Can we get a bit more organized?

UPDATED: Saturday, April 29, 2006 06:51
VIEWED: 2957
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Saturday, April 29, 2006 3:16 AM


I don't pretend to be in charge of this whole Serenity day thing, but I would like to make a suggestion. When I look around these forumns all I find is confusion on the entire subject. So, here is my question...

Can we just put up a web site? Then we can put up links to all of the stuff people need to know. Like that t-shirt design that supposedly exists. I can't find it. Also, the info on the charity screenings. Oh, and the day we're doing this would be great (I know, a lot to ask). We can certainly still use these forumns like we have been, but we need a good central HQ. Oh, and who's in charge of this thing anyway?

It may not seem like it, but we've put ourselves on a pretty tight schedule. We've got to be organized for this to work.

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Saturday, April 29, 2006 4:31 AM



Originally posted by micjwelch:

Can we just put up a web site?

Uh.... the site is up. Has been for a week or so. We have time to do this, 55 days if I'm correct. Most folk are freaking out right now but things are being planned RIGHT NOW!

a little edit here - I forgot to include the other factor in this day. YES there are seperate events with multiple benefits this one being the MOST NOBLE of them all - copied from gossi's post:


FYI, the charity screening website is, and has been up since last December.

Let our Generals get the details hammered out with the battle plan. This will take a few more days. We have time for this.

We all know the big day - June 23rd.

What we do ON the day is known - BUY the DVD and attend a screening if possible.

Since everyone wants to know what they are suppose to do I'll offer this - HOLD! Give Kaele a few more days to polish the plan and then EVERYONE will get their marching orders. The website is going to include a FORUM BOARD so we can stop sullyin' Haken's board with all this nonsense and it will put those of them that are looking for leadership and something to do in the "same room" as our Generals.

Things are looking shiny. I keep repeating that because I believe it and I understand that everyone needs to be informed but until the Battle Plan is shined up and presented it's best to work quietly in the backround to avoid the chaos that ensued with all the other little items that folks wanted to toss their two cents at. If you ask me, that's good leadership.

The shirt design is close to being finished. I've been told that my joint ( ) will be the one printing them and I'm not freaking out yet.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


An Original Browncoat - Member since September 20, 2002

Wearables • Writeables • Stickables
Fancible shiny goods made by a Browncoat for Browncoats


Saturday, April 29, 2006 4:37 AM


FYI, the charity screening website is, and has been up since last December.


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:18 AM


I deleted this. Was very angry. Sorry.
Dewrastler is right. See his post below.


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:27 AM


You know what, Agatsu, I was with you on the whole September 30th idea for awhile. I didn't want to wholly abandon June 23rd since I still felt some good could be done on that day, but I liked the idea of a long campaign. You were one person whose opinion I considered, that is until now. You've taken this too far and the wrong way. There's no need to bash anyone, use harsh language, or yell hear. I've read three separate posts where you yelled at Kaele, but I never saw you step up when the position was available. The fact of the matter is that we're going with June 23rd, and then the Serenity Summer Campaign can follow that up, so start redirecting your energy from your hateful outcries to something that can actually do some good.

You've dropped down a couple notches in my book because of this recent behaivor.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:29 AM


wow, you're a tad rageful there. So I haven't been following this whole serenity day thing, what's all this ruckus about? what's wrong with june 23rd? I mean it doesn't sound all that complex a thing to me. We pick a day and we buy a bunch of stuff, shouldn't take so long to plan, so long as everyone's clear on the day. So explain to me this issue with the date por favor.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:35 AM


I'd tend to agree, people do need to calm down. Ultimately, the only way fan campaigns happen is if people make them happen, which, of course, takes time.

I've been quite vocal with the reasons to move it from June (and, to be honest, I don't see a hope in hell of the June date having any real impact for oh so many reasons). But that's not my call to make, and frankly, if people don't agree with it the only option they have is to either go along with it anyway, back out, or organise something of their own.


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:44 AM



Originally posted by Dewrastler:
You know what, Agatsu, I was with you on the whole September 30th idea for awhile. I didn't want to wholly abandon June 23rd since I still felt some good could be done on that day, but I liked the idea of a long campaign. You were one person whose opinion I considered, that is until now. You've taken this too far and the wrong way. There's no need to bash anyone, use harsh language, or yell hear. I've read three separate posts where you yelled at Kaele, but I never saw you step up when the position was available. The fact of the matter is that we're going with June 23rd, and then the Serenity Summer Campaign can follow that up, so start redirecting your energy from your hateful outcries to something that can actually do some good.

You've dropped down a couple notches in my book because of this recent behaivor.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Sorry to hear that, but this whole thing is driving me nuts.
I've been checking the boards for about 10 hours each day for the last week. Gotta snap SOMETIME.
I wasn't stepping up because I thought Kaele would be a good leader. I was new, still am, and Kaele wanted the position, people seemed to trust her, I wanted to get things going, so Kaele it was. Now she's gone all dictator on our asses, and I'm not in for that. She's grabbed Serenity Day and made it hers. It's not hers, it's ours. I was THERE when the idea came up. As a matter of fact, I was the one going "HELL YEAH! Let's do this everyone-united-to-buy-the-dvd-thing on ONE DAY!". And we all liked it so much that we rushed into it. RUSH being the key word here. Apart from the hwaifest with B!x, there's lots of other, VERY valid reasons to take September 30th, and those outweigh those in favor of the June 23rd BY FAR.
So I didn't step up to take the position.
I DID step up, however, when it became apparent that Kaele is permanently absent and totally ignoring what people want and the council that was supposed to organise this disbanded because they weren't behind the whole thing anymore. Or maybe the ones opposing Kaele's thirst for power just got filtered out, I dunno. I stepped up and made September 30th "official" after it became apparent that Kaele counted the votes totally wrong.
And if Kaele thinks I'm bashing her, which I am, but with a lot of good reasons and people to back me up, she can come descend from her high tower and tell me so. After all, she sees all and reads all, right?

I like her dedication for this thing, but I'd much prefer it if she'd actually do what the Browncoats want.

This is not a Kaele vs 11th hour argument, btw. I'm talking solely about Kaele here, and how she merrily goes aganst what the majority wants.
I called her out a few times to at least make a statement of what's going on, but the "official word" from her is that's it's oh-so-hard to be a leader, and she's so misunderstood, and she counted the votes wrong because she only read the first few posts of the voting thread (hilarious, right?) and then continues to say that she reads everything.
Great update on what in the sphinxter of hell is going on.
She's a really determined leader. She's determined to force her will on all of us and doesn't show up here because she doesn't want to get involved in having to explain her divine will to us lowly mortals.

So bashing, yes, where bashing is due.

Serenity Summer Campaign for teh win!1!!

Serenity Day on September 30th for maximum sexual pleasure!


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:46 AM



I agree with you. We all need to calm down and redirect our energies. A nice place to start no matter where you stand re: the day --is to promote the SN/EN screenings. We can all do that nicely.. it supports a good cause and it gives us something concrete to do while this is sorted out.

I personally am going to change my signature and promote this good cause until the 23rd of June.. as I see that as the morally right and sensible thing to do. Anyone want to join me? Copy my sig when I get it going.. incorporate it if you are interested in expressing more than one idea.. but the screenings are a damn fine idea and I am going to voice it!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:47 AM



Originally posted by EvilDinosaur:
wow, you're a tad rageful there. So I haven't been following this whole serenity day thing, what's all this ruckus about? what's wrong with june 23rd? I mean it doesn't sound all that complex a thing to me. We pick a day and we buy a bunch of stuff, shouldn't take so long to plan, so long as everyone's clear on the day. So explain to me this issue with the date por favor.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."

It WAS that easy at first - then we got beef with B!x and his charity, then realized that September 30th is a much better suited date (more time to prepare, recruit people, organise stuff, reach more Browncoats and new people, annual of Serenity premiere, not stepping on anyone's toes etc...), but Kaele had taken command and is constantly absent and bound on June 23rd when most of us think that September 30th is gonna work so much better.

Serenity Summer Campaign for teh win!1!!

Serenity Day on September 30th for maximum sexual pleasure!


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:53 AM



Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:
I'd tend to agree, people do need to calm down. Ultimately, the only way fan campaigns happen is if people make them happen, which, of course, takes time.

I've been quite vocal with the reasons to move it from June (and, to be honest, I don't see a hope in hell of the June date having any real impact for oh so many reasons). But that's not my call to make, and frankly, if people don't agree with it the only option they have is to either go along with it anyway, back out, or organise something of their own.

It used to be all about being united, though.
And I agree that even if we would all stand together, we'd still have a much heavier impact in Semptember. And we are by no means united. But if Kaele and her crew go through with this (and attract newbies that don't know how fucked up this is), they'll ruin any chance of a later date working because of this huge fuck-up.
It's gonna be Serenity Valley Day - Total defeat instead of Serenity day, we are mighty.
And I'll do everything I can t not have to say "Told you so.", because I ruttin love Serenity. I love it so much.
I love you guys, too, and I love the passion people have about this, even if their opinion is opposing mine, but why can't people just THINK about this whole mess for a second?
It's really driving me crazy, but I can't just take a break, because the date is the most important thing here, and we can't let that go wrong because we're tired. At least I can't.

Serenity Summer Campaign for teh win!1!!

Serenity Day on September 30th for maximum sexual pleasure!


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:56 AM


Agatsu, I do understand how exasperation can get the better of us... your heart is in the right place... I mean I guess it is... you didn't get some kind of futuristic operation where stuff got all moved around did you?

Anyhoo, not disagreeing with anything you said... there's a lot going on with this situation that many people do not realize.

So, just 'cause it feels good to express what I think a good way to organize the campaign... just tossin' this into the mix for consideration..


• "Summer of Serenity Day" (June 23rd)~ The big kick-off day to the "Serenity Summer Campaign"! Woooohoooo! Buy stuff, write thank yous to Universal, go to screenings, wish that Joss guy a Happy Birthday... and get started on promoting our shiny 'verse in a BIG way!

• "Serenity Summer Campaign" (All Summer) ~ Promotions, Conventions, BBQs, Ads, Donate DVDs, Recruit, Spread the word of FF/S, Parties... use your imagination... share ideas... grow the fan base!

• "Serenity Day" (September 30th)~ The great, big splashy day when all the promotion during the Summer leads up to an awesome "Thank You" to Universal with a major, worldwide(!) Serenity (and Firefly too) DVD buying day! Celebrate the one year anniversary of the premiere of "Serenity" at Universal! Yay!


Ah, that felt good.

11th Hour

"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Saturday, April 29, 2006 6:16 AM



I understand your frustration man.. I have it too... and the sleep deprivation and the aghast face when I see something I can't abide.

I am a Browncoat...I stand up for what is right and true and good. Sorry, that is who I am. I'm also Independent natured... I'll bet there are some other folks around here feel the same.

I have a problem when I see things not counted right. I have a problem when I see the majority not listened to. I say something. Seems Alliance to me not to listen to your folk and try to unite them under one rule.

Sometimes perception is truth. Sometimes you can feel something ain't right and you can't see it, when you are being directed to look elsewhere.
Or soothed with platitudes.

I like the truth, let's you see right there what is going on. It works real handy like that.

This is an open forum, we're all allowed to say what we think. Then go back to the party thread and whoop it up.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, April 29, 2006 6:18 AM



Originally posted by 11thHour:
Agatsu, I do understand how exasperation can get the better of us... your heart is in the right place... I mean I guess it is... you didn't get some kind of futuristic operation where stuff got all moved around did you?

Anyhoo, not disagreeing with anything you said... there's a lot going on with this situation that many people do not realize.

So, just 'cause it feels good to express what I think a good way to organize the campaign... just tossin' this into the mix for consideration..


• "Summer of Serenity Day" (June 23rd)~ The big kick-off day to the "Serenity Summer Campaign"! Woooohoooo! Buy stuff, write thank yous to Universal, go to screenings, wish that Joss guy a Happy Birthday... and get started on promoting our shiny 'verse in a BIG way!

• "Serenity Summer Campaign" (All Summer) ~ Promotions, Conventions, BBQs, Ads, Donate DVDs, Recruit, Spread the word of FF/S, Parties... use your imagination... share ideas... grow the fan base!

• "Serenity Day" (September 30th)~ The great, big splashy day when all the promotion during the Summer leads up to an awesome "Thank You" to Universal with a major, worldwide(!) Serenity (and Firefly too) DVD buying day! Celebrate the one year anniversary of the premiere of "Serenity" at Universal! Yay!


Ah, that felt good.

11th Hour

"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Hey, 11th Hour.. I just tried it too and it feels mighty good. Might do it again later.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, April 29, 2006 6:34 AM

MICJWELCH has ONE link. And it's just a contact me thing.

It would appear that we have a bit of a team heading this up. That makes me feel a bit better. But 55 days is not a long time at all.

Honestly, I would like to have a t-shirt or something I can wear to the sci-fi convention next month in Salt Lake that tells people to visit a site. I would be embarrassed to send people there now.

Agatsu - I can understand your frustration. That's why I started this thread in the first place. But I think it wouldn't upset people so much if you kept the language to a minimum.

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Saturday, April 29, 2006 6:51 AM


I know. Sorry. I'll edit the few swear words out, and already apologized for and deleted my first official rant in another thread.
It won't happen again, promise. Doesn't solve anything, anyways.
I just snapped. I've been reading and writing and trying to calm people down a lot this last week, preaching reason, until rage caught me while I was unaware because my limit was reached. Now I feel better, although I feel bad about how I said what I said. I still stand by WHAT I said, but yeah, I shouldn't have expressed it that way.
I'm just really, REALLY passionate about this, and want what's best for Serenity and us Browncoats, but sometimes feel very, very helpless. And helplessness quite quickly turns into anger, which can only be contained for so long.
But I'll stop apologizing now.

Love to ALL browncoats - may we one day be united.

Serenity Summer Campaign for teh win!1!!

Serenity Day on September 30th for maximum sexual pleasure!






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