On the Way To Persephone #4- Life Onboard Serenity

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 09:03
VIEWED: 16651
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Sunday, May 7, 2006 4:47 PM


(Holy crap. Has anybody ever read, "Autopsy Room 4," the short story by Stephen King. Sweet jumpin' crap, I'm gonna get autopsied alive! Well, not dead, anyway...)

(Yeah, think I'll stick around...too bad Jonesie had to go...ah well..)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Sunday, May 7, 2006 5:32 PM


Ertia watches Fly as she absent-mindedly field strips the rifle in her hands. Her movements are automatic, her mind light-years away from her task.

"Fly, you really mean to take 13 apart?" Ertia asks softly, exchanging a worried glance with Pain.

"I think it's the only way to find out it was really programmed to do." Her voice is matter-of-fact, cold. "If it has something to do with the map, or with River, or both..."

JR limps over and sits down on a crate. "Doc's working on that mystery fella you took out of the pod. Think they might be related?"

"From Shepherd's reaction, I doubt it." Ertia answers. "He seems protective of him."

In the Infirmary:

The man collapses back under Simon's hands, his eyes blinking furiously. His mouth moves but there is no sound.

"Is he catatonic?" Shepherd Book rolls Simon's med tray closer to his hand.

"No." Simon's eyes flicker between patient and monitors. "No, he's aware. He can hear everything we say. See?"

He points to the monitor and asks succinctly, "Do you know where you are?"

The monitor bar shoots up, signalling brain activity, and the man shakes his head.

"Do you remember how you got here?"

Another shake, more violent. Simon meets Shepherd Book's eyes, "Can you tell me your name?"

There is a long pause, then an expression of bewildered fear, followed by a harsh whisper, "Who am I?"

Shepherd Book raises his eyebrow, lays a comforting hand of prayer on the troubled brow, "It's all right."

Simon shakes his head. Captain is not going to like this one bit.

"Where is it?" The whisper again, the eyes wide with fear.

"Where is what, son?" Shepherd asks.

"I... I ... don't... remember." The mans eyes close against his pain, and he sleeps.


Sunday, May 7, 2006 5:35 PM



Originally posted by 13:
(Holy crap. Has anybody ever read, "Autopsy Room 4," the short story by Stephen King. Sweet jumpin' crap, I'm gonna get autopsied alive! Well, not dead, anyway...)

(Yeah, think I'll stick around...too bad Jonesie had to go...ah well..)

I think a little chaos is in order.

EEEEEEEEK! God, I remember that! Creeped my out BIG time!
Don't worry about the autopsy, sweetie, 'tween Kaylee, River, Fly and me, you won't feel a thing. Heck, may even feel good... ;)


Sunday, May 7, 2006 8:10 PM


*Pain listens in on the conversation, his mind elsewhere. He thinks to himself, as he gets up and puts back the lever action rifle*

Huh Fly hasn't been actin' right since the incident in the infirmary. I really hope she snaps out of it soon. Cause I hate seein' her like this.

*Pain takes out a .308 caliber bolt action rifle and sets it down as Wash's voice pipes in over the com*

We've got 6 hours til we hit dirtside people. Best be getting ready.

*Pain looks at Ertia, Fly, and JR and says to them as he starts cleaning the rifle*

Why do y'all think the Shepard's so protective of him? Do you think he knows something about the guy that we don't?

*Ertia looks at Pain and says*

I don't know Pain I supose we'll find out when the time is right.

*Pain grunts his answer as he cleans the bolt assembly of the rifle, wondering what secrets the man in the Alliance uniform is hiding.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, May 7, 2006 8:33 PM


JR chimes in. "I'm purty sure I speak for y'all when I say that Shepherd has his own secrets, like knowing all 'bout killin' and kneecaps, how to defend yourself and the like. 'member that s.o.b. Jubal Early after he knocked out Book and tellin' Simon 'that ain't no Shepard.' Somethin's up with Book and that unknown if'n y'ask me."

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, May 8, 2006 7:52 AM


*Pain replies as he finishes up with the rifle*

Yeah I suppose so.

*Pain sets the rifle down, gets up and says to everyone*

Well I best be gettin' ready for when hit dirtside. I got a few things to get from my bunk and then I have to prep the Mule.

*Pain nods at Ertia, Fly, and JR, then heads across the cargo bay and up the stairs leading to the front hall. Pain reaches his bunk, opens the hatch, and climbs down into his room. He takes off his shirt, puts it on his table, puts on his armor, and puts his shirt back on. He opens one of the drawers and takes out a wad of credits and a small bag full of platinum, he puts the roll of credits in his left pocket and ties the small bag to his belt. He then walks over to the foot locker, takes the duffle bag on top of it and sets it down on his bed. Pain then opens his weapon's locker, takes out the shoulder holster with the Taurus .357Mag revolver in it, and straps it on. He then unzips the bag, unholsters the Taurus, puts it in the bag, walks over to the table, and sticks the Ruger Super Redhawk revolver in the holster. Finally making sure he has everything he needs, Pain zips up the bag, grabs it by the handle, and climbs up into the hall, closing the hatch.*

*Pain makes his way down the stairs and proceeds to the supply locker. He opens a door and takes out a half dozen tie downs and a tarp. Pain then walks over to the Mule, sets his bag on the left cargo platform/seat, and straps it down with two of the smaller tie downs. Ertia and the rest of them watch as Pain takes down the trailer and hauls it to the back of the Mule. Ertia smiles to herself as she watches Pain attach the trailer to the Mule, his muscles bulging as he fastens the trail to the hitch. Pain then rolls up the tarp, ties some of the tie down around it, and uses two more short tie downs to secure it to the rear cargo platform. Ertia turns away and resumes her work as Pain heads toward them. He sits back down as JR says to him*

You picking up much?

*Pain looks at JR and says*

Nah. Just a few crates and some cases of ammo, maybe some cases of booze if'n I have the time and the money.

*JR nods as Pain returns his attention back to the rifle, when Fly says to him*

Would you mind if I came with? Perhaps meet this uncle of yours?

*Pain smiles and says to Fly while cleaning the rifle's barrel*

I don't mind at all. Sure could use some company. 'Sides them crates ain't goin' to put themselves on that trailer now ain't they?

*Fly smiles and says before finishing with the carbine*

No I suppose they wouldn't.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 8, 2006 9:35 AM


(Maybe I won'tfeel a thing. Although,technically,I can'tcry know..that other thing that saves him..Read that storyand you'll know what I mean.)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Monday, May 8, 2006 3:15 PM



Originally posted by 13:
(Maybe I won'tfeel a thing. Although,technically,I can'tcry know..that other thing that saves him..Read that storyand you'll know what I mean.)

I very familiar with the story.....except,,,,you're a bot,,,,,don't think you'll feel a thing. I promise you won't feel a thing *Insert Evil Laugh* Joking, just joking......

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, May 8, 2006 4:31 PM


*She says under her breath, yeah, great loading ammo and stuff*

I'll be in the infirmary for a few if anyone is looking for me. I'd like to take a check on the remains.

*She takes a detour to her bunk and gets more rounds for the Colt and the Walther then makes her way to the infimary*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, May 8, 2006 4:45 PM


In the Infirmary

"I'm sorry, Captain. That's all I can tell you." Simon's voice was starting to sound a bit annoyed. "He doesn't remember anything. There was brain trauma from the head injury, and possibly from the lack of oxygen in the shuttle, as well."

"Huh." Mal grunts, looking down at the man lying on the table. Shepherd Book and Simon have gotten rid of the uniform and the man is dressed in a pair of Simon's sleep pants and a borrowed t-shirt. "Well, What do we do with him now? We don't know how dangerous he is!"

Shepherd Book's voice is calm, "We don't even know that he is a danger, Captain. If my suspicions are correct, he could be quite valuable to us."

"You wanna elaborate on those suspicions, Shepherd?" Mal asks, clearly frustrated, "Because from where I'm sittin', the only suspicion I've got is that he's a rotten egg better tossed out to the dogs."

Simon instinctively moves protectively in front of his patient, but Shepherd just crosses his arms. "Perhaps when we get to Persephone, I can do some checking. I may be able to find some answers."

"You do that." Mal huffs, "But if he's at all a threat to my ship or my crew, then I want him off said ship. Dong ma? And until we know for sure, he stays fettered to that table."

Simon and Shepherd Book nod their assent as Mal turns to leave, nearly barrelling over Fly on his way through the door.


Monday, May 8, 2006 5:47 PM


In the Cargo Bay

Ertia watches surreptitiously as Pain hooks the trailer to the mule and comes back to sit down. That man has got muscles on his muscles! Sweet Buddha save me! She looks down at the trigger guard in her hand to make sure she didn't salivate on it.

"Captain say how much time we were gonna have on Persephone? I know last time it was touch-down and take-off."

Guy shrugs, "Didn't say anything to me, but then I'm the new guy."

JR grins as he blows invisible dust from the chamber of the pistol in his hand, "Didn't say nothin' to me, either, and I ain't the new guy!"

Ertia laughs and then leans over to Guy, "Don't be sorry you missed the barn-swallow thing. It was scary stuff. Never been happier we got a pilot like Wash!"


Monday, May 8, 2006 7:14 PM


JR slowly gets up from the cleaning of the weapons in the armory and says, "Guy and gals, I'm gonna retire to my bunk and start cleaning my own stock 'fore we reach Persephone. I'm gonna recommend the same for everyone, unless that's already been taken care of. I'll also stop by the infirmary and check on the unknown, see what the Doc and Shephard have to say. Y'all excuse me."

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, May 8, 2006 8:18 PM


*Pain replies as JR leaves*

Ok then you go do that.

*Pain waits 15 minutes as he thinks of doing the same with his pistol, remembers his gun cleaning kit is on the table in the galley, turns to Ertia and Guy, and says*

I think I'll do the same but here instead of my bunk. Now if'n you two excuse me I'll go get my cleaning kit.

*Guy responds*

We'll be here uh waiting.

*Pain gets up and heads for the stairs near the infirmary, he does a quick glance through the window before making his way up the stairs. Ertia watches as Pain walks up the stairs, she can't help but stare at his butt. She bites her lower lip and thinks to herself*

Ai Ya!

*Pain enters the galley and notices his kit is still on the table. He grabs it and heads back to the cargo bay. He walks down the stairs, holding the case in his hand. Pain then sits down, sets the kit down next to him, opens it up, unholsters his pistol, and starts to field strip and clean it.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 8, 2006 11:06 PM


The infirmary is rather quiet for now. Simon and Book report that the unknown has been sleeping, occassionally mumbling to himself. JR checks the restraints holding the unknown down and heads towards his sleeping quarters. He now walks almost without a noticeable limp, and even the stairs leading down to his bunk do not pose such a challenge anymore. While standing in front of his bed, he ponders his choice of weapons, plus notices he may need to re-stock ammo for the Glock, S&W .44 Magnum, and the HK53. "That last firefight nearly cleaned me out," he says. "I'll call a couple of my contacts on Persephone, see if we can do a little business. Might wanna get some more food for me and the rest of the crew, and I got a hankerin' for some more good dog too." He commences to re-sight the laser sighting for the magnum, places new loaded clips into his armored vest for the Glock and Killer, reholsters the Glock and S&W and places the Glock and vest on a hanger near the ladder while the .44 goes back into his metal foot locker. He then lifts the double-barrel shotgun and holster from the locker and places them next to the Glock. "One more thing....," he says. He grabs the small 10-inch machete from the locker along with a sharpening stone and slides the machete along the stone. "Never can be too sharp."

Everyone dies alone.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:30 AM


Ertia puts away the last of the freshly cleaned handguns, and then hesitates before picking up the 9mm that Jayne recommended to her.

The full clip slides home with a satisfying click, and she flips the safety on and clips it's nylon holster to her belt.
Her laser is still tucked into her waistband, it's pressure comforting against her skin. Her brown denim jacket covers any evidence that she's armed.

As she stretches tired muscles, she catches Pain watching her and pretends not to notice. "Well, can't wait to hear Mal's plans for landfall. Hope they include some form of real food."

We about ready to make landfall? Fly, how are you coming with Bot-Boy?
Err, Sorry, I mean, 13!
Shall we start a new thread for Persephone? This one is stretching!


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:48 AM


well, time to clean my one and only remaining gun, guess I'll have to get some more on persephone.

*unholsters his .44 magnum and begins to clean it*
-try it out, I dare you


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 8:03 AM


*Pain ejects his gun's magazine, checks to make sure it's full, and slaps it back in. He says to Ertia*

Yeah I hope Mal's plans include some sort of food as well. Kinda gettin' tired of eatin' protein and potatoes myself.

*Pain unsuccessfully tries to block the image of Ertia stretching out of his head, as Wash's voice says over the com*

We'll be landing at Landing Pad #7 at the Eavesdown Docks in 2 hours people.

*Pain replies out loud*

About gorram time.

*He glances over at Guy and sees him take out his piece. Pain takes out his data pad and scrolls though the list of things he's set to buy, hoping his uncle came through. He says to Guy while looking at the list*

That's a nice gun you got there. What's the make and model?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:16 AM


(BOT-BOY?! Yarrrgah! Actually, I didn't mind the last ten times you called me that. It's like a third name now..)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:21 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
That's a nice gun you got there. What's the make and model?

it's custom made, based on an old Earth that was design called the Model 29
-try it out, I dare you


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:47 AM


I think a new thread is in order. Since I don't have the skillz...



Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:55 AM


Just waiting to hear from Fly! Is she ready to land, or did she want to get an infirmary post in first?

If it's cool with everyone, I'd like to start of the new thread with a "Mal-centric" post getting duties and whatnot assigned for Persephone?


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 10:07 AM


OoC: In regards to the thread: It's alright with me if it's alright with you.

*Pain turns off the device, sticks it back in a side pocket, and says to Guy*

Well it's a very fine piece.

Guy replies as he continues to clean his gun*

Why thanks that means a lot coming from someone who could probably throw me across the cargo bay.

*Pain chuckles and says*

You're welcome and you don't worry 'bout me throwin' you across the cargo bay. I only reserve that for people who try to hurt me.

*Pain gets up, walks past Ertia, smiles at her, and heads for the Mule to double check the tie downs and make sure that the trailer is secured to the trailer hitch.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 5:56 PM


*while pain does that guy continues to make conversation*

well I'm allmost out of rounds for her so I need to stock up
-try it out, I dare you


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:55 AM


OoC: Is someone going to make a new thread soon?

*Pain finishes up with his double checking, notices Ertia and Guy still chatting, and heads for the infirmary, where Fly, Simon, and Book are at. He pokes his head in and says to Fly*

You ready to go with me to get my equipment?

*Fly turns around with a disappointed look in her eyes and says*

Sorry Pain I can't. I still haven't done the autopsy on Bot Boy. I'm afraid I'll have to take a rain check.

*Pain is a little disappointed but manages to hide it. He says to Fly*

It's fine I'm sure I can find someone else to go with me.

*He turns around and heads up to his bunk. Thinking to himself*

I sure could go for a smoke right about now.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:02 AM


OoC: yeah this thread is starting to smell funny
-try it out, I dare you


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:03 AM


Sorry, gang!
I was waitin' on Fly!

The New Thread has Arrived!






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