Now its time for Rhyme with FMF

UPDATED: Saturday, June 24, 2006 09:00
VIEWED: 1550
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:37 AM



So the Limerick thread is WAY too long and takes forever to load on the POS that I call a computer at work.

The Haikus made my headache and headache BAD.

The Burma Shave was fun. but where is it?

SO now it's just Rhyme time.



River can kill Jayne
with her brain!

OK, now I am stuck


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:40 AM


The lady called Future Mrs Fillion
is (probably, hopefully) not reptilian... :)
but she would take the smallest chance
to find herself in Mal's tight pants.
They'd start as friends, when they became closer
they'd be so happy, it wouldnt be go se,
and Mal would take plenty of captainish pride
in his pretty Firefly Flan friendly bride.
This poem our Nathan was one morning readin'
and phoned up the god that they call Mr Whedon,
to try and persuade him to hopefully do
one more series of our lovely Firefly (or two)...
but surprisingly Future Mrs Fillion
inspired not one, not two, but one million
more episodes, so we could se it was true,
so what could those naughty Fox employees do???
They took back our Crew and they took back our Show
and they took back our Joss (that Big Damn Hero)
who was totally, very, remarkably happy
because the Fox exec were not being crappy.
So Nathan said "uh, hold on a sec, boss,"
to the hard-working, wonderful, awesomest Joss,
"I think we should try to increase all the cast
Let's put some of our fans in this, at last."
"Hurrah, what a jolly good plan" Joss replied,
"and guess what? Shepherd Book hasnt just died,
and for OurMrsWashburne, Wash hasnt either...
he didnt get harpooned and squicked by a Reaver."
The fans did the Dance of Joy, as he wrote many
new episodes, with more new cast, and just then he
called FollowMal on her Firefly phone
and managed to get her relaxing at home.
"Can you bring your army of loyal Browncoats
to act in our series and maybe take notes?"
"Why sure, Mr Whedon," our leader agreed,
and all of us oh so delightedly *squeeeeeeeee*'d
when Joss put us into a series (or two)
so blame Mrs Fillion. That's what I'd do. :D

That do?

and this one. Sorry, I put it in the Limericks thread, like a moonbrain. :)


Wash got in a strop with his Mrs
in between all the cuddles and kisses
He said "well I've reckoned
to Mal I come second,
If that isn't go se, well this is!"

Of course he was talking of going
with Mal where the violence was blowing;
he talked round the boss
and Zoe was cross
and for once all her feelings were showing.

So Wash and the Cap' went away
(not stopping for beers on the way)
They ran into Niska
and took a big risk, a
big problem for both of them, hey?

So hooded and blindfolded Mal's
stuck with Wash out in Niska's corrals,
both tied to, uh... something...
I'm sorry. Mal and Wash tied up and blindfolded...? I dont need a last line. Hell, I dont even need a joke. Next verse!

So poor Wash and Mal went through pain
And Mal pissed off Wash once again
by saying although he
was Boss, he'd do Zoe,
and be better than both Wash and Jayne!

Then Zoe burst in through the door
and Niska, surprised, was unsure,
but just like Shan Yu
he knew what to do
And he tried to make her hurt some more.

But Zoe's too strong for his plan,
this "you have to choose" that he ran.
With one outheld hand
she made her own stand
and rescued her Wash, her one man.

If Niska was pissed, he'd not show it,
so like Shan Yu the sadistic poet
he cut off Mal's ear
with a smile full of cheer,
Zoe took it, but inside thought "Blow it."

Now Niska though he had a bargain,
this was like his Edenish Garden,
Mal Reynolds alone
to skin to the bone!
Mal grinned, cupped his ear, and said "Pardon?"

Then Mal showed Niska his self,
which was bad for Adelai's health.
He killed him precisely
then wiped the blades nicely
and put the toy back on its shelf.

He came back all bloody a lot,
but Inara still thought he was hot.
The Doc fixed his cuts
Jayne thought he was nuts
but denied it and only said "what?!"

Poor Wash in the midst of the group
had kindly been fixed some Wife Soup
He knew he'd done well
and Zoe could tell
he was planning his next loop the loop.

Then Mal wandered in with such class
Hit on Zoe then, bolder than brass.
She told him to take her
Wash thought "she's a faker!"
and dragged her off, smacking her ass.

The end :)


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:26 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

The Burma Shave was fun. but where is it?

Here it is!

We found the time,
And made the rhymes,
Using a Burma ad,
We revived the fad.



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:01 PM


River can kill Jayne
with her brain

Here goes:

But twas all a dream
as our merry bunch float down the stream.
Come all ye ladies, Mal is a rogue
cause tonight said Capt is sitting w/ ladies from Envouge.
So shiny ain't it ye bad guys
This cappers gonna work no matter how many trys
So sound the dinner chimes
If ye crew have the time.

mata, Ookami yori


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:34 PM


A tribute to another of my favorite shows, Our Mrs Reynolds:

Some bandits when looking to plunder
Made a pretty unfortunate blunder.
'Cos Jayne's ugly Mrs
That they'd threatened with kisses
Shot them dead whilst they looked on in wonder.

Back in town it was all celebrations
With the girls our men had good relations.
All got drunk and did sing,
Mal got a nice floral ring,
And they slept free from all trepidations.

On the morrow they left with good cheer,
But before they had gone a light year
Mal discovered a girl
That could make his toes curl
As she gased at him, eyes all sincere.

She told him that they had been wed
Book confirmed that she could not be shed.
Wash was all overjoyed
Zoe, more like annoyed
And Jayne offered up Vera instead.

Saffron cooked up for Mal a nice spread,
But Book worried about what lay ahead.
If you don't treat her well
You'll end up in that hell.
His words filled our poor Captain with dread.

Now Saffron wasn't all she pretended
As she caught Mal in a kiss unintended.
Things all faded from sight
As she called out Night Night!
But by Inara she was aprehended.

Now our heros were in a tight spot
Cos they'd fallen for Saff's little plot.
They were headed for trouble
That would reduce them to rubble
But Jayne saved them with big Vera's shot.

Now our story is nearing it's ending.
Whilst the others got on with the mending,
The Captain, Saffron did track
To get his shuttle back,
But let her go 'cos a sequel was pending.

Whew! Done! Must sleep now!!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:44 PM


OURMRSWASHBURNE proclaimed Queen of ALL LONDINUIM for all time! Here ye here ye - I bestow upon her the SHINY HAT!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:48 PM


You people rock.

I am going for the short. The pithy, the "I am having an asthma attack and the albuterol has fried my brain" not so good rhyme.

Excuse the bad words. Shh.

Jayne that bl**dy w&nker
tried to have river thrown in the clanker!

Yosafbridge ain't a slut
it was Mal that was showin his butt!

Kaele sure likes engines
there, with Simon, she's bingin'

I must go, sniff some Lavendar. Clear my head! Emma has thrown down the gauntlet, and I ain't even going to try to go against OMW!


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 1:20 PM


bumped for Emma - who has gone to bed.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:38 PM


bumpity bump bump


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:53 PM


My limerick muse must have bailed,
I'm deserted, my spaceship has sailed.
All alone in the black,
But I'll hold til it's back;
Still, for a rhyme in this last line I really flailed.


Friday, June 23, 2006 1:04 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

(Can you take any more limericks?)

There once was a small group of writers
Who liked to write limericks, poor blighters.
Don't ask them to stop.
This thread they can't drop.
They think it is worth some all-nighters.

And now to the Mrs.-Mal-to-be,
I ask you to come here & join me.
No ifs, ands or buts,
We'll write 'til we're nuts
And hope that all Browncoats take pity.

Here are two for Mal:

There once was a man from a rim world
Whose proud Independents' flag's now furled.
He still wears the brown
In space and in town,
And sometimes through bar windows he's hurled.

But that doesn't stop our fine captain.
The Operative thought he had trapped him.
It seems he was wrong
For Mal is long gone.
You just never know what can happen.

(Given your stress-filled life, FMF, I'll understand if you don't want to contribute right now. I just had to do something while the site was down. )

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:00 AM


Nicked the 23

Nicholas looked at his again empty glass,
He thought " Dang I'm drinking the mudders milk to fast."
By the end of the day,
There will be hell to pay,
I've got shopping to do for the masses

There were request for "Serenity" on his list,
And many a Firefly dvd people wished,
To give the world so much joy,
For all the browncoat girls and boys,
well,it was a job he just couldn't resist

June 23, he thought with a pause,
Heck it all was for a GREAT cause,
Even though it was summer,
He packed full his HUMMER,
And pick up the BDM for himself, Santa Claus







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