

And Zoid, if you happen to see this, I'll be filling my profile page out a little better pretty soon. ;)



Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:51 PM


Thanks for your post DashboardDino. I'm much calmer now than when I penned that post. I was just offended. Also there was a thread with a video clip call A Sick Lady that was the first thing I watched/then read after I got up from my 5 hrs sleep. Then I read the Serenity Day Supporters thread and linked to the post that was spoken of in it. I was just overwhelmed. First some crazy bible thumper and then that. Kinda set my tone.


Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:56 PM


I went over to Whedonesque and took a look. The posts I saw definitely looked dismissive and more than a little insulting.

Feels good to rant though, don't it?



Thursday, April 27, 2006 9:25 PM


BrownCoat1 wrote:

My comrade, my friend, you have been around a bit longer than me (in life, not on You should know that there are at times people you simply can not reason with. People whose perceptions or ideals we can not comprehend and perhaps we are better off not doing so. It would seem you have run into such a person.

I understand your reasoning for calling B!x out and I applaud your sense of loyalty to and the cause, but I agree w/ our fellow 'coats. If you continue to call him out it will only serve to further the division that exists. Better to be the bigger (and better ) browncoat & let it go.

I think our efforts are better spent on doing all we can to push the sales of the DVD & spread the word. Anyone with any sense can see that what we are doing is for the betterment of all. If the sales are good enough we get a sequel. A sequel means more work for Joss & the BDHs, which means more money (& exposure) for them & 'Versal. Are we being a bit selfish in trying to get a sequel? Hell yes! But it's a good kind of selfish, right?

We want the story to continue & our cast to work. We want to share the story with everyone willing to give it a chance. Sharing our joy & the wonderful story Joss has created is a positive thing, perhaps not as philanthropic as a charity event, but we each do what we can. I give to charities & do community service, so I feel no shame in doing a Serenity Day or Summer Campaign for my browncoat family & the fans yet to be found.

Let it go my friend. Some fights just aren't worth the casualties that will come of it.


Your Independent Comrade,

Browncoat 1

Well, I already promised y'all -- conditionally -- that I wouldn't, simply because I refuse to spoil things for everybody else.

But, I'll make you all a deal: I will resist my truest nature and not respond further to this ass...

My personal sense of honor is offended by the attitudes of these others; but, that doesn't give me a right to make everybody else's life less joyful. If y'all can ignore them dictating to you, I guess I can bite my lip.

I will simply say that respect is a two-way street. Respecting someone who abuses you in return is not 'respect' at all. Negotiation must likewise be bilateral, or else it's not negotiation. One party is simply capitulating.

So, I'll quit the fight, per majority request. On a personal level, I believe in "Forgive and Forget". They can't be forgiven until they ask for forgiveness. I can, however, forget the sanctimonious (fill in the blank; I would only say something rude, again).

As I said, I am not opposed to Equality Now, at least not in principle. I have no inkling about their track record, however. Are they actually doing good works? Does anybody know? Or are they simply doing more harm? I'd like to know. I've read their public relations materials, but I haven't seen any independent review of their activities. I haven't seen them graded as a charitable organization.

As far as I'm concerned, if all they want to do is turn the current male-dominated hierarchy on its head, then they're barking up the wrong tree. Schemes of this nature are evil and misguided. Trading one cancer for another is not a cure. I believe true equality -- one where everyone is guaranteed the same advantages -- is a worthwhile and attainable goal.

An analogy, to hopefully clarify my position on this:
Imagine a society, in which annual beauty pageants, Mr. America and Mr. USA. Bathing suit competitions. Imagine a society in which men wore high heels, strictly to make their calves more attractive to women. Imagine a society in which men were expected to wear makeup to enhance their allure, and to get silicone biceps implants to (falsely) emphasize their virility. Of course, being a 'liberated' male would mean not feeling the necessity to adhere to such stereotypical roles. A progressive man would thus only wear such accoutrements when he really wanted to get in touch with his masculine side; it would strictly be his choice, though.

This is what I meant when I said 'equal' in terms of societal expectations. 'Putting the shoe on the other foot' works equally well for every question of whether true equality exists or not.

So, I hope that's what Equality Now stands for.

For my own petty motivations:
I have been raging against the gods of television and cinema for nigh on 4 years now, to get more Firefly. Other 'oldtimers' may consider it passé. They may be jaded. They may be weary of the fight.

I will never grow weary. I have been given half of a great story. I will either get the other half, or go to my grave still trying to get it. It's called tenacity, and I do not apologize for it, nor do I suffer lightly being offended for having it, by lukewarm 'Browncoats'.



All you 'cute newbies' with your fervent, futile, and misguided desires to get more Firefly: At least know that there is one 'oldtimer' who saw "The Train Job" when it first aired on F*x, who fell instantly in love with it, and whose love for it (and the people who 'get' it) has only grown in the intervening years of its absence. You are not alone, and you are not foolish. Those who belittle your enthusiasm never 'got' Firefly, they only watched out of loyalty to Joss. I watched -- we watched -- because of the story, didn't we? We want to hear how it ends.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Firefly, "Bushwhacked"


Friday, April 28, 2006 2:16 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by zoid:

Well, I already promised y'all -- conditionally -- that I wouldn't, simply because I refuse to spoil things for everybody else.

My personal sense of honor is offended by the attitudes of these others; but, that doesn't give me a right to make everybody else's life less joyful. If y'all can ignore them dictating to you, I guess I can bite my lip.

I will simply say that respect is a two-way street. Respecting someone who abuses you in return is not 'respect' at all. Negotiation must likewise be bilateral, or else it's not negotiation. One party is simply capitulating.

So, I'll quit the fight, per majority request. On a personal level, I believe in "Forgive and Forget". They can't be forgiven until they ask for forgiveness. I can, however, forget the sanctimonious (fill in the blank; I would only say something rude, again).

As I said, I am not opposed to Equality Now, at least not in principle. I have no inkling about their track record, however. Are they actually doing good works? Does anybody know? Or are they simply doing more harm? I'd like to know. I've read their public relations materials, but I haven't seen any independent review of their activities. I haven't seen them graded as a charitable organization.

As far as I'm concerned, if all they want to do is turn the current male-dominated hierarchy on its head, then they're barking up the wrong tree. Schemes of this nature are evil and misguided. Trading one cancer for another is not a cure. I believe true equality -- one where everyone is guaranteed the same advantages -- is a worthwhile and attainable goal.

An analogy, to hopefully clarify my position on this:
Imagine a society, in which annual beauty pageants, Mr. America and Mr. USA. Bathing suit competitions. Imagine a society in which men wore high heels, strictly to make their calves more attractive to women. Imagine a society in which men were expected to wear makeup to enhance their allure, and to get silicone biceps implants to (falsely) emphasize their virility. Of course, being a 'liberated' male would mean not feeling the necessity to adhere to such stereotypical roles. A progressive man would thus only wear such accoutrements when he really wanted to get in touch with his masculine side; it would strictly be his choice, though.

This is what I meant when I said 'equal' in terms of societal expectations. 'Putting the shoe on the other foot' works equally well for every question of whether true equality exists or not.

So, I hope that's what Equality Now stands for.

For my own petty motivations:
I have been raging against the gods of television and cinema for nigh on 4 years now, to get more Firefly. Other 'oldtimers' may consider it passé. They may be jaded. They may be weary of the fight.

I will never grow weary. I have been given half of a great story. I will either get the other half, or go to my grave still trying to get it. It's called tenacity, and I do not apologize for it, nor do I suffer lightly being offended for having it, by lukewarm 'Browncoats'.

I can understand that your honor has been offended by this individual. Take it from someone with a sense of honor that harkens back to the days when dueling was still allowed, I do understand. Unfortunately dueling has been outlawed in the great Commonwealth of Virginia.

I do not care for the tone and self righteous attitude of certain individuals in this particular situation, but for the greater good of the community I am willing to swallow my initial outrage and move on.

Respect is in fact a two way street, and negotiation does take two parties, but in this case it seems only our side is willing to do so. When that is the case, you can not force someone to be rational & mature about compromise and in that instance you must simply walk away from the table.

I must say your analogy using pageants strikes close to home since my wife is very much involved in them (she competes in Mrs Maryland US this weekend) and the expectations that are heaped upon these women surpass realistic. I know I would not want to be held to such standards & have always told my wife that trying to attain them herself to appease society is ridiculous. Setting high goals & striving to reach them for yourself is fine, trying to force yourself into a mold of society's making is not.

Never fear Zoid mon ami, you are not alone. I am a ol' timer too, and everyone knows I have not given up the fight yet. My family has a long tradition of fighting for a cause and never giving up. I suppose you could say we are stubborn that way, or you could say it is the Scottish blood. Whatever the reason, I am proud to say that I will not rest or cede the field until Joss is working on continuing the story. You beat the drum my friend & I'll carry the banner.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, April 28, 2006 2:24 AM



Those who belittle your enthusiasm never 'got' Firefly, they only watched out of loyalty to Joss. I watched -- we watched -- because of the story, didn't we?

Speaking for myself, that's absolute utter bullshit. Anybody who disagrees with anything only watched FF because of Joss?. Right... Thanks for letting me know why I watched :)


As I said, I am not opposed to Equality Now, at least not in principle. I have no inkling about their track record, however. Are they actually doing good works? Does anybody know? Or are they simply doing more harm? I'd like to know.

From Joss:

There's no way I'm not weighing in on this one.

I am SO proud and grateful that this is where the energy of the Browncoats is going. Buffy and Angel fans have always distinguished themselves through their altruism, but this hits close to home in a way probably none of you know.

My mother started what I believe was the first high school chapter of Amnesty International. She was a history teacher, and started a feminism course as well (she also directed plays -- not so much the slacker). Probably her favorite student (and she had many that she loved) was Jessica Neuwirth. Jessica went on to work as a lawyer for Amnesty International and then started Equality Now, which used the Amnesty model to combat gender-based offenses. Jessica is as kind, intelligent and dedicated as anyone I've ever known (and would probably cringe to read any of this.) The idea that my work is on a wavelength with Equality Now's agenda is as gratifying as anything I could wish for. But for the fans to take an active role in helping out this under-recognized cause, and on such a grand scale... it means more than I can say. I have said, in point of fact, much more than I usually would in this forum, but I can't contain my appreciation. My mother would have been so pleased.
There are two ways to fight a battle like ours. One is to whisper in the ear of the masses, try subtlely and gradually to change the gender expectations and mythic structures of our culture. That's me. The other is to step up and confront the thousands of atrocities that are taking place around the world on an immediate, one-by-one basis. That's a great deal harder, and that's Equality Now. It's not about politics; it's about basic human decency. And it's more important than... well, than that movie I keep telling everyone to see.

Thank you to the tireless Browncoats and everyone who donated, bid or lifted a finger to raise this money, for making my work mean more than it ever did, even to me.



Friday, April 28, 2006 2:32 AM


Woohoo, both intelligent and dedicated, clone this man!

I hope your wife is going to see one day that it's not about what others think about her, but what she thinks, and the people that matter - that is the people who love her the way she is, anyways, and for whom she doesn't need to put on a show.

"A man walks down the street with that hat on, you know he's not afraid of anything." or something to that effect.

Serenity Summer Campaign for teh win!1!!



Friday, April 28, 2006 4:55 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Agatsu:
Woohoo, both intelligent and dedicated, clone this man!

Intelligent? That's questionable from time to time, but thanks!

Dedicated? Yep, that's me. I love this community & this 'verse. No way I am giving up.


Originally posted by Agatsu:

I hope your wife is going to see one day that it's not about what others think about her, but what she thinks, and the people that matter - that is the people who love her the way she is, anyways, and for whom she doesn't need to put on a show.

I hope so too Agatsu.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, April 28, 2006 6:59 AM


In terms of Equality Now they do works around the world... where in many places the men are in power, and the women are abused and subjugated. And I am not talking US, Canada, UK, I am talking Africa, the middle east, Iran, India, Pakistan, other places in the world. And yes ther eis an intitmate connection between Joss Whedon and Equality Now, in fact he is being honoured by them at a dinner in May, I believe.


Trying to organize a charity screening of Serenity in Montreal, need to know if there is interest! Contact me by signing up on the board or private message me!

For shindigs in Montreal join (need to register to see the firefly/serenity section):

Canadian? join:

Serenity Summer Campaign
- June 23rd, is ONLY the beginning.






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