very confused, somebody please help!!!

UPDATED: Sunday, April 30, 2006 05:32
VIEWED: 2261
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Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:51 AM


What in the hell is going on with this gorram serenity day?

Near as I can figure, it's sucking the fun out of a wonderful show. It sounds like a simple enough idea, pick a day, everyone buys serenity stuff on that day. My confusion lies in the bickering about the day.

I mean is this place popualated by a bunch of 8 year olds? Cuz that's what it's looked like since this serenity day thing started.

Anyway, back to the point. What is wrong with June 23rd? Is there more to this plan then simply buying a copy of serenity? I'm very lost, someone please help me.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:59 AM



I suggest that you go back about 10 days and read every single post on this issue in all 4000 threads ( I may be exaggerating) after which you will have no more understanding, but at least will then be as frustrated as the rest of us.

I would really really love to have
One summer.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
Or even one GORRAM Serenity day
If everyone would make up their minds.

And a bunch of Rings that make Shiny people do silly things!(it seems like there are a whole lot of ONE rings makin' everybody crazy!

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave! Or we would if we weren't all carping at each other and unable to make a single damn decision

I am sorry, did I say that OUT LOUD


Saturday, April 29, 2006 6:02 AM


I already answered this in the thread you asked a few minutes ago, but here's a copy:

It WAS that easy at first - then we got beef with B!x and his charity, then realized that September 30th is a much better suited date (more time to prepare, recruit people, organise stuff, reach more Browncoats and new people, annual of Serenity premiere, not stepping on anyone's toes etc...), but Kaele had taken command and is constantly absent and bound on June 23rd when most of us think that September 30th is gonna work so much better.

- More time to prepare
- No beef with Serenity Now/Equality Now's charity efforts on June 23rd.
- Time to recruit more Browncoats
- Time to MAKE more Browncoats
- Time to maybe get some of the cast members to help advertise September 30th, maybe with a short video message
- Lots of conventions in summer, perfect for spreading the word
- Time for shindigs and a summer of Browncoat fun!
- Topping it all off with a huuuuge buying frenzy on September 30th is gonna be a really big finale
- September 30th marks the 1st anniversary of the premiere screening of Serenity (not Joss' birthday and the last of the prescreenings prior to the premiere- this is about Serenity, right?)
- People are at each other's throats right now, so June 23rd is not gonna work anyways, because there is not enough time, and people backing it up.
- It has won the vote. It is the chosen day. The will of the people. Serenity Day.

Did I forget anything? Those are the most important, anyways. Someone from the June camp (that's a sad thing to having to say) can sum up THEIR reasons, if they wish.

Serenity Summer Campaign for teh win!1!!

Serenity Day on September 30th for maximum sexual pleasure!


Saturday, April 29, 2006 6:03 AM


Ok, well glad to know I'm not the only one that's totally lost. So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go back to enjoying the wonderful show which is the reason we're all here. I'm gonna completely ignore this serenity day BS which is trying to ruin this show for me. If somebody wants to make an organized campaign, I'll gladly be part of that, but serenity day is dead to me.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Saturday, April 29, 2006 6:08 AM



Originally posted by EvilDinosaur:
Ok, well glad to know I'm not the only one that's totally lost. So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go back to enjoying the wonderful show which is the reason we're all here. I'm gonna completely ignore this serenity day BS which is trying to ruin this show for me. If somebody wants to make an organized campaign, I'll gladly be part of that, but serenity day is dead to me.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."

And so it begins...

Serenity Summer Campaign for teh win!1!!

Serenity Day on September 30th for maximum sexual pleasure!


Saturday, April 29, 2006 6:28 AM



It seems to be an awful thing this discussion, but really it's just democracy in action. What will be the best plan will shake out soon enough and then we will know what to do.

I think the reason for Serenity Day being the 30th the way I see it, is that we really want this to work.. not be some flash in the pan, well, there ya go, lookee those Browncoats try kinda thing. We want this to say thank you to Universal for what they have done and to make them think that there are NUMBERS and BUCKS in
doing a sequel.

And really, the 30th folks wanna have fun too!
A whole summer of fun, and fun at the important cons leading up to September. This could be a good time.. a mighty fine shindig with lots of laughs and fellowship.

In the meantime I'm supporting the SN/EN screenings.. to find out more go to

and also read the news item on the right side of the page. It's for Joss' fave charity and I kinda think he'd like it if we support it.

Plus it gives us something to do while this stuff gets hashed out.

Oh, and I'm going over to the slip and slide thread and catch up. Then I'm off to my storeroom to open the door and check on deliveries and hand out 'coats to the new folk.

Hope FloralBunny got another shipment of strawberries cuz there are a lot of new folk to greet.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, April 29, 2006 6:35 AM



How's your toe? Hope it's better.

I know it seems like insanity. But this isn't the way this stuff usually goes within the Browncoat community. We usually vote and the majority wins.. in this case the majority is havin' a little trouble even bein' counted right. We are Independents.. we don't believe in authority with no say.

I know it'd be more fun to just party and bathe in chocolate.. hell, I'm right there with you!
But this is our beloved show we are talking about representing to the world. This is our crew up on the big screen. This is our community doing good works and being recognized for it. I am a Browncoat, proud of it, and I want this to be right. This isn't petty.. this is important.

Now that being said.. you know it's been years since I slipped and slided.. is that a word? I thank you for putting up the thread!

I'm off and since I have to hand out 'coats, hope I don't bust my ass!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, April 29, 2006 7:04 AM


Not wanting to bore anyone here with insane ideas, but why don't we simply pick a day, and do a "March on Washington?" or better yet, do a March on Fox or Universal Studios?

Taking a page out of history from the civil rights movement of the 60s, we can pick someone to do an “I had a dream Speech” regarding Serenity and Firefly. In other words we can all march on one of these studios with the collective might of numbers. If we are serious, we should at least get a few hundred thousand people and that should make the news, and people watching it would begin to wonder “What is this Serenity/Firefly thing that those people are all hyped-up about?”

But I don't think that we are that serious, and I also suspect that if we did something like this, Joss wouldn’t be amused at all, but the big boys at Universal, or Fox would begin to see dollar signs in their collective, beady little eyes and might start to ask themselves if there is something to this Firefly thingy after all.

The whole idea is impossible and dumb I know, but at the center of every crazy movement, there is always some insane, cross-eyed little clown with a dream.

Now back to bed I go. This world is too much for me today.

The River's That's depressed


Saturday, April 29, 2006 7:11 AM


Dude, we can't even get a few hundred people to agree on a DVD buying date. I very, very much doubt we could get hundreds of thousands of people to march in protest.

I can see the idea is well intentioned though, I just don't think it'd work.


Saturday, April 29, 2006 7:54 PM


Not willing to fight for what you want? Then quit you’re whining and complaining

The River who fell down and hit her head


Saturday, April 29, 2006 10:08 PM


Agatsu, you are one stupid son of a bitch!


Saturday, April 29, 2006 10:14 PM



Originally posted by EvilDinosaur:
Ok, well glad to know I'm not the only one that's totally lost. So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go back to enjoying the wonderful show which is the reason we're all here. I'm gonna completely ignore this serenity day BS which is trying to ruin this show for me. If somebody wants to make an organized campaign, I'll gladly be part of that, but serenity day is dead to me.


Originally posted by Agatsu:

And so it begins...

Serenity Summer Campaign for teh win!1!!

Serenity Day on September 30th for maximum sexual pleasure!

I feel exactly as he does, with half saying one thing and half saying another... this whole thing is dead to me... thanks for killing Firefly


Saturday, April 29, 2006 10:18 PM


River 6213,

Remember back when you were the one stirring up all the trouble? Now that you are born again it's good to see so many others taking up the mantle.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Sunday, April 30, 2006 12:29 AM



Originally posted by JuTin:

Originally posted by Agatsu:

And so it begins...

Serenity Summer Campaign for teh win!1!!

Serenity Day on September 30th for maximum sexual pleasure!

I feel exactly as he does, with half saying one thing and half saying another... this whole thing is dead to me... thanks for killing Firefly

Thanks for bringing every thread where shit went down back on top to create further unrest when we are all cuddly and loving again.
I didn't "kill Firefly", so please, back off.
I read this while searching for a thread to link to because I'm writing a PM to you, btw, so look for that.
I wrote "And so it begins." with a heavy heart, not because of my evil masterplan to destroy the love which brought me here, you know, but because it was clear that this affair would create unrest sooner or later, and people would just go "Screw it.". I'm very passionate about Serenity Day, being one of the people who brought it up and a member of the council that disbanded after realising Kaele wants to make this her own (she declared June the winner of an internal council vote, when September actually won and everyone knew.). Did you know about that? No? About the trouble with Serenity Now/Equality Now on the June date, which made a few old-school 'coats at Whedonesque declare they ain't down with that and that the June date won't work? Maybe you don't know a whole lot of other things that went down, so please check on the 4000 posts on 17 different threads (,and you STILL won't know everything that happened) before declaring me the scapegoat for "killing Firefly", and organising a lynch mob.
Calm down, dude. We're voting again, people are much more relaxed. And I WILL support the Serenity Day effort on ANY date. I'm just convinced that September 30th is so much better for ruttin EVERYONE, and most of all, Serenity Day's success.

Serenity Day on SEPTEMBER 30th for maximum sexual pleasure!


Sunday, April 30, 2006 12:53 AM


Okay, Newcomer here who has missed all the .. um.. discussions about the Serenity Day (from what I've gathered I count myself lucky!)

I for one would be very happy to celebrate my love of Firefly twice this year if someone would give me a clue as to what exactly is going down. I gather spending money is involved. I think I have pretty much all of the official merchandise already!! I might consider getting a second DVD for the cause (plus I've yet to investigate the T-Shirts I've seen mentioned ... yummy birthday presents!!!), but I was hoping to be told of more meet-up events. Are there going to be big fun parties? With real strawberries and big chandeliers?!

If so I bet they'll all be America whilst I'm stuck in the UK.


Sunday, April 30, 2006 1:02 AM


I still say "stick with the original plan!". Strike while the iron is hot(or luke warm now..). I think its all over by september 30..


Sunday, April 30, 2006 1:17 AM


With all the conventions, the Serenity Ornament, "Done the Impossible" coming out, the new comic books and the Starter Pack campaign, let alone our recruiting during the summer, I highly doubt Firefly will be dead by September.
June, on the other hand, is too close and does not leave us enough time to recruit the amount of people we could.
Circumstances change and you gotta be flexible.

Serenity Day on SEPTEMBER 30th for maximum sexual pleasure!


Sunday, April 30, 2006 1:27 AM


Hi Emma,

I think some of the charity screenings are in the UK check out

Several of the shows stars and writers have appeared at UK events and Browncoats seem to have a strong presence at the SF conventions there...

As for the rest of this nonsense, I plan to make a purchase on Jun 23rd and if there's something else actually planned for Sept, I'll probably participate in that, too.

I'm just hoping this whole mess doesn't drive people away from the fandom. I'm taking solace over at the OB and even made my first extended visit to

They seem to be maintaining their good spirits over there.

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Sunday, April 30, 2006 3:17 AM



Originally posted by msckaren:
Hi Emma,

I think some of the charity screenings are in the UK check out

Several of the shows stars and writers have appeared at UK events and Browncoats seem to have a strong presence at the SF conventions there...

Yeah! I'd have loved to have gone to a convention this year. There are a couple I've seen advertised in London. One had Nathan, Jewel, Summer, Sean and Christina (Saffron) coming! What bliss!!! Sadly, not only am I broke but it seems to have be sold out (I was contemplating selling my body and/ or soul but wouldn't have made enough anyway). There is another in September with Jewel, Sean, Morena and Mark (Badger). I might be able to afford a hotel room if I shared with someone! I'm hoping to meet a nice British (non-serial killer) fan on this site who would be interested!


"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just.".

That's a really cool tagline!! I'll have to tell my friend that one!!


Sunday, April 30, 2006 3:17 AM



Originally posted by EvilDinosaur:
Ok, well glad to know I'm not the only one that's totally lost. So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go back to enjoying the wonderful show which is the reason we're all here. I'm gonna completely ignore this serenity day BS which is trying to ruin this show for me. If somebody wants to make an organized campaign, I'll gladly be part of that, but serenity day is dead to me.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."

I'll go with that. I especialy like the Tony Soprano bit at the end 'serenity day is dead to me' LOL


Sunday, April 30, 2006 5:32 AM



Originally posted by singate:
River 6213,

Remember back when you were the one stirring up all the trouble? Now that you are born again it's good to see so many others taking up the mantle.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.

I actually never saw it as "stirring up trouble" Just because I got some "protection" doesnt mean that I'm out of the game as far as kicking up a fuss! "fuss" is my middle name and don't you forget it.

Now back to our scheduled program already in progress...

The broke-back River who could






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