Male and Female Imponderables Part Deux

UPDATED: Monday, May 15, 2006 10:33
VIEWED: 18795
PAGE 3 of 5

Monday, May 8, 2006 7:34 AM


Afternoon, Lysander!
Never disguised myself as a frog...but sometimes I do become a chameleon. I guess it has to do with the way I was raised:
It's all about the respect; respect others until they give you reason not to.
Try not to have pre-conceived notions of others, they do not always apply.
Females are not all the same, or are males. The diversity of the sexes is what makes up most of the excitement of love and lust.

I guess that is a starting point for those of us who aren't frogs. Maybe others can add more.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Monday, May 8, 2006 8:08 AM


Maybe I am a little late to this thread... but it's a subject that I couldn't help but comment on..

Do I beleive in Soulmates? YES!!!!!! I Do.. because I found mine...

And she shared something with me that she had come accross.. that I think would be fitting to share here...

There are 5 stages of love.

1. You fall in love

2. You realize that so much is wrong with what you had thought it was going to be.

3. You spend your time wondering whether to leave, or whether its too much of a hassle and you should just take it and stay. This is the stage where 90% of relationships either end or stay in for the rest of life.

4. You grab a person’s hand… And go through that journey against all odds TOGETHER… to become one.

5. Then you truely fall in love.

I think that is a pretty good description of how it works... UNTIL you find your soulmate. When you find them... you immediatly go to step 5.. and your love and need of them only continues to grow beyond anything you could have imagined. They will make you feel things... you didn't even dream possible... just because of who they are. They will be nothing like you imagined them in your dreams... because they will shatter your dreams and redefine every second of every day.. beyond anything you could have ever fathomed. Is it "perfect"? No... there will always still be misunderstandings... and obsticals.. and any number of other pitfalls.. but the difference is... you NEVER.. not even for a second... feel numbers 2 and 3.. Even in the deepest darkest times... you feel a comfort.. a joy... a happiness... a pleasure... unlike anything you could imagine... and it's never "work". Nothing about them.. or being with them.. is "work"... because they are your number one passion... above anything and everything... so much so... that you miss them to the point of tears... to the point of intense physical pain.... every second they are away.... every second... because every second they are away... you feel... alone and incomplete.

And that's putting it mildly...



Monday, May 8, 2006 8:15 AM


Hello again folks!

Originally posted by Tristan:
Afternoon, Lysander!
Never disguised myself as a frog...but sometimes I do become a chameleon. I guess it has to do with the way I was raised.

Oooh! I love Chameleons! (I'm a Herpetologist in training) Wish there were more lizard men out there. I'm also rather fond of frogs! (But I get that they make for a useful metaphore!)

"If men were as much men as lizards are lizards, they'd be worth looking at!" D. H. Lawrence.


Monday, May 8, 2006 8:25 AM


Welcome back, EmmaRigby! Missed seeing you here.

I am not by any stretch of the imagination knowledgeable about reptiles, but as far as chameleons go, they amaze me. I would love to have eyes that move in multiple directions, and the ability to blend into my surroundings...not to mention that tongue...but, I digress.

Anyway...this thread seems a little slow have anything to throw out here?

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Monday, May 8, 2006 8:28 AM


On the subject of scents: I prefer nothing at all to too much. I've got a pretty sensitive nose, (compensation, I suppose for being nearly legally blind without contacts and not so good hearing :) so a little goes a long way.

Had one girlfriend, I don't recall what it was, but had a real subtle peppermint-y smell. Used to drive me crazy. I think it was just a scented soap. There was another used to wear patchuli on occasion, and it would drive me up a wall. Always was guaranteed to wake up that "inner caveman," make me just want to throw her over my shoulder... :P

Nothing at all is just great, too, though. (Though showering is always good :) Maybe it's the pheromones or something, but I've found the better our chemistry, the more I like my signicant other's natural smell. I don't generally even wear deodorant, to be honest. Never found a cologne that I could tolerate to smell on myself, either. (Probably OCD, I can't even wear jewelry or watches, either :) Did have one girlfriend who preferred me stinky, actually :P

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. (Or if Kaylee asks me nicely...)


Monday, May 8, 2006 8:30 AM


...things that smell good in the night....
i like clean...the smell it makes... I'm no fan of loud perfume or cologne.... I've never used all of the Hi-Karate aunt Thelma gave me for christmas....

My wife has an old claw-foot bathtub outside and on days when the moon is full, she likes to fill it with water in the morning, then let the texas sun heat it up until later at night. When the moon shines bright, she slips into the warm water, which always has flower petals of some sort floating on top... the result being a wonderful, clean, floral aroma that smells great.

me ? i try not to stink.....

Now, getting off of the subject - whatever the subject may be... i have a question for the ladies about tatoos.... and the question is Why? ...why would you want one? To me the female form is damn-near perfect... and i mean all shapes and sizes... lovely to behold...and i see no need to cover or hide that which is so much nicer left bare and unadorned.....

ok, once again...just me...and i'm an idiot, so be kind....


Monday, May 8, 2006 8:34 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Welcome back, EmmaRigby! Missed seeing you here.

I am not by any stretch of the imagination knowledgeable about reptiles, but as far as chameleons go, they amaze me. I would love to have eyes that move in multiple directions, and the ability to blend into my surroundings...not to mention that tongue...but, I digress.

Anyway...this thread seems a little slow have anything to throw out here?

Holding until you get back, Captain.

Okay, since you ask, did you know that reptiles have two penises? True!

As far as human males go, I plan on checking that my next partner is a geek before I go out with him so that I know that we have things in common and he won't make me feel foolish for any odd utterances I happen to come out with.

In fact, I could set up a dating sevice on here (or has this been done before? ) How about it, any single male firefly fans that live in the UK? Actually, I might be brave enough to finally bite the bullet, admit openly that I'm bisexual and ask if there are any single fans of either sex who want to meet up? (Gosh, I'm repressed! It's scary even admitting that to virtual strangers!!)


Monday, May 8, 2006 8:42 AM



Originally posted by nuclearday
Did have one girlfriend who preferred me stinky, actually :P

just saw this from Nuclearday...and remembered a girl i once knew who loved horses....loved the smell of a wethered horse....after it had been running or working.... and believe me that can be stinky...but the smell really turned her on - made for some interesting cattle roundups....

to each, his, (or her), own...s'what i always say


Monday, May 8, 2006 8:43 AM




Monday, May 8, 2006 8:54 AM


EmmaRigby, I was not aware of that...that would be convenient, though...two, world of possibilities could open up...

Alright, back to reality, sorry!

I think there was a dating post awhile back, but I have not seen it recently. I am married, and live in the US, but I am a Firefly fan, have been called a geek or nerd in the past, and bisexuals don't frighten me...but I am a flirt, and can be good for an ego-boost if you are interested in that kind of thing...if not, start a new thread for dating in the UK using the description you put up in here...I am sure you will get many responses!

To respond to the whole "stinky" thing...there's a line between the whole unclean smell and the working smell. I am hoping you all are talking about the latter...I can't picture being turned on by B.O. Now, clean sweat (is there such a thing?) after a workout (read: sword-fighting ) is a completely different thing. My wife also likes the smell of me after a day working in the yard...says it's a "manly" smell.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Monday, May 8, 2006 9:02 AM


alright, anyone can answer this if they feel they can. I was talking to my male friends and they don't find people liek uma thurman and angelina jolie hot. Most women do. I find that odd...any thoughts? whats with some women that women find really good looking but men not so much?


Monday, May 8, 2006 9:05 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:

I think there was a dating post awhile back, but I have not seen it recently. I am married, and live in the US, but I am a Firefly fan, have been called a geek or nerd in the past, and bisexuals don't frighten me...but I am a flirt, and can be good for an ego-boost if you are interested in that kind of thing...if not, start a new thread for dating in the UK using the description you put up in here...I am sure you will get many responses!

I may try that when I have finally completed my degree. Too insanely busy for sociallising at the moment!

Anyone got any tips on on how to pick up on signals in either men or women to indicate which sex they prefer? I have absolutely no Gaydar! This can be a big problem when trying to start something as I inevitably either fall for gay men or chicken out with girls 'cos I'm not sure if they're just being friendly! Other people seem to be able to tell just by looking!


Monday, May 8, 2006 9:09 AM


Mamasaid, I wouldn't describe either of them as "hot", but they are atractive. I think the attractiveness comes from the roles they have chosen in the movies...the "warrior-woman" types stick out most in my mind. Of the two, Uma Thurman, to me, comes across as the more sensual of the two. Not sure why. Angelina Jolie has never really done anything for me...she is attractive, does well in her movies, but would not induce me to follow her around like a puppy-dog...

From a female point-of-view, what about them is attractive? I'd like to hear your views.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Monday, May 8, 2006 9:24 AM



Originally posted by mamasaid:
alright, anyone can answer this if they feel they can. I was talking to my male friends and they don't find people liek uma thurman and angelina jolie hot. Most women do. I find that odd...any thoughts? whats with some women that women find really good looking but men not so much?

Hmmm, well Uma Thurman leaves me cold but Angelina Jolie? Yum! I think that's because I'm a curvacious kind a gal (I'd stretch a point for River!)
(Side note: Has anyone seen Uma Thurman in The Truth about Cats and Dogs? It really bugged me that I found her (the 'cause road traffic accidents' hot girl) less attractive than the supposedly plain and dowdy lead. Why can't Hollywood bear to cast anything other than thin gorgeous people, even when that doesn't fit with a storyline? Do they really think that it makes a difference if they put their hair up and put glasses on? OK rant over!!)


Monday, May 8, 2006 9:25 AM


I can't give you any real insight into the tattoo thing, because I've never desired one, but I have asked the same question before (to both sexes) and I got many different answers.

Some people said it was a way to rebel against someone or something.
Others said because they thought it matched their personality.
Some people even said that they did it because they found it sexy.

I think this might just be a case where some people juggle geese.


Monday, May 8, 2006 9:47 AM


For myself, Uma does absolutely nothing for me when it comes to attraction. She is pretty good with a sword and I will give her that. Angelina is a little to weird for me. My wife finds her very attractive though. Must be a female thing.

Changing things up a bit. What do all of you think about spooning? Good, bad, never tried it,etc.

Simon: What if he(Mal) tells you to kill me.
Zoe: (without hesitation) I kill you.


Monday, May 8, 2006 9:53 AM


Tattoos...they can be the sexiest thing in the world, or the worst choice ever made. I prefer tasteful body art...if you come at me looking like a member of the Yakuza, I will tend to walk away (run, screaming!)...however, a small, artistic piece of ink-work; love it!
Location also has a lot to do with it. On a female, I like the tattoos on the back/shoulders, but I also like them on the feet/ankles. On males, I also think less is more. I have never been interested in covering my body with ink just for the sake of making an impression. I have been considering a tattoo for almost ten years now, and have just recently made up my mind what I, it's a matter of finding the time, money, and the right artist. But that's all I want; just one. Something that means something to me and those that know me.
But, yes, Rhyianan, some people do juggle geese.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Monday, May 8, 2006 10:05 AM



Originally posted by Rhyianan:
I think this might just be a case where some people juggle geese.]

yes, the geese juggling thing seems to cover a plethora of strange behaviors.....

but speaking for men...i mean have you seen some of us neanderthals...? i know guys who could use a fresh coat of paint from time to time... When a friend told me he was getting a tatoo, i recommended the entire work of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.... yeah, i said...head to toe.. that would look great....

but women... it just doesn't do anything for me.... especially a tat just above the part where the legs meet the back and the part just above that....


Monday, May 8, 2006 5:10 PM


Hmm. Either it was a slow day, ot the thread has lost it's appeal...maybe I should have made it sexier...

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Monday, May 8, 2006 5:24 PM


Okay here you go making it sexier. I love it when I'm "enjoying time" with a girl and find a tatoo in a special spot say upper thigh or lower abdomin.

An I carried such a torch


Monday, May 8, 2006 6:25 PM



Monday, May 8, 2006 6:38 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Dayve:

Now, getting off of the subject - whatever the subject may be... i have a question for the ladies about tatoos.... and the question is Why? ...why would you want one? To me the female form is damn-near perfect... and i mean all shapes and sizes... lovely to behold...and i see no need to cover or hide that which is so much nicer left bare and unadorned.....

ok, once again...just me...and i'm an idiot, so be kind....

I have no tattoos, nor no plans to get any. I considered a few; mostly symbols that were very important to me and then I said to myself, I said "Self, you don't need these symbols on your skin because they're always in your heart. What would you want to spend a lot of money on a painful process to scar them into your lovely, soft and delicate flesh for?" So that's my stance. They can be beautiful, they can be art, they can even be attractive on occasion, but that's a rarity and those are the most expensive kind. So I say give it a miss.
Gonna read the rest of what I missed, now...

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, May 8, 2006 6:40 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Smaug:
Maybe I am a little late to this thread... but it's a subject that I couldn't help but comment on..

Do I beleive in Soulmates? YES!!!!!! I Do.. because I found mine...

And she shared something with me that she had come accross.. that I think would be fitting to share here...

There are 5 stages of love.

1. You fall in love

2. You realize that so much is wrong with what you had thought it was going to be.

3. You spend your time wondering whether to leave, or whether its too much of a hassle and you should just take it and stay. This is the stage where 90% of relationships either end or stay in for the rest of life.

4. You grab a person’s hand… And go through that journey against all odds TOGETHER… to become one.

5. Then you truely fall in love.

I think that is a pretty good description of how it works... UNTIL you find your soulmate. When you find them... you immediatly go to step 5.. and your love and need of them only continues to grow beyond anything you could have imagined. They will make you feel things... you didn't even dream possible... just because of who they are. They will be nothing like you imagined them in your dreams... because they will shatter your dreams and redefine every second of every day.. beyond anything you could have ever fathomed. Is it "perfect"? No... there will always still be misunderstandings... and obsticals.. and any number of other pitfalls.. but the difference is... you NEVER.. not even for a second... feel numbers 2 and 3.. Even in the deepest darkest times... you feel a comfort.. a joy... a happiness... a pleasure... unlike anything you could imagine... and it's never "work". Nothing about them.. or being with them.. is "work"... because they are your number one passion... above anything and everything... so much so... that you miss them to the point of tears... to the point of intense physical pain.... every second they are away.... every second... because every second they are away... you feel... alone and incomplete.

And that's putting it mildly...


I might just cry...

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, May 8, 2006 6:43 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by EmmaRigby:

As far as human males go, I plan on checking that my next partner is a geek before I go out with him so that I know that we have things in common and he won't make me feel foolish for any odd utterances I happen to come out with.

In fact, I could set up a dating sevice on here (or has this been done before? ) How about it, any single male firefly fans that live in the UK? Actually, I might be brave enough to finally bite the bullet, admit openly that I'm bisexual and ask if there are any single fans of either sex who want to meet up? (Gosh, I'm repressed! It's scary even admitting that to virtual strangers!!)

Oh boo, you would be across the Pond from me, wouldn't you?
I totally dig geeks, too, for those same reasons. And I don't think I could date anyone who wasn't a browncoat. A browncoat who would call me bao bei. Hopefully such a one would not be the metaphorical frog
We should start a thread for Firefly singles! We totally should! (That's not weird is it? Is that weird?)
Don't worry too much about your lack of Gaydar. It has to be developed. I'm much better at picking out a gay man than a lesbian (bisexuals are near impossible if they don't say anything) so it's been likewise hard for me to find interested women. I've never had a girlfriend, sadly, and haven't known how to go about it. My only advice would be to find some sort of place where such people congregate and see how you do.

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, May 8, 2006 7:24 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

And as to the Uma Thurman/Angelina Jolie question: I have never thought Uma Thurman was attractive. I have dated two men who thought she was sexy as hell, and my brother thinks she's the most beautiful woman in the world (or did at one point in time) but my dad can't stand her and I'm pretty apathetic. Angelina Jolie, on the other had? She is just sultry. Her slanty eyes and puffy lips and lovely cheekbones and the way she can move.. She is smokin hot! But kind of crazy. I have met very few men who disagree with me on this particular point. Most of them seem to think she is sexy but crazy.

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, May 8, 2006 10:02 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
And as to the Uma Thurman/Angelina Jolie question: I have never though Uma Thurman was attractive. I have dated two men who thought she was sexy as hell, and my brother thinks she's the most beautiful woman in the world (or did at one point in time) but my dad can't stand her and I'm pretty apathetic. Angelina Jolie, on the other had? She is just sultry. Her slanty eyes and puffy lips and lovely cheekbones and the way she can move.. She is smokin hot! But kind of crazy. I have met very few men who disagree with me on this particular point. Most of them seem to think she is sexy but crazy.

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Ah! But crazy is part of the charm. All the most interesting people are a little crazy! I'm off to catch and sex grass snakes now (case in point - I'm not even paid to do it!), have a nice day everyone!


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:00 AM


Good morning, all!
I enjoyed reading the posts from last night...seems like I am always away from the computer when the talking starts.

EmmaRigby, how did the grass snake sexing go? (Never thought I'd be able to use that line in everyday conversation )

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 6:39 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Good morning, all!
I enjoyed reading the posts from last night...seems like I am always away from the computer when the talking starts.

EmmaRigby, how did the grass snake sexing go? (Never thought I'd be able to use that line in everyday conversation )

Yay! Interest in my strange little life! I found a little snakey today (better than normal, they're usually elusive little soandsos!) but was unable to sex him properly as my sexing probe has yet to arrive at London Zoo. I'll be going there sometime this week to practise on the big pythons!! Thanks for asking!


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 6:49 AM


I believe I will start a new thread on this subject...I am interested in reptiles, and have never really known someone who has decided to study them as a "life choice"
That way, we can keep discussing this, and leave this thread for the imponderables.

If you are ok with this, let me know...

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:14 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
I believe I will start a new thread on this subject...I am interested in reptiles, and have never really known someone who has decided to study them as a "life choice"
That way, we can keep discussing this, and leave this thread for the imponderables.

If you are ok with this, let me know...

Holding until you get back, Captain.

Sorry, didn't mean to vere off topic! Woul be happy to chat about reptiles elsewhere! They're my second favorite subject after Firefly! (Oh hang on, [remembers original subject of thread] maybe my third favorite!)

So, anyways! On a related topic to the smell/ perfume debate, I was reading a bit ago in a Sexual Behaviour text book that women find underarm hair more offensive than men. This apparently is because they subconciously view this as playing dirty in the battle of the sexes as underarm hair traps and holds pheromones for longer. Anyone have an opinion on this? I'm not a fan of much hair on either a man or woman myself. What do other people think.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:35 AM


Hmm...hairy armpits...
I myself possess a couple of those, but I am almost fanatic in keeping them clean. As far as a woman with hairy armpits...not a real turn-on. See, for a male it's a Catch-22--we have been bred to appreciate smooth armpits in our mates (at least in America...I spent some time in France...oy!), and if we say we like that, some females will accuse us of prejudice. Can't really win...
Armpit hair acts as a dry lubricant to prevent chafing. It does it's job well, but without proper care, can turn out quite nasty. However, this does mean that pheremones are present, which creates an internal dilema; the smell may be offensive, but the pheremones trigger a base instinct.

EmmaRigby, I started "Reptile-ology 101" over in Talk Story...(I apologize for not being able to properly spell herpetology).

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:41 AM



Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
the big pythons!!

Hi EmmaRigby...
I'm not sure where you and Tristan are going with this snake thing, other than the whole 'snake in the grass', reference that some women make about men..., but I had to chime in with this little tale.

In one of my many different occupations, in a time long ago and far, far away... i was employed by a couple who raised, bought and sold, mainly African antelope to zoos and some ranches around the U.S. Now these weren't just run of the mill animal dealers. They had a compound in central Texas that would rival many of the zoos that i visited. They were accredited with the AAZPA (american assoc. of zooligical parks & aquariums), and they loved animals and in turn wanted to do their best to help establish herds of endangered species in this country.

The salesman for this company was a Herpetologist who had worked for the Ft. Worth, TX zoo. John was a big, good natured guy who carried a reminder of a rather ugly snake bite on his little finger - his finger was permanetly curved inward - he had lost all sensation in that area, but he LOVED snakes - and in texas, as you can imagine, there is an abundance of snake skin boots, belts, hat bands and people who just plain don't like snakes. There was more than one ocassion when i had to break up "discusions" between John and some red-neck about his footwear.

Through my association with John, and, i suppose my own pacifist nature, i too, grew to like and admire reptiles. I kept a healthy respect for them though.

So, once I was making a run from Albuquerque, NM back to Texas. I think i was hauling zebra at the time, but I was also to bring back something for the local zoo.... and was given a small box that i put into the sleeper compartment of the truck....right behind me... behind my head.

When i made the delivery to the zoo, a keeper asked me if i would like to see the snake....well it turned out to be an African Green Pit viper.... not the kind of guy you want running around in your mattress. After that, I was a little more cautious about where I put the snake boxes....

that's the tale... a little too long, hopefully not too boring... the point being.....snakes are ok in my book...


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 5:09 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I personally do not like underarm hair on women, including myself. It might trap pheremones, though of this I am not possitive, but I know it traps stink. I am much stinkier if I haven't shaved; there's just no fighting it. Plus it itches me. On men? Well, if it's thin, it's alright, but some guy with massive amounts of thick hair in his armpits is just disgusting to me.
As for the pheremone, thing, I'm convinced personally that pheremones are secreted from many places; sweat glands under arms and on hands and feet, as well as the area around the mouth. At least, those are the areas I seem to smell something very pleasant. BUT if that pleasant smell is masked by ickiness, i.e. thick BO, then it just doesn't do anything for me. There have been times, for example, when I've smelled a sweet/musky scent coming off a signifigant other's feet, and it's been relaxing and a turn on. However, if said feet have been encased in boots all day, they just stink and make me want to run away. I think same holds true for armpits, although I don't tend to be giving pitrubs as much as footrubs, so I can't even be sure of that.
Anyway, hair isn't attractive to me unless it's long and soft and growing out of someone's scalp. That hair I like. Corse, smelly hair is not all that pleasant. I'm sure there are those who don't care, and those who like stinkiness, I'm just not one of them.
Now, I should be fair here and bring up the fact that there are different kinds of sweat. There's the type I call "clean sweat" which tends to happen when someone is, y'know, passionate; though it can happen other times. It doesn't have that stink, kind of a lighter smell. That is not unpleasant, though it's not the most pleasing smell ever. I think it's probably the type that has more pheremones in it, though that's just my theory. Then there's nasty sweat. The been out in the sun working hard sweat, the gym sweat, the been closed up inside shoes too long sweat. The sweat that smells so heavy and nasty I have literally choked on it. Am I making any kind of sense? Anyone know what I'm talking about, here?

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 10:29 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Further discussion of scents!
I'm treating my newfound browncoat with cedar oil; I got it at a thrift store and the previous owner must have smoked/been around a lot of smoke, so it was stinky. My mom suggested cedar oil, which has knocked a lot of that icky smell out. Anyway, I think it smells just heavenly. It would be easy to overdo it worn as a cologne, but I think it's very sexy. And not just because I think my new coat is sexy! Really, I'm loving this smell.

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:27 AM


Thank you for your insight. Yes, it makes perfect sense; BO of death vs the light scent of "clean" sweat...I was trying to say something like that earlier, but you are significantly more eloquent than I. As for hair, I understand what you mean...some men can be as hairy as a Yeti and smell about the same.

Along the lines of hair, what is the common consensus of leg hair on either men or women, but focusing mainly on women?
Pesonally, I prefer smooth-shaved legs on women, but this may be a sexist comment. Again, because of years of having seen shaved legs, that is what I like...I am sure the same is true for most men. There is, of course, the winter hibernation wherein very little shaving takes place, and that does create some humor (Ah! Sasquatch! Run!).
What are everyone's thoughts on this?

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:33 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Ah yes, leg hair. For me personally, having shaved legs is more sensual. Sensation goes up when there isn't hair in the way, so I really like having shaved legs. And honestly, would really like a girl to shave her legs if she was with me. Smooth skin is just, well, nice.
The thing about leg hair, of course, is that it starts out pretty light, but gets thicker and darker the more you shave it. Basically, once you start shaving your legs, you do tend to get the "sasquatch" look, but if you never do, it wouldn't happen. Still, like I said, I prefer less body hair to more body hair. Hairy toes are bad too; anyone else shave their toes?
I've never met a man who shaved his legs, but it might be a fun experience. Assuming he could do it right, of course. Men's legs do tend to have more angles, so that could be a recipe for all kinds of hurt.
Really, though, I'm an advocate of shaving because I think it increases sensation. It's sexy for both people involved. Sure, it can be a chore, but a lot of things are, and this one has some kind of payoff. At least to me.
BTW, I don't do the winter hibernation thing unless I'm single. It's more fun, almost, to shave just for the sensual benefits and not because it's expected of me. Course, if I'm single it doesn't matter.
*looks at legs* Doesn't seem like it's been that long...

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:53 AM


I can speak as a man who has shaved his legs (again, damn Drama department...). You are right about the all kinds of hurt. I had never shaved my legs before then, and was not used to the angles, etc. However, the finished result was quite nice, but it did feel wierd; not something I would like to do again.

I also agree with the sensation arguement. My wife's legs are ever so much more sensitive shortly after she has shaved. Besides, it also gives me an excuse to rub lotion into her skin

Anyone else have comments or other questions/observations? I am running out of ideas here...

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:08 AM


Well, I have to say that the whole leg shaving thing is pretty interesting Tristan. In my 22 years of theater the worst I've had to do is dye my hair.

The whole leg shaving thing for women is a must for myself. There is just something about hairy legs (and armpits) that is a huge turn-off. The less hair on the body the better. It's still good for the head, but other than that, it can all go.

Simon: What if he(Mal) tells you to kill me?
Zoe: (without hesitation) I kill you.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:22 AM


I've know a lot of men who shave their legs and women who don't. It's just a personal choice I guess. Personally I shave because I've done it for so long it's all gross an bristly now also I have really dark hair. I tried the whole no body hair whatsoever thing for a while but wow that was a lot of upkeep. It was an interesting experiment but I'm done with that now.

An I carried such a torch


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:34 AM


Preference question for the females that shave...razor or depilator? In retrospect, I should have used a depilator rather than a razor...might have been less painful...

As far as no body hair at all, that, too, can be quite nice

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:02 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I use a razor myself. Knees and ankles were a problem at first, but I've gotten pretty good at it by now.
I've done aminimal body hair thing. I never shaved my arms, but I did shave abut everything else. It was nice...
Ok, at the risk of being maybe slightly too... earthy, am I the only woman on the planet who has multiples every time? I have actually read a few statements by "experts" who say that it's impossible that any woman would have an orgasm every time, let alone more than one. I really, really don't believe that. Well, I wouldn't. But I can't beleive that I'm some kind of freak of nature. That would make me very sad for other women. Say it isn't so!

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:07 PM


I am so very envious of you right now. Every time?! Really?! You are not a freak you are a goddess!

An I carried such a torch


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:29 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yes, every time.
I think it's how I view the nervous system. Since all nerves are connected and I can feel that, stimulation anywhere is, well, very effective. I really don't even need *direct* stimulation. In fact, happening too early on, direct stimulation hurts. I'm pretty sensitive until total arousal hits. Anyway, I really believe anyone can learn how to feel that; my ex had full-body orgasms if I knawed on him just right, but he'd never had them before. Sometimes it took awhile working one spot, but it did happen. Training the mind to focus right can be tricky at first, because you have to think about it, but it's not difficult, and the benefits are... Well, you know.
The mind is the most imprtant resource we have in any situation. The mind and the spirit, because to me having a connection with the other person is very important as well. I can't open up to someone I don't trust, so I wouldn't get the same effect without a connection of spirit. I just see the body as a channel for the mind and spirit, so when everything's involved the results can be mind-blowing. Am I making sense?

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:32 PM


You're crystal darlin.

An I carried such a torch


Thursday, May 11, 2006 3:16 AM


Makes perfect sense. I am no Cassanova, but I have a bit of experience when it comes to the female orgasm. I have dated a multiple, and I have also dated (actually, she was my first wife) a woman who had never had one. I mean ever. I saw that as a challenge, but gave up after a year. But, yes, the connection thing is very important for total satisfaction. I have had that a few times, and have it with my wife now...and when things work right, it's mind blowing!
No, as a male, I am also capable of coupling with someone I don't really like and still enjoy myself. PhoenixRose, you sort of hinted that you were not able to fully enjoy yourself with someone you don't have a connection with...does the same go for everyone else?

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:18 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by lysander:

Changing things up a bit. What do all of you think about spooning? Good, bad, never tried it,etc.

Oh dear, we've ignored Lysander!
Spooning... can be good. I like cuddling face to face a bit more, but spooning tends to stay comfortable longer for sleeping, etc. It kinda depends on the people, though. Or even the mood. Sometimes it can be awkward for whatever reason; just doesn't mesh right. But mostly I would say I like it.
I have another question. Body types; what do you prefer? I tend to like some softness in my partner. Not, y'know, really overweight, but not hard and muscle-bound, either. It's just cuddlier and nicer and more fun when you can squeeze someone, or pet them without too much resistance.
I bring it up because there seems to be a prevailing attitude that thin, bony women are more attractive than women with some meat on their bones. Also, that ridiculously muscled men without any softness to them are more attractive than, well, semi-muscular men
Not that flab is attractive, but some subcutaneous softness I like. Any thoughts?

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:28 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Tristan:
PhoenixRose, you sort of hinted that you were not able to fully enjoy yourself with someone you don't have a connection with.

No, I just can't bring myself to be casual. Not that I would condemn those who do, you know, I just feel... icky. My first "boyfriend" and I didn't get very far physically because I started feeling sick after a certain point, and that makes it hard to enjoy yourself. Something about self-respect and viewing sex as sacred just triggered something in me, I guess. He and I ended up not getting along very well. Actually, I dated a couple impatient jackasses before finding someone willing to wait a bit for me.
But hey, I like to think I'm well worth the wait And he did, too; at least for awhile.

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:32 AM


Yes, we did jump right over that, didn't we? Sorry , Lysander!
Spooning is actually quite nice. Comfortable way to begin falling asleep, and a good way to snuggle and whisper sweet nothings as your lover drifts off to sleep...
But, on the flip side, it does sometimes get akward...there is always that arm that you have to place just right, or it falls asleep before you do.

Body types: I prefer softness and curves as opposed to wafer-thin with all sorts of bones pointing out all over the place. I like being able to bite/nibble, and if there is just skin and bone, I could chip teeth Not quite Rubenesque, but...well, PhoenixRose's description of "subcutaneous softness" sums it up pretty well.
I am also proud to state that I am not one of those muscle-bound hard bodies. I do have developed legs, and sort of a wiry upper body, but I also have softness in the middle. I like to call it "relaxed muscle"...when I need it, it will be there

This is just the opinion of one...

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:39 AM


PhoenixRose, thank you for that. And you're right; the right woman is worth waiting for!

Back to the casual can't be just guys who can do this. If it were, then there wouldn't be a question about it. I was never a male slut, but I did have a few meaningless flings with partners who were seeking the same thing. Is this a widespread phenomenon? I am not sure that all males were brought up viewing sex as "sacred"...more of a rite of passage. That may be wrong, but it seems to be the norm. You very rarely hear of a man "saving himself from marriage"...please don't tear me apart for stating these things; I am trying to get more views on these things.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:54 AM


Good morning Phoenixrose and Tristan. Don't worry about the whole ignoring thing. It was just something to talk about. I agree Tristan. Spooning is a nice way to fall asleep, but I have woken up many a time with a loss of sensation in one arm. There has got to be some way to avoid. Haven't figured it out yet.

Phoenixrose, I completely agree with the body thing. There is plenty of time for bones when you're dead. Skin and bones are very unattractive. A little meat is good. I am by no means muscular but my wife likes it. I, like Tristan, have some softness in the middle. But, I like to steal the line that it's the protective covering for my six pack.

And my wife is a multiple. She orgasms everytime.

Simon: What if he(Mal) tells you to kill me?
Zoe: (without hesitation) I kill you.






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