Male and Female Imponderables, the Third

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 15:06
VIEWED: 11396
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:24 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:

First - copilot, you kill me with your sudden discussion of knives, I'm with Emma about the initial reaction of WTF!!! Are you really saying erotica knife play? (You're wrecking my naivete!)

No, no! I'm fine with the idea for oither people! Some people juggle geese!

But I'm a coward who, whilst turned on by reading about gentle S&M, has absolutely no tolerance for pain and so knives anywhere near my person would be a bad idea!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:32 AM


Yes pain can be pleasurable but every one has that point where it stops being fun and becomes.....well painful!!

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:34 AM


Please excuse my rudeness, I try not to butt into other folk's buisness. Co-pilot fits the profile of an attractive young woman. She is a bit more brave than most in that class as they would fake confidence rather than share real human vulnerability. Thank you. It is refreshing to know that your kind still exists in these the vast expanses between beings.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:34 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
*big hug*

Try not to feel too bad. I've never even been on a date.


Hmm, I've been on a total of three dates (3 dates and slept with 3 guys! Huh! This is entirely a coincidence and should not be interpreted as me being a slut!).

Two were with guys that I decided were boring and the third was with a prince who made me watch whilst he ate fish and chips in his car (I couldn't afford any myself), although to be fair he did buy me a chocolate bar for pudding! This was the first guy I chose to sleep with. I wonder if that has something to do with my poor self-confidence. Which came first....?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:52 AM


Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma

Who was this clod and can I ask Citizen to pound the crap out of him for me.

Or any other man over there


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:57 AM


*warming up the engine*

Emma, tell me where he is...engine's about ready.

Not trying to be the "Noble Male", but whenever I went on a date, I paid for everything. I never asked for "dutch", nor did I accept any money offered. It was the way I was raised, and it gave me pleasure to do so. Some guys are just jerks.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:59 AM


I am more upset the the bl99dy w*nker didn't buy her some fish and chips! Or a kebab! Nor nothin!

I must find him and beat him with my winkelmesseer.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:02 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma

Who was this clod and can I ask Citizen to pound the crap out of him for me.

Or any other man over there

Ah Bless you all for your support but I'm really not bitter. I was 17 (he was a 27 year old truck driver but the only willing male I could find, being at the time at an all girl's school) and very ready! I guess I used him as much as he used me! Still, I may hold out for a little more romance in future!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:59 AM


Even so, She eats before I do, no ifs ands or buts. I just hope you were using protection, cause truckdrivers tend to binge on the whole sex thing. At least in this country. ((U.S.A))

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:02 PM


Did anyone else see that?!?
Someone apprciates me and my that little (lot) of oddness I've got to me.

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:04 PM


Gotta say that guy does need to get his asrse kicked!!! Hard! Yipes all girl school?!? I can see that causeing a person to be a little less selective in the dating department.

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:13 PM


Yep, an all girls school can really scew your perception. I wen't from thinking that all boys were hrrible spotty little gits to thinking that they were the essential meaning of life. I feel I have matured some now and realise that the truth lies somewhere in the middle!

Anough of my mis-spent youth. Time to hear about someone else's. I've actually never hear of anyone who's first time was something they remembered as a mind-blowingly wonderful experience. Am I just jaded, do such people exist?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:20 PM


you guys are sure hard to keep up with... you hop around threads like your dancing on the sun.... (sorry, but i've been stranded in the Catsup vs. Ketchup thread for about a week now)....

ok, so i didn't just fall off of the turnip truck...well, actually i did and boy did it hurt... but i'll give you the beauty is only skin deep thing... i dig brains.... (not professionaly of course)...

but...Babes (xcuse the slang)...but Babes get more perks than anything.... the worst driver i've ever known - cute blonde....perky know the type.... never had a ticket in her life....she could run me over, back up and do it away in the wrong lane and i would get the ticket.... i don't think the cute factor applies to guys in this case.... i just can't bring myself to roll my eyes and purse my lips at a big, burly highway patrol man....

where is the justice in that?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:35 PM



Originally posted by Dayve:

Babes get more perks than anything....

where is the justice in that?

Grrr! Don't even get me started. I've had two dream jobs stolen out from under me by pretty leggy blondes. One of them I could conceivably believe was cleverer than me (although I have to say she his it very well) but the other was a complete cow and, completely co-incidentally, happened to have just started sleeping with the guy in charge! But I'm not bitter, no I wish them both well in life.
[sound of teeth grinding]


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:44 PM


Poor Emma!!!
Yeah the more attractive a person is the better they get treated. It sucks!
Although sometimes being attractive can work against a person. I'm not bad looking so sometimes women don't like me automatically. But usually they arn't very interesting people to begin with.

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:37 PM



Originally posted by Dayve:

(sorry, but i've been stranded in the Catsup vs. Ketchup thread for about a week now)....

Oooh oooh where is it?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:41 PM



Originally posted by Rhyianan:
I'm with the rest of the clueless people. How do you tell when a guy is interested? I too have had the experience of having a nice conversation and later being told that the guy was hitting on me.

Even more pitiful, I have actually gone on a date without realizing that it was a date because I had no clue the guy was into me.

Please someone, give us some insight.

I've done that!!! It's totally embarassing. Thankfully, I don't have to risk ever seeing him again.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:41 PM


Well my first time was an attempt to see what "all the fuss was about" at 16.

His name was Jim. He was loverly. He liked me A LOT. Got SO STONED on his way over that when we finally got to business he missed. Completely 4 times.

So I was left in relatively pristine state for another year


That is so funny!



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:30 PM


I just found this thread, and i have enjoyed the thoughtful and (relatively) clean replies to such topics (knives? eugh). Having read this, there is something i feel i need to share/ask opinions about.

I've been "going out" with a grade 8 at my school for about 3 months now, having known her for about 4. I myself am a 17 and a half year old Grade 12 male. This is my first gf, and at this point in time we still haven't kissed. 17 and a half and never been kissed. You wouldn't believe how damaging that can be to one's self esteem in today's society, watching all my friends snogging at drunken parties and having had significant others since the seventh grade. I have always been raised to be the polite person, and i have always been quite on the shy side (though i've gotten more outgoing in the past few years), which probably explains the sitch. Anywhoo, we haven't really done anything yet barring frequent dog walks and the occasional DVD viewing. No real "dates", per se.

My fear is, that this is finally taking its toll. She's a nice girl and i like her a lot, and she's surprisingly mature for her age. But this past month or so i have found myself having strong feelings for someone else as well, who is a 10th grader and a long-term family friend, who i find myself seeing in a new light recently. I dont like my gf any less, but this has royally fogged things up. And i feel utterly terrible. I don't want to be THAT guy, and i don't want to risk the uber-long-term friendship i have with this other person, and i have no reason to believe that my feelings are reciprocated. Just very good friends. I feel like a vile human being and a huge, well, lets say starts with a B and rhymes w/mastered (Never cussed yet, barring Gorram). I hate this situation and i hope it will pass, but this has been a gradually rising issue for months now, longer than the time i've known my gf.

What do i do? I need to be consoled, flamed, or something. I just don't know what to do. Any opinions?

Oy. Done venting. Great thing about I wouldn't feel comfortable doing this anywhere else.

I'm babbling like a moonbrain.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:35 PM


OK Sweet heart. I speak from my heart, with love and joy that you are respectful of her and yourself. But I have to say, again with love, YOU ARE TOO FREAKIN OLD FOR HER!

You are 17? She is what? 13. You are in 2 different galaxies - eons apart.

You need to convey to her your love and respect and you need to tell her that you want her to be happy and to have a good, healthy life and you need to move on.

You stay with her and you are going to be bringing her into a world she is unprepared for, should you have sex. A world that regardless of her maturity she is too young for.

But thats just me.

edited - then go out and find a girl that is in your age group that you can have fun with and feel comfortable with. This girl that is a good friend - just be friends and you will find out in time if it is something more.

It isn't a crime to not have had sex or snogged at 17. It isn't a crime not to have dated at 17. Your friends that have been dating since 7th grade are moving too fast.

It is better in life, when you have these feelings, to be honest and kind to your girl/wife/lover. It is more cruel to let it get to the point that you cheat or start to resent them.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:16 PM


My darling Chollette please please please break up with the girl! She's way too young for you. The teen years can really mess a person up if they try to grow up to fast.
I understand it's safer to be with someone younger because it's your first girlfriend but move on darlin.
I don't mean to be rude at all that's just my opinion.

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:21 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
Yep, an all girls school can really scew your perception. I wen't from thinking that all boys were hrrible spotty little gits to thinking that they were the essential meaning of life. I feel I have matured some now and realise that the truth lies somewhere in the middle!

Anough of my mis-spent youth. Time to hear about someone else's. I've actually never hear of anyone who's first time was something they remembered as a mind-blowingly wonderful experience. Am I just jaded, do such people exist?

I very very much enjoyed my first time. I'm the only one I've ever talked to who can say that, though. Not that it didn't hurt, of course, but it was still very nice. It blew my mind with the newness, and once the shock was over... well, suffice to say my mind was blown another way
But as I state over and over, I'm pretty rare when it comes to views and experiences with sex. And I only ever slept with the one guy at this point... oh man, I miss that...

Gorram this thread got long while I was away!

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:40 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Okay! Gotten caught up now!
Okay, first, Chollette, I agree with the others here. A girl in 8th grade is too young for you. Now you've kinda got your toes in the dating pool, so I say go for this other who is closer to your age. The younger one does probably (I hope) see you as a really good friend, esspecially as you haven't kissed her yet. I agree that it would be much healthier for her to just leave it that way. I have compared the two social groups in my life; those that dated really young, and those who didn't date until later, and those who waited (myself included) are much better off. Don't feel bad about not doing much yet, esspecially being shy. I have a very shy friend who didn't kiss anyone til she was nineteen, and still hasn't gone further at 23, and I commend her for waiting because it did me worlds of good. I didn't kiss anyone til I was nearly 17 (I was 16 and 11 months to be exact) and was intimate until two years later. I totally beleive this was the right decision. I know you feel a bit inadequate right now, surrounded by people who are trying to grow up too fast, but you really shouldn't!
Okay, moving on to earlier disscussion:
I never have trouble telling if someone is interested in me. My big clue is if they keep seeking me out to talk to me or stare at me when they are talking to me. Sometimes I pretend to be clueless because I'm not interested, and sometimes the chemistry isn't there for me so I just smile and nod and eventually wander off. Not trying to sound like a horrible person here; just don't want anyone to get false hope. My big problem tends to be more getting them to realize I'm interested in them. I've talked to so many guys who are all like "Well, I didn't know if you were serious or just flirting..." For crying out loud! Really, it's a duration thing. If it's really quick, it probably is "just flirting" but if I keep trying to talk to you you should notice meeeeeeeee!
Sorry. Whine whine whine. I haven't even found a guy interested in flirting with me as of late. I can be a good flirt, but if I'm getting nothing back I kinda get stumped. Mrrrrrrrrrr.
Anyway, great discussion up there! Sorry to have missed so much of it in my pursuit of sleep

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:53 PM


I have become a none.

Ain't got none
Ain't gonna get none.

I am alone in my aloneness


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:00 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I have become a none.

Ain't got none
Ain't gonna get none.

I am alone in my aloneness

*hugs FMF and pats her back*
We are both alone in aloneness, honey, it's okay!
Be right back!
*runs to get ice cream*
There! Comfort chick fest!

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:04 PM


ICE CREAM!!!!!!! ICE CREAM!!!!!!

All is right in my world now


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:13 PM


I wuv you too FutureMrsFillion. Brownies and vodka here for you if you want them. Also I don't know if it's you're cup of tea but I have double western bacon cheesburgers by the truck load. They always make me feel better.

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:15 PM


Brownies and vodka! That reminds me of high school! Shiny!

and I wuv you


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:18 PM


Brownies and vodka is exactly like high school!

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:19 PM


we used to carry baby bottles with "milk" and "juice" until the GORRAM administration discovered our ruse!

I was a bad bad girl with a mispent youth


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:25 PM


hahahaha classic!

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:36 PM



Ah! Somebody said the P word! Whew! I can stop being all tactful!

The "p word"? Oh my god... I really need to stay out of this thread!!! If tact or weither going over the line or TMI was weither or not just mentioning pornography... I had best stay FAR away from this thread least I scare the )#(*$#)( out of every woman on the planet!!

Very few could handle an endless lust and passion.. one without limits.. and to the depths of how deep is forever unknown...



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:15 PM


The new college trick is colored Nalgene Water Bottles. Works well for sneakily bringing booze to work.

As for you chollette, you should really just break up with the girl. She's too young for you and you are definitely in very different places in life. There's nothing wrong with not dating right away. I didn't and I still don't really. I tend to get bored with the whole "settling down" thing. I'm only 22 for crying out loud! Everything will happen when it's meant to, which sounds lame even to me. Quit rolling your eyes! But seriously, hang out with this other girl some more and try and feel out the situation. She might even have some cute friends that you could meet, thus concluding with you seeing someone AND preserving the friendship. On another less than serious note, where are you from? If you're not from the U.S., you should come here for university. College girls will throw themself at you, I promise. Especially if you have an accent.

And copilot, are these brownies "special"?

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:50 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Smaug:
Very few could handle an endless lust and passion.. one without limits.. and to the depths of how deep is forever unknown...


You making an offer? Or is it more of a challenge?

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:54 PM


Very special brownies indeed!

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:58 PM


Oooh! I've never had a special brownie. Always wanted one!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:07 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*warily eyes special brownies*
I'm thinkin' I'll stick to my nice clean ice cream. Chocolate is good for the soul.

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:24 AM


Good morning, all!

Chocolate: necessity or pleasant diversion?

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:37 AM


...hum...special brownies...this reminds me of a conversation i recently had with a couple of female friends - they both agreed that they preferred to smoke a little weed before sex. One even went so far as to say that she had never achieved an orgasm until she tried pot, but since then she has had the best "results" only after smoking....
I'm not necessariy advocating this method, but if it works, why not... just wondered if anyone has had this experience...


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:46 AM


Wow, until I get at-home internet I will never keep up with this thread!

I've never had special brownies, but I had special onion soup. Seriously! Chemist boyfriend. Oh - and the special occasion was going to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. What an evening.

Tristan, chocolate isn't so much a necessity for me as whipped cream, ice cream, cheesecake, etc... oh, the lipids!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:33 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Dayve:
...hum...special brownies...this reminds me of a conversation i recently had with a couple of female friends - they both agreed that they preferred to smoke a little weed before sex. One even went so far as to say that she had never achieved an orgasm until she tried pot, but since then she has had the best "results" only after smoking....
I'm not necessariy advocating this method, but if it works, why not... just wondered if anyone has had this experience...

That is in fact the strangest thing I've ever heard.

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:42 AM


ok, so i guess that's a No from PhoenixRose....

(really, i didn't make that up...honest)


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:49 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Dayve:
ok, so i guess that's a No from PhoenixRose....

(really, i didn't make that up...honest)

That would be a definite No from the straight-edged one, yes.
I'm sure you didn't make it up, just weird to me. I don't want to sound superior or something, here, but it makes me a little sad that there are women who can't orgasm without an outside chemical. It tells me they have a lot of barriers that they refuse to let down; a serious and unaddressed problem locking them off from pleasure unless something messes with their chemistry. It's too bad. I know a girl with that kind of barrier. Don't think she's used pot to overcome it (at least, not in that way) but she completely shuts down at the mention of anything sexual because she says she doesn't want to be vulnerable. I think something happened to her that she hasn't looked at yet to make her feel this way, and I really hope she addresses it someday because she's a lovely person who deserves to experience true intimacy.

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:57 AM


Hey Dayve -

That actually surprises me. Dope can get me in the mood, but not in any place where it can be acted on. I just go to sleep!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:34 AM


yeah, i find that to be true as well...

But as far as the female orgasm, i have to plead a certain amount of ignorance... I've always considered myself an unselfish lover (hopefully more than adequate anyway), and I have always done my best to please whomever i was with - my wife has no complaints...Like all couples who are successful in maintaining a good relationship, we are very open and honest with one another in the love making department (in all things really)...and we have never needed any outside "help" to satisfy each other.... but i am a just a dumb male and human at that, so usually when the kinds of conversations arise (like the one mentioned above) - i try to seem knowlegable or at the very least, interested in what i'm hearing... but we're entering into some of the deepest realms of ancient mystery to the average man - I've never had a woman crack open a book and pick up in Chaper 10 during love making, but I don't doubt that some have faked orgasm just to be nice... So, I don't think anything should be disregarded, if that something can help a woman (or man) achieve sexual pleasure....


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:35 AM



That's one of the stranger things I've heard. As for me, I don't know that it would change anything. I've never tried that, but I've also never been able to get high off of marijuana. I think I'm immune.

One of my friends made special tea before. Apparently that was delicious.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:37 AM


Its hormonal. I SWEAR!


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:38 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by Dayve:
ok, so i guess that's a No from PhoenixRose....

(really, i didn't make that up...honest)

That would be a definite No from the straight-edged one, yes.
I'm sure you didn't make it up, just weird to me. I don't want to sound superior or something, here, but it makes me a little sad that there are women who can't orgasm without an outside chemical. It tells me they have a lot of barriers that they refuse to let down; a serious and unaddressed problem locking them off from pleasure unless something messes with their chemistry. It's too bad. I know a girl with that kind of barrier. Don't think she's used pot to overcome it (at least, not in that way) but she completely shuts down at the mention of anything sexual because she says she doesn't want to be vulnerable. I think something happened to her that she hasn't looked at yet to make her feel this way, and I really hope she addresses it someday because she's a lovely person who deserves to experience true intimacy.

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

You're mostly right with the barrier theory.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:43 AM


OK so THATS weird! Immune?

Well Dayve, don't "need" it, but it does help. As a matter of fact I don't touch the stuff precisely because it causes me to lose my clothing. Its instaneous. Buzz, lose clothing.

I am the came way with Tequila.

Jose Cuervo is the friend of the man I am with


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:10 AM


FMF - you're hilarious! You must be the life of the party!


I am the came way with Tequila.

Freudian slip?

Immune not SO weird - I was immune through undergrad, it took until I had a boyfriend with a serious habit that I tried enough to get past the immunity.

I think it was the jacked onion soup that did it.

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.






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