A moment of female cattiness and sisterhood bonding

UPDATED: Saturday, May 6, 2006 18:53
VIEWED: 9040
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006 9:37 AM


I have always prefered to either address my wife's as "girls" or "ladies" (for those special, dress-up occassions).
Those others are funny, too. Never thought of "crumb-catchers"!

I am enjoying this thread, but if the male needs to leave the room, please let me know. I will go find somewhere else to play.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 9:42 AM


One of my "girls" is at least a cup size bigger than the other. I can't tell you what a pain this is for buying bras. And I've actually had trouble fitting into shirts because of their size (42 D). I'd kill for them to be smaller.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 9:48 AM


This has been a very entertaining thred to say the least. I do consider myself to be a bit of a breast man, but I,m not like the other guys in their breast education. I'm more of a hands on kind of guy myself.
FMF, I do like to look, but I don't think you would catch me unless I wanted you to. But if it makes you feel better, I don't mind if you step back and take a look.

Simon: What if he(Mal) tells you to kill me.
Zoe: (without hesitation) I kill you.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 9:52 AM


My thanks to EmmaRigby also,

Z looks over at King Kong. "Eat your heart out shorty."


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 9:58 AM


That might explain why King Kong was so pissed-off. Heh, heh, heh!

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:01 AM


Tristan, I did like the movie though.
He did get the girl, well almost.
Felt sorry for him myself too.



Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:11 AM


Hmm. Good point. I have liked the movies, too...but it's nice to know homo sapiens have something over the BDGorillas!

I think all the females's kinda quiet in here now...

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:16 AM


I didn't run too far. Just to the corner and I'm slowly inching back.

They're actually not that bad, I just get annoyed seeing them splattered all over everthing. Acting? Not so much. Businesswomen? Very good.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:19 AM


Am I the only one in here that's never been a D?

And do you get sad inside when a guy has bigger boobs than you do? I know I do a little bit.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:19 AM


I do not quite understand the last part of your post, Sassalicious...the acting and businesswomen part...feel like I missed something, so please pardon me for being confused.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:57 AM


Never been a "D" myself
Sorry, couldn't resist...

Yeah, man boobs are scary. Even to other men. I have slight man boobs, but I can puff up and make them look like muscle...just can't stay puffed up for too long.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 12:59 PM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
I've actually had trouble fitting into shirts because of their size (42 D). I'd kill for them to be smaller.

Deepgirl, if you're British, go to Bravissimo (the out-size bra shop) - they've started to do clothing including some office stuff including shirts that vary in three curviness ratios as well as by general torso size. If you're not British, try their website ordering service at, just be careful of Les Tailles Anglaises. Bravissimo're expensive but they'll sell you something you can wear in public that a) flatters your body and b) doesn't gape. I'm a 30 FF so I know your pain!

Now, this is odd. I thought that Righty was the larger because its underneath "starts" lower down my front, but am now wondering if it is muscle above rather than the alternative. Then again, like Zoid said, I do carry heavy shopping in my left hand mostly... can't even get my train ticket out of my bag with my left hand...

Creative Writing


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 1:17 PM



Originally posted by Sassalicious:
Am I the only one in here that's never been a D?

I haven't seen D yet but I've gone up a cup size every decade so it may be in my future... I think the jump from B to C had more to do with weight gain than anything else and hope I've put a stop to that.

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:21 PM


DeepGirl, I understand completely. I'm currently a 40H. Frankly, I had an easier time finding a bra when I was a 44DDD. I'm now having serious thoughts about making my own bras.

I do know of a place that has a nice stock of larger sized bras, but it's in western Wayne County. (I-96/I-275 area.) If you want more information, send me an email and I'll get you the exact name, addr & ph# for the place.

As for the tops...I've always had that problem. I still vividly remember the days of safty-pinning myself in blouses. I just want to know why, if men like women having large breasts, they don't design enough room in gorram clothes to fit 'em in?



Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:29 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Now I claim a full D and the worst part is, I am getting smaller and they are either staying the same or getting bigger, because they proceed me into the room by about 5 secounds!

And I feel you pain, FMF. As I stated above, I'm in the 'H' cup range now.

The worst is that the girls are the first place I gain weight...and it never leaves them. This is why, when I dropped 3 dress sizes (and 4 inches around my rib cage) last year, I went UP 2 cup sizes.

I have a friend who's an 'A' cup, who is envious of me. I keep telling her if there was a way to share, I'd give her at least half of mine.



Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:51 PM


What a fun thread! Who knew that guys (thanks to Zoid et al) actually studied our boobs instread of either playing with them or trying to mash them into one!! *lol*

My *girls* have been up to a D but now that i've lost some wight, there down to my normal C! ANd that is the first place my weight gain goes and weight loss disappears....pain in the ass when jogging! they hurt after!

My alternate name is popcorn catcher - esp. when wearing a v neck!! Gotta clean "house" before standing up or theres a veritable shower of popcorn coming from my shirt!

tata girls (teehee)


One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 6:34 PM


Acting . . . . they "act" and starred in Full House, a couple of other small movies, a bunch of direct to video crap, and then a recent one on the big screen that sucked, but was kind of hilarious.

Businesswomen . . . they own their own production company (and have since the age of 6) that puts out their movies, they developed the entire Mary Kate and Ashley clothing/makeup line sold at Wal-Mart and they have furniture line somewhere (maybe Wal Mart as well).

Therefore, I conclude that their acting (if it can be called that . . . seriously all the recent movies have the same plot in a different country) sucks, but as businesswomen they dominate. They've found their niche and exploited it to the best of their abilities.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 6:38 PM



Originally posted by RMMC:
I just want to know why, if men like women having large breasts, they don't design enough room in gorram clothes to fit 'em in?


It's because we're expected to look like Kate Moss. Though her boobs are small to nonexistant so a better example would probably be Gisele.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 2:39 AM


Thank you, I understand now...I had not realized your response involved MK and Ashley.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 5:49 AM


Mmmm-ah!-'lishus wrote:

Does anyone have nicknames for theirs? I call mine:

the girls
the crumb-catchers
the twins
the Grand Tetons
My Bazoombas (to the tune of "My Sharona")
the twin towers
Mary Kate and Ashley (before the eating disorder)...

Yeah, but are they identical twins, or fraternal?

I make fun of them mainly because they are always in the way. I never know if I have a stain on my shirt unless someone tells me or I see it in a mirror...

Both sexes have anatomical advantages and disadvantages. I've never seen a lady double up in pain because they sat down too quickly, without making sure 'the furniture' was properly arranged first. We all have our 'burdens' to bear.

I'd have to lift them up to check and that can be inconvenient.


Again, speaking for all males, that's what we're here for. You need only command us to assist you in the heft-and-inspect operation, ma'am. We'll be tripping over ourselves to help out.

As to the King Kong viz. gorilla penis size observation:
This sheds an entirely new light on Kong's serial relationships with human females (until he met the love of his life, Ann Darrow, of course). I always thought, "How sad! Their's is truly a love that can never be!", because of the size difference. However, given an average erect penis size of just over one inch in the adult gorilla, this would make Kong -- approximately 10 times the size of an average gorilla -- a more reasonable, er, um...

Let's just say Kong may have been Ann's dream date, after all, and that the worshipful look on Ann Darrow's (Naomi Watts) face may have been more than strictly platonic...

Thought-provoking, n'est-ce pas?



Being a guy, I humbly apologize for intruding.

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Thursday, May 4, 2006 5:58 AM



Originally posted by zoid:

As to the King Kong viz. gorilla penis size observation:
This sheds an entirely new light on Kong's serial relationships with human females (until he met the love of his life, Ann Darrow, of course). I always thought, "How sad! Their's is truly a love that can never be!", because of the size difference. However, given an average erect penis size of just over one inch in the adult gorilla, this would make Kong -- approximately 10 times the size of an average gorilla -- a more reasonable, er, um...

Let's just say Kong may have been Ann's dream date, after all, and that the worshipful look on Ann Darrow's (Naomi Watts) face may have been more than strictly platonic...

Thought-provoking, n'est-ce pas?

I see your point, but think in terms of proportion. King Kong is what, 50, 100 feet tall? Relatively speaking, ten inches (ten times one inch) would be pretty small on a gorilla of that size.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 6:02 AM


I think he was closer to 25 feet tall (according to info gleamed from IMDB) in the latest movie. Still reasonable length-wise, but girth may be substantial. That may have added to his unhappiness as well.

I was happier when this thread was discussing (maturely) breasts in general...not so sure I like discussion gorilla's equipment.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 6:25 AM


Eloisa wrote:
... no. You guys are NOT allowed to make me laugh out loud in the office. FFF is an illicit pleasure while I'm working; someone'll notice!

However... I was moved to check... and I'm mildly confused. One of mine is very slightly bigger than the other, but I think it's the right rather than the left, and I'm so right-handed I can't even put a pen behind my ear with my left hand with any degree of accuracy, and I'm not a wallflower who's afraid of breaking a nail! Am I a mutant?

You're not alone, I'm the same way. The way I figure it is, I do all the detail, fine motor stuff with my right hand, but all the heavey lifting and muscles required stuff with my left.

I have no idea why this post looks like this. I tried to reply with a quote but it came out all funny looking.


"You will keep a civil tongue in that mouth or I will sew it shut."
~Mal to Jayne


Thursday, May 4, 2006 6:28 AM


I agree with TRISTAN,

Although I like JPs King Kong I still like the old b/w KK better where Fay Wray spends most the entire time trying to elude the big ape( While Mrs Kong may have been spending time with Mr T.Rex whos more sensitive to her needs)But thats another story, another time,another planet.



Thursday, May 4, 2006 6:43 AM



And the average gorilla is what? 350 lbs. and over five-and-a-half feet tall, with a 1 1/5 inch penis? You've got the notion of 'proportion' somewhat crooked.

Kong appeared to be a perfectly proportioned (if out-sized) adult silverback. Therefore his penis size would be likewise proportionate. If he's a 55' tall gorilla, his penis would be 12" in length (10x3cm).

I don't know about girth, and like the other guys in this all-female thread, the idea that Kong may be jaw-droppingly compatible with a human female is making me a little nervous...



Gotta go get my annual flight physical, now. You girls ever had your prostate checked? I know: gyno, pap smear, et cetera. But this is supposed to be an 'exit only', and speaking for myself alone, it makes me very uncomfortable...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Thursday, May 4, 2006 7:00 AM



Originally posted by zoid:

As to the King Kong viz. gorilla penis size observation:
This sheds an entirely new light on Kong's serial relationships with human females (until he met the love of his life, Ann Darrow, of course). I always thought, "How sad! Their's is truly a love that can never be!", because of the size difference. However, given an average erect penis size of just over one inch in the adult gorilla, this would make Kong -- approximately 10 times the size of an average gorilla -- a more reasonable, er, um...

Let's just say Kong may have been Ann's dream date, after all, and that the worshipful look on Ann Darrow's (Naomi Watts) face may have been more than strictly platonic...

Thought-provoking, n'est-ce pas?

Hhhm, what a strange mental image you have given me! I guess it would be possible, so long as they were very very careful (and she went on top!)

Excuse me, I have to go and wash my brain now


Thursday, May 4, 2006 8:39 AM


Back on topic a bit.

Did anyone see the Oprah show where she had the "bra fitters" come on and tell people they were wearing he wrong bra.

What a difference. Course who can afford to spend 60 bucks on the right one?


Thursday, May 4, 2006 8:44 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
Back on topic a bit.

Did anyone see the Oprah show where she had the "bra fitters" come on and tell people they were wearing he wrong bra.

What a difference. Course who can afford to spend 60 bucks on the right one?

They have those on request at Marks and Spencers (sorry M&S - showing my age there) but I think I'd prefer the back pain and the 4 breasted look to a scary woman attacking my girls roughly with a tape measure!


Thursday, May 4, 2006 8:52 AM


Marks and Sparks make THE BEST undershirts for men!

Did you know there is a shop in london that makes bespoke bra's! I think it is somewhere in the vicinity of Harrod's. I always wanted to get some, but never worked up the nerve!


Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:00 AM


Talking about breasts, has anyone ever heard the filk 'The Boob Fairy'?

It had me in stitches!
You can find it over at

I haven't listened to her other stuff yet!

For those who can't/ don't have the time to listen, here are the lyrics!

When I was in my teenage years, I did just what I should
I listened to my mother and I was kind and sweet and good
And my friends and I did rituals and I prayed with all my might
That this would be the evening that she'd stop along her flight
Well, that was several years ago and that chick's long overdue
And it's time I came to terms with something plainly clear to you.
The boob fairy never came for me
No, the boob fairy never came for me
Okay, I'm spunky and I'm cute and I've got a great personality
But the boob fairy never came for me
Well, we were the third house on a country drive, I thought
Maybe she just got lost, so I hung my bra on the mailbox
Til the neighbors took it off
And all my friends got visits and expanded through the years
And left me wailing to the gods buying training bras at Sears
Still I harbor hopes, she'll come for me, I know she will
I'd get 'em done myself if she'd agree to fit the bill
The boob fairy never came for me
No the boob fairy never came for me
Look, I wasn't wanting melons, just a cute curvaceous B
But the boob fairy never came for me.
This isn't a song about boobs. Not really. The boobs are just a set of metaphors to symbolize everyone's fear of human inadequacy. Hey! We've all felt the pain of being dissed by one fairy or another, so during the next refrain I want you to join in with your own fairy that never paid a call. Maybe it's the height fairy or the butt nymph. Men, maybe it's the pectoral or hair fairy or maybe some other fairy you just want to mumble about. Look, nobody's going to ask you to enunciate. And sisters, I don't want you feeling alienated because you happen to be full-figured. Just change the line to the boob fairy wouldn't let me be or the boob fairy became obsessed with me. Okay, here comes the refrain. Everybody join in.
The boob fairy never came for me
No the boob fairy never came for me
Though the hip fairy came two times
and the thigh fairy came three
The boob fairy never came for me.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:11 AM


EMMARIGBY that is Hi-larious

Ok heres mine

The hair fairy came for me,
When I had a little shlong,
The hair fairy came for me,
But he didn't stay that long,
The hair fairy came for me,
But now theres something I resent,
The hair fairy came for me,
Because my hair that came has went



Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:05 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
Yeah, but are they identical twins, or fraternal?

"Relatively" identical. Maybe sisternal? Soroital?


I'm going to add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 3:59 PM



Originally posted by Sassalicious:

Originally posted by RMMC:
I just want to know why, if men like women having large breasts, they don't design enough room in gorram clothes to fit 'em in?


It's because we're expected to look like Kate Moss. Though her boobs are small to nonexistant so a better example would probably be Gisele.

So what they really want is a woman with ta-tas like those sports shoes. When you need 'em, you just pump 'em up with air otherwise you deflate them for easy storage.

Can I design clothes for them that makes them talk like a soprano?



Thursday, May 4, 2006 6:20 PM


Lately I've also been wondering why women's clothes aren't made to fit larger than a B cup. What gives? I'm statistically average, but I can't buy a nice button up shirt that doesn't gape in the front. Or rather, it wouldn't gape if I could just keep my arms still at my sides the whole day. I like that many places now sell women's cut t-shirts, but they appear to be made for 10-year-olds! I'm on a committee planning a women's science conference and we ordered a bunch of "womens" t-shirts with our logo, only to find even the largest size was tiny! Maybe only half our committee can fit into the XL (I'm not sure it will fit me, either) and we're not some collection of mutants. Geez.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 7:50 PM



Originally posted by RMMC:

Originally posted by Sassalicious:

Originally posted by RMMC:
I just want to know why, if men like women having large breasts, they don't design enough room in gorram clothes to fit 'em in?


It's because we're expected to look like Kate Moss. Though her boobs are small to nonexistant so a better example would probably be Gisele.

So what they really want is a woman with ta-tas like those sports shoes. When you need 'em, you just pump 'em up with air otherwise you deflate them for easy storage.

Can I design clothes for them that makes them talk like a soprano?


You most certainly can. In fact, it might even be what some would call 'hilarious'.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 8:59 PM



I can understand your nervousness. I waited outside...

Although I can't know this, it's near Horrids and looking at their website (purely in the interests of research, y'understand) they look like they will be at Brent Cross as well.

Mrs G and her mate did go to Kensington. The fitters were very professional, sensitive and un-scary (except for the standing back, taking one look and estimating circumferance and cup letter dead on thing - that was uncanny).

They suggested a completely new number/letter to the existing combo, and apparently the difference in comfort was nothing short of miraculous.

As for me, I had to retire to my bunk...


Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:17 PM


Eloisa- hey, I know it's like twenty posts later but rock on for that link to Bravissimo! They actually have bras that come in colors!!! Finding shirts that fit right is hard enough but once you get to a G (and it looks like theres a couple G-H ladies here that can vouch for this as well!) the come in black and white. Beige if youre lucky.

So sad that the "fashion world" dictates that if you're more than a D cup you should wear ugly, old lady bras and mu-mus!

"Ain't no way in the 'verse they could find that compartment, even if they were lookin' for it."
"Why not"


Friday, May 5, 2006 3:27 AM



Originally posted by seeskyandremember:
Eloisa - hey, I know it's like twenty posts later but rock on for that link to Bravissimo! They actually have bras that come in colors!!! Finding shirts that fit right is hard enough but once you get to a G (and it looks like theres a couple G-H ladies here that can vouch for this as well!) the come in black and white. Beige if youre lucky.

So sad that the "fashion world" dictates that if you're more than a D cup you should wear ugly, old lady bras and mu-mus!

Until I found Bravissimo all my bras (except for the red one that strongly resembles part of a dominatrix's outfit) looked like they were intended for fifty year old mothers-of-six - when I've been my current weird-ass size since I was nineteen - and I thought I'd have to resort to made-to-measure to get a shirt that both fit my bust and sat against the rest of me. The cup-size swimsuits, too... I actually feel like I'm in my twenties when I go there, instead of feeling out of place and out of shape.

I mean, I got a bra in the Ealing shop's sale in January that is pink with embroidered flowers all over it. *dies* Admittedly if I hadn't bought it in the sale it would have cost £60 (that's $100 in foreign money), but it's gorgeous and it fits me...

Creative Writing


Friday, May 5, 2006 5:13 PM


I went and looked at the Bravissimo site, but I noticed what is an evil word for me with bras: underwire. I can't stand the wretched things as they tend to dig into my stomach.
Fortunately I have a nearby store that stocks up to cup size JJ...with colors and style selections.

The one thing I really want to know about bras is...why do they pad cup sizes that are D and up? At my size, if there's one thing I don't need in there it's padding!

One side is larger/
Than the other./
Why are clothes made/
To fit our brothers?/



Friday, May 5, 2006 11:42 PM


I've only seen one or two bras that size with padding, to be honest. Maybe it's just not so common round here. (Bought one recently. Cleavage does stupid things, can't close shirts. On the plus side, no sag whatsoever. Guess it's which you choose.)

And... you wear bras without underwire?! I haven't done that since I was a B cup; which manufacturer gives you enough support?

Creative Writing


Saturday, May 6, 2006 3:58 AM



Originally posted by RMMC:
I went and looked at the Bravissimo site, but I noticed what is an evil word for me with bras: underwire. I can't stand the wretched things as they tend to dig into my stomach.

I hated underwiring too. If that's the case (the digging in) then it may be that you are wearing the wrong size. 7 in 10 women are, and I was one of them.

Bravissimo is great, and MUCH better than somehere like M&S. An M&S "Expert fitter" told me I was a 40DD, when in fact I was a 36FF. I actually went along to one of Bravissimo's shops to get fitted - they were brilliant, spent over an hour with me making sure that I knoew which manufacturer's built bras that suited my shape (it's not just about size, it's also about style, shape, and design).

Now I know which manufacturers to go for and which to ignore, and I can just buy everything online.

Oh, and to asnwer someone esle's question - your boobs don't tend to shrink when you lose weight. In fact, you'll probably find that as your band size goes down, the cup size goes up. I lost 30 pounds last year, and went from 36FF to 34G (almost 32GG, that will be later this year).


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Saturday, May 6, 2006 6:46 PM



Originally posted by Eloisa:
And... you wear bras without underwire?! I haven't done that since I was a B cup; which manufacturer gives you enough support?

Goddess, Just My Size, and before I hit the 'H' cup...Bali. Sports bras do a nice job, too. I was buying JogBra until Champion bought them out and discontinued the line just to keep their own inferior product out.



Saturday, May 6, 2006 6:53 PM



Originally posted by britchick:

Originally posted by RMMC:
I went and looked at the Bravissimo site, but I noticed what is an evil word for me with bras: underwire. I can't stand the wretched things as they tend to dig into my stomach.

I hated underwiring too. If that's the case (the digging in) then it may be that you are wearing the wrong size. 7 in 10 women are, and I was one of them.

That was true, once upon a time, but since I have been going to my local lingerie store, I've gotten properly fitted. But the underwires are still a problem due to my physical build.


Oh, and to asnwer someone esle's question - your boobs don't tend to shrink when you lose weight. In fact, you'll probably find that as your band size goes down, the cup size goes up. I lost 30 pounds last year, and went from 36FF to 34G (almost 32GG, that will be later this year).

I'm the one who went from the 44DDD to a 40H last year. Yeah, I lost 4 inches around my ribcage and nothing in the girls. *sigh*







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