Is Firefly your favourite show?

UPDATED: Sunday, June 18, 2006 10:42
VIEWED: 8267
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Saturday, May 13, 2006 5:21 AM


Just curious to know whether anyone has an active interest in other shows as much as they do with you post on other boards and if so which ones? and is there a connection amongst the programs, for example the science fiction genre? Also would you class Firefly above the other programs you are a fan of and if so why?

This is a query for my ongoing University assignment.


Saturday, May 13, 2006 5:59 AM


Yup, Firefly is my all time, forever in love with it show.

I am currently watching Buffy, and like it very much. It's stellar, cuz it's Joss, but it isn't Firefly of course ( ah, it does make me yearn for what Joss could have done with Firefly if he'd had all those years to develop it!). So I can come here to discuss Buffy, as there is a separate forum on this board.

I also like and watch Stargate: SG1 and Stargate: Atlantis and of course the new Battlestar Galactica. But I am not going to post on a board about them, don't LOVE them, that being the difference between how I feel about them and Firefly. Prior to coming here.. I never posted online, had never even been to a fan oriented site. Now of course, this is my home away from home.

My daughter is into Lost, and posts and browses the web for clues and the ongoing mystery to be solved.. so I have been exposed to some of those boards.. just from the " Mom, c'mere and see this!" factor.

I don't know if there is a connection between the genre's and boards... I think someone with more cross over between 'em would be able to answer that question... although I am a member of several Firefly/Serenity boards and love to yack and be a part of them all. This one is home though.

Firefly is above the other shows absolutely, let me try to count the ways:

I fell in love with the characters.. especially Mal. Never fell in love with a tv show before.

The writing and stories are first class.. there are a few stellar eps that stand out, OMR, OoG and OiS, being the three that I consider high art.

The special effects make our ship and crew real to me. I don't know praise higher than that.

Finally, I want to go on Serenity with the crew.
Never felt that way before either... not the Millennium Falcon and not for all the holodecks in Starfleet. I would board Serenity right now if I could and follow Mal.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, May 13, 2006 6:02 AM


yes, easily my favorite show ever...
I posted on Buffy boards, and I adored BtVS
but I never cared about it as deeply and completely as I do about Firefly/Serenity

And although there are a number of shows I really love now:
Doctor Who and Veronica Mars are both amazing,
I have no desire to check out boards, fan fic, or anything like that....

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse
have you checked out this thread?:

and listen to 'I'm Going To See Serenity':


Saturday, May 13, 2006 6:15 AM


I'd have to say Firefly is my all-time favorite as well. And I'll just second FollowMal's sentiments as to the why. (Though I get all dreamy over Kaylee, as opposed to our Captain :)

There's been other shows I've liked (Farscape, Wonderfalls, Red Dwarf to name a few.) But this is the first show that's ever brought me out to the fan community. I used to spend some time on the Highlander boards back in the day, but I wasn't much of an active member. Firefly's definately in a class all it's own. There's so few episodes, and just the one movie (so far,) and yet there's still so much to talk about.

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. (Or if Kaylee asks me nicely...)


Saturday, May 13, 2006 6:32 AM


Yes, by far. The only show that comes close is the Prisoner (I am not a number! I am a free man!) and I am enjoying buffy and will soon be enjoying angel, both of which i am renting in netflix.

-Stay Shiny
"The people who made the show, and the people who saw the show, which is roughly the same number of people, fell in love with it, a little bit too much to let it go, too much to lay down arms when when the battle looked pretty much lost. In Hollywood, people like that are called unrealistic, quixotic, obsessive... In my world, they're called Browncoats."
-Joss Whedon


Saturday, May 13, 2006 6:39 AM


I wouldn't be here if I didn't LOVE Firefly! but that's just me. The characters are amazing the story is kick ass, and from the very begining I wanted to see where Joss would take the show(until FOX canceled it!). Now I've gotten into the Sci-fi channel Friday night line up, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica(remake) and Dr Who(remake). None are as good in my mind though as Firefly/Serenity.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD


Saturday, May 13, 2006 6:42 AM


Firefly is my alltime favorite show. I have liked other shows before but this is love. I have never been a "fan" like this before or gotten into anything this much before. I mean I have been buying Serenifly stuff up at a feverish pitch, I have watched the series over and over and over again and it doesnt get old, I get cranky if a few days go bye and i dont watch an ep or BDM. The funny thing is for the past 4 months my cousins to whom which i am very close have been making fun of me for wearing my little browncoat nylon bracelet or my you cant take the sky from me bracelet or for wearing my jayne hat t-shirt or my serenity shirt or my serenity necklace, I finally made them watch the series, and guess whos ordering buying doing what they can for the cause, yep my cousins, instantly addicted and it is great!!!! I had to nurse them through that final ep because they didnt want it to end. Firefly has brought out the fan in me and the fan in them. I have always been interested in sci fi (star wars/next generation) and serenifly takes all the things i like about star wars & next generation and eliminates all the stuff that annoyed me about them, (Aliens especially non humanoid aliens, i hate that everything is clean everywere in star trek) I like that firefly is about the people about little moments the important stuff. Plus how could you not like a show about space pirates who shoot first and talk shit!!!

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:12 AM


Firefly is definetivly my favorite, and ive never before been this much into a series. I dont usually post on other forums and such, but I will occasionally discuss Buffy, Angel and some movies on the forums here.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:12 AM


Firefly is definetivly my favorite, and ive never before been this much into a series. I dont usually post on other forums and such, but I will occasionally discuss Buffy, Angel and some movies on the forums here.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:12 AM


Firefly is definetivly my favorite, and ive never before been this much into a series. I dont usually post on other forums and such, but I will occasionally discuss Buffy, Angel and some movies on the forums here.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:12 AM


Firefly is definetivly my favorite, and ive never before been this much into a series. I dont usually post on other forums and such, but I will occasionally discuss Buffy, Angel and some movies on the forums here.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:12 AM


Firefly is definetivly my favorite, and ive never before been this much into a series. I dont usually post on other forums and such, but I will occasionally discuss Buffy, Angel and some movies on the forums here.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:12 AM


Firefly is definetivly my favorite, and ive never before been this much into a series. I dont usually post on other forums and such, but I will occasionally discuss Buffy, Angel and some movies on the forums here.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:15 AM


Although I have watched a fair amount of TV in my life, I'm usually not a TV person -- meaning nothing on TV really captivates me. I'm not really much of a sci-fi person either, outside of the original Star Wars of course. So, when I tell you that Firefly is the best show I have ever seen on TV, bar none, and that it's something I truly love and long for, I hope you'll see where I'm coming from. It takes a lot to get me so obsessed. I have never posted on other boards about other TV shows, or written letters to Hollywood types in support of a particular show, or read "fanfic" of other shows, or anything like that -- all of which I have done for Firefly.

So, yes, Firefly is my favorite television show, without question.


Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:18 AM


Im quite active through the entire online sci-fi community. But Firefly is without a doubt my favourite show ever.

Only thing that ever came close was Battlestar.

"We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days,
Through the fire and the flames we carry on"


Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:47 AM


I'm kind of a fan of the whole whedonverse, I like all his shows about equally, though firefly probably is just the smallest amount above the others in my mind.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:25 AM




Ha ha! Mine is a short answer!


Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:07 AM


I've never liked any other show as much as I've liked Firefly. It's the only show I've bought merchandise for or joined a Message Board.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Little or no free time, but want to help?
Help Spread the Signal:


Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:28 AM


Yep Firefly is my favourite show.

I've always enjoyed sci fi and westerns so Firefly is kinda gonna do it for me in that aspect alone. Been into Stargate since the film and remember avidly watching High Chaparal repeats as a child, (not sure I wanted to admit that)but Firefly has been the only show that has inspired me to take it on as a part of my life not just something to watch while trying to escape it.



Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:30 AM


It's definitly a favorite and a source of inspiration, but I'm not a real fanatic about it. I don't think it's the one and only best show on tv there ever was.

My two favorite shows that are on TV now are 24 and THE OFFICE. I was a 24 fanatic long before I wa a FIREFLY fan and I've never stopped loving it. No other show has me at the edge of the sofa going "NOOOO, NOOO, I GOTTA KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENS NEXT." I'm sure that in 2009 when the entertainment magazines are compiling their BEST OF 00'S list, in the TV department, 24 is probably going to be on there. That's my fave drama.

As for comedy, I'm going for THE OFFICE. If ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT was still on, it would be it, but THE OFFICE has gone from a potential disaster to the gold standard of comedies.

As for shows that were on the air but not anymore, I'd have to say one of the top ones is SIX FEET UNDER. On the BUFFY season 7 dvd, one of the featurettes had someone say that BUFFY was a show that "captured the human condition." Personally, I wouldn't go that far. But if I were to choose a show that perfectly captures who we are as human beings, then I would choose SIX over anything else.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There's only one "Return" ok, and it ain't "of the King", it's "of the Jedi."

"Maybe we should start calling your friend 'Padme' because he loves 'Mannequin Skywalker' so much, Right? (imitating robot) name is shitty acting is ruining saga."

Excerpt of internet teaser for CLERKS 2.


Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:46 AM


I love Doctor Who. Have done since I was a small child. It is my favourite show. However, I think I'd be hard pushed to say that it is better than Firefly. There's a lot to cringe at in the show, particularly material from the 80's whereas Firefly doesn't really put a foot wrong. I'm sure it would have done eventually but as it is, it's perfect.


Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:58 AM


No other television show interests me enough to want to discuss it constantly.
The 'verse has sucked me and won't let go!
Hope that helps

An I carried such a torch


Saturday, May 13, 2006 12:11 PM


Veronica Mars. Best show currently on TV (well just finished) If all goes well tho there'll be a new season on the CW come September


Pimping my fanfic:


Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:02 PM


America loves a winner!

While I've been 'interested' in a number of shows over my t.v. viewing career, FIREFLY stands alone as a particular favorite. It's taken me quite by surprise just how infactuated I am over all things Firefly. EVERY little bit about it interests me. From the actors who play such believable and interesting characters, the plot lines, the struggles Joss et all had w/ the F*X execs from before day one, to the music, so on and so forth.

As for other shows which come close, but not to the level of interest to me.....yes, there is a connection. Angel with Joss Whedon, and Wonderfalls with Tim Minear, to a lesser extent. Aside from a few other 'sci fi' shows, Northern Exposure would fall into a catagory of 'favorite shows'.

But none of them comes close to the level of interest, expense and involvment I've shown toward FIREFLY.

Hope ya get an A your assignment.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, May 13, 2006 4:13 PM


Firefly is my favorite, but I have been active in other fandoms both on and off line prior to this.

My first was joining an SF club in 1975. I liked ST. Loved SW (4,5,6 I'm talkin') and later Doctor Who, of which I'm still quite fond, cheeseness and all.

in my on-line fandoms I've been active in Forever Knight fandom as well as Highlander, then Buffy, Angel and now Firefly.

In FK, I was on a discussion board and a fanfic board and had joined one of the 'factions,' which were groups baised on your favorite character.

For HL, I was on the official posting board hosted by Rysher and joined one of the fan groups which were delineated by different interests IRL or outlooks of life. The groupings were 'clans,' in keeping with the show's theme.

For Buffy, Angel and Firefly (initially) I was on a closed mailing group made up of folks I'd become friends with in FK fandom. Our list discussed the show, wrote fanfic, and had general good-natured silliness, much as I've found here at

Of these, Firefly is my favorite, with Buffy and Highlander a very close second, due to a.) the quality of writing (yeah, Joss wrote Buffy, too, but he'd gotten better by the time FF came up), 2.) the consistant quality of the acting from the cast and 3.) the adult themes (not sex necessarily, but also not worried about popularity, the prom, etc) of which I'd only seen HL do almost as good of a job.

Is there a connection...looks like. I enjoy other genres (I'm a CSI junkie as well as WaT) but the characterization in the SF genre tends to appeal to me more than non-gen. Dunno why, unless it has to do with my up bringing. The shows I remember seeing earliest in my life were Dark Shadows, Star Trek, Twilight Zone, The Avengers and Wild, Wild West. I joined my first SF club at age 12. I'd already read LotR by then. My older sister, whom I'd idolized, liked SF. Pick one or all for the reason.



Saturday, May 13, 2006 4:24 PM


Did you need to ask?

Firefly is my absolute favorite show, but there are other that I watch. My second most favorite show has to be House M.D. I haven't missed an episode since I started watching last season. Hugh Laurie is a god.

I also watch Lost, Bones, and occasionally Las Vegas, Law And Order SVU, and Scrubs.

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."


Sunday, May 14, 2006 6:45 AM


Once again you're all fab for responding, you're all so honest and forthcoming in your answering which was just what i was hoping for. I'm having to be unbiased in the assignment, which is really hard!

I've only recently bought my copy of Firefly on DVD (skint student talking) and intend to buy Serenity soon (hmmmm maybe June 23rd ;-) ) and all my flatmates are watching and loving the show, some not even being familiar with or not liking Buffy or Angel, which is interesting.

There is definately something about only if i could bottle it!


Sunday, May 14, 2006 6:54 AM


Firefly, Dark Angel and Buffy are my obsessions, although I could easily name a score of series and movies I also enjoy, these three have a particular vice-grip on my soul, and of these three, Firefly is the most dear to me.

Soul-bearing Chrisisall, with claws


Sunday, May 14, 2006 7:30 AM



Originally posted by Zisker:
I've never liked any other show as much as I've liked Firefly. It's the only show I've bought merchandise for or joined a Message Board.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

same here. Although before I was introduced to the wonderousness that is Firefly, I was never into sci-fi or fantasy, crime dramas, comedies and ER had it for me. on tv right now, I'm into Grey's Anantomy, Supernatural and The Inside. Oh, and also American Gothic is really good and creepy, cept no-one has ever heard of it, in the UK anyway.

I love Wash! Bring back Wash!


Sunday, May 14, 2006 7:41 AM


Firefly is absolutely my favorite T.V. show. I watched the show when it was on, rented the series and movie from NetFlix, bought the series and movie, and watch them both regularly. I've written letters asking to have it brought back and that's a first for me. As far as T.V. boards, this is the only one that I check out and post on, though don't post often.

It's got a name, I call it Vera.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 8:14 AM



Originally posted by ekidd79:
Just curious to know whether anyone has an active interest in other shows as much as they do with you post on other boards and if so which ones? and is there a connection amongst the programs, for example the science fiction genre? Also would you class Firefly above the other programs you are a fan of and if so why?

This is a query for my ongoing University assignment.

Yes, Firefly is a firm favourite - though I must confess it shares the limelight with Star Trek (TNG, DS9, ENT and VGR) and Stargate (SG-1 and Atlantis), Buffy and Futurama. I also like the abruptly cancelled Harsh Realm. I don't actually join any other forum sites for those shows, though I do go to conventions, buy the merchandise and I do try and actively convert new fans to those shows too. Each one of them has a very special place in my heart - and I'll stand by them all til my dying day - however, yeah, Firefly does top the list.

I don't know if it's the criminal way the show was treated that makes me fight for it that little bit harder (probably - after all, how could they do this to such a GREAT show?!) or the excellent stories and wonderful cast (just superb IMHO) but Firefly is just something very special. The DVD set (and the spare copy I keep in case someone wants to borrow one) is certainly the prize jewel in my DVD collection.

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Sunday, May 14, 2006 12:31 PM



Originally posted by ekidd79:
Just curious to know whether anyone has an active interest in other shows as much as they do with you post on other boards and if so which ones? and is there a connection amongst the programs, for example the science fiction genre? Also would you class Firefly above the other programs you are a fan of and if so why?

This is a query for my ongoing University assignment.

LOST, my second fav show. And I hit their board also. Other shows I like too but don't follow like Lost and Firefly (well what I can of FF now)

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 12:47 PM


I've never really liked the idea of naming a favourite of anything coz different times and situations can bring different results.

My top shows would be (in no order) Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Lost, CSI LV, X-Files, Battlestar Galactica (new version), Simpsons, Futurama, 24, Twin Peaks, Red Dwarf, Blackadder, Friends and others.

I visit a Lost site weekly but rarely post.

Firefly is the ONLY show where I visit a site regularly (this site). It is the ONLY show I've felt strong enough to post about (and still do).

So maybe it is my favourite and I'm just in denial.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 1:13 PM


I watch the Ultimate Fighting Championships regularly and adult swim whenever I can catch it.

Science fiction has always been a big no no for me. Sitcoms are brain numbing drugs. American Idol... people need to die for that one. Any reality TV, actually, is majorly deserving of an ugly death. I watch Law and Order type shows every so often before I go to work when there's nothing else to do.

But FireFly is a special breed of entertainment. I think the fact that American Idol has been announced to have a large enough market to "be it's own economy", while a show like FireFly wilts and dies is reflective of something. A lot of people say, "It's just T.V.", but this is what the average American chooses to entertain themselves with. If the majority of people let their brains rot on stupid, meaningless entertainment, then they will become to at least some small degree stupid and meaningless themselves.

Beyond that, FireFly is one of those classic shows about people struggling. It's supposed to arrouse an empathetic response in us as humans to identify with hardship and bonding through it. That anyone could be unreceptive to this plight says to me that they've lost a good deal of their humanity. Through constant convenience and pampering, we go from legends of hard working men like John Henry and Paul Bunyon being American ideals, to obnoxious rappers and athletes, sippin on day' crystal, textin' on day motos, bangin da bitches an shit taking their places. With the loss of appriciation for hardship and sacrifice, people have in a big way lost a part of their souls.


Monday, May 15, 2006 7:47 AM


Firefly is in my top 5 favorite of all-time, but not my number one.

Lost and Murder One are both ahead of it (although not very far as I do love Firefly). As far as what they have in common, all three had elements of mystery (Firefly less so than the other two, but still had its share), but all had really great characters who showed good depth and could surprise you in any episode. And each episode in all 3 feature great storytelling.

This is the only television board I post on though. Murder One didn't have one. Lost has one, but I try to avoid spoilers, so I avoid the message board. Since things can't really get spoiled here, I don't worry about it, although I did avoid the board in the runup to the movie. Still, I post and read more about other science fiction here than firefly, because even though firefly is one of my all-time favorite shows, I don't consider myself a "browncoat" and get frustrated with many who consider themselves that way. So rather than stir up trouble, I stay out of the way, and enjoy the board on a limited basis.


Monday, May 15, 2006 8:11 AM


Gotta say yes Firefly is my favorite.

Equally alongside "New" Doctor Who and Battlestar Galactica

Firefly is the middle, it can be dead serious, but its also light hearted ['Specially Mr. Fillion in the extended out-takes ]

BTW, anyone see a trend there


Monday, May 15, 2006 8:12 AM


Hell yes,

I have never even considered joining any other tv shows board. I lurked here at for a long time before I joined. My missus said you may as well become part of it, you spend enough time reading on there. I read alot but don't post much. I think some of the fan stuff has been really good.

I can not get my head round why the show hasn't been revived, it just doesn't make sense. I thougth I was pig headed and stubborn but I am obviously minor league compared to the people at the tv networks.

Off to watch the BDM again, enjoy your evening.

Why have they taken the sky from ME


Monday, May 15, 2006 9:27 AM


Isn't this sad? When my favorite TV show hasn't been on the air in years? waaaaah

They could not take the sky from them -
Our Big Damn Heroes made a film!
I'm gonna see Serenity then
go back the next morning and see it again.
Cuz no one at Fox knew this show had no equal
C'mon Universal, and greenlight the sequel!

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Monday, May 15, 2006 4:38 PM


is there a possibility that the hold of Firefly is so strong because it's the last series Joss Whedon did? is there a dedication to Joss? or do you feel hard done by that the show was cancelled before it had a chance to really get going? oh and was Serenity enough closure for people?


Monday, May 15, 2006 4:40 PM


Firefly is the only show I've joined a board for. I like Battlestar Galactica and the new Doctor Who quite a bit, as well as the OC and Scrubs but I haven't checked out any of their sites. I joined this site in part because it's the only way to keep Firefly going for me given that there are only 15 episodes and one movie. I like that Firefly has a real community that has stuck together after all this time without new episodes. I have tried repeatedly to turn the Kate Beckinsale forum I moderate into a community and have failed miserably, so it was nice to find one here.

I wanna be Mr. Baccarin!


Monday, May 15, 2006 4:45 PM


Yup. There's a lot of shows that I enjoy and have enjoyed in the past, but I have never spent this much time thinking and reading and posting about a show. Heck, I own every DVD of the X-Files, but I've never posted a thing on a X-Files site, nor have I even looked at one beyond the official site.

However I would have to say that Firefly is my favOrite show, if that makes any difference.

For the record, like FollowMal, I think the new BSG is stellar.

Customizeable handmade baby gifts personalized by my wife! Check them out at All proceeds go towards international adoption.

JUNE 23RD: Take part in our assault on Universal. Commit to buy a copy of Serenity or Firefly, or both, and write a letter to Universal, Joss, and the rest of the BDH's and let them know what we want!

Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre


Monday, May 15, 2006 9:43 PM


I Think that Firefly is possibly the best tv series ever.

And I don't think that there would be nearly as many people on this website if it wasn't.


Would Serenity have come out so soon after the cancellation of Firefly if there wasn't anywhere near as many people who love it so much that they are willing to give money for it!!!!

What more do you need to know?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Monday, May 15, 2006 10:31 PM


Nothing compares, Firefly is my all time favourite TV show, and that sure ain't likely to change.

I just need MORE!



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:57 AM



Originally posted by Zisker:
It's the only show I've bought merchandise for or joined a Message Board.

Right there with you Zisker! was the first Message Board I joined. I never would have done it, but I couldn't NOT do it! Serenifly is the one thing I felt I needed to talk about with others.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:06 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Firefly is definitely my all time favorite. Never felt the least bit compelled to take an active part in an online community until Firefly.

Case in point, I watch Stargate SG1 & have since day one, but I have never gone to and SG1 forum, message board, or even to a website. Same for Battlestar Galactica. Just not that interested.

Firefly was (and is) different though. I felt a connection to this show I have never experienced before and doubt I will again. This community is like family to me and I can't wait every day to log on, read, and chat with my fellow browncoats.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:37 AM



Originally posted by ekidd79:
is there a possibility that the hold of Firefly is so strong because it's the last series Joss Whedon did? is there a dedication to Joss? or do you feel hard done by that the show was cancelled before it had a chance to really get going? oh and was Serenity enough closure for people?

I don't think that is true for me Ekidd79.

The hold is so strong for me, because I fell in love with a wonderfully written, wonderfully acted show.

I do feel a dedication to Joss... but that's not why I am in love with this show. I only feel a dedication to Joss, because he's such a gorram fine story teller... and he's a good guy too.

I think everyone here feels "hard done" by the shows cancellation! FOX for their "sudden and inevitable betrayal"!

And Serenity was NOT enough closure for me.... it's only opened the door to new questions about what happens next in the 'verse for me.

I WANT there to be more. I'm doing all I can personally to encourage the powers that be and Joss and the crew to be aware that I WANT more.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Friday, June 16, 2006 4:35 PM


I'd say it's one of my favourite shows (probably top 10). I frequent other boards like and IMDB from time to time, but this is the only board dedicated to a single show that I regularly visit and actually post.

Other shows of which I'm a huge fan:

Red Dwarf
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Curb your Enthusiasm
Mr. Show
Star Trek (TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY)
Harvey Birdman
(That's just off the top of my head, I'm probably forgeting some, heh)

I don't seem to have the zeal others here have. Maybe I should turn in my browncoat ;)


Friday, June 16, 2006 8:06 PM


Firefly... there are shows that I love to watch, but this is the show I LIVE in. Nothing has every grabbed hold of my quite like Firefly.

And this is coming from a TV person. I love TV as a story telling format. I always have. I could probably list 20 TV shows I love off the top of my head, but there is nothing like Firefly.

To answer a few of ekkid's questions...

"is there a possibility that the hold of Firefly is so strong because it's the last series Joss Whedon did?"
- Well, possible, yes, but I wouldn't say it is especially probably. There are scores of Firefly fans who would rather stand on their head for one hundred days while singing Vanille Ice songs backwards than watch an episode of Buffy. Yes, there are also scores of fans who only saw firefly because of buffy, and a ton more who are inbetween, but I think the group of fans who LOVE Firefly but dislike Buffy is large enough to take serious weight away from this theory.

"is there a dedication to Joss?"
Serenity Day. 'Nuff said.

"do you feel hard done by that the show was cancelled before it had a chance to really get going?"
When describing the BDHs in one of the Serenity DVD features Joss said, "everyone like losers" and I think, in some ways, that can be applied to Firefly itself. Would it be so loved if it had been successful? Personally, I think it wouldn't have. I think that the cancellation is what really fueled OriginalWatcherFans into becoming browncoats and getting the rest of us sorry folks to watch. I think that a large portion -- if not he majority -- of Firefly fans came onboard after the series was dead (me included).

Another thing to consider: Firefly, had it continued, would have been a high quality show its entire run. However, cut short as it was, it really didn't have any "I can't believe we did that" episodes, which Angel, Buffy, and any show that lasts into its second season does. As a result, the show is RIDICULOUSLY good on a RIDICULOUSLY consistant basis. Had it continued, that would not have been the case (it would have been mostly the case, but there would have been slips).

"was Serenity enough closure for people?"
For me, it brought the story to a logical conclusion. I enjoyed Serenity. It was an excellent film. Wouldn't have minded if it were part of a seven-movie triology and each movie was 22-hours long and deivided into 22 episo--chapters. 22 DVD chapters. Yeah.

Hope this helps you!

"Objects in Space"

River: It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think... <-- Check it out!


Friday, June 16, 2006 10:53 PM


Yep...The only show remotely close would be Battlestar...And that's in a galaxy far far away.........


Sunday, June 18, 2006 7:50 AM


Let' see...I'm a tv person from my youth (over 35 or so years!)and this is the first show that...
1. I bought to own
2. I joined a forum for
3. I read fanfic for
4. I watch whenever I can
5. I bought t-shirts for
6. I sing songs from (that's frightening)

So, yes, it must be my favorite show (there was never any doubt!)

I keep trying to figure it out myself, b/c I've enjoyed lots of television, but Firefly just knocked me into another 'verse!

Mal:We're still flying.
Simon: That's not much.
Mal: It's enough.


Sunday, June 18, 2006 10:42 AM


Firefly ties with Buffy for my favorite, and Whedon in general rules over any lists I make of this sort. Buffy has sentimental value for me, and Firefly has damn fine writing, directing, acting, everything. Hard to beat sentimental, though. Anyway, Serenity was not enough closure, especially after learning that it basically covered season 2 of Firefly. Meaning that there would have been five more seasons of wonderful story telling. Sigh. Need Firefly :(







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