I hate this feeling

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:49
VIEWED: 4577
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:21 AM


It has been growing with every interview I hear/read with Joss. Unless a studio specifically comes to him and requests a sequel to Serenity, we wont be getting one. I dont believe that he is actively pursuing it. Yes, I realize that a new set of comincs are on the way, but I just dont see a movie unfortunately. I know this will bring me some serious flaming but I dont believe I'm alone feeling this way. It is his cringing body language every time a reporter brings up that "sequel" question. I know he is a very busy guy and Wonder Women,Goners,X-Men and tons of other things make him crazy busy. But it is a feeling that I just cant shake.
Now of course I hope I'm wrong and we get 7 movies. I even dream about it somehow coming back to TV. I think he will continue to do his comic hobby and try to become an elite Big budget movie director. From what i understand, it is something he has always wanted and he is well on his way there now. If a studio say's "please do this sequel" he will. If that doesnt happen,I will continue to search for good sci-fi.(which currently doesnt exist) I know people love Battlestar Galactica and Dr. Who, but thier just not as good to me. I hate this empty feeling.

Thanks for listening/reading, I will continue to come here everyday hoping to read about our upcoming sequel.

Take care,


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:29 AM


Awww, Duke, I think we all have felt this way upon occasion.. I have I know. And not just with Joss interviews, but even with some of the interviews with Nathan I have felt a disquiet with some of the things that were said.

So... we make it happen. We don't wait, we of course don't stop holding, but we make it happen with all the plans we have going on.

Joss is busy with WW, Goners and all the rest for awhile.. I don't think he's adverse to doing more of our beloved crew's story, just has not got the room in his brain right now to think about it. And we are at the mercy of the studios.. they have to see a profitable reason to do this again.

So we say thank you for what you've done, we really appreciate it, and look at us, our ranks are growing and we spend $, and we are prepared to spend more money, watch us do it all summer long.
And we're not just selfish, we like doing stuff for others too... and we're a big enough group of folks to pull off charity screenings, mass buying days and lots of activities in between. And we are waiting... right here.. we aren't going away, in fact WE ARE GROWING and we want more.

They'll see us. They can't miss us.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:42 AM


I agree with both of you, in a way.
Joss can do his thing, and we do ours regardless, and we if we do our thing right and are really lucky, Joss' next thing after Goners might be Serenity 2, and everyone will be happy - Joss, crew, cast, fans, studioes.
We're doing this whole Summer Campaign thing now, and even if that doesn't succeed and the people involved grow tired, there'll be the new people recruited due to the campaign, and they'll be motivated and carry on the work of those before them - just like it is happening right now.
As long as JOSS doesn't say "Serenity is behind me now, I've moved on.", like he apparently did with Angel, I will not stop hoping and fighting.

When I was writing an email to FollowMal just now, the ending of Out of Gas came on, and I almost started crying, although I had missed just about all of it the time it was running now (in the background). I'm writing this mail, and I look to the side to the TV, and it instantly hits me like a kick in the groin. I have never felt such a passion for a TV show, and that's coming from someone who used to regulary visit Star Trek meetings in his uniform, phaser and tricorder and all. It all seems like a silly childhood crush compared to my love for Serenity. Yeah, I'm getting a mite soft here, but I think most of you know what I mean. Serenity brings an incredible amount of joy to my life for a "thing", and I. Will. Not. Let. Her. Die.



Wednesday, May 10, 2006 6:52 AM


I honestly think that if his other projects are hits he will have the power to do what he wants and I have a feeling that will include Serenity/Firefly. On the other hand if his other projects fail then I could also see a return to tv, the medium in which he has had the most success. Either way it seems to me that Mr. Whedon and the cast really truly love Serenifly so much that it will continue in some form or another.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 7:33 AM


I also agree with both you as well. And i know what you mean about the ending to Out of Gas. When Mal looks off in the distance to see Serenity, I just get choked up every time. Unlike any other great moment in any episode or the movie, that scene always effects me. Well also when Simon gets shot in the movie and is talking to River...yeah that one too. Boy i'm a softy.
As to our fight....I will continue to hold. I must admit it looks bleak. But i've volunteered to help get the Utah 6-23 screening a reality and will continue to come here daily.

Thanks for those encouraging words.

Still Flying,


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:48 AM


It's an undeniable fact that sometimes a cast outgrows a TV show, often while it's on the air. I'd rather the guys held their hands up and said "No more thank you" than phoned it in, like SMG did in seasons 6 and 7.

Personally, I think we'd have lost both Gina and Alan by now if the show had been a hit. Would be gutwrenching but they're so talented and have so many options. It wouldn't take anything away from their hard work, in just the same way that pretty much all of us wished Seth Green the best post-Buffy.

As for how things are now, well, I think Serenity cost Joss a bit of bankability but gained him some credibility. Guess which one Hollywood values more? And it was him going around pleading that got us Serenity, it's hard to demand someone that talented sticks to just one interest.

However, Goners and Wonder Woman are going to be crucial. If they fail to take off, Joss's stock will fall and he may well decide he's better off in the medium where he has been a great success: television. Whether that means more stories in the verse, I don't know but our best hope is that Serenity didn't finally scratch that Firefly itch.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:05 AM



Originally posted by TheDuke333:

As to our fight....I will continue to hold. I must admit it looks bleak. But i've volunteered to help get the Utah 6-23 screening a reality and will continue to come here daily.

Thanks for those encouraging words.

Still Flying,

Can you point me in the right direction for any Utah screening info? Thanks


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:13 AM


I too, continue to hope and I'm still holding till Mal gets back. Maybe its because I don't have access to these interviews mentioned but I have a feeling that it will all turn out for the best and we will either get another movie or even more weekly episodes in the 'Verse. Maybe its a fool's hope but that is what i'll do. I mean if you take a look you can see that Joss hasn't allowed Firefly to die. There are still DVD's and music and the movie and the movie books and the role playing game and new comics and books based on the show due to come out with more stories as if it kept going. Due out in fall or some time soon is the official companion to the show itself. It is also called Volume one! So whos to say, there may be more. If we Browncoats can keep at it and get seen and heard it can only be a good thing. We're still flying and it may not seem like much, but its enough.

Lady Serenity


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:26 AM


Sure thing....head over to i believe that site is under construction but there is a Yahoo group linked there to join. Love to have you. There is monthly Shindigs and other fun stuff.



Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:28 AM


I'm discouraged, and I think Joss is too.


When Serenity was coming out, Universal bought his Goners script. Joel Silver hired him to write and direct Wonder Woman. Things looked good for Joss.

After Serenity's almost-flop at the box office, it appears that Universal isn't that excited about Goners.

Joel Silver and the WW producers are making Joss rewrite and "hollywoodize" the script. I bet that's frustrating for Joss.

No studio seems interested in a Spike or Buffyverse continuation. Nobody wants more Firefly or Serenity.

When Joss appears in public, he gets asked the same questions and all of his answers are No, No, No.....

He knows the fans are disappointed. I think he's dealing with a lot of rejection and negativity, and that's gotta suck.

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:41 AM


If I were only wealthy enough to have the show made in the best fashion possible, it is not a real expectation. Like Malcolm Reynolds, I had been given sufficient reasons to stop believing in many things. But that is part of what drew me towards the Browncoats. Belief may fade whereas faith is everlasting. All of the characters displayed the very human and realistic aspects that appear to be harder and harder to find these days. I too hate this feeling, but I count myself among the blessed people who still have plenty of fight left.

You fog things up... You spin me about... You always have.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:45 AM


I agree that Joss has made it clear that he's not in a position of pushing for more, just in a position to happily answer the studio's call. But that doesn't mean there's no future for us, just that it's our job to convince the studio to make the call this time.

With Serenity, Joss has left us better equipped to take on that challenge. Firefly is currently ranked as one of the top selling TV-DVDs this year. 2006! Serenity is what has kept us in the game, and the charts. Firefly is more widely recognized now than it ever was, and I'm confident that we will reach a critical mass. With Serenity's cable release, we'll get more fans. With Firefly's iTunes availability we have not only more opportunity to gain new fans, but another venue to showcase our buying power, and the potential for a push into new distribution models.

I am confident that we will get more...I just don't know how long it will take, or what form it will take. The studio will make the call when the numbers make sense. Last time, the DVD sales helped to support Joss's campaign. This time, Joss is the support in our campaign.

**BTW, you are "TheDuke" that got to be an extra, right? (Assuming so...) I know your scene didn't make the cut, but can you tell me where and what it would have been? I loved reading the story at the time, and I've been curious since seeing the movie.**

Ain't. We. Just.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:04 AM


Personally, I think Joss, individually, would *love* to make more Firefly and Serenity sequels. I like to think it's his favorite 'verse to play in.

But, I think Joss is bummed because whether either or both of those things come true is entirely out of his hands. I think he used up all available capital to get Serenity made. And then, for whatever reason, it did not do so hot.

Joss has said what it all comes down to now: sales of the Serenity DVD. That should be our primary focus, IMHO.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:31 AM


Sorry Double post


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:31 AM


Hello Nosadseven,
yep that was me. Boy it seems so long ago now. I sometimes re-read my journal on the then OB board over again to re-live it. What an amazing journey that was.
As to your question. I was in the lilac bank robbery scence in the beginning. After the Serenity gang fled the planet because those pesky Reavers arrived, I was an Allaiance rescue worker sent to the planet to help clean up the mess. Remeber the gaurd that was in the vault talking to the captain about where to shoot him? In the scene I was in he was actually a News reporter. He was giving a news report on what happened to the planet. From what I can gather during the filming, he started talking to fellow newspeople back in the Main newsroom after his report. Kinda how a on-scene reporter will report something and then banter back-n-forth with the main in-studio news people. Anyway, i can be scene walking behind him holding one end of a stretcher. There was a cool looking dead person under that sheet. Then another time behind him just walking by. I couldnt help but look in his direction to show you guys my good Now that i think about it that may be the reason i got cut!!!!
But what was pretty cool about the scene was the On-Set news reporters didnt believe him when he said it was Reavers that did it, they said they dont exist. He said "full well there are!!!" Then he said "Gorramit!!" and slammed his mike down and stormed off. Something along those lines. He probably did it 5-7 times. I also got a kick out of hearing Joss read the ON-Set reporters dialogue.
I was pretty bummed when i didnt make it on the deleted scenes section of the DVD. But as a friend reminded me...none of the main actors were in my scene. So it makes sense.

I really happy to hear you enjoyed my journal through that wonderful experience. please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

Still flying,


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:07 AM


Don't worry, Duke, I'm taking a personal interest in seeing that not only will 25 sequels be made to Serenity, but that Firefly is put back on T.V. for no less than half a century.

See, they were gonna close the United States one time. The whole country, businesses, government, everything. And I told them not to. The rest is history.

So Firefly and Serenity should be up and running again in no time.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:10 AM


Oh, Duke please link us to where we can read your account, I'd so love to read it!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:25 AM


Ok I hope i did this right. Here is the link to beginning of my journal as an extra. i hope i did this right, but let me know If I didnt.

crossing my fingers....its long but fun



Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:49 AM


It's perfect Duke and I promise when I get back from work I'm gonna read it and probably come right back here and go... wow oh wow!

Thank you!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal






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