Who's 'the man'?

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 3, 2006 06:29
VIEWED: 2834
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006 7:39 AM


OK, someone out there in the verse knows this information... or should! Don't worry, I'm not a stalker or crazy person "out to get" anyone... I just want to know... WHO'S THE MAN? And what I mean is of course: Who is actually the individual with the ultimate, final decicion on WHEN Firefly will be back in production?? (I say "when" ofc...) You can talk about studios, networks, boards and whatnot all you like. In the end, who is THE MAN with the power to bring it back?

It should be obvious. The preasure needs to be applied in the right place. With such a following (is there anything like this in the Verse?) there should be plenty of influnce available out there! I know, I know... there's all kinds of petitions but... well, does it actually reach "the man"?

There are actual people with names behind every decicion. Not networks. Not studios. People! Has there been any comment / response from the actual person /people behind the decicion to cancel the show? I would like to know...

I'm not even going to discuss the "what if's" or whatever about Firefly. Joss wants to make it, soooooo many people want to watch it... what is the problem? This is a no brainer for anyone with or without a calculator.

NB: I apoligize if my English is not perfect, it's not my native tongue. Also, if this information is already available out there, I'm sorry I have not been active enough on the main Cortex.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:36 PM


If we knew that, we would have made it happen already, thawiz, dear.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:46 PM


I reckon there is more then one "the man" out there. There are plenty of stuido execs and higherups that could either make or brake the future of firefly.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:46 PM


I reckon there is more then one "the man" out there. There are plenty of stuido execs and higherups that could either make or brake the future of firefly.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:46 PM


I reckon there is more then one "the man" out there. There are plenty of stuido execs and higherups that could either make or brake the future of firefly.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:46 PM


I reckon there is more then one "the man" out there. There are plenty of stuido execs and higherups that could either make or brake the future of firefly.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:46 PM


I reckon there is more then one "the man" out there. There are plenty of stuido execs and higherups that could either make or brake the future of firefly.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:46 PM


I reckon there is more then one "the man" out there. There are plenty of stuido execs and higherups that could either make or brake the future of firefly.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:47 PM


I'm not really sure who holds the rights to it right now. Probably Universal, if that's the case, then it would be the head decision making guy/gal at Universal. But it really won't do much good to tell them to bring it back, they'll do it when they see the percentage in it. So really the thing to do is to keep converting people, encouraging them to buy the series and/or movie, and then the numbers will jump out at "the man" and they'll see that they can make some money.

Money makes the world go 'round

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 3:11 PM


If I knew I'd already be stalking that person. Sorry!

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 3:48 PM


No no guys... I'm a bit disappointed here!! You guys don't even KNOW who has the actual rights anymore?? I mean, c'mon! I'll be honest, I expected a little bit more from the community! I know I'm NEW here but... It's OBVIOUS there's work to be done here guys! And I'm not giving this one up that easily. Granted, I know the world is spun by the mighty dollar, but there is something to be said for "people skills" as well! He He.

On a more serious note guys... Who owns the rights... Who's the proverbial "man" here... This should at least be partial "public record" right?? How can the community even dream about making a difference if we don't even know who we're speaking to??

Someone must know. And we need to find out. THEN we can get to work!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 3:52 PM


Sorry to disappoint!

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 4:10 PM


Now that was the worst case of "I don't give a flip" response I've seen in a while... but ANYWHO...

I don't even live in the US. I live on the other side of this little blue marble we live on actually. And I know a lot of people will say stuff like: "Chill out, it's just a TV-show", "Who cares, we can't make a difference anyway" or "I don't want to know cause two men with blue gloves will come and take me away"... BUT.. in all seriousness guys... Do we want the show back or not? Do we want to make an effort or sit here on a forum and dream about it?

I agree that doing all we can to expand the fanbase is good. But it does not have to stop there! If a pay-TV channel in NORWAY buys Firefly and broadcasts it at prime hours (they have and they are! Canal+ is sending it now!) then TRUST ME, the interest is bigger than even this community is aware of!!

So.. I'm looking into several things.. I have friends in the media over here, both behind and in front of the camera on the nations third largest network. I'm trying to lobby a bit there. I'm also working on getting in touch with other media such as the entertainment section of one of the larger newspapers to see if I can spark some interest for a story on the community.

See, I don't care if it's just a TV-show. I want it back on a gorram regular basis!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5:57 PM



one of the ways ppl in power and control stay that way is because they don't want you to know who they really are. Therefore,for a bad decision who can you blame?

Book said it pretty well" People like that come at you sideways. Saddle up and smile. Kill (a really good tv series) without question."

just one of my conspiracy theories.

" I swallowed a bug. But its easier than swallowing the BS fox gave us."


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 6:05 PM



Originally posted by thawiz1:
Now that was the worst case of "I don't give a flip" response I've seen in a while... but ANYWHO...

I don't even live in the US. I live on the other side of this little blue marble we live on actually. And I know a lot of people will say stuff like: "Chill out, it's just a TV-show", "Who cares, we can't make a difference anyway" or "I don't want to know cause two men with blue gloves will come and take me away"... BUT.. in all seriousness guys... Do we want the show back or not? Do we want to make an effort or sit here on a forum and dream about it?

I would say that is pretty much disrespectful to all the fans here who have stood by the show for years and who played a large part in getting Serenity (the movie) made. Guess what: we DID the impossible. So don't complain about us not doing anything.

~lissa, retired spwhore


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:08 AM


It was NOT a general complaint to the fans, it was a direct response to the one person coming back with a "one-liner" dismissal.

I just wanna do all I can to help / make it happen. Is that disrespectful? I find it more disrespectful that you also dismiss my efforts in trying to do something about it. :(


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:48 AM



Originally posted by thawiz1:
It was NOT a general complaint to the fans, it was a direct response to the one person coming back with a "one-liner" dismissal.

I just wanna do all I can to help / make it happen. Is that disrespectful? I find it more disrespectful that you also dismiss my efforts in trying to do something about it. :(

Your zeal is admirable, thawiz1. I think the disrespect that's being referred to is that you're at least insinuating that the fanbase here is less interested in doing something than you are.

Many of the people on this site have been here since 2002. Some of them here, including Haken, the site administrator, were here before Firefly even aired. Yes, this website was set up for Firefly fans (or flans, if you will) before the show made its debut.

The *exact* question you are asking has been asked repeatedly since the show was cancelled. There never has once been a decisive answer. Joss has been asked at public appearances. The BDHs have been asked at public appearances and in interviews. Innumerous letter writing campaigns have been launched (and I won't even talk about the petitions).

The closest thing that you're going to get as an honest answer is that we don't know, and it's not from a lack of effort to find out. If you want somewhere to start, then the concensus as far as I'm aware is this: Fox Studios (not to be confused with the Fox network) has the proper rights to the show, and will continue to do so for some undetermined years to come (although speculation also says until 2009). All of the original executives associated with cancelling Firefly at the Fox network have moved on, from what I understand. The SciFi channel (a Universal Studios affiliate property) has the American *re*broadcast rights, but not the rights to create new content. Universal has the new content creation rights for major motion picture distribution.

I don't think any names have been associated with those rights packages, and executives change anyway. I can't guarantee you that any of the above information is correct, but if you have connections in front of and behind the camera at a major network, then that should be more than adequate as a starting point for you to exploit those connections and find out the specific answers to the question that you asked. And hey, if you find out, then feel free to share with the rest of us.


P.S. - I haven't ever had any direct dealings with them, but you might be able to get some information from Ace Underhill over at (I think that's the URL). He's apparently somewhere in negotiations to try to secure the rights legally and get Firefly back on the air or some such in some way or another. As usual, the specific details are a bit fuzzy in my brain. Take it all with a grain of salt (and a slice of lemon and a shot of tequila).


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:56 AM


The "rights" are owned by a corporation, not a person. While there would be a final decision maker - THE DECIDER - if you will, you would have to get the agreement of all the people that advise that person.

If you feel you can this information faster than us lazy American fans, have at it.

edit: Sorry about the tone. I get really annoyed when people respond to perfectly innocent posts with a snotty attitude. I refer to your response to CoPilot.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:59 AM


Right. Hello, I'm the owner of the official movie fanbase site. These are not, however, answers sponsored by any powers that be.

Television rights: for new episodes, 20th Century Fox own these.

For existing episodes on CABLE, Sci-Fi has the exclusive rerun rights.

For motion pictures, Universal Pictures own the rights to the "Serenity" franchise. They hold a 3 picture deal.

Cast: None of the cast are held under TV contract. That expired in January 2003. For motion pictures, the cast are held under a limited time contract, for 3 pictures. This includes the entire cast (including Alan and Ron).

Book rights: Titan owned and released two official movie tie in products. Additionally, 2 more Serenity books are due some time, probably next year.

Video game rights: Universal Licensing LLC is handling. Only interested business parties should contact.

"The man": he doesn't exist. Universal executives make the final call, and they answer to the parties which own Universal. "Serenity" was largely supported at Universal by executive Mary Parent, however she has now left that position at the company.

Ace Underhill: a guy with that name briefly appeared saying he was attempting to aquire the TV and cast contracts. He didn't succeed.

Let me know if you have any questions. If you want to make it profitable to make another you, you have to show executives it's actually profitable. It's all about money. Companies where staff members are there to make money won't make a movie which looses money.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:53 AM


Thanks, Gossi.

That was a lot more coherent, and likely substantially more effective than my post =p I figured someone would eventually get around to making a more authoritative post, but I wanted to at least get thawiz1 something to work with to at least settle things down some and offer a framework to build off of.

Thanks again.



Wednesday, May 3, 2006 6:29 AM


Who is the man?


(Thats what I say to my 19 month old son, anyways)

Back to the conversation at hand.....






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