On the Way To Persephone #4- Life Onboard Serenity

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 09:03
VIEWED: 16648
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Monday, May 1, 2006 12:27 PM


Our Previous Adventures!

Plus our Latest Adventure ----

In which sister ship High Charity got kind of exploded, except for one crewmember who is limping her to Persephone; Ertia, Pain & Fly got drunk and in trouble; Fly discovered a map hidden in a 3-D design letter; HC's crew is looking for said Map; and River made 13 some shiny new legs.
We've got a mystery passenger in Alliance garb who Book vouches for, but is currently chained to Simon's chair.

And we're all outta food 'cept potatoes, protien and the occasional jalepeno..

NOW! On to the Adventure! Maybe, just maybe, we'll get to Persephone this time...


Monday, May 1, 2006 12:59 PM


Ooc: HEEYYY!!?!? What am I? Chopped liver??? :^D

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, May 1, 2006 1:05 PM


*After steadily arguing with Ari and 13 about the letter, the quiet shaman takes an impromptu tour of Serenity, cataloging (sp) each and every detail. Suddenly, a dark-haired, gimlet-eyed girl darts from a shadowy corner..*

DW: Sweet jumpin' crap, scared me! Sneaking around isn't safe around pilots, little girl!

*River makes no further motion, merely observing the new and strange DW, eyes piercing like daggers..*

DW: That's a little unsettling, but alright..*suddenly a strange sensation sweeps through his brain, a soft wave of nausea..The shaman/pirate stumbles back, gasping in shock. The feeling persists, until DW summons the will to block the sensation.*

DW: You're not the only one with mind-eyes, little girl. Watch yourself, or you might find yourself spied on...

*River begins to leave DW, but softly calls back..*

River: She wouldn't recommend lurking into people's thoughts, Rikun. She is displeased over your action..

DW: Not an entirely intact Reader...


Monday, May 1, 2006 1:34 PM


*13 is reprising his role as the dark brooder, pondering over the contents of Ari's 'letter' and who might have stolen it. Perhaps it contained some sort of communicae as to the purpose of the android..*

(maybe not though. maybe it was something different, something else they didn't want you to see...)

hmmm...I'm going to have to agree with the scary voice on this one (yes, the 'SCARY VOICE' has returned, for more drinking games and Easter parties)...

*13 begins to tick off the people who could have taken the letter*

Mal, no, hates me anyway..Zoe is indifferent..Wash respects my privacy...Jayne can't read...

*Suddenly he comes to a startling conclusion. The only reason a person would take a sealed letter was out of curiousity, and who was more curious than....*

GRIMJACK!!! Oh, whoops...heh. *But Fly was even curiouser than Jack...(Curiouser? Is that a word?) Perhaps a brief questioning is in order, along with a sidedish of chaos..*

(come on everybodies sick of that damn sig..)

Be quiet.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Monday, May 1, 2006 1:36 PM


From behind him, DW hears the soft click of a pistol's safety. JR has been following DW for about 10 minutes. "Shaman, best you turn around real slow like, dong ma? Now, why you checking out my boat?"

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, May 1, 2006 1:49 PM


*Pain wakes up and sees that him and Fly are the only ones in the galley. Fly is still sleeping as Pain gets up and heads for his bunk. He enters his bunk and sits on his bed, he puts on his boots and heads back to the galley with his gun cleaning kit in hand. Pain enters the galley, sits next to Fly, and quietly starts to field strip his H&K Mark 23 .45 pistol, unaware of what's happening elsewhere on Serenity.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 1, 2006 2:01 PM


*DW grins shakily as he faces JRC, blue eyes gleaming*

Ain't no r-r-r-reason, feller. Just took a likin to the ship'sall.

*JRC's hard eyes do not soften, and do not waver. The gun is now aimed between DW's eyes.*

JR, with a soft, deadly voice: What.Are.You.Doing.

DW: Seems we've got a thief on this ship. *JR laughs at this, considering every person on the ship is a thief* Ari had a letter when he got on, an now it's missing. I's looking around when your little crazy-girl snuck up and spouted drivel.

JR: Why exactly did you threaten her?
DW: Guaha? Gu-what? Threaten? Ain't no threatning, JR, honest, I just been..*A loud shot rings out, and the air is sharp with cordite. A shell falls to the floor, and the floor beside DW's foot is pierced with a slug.*
JR: I've had just enough of you squatters, specially that creepifying bot. Been trying to gather some tether, but the end of mine. You're pale, shaman-y ass is staying in the spare bunk or the next slug won't be a warning. *JR turns away as DW notices a dampness in his pants*


Monday, May 1, 2006 2:10 PM


OoC Post: An Apology

I apologize with the utmost sincerity of commiting the act known widely as "thread-jacking." I've taken this thread down a strange, yet adventurous path, and although I'm sure you all enjoyed it, I can't help but feel guilty at trying to take control, what with the robot and High Charity and Zenith and the map side-story (A shout-out to Fly for that fantastic stereogram, by the way) and the enormous gunfight.

So, in short, the character 13 will become a permanent member of the crew, and after this whole DW business is wrapped up, I'll spend some time writing fanfics, not controlling threads.

Once again, I'm sorry.

But I still think a little chaos is in order.


Monday, May 1, 2006 2:17 PM


*13 nearly careens into the floor when he see's that Fly is sleeping.*

Dammit! I need that letter...maybe if I just nudge her..

*Sadly, the young bot does not know his strength, and the soft nudge becomes a rough push, sending Fly to the grated (aaaieee!) floor.

Fly: (insert whatever swearwords you want, Chinese or otherwise.)


Monday, May 1, 2006 3:06 PM


*Pain had heard the gunshot as he put his gun back together. He noticed Fly was still sleeping as he ran to the cargo bay, not noticing that 13 entered the galley as he rounded a corner and ran down the stairs. Pain secures the silencer onto his gun and reaches DW just as JR disappears from view. Pain asks DW as he levels the gun to DW's chest*

What in the gorram hell happened?

*Pain smells the scent of urine as he looks down to see that DW has soiled himself and also sees that a pool of blood is forming around one of DW's feet. DW looks at the menacing gun pointing at him, with the silencer only a few inches away from his face, and says with a hint of fear*

He...he..he just s-s-shot me. All I did was take a tour of the ship. I didn't mean any harm honest.

*Pain lowers the H&K pistol slightly and says to DW*

Yeah well I'm sure that ain't the whole truth. Now let's get you to the infirmary and get that foot looked at.

*Pain watches as DW turns towards the infirmary and presses the cool metal of the silencer to the back of DW's head and says*

Don't try anything stupid or you'll get shot somewhere a lot more vital than your foot. Dong ma?

*DW shakes his head "yes" as they head the short distance to the infirmary, Pain calmly walking behind DW, with his finger slightly off the trigger ready for DW to try something stupid.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:50 PM


Ertia, feeling far more rested after a cold shower, *grumble grumble..who used all the hot water? didn't even think anybody else was even up yet. grumble grumble* has her postshower musings interupted by the sound of a gunshot.

Automatically, she reaches for her laser pistol, only to remember that she gave it Kaylee to be charged. Feeling a bit panicky, she flings opens the shower-room door and steps out, coming straight face to face with a limping DW and an armed and irritable looking DrPain. "What the hell is going on? Who's shootin?"

Pain glances over. "Nothin to worry your pretty wet naked bod over, Ertia. Seems one of our passengers had a run-in with our Security and Safety Chief's gun."

"Oh. Everything okay then?" Ertia hesitates, then realizes what Pain said, and that she's being stared at, and that all she's wearing is a substantial amount of cold water and a rather small towel. "OH! Kwin-gwe-je deh!"

Leaping back into the shower room, she slams the door behind her.


Monday, May 1, 2006 8:15 PM


*Pain and DW look in awe as they watch a naked Ertia scurry back into the shower room. Pain tries not to smile as he still holds the gun on DW. Pain says to him*

Well that was a fun distraction now get in the infirmary so's the doc can patch you up.

*They both walk into the infirmary (well DW limps in) as Simon who was oblivious to Ertia's nakedness walks over to examine DW's foot. Simon says to both of them*

What happened to him and why do you Pain have a rather large gun pointed at him?

*Pain responds*

Oh yeah um he sorta had a run in with JR's gun and the reason I have a gun on him is because of security reasons. Oh and you might wanna get him a change of pants seeing as he had a little accident.

*Pain lowers his silenced pistol to his side as Simon says*

Right security reasons sure Pain. *Simon looks at DW's pants and hides a look of disgust* I'm sure that's what the Captain would call putting a gun to someones head and ordering them to walk to the infirmary without any help.

*Pain looks at Simon and says*

Yeah well I didn't wanna take my chances.

*Pain walks out of the infirmary as Ertia steps out of the shower room fully clothed this time. She looks at him almost about to laugh, punches him in the arm and says*

Just shut up Pain and don't mention it to anybody that you saw me naked I'm serious.

*She gives him a sort of serious look as he says to her*

Right and I'm sure you didn't walk out of the shower naked on purpose.

*Ertia rolls her eyes, punches him in the gut, and storms off to her room saying as she leaves*

I'm serious Pain maybe I'll catch you naked one of these days and laugh my butt off.

*She turns around quickly and sticks out her tongue then resumes heading to her bunk. Pain chuckles to himself as he heads of to find JR, thinking of Ertia naked with a big grin on his face.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 1:27 AM



Originally posted by 13:
OoC Post: An Apology
I apologize with the utmost sincerity of commiting the act known widely as "thread-jacking." I've taken this thread down a strange, yet adventurous path, and although I'm sure you all enjoyed it, I can't help but feel guilty at trying to take control, what with the robot and High Charity and Zenith and the map side-story (A shout-out to Fly for that fantastic stereogram, by the way) and the enormous gunfight.
So, in short, the character 13 will become a permanent member of the crew, and after this whole DW business is wrapped up, I'll spend some time writing fanfics, not controlling threads.
Once again, I'm sorry.

It is quite alright,,,you have brought us in different directions, but you kept us on our toes.....seriously....BTW,,,,Fly was gonna return the map after her session with the Dr. She was feeling rather quilty the fact she "TOOK" the map.....Fly is a honest person and will always be....Glad you decided to stay a permanent apologies needed. And, you are welcome,,,took me a while to come up with that stereogram....hope everyone had fun looking at the link.....Oh, and I wanted 13 to be the key to the whole map!!!!

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 1:34 AM


*she finds herself on the floor on her butt with gun in her hand. She has stella reflexes when it comes to being nudged whilst sleeping*

Wo de ma!!!!! *She says with gun pointed at 13 with both hands giving it a steady aim.*

13,,,what are you doing and did I hear a gun shot?

*She gets up quickly and 13 sees the letter in her back pocket*

I gotta see what that was.....YOU come with me.......

*They head to the Cargo bay*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:22 AM


(Strange how I was thinking the same thing about 13 being the key, Fly. Sadly, I aint too sharp on how it's going to work. Maybe it gets recorded with the iCam, or something...)

*Fly and 13 enter the cargo bay..)

(as you came up with the wonderful stereogram, I think you're better at this "letter thing" than me)

(DW, you're disgusting.)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:43 AM


*Pain walks up the stairs to the back hall when he sees Fly and 13 come running into the cargo bay. Pain walks down the stairs and heads for them. Fly and 13 spot Pain carrying his pistol walking towards them. They stop in their tracks in the middle of the cargo bay. Fly says to Pain*

What happened? We heard a shot? What's goin' on?

*Pain unscrews the silencer, puts it back in its pouch, holsters his pistol, and says to Fly as he puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder*

DW met our Safety & Security Chief JR and got shot in his left foot. The doc's patching him up right now in the infirmary.

*The three of them walk to the infirmary. Pain stays behind in the common area as Fly and 13 talk to DW and Simon. Pain watches the four of them talking. He sees Fly come his way with a look in her eyes as she says to him in a hushed tone*

So explain to me why you had a gun pointed point blank to the back of DW's head?

*Pain says to her*

Like I told the doc, security reasons. I didn't want DW to do anything stupid because I didn't think he was being as honest as he's trying to make himself out as. Besides I'm not the one who shot him that was JR, perhaps you should talk to him about why he did what he did and not me. Why don't you and 13 go help the doc get DW to his quarters while I go find JR.

*Fly sighs, nods her head, and goes to help DW as Pain walks up the stairs leading to the back hallway to look for JR.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:50 AM


Still embarrassed about running around the ship naked, Ertia drops quietly into Kaylee's bunk and tucks her black case into a corner.

Kaylee stirs in her sleep, smiling, and Ertia tucks her pink flowered blanket up to her chin before quietly exiting again. Kaylee's a decent bunk-mate,(Heck, she spends all her time in the engine room or with Simon!) but they'll both be glad when Ertia can move back to her own room.

Climbing back up, she runs into Mal as he climbs from his own bunk, "I hear shootin'?"

"Our boys shot one of their boys, I think. Simon's fixing him." Ertia explains quietly, "I believe we're all getting to be just a little on edge, Captain."

Mal runs a hand over his hair, ducking his head. "Yeah. Feeling that way myself. You able to get those ducts done today?"

"No worries." Ertia gives him a grin and heads for the closet to get her cleaning gear as Mal heads towards the Infirmary to find out what's going on in his ship.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 11:14 AM


*Pain is about to turn the corner into the back hallway as he runs into the Captain. Pain says to Mal*

Oh hey there sir didn't see you.

*Mal says to Pain*

Same here. You wanna explain to me why there's shootin' goin' on on my ship and who got shot?

*Pain replies*

Well I wasn't the one who did the shootin' that was JR, who by the way I was just about to look for. The guy he shot was named DW. If'n you hurry you can catch him before Fly and 13 haul him back into his quarters.

*Mal says back to Pain*

Well go find him and when you do tell him the Captain wants to speak to him on the double dong ma?

*Pain says to the Captain as Mal heads to the infirmary*

Yes sir I'll tell him that.

*Pain turns back and heads to JR's bunk to see if JR might be there, wondering how much trouble JR might be in.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 11:46 AM


Location: Infirmary

Fly: Doc,,,,,,how's he doing
Doc: Which one?
Fly: DW
Doc: He's all patched up,,,don't know why JR felt he had to, but *Simon scratches his head in an uneasy way
Fly: *She wishpers to Simon so's 13 can't hear....You gonna have some time for me today? Maybe we can work on that map?
Doc: Yea, Fly I will. Don't you have to help with duct work again today?
Fly: Yeah, great, thanks for reminding me
Doc: No problem,,,,
Fly: And our unknown.....?
Doc: He seems to have a lot of brain activity, movin' a lot more,,,,,shouldn't be too long now, I think he will wake....Anyone else know about this map Fly?
Fly: No
Doc: Ok
Fly: I want to see if I can decifer it now that you've showed me what to do,,,I just, can't relax enough to see it again....Think I still need your help.....OK Doc.....13 and I will help DW here back to his bunk and then I'm off to see Ertia.
Doc: K Fly,,,,see you later then

*Fly and 13 help DW back to the bunks for the guests and heads to see Ertia.....

Fly: 13 I have to work for a while....We can check with Ertia to see if there is something you can do Don ma?

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 12:19 PM


*Mal reaches the infirmary and sees that Fly, 13, and DW aren't there. He releases a string of Chinese swears and says to Simon who's still there*

Where is DW and where are Fly and 13 for that matter?

*Simon says to Mal*

DW is in his guest quarters I don't know where Fly or 13 went off to.

*Mal gets red in the face and sort of yells to Simon as he heads out of the infirmary*

Great! Just great!

*Mal swears up a storm as he hits the com button and says to Jayne and Zoe over the P.A.*

Jayne, Zoe meet me at DW's quarters ma shong.

*Mal clicks off the com and storms off to DW's room and waits for them to show up.*


*Pain hears Mal's voice over the P.A. and thinks to himself as he stops in front of JR's bunk*

Man the Captain sure does seem pissed.

*He sees Jayne and Zoe walk past him, heading for the passenger dorms, as Pain knocks on JR's hatch and says*

Hey JR you in there? The Captain has a bone to pick with you.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 3:26 PM


* gets up and makes his way to the shower wondering how everyone will react to the news that he intends to stay on Serenity permanently*

One Day.
One Mission
One Army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, We Aim To Misbehave.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 4:40 PM



Originally posted by Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown:
* gets up and makes his way to the shower wondering how everyone will react to the news that he intends to stay on Serenity permanently*

Even though I am sick and feel on my death bed, when I was told of the news of you wanting to say as a pernament character, I had to pick myself up and reply.....Welcome,,,,glad you want to stay...I'm sure we all feel the same.....glad you can make it.....we love new peeps!!!!!!
Whoot!!!!! High fives all the characters!!! We have a new peep!!!

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 7:32 PM


Yay! New peeps! errr... does this mean Ertia's gonna have to bunk with Kaylee forever? errr.. no .. hold on that. I gots me a zany idea for later!

Ertia climbs into the ductwork, dragging the vac behind her. She starts to sing to herself.."Oh, I been workin' in the DUCT WORK all the live long day. I been workin' in the DUCT WORK just to pass..."


Belatedly, she realizes she's directly under Jayne's bunk.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 8:33 PM


Location: Outside of DW's Room (3 hours earlier)

*Jayne and Zoe meet Mal at the entrance to DW's room. The three of them walk in and see DW on his bed reading something on a data pad. DW looks up from the data pad and notices the Captain, Jayne, and Zoe. Before DW can speak Mal says*

So you wanna tell me what happened that warranted a shootin' on my ship, or am I gonna have to have one of them make you tell me?

*DW responds in a halfway calm voice*

You're Safety & Security man JR pulled a gun on me, yelling accusations that I threatened the crazy girl and shot me in the foot. Then to add insult to injury your hired gun named Pain put a gun to the back of my head and made me walk to the infirmary!

*DW sees Zoe put a hand on her Mare's Leg, calms down and says*

Sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice it's just that I don't like being shot anywhere on my body you understand right?

*Mal looks at Jayne and Zoe and says to DW*

Well I appreciate you tellin' your side of the story now if'n you don't mind I'd like to hear the other side from Pain and JR.

*Mal smiles as the three of them head out. Mal pops his head back in and says*

Course it'd be wise if'n you stayed confined to your quarters seein' how's you'd most likely get shot again.

*Mal slides the door close as DW mutters to himself. The three of them start heading back to the bridge as Jayne says*

Captn? Zoe? Y'all won't be mindin' if'n I get some sleep will ya? As much as I likes to watch you tear Pain and JR a new one. I's 'fraid I's a mite sleepy.

*Mal turns to Jayne and says*

Well now that's a first comin' outta your mouth. Alright by me though. Can't be havin' my hired gun fallin' asleep on the job.

*Just then they bump into Pain and JR as Jayne climbs into his bunk. Mal says to them*

JR. Pain. I'd be appreciatin' it if you two joined me on the bridge for a lil' chat.

*Pain and JR look at each other and say to Mal*

Yes sir Captain.

*The four of them enter the bridge as Pain and JR endure a two and a half hour "lecture" of how not to lose their cool because of the current situation regarding the passengers. The yelling, swearing, and the apologizing being somewhat muffled by the closed doors of the bridge.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 10:31 PM


The bridge has been getting a mite uncomfortable, with Mal, Zoe, Pain and JR "discussing" the events of the last 20 minutes. It seems like an eternity with Mal informing them about how to treat passengers, guests, shamans, robots and other assorted folk, and Pain and JR feeling somewhat like small children with the lecture. Mal finally calms down. "Got anything else to say before you're dismissed?", Mal asks. JR says, "Look, Cap'n, sir, I'm sorry I got a bit ornery with DW, but...." "A BIT?!" Mal shouts. JR continues, "He was walkin' around Serenity, taking notes and writin' stuff down. He was doing that for at least ten minutes while I was shadowin' him, who knows how long before that, but...." Mal interrupts, "And you had to SHOOT him?!" "I lost my concentration on him Cap'n," JR says. "I heard him tell River that she's not the only one with mind-eyes, and that got me spooked. 'sides, ain't no one gonna threaten the crew of this boat that way, not while I'm on board. Pain, old buddy, sorry you had to clean up that mess with DW."

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 7:23 AM


*Pain says to JR*

Don't worry about it.

*He looks to the Captian and says*

Can we be dismissed now? Cause I still have those chores to do.

*Mal thinks it over a bit and says*

Yeah you two are dismissed. Just be sure nothing like this happens again dong ma?

*Pain and JR both say to Mal before leaving the bridge*

Yes sir Captain.

*Pain turns to JR as they leave the bridge and says to him*

Well I guess I'll go see if Ertia needs help cleaning the duct work, so yeah I guess I should go do that.

*Pain heads off to go help Ertia as JR goes to off to do his own thing. Pain walks through the galley as he remebers the "Ertia running out of the shower naked" incident and smiles to himself.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 8:44 AM


*after finishing her chores of the ducts she makes her way to the infirmary to see Doc for their little map reading session. She finds 13 and says

Fly: I have something to tell you and show you. Come with me to the infirmary
13: K, Fly

Location Infirmary

Fly: Hey Doc,,,I uh,,brought 13 with me, I think he needs to be a part of this.
Doc: OK *he turns the overhead light off just leaving on the little reading lamp. 13 makes his way beside Fly as she sits in a chair in the room. She pulls the map out of her back pocket.
Fly: 13. I believe this letter was intended for you...although, it is not a letter at all. It's a map, and if my suspicions are correct, I believe you are a link somehow.
13: Looks at her blankly, OK Fly
Fly: The only thing is 13, I don't believe you can read it with the way your eyes have been re-crated.
13: Ok, Fly

*Fly sits back in the chair and Simon adjusts the light.

Doc: Fly,,,you can only do this for so long before your eyes start to hurt, so try to tell me what you see and I will jot it down, Dong Ma.
Fly:Dong Ma
Doc:ok, Fly, concentrate,,,relax your eyes, don't look at map, see through map. Tell me what you see
Fly: I see um,,,nothing yet....
Doc: Let your eyes cross Fly, relax
Fly: I see,,,Oh Wait,,,,,,on the inside there is a map...along the outside says....wait, wait *she closes her eyes wait......
Doc: It's ok Fly, take your time........

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 8:50 AM


oops, sorry about the consistency error. Forgot Jayne was already up! Nice work-around though, Pain, thanks.

Ertia hears Pain's voice coming from below and opens the drop hatch, hanging half upside down as he comes down the corridor. "BOO!"

Pain ducks, then grins. "What was that for?"

Ertia notes the glint in his eye and shoots back, "What's that grin for?"

"Heh. Nothin." Pain's obviously still amused by the naked incident. "How's it going up there?"

"Good, Almost done. Think you can clean the hatches in the cargo bay?" She glances furtively down the corridor and lowers her voice, "I know we're playing nice with the new kids, but I'm a little worried about letting them out of our sight."

"Playin' nice includes shootin' 'em?" Pain asks, one eyebrow raised hopefully." 'Cause Mal didn't exactly see it that way."

Ertia just raises herself back into the duct and closes the hatch. The sooner they get to Persephone the better.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 9:01 AM


Fly: wait,,,,it's a poem

On this island you will see, underneath the deep blue sea, something shiny for you and me. We will seize these pieces see, take them all for you and me.

Fly: whoa
Doc: what else do you see
Fly: Looks like a map that goes under a building
Doc: Ok,,,can you tell what the building is
Fly: I, uh, it looks like,,,,an office building?
Doc: Anthing else about the poem
Fly: There is a moon,,,no, wait,,,,oh wait.....

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:01 AM


OoC: You're welcome Ertia and it wasn't a problem.

*Pain runs off, grabs some cleaning supplies, and heads to the cargo bay to clean all the hatches. Pain walks over to the large cargo bay doors with a bucket full of solution hanging from his left hand, various cleaning implements in his right hand, and some rags in his back pocket. Pain puts the bucket of cleaning solution on the ground, takes a long handled scrubber, dips the scrubbing part into the bucket, and stars to scrub down the cargo bay doors.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:08 AM


That poem...a rhyme for sleeping children...*he scrutinizes the picture more closely*

That's a facility. BY the architecture, I say late 2400's, indicating it was constructed in the last 20 years, further indicating it's still in use...maybe a research facility?
(great to have you, Guy.)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:20 AM



Originally posted by 13:
That poem...a rhyme for sleeping children...*he scrutinizes the picture more closely*

That's a facility. BY the architecture, I say late 2400's, indicating it was constructed in the last 20 years, further indicating it's still in use...maybe a research facility?
(great to have you, Guy.)
I think a little chaos is in order.

Fly: You can see that 13, didn't think you'd be able to,,,,yea looks like Pyramid design. What planet has Pyramid designs....Oh, hey that would be the Island the poem is speaking of....
I think you are getting somewhere 13....Wow he can read this too.
Doc: Looks that way

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:45 AM


(hey guys im baaaaaack)
(Giv me a part!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ or some where to start)
oh yhea all rhyms)

hm i too have an uncle.........come in


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:48 AM



Originally posted by XIII:
(hey guys im baaaaaack)
(Giv me a part!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ or some where to start)
oh yhea all rhyms)hm i too have an uncle.........come in

OOC, ok lemme get this straight you and 13 are not the same person? I really thought you were.....can I ask 13 how many characters do you have?

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:00 AM


*slow, slow clap*

Congrats, FLy, for solving the puzzle of how many people is 13. I'll tick of the list: Canadian Lancer, DeepWater, ArizonaValentine.

XIII is in fact my friend Evan, who I proudly converted.

(as to those of you wondering why I would make so many characters, I had nothing to do and needed more people to continue the thread-jacking storyline, which I still regret putting into effect.)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:04 AM



Originally posted by 13:
*slow, slow clap*

Congrats, FLy, for solving the puzzle of how many people is 13. I'll tick of the list: Canadian Lancer, DeepWater, ArizonaValentine.

XIII is in fact my friend Evan, who I proudly converted.

(as to those of you wondering why I would make so many characters, I had nothing to do and needed more people to continue the thread-jacking storyline, which I still regret putting into effect.)

Well I have to say,,,I figured it out about 5 threads ago,,,,,wasn't hard looking at the profiles and all,,,I figured,,,,tis ok
funny....I have trouble keeping up with one let alone 3 or 4 kudos to you for giving it a shot....ok,,,,how about this,,,,he is with Lance and never died and we'll meet him on persephone?

Good job ol' chap!! *tips hat*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:57 AM


*Pain finishes both sets of cargo bay doors and moves on to the entrance hatches, carefully walking up the stairs making sure that he doesn't spill any of the solution in the bucket. He gets to the hatch that's leads to the front hall and starts the cleaning process. Pain dips a sponge into the bucket and scrubs the door down, swearing as he gets cleaning chemicals on his tank top. After he finishes the scrub down he takes out a clean rag and wipes of the pungent solution and moves onto the next nearest door and repeats the process. In an hour and a half's time he has cleaned half of the hatches in the cargo bay and decides to take a short thirty minute break on the catwalk near shuttle #2. Pain sets the cleaning equipment and the bucket near the trash recepticle, walks over a ways, and sits down on the catwalk, leaning his back up against the cold metal railing. He still thinks about the naked incident as he rests from his chores.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 12:05 PM


(actually, to the purpose of XIII thing, me and him have been wondering where we can shove him into the storyline. I'm down to two possibilities: Being tortured by Mrs. Niska (a woman that, sadly, has never been seen and mentioned only once) or on the Island in the stereogram. And the rhyme might evolve into a lullaby for 13's childhood. Or maybe the latest hit song, dunno yet.)

(Dammit, I'm almost jacking again! Back to the Map, where only one 13 exists..BTW, what was the most obvious clue to the Four Identities? It was the damn double capitals, wasn't it? DAmn!)

Possibly a research facility, given the location...a base?

I think a little chaos is in order.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 1:25 PM


Ertia groans as she rolls out of the last duct. It's done. Over.

And she is once more grimy. *sigh*
And starving. Pain's Patented Pain Coffee wore off an hour ago.

Dragging the vac back to the closet, she sees Kaylee coming up from the engine room. She's grinning as usual. "Wow! The ducts have never looked so good. Gotta get you in trouble with the captain more often!"

Ertia wonders if there is a power in the 'verse that can possibly stop Kaylee from being so gorram cheery. "Thanks, but I'm gonna avoid that in the future. You get a chance to see about charging my laser?"

Kaylee nods. "Rigged up something. It's a little slow, but should be charged before we make landfall."

"Great. I'm headed for lunch. You hungry?"

The girls head for the galley, wondering what they can possibly make palatable from potato and protien this time!


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 2:04 PM


*Pain gets up from his break, picks up his equipment and resumes his chores. He carries the cleaning supplies across to the other catwalk to clean the hatches on the other side. Pain is about to scrub down the hatch to Inara's shuttle when she opens the hatch and almost bumps into Pain. Pain steps back as Inara scrunches up her face and says*

Ugh what's that smell it's horrible?

*Pain smiles apologetically and says*

Sorry it's the cleaning solution in this bucket. Ertia wanted me to clean the hatches and that's what I'm doing. The smell should clear out in a while.

*Inara gives Pain some space as she gracefully walks down the stairs. She stops at the landing and says*

Well I hope so cause it smells worser than Jayne.

*She makes her way down the stairs and heads for the galley. Making sure to be far away from the stench of the chemicals. Pain resumes his work as he smiles to himself as he thinks of Inara's Jayne comment. Pain finishes his cleaning duty and heads for the supply closet. He reaches it, opens the hatch to the chemical processing tank and pours the cleaning solution into it. Pain then opens the closet's door, puts the equipment and bucket in, and closes the door. Pain takes a whiff of himself and heads for the shower, taking his shirt off as he reaches the shower room door.*

Fifteen minutes later........

*Pain steps out of the shower room, walks over to the washer/autodryer and throws in his shirt, turns on the machine and heads for the galley to get something to eat, hoping that anyone in the galley doesn't mind him being shirtless.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 2:37 PM


Location Infirmary:

Fly and 13 are now both reading the map. Fly takes a break and says,,,,,
Fly: Wait, I know what this poem means.... I think....hold on...Simon, give me your encyclopedia.
*Fly talks into it. Planet. Osiris. Description.
The machine comes back with: Osiris is the heart of the Alliance's Judicial branch. Here the high court hears important cases. Their decisions affect the interpretation of the parliamentary law with repercussions throughout the system. The court is.....she hears Egyptian God, building........The University of Osiris......she hears medical school...The corporate office of the Blue Sun Corporation .....The complex is off-limits.....The very latest in security...........Landing on Osiris is restricted, though not need to see your lawyer, you'll usually be permitted to set down.....University students and their parents are always welcome.....

Fly:Damn Simon...the poem,,,,The Island is Osiris.....underneath the deep blue sea is the Blue Sun Corporation we have to figure out what the shiny is for you and me, and where exactly it is. Lemme look at that map one more time, I think I saw something, I'm not sure.
*Simon hands her the map and both she and 13 look at it....Then 13 and Fly look at each other...
Fly: 13, you are the key
13: I see

(if you have the Serenity RPG Book, the whole description of the planet is in there, if not I'll point out major issues)

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 2:39 PM


OoC: thanks for the warm welcome

One Day.
One Mission
One Army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, We Aim To Misbehave.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:32 PM


JR had made one more round of the ship, including the infirmary where Simon checked the wound on his leg. "It's coming along rather well. Guess you can say I do good work, huh?" JR doesn't take kindly to braggerts, but the Doc does have a point. "Yea, I reckon you do, Doc. How's coma-boy doing?" Simon tells him, "He's doing alright.....By the way, once again, why DID you shoot DW?" JR can't help but roll his eyes. "Once again, like I told Cap'n, he was spying on us, I swear! Then, the worst part, he and River had a little exchange, saw him almost fall down, then tell her she's not the only Reader on board. I know I ain't the shiniest apple in the bunch, Doc, and I couldn't let him smart-talk his way past me. I don't trust him. Going back to my bunk now, need some sleep. Good luck with Fly and 13 on that map or whatever it is."

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 5:41 AM


In the galley, Ertia and Kaylee dig through cupboards, and manage to come up with something passing for lunch.

They both look up from the stove as Pain comes in. Ertia grins, and Kaylee stares.

"What?" Pain looks around him, and then behind.

Kaylee manages to wipe a finger across her lower lip, and turn her smile downwards to the boiling pot.

"Nothin'." Ertia shrugs, "Just maybe you forgot somethin'?"

Pain smirks, "What? Figured if runnin' around the ship nekkid was good enough for you..."

Now Kaylee chokes in disbelief, staring at Ertia, "You did WHAT?"

Ertia blushes and shuts her eyes. "ACCIDENT! I heard gunfire and I ... oh... never mind! Pain, Go put a shirt on!"

Kaylee shakes her head. "Nah! Don't! It's shiny!"


Thursday, May 4, 2006 6:17 AM


*Pain says to Ertia with a gin on his face*

Yeah sure it was an accident. How do I you don't do that for all the cute mercenaries?

*Ertia rolls her eyes at Pain and mutters something under her breath. Pain walks out of the galley, stops, pokes his head in and says to Kaylee*

Yeah I think I'll put a shirt on. Wouldn't want the doc to think I was moving in on his girl again.

*Pain strolls to his bunk, opens the hatch, and out of the sight of the ladies.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:41 AM



The key? Okay,now I've got an idea. Maybe it wasn't all Wesley that created me, considering he wouldn't have access to a tenth-generation microprocessor and the proper polymers and such, he'd need a benefactor, an outside contributor..

*Fly, Simon, and 13 all say at the same time..*

Blue Sun!

Simon: It makes sense...they're the only corporation with access to enough funding and equipment to create such a sophistacated robot..umm, cybernetic organism. But Wesley was the only person who could even do it. But why would he even create a machine? urrr.cybernetic organism. No offense, but a machine has no purpose if it can form its own thoughts, make its own actions.

*A look of dawning comprehension passes over Fly's face*

They're still after River, aren't they? I mean, they wouldn't give up searching for so much time and effort. So, they decided to send in an infiltrator, someone who would gain her trust, and at the right moment, snatch her up and deliver her right to their doorstep.

*Simon's hand grips a nearby scalpel lightly as 13 shifts nervously*

13: I refuse to accept that. I have never even thought about Blue Sun, let alone taking...

Simon: Maybe that's the idea. They probably programmed something into you, a trigger of some kind, that would cause you to formulate an alternate reason for kidnapping River, give you a synthetic amnesia about who she is and who you are.

13: So you're saying I'm a slave? That..that the only reason for my existence is to take an innocent girl hostage, and then to just be destroyed for scraps? *He chuckles bitterly* I'm starting to regret using the legs that she made for me...would've been less dangerous...

*He notices the scalpel clutched in Simon's hand, and pulls a torturous, hollow half-smile*

What are you going to do, doctor? Cut my throat? Afraid that won't do a thing. This would, though. *With lightning speed, he draws Fly's pistol from her own holster, and presses it directly above his heart* This is the location of my CPU. Pull the trigger, and your sister is safe. Don't, and wait for the consequences.

*Hand shaking, Simon drops the scalpel, and grips the gun with a sweaty palm*

Fly: Okay, SImon, just calm down...I'm sure there's another way to stop him from..

13: How, Fly? Lock me inside a bunk? I'll tear down the doors. Toss me in the airlock? I'll cut through. Make a choice, Simon.

*the doctor's finger closes over the trigger..*

(I'll let Fly solve this dilemma. Please do not kill me, as I truly want to be permanent. It's gonna be a challenge, but try your best.)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:49 AM


whoa! Good post, 13! I'm like... 78.93% certain that Simon won't pull the trigger. That's like...mostly, right?

Oblivious to the happenings in the infirmary, Ertia and Kaylee dish up soup for themselves and settle at the table, still giggling about Pain's lack of shirt.

Mal strolls in and takes a look into the pot before dishing up a bowl. "What'r you two all chipper about?"

"Nothin, Captain." Ertia manages with a straight face. "We were just making fun of Pain, a little, is all."

"You both know he owns a gun, right?" Mal teases, "Speakin' of guns, Ertia, you and your pair of cohorts should clean the weapons in the gun locker today. No tellin' what might happen on Perseph..."

River runs in, eyes wide with panic. She grabs the back of Mal's chair, and cries out in an anguished voice, "THE SECRETS ARE COMING OUT! THEY'RE OVERRUNNING. OVERFLOWING! You have to stop him!"


Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:03 AM


(nice River reaction, Sam! I don't think Simon would pull the trigger, but that's up to Fly, I guess.)

(such is life, and such is death.)

Enter River...

She screams but the sound doesn't register. They struggle with her, confusion and disjointed thoughts..they can't see what's happening, they have to know!

(where the hell's her brother? the infirmary, with fly and 13. get him in here quick, and bring some meds!)

They won't care..they'll just put another pill down her throat, soothe her with sugarwater and cold medicine...just make him stop...

Meanwhile, in DW's confinement...

*DW collapses to the ground, vomiting and nearly seizuring. So many emotions are mixed inside his head...fear, hate,'s all too much..*

*He wipes a trickle of vomit from his mouth, and stutters..*

What the hell are they doing up there?

I think a little chaos is in order.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:27 AM


OoC: Nothing to see here


Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:42 AM


*Pain hears River screaming as he climbs out of his bunk. He sees Ertia, Kaylee, and Mal struggling with her, trying to get her to calm down and tell them what's wrong. Pain steps in and says*

What's that crazy moonbrained sister of the doc screaming about now?

*Ertia, Kaylee, and Mal are too bust trying to calm River down to give him a nasty look. Mal says to Pain*

Don't know yet but we'd appreciate it if you'd help out here.

*Pain walks over to them and tries to help but River breaks free of Ertia's grasp and runs for the infirmary, still babbling her cryptic speech. All four of them follow after her as she runs down the stairs and stops in front of the entrance, pointing at Simon, who's shaking and sweating, holding a gun to 13's chest. Mal is the first to speak and says*

Someone want to be tellin' me what in the tian xiao de is goin' on here?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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