How did you find the 'verse?

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 07:43
VIEWED: 9229
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Sunday, May 14, 2006 12:59 PM


I'm sure this is a thread that's been posted before, probably many MANY times, but with new people coming here all the time, it's of great interest to me, so I'm gonna ask it again.

What brought you to the 'verse? how did you discover Firefly/Serenity and what made you start watching in the first place?

For me it was a friend of mine - he knew I was curious by the new Serenity film after I saw the trailer, and insisted I watch FIREFLY first (he said I'd love it, and boy, did he know me well or what?! lol) I bought the DVD on a lunch hour and watched the series - well, devoured the series - in a matter of days. Then felt terrible that there was no more. Finally, months later the BDM came out, and I watched it and came out of the cinema having both loved and hated it with a passion, kinda feeling like the survivor of a natural disaster - stunned, grief-stricken and shaken by the bad bits (you know the bits I mean) but also with a weird kind of love and elation at having had another Firefly adventure (Who but Joss can make me love something and hate it in equal measure, huh? lol). So that's how I fell in love with this gorram shiny special 'verse.

How about the rest of you?

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Sunday, May 14, 2006 1:16 PM


Back when the show originally aired my best friend happend to see the train job and thought it was awesome because it was everything we always wanted in a sci fi series and left everything we didnt want out (wierd looking aliens and everything so clean). So I tried to watch but I think there was baseball playoffs in its place or something different everytime i tried to watch it. So of course I watched one episode that he had taped and bamm, it was canceled. I thought it was great but really didnt give it a second thought until BDM, I went to go see BDM got to the first River Fight seen in the bar and had to leave because of a family emergency ( MY kid got hurt and I had to go to the ER she was fine just a nasty bump on the head) anyway really didnt even think about firefly to much until X-mas when my best bro bought me the series. I watched it straight through except for the last ep. (I just couldnt do it, i couldnt let it end) I finally watched it then bought the BDM watched it, started looking on the net, found , started buying everything i could get my hands on that had to do with firefly/serenity and have been obsessed with the series and converting new browncoats ever since.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Sunday, May 14, 2006 1:41 PM


I'd already been an Angel and Buffy fan for half my life (I'm not joking, I haven't been around awfully long) and when I saw 'Joss Whedon's Firefly' my brother said, 'Hey, that's Angel guy, kid. Maybe I oughta..'

So, he bought them as a Christmas present.

For my mother.

I didn't watch them until January, when Fate decided to give me nothing to do. Then, I saw them sitting on the table. I thought, 'I'll give this a try.' I did, and stayed up the entire night watching it, and didn't sleep until 9:30 the next day. Fell asleep on the bus twice and once in class. I joined the site the day after, finding it through a Google search.

That's me story, boyos. Anybody got a more exciting one?


Sunday, May 14, 2006 2:11 PM


I heard about it before it got aired as I was somewhat active in the Buffy and Angel fandoms. The magazine Starlog had had a really nice article prior to the debut.

I watched it from the Train Job on (a monumental task considering the airing schedule it had) and mourned when the 'station that shall remain nameless' axed it.



Sunday, May 14, 2006 2:20 PM


I had seen adverts for the movie and thought it looked pretty interesting (I'm a fan of many other space sci-fi shows, Startrek, Farscape etc etc) and thought it was pretty cool to see a new film of the genre that was pretty much out of the blue. Unfortunately I never got around to seing it, but I bought the DVD as soon as it came out purely on the chance that I would like it. I really enjoyed it, regretted not seing it on a huge movie screen, but still.

Even after that though, I didn't really give any thought towards watching the TV series. I live in England where I believe it was never shown, so it would mean forking out the cash for a series I may not like. On top of that I wasn't too sure how the movie and TV series connected, I had heard somewhere that while it was the same 'universe' they weren't really connected, that it was more like starting afresh because the original series 'failed'.

My god, what I missed out on! A friend of my father's happened to mention that he'd bought the series, and that although it was cancelled it had a cult following (which now I see for myself :D) and he lent it to me just last week. I watched the first 2 hour episode and was addicted! and I mean addicted! I've been a fan of StarTrek since I was 9 (10 years ago) and (while I love that to bits) I'd never felt quite as much for that as I did Firefly. I couldn't stop watching.

I knew there were so few episodes so I restricted myself to 2 episodes a night (I could have watched the whole thing in one go to!) and loved the show (and most importantly for me, the great nine characters) more and more each episode that passed. As each DVD finished I knew the end was near, and I really had no idea what to expect from the last episode. I was affraid to watch it, but at the same time desperate to simply see more! Right now, I'm starting watching the whole series over for the second time, and will probably watch it again and again until I can come to terms with the loss :*(

I have to say though, I liked the fact that the last episode wasn't 'expected' by the shows produers, I would have hated a 'good bye' episode with everyone leaving and the usual. I feel like I still have some hope that another series will be made (although I'm an avid pessimist and I'm prety certain it will never happen) and I can see so much that could be done with the story.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 2:38 PM


Ahh, don't be a pessimist Brexan, you are living proof it's not gonna be necessary. The 'verse will return. We have new folks like yourself falling in love with it everyday! All this week there have been folks signing on our website and telling us how they hated to see it end ( we all did ) and how much they want to see it go on. Our numbers are growing every day. We are holdin' and recruitin' 'til Mal gets back.

Share with others Brexan.. that's the key, as our numbers grow and we buy DVD's and we buy stuff, they will know they can make money off of us and they will give us more.

We have all kinds of things planned for the summer... shindigs and buying drives for purchasing the DVD and a Firefly Fortnight for buying the show thru ITunes. If we all take part.. it'll convince the folks who can give us more.

Oh, and you're new... so you get your very own browncoat...

*hands Brexan a browncoat*

Welcome home.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Sunday, May 14, 2006 2:46 PM


And because I didn't mean to hijack your thread, SimonB...

I saw Firefly for the first time on SciFi while waiting for their SciFi Friday lineup.. Stargate SG:1 etc. Within the first couple of minutes (especially seeing Mal!) I was hooked. I fell in love.
Bought the DVD of the series that night. Watched it from the pilot to OiS all in a row, couldn't stop. I've about worn my copy of Firefly out..I ordered BSG the same night and it is still wrapped up. I can't go but a couple of days without seeing the BDM or the series or I get cranky. Of course I got the series before the movie came out and I was in my seat to see it when it opened in theaters... oh, my heart racing I was elated to see the crew back with us.

I googled about Firefly the first night and got this is now my home and I'll never leave. Now I'm here holdin' the line with the rest of the Browncoats... waiting.. working.. and I'll keep going til I draw my last breath.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Sunday, May 14, 2006 2:48 PM


"I can't go but a couple of days without seeing the BDM or the series or I get cranky."
^ Amen to that!

And thanks for your words of inspiration FallowMal!
WIth people like you on our side, how can we fail :D

Sorry from me too for hijacking, nothing to see here, continue with the topic :D


Sunday, May 14, 2006 2:53 PM


I was down at Airborne School in August and the only thing to do was see movies. I kept seeing the trailer for Serenity and thought "Of all the dumbass, cliched yadda yadda". Got back, mentioned it to my brother and he says "No, that's based off Firefly. You liked Buffy, right? Well, this is better." I found the DVD set for thirty bucks and since I had a bit of money to burn I thought "Why the hell not? At least it's short."

Forty-eight hours later I was online condemning Fox to the depths of hell and the rest is history . . .

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Little or no free time, but want to help?
Help Spread the Signal:


Sunday, May 14, 2006 3:08 PM


i was against firefly before i ever saw it. i'm not big onto sci-fi, i don't like aliens, the only sci-fi that kept me interested were the original start wars movies.

on a messgae board i post on, everyone always told me how great firefly was, you have to watch it, yada yada and i would reply "i don't want to watch your goddamn show" so i never did. i figured, hey, it's sci fi, and it got cancelled, so it can't be that good.

one day one of the posters sent me to a site where i could download the episodes, so i downloaded the pilot and gave it a shot, so they would leave me alone about it.

now i own the dvds, the BDM, a shirt, the comics, and spread it all to everyone i know like it's my job. i bleed brown.


Monday, May 15, 2006 3:33 AM


Well a friend of mine told me about Firefly, he had often recommended good stuff before, but for some reason I kinda ignored his advice.

Then another friend, who I had lived with at Uni and had got me hooked on Angel (we didn't work, we just watched Angel constantly), mentioned it and said it was by Joss Whedon and that it was amazing. So I tried bugging the first friend to lend me the series. Then I found out the film Serenity which had impressed me with its trailers was based on it.

Well what could I do? To the Reavers with waiting for my friend to get round to lending it to me, I went straight onto and ordered the series, I had to wait a painstaking 4 days for it to arrive. Thank god I had no idea how good it would be, or that wait would have been hell.

I watched about 3-4 episodes a night until it was all done, then I was sad :-(, the movie had left the cinema and the DVD wasn't guna be out for ages.
Then after discussing Firefly with a third mate, he brought round his copy of the BDM he got from America so everything was shiny, well 'cept the fact everyone talked through it and I actually had to wait for it to come out in England before I got to absorb it all.

Anyway a strange and complicated story.



Monday, May 15, 2006 3:36 AM



Originally posted by meangoldfish:
i was against firefly before i ever saw it. i'm not big onto sci-fi, i don't like aliens, the only sci-fi that kept me interested were the original start wars movies.

on a messgae board i post on, everyone always told me how great firefly was, you have to watch it, yada yada and i would reply "i don't want to watch your goddamn show" so i never did. i figured, hey, it's sci fi, and it got cancelled, so it can't be that good.

one day one of the posters sent me to a site where i could download the episodes, so i downloaded the pilot and gave it a shot, so they would leave me alone about it.

now i own the dvds, the BDM, a shirt, the comics, and spread it all to everyone i know like it's my job. i bleed brown.

Lol, and now you would never use the word 'Goddamn'.



Monday, May 15, 2006 3:39 AM



Originally posted by nirwin:
everything was shiny, well 'cept the fact everyone talked through it and I actually had to wait for it to come out in England before I got to absorb it all.


Grrr! There is a VERY special hell reserved for people who talk through the BDM.

Violence has been known to ensue in my house when someone doesn't pay enough attention or (gasp) actually dares to fall asleep!


Monday, May 15, 2006 4:10 AM



Originally posted by EmmaRigby:

Grrr! There is a VERY special hell reserved for people who talk through the BDM.

Violence has been known to ensue in my house when someone doesn't pay enough attention or (gasp) actually dares to fall asleep!

Sleep....?!? Through Serenity? I don't think the kind of violence you are hinting at is really enough punishment, if it wasn't for the fact that at least YOU could still watch the movie, I would suggest putting them in an airlock with the outer door locked open and then leaving atmo.



Monday, May 15, 2006 4:21 AM



Originally posted by nirwin:

Originally posted by EmmaRigby:

Sleep....?!? Through Serenity? I don't think the kind of violence you are hinting at is really enough punishment, if it wasn't for the fact that at least YOU could still watch the movie, I would suggest putting them in an airlock with the outer door locked open and then leaving atmo.


I know!! They had thew affrontery to protest that I'd made them watch it 3 times in a week, as if that was any excuse!!


Monday, May 15, 2006 4:27 AM


Blame it on Wallace and Gromit

The first i heard about was from an interview in the Brit Sci Fi mag SFX. They reviewed the film and mentioned it would be best to watch the series first, as did every other movie critic

Week after that i went to the fliks and it was either Serenity or Wallace and Gromit. Since i knew nothing about the 'verse, and i was doing an animation course, it was W&G (i'm going to the other special hell and my only chance to see the BDM on a big screen )

Week after that, saw the box set on sale in HMV, and other all the good reviews, picked it up, began it watch it a couple of days later, and was converted in one whole night

Cheers Joss

And know i'm never going back!!!


Monday, May 15, 2006 7:40 AM


Saw a trailer in the cinema for Serenity (I'm a Brit without cable - dark ages) and my husband said - 'let's go see that', but first, for the sake of completeness, he bought me the box set for Xmas, so I knew the backstory.

Poor, poor fool. I started off drooling at Captain Mal ('cos,well, who wouldn't ) and he just about put up with that. And then I developed a nasty fixation for the Hero of Canton.

And then I jumped 'ship on, got inspired and have posted some 25,000 words in a month, with a few more notebooks to go. I need to get out more.


"You should never have your best trousers on when you turn out to fight for freedom and truth"
H Ibsen


Monday, May 15, 2006 8:17 AM


I kind of got dragged into the 'verse, really.

I'm a frequent reader, and on the advent of Serenity, the crap was flying between the Browncoats and the rs pretty constantly, but I didn't really have an opinion. I never saw Firefly, I was only vaguely aware of Joss from Buffy, which I never really got that into, and the trailer for Serenity didn't do much for me. But one weekend my little brother wanted to go to the movies, and I wasn't paying, so I figured, "what the heck, why not?"

And then Serenity happened and my brain exploded.

After that I dropped 40 bucks for the box set, started using the words "shiny" and "reckon" in strange contexts, and the rest is, as they say, history.

This was my first post, BTW. So hi, I guess.

Here we are, on the raggedy edge. Don't push me, and I won't push you.


Monday, May 15, 2006 8:30 AM


Once you're in Serenity you never leave.
You learn to live in it.

I was introduced to the 'Verse thanks to my mother, brother and the SciFI channel. They had decided to do a marathon on the SciFi channel and build hype for Serenity which was coming out the next month. So I had my own apartment and I didn't have cable. So then my brother and my mom are telling me about this fantastic show called Firefly. THey had taped eight epiosdes on two tapes since that was the first marathon. It was great because they played them in the order originally planned. Serenity parts one and two first etc. So they had me come over the house and showed me the first half of the pilot. I fell in love with Mal instantly. Then the episode ended with him staring down at River curled up in her box. Then they turned to look at me. With a huge grin I said..don't just sit there! Play the next one. So they watched the rest of the pilot with me and then let me take the tape home. I watched that thing four times in like two days and begged to get the other three my brother taped. I didn't want to give the tape back. We had found something special and I connected with this crew and with the ship and the need to be free and to keep flyin. After getting my hands on the other tape I went to and ordered the BD series in full. I didn't wait for SciFi channel to play the rest. And with each trailer for the BDM I got more excited and began to understand what this was all about. When I got the DVDs I watched the series from start to finish in a day and a half and then counted down the days to the premiere of Serenity. Of course it didn't come to the theatre in my town so my mom, my brother and I drove an hour and a half to the theatre that was playing it. It was amazing to see the BD heroes on the big screen! I was so into the movie and wondered how many Browncoats sat in that dark theater with me. I was so afraid that Joss was going to kill everyone as during the final battle with Reavers one after another of the crew kept going down. I kept thinking. Joss is going to kill everyone and never do another movie! I was so tense during that last part that I was totally focused on the screen as if by sheer will I could jump into the screen and help them fight. I cried during the funeral for Wash, Book and Mr. Universe. I hope with all of my being that there will be more adventure in the 'Verse for the crew of a battered Firefly called Serenity.

So now I call myself a Browncoat proudly and hope to one day get to go to a shindig or a convention. My mom and brother, while they are fans are not Browncoats. I get picked on! Ridiculed when I have Firefly in my DVD player (which is all the time) when they come over, or I have the soundtrack playing from the movie or the series. I let my mom borrow my laptop and they found my fanfic and laughed at it! They said they didn't read all of what was there but I don't believe them. They enjoy Firefly okay, but in moderation. I don't go more than two days without watching an episode. The only other thing I ever got into at this degree is Lord of the Rings. And I get picked on when I mention that too! ohhh. It is so frustrating. But it is comforting to know that I have a home here with my fellow Browncoats who understand my passion, connection and love for all things Firefly. So now that I have found Serenity I will never leave, I will live in it. I will hold till Mal gets back and proudly wear that dusty Brown coat. Shiny!

Lady Serenity


Monday, May 15, 2006 8:40 AM


Welcome, Mr. Chimp. I'd recommend staying off those Reaver ships, they run without containment and you end up glowing in the dark.

Glad you found your way into the 'verse. Keep holding, and keep spreading the good word. Next thing you know we'll be flying again.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Monday, May 15, 2006 8:48 AM


Hi all! This is my first post so I thought this thread would be an appropriate one. :)

I've been a Buffy fan since season 2. I blindly turned to Angel when Buffy was in its last season...I just couldn't let go of the Buffyverse and Angel was slightly related. Well, both of those ended and there was Firefly.

Sadly, I just didn't want to watch this odd show. I had heard about it when it was in pre-production, when it aired and when the series came out on DVD. Still no interest, even though it was by Joss.

Fast Forward to January of this year. After having spent three months on what amounted to couch rest for a broken arm (fell of my horse), I decided to give Firefly a try. I had watched all of Buffy and Angel again and was still thirsty for some more Joss. I decided to rent the series, but it was out, so had to make do with the movie. LOVED Serenity (although I wouldn't know how wonderful it was until I had watched the series and then the movie...very different perspective on BDM when watched as it should be), went back the next day for the series. I had to go to three different video stores before I found it in stock. Watched the four discs in two days and knew I had to have it for myself.

I've since bought the series and the movie as well as introduced friends to the 'verse. I'm here because I just can't get enough. Now I'm trying to figure out what is available to continue...I know there are comics and podcasts...what the heck are those anyway? Someday I may be able to count myself amoungst the browncoats...for now, I'm in training in something that is tannish colored.


Monday, May 15, 2006 8:55 AM


Knew almost nothing about it. 'Cowboys in Space' was about the long and short of it. Strangely, as an obsessive review reader, I'd never read a word about it anywhere.

Went on holiday, Fall of 2004. Bought it in a Mall somewhere. Possibly Maine, or maybe Vermont. All I remember clearly for some reason, was that it was $24 in a sale.

Impressed by the start, but Staite has the honour of officially hooking, striking, gaffing, stuffing and displaying me in a glass case over the sideboard with "Now I can't get down."

Been like a (thankfully) silent Billy Bass ever since.


Monday, May 15, 2006 9:00 AM


Had a housemate who was into all things Whedon. I'd been religiously watching Buffy and was quite taken with whoever was playing Caleb. Great voice / presence.
My housemate mentioned he'd been in another great show and (illegally) downloaded 'Shindig' so I could see. Neat enough. She was excitedly waiting for the DVDs at this point.
It went out of my mind until I ran into a fellow on the T (subway) wearing a 'can't stop the signal' badge. No way! Serenity: a whole movie? What miracle is this? Gotta check out this series. Impulsively ordered Firefly and that was all she wrote.
Food for thought: if I hadn't seen the counterfeit copy first, I never would've spent all that dough on 5 copies of Firefly and 5 of Serenity and been responsible for many more purchases. In this case, a little theft payed off big-time for the network and the studio.


Monday, May 15, 2006 9:07 AM


For me it was that poster thing that the fans did, they put out a full page article in a load of papers (in the US i think) then that attracted media attention and i saw the article on the BBC and in a newspaper, i thought i would check it out and bacame interested from then on.

i remember one quote from it :
"you keep flying
we will keep watching"

Simon:"If the battle was so horrible, why did he name the ship after it?"
Zoe:"Once you've been in serenity you never leave"


Monday, May 15, 2006 12:09 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

And because I didn't mean to hijack your thread, SimonB...

Hey FollowMal and Brexan - no apologies necessary, we're all here because we love the show and we're all here to talk about it. It's all good - so keep going! It's what makes this site such a shiny place.

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Monday, May 15, 2006 12:59 PM


I had heard about all the good reviews Firefly got, but didn't watch much network tv back then. Saw the trailer for Serenity, saw Adam, and knew I wanted to get the dvd. Before the dvd came out, I happened to catch most of one of the scifi channels marathons of Firefly and was hooked. Been bleedin' brown ever since!



Monday, May 15, 2006 1:00 PM


For me, I heard about Firefly airing and I made sure to tune in as much as I could. I could've just "watched" it, but b/c me never finishing "Out of Gas", I searched online for Firefly fan pages as well as fictions b/c I had this burning desire to know what happened in the series.

And so, that's how I got to this board and getting to know the storyline before actually watching the series on DVD.


Monday, May 15, 2006 1:43 PM


Welcome here, RugBug and RadioactiveChimp...glad to have you!

I had been keeping up with the upcoming new fall season back in Ought-Two, and was looking forward to Firefly having read positive things about Joss and Firefly before its debut. I have to say, though, the few ads I saw kind of made me question my anticipation. But I planned to watch it anyway, ended up getting home late that night and missed the first 10 min., or so. I felt like I had missed a hell of a lot more than that! I I figured that I had messed up and missed the pilot episode somehow (which, obviously, I had), but shrugged my shoulders and tried to piece together what was going on.

The show surprized me repeatedly, and as soon as Mal kicked Crow through the engine, I started programming my VCR for the next week - I was not going to miss a moment of another episode. And I didn't.


Originally posted by ladyserenity:
I let my mom borrow my laptop and they found my fanfic and laughed at it! They said they didn't read all of what was there but I don't believe them.

*cringe* That is the kind of nightmare scenario that has kept me from writing fanfic for so long.

But sometimes I just can't help myself!

Ain't. We. Just.


Monday, May 15, 2006 2:36 PM


I found Firefly through the movie Serenity. It was a dark, rainy day and I was way too depressed at the office, so I decided to go to downtown Seattle and do some window shopping. I ended up thinking that a movie would be a nice change, so I walked into the 1st movie theater I could find without even bothering to find out what was actually playing.

I was one of those closet sci-fi fans by the way. Before the movie started, the coming attractions included a video of all these people called "brown coats" that was all hyped-up about serenity/Firefly. They were all fanzied up like the people of old who used to be Star Trek fans. I never heard of Firefly, so I didn’t know what that was all about, but it looked interesting, but because I didn’t really know what I was seeing, it didn’t register.

Then the actual movie started and there I sat, by myself, with a bag of popcorn and a soda. I was entranced by the opening scenes with the story of the earth- that- was being over-populated, and how the human race left it and found a new home, and then the I got to watch the whole Simon rescues River scene + the Operative stuff. I still didn’t know what I was seeing.

Then I got to sit and listen to some really good music and watched an unfamiliar ship stamped with the words Serenity, deorbit and reenter a planets atmosphere, and the captain and crew’s behavior seemed so comfortable to me right off. I liked Mal from the moment I saw how he acted and how he thought, and from there I was entranced and ate not a crumb of my popcorn while I watch this totally interesting movie unfold. I didn’t know Wash, but when he died in Serenity I thought “how brutal and unfair” I noticed also that Wash’s wife, Zoë, for a few seconds was in complete denial about his death…I thought this was a good touch and made the movie more real for me. I was Stunned by Summer Glau’s acting. She reminded me at the time, of myself, which should give you an idea of my private state of mind at the time.

I got home later and googled Serenity and Firefly. I later went out and purchased the whole box set of Firefly and watched the whole thing on a Saturday. I was hooked, totally hooked. And then I felt cheated, and then I got mad, and then I went crazy.


P.S. I think I love Nathan Fillion


Monday, May 15, 2006 2:55 PM


I first remember watching the show, but I didn't understand it. It wasn't until I grew up a little and became a constant movie goer that I watched Serenity and loved. All the images flooded back into my mind like a suppresed memory. I thought to myself, "How could I not like this!". Immeadiatly after going to the opening night of Serenity I got the Series. I was literatly applauded for my purchase, for (even though I didn't know it) there were over 200 people in the theater that night, only 140 chairs, everyone was wearing brown. It was the best feeling I 've ever gotten from a simple T.V. show. This made me come here.

And a good south wind sprung up behind ;
The Albatross did follow,
And every day, for food or play,
Came to the mariner's hollo !


Monday, May 15, 2006 2:56 PM


It was back when I had cable, and cable had the TV Guide Channel. So there I was with that playing in the background (I can't stand silence so a lot of the time I leave the TV playing for background noise) and it said, "Our editors pick is ..." and it went on about Firefly.

It showed a commercial that made it look like the show was utter crap (and they wonder why people didn't watch) but I am a firm believer that you have to give sci-fi two seasons to mature.

So I decided I'd watch it, but I had missed the bit saying when it was coming on (maybe it didn’t sometimes they just say, "This Fall," or some such.) So I looked online, I was fairly sure they said it was coming to Fox. I couldn't find any evidence that a show named Firefly existed (and they wonder why people didn't watch) after looking around the Fox website for ages I became convinced that either I heard the name of the show wrong or it wasn't on Fox.

So I watched commercials on TV on programs that I thought would advertise for such a show. And I saw nothing. Not one commercial on any channel ever. (The only commercial for Firefly I ever saw was the one that Fox didn't actually pay for on the TV Guide Channel that got this whole thing started. And they wonder why people did't watch.)

I watched the TV guide channel hoping that they'd mention it again: nothing.

Before I even reached this point I didn't give a damn about the show anymore I just didn't want the effort I put into it to amount to nothing. I was also wondering if I had somehow imagined the whole thing, I mean try as I might I couldn't find any evidence that a show called, "Firefly," existed.

I remembered that it had been said to be on Fridays though, and so I checked the guide for all the major channels on Fridays ... for a few weeks (I hate quitting.)

I really was becoming convinced that the show simply didn't exist, there was nothing anywhere that talked about a show named Firefly.

Then one Friday there it was, The Train Job. I fully expected it to suck completely and utterly but after I put all that effort into finding it I was determined to watch it anyway.

I was blown away from the start. I hated Fox for that damn commercial that made it look like crap and even more for never playing it or doing anything else to tell anyone the show was coming on.

And from then on I had my Friday nights all planned out, sort of. One week it wasn't there. There'd been no warning, it was just gone. So I looked it up online. That's when I found here.

That's also when I learned that the show was teetering on the brink of cancellation. Of course it came back, it had just been preempted without warning, at least I think that's what they call it.

So the next time it disappeared without warning I was online again, clinging to every little bit of news.

Then after a bit of oddness it was gone. Trickles of goodness came to us, Heart of Gold, Trash, and The Message, the script Dead or Alive, news of people trying to save the show, and the realization that the best show I had ever seen was gone.

I remember the withdrawal, and StarHunter (that took some of the edge off though I'm at a loss to explain why), and hope, and being ignored by every single network in existiance, and more withdrawal, and then finding out Serenity was coming.


That's my story.


Monday, May 15, 2006 2:59 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
I was Stunned by Summer Glau’s acting. She reminded me at the time, of myself, which should give you an idea of my private state of mind at the time.

Provided you aren't talking about the ass kicking I know exactly how you feel.


Monday, May 15, 2006 3:11 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
It was back when I had cable, and cable had the TV Guide Channel. So there I was with that playing in the background (I can't stand silence so a lot of the time I leave the TV playing for background noise) and it said, "Our editors pick is ..." and it went on about Firefly.

It showed a commercial that made it look like the show was utter crap (and they wonder why people didn't watch) but I am a firm believer that you have to give sci-fi two seasons to mature.

So I decided I'd watch it, but I had missed the bit saying when it was coming on (maybe it didn’t sometimes they just say, "This Fall," or some such.) So I looked online, I was fairly sure they said it was coming to Fox. I couldn't find any evidence that a show named Firefly existed (and they wonder why people didn't watch) after looking around the Fox website for ages I became convinced that either I heard the name of the show wrong or it wasn't on Fox.

So I watched commercials on TV on programs that I thought would advertise for such a show. And I saw nothing. Not one commercial on any channel ever. (The only commercial for Firefly I ever saw was the one that Fox didn't actually pay for on the TV Guide Channel that got this whole thing started. And they wonder why people did't watch.)

I watched the TV guide channel hoping that they'd mention it again: nothing.

Before I even reached this point I didn't give a damn about the show anymore I just didn't want the effort I put into it to amount to nothing. I was also wondering if I had somehow imagined the whole thing, I mean try as I might I couldn't find any evidence that a show called, "Firefly," existed.

I remembered that it had been said to be on Fridays though, and so I checked the guide for all the major channels on Fridays ... for a few weeks (I hate quitting.)

I really was becoming convinced that the show simply didn't exist, there was nothing anywhere that talked about a show named Firefly.

Then one Friday there it was, The Train Job. I fully expected it to suck completely and utterly but after I put all that effort into finding it I was determined to watch it anyway.

I was blown away from the start. I hated Fox for that damn commercial that made it look like crap and even more for never playing it or doing anything else to tell anyone the show was coming on.

And from then on I had my Friday nights all planned out, sort of. One week it wasn't there. There'd been no warning, it was just gone. So I looked it up online. That's when I found here.

That's also when I learned that the show was teetering on the brink of cancellation. Of course it came back, it had just been preempted without warning, at least I think that's what they call it.

So the next time it disappeared without warning I was online again, clinging to every little bit of news.

Then after a bit of oddness it was gone. Trickles of goodness came to us, Heart of Gold, Trash, and The Message, the script Dead or Alive, news of people trying to save the show, and the realization that the best show I had ever seen was gone.

I remember the withdrawal, and StarHunter (that took some of the edge off though I'm at a loss to explain why), and hope, and being ignored by every single network in existiance, and more withdrawal, and then finding out Serenity was coming.


That's my story.

That was a good story; you are a stubborn one aren’t you? If it had been I, I would have given up. At that time in my life I kept my Sci-fi leanings under wraps.



Monday, May 15, 2006 3:15 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
That was a good story; you are a stubborn one aren’t you?

Yeah, mostly. I don't mind changing my mind, but I hate failing.


Monday, May 15, 2006 3:16 PM


Son there I was spending two weeks in Pusan, Korea. One of my buds had tapes, there was nothing else to do so I watched a couple episodes, then begged for more. Got home and got the DVD ASAP and been "bleeding brown" ever since.

"Killed me with a sword. How weird is that?"


Monday, May 15, 2006 3:21 PM


I found the verse from watching a scifi trailer that said if some tries to kill you. you kill them right back. I ve been watching it eversince. I even bought the dvds of firefly and serenity. I watch them every day and i read the book. Three times already

Someday the verse will spit in your soup but at least they gave you soup.
one day
one plan
one mission
one army of browncoats
june 23rd serenity day

-Our mission as browncoats is to make us known.


Monday, May 15, 2006 3:28 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
I was Stunned by Summer Glau’s acting. She reminded me at the time, of myself, which should give you an idea of my private state of mind at the time.

Provided you aren't talking about the ass kicking I know exactly how you feel.

No, not the ass kicking LoL! When I saw Serenity back in 2005, I was reaching a point in my life where I seriously felt as though I had sold my soul for profits. I mean really, sold my soul. I am an independent minded woman who is used to doing her own thing, but I came to a point where I had a lot of skeletons in my closet. I had a head full of everyone else's stuff. I was the keeper of everyone else's secrets, including my own. I started to have nightmares, and depression, and the idea of suicide became my friend and constant companion. This is why I liked and related to the character River. I also relate to Mal.....I am as stubborn as him.

I will never let any man take from me that's mine.
Not ever.



Monday, May 15, 2006 3:28 PM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by RiveR6213:
That was a good story; you are a stubborn one aren’t you? If it had been I, I would have given up. At that time in my life I kept my Sci-fi leanings under wraps.


Thats kinda what I did... I happened to stumble upon the pilot... I caught it where they were lowering the bay door. I was like WTF, cowboys ninjas, what they say? Then after the badger and book/kaylee convo.s. I was Hooked.

After it went off I remember saying "This is how Sci-Fi should be". I ranted to my roomate. Loved it. I thought it about later and passed it off as a made for tv movie or miniseries (Big Mistake! C'mon, Say it like arnold)

Didn't even think of it again until I saw a commercial on the Sci-Fi channel for the BDM.
Then found out how it was:
a series
played out of order
DVDS were doing fantastic, Bought 'em!

...and didn't find here til the first of this year.


Monday, May 15, 2006 3:29 PM


Wow! That went over well.

I guess I'm not alone in all of this after all.

If this helps. I never fail to cry and shed many tears after watching Serenity. Call me weak...perhaps, but it gets to me that way.



Monday, May 15, 2006 4:20 PM


I loved Buffy and Angel but missed Firefly during it's run on Fox. Fall/Winter 2002 was a bad time for me personally and I didn't watch much TV. Then three years later a friend of mine told me about Serenity coming out so I went to see it on opening night and I loved it. I saw it a couple more times in theaters. A couple of weeks ago I bought the Firefly DVD and I've been watching it over and over since ( I wish there were more episodes!) and I bought the Serenity DVD. Outtakes is my favorite part of that DVD. Nathan Fillion is hilarious, especially in the part where he tells Zoe to strap Book's corpse front and center on Serenity and then tells Kaylee to find the kid taking the dirt nap with baby Jesus to use as a hood ornament. I laugh out loud every time Fillion says "I've seen so much death" and then starts dancing. I don't know why that cracks me up every time but it does. I read about how Firefly fans helped get the go ahead for Serenity so I began checking out Firefly sites and this was my favorite so I joined.

I wanna be Mr. Baccarin!


Monday, May 15, 2006 4:24 PM


Should I scream now or later?



Monday, May 15, 2006 4:37 PM


I kept helping this one guy in my math class with his hw like, every day. Over the summer, he went to Pakistan, and as a thank-you gift, he gave me like 15 bootleg DVDs. One of them was serenity, which I watched and promptly got hooked on. Bought both the BDM and the BDS off of Amazon, and I've been lurking in my local hot topic recently on the off chance that they may have some ff shirts .


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:48 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
If this helps. I never fail to cry and shed many tears after watching Serenity. Call me weak...perhaps, but it gets to me that way.

I'd call you heartless if you didn't.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:51 AM


I followed the signs to CINEMA and turned left at obsession.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:33 AM


Hey, DallasFirefly.. welcome to the site.. I'm a little late with this, but here's your browncoat...

*hands DallasFirefly a browncoat*

You already know what a great place this is, so I won't expound on that.. but I will remind you to share Firefly/Serenity with everyone. Cuz we all want more!

Nathan is my favorite part of Firefly/Serenity too.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:23 AM


You dont find the verse, the verse finds you when you are ready.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:00 AM


My story is probably like a lot of others'. I watched Buffy from time to time, but never really got into it. I intended on watching Firefly, but missed the first couple of episodes. After missing them, the rest were easy to disregard, as I had no attachment yet. Anyway, I heard about Serenity and decided to give it a try. My friend, me, and only 2 other people were in the theater that day. "Oh crap," I thought, "get ready for a stinkfest." Well, I was pleasantly surprised. I fell in love with it immediately. The rollercoaster of feelings was at times too much, which most movies nowadays don't come close to accomplishing. I also walked away from it trying to remember the lines. The dialogue was so unique, I wanted to be the first to repeat it to my friends. The next week, I purchased the series on DVD and watched it straight through in just a few days. I then made my wife sit and watch it with me again. That's how it all started for me. I only regret that I saw Serenity before Firely.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:08 AM


Just mind you admire him from afar FollowMal and we will be jest fine you and me.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:19 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
Just mind you admire him from afar FollowMal and we will be jest fine you and me.

FMF- must I remind you that the Cappy and I are on storeroom inventory terms... but I don't mind you wishin'

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:27 AM


Yeah, but he and I are gonna be on "Good Bible" terms.

wink wink
nudge nudge
say no more
say no more






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