Life On Board Serenity: Persephone at Last!

UPDATED: Friday, May 19, 2006 05:54
VIEWED: 9531
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:02 AM


*sorry, guys! I was waitin' on Fly, but she's been awful quiet!*

Previously on board Serenity:

Plus our latest thread:
- In which we killed 13, again. (Dude, yer just a glutton for punishment, aren't you?) JRC's leg is healing up nicely, Ertia & Pain seemed to be developing a flirtation, and Guy's joining the crew permanent -like.
Fly & Simon unraveled the mystery of the map, although questions remain that we hope to recover from 13's processors, Our Mystery Guest woke up without his memories, and Book is determined to unravel his identity.
Shipscat seems to be laying low, and Ertia is still stuck sharing a bunk with Kaylee...
NOW! We're about ready to land on Persephone!

*Wash's voice over com, "Atmo in twenty minutes, folks, Might be a bit bumpy!"


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:43 AM


OoC:yay new thread *sniffs* ahhh nice and clean

*hears wash's announcment* great 'cause I need ammo
-try it out, I dare you


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:14 AM


OoC: Whoo hoo!! A new thread! Yay!! *does "new thread" dance*

Location: Pain's Bunk

*Pain searches his bunk frantically for his pack of smokes when hears Wash's announcement. Pain says to himself, as he finds his cigarettes in his dirty clothes bag*

About ruttin' time.

*Pain climbs out of his bunk and heads down the stairs to the cargo bay. He takes out a cigarette and his lighter, lights the cigarette, and proceeds to the crates where Ertia and Guy are. Pain then sits down and says*

I hope nothin' goes wrong today.

*He looks at Ertia, smiles and says*

It'd be a shame if somethin' bad happened to that pretty lil' body of yours Ertia.

*Ertia tries not to blush as she smiles and says*

Hope nothin' bad happens to you either Pain.

*Guy rolls his eyes as he makes sure his pistol is secured.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 12:30 PM


Ertia sees Guy roll his eyes and stands up hastily, "I mean.. yah.. wouldn't want anything to happen to any of us!"

"What's happenin' to who?" Mal asks as he comes down the stairs.

"Nothin', Captain." Ertia busies herself with releasing the winch catches on the hover-mule. "Pain, Guy? Gimme a hand here, would ya?"

Serenity shudders as she breaches atmo.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 2:01 PM


*barely manages to keep from bustin' out laughin' and says*

sure ertia
-try it out, I dare you


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 2:38 PM


*Pain says as he hears Guy chuckle*

Yeah no problem Ertia. What do you need me to do?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:39 PM


JR hears Wash's announcement over the com. "Finally. It'll be good smellin' some real air." He starts to strap on the weapons he deems necessary for Persephone, then puts on the armored vest, and heads to the cargo bay.

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:58 PM


Ertia directs Pain and Guy, and with Mal's help they get the hover-mule lowered and prepped, as Wash makes a trademark smooth and easy descent.

Zoe joins them, grabbing the rail briefly as Serenity rocks a bit. "We're all good to go, Captain. I waved Sir Warwick and his men will be waiting at the Sillwater Tavern for us."

Mal just nods he watches Kaylee run down the steps to start the mule and check it's systems, then he strolls to the intercom, "Folks, need everybody who ain't unconscious, dead or memory impaired in the Cargo Bay."

After a moments hesitation, he adds, "Except for Shipscat, that is."

Ertia giggles at his moment of silliness, catching the glimmer of mirth in Pain's eyes as he hands Kaylee a jug of hydraulic fluid.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:31 PM


*Pain watches as Kaylee takes the jug of hydraulic fluid and goes about her duties. Pain glances over to Ertia and smiles at her. She smiles back as the Captain says to Pain*


*Pain responds*

Yes Captain?

*Mal continues*

How long will you be at your uncle's warehouse?

*Pain replies*

Oh 'bout a hour at max. Why?

*Mal says*

Well if'n there's trouble that's too much to handle for me, Zoe, Jayne, and Ertia. I reckon we'd be needing some reinforcements. So I want you to take a com with you just in case.

*Pain nods his head and says*

Yes sir Cap.

*Pain turns and walks to the supply locker, opens it up, and takes out a portable com. He puts it in a unobstructed pocket and walks back towards where Mal's at as JR, Fly, Simon, Book, and Wash enter the cargo bay. Pain takes his place next to Ertia, exchanges another smile at her, as Fly walks over and stands near Pain. Pain scans his eyes up and down Ertia's body, trying to suppress the image of her naked in his head, as the others all find places to stand. Once they do the Captain says*

Alright I see everyone's here so let me tell y'all what's going down.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:29 PM


Mal glances around his crew, and the few remaining members of the High Charity crew.

"Firstly, I understand some of High Charity's crew have chosen to stay on a bit, until other employment turns up."

"Employment that might mean regular pay?" Wash pipes up hopefully, but Zoe casts him her, 'Husband, you are two seconds from a space-walk' look.

"That's fine," Mal ignores Wash, "Those of you who want to stay on are welcome. Those of you getting off here, well, good luck."

"Now, we got three things need doing. Kaylee, Wash? You're on fuel and digging up spare parts. Book will meet up with you at the marketplace for grocery shoppin' after he finishes his prayer meetin'. We got some cashy money from the last job, so fill up and stock up."

Mal pauses, "JR, I told you I want you on point this trip, and I meant it. You're Zoe's right arm. It points, you go. Got it?"

"Got it." JRC answers with a grin. 'Bout time he got the chance to take something on.

"We've dealt with Warwick before, shouldn't be any sort of problem, but no sense not bein' on our toes." Mal picks out Ertia's form, "You got that deal with Badger to seal?"

When she nods and pats her satchel, he glances to Pain. "Fine. Pain, get yer errand done, meet Ertia at Badger's, then both of you high it to the Stillwater where we're meetin' Warwick."

He swivels to look at Guy, scanning him up and down, "You mean what you said about stayin' on, then you stay with Ertia. Badger's about as trustworthy as a pox on a purplebelly. Anything happens to her, I'm holdin' you responsible."

"CAPTAIN!" Ertia protests, "I'm a grown woman! I don't need a babysitter. Especially to deal with the Badger-rat!"

Mal just hooks his fingers in his belt and looks at her. She backs down, eyes cast to the ground.

"Got it, Captain." Guy answers him, grinning at Ertia's frown.

"Those of you that got other errands, be back here at 1700 hours to help load the cargo. If you ain't here to help load, you best find yourself new employ here on Persephone, Dong ma?"

The others nod assent and he gives a grim smile. "Right then. Let's get it done."

00C - I wasn't sure where Fly was in all this? Is she with us? Or is she staying with Simon and River to dissect 13?
If I've forgotten your character, or forgotten someone's Persephone plans, lemme know and I'll edit.

And is this gonna go smooth, or are we gonna have a problem? duh...what am I saying? It never goes smooth!


Thursday, May 11, 2006 5:33 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
When she nods and pats her satchel, he glances to Pain. "Fine. Pain, get yer errand done, meet Ertia at Badger's, then both of you high it to the Stillwater where we're meetin' Warwick."

*Pain stands up straight and says*

Yes sir Captain.

*Pain turns around and heads for the Mule. He gets up on it and waits.*

"CAPTAIN!" Ertia protests, "I'm a grown woman! I don't need a babysitter. Especially to deal with the Badger-rat!"

Mal just hooks his fingers in his belt and looks at her. She backs down, eyes cast to the ground.

"Got it, Captain." Guy answers him, grinning at Ertia's frown.

*Pain listens and stifles a laugh as Ertia whines about Guy having to look after her.*

"Those of you that got other errands, be back here at 1700 hours to help load the cargo. If you ain't here to help load, you best find yourself new employ here on Persephone, Dong ma?"

The others nod assent and he gives a grim smile. "Right then. Let's get it done."

*Pain watches as everyone nods as the Captain finishes his speech and starts up the Mule. He turns his head and watches Fly head back to the infirmary, hoping that nothing bad will happen. He waits for the occupied hover Mule to leave then drives down the ramp and turns right. He cautiously makes his way through the crowded streets to his uncle's warehouse at the far end of the docks.*

00C - I wasn't sure where Fly was in all this? Is she with us? Or is she staying with Simon and River to dissect 13?
If I've forgotten your character, or forgotten someone's Persephone plans, lemme know and I'll edit.

And is this gonna go smooth, or are we gonna have a problem? duh...what am I saying? It never goes smooth!

OoC: I believe Fly is staying onboard to help Simon with 13. I'm sure everyone will get out of this alive.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:48 AM


As everyone disperses in different directions, Ertia looks up at Guy. "Well, guess your with me. Ever meet Badger before?"


Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:58 AM


Location: Pain's Uncle's Warehouse: 2.5 miles from Serenity

*Pain drives the Mule into one of the empty garages of a normal looking dockyard warehouse, as a Wren class Transport lifts off carrying a standard 25 ton 40ft long cargo container underneath its belly. Pain is greeted by several armed men as he shuts off the Mule and gets off. The men part a path in the middle as a heavy set older male approaches Pain, smiles and says*

Ah Pain welcome! Glad you could make it.

*Pain says as the men lower their weapons and resume their duties*

Hey Uncle Bob nice to see you it's been awhile.

*They give each other a manly hug before walking over to a pile of crates. Uncle Bob says to Pain as he lights a cigar*

Well I got you most of what you needed. I could only get one crate of rockets I hope that's ok. 'Cousre you do know that the cases of booze and the cigars are legal right?

*Pain responds as he opens one of the crates and inspects the merchandise*

Yes I know but I didn't want to risk having my equipment stolen. Are these H&K G36K rifles in good working order?

*Pain looks one over, hefting it in his hands to feel the weight, as his uncle replies*

Yep they function just like they came of the assembly line.

*Pain nods as he take out the data pad and checks the various crates and boxes*

Crate of 6 H&K G36K Rifles......check
Magazines for G36's......check
6 1000rd Cases of 5.56mm ammo...check
Computerized scopes......check
Crate of 6 FN P90 SMGs.....check
Magazines for P90's......check
Computerized Scopes......check
2 FN Five-Seven Pistols..check
Magazines for Five-Seven's....check
3 1000rd Cases of 5.7x28mm ammo..check
1 500rd Case of .480Ruger ammo...check
Crate of 6 XM25 25mm Grenade Launchers...check
Magazines for XM25's.....check
3 200rd Cases of 25mm grenades...check
Crate of 12 Rockets for M72 LAW Rocket Launcher..check
All neccessary holsters, slings, and magazine pouches...check

And finally
Case of 12 bottles of meade...check
Case of 12 assorted bottle of alcohol...check
2 Boxes of Cigars....check
1 Humidor

*Pain gets up, looks at all of his equipment, then at the trailer behind the Mule, smiles and says to his uncle*

I think I've had one of my "My eyes are bigger than my stomach" moments.

*Both men laugh as Uncle Bob says to Pain*

So you're happy with the your merchandise?

*Pain replies*

Yes very much so.

*Uncle Bob chuckles and says*

Good good. Your total is 2500 Credits including the 10% family discount. I'll even have two of my boys load some of this stuff into the six-wheeled vehicles we use to ferry cargo around. How's that?

*Pain smiles and says as he takes out the wad of Credits and hands it over to his uncle*

That'd be shiny Uncle.

*Pain's uncle snaps his fingers and two of the men who held guns on him earlier come forth. Uncle Bob says to them*

Load most of this stuff into one of the "Ant's" and the cases of booze and whatever's left into the trailer on Pain's ATV.

*The two men bow their heads slightly and say*

Yes sir Mr. Cameron!

*Pain remembers the bag of weapons he brought of and says to his uncle*

I just remeber I have a bag of weapons that I aquired and don't need. You think you can give me a fair price on them?

*Uncle Bob smiles, puffs on his cigar, and says*

Sure sure just bring them up into my office and I'll look at them.

Pain smiles back and says, before walking over to the Mule*

You bet Uncle.

*Pain walks over to the Mule as his uncle climbs the stairs to the second story office overlooking the inside of the warehouse. Pain unlatches the straps securing the bag, grabs it by its handle and walks up the stairs to the office.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 11, 2006 11:44 AM


(Uncle Bob Cameron? Sweet.)

(I'm not movin' till Fly does)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Thursday, May 11, 2006 12:13 PM


In the Infirmary

River bends over the remains of 13. She is bent at the waist, her legs straight- a dancers pose, studying his still body.

Softly she whispers, "It's worth waiting for. Signs are just words. They don't mean what you think."

On the table, the Mystery Man opens his eyes and glances over. A beautiful girl. A dead body. The sterling gleam of the infirmary.

Something isn't right. In confusion, he closes his eyes tight and prays to remember...


Thursday, May 11, 2006 1:24 PM


Location: Pain's Uncle's Warehouse

*Pain enters the office and sits down in the chair across from his uncle, he sets the bag down on the desk, unzips it, and lets his uncle inspect the guns. Uncle Bob takes out a bullpup style rifle, looks it over, checks the action, and says*

This is a very decent piece, nice heft, good sights. I think I can give you a good price on it.

*Pain stokes the stubble on his chin and nods as his uncle goes through the bag to check the others. Pain looks out the window and watches the two workers loading the cargo into the six-wheeled vehicle. He looks up and sees a stripped Allaince ASREV in one of the corners. He wonders who the lucky hun dan is who can afford that piece of machinery, when his uncle snaps Pain out of his gaze by saying*

Well apart from some not so good pieces in here. I think I can give you 2250 Platinum.

*Pain nods and says*

That's fine by me. It's not like those weapons are mine anyways.

*Pain's uncle smiles as he takes out a medium sized bag of platinum coins and hands it to Pain. Pain puts the bag of coin into a side pocket. His uncle says to Pain*

It's always nice to do business with family.

*They both smile and shake hands. Pain takes his now empty bag and they head down to the now loaded Mule and Cargo Carrier. Pain straps the bag back down to the Mule and then gets on it. He shakes his uncle's hand and says*

It's been nice seeing you again Uncle. Perhaps I can stay longer next time I'm here.

*Uncle Bob smiles, puts his hand on Pain's shoulder, and says*

Your aunt would like that very much Pain.

*They shake hands again as Pain starts up the Mule. He turns to his uncle and says*

I'm sure she will. Send my regards to the family. I'd wish I could stay but my Captain has business to attend elsewhere and he needs me.

*Pain's uncle nods as Pain and the two men in the open top six-wheeled Mule, both laden with cargo, head back out to Serenity. His uncle watches both vehicles leave and puffs out a cloud of smoke from his cigar, as he heads back into the warehouse to conduct some other business.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 11, 2006 2:50 PM


The hover-mule lifts off and wends through the crowd with Zoe at the helm.

Ertia squares her shoulders and holds her head up as she and Guy step out of the cargo bay and make their way through the port.

It's bustling, dirty, dusty and too bright. She wishes she'd brought a hat as she pulls out her sunglasses and drops them over her nose.

"So, when we get there, let me do the talking," She tells Guy. "Badger and I have some history, and he's usually more than willing to pay for what I've got."

Guy's eyes are scanning the crowd, picking out the pick-pockets and scammers. "And what would that be, exactly?"

Ertia smiles, "Just the right docs to make his life a little easier, is all."


Thursday, May 11, 2006 5:20 PM


*Pain sees Ertia and Guy disappear around a corner and looks at Ertia's butt. He almost crashes the Mule into one of the struts of the outer cargo bay door. He corrects himself and drives the Mule into the cargo bay as the two men from his uncle's warehouse stop near Serenity's ramp. Pain shuts off the Mule and gets off. He walks over to the six-wheeled Mule as the two men get out. He says to them*

Alright just put the cargo in the corner over there. I'll help.

*Both men nod and say*

Yes Mr. Pain.

*The three of them start unloading the cargo from the six-wheeled Mule and start stacking it in the right hand corner out of the way of the Mule. They start by unloading the larger of the crates, then the smaller ones. The three of finish unloading the six-wheeled Mule in fifteen minutes.
Pain says to them*

Thank you fellas. I can unload the rest.

*The two men are about to leave when Pain asks*

Excuse me but I don't think my uncle introduced us. What're your names?

*The two men look at each othen then at Pain. the tall, big black man with the shaved head replies in a gruff voice*

My name is Terrance.

*The shorter asian man with short hair says*

Mine is Lee.

*Pain says to both of them*

Well Terrance. Lee. We can't have you too leaving without your tips now can't we?

*Pain unties his small bag of platinum and gives each of them 30 platinum each. They look at Pain, nod and say before leaving*

Thank you sir.

*Pain smiles and watches them leave in their Mule before unloading the rest of his stuff. He thinks to himself as he takes opens the case of ammo for his Ruger Super Redhawk*

Thank Buddha for Ertia wearing tight pants.

*Pain takes a handful of .480Ruger ammo and sticks it in a the ammo pouch that he got from his uncle. He attaches the ammo pouch to his belt, as he stacks the rest of his cargo. After another ten minutes of unloading, Pain unholsters the Ruger, opens the cylinder, removes the three spent rounds, puts three fresh ones in, closes the cylinder, and reholsters the revolver. He takes the two crates crates of booze, along with the boxes of cigars, and the humidor, and heads to the infirmary where Simon and Fly are. Pain walks in and says to them*

Hope y'all don't mind if'n I put these here. Got to go meet Ertia at Badger's.

*He sets down the five items on a vacant counter before they can speak out and heads back to the Mule, hoping to catch Ertia and Guy before they got to Badger's. He starts up the Mule, makes a careful 180 degree turn, and heads out towards Badger's.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 11, 2006 6:15 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:

Ertia smiles, "Just the right docs to make his life a little easier, is all."

allright *as they reach badger's place* well, here's hopin' things go smooth
-try it out, I dare you


Thursday, May 11, 2006 6:40 PM


The very name thrills her. Small time crime boss on a small time moon. Badger. She repeats to herself, Badger badger badger badger. For some reason she really wants to follow it up with 'mushroom'.

There were so many things in the 'verse that baffled her, shook up her balance, tore her confidence into shreds and broke her heart.

But not Badger. Zoe told her River once called him "sad little king of a sad little hill", and that was true enough. He was transparent, easy to see through. Easy to deal with.

To Ertia, Badger was a known quantity.

They turned the corner and she could see one of his henchmen; the tall lean, chocolate skin glistening in the harsh sun, his rifle leaning ready against his shoulder.

For a second she felt that rush, that same one that came in the moment when the computer code broke open and she could see the insides of Blue Sun, or any corporation she put her mind to. It was time to play the player!

"Here we go." She gives Guy a wink, only to have him grab her arm.

"Hold up. Pain's coming."

Belatedly, she hears the hum of the mule as Pain catches up to them and sighs.
Does she really need two babysitters?


Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:12 PM


OoC: Great now I have that "Badger, Badger, Badger, Mushroom" song stuck in my head.

*Pain stops the Mule as Badger's rifle totting henchman semi raises his rifle and looks at Pain with that "I'm itching to shoot you" smile. Pain nods to Ertia and Guy as he shuts off the Mule and gets off of it. The dreadlocked henchman ushers them inside with a cock of his head and the motioning of his rifle. He let's the three of them walk ahead as he walks behind Pain making sure that they don't try anything that might make him use his beloved rifle, altough he really hoped at least one of them did. The four of them make their way through to Badger's "office" where Badger sits waiting for them in his chair. Pain takes up his position on Ertia's left as Guy takes up his position on her right. At the sight of them Badger gets up and says*

'Ello Ertia. Pain. And you are?

*Guy responds*

My name's Guy.

*Badger lets out a short chuckle as he says*

Nice ta meet ya. Now I do believe we 'ave some business ta be discussin'.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:39 PM


I'd say I'm sorry about the Badger thing...but I'm not. :D Go listen to Bedlam Bards for a bit! That will help! err...

There's more firepower in the room than Ertia can count, but she's bettin' that Guy and Pain have counted every gun and know exactly what they would be up against.

It didn't concern her. Slowly, she nudges her sunglasses up her nose, and onto her forehead, leveling her gaze at Badger.

"Heya, Badger. Did ya miss me?" Her voice is a flirtatious tease.

"Not especially." Badger tilts his head and gives her a beady eyed glare.

Ertia senses more than sees Pain and Guy tense up, and steps closer to Badger. "Well, I missed you. I put an awful lot of work into these Trans-sec badges, and I was thinking of you the entire time."

"Really." Badger's voice is cool. He doesn't fall for the flirt!

Oh, what the heck is up Badger's pigu now?

"Of course, love. Nobody pays me like you do." Ertia gives him a wink and slowly opens her satchel, holding it open so that the gunmen can see there's no weapons involved.

She hands over the top two badges for his inspection, "23 more just like it. Codes are valid for 10 months. Want them renewed and I'll hack new ones."

"For a price." Badger adds her unspoken phrase as he studies the work.

"Everything has a price, love." Ertia tilts her head and leans in just a bit so that her cleavage is directly under the badges he's inspecting.

FINALLY, the hwoon dahn's eyes narrow just a bit and he smiles. "Always a pleasure doing business with you, Kitten."

Ertia's face darkens for just a moment at the reminder, but she recovers quickly, "25 plat each? 5 for renew codes."

"15." Badger counters.

Pain's hand shifts to his gun and Guy takes a half step back, clearing the way.

"22. Come on, darlin. That's my hard work you're holding."

"17, Kitten. Final offer."

Ertia leans closer and murmurs, "20, Roderick. And 3 on the renew codes."

Badger's eyes widen momentarily, his jaw slack, and Ertia smiles. Two can play the name game, and she just won the round.

"Right. 20 per plus 3 on renew." Badger snaps his fingers at his money man.

Pain's hand relaxes a fraction and Ertia winks at the Sad Little King. "Always a pleasure, Badger."


Thursday, May 11, 2006 11:12 PM


With Zoe at the helm of the hover-mule, Mal is riding shotgun with JR in the back. JR is admiring the countryside on the way to Stillwater Tavern. "This is beautiful country. Might wanna settle here later, have a house, wife.....WHOA!! what am I thinking!" he says to himself. "Ain't gonna go thru THAT again." Mal turns around to JR and yells out, "Say somethin'?" JR responds, "Sry Cap'n. Nothing important." Zoe says, "Be there in about 30 seconds. Get ready." Mal says to JR, "Sir Warwick is a bit of a blueblood here. He'll have a squad meet us at the Tavern, then we'll head to Harrow House about 2 miles further and see him there. He's got a good respectable crew, but if'n he treats you a little on the snotty side, no offense, OK?" JR nods OK. He checks his Glock and HK one more time. Mal calls Pain on the com, "Pain, we're at the Tavern. On route to Harrow House in 1 minute. It's due north of the Tavern about 2 miles." Once at the Stillwater, two burly and well-dressed men and a beautiful well-dressed woman step out of the bar and up to the mule. "Captain Malcolm Reynolds?", the woman asks. "That'd be me, Miss...?", Mal asks her. "Harrow, Sybil Harrow. I am Sir Warwick's daughter." JR can't help but stare at her. She's quite like Inara, just slightly taller. He notices Mal is somewhat stammering himself. "Well, uhh, Miss Harrow, if you would, uhhh, be so kind as to lead the way to your place, errrr, ranch?" Zoe is having the hardest time holding back a smirk. "Yes, Captain, please follow us," she tells Mal, while at the same time, looking at JR. JR thinks to himself, "Damn, hope I ain't sweatin'.......too much."

Everyone dies alone.


Friday, May 12, 2006 5:15 AM


ooh! Great post, JR! And we get a hint of your background.. and a beautiful woman! whee!


Friday, May 12, 2006 5:46 AM


*Pain watches the transaction as Ertia hands over the badges, his hand still relaxed over his gun. Badger says to Ertia*

Pleasure doin' business with ya love.

*He sees Ertia smile and take the money. He removes his hand from his weapon as Ertia says*

The pleasure's been all mine.

*The three of them are escorted outside by the rifle totting henchman. They get to the Mule when the com in Pain's pocket comes to life with the Captain's voice.*


Originally posted by JRC:
"Pain, we're at the Tavern. On route to Harrow House in 1 minute. It's due north of the Tavern about 2 miles."

*Pain takes the com out his pocket, presses the button, and responds*

Ok Captain. We just finished our business with Badger. Got a fair price after Ertia haggled with him. We'll be there shortly.

*He hears the Captain say*

That's good Pain we'll be waitng.

*Pain clicks off the com, puts it back in his pocket, and gets on the Mule. He says to Ertia and Guy*

Ertia you ride behind me. Guy you can take the side. It'll takes us a few minutes to get to where the Captain's at.

*Ertia and Guy nod as they get on the Mule. Pain starts up the Mule and heads off to the location the Captain told him. Pain thinks to himself as Ertia wraps her arms tighter around his stomach*

Wow Ertia sure smells good.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 12, 2006 5:55 AM


Ertia can feel Pain's strong muscles against her body as the mule bounces in the rutted street. Lord built him good.

Quickly, she shakes her head. Job. They had a job to do. And just because she knew how to turn Badger into putty in her hands, didn't mean she knew how to handle a man like Pain.

As the busy street unfolds, and the sights of Persephone pass, she remembers suddenly how he'd cradled Fly in the Infirmary when she'd had to kill 13. How gentle his big calloused hands had seemed then.

He reaches back and slaps her thigh to get her attention, pointing back at a squad of Alliance soldiers marching purposefully down a side street.

She drops her sunglasses back over her eyes, and glances over at Guy to make sure he's noticed them as well, her thigh still stinging lightly from the slap.


Friday, May 12, 2006 5:55 AM


OoC: wow that actually went smooth

well, that went easier than I expected
-try it out, I dare you


Friday, May 12, 2006 6:32 AM


*Pain continues driving the Mule down the bust and crowded streets. He hopes that squad of Alliance hun dans were just doing their routine patrol. He feels Ertia's body pressed against his and remembers the last time a women held him. He snaps out of it as he brakes harshly, narrowly hitting a toppled crate of food. The sudden braking catches Guy off guard as he gets tossed off the Mule. Pain and Ertia say at the same time*

Are you ok Guy?

*Guy gets up, dusts himself off and says*

Yeah I'm fine just a little dirty is all. I think I'd have better luck riding in the trailer.

*Pain watches the person who knocked over the crate argue with the owner of the nearby food cart. He says to Guy*

Yeah I think you would.

*Guy climbs into the trailer and Pain manuevers around the fallen crate, as they continue on their way.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 12, 2006 6:40 AM


Told ya I didn't need a babysitter to deal with ole Badger.
Now, why am I thinking that between Sir Warwicks beautiful daughter and that Alliance patrol, things are about to go NOT so smooth?

Ertia watches Guy settle himself into the trailer. "Sorry, Guy! Pain? You okay? 'Cause I can drive if you're gonna keep throwing off passengers."


Friday, May 12, 2006 6:58 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
"Sorry, Guy! Pain? You okay?

*Pain says to Ertia as they round a corner*

Yeah I'm fine.

'Cause I can drive if you're gonna keep throwing off passengers."

*Pain visualizes Ertia taking over the driving duties and the situation in his pants that would ensue. He says to Ertia*

No that's ok. I think I can handle the driving.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 12, 2006 1:31 PM



*The squad of Alliance troops doing their routine partol stop as they recieve a wave. One of the troops takes out a data pad and reads aloud to the other troops, the describtion below the picture.*

DOB: 12 MAY 2490
HEIGHT: 5' 6"
WEIGHT: 115lbs



*The Commanding Officer says to the rest of the troops*

Spread the word and find her as soon as possible. She must not leave the planet.

*The Alliance troops spread out in twos and start searching, as the C.O. sends a wave out to the local law enforcement for Ertia's arrest and capture.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 12, 2006 4:31 PM


*as they pull up to the tavern*

well, here we are
-try it out, I dare you


Friday, May 12, 2006 4:51 PM


*stumbles out of alley, zipping up...

thinking to himself....'damn, i hate coming into the middle of a movie...'

Dayve stares wide-eyed at the new world that is today....


Friday, May 12, 2006 6:16 PM


OoC: Welcome Dayve! Pull up a chair or step right into this brave new world :^)

Everyone dies alone.


Friday, May 12, 2006 6:21 PM


OoC: yay now I not newest player, also WELCOME

*as they go in mutters to himself* I got a feelin' things are gonna go downhill from here
-try it out, I dare you


Friday, May 12, 2006 7:54 PM


*Pain spots Mal, Zoe, and JR at a table in the corner sitting with a very attractive woman, who has two very tough lookin but finely dressed men standing to either side of her. He guides Ertia and Guy over to them. Mal sees the and says*

Aww I see you three made it. I take it the deal with Badger went down smoothly?

*Ertia pipes in and says while removing her sunglasses*

Yes sir Captain they sure did. We did spot an Alliance patrol but they didn't pay us no mind.

*Mal nods and says*

That's good. Pull up some chairs, sit down, and introduce yourselfs.

*Pain grabs himself and Ertia a chair from a nearby vacant table, as Guy sits in the last one at the table. Pain pulls out the chair for Ertia to sit in, Ertia smiles and accepts Pain's gracious act of kindness. Pain places his chair next to Ertia and sits down. The Captain then says to Sybil Harrow*

Ms. Harrow this is Pain, Ertia, and our new member Guy.

*All three shake her hand as Mal says their name. After the introductions are over Mal says to Sybil*

Well since the remaining part of my group is here, perhaps you can fill us in on what your father wants or needs us to do.

OoC: Hey Fly where are you? Post something for Pete's sake or my sake or everybody else's sake.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, May 13, 2006 4:28 AM


GAH! I KNEW things went to smooth with Badger! BLAST IT! Did that hwoon dahn tattle on me? I'm gonna rip his lungs out and feed 'em to Jayne! errr..
Welcome onboard, Dayve! 'bout time ya showed up! Leap in anywhere. We picked up some spare crew off High Charity, so we've got blank slates a-plenty!


Originally posted by DRPAIN:

*Pain grabs himself and Ertia a chair from a nearby vacant table, as Guy sits in the last one at the table. Pain pulls out the chair for Ertia to sit in, Ertia smiles and accepts Pain's gracious act of kindness. Pain places his chair next to Ertia and sits down. The Captain then says to Sybil Harrow*

Pain pulls out the chair and offers it to her. Ertia is once again surprised at the gentlemanly behavior from the big merc. She schools her stunned surprise into a smile for him as she sits down.


Well since the remaining part of my group is here, perhaps you can fill us in on what your father wants or needs us to do.

"It's not prime rib on the hoof again, is it?" Jayne asks disparagingly, and they cringe, remembering the mess THAT was!

Sybil laughs, a high bright sound in the dingy tavern. "No. no. Dried and processed beef. 50 crates."

Ertia relaxes back in her seat. The labels she'd already created would need no alteration whatsoever. Foodstuffs were foodstuffs all over the 'verse.

And the idea of a cargo hold full of beef, even dried and processed, was making her mouth water. Glancing around the table, she saw she wasn't the only one!


Saturday, May 13, 2006 4:42 AM


fyi- I'm on my way to Seattle for the weekend, so my posts will be a bit more sporadic than usual.

In the Infirmary

River slowly pokes one long finger into one of the holes in 13's body.

"River! Don't touch that." Simon admonishes. "It could be dangerous."

She glances at Simon and back down at 13. "Danger in everything, Simon."

Mystery Man watches the exchange, bemused. He's sitting up while Simon shows him pictures on the cortex, trying to stir his memories.

He pauses at one picture. "That. What is that?"

"An old Earth That Was relic. The Qin Shi terra cotta warriors." Simon answers, looking over the man's shoulder. "There were a few brought with the colonists as a reminder of our history."

The Mystery Man stares at it, his brow furrowed. Something tugs at his memory. The image, and the word Qin Shi.


Saturday, May 13, 2006 6:21 AM


OoC: I don't think it was Badger who ratted you out to the Feds. I think it was just a fresh warrant that popped up on the Cortex at a very bad time. Oh and hope you have fun in Seattle.

*Pain leans back in his chair and tries to remember the last time they had actual meat. He's too lost in the memory of eating real food to pay attention to the rest of the conversation let alone the four law enforcement agents who just walked in the door.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:32 AM


Location: Infirmary

13 can only watch Simon examine the Mystery Man, still unable to move or speak. River whispers strange words, echoing in the inside of 13's mind.

Gotta get up...alright, what did that blonde woman do in the movie again? Wiggle your big toe, wiggle your big toe..*He runs a body diagnostic through his head and realizes both toes have been severed in the snipe-a-roo.*

Crap. Alright, a different limb then..twitch your finger, twitch your finger..

*His left index finger remains motionless.*

Jesus on a highchair...just...move, show a sign of life..

(Welcome Dayve, always glad to see a new face..or name, rather. Have fun in Seattle, Sam.)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:37 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
*He's too lost in the memory of eating real food to pay attention to the four law enforcement agents who just walked in the door.*

but guy isn't and watches them in case they're trouble
-try it out, I dare you


Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:44 PM


*Guy watches the four lawmen stop as one of them pulls out something and looks at it. Guy says in a hushed voice*

I don't mean to alarm anyone but there's four armed lawmen over near the door and it looks like they're looking for someone.

*Pain casually stretches and looks back. He sees one of them ask someone who works at the tavern something and sees them point at their table. Pain turns around and says*

Well whoever they're looking for is at this table. I reckon me and Jayne can distract them while the rest of you go out the back.

*Mal, Zoe, and JR nod as Pain mouths the words "bar fight" to Jayne. Jayne nods as Pain picks up a beer bottle, gets up and says in a drunken voice*

You call this beer? This taste like go-se if'n you ask me.

*Pain decks a nearby barmaid and throws the bottle at a wall. This gets the attention of the lawmen and the owner of the tavern. Jayne joins in by throwing up a table and pummeling a drunken patron. A fight soon breaks out as Ertia, Zoe, Mal, and the rest head out back. Pain has a free moment and says to Guy*

Go get the Mule and bring it around back. Me and Jayne will cover you.

*Guy nods and sneaks out, as Pain gets punched in the stomach by a balding heavy set patron. He recovers quickly and smacks the guy with a chair. The lawmen try to make their way through the crowd when one of them is hit by someone. This prompts the other lawmen to join in. Jayne takes out a smoke grenade, activates it, and motions to Pain to follow him out the back to meet up with the others. Both of them make it outside, Pain only having to slam a distraught cook's head into the wall as they run out the back door. Once outside they see Mal, Zoe, JR in the hover Mule. Mal says to them*

Pain you take Ertia and Guy and head back to Serenity. The rest of us still have the to meet with Sir Warrick Harrow. You guys go tell Wash he better get the ship ready just in case dong ma?

*Pain nods as Guy rounds the corner. Pain fills him in as he and Ertia get in the trailer. Pain tells Ertia to pull the tarp over her as he gets himself in a good position to open fire just in case. They watch as the others leave and Pain tells Guy to drive.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, May 13, 2006 2:45 PM


*In the infirmary, 13 is still attempting his Beatrix Kiddo mentality (operative word: MENTAL) with no success. Just when he is about to give up hope and initiate a permanent shutdown, his left hand flutters like a broken wing. Encouraged, he flutters his right hand, but in a manly fashion. Simon is too busy examining Mystery Man to notice the manly flutterings, while River has turned away to nab a tool from the table. She turns, mono-molecular edged scalpel in hand, when she see's 13 sitting upright.*

Third times the charm.

ANGEL: Well, personally, I kinda want to slay the dragon.

Let's go to work.


Saturday, May 13, 2006 4:36 PM


Simon: River, don't go near it! *He snatches the mono-molecular scalpel (a nifty device, by the sound) and weaves it in what he hopes to be an unpredictable pattern* If you know whats good for you you'll be off this ship in the next minute.

*13 smirks, and slaps the blade away.* Not gonna hurt you doctor, just trying to get my bearings. *He looks down at his almost unrecognizable body, riddled with bullet holes to the point of absolute shredding* Seem to be operating on strictly willpower...although that's a disconcerting amount of bullet holes...
*River remains silent at the revival of 13, watching him stalk across the infirmary.*

You don't have to worry, Simon. I don't know why or how I'm still running, but believe it isn't for your sister. I'm past that psychosis now.

I believe that the electric charge that, *he pauses in front of a mirror, a scarred and permanently blackened face staring back at him* was passed through my processors destroyed my reciever, which allows me to process foreign signals. Namely, Blue Sun.

So I ask you Doctor: Do you believe me?

Simon: I believe you, knowing you could have easily killed me and took River when I was examining him *he gestures to Mystery Man* but that doesn't make you trust me.

*Suddenly, a distraught and stressful Fly rushes into the infirmary, gasping when she see's 13's horrid face, a mass of shredded metal and burnt fleshfoam.*

*13 grins, a gesture that causes his face to take the appearance of a shark. It is a grin of amusement, nonetheless*

Those bullets just cannot keep me down, can they?

Mystery Man: (what the hell have I gotten myself into?)


Sunday, May 14, 2006 6:22 PM



I am very sorry guys to leave you hanging for so long. I really believed I could somehow, someway pick up the story.

I have had a lot going on at work that has just fried my brain. Unfortunately, I don't see this ending anytime soon. This in turn has impaired my imagination.

Do what you will with Fly. Just don't kill her off. I would like to at some point rejoin at a later date if that is possible.

I apologize for this note not coming to you guys sooner. I really thought, today, I would come up with somehing.

Have fun. You guys have done a great job and I'm sure you will continue to.

I am still available by e-mail, IM and FF Chat. Hope to see you guys soon.


*Tips hat and fades into the white*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, May 14, 2006 8:08 PM


OoC: *pats fwmc on the back* there there it's ok we understand. Go do what you got to do. Just remember you have to clean the llama cages when you return. Now if you'll excuse me I have to brainstorm while sleeping.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 15, 2006 5:32 AM


Location: Infirmary

*Fly stares at the blackened and somewhat charred 13, fear in her eyes, bile churning in her stomach. She stammers as she tries to find her voice. She manages to calm herself down a notch and says* you..I mean I thought we killed you. We aimed and fired at your processor. How are you still alive?

*Simon walks over to Fly and puts his hands on her shoulders. He says to her*

Fly I insist that you calm down. Here sit down please. 13 why don't you tell her what you told me.

*Fly takes the stool offered to her by the doctor. River stands nearby with her head tilited, giving 13 a quizical look as 13 begins to tell Fly what he told Simon.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 15, 2006 5:58 AM


Meanwhile somewhere on Persephone........

*Pain lifts up the tarp to see how Ertia's doing. He says to her as Guy drives down a dusty busy street*

How you holdin' up Ertia?

*She looks at him with a distressted look and says*

I'll be better once we reach Serenity. Now explain to me why I have to be under this tarp?

*Pain smiles and says as Guy hits a small dip in the road*

Well those lawmen looked like they had their eyes trained on you and not anyone else. So's I figured they were after you hence the reason your hiding under a tarp.

*Ertia nods as she takes in the information. She looks at Pain's muscular body and thinks to herself*

I wish Pain was hiding underneath this tarp with me. I bet I'd show him a thing or two.

*Guy says to them as they round a corner*

I don't mean to worry you folks but it looks like there's even more Alliance troops patroling the streets then earlier today.

*Pain radios Wash*

Wash are you back from your shopping trip yet?

*Pain's com clicks as Wash's voice comes through*

Yeah Pain just put down the last crate. Um you won't believe this but 13's alive and kicking. Well not so much with the kicking.

*Pain mutters a rather long phrase of Chinese under his breath and replies*

Just great now we have to deal with Bot Boy again and we have the Alliance possibly looking for Ertia. Just great. Alright me, Guy, and Ertia are heading back Mal and the rest are continuing with the job.

*Wash responds in a slightly worried tone*

Ok see you here then.

*Pain mutters to himself*

Well the Captain ain't goin' to be likin' this big pile of go-se much.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 15, 2006 9:30 AM


...and that's what happened."

Fly sits motionless as the bullet-riddled 13 explains everything, from the dreams to the use of willpower to continue functioning, churning the thoughts over. Suddenly, she slaps the bot across the face, and sets into:

"Do you realize what you've done to me, how you've made me feel? Can you begin to understand my pain? It was horrible, watching you sink into that depression, thinking the only way was to die. It wasn't, but you made it that way, you didn't let us help you." She turns away, leaving for her bunk, before whispering, "Do you love?"

*13 remains silent for several minutes while the rest of the infirmary occupants try to look occupied. 13 angrily grabs a set of pliers, and begins removing the dozens of bullets lodged in his body.*


Monday, May 15, 2006 12:23 PM


*The Captain's voice blares over the portable com, loud enough to where Guy, Ertia, and possilbly some people on the street can hear*

WHAT!!!! What in the tian xiao de do you me 13's alive!

*Pain swallows some saliva and says*

That's what Wash said. That 13 was alive and talking to Fly and Simon.

*Mal still pissed says*

Well was he threatening them?

*Pain replies*

Wash didn't say sir.

*Mal utter some choice swear words over the come and says*

Well this has been a fei fei de pi yan of a day. Alright Pain you sort it out. We're just about ready to finish up our little dealing here and I could use a little less trouble today.

*Pain replies*

Yes sir Captain.

*Mal replies before Pain can click off the com*

Oh and send Guy over to the Harrow Estate. Seems the hover Mule won't be able to haul all our cargo.

*Mal clicks off the com, turns around and looks at the dozen crates of frozen beef steak. He looks at the rest of the crew and says*

Well we've certainly won't be going hungry anytime soon.

*Pain sticks the com back in his pocket as they reach Serenity. He gets out of the trailer with Ertia, looking around to see if anyone notices her. Finding the coast is clear, Pain tells Ertia to hide in a corner just to be safe. He turns to Guy who's still on the Mule, hands him the portable com and says*

Guy the Captain wants you to head to the Harrow Estate to help out with the cargo. I'll handle the situation here. Dong ma?

*Guy takes the com and is about to protest, but decides not to. He nods his head, turns the Mule around and heads for the Harrow Estate. Pain motions for Ertia to come with him as they both head for the infirmary. Once there they see 13 sitting up and still pulling out bullets from the various holes in his body. Pain tells Ertia to take the cases of booze that he put on one of the counters and take them to the galley. He turns to Simon and says to the doctor*

What's he doing up? I thought me, JR, Fly, and Jayne filled his chest with enough lead to stop a tank?

*Before the doc can say anything 13 responds*

You did Pain but through some will I managed to survive.

*Pain stands there with a rare dumfounded look on his face and says to 13*


WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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