Life On Board Serenity: Persephone at Last!

UPDATED: Friday, May 19, 2006 05:54
VIEWED: 9554
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Monday, May 15, 2006 3:00 PM


*muttering to himself*

well, this is a great start, 13's still alive, and what am I doin'? Playin' delivery boy.

*pulls up to the estate and says to everyone*

Well where's this troublesome beef?
-try it out, I dare you


Monday, May 15, 2006 4:33 PM


*Pain listens as 13 finishes telling him what he told Simon and Fly. Pain takes in the information and says*

Huh. Well this is going against my better judgement but I'm willin' to believe you.

*13 smiles his shark like smile and says*

I hope you do Pain I hope you do.

*Pain looks at the counter where the cases of booze he told Ertia to take to the galley were, and notices the boxes of cigars and the humidor are gone. Pain heads out of the infirmary, heads up the stairs and into the galley where he sees Ertia still stocking the pantry with the bottles of booze. Ertia puts away the last of the wine and says to herself*

How did Bot Boy survive getting shot all those times in the chest? Why were those lawmen coming towards us? I wonder if they were coming for me?

*Ertia continues to talk to herself as she opens the last case. She stops talking as she pulls out a bottle of meade. With a surpised look on her face she smiles and says out loud*

Ooh Pain bought some meade. I'm going to have to come up with a way to thank him.

*She smiles even bigger when she pictures all the ways to thank him. She nearly drops the bottle when she hears Pain say from behind her*

Really how are you goin' to thank me.

*Ertia whirls around to find Pain grinning at her. She smiles, punches him in the arm, and says*

How dare you sneak up on a woman when she's by her lonesome.

*Pain smiles, notices the stuff he's looking for next to the open case of meade, walks over to the boxes and says*

Well I'm trully sorry it'll never happen again.

*He turns around as Ertia draws closer to him. She stands on her tip toes, with her lips a few milimeters away from his, she smiles and says*

Thank you for buying some more meade. You have no idea how much I've been craving some.

*She gets down from her tippy toes, looks his body up and down and says*

And I can see that you're very happy that you think so as well.

*She giggles and heads for Kaylee's bunk as Pain looks down and notices the bulge in his pants. He blushes to himself, opens a box of cigars, takes one out, lights it, and sits down in a chair. He says to himself*

Whoa that girl is good.

*Pain waits five minutes til the bulge is gone, gets up and finishes putting away the bottles of meade, noticing that one bottle is missing. He closes the pantry door and heads to his bunk with the boxes of cigars and the humidor tucked beneath one arm.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 15, 2006 6:22 PM


Ertia heads for her bunk, then remembers that most of the High Charity crew was staying on, and changes directions for Kaylee's bunk.

But as she starts to open the hatch, she hears a familiar hum, and Kaylee breathing. Well, more of panting.

Lord, what is a girl to do on this ship? And now that the Alliance apparently knew she was here, Ertia couldn't exactly LEAVE the ship!

She thinks on Pain, how quickly he got her out of the bar, and back to Serenity. Man was a bloody good bodyguard. It made her feel warm, protected. And that bulge she'd glimpsed in his trousers earlier made her feel something else entirely!

Aware she's blushing, she re-latches Kaylee's bunk and headed for the cargo-bay.

She stands in front of the cargo doors, on look-out for Mal and the others, enjoying the sights and sounds of the space dock.
Shepherd Book comes striding through the crowd, head held high.

When he sees her, he gestures her back into the Bay and hurries in. "Alliance is going ship to ship with a warrant that looks a mighty lot like you, Ertia. Best you get hidden. I'll warn Simon and River.

She looks around the cargo bay, feeling panic rising. She's not going back to prison! Not! NOT NOT!

A burly arm grabs her around the middle. "Told ya to stay out of sight!"

Pain deposits her into a large empty crate, yanks out his pistol with the silence and fires two rounds through it for air-holes before closing the lid. "STAY PUT!"

As the lid closes, she gets a good long look at his biceps and smiles to herself as darkness encloses her. Finally, a little privacy to figure out exactly what this thing she's feeling for him is... and to think about what other things she'd like to be feeling....


Monday, May 15, 2006 8:40 PM


OoC: Hey welcome back Ertia! We missed you.

*Pain walks away from the crate Ertia's in. He holsters his pistol behind his back, stroking his chin wondering what to do, when he eyes the crates of illegal weapons he bought. He thinks to himself*

Hmmm if what Shepard said was true then I don't have very much time to stow this stuff.

*Pain heads for the stack of crates, he stacks the crate of rifles on top of the crate of rockets and heads for one of the empty passenger dorms. He puts down the crates, opens the door and slides the crates in. Pain runs back to the cargo bay and stacks the crate of SMGs on top of the crate of grenade lauchers and double times it back to the passenger dorm. He slides the crates next to the other ones and closes the door. He heads back into the cargo bay just as two Alliance troops walk in. Pain gulps down the urge to kill them as the one on the left come towards him. The Alliance troop decked out in standard issue armor, standing just an inch shorter, and weighing a good fifty pounds less, says to Pain*

Excuse me sir we are doing a ship to ship search for a fugitive known as Samantha Ertia. Here is a picture of her for you to look at. Have you seen this woman sir?

*Pain takes the data pad and scans the pic. He reads the information scrolling down the screen and looks at the pic of Ertia. He says to himself*

Huh even not smiling she looks hot.

*Pain hands the data pad back to the Alliance grunt and says with a straight face that he mastered a long time ago*

No sir can't say that I have.

*Pain notices Book out of the corner of his eye, turns and says to him*

Hey Shepard these fine Alliance troops are looking for a fugitive, a pretty one at that. Why don't you take a look?

*Book smiles as the same trooper gives Book the same speech. Book takes the data pad looks at it and says to the trooper, as Pain watches the other one out of the corner of his eye*

I'm sorry gentlemen but I'm afraid I haven't seen her at all. I just got back from the Southgate Abbey.

*The Alliance troopers look at each other then the one on the right, who stands a half inch shorter than Pain and probably weighs the same says*

Alright thank you gentlemen for your cooperation. If you do see this women please feel free to report it over to the closest Alliance Cruiser or Base.

*Pain says still straight faced as the two Alliance troopers leave*

We'll do that most definately.

*Pain and Book watch as the Alliance soldiers leave and sigh a sigh of relief. Pain looks at Book and says*

That was close. I figure someone should com the Captain and let him know?

*Book smiles and says*

I'll go tell Wash. That was some good work you pulled back there Pain.

*Pain smiles and says*

Yeah that's what happens when you learn to play poker with my uncle.

*Book smiles and heads for the bridge. Pain waits a few minutes and walks to the crate Ertia is in. He opens the lid, smiles and says*

The coast is clear you can come out now. Now lets go take those crates of food that Wash brought in and take them to the galley?

*Ertia leaps up from the crate smiling. She wraps her arms around the merc's waist, plants a kiss on Pain's cheek and says*

Thanks for saving my hide from those Alliance hun dans. I don't know what I'd do if it weren't for you or Book.

*Ertia holds Pain for a little while longer savoring the feel of his body next to hers. She finally let's go and walks over to the crates of canned food and protein packs. She takes the top two crates as Pain takes the bottom two. Ertia flashes a smile at Pain as she walks toward the galley. Pain follows right behind her, almost dropping a crate as he looks at her backside. He thinks to himself*

That was a close call back there. I hope I won't be repeatin' that anytime soon.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 15, 2006 9:30 PM


Mal, Zoe, and JR had been at the Stillwater when the "fight" broke out, giving them a chance to high-tail it out of the bar. After lobbing the smoke grenade, Jayne bolts for the backdoor and jumps into the hover-mule. Sybil Harrow and entourage had left a minute before the tussel started. Upon arriving at Harrow House, Sir Warrick and his bodyguards meet the Captain and crew at the stairs leading up to the 3-story mansion. Mal and company can't help but stare at the opulence, with horses and even peacocks on the grounds. "Sir Warrick, you have a mighty fine place here," Mal says. "Why thank you, Captain. Please come in. Miss Zoe, you're welcome too, but I'm afraid your bodyguards must stay outside," Sir Warrick says to JR and Jayne. Mal first turns to Jayne, "Check the Mule for any damage and prep her to leave. JR, best you wait here, OK?" "That's fine, Cap'n," JR responds. A friendly voice calls out, "Mr. JR, would you please partake of this lemonade. Just made it myself." It's Sybil Harrow, holding a huge glass of the icy drink. Jayne's mouth is agape. "Well, I'd like some too!" Sybil says, "You may have as much as you like Mr. Jayne. Now Father, you go do your business with the fine Captain and Miss Zoe, we'll be out here." Sir Warrick nods, and turns to his own troop, pointing to Sybil and JR.

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, May 15, 2006 10:07 PM


After an hour, Sybil and JR are walking the grounds, followed by Sir Warrick's two bodyguards and a curious peacock. "Miss Sybil, words can't describe this beautiful country, or the company I'm with, and I ain't talking 'bout the peacock or the two, uhh, gentlemen with us." Sybil blushes ever so slightly and says, "Please, just call me Sybil, and if I may be so bold as to call you JR.?" "That'd be fine, Mi...I mean, Sybil." He thinks to himself, "Did I just blush?" Sybil tells him, "Best we head back to the main house, they'll be looking for us shortly."
At the foot of the stairs outside the house, Mal and Zoe are finishing up the details of the deal. Jayne sees Sybil and JR approaching the Mule, and Jayne gives JR a curious glare. JR can only smile to himself. Mal says, "C'mon people, gotta move quick-like back to Serenity. Somethin' about the bot and some Alliance purplebellies." Almost on cue, Guy pulls up with the other mule. Mal says, "Good timing Guy. OK people, load 'em up and let's move." Warrick's crew immediately gets to work. Mal shakes Sir Warrick's hand and says, "Pleasure doing business with you, Sir Warrick." "The pleasure's mine Captain Reynolds. Say hello to Inara for me," Sir Warrick responds. JR turns to Sybil, looks directly into her blue eyes and says, "I would love to return to this planet and see you again, Sybil. With your father's permission of course." He reaches out to shake her hand. She reaches out with both her hands, grabs his and says, "Don't you worry 'bout Daddy. But, we'll be talking again soon. Maybe even before you come back, I reckon."

Everyone dies alone.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:40 AM


Whoo hoo! Romance on Persephone! :D
And we got empty passenger dorms? Did High Charity's crew bail? Or did Pain just fill Dayve's new room with guns? :D

"Sure would like to know how the Alliance figured out I was here!" Ertia stacks foodstuffs into the cupboards and cooler, but can't resist snagging a fresh carrot and munching on it. "Did Badger rat on me? But why would he? He just paid good money for those renewal codes. He surely wouldn't want me in jail before he gets them."

"Doubt it was Badger." Pain grunts as he lifts a box into the top locker. Since the time River de-labeled all the canned goods, they'd found it safer to keep them on top where she couldn't reach. "You two seemed pretty cozy."

There's something in Pain's voice Ertia can't decifer, but she shrugs it off. "He's a psychotic lowlife. It may be some clever plan to get in good with the Alliance."

"Or it could just be that a new warrant came up over the cortex." Pain shrugs it off. "We're all most wanted for something somewhere."

Ertia flips open her link-up and does a quick search. Reading through the warrant, her eyes widen, and she feels a lead weight begin in her stomach. "Pain. Read this. Look at the picture. This is my old prison transfer picture, but look at the 'scrip. They know I'm dyeing my hair and wearing colored contacts. And they KNOW I'm on Persephone."

They exchange a long look. Finally, Pain has to admit, "Someone ratted you out."

Ertia snaps the cortex shut. "We say nothing about this. Not a word. If there's a mole on board..."

She falls silent as they hear footsteps in the hallway, but Pain nods as she quickly changes the subject. "So, do you think that the Captain will try the Osiris thing after we finish this job?"

Shepherd Book enters with a small smile. "If my suspicions about our mystery passenger are correct, we may not have to."


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:07 AM


Hey where else could Pain hide several crates of illegal weaponry before those Alliance troops stepped aboard?

*Pain and Ertia turn around. Pain says to the Shepard in a voice from a long dead actor from an old Earth-That-Was television show*

Whatchu talkin' 'bout Shepard?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:19 AM


Meanwhile in Fly's bunk.......

*Fly is asleep on her bed after pacing back and forth contemplating what to about 13. She dreams that she is on a white beach with palm trees and sparking blue water. With her is Pain. She strips off her clothes reveilling a bikini and heads out into the water. She motions for Pain to come join her and sees him race into the water wearing nothing but a pair of swim shorts. They laugh as they splash each other in the water. Fly swims over to him and wraps her legs around his waist as she puts her arms around his neck, she rests her head on his shoulder. She continues to hold onto him as he lets the current guide them out deeper out into the water. They continue to hold each other as Fly says to Pain*

This is such a beautiful place I don't ever want to leave it Pain.

*Pain smiles, turns around, holds her close to him, and says*

We all have to leave this place sometimes, but right now it's just you and me, noone else.

*Fly smiles as they continue to hold each other in the picture perfect water of the dream like paradise. Fly smiles as she continues to dream.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:39 AM


(Pain is one lusty stud! Painis...huh. Funny.)

*13 is still carving the bullets out of his hide, muttering angrily to himself. He moved into his bunk after Fly left, where slugs litter the floor.*

Do you love...what the hell kind of question is that?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:37 PM


Shepherd Book shrugs as he hands Ertia a small box. "I think you requested these. I'll save the revelations for when we're all assembled. Everyone has a right to know."

"That doesn't sound good, Shepherd." Ertia looks into the box and smiles. Kaylee's strawberries. "Thanks, Shepherd."

"Are those strawberries?" Pain leans over the counter and Ertia playfully pushes him back.

"For Kaylee!"

Wash's voice comes over the com. "Mal and the others are on the way back. Everybody down to the cargo bay." Wash hesitates, "Except for the fugitives. Unless there's a reward, in which case turn yourselves in and send us the dough."


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:54 PM


*Pain hears Wash's announcement, looks at Ertia, smiles and says*

Does that mean I get to put you in a crate again? Or can I hide you in my bunk?

*Ertia smiles and says flirtaciously*

Well that depends on if you'll join me.

*Pain caught off guard, gulps and says*

Um...uh..I think I should head for the cargo bay to help with the unloading.

*Pain turns and heads out of the galley and down the stairs to the cargo bay. Ertia watches him leave and thinks to herself the many things she'd like to do to and with Pain.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:07 PM


Location: Fly's Bunk

*Fly and Pain are sitting on the beach drinking exotic drinks, Pain wraps his arms around Fly's waist as they enjoy the sunset and each other's company. Fly turns to Pain as he looks to her, suddenly Pain says to her in Wash's voice*

"Mal and the others are on the way back. Everybody down to the cargo bay." Wash hesitates, "Except for the fugitives. Unless there's a reward, in which case turn yourselves in and send us the dough."

*Fly wakes up abruptly and blinks her eyes. She looks around and notices the time on the wall display. She thinks to herself*

Huh I must of dozed off for a few hours. What did Wash mean by fugitives?

*Fly gets up, climbs up the ladder, opens her hatch, and heads for the cargo bay. She stops as she sees Ertia in the galley. She walks into the galley and says to Ertia*

Hi there Ertia what did Wash mean by fugitives?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:11 PM


Shepherd gives Ertia a thoughtful glance, "You maybe shouldn't aught to tease gentleman."

Ertia snorts. "Gentleman? You mean Pain? Believe me, I'm not dishing out anything he can't handle."

Book just gives her a long serious look before heading down to the cargo bay.

She was just teasing. Wasn't she? The question disturbs her and she's glad she has an excuse to hide in the kitchen.

Ertia stashes Kaylee's strawberries and opens a can of milk, pouring some into a dish for ShipsCat. "Heya kitty kitty. Where's the kitty?"


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:10 PM


*Fly repeats herself as Ertia finishes pouring the milk for the cat*

Hi there Ertia what's going on? What did Wash mean by fugitives?

*Ertia looks up and says with an ashamed look on her face*

Oh sorry Fly I didn't see you there. The Captain and the rest of them are returning from their job and apparently there's a fresh warrant out for my arrest.

*Fly smiles, walks to the table, sits down and says*

It's ok Ertia I've just been out of it since I saw 13 alive in the infirmary. I've been in my bunk ever since. I guess I missed out on all the fun huh?

*Fly looks at Ertia with a worried look on her face. She motions for Ertia to sit down with her and says*

Could you possibly fill me in please?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:05 AM


Ertia sits down across from Fly. "How well do you know Pain?"

Fly gives her an odd look. "All right, girl. Dish it up. What the heck is going on?"

"Nothing. Yet. But I think it's only a matter of time." Ertia sighs, then pushes on with the events of the day.

"We went to Badger's, and that went well. Then we went to meet Warwick and everything started to come apart. The Alliance knows I'm on Persephone. If it weren't for Pain I'd be headed straight to the prison docks."

She fiddles with the salt shaker for a second. "I'm just not too sure who trust right now. We just took on new crew from High Charity. Anybody could figure out who I am, and check my warrants."

"You think someone ratted on you?"

"No. Yes. I don't know."

Ertia falls silent as River slips into the kitchen. "He's grateful. but not enough."

"What?" Both women turn to look at her. River looks back with wide eyes.

"The monsters don't wait for nighttime. They could have consumed him, too."


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:53 AM


*Both women watch as River leaves the galley. Fly turns to Ertia and says*

Me and Pain have known each other for twenty years. We were together for fifteen of those.

*Ertia takes in the information and says*

What happened that caused you two to break up?

*Fly swallows some saliva and says*

It was about four years ago I decided to break it off because of his drinking. We've remained good friends since then and I can honestly tell you he hasn't been drinking as much as he used to.

*Ertia nods as she takes in the information as Fly continues*

He's a good man Ertia. He may look tough on the outside but once you get to know him he's a very sweet guy. In all of the firefights we've been in he was there to back me up and protect me. I can honestly say that Pain is one of the few people that I'd trust with my life. If you want to persue something with him Ertia then you have my blessing.

*Fly smiles at Ertia as she gets up and heads for the cargo bay. She says to Ertia before walking down the stairs*

I hope that answered your question girl.

*Ertia smiles back at Fly as she goes over the information in her head.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:39 AM


*13 emerges from his bunk into the galley, and Painis begins to fill him in on the events of the day. 13 raises a hand*

One of the advantages of being a cyborg is good hearing. I know what's happening. *He looks around tiredly* Book said we'd gather for the revelation. WHen's that planned to happen?


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:02 AM


OoC: Just a fews things I'd like to say: 1) Pain is already in the cargo bay 2) Don't call me Painis 3) Where's Guy?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:53 AM


(OoC: Yeah, but you moved to the galley because you felt the need for a quiet drink. Painis will stop, and I've no clue about Guy.)


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 1:04 PM


Ten minutues earlier......

*Pain heads back to the galley to get something to drink. He walks up the stairs and runs into Fly who's heading to the cargo bay. They smile at each other as Pain enters the galley. He spots Ertia still sitting at the table. He says to her as he walks over to the pantry*

Hey there. I take it you were talkin' to Fly?

*Ertia smiles as she's still thinking over what Fly said to her. She looks at Pain and says*

Yeah just girl things you know. Nothing you'd be interested in.

*Pain smiles and nods as he takes out the half empty bottle of of whiskey from last week. He turns around and sees 13 and walks over to him.*

Originally posted by 13:
*13 emerges from his bunk into the galley, and Pain begins to fill him in on the events of the day. 13 raises a hand*

One of the advantages of being a cyborg is good hearing. I know what's happening. *He looks around tiredly* Book said we'd gather for the revelation. WHen's that planned to happen?

*Pain tells 13 after he finishes talking*

It'll happen in the cargo bay when Mal and the rest get back from their job. I'm goin' to head back down there, you can follow me if'n you want.

*13 nods and says*

Thank you for the information Pain I'll join you there.

*Pain nods as the two of them head own to the cargo bay. Pain walks over to the rest of his crates as 13 wonders around, running dianostics on his systems. He does this until everyone hears the roar of the old Mule not far away.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 1:17 PM


Ertia can hear the mule rolling in, followed by Wash's footsteps from the bridge.

"Heya, Wash. Anything I can do to help out from up here?" She can't be seen, but maybe she can be useful.

He gives her a mock look of surprise. "You haven't turned yourself in yet? We could really use that reward money!"

She knows he's joking, can hear the laughter in his voice, but the shock of the new warrant and the price on her head couples with the fear that someone turned her in and she freezes, ugly suspicions rolling around her brain.

"Hey. I'm kidding." He frowns at her. "If you want to be helpful, make sure everything's stowed for take-off. There's a solar storm coming in and it could be bumpy through atmo."

Ertia shakes off her suspicions. Wash is her friend. He wouldn't turn her in. Not for money, anyway, so she takes a chance and teases back. "Wash, you ever have a take-off that ain't bumpy?"

The pilot just winks jauntily as he heads for the cargo bay.

"Come on, Shipscat. Let's get the things locked up."

Shipscat just gives her a very feline stare that clearly means, "Do I LOOK like I am going to ruffle my fur for you?"


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 1:58 PM


Location: Cargo Bay

*Pain watches as Guy drives in with a trailer full of crates, stacked three tall all filled with dried and processed beef. Pain mentally drools at the thought of actual food as Guy parks the Mule in a corner, just as the hover Mule glides on in. Mal jumps out and hit the button to close the cargo bay doors. He says to everyone there as Wash comes down the stairs*

Alright everyone I want these crates secured. Wash what's our status?

*Wash replies after kissing his wife*

We're good to fly Captain. We've got a solar storm heading our way which will make for one bumpy ride, but nothing we can't handle.

*Mal nods, smiles and says*

Shiny get us offworld as fast as you can. Zoe your with me on the Bridge.

*Zoe nods as the three of them walk off to the Bridge. Pain walks over and starts unloading some of the crates along with Jayne, JR, and Guy. Ertia walks down the stairs with a very miffed Shipscat under her arm. She sets down the cat and heads towards Pain. She smiles as she sees his arm muscles bulging and decides to go help out, if not to find some excuse to cop a feel.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:58 PM


*13 jumps when he hears the words 'solar storm.' Usually, solar storms are accompanied by widespread eletrical disturbances.* storm, you say? Don't you think we should just wait it out on the docks? *He finishes with a weak smile, which transforms his face into a rough, torn grimace.

Pain: Case you didn't 'hear' Bot-Boy, we've got Alliance passing 'round warrants. That's a good sign to leave.
13: But ummm....if we leave too quick, it'll draw suspicion! Yeah, that's what it'll do!
*Mal interrupts, saying*: You're lucky 'nough as it is, we gotta leave so fast. No time to see you on your way. *He leans in close to the bot, whispering*

You make one errant move I'll make sure you won't crawl back up again. Dong ma?

*13 nods, smiling grimly. Warrants? Oh, yeah. As much as it pains him to say it, well, actuallly, it doesn't at all, it's a relief to have the law after somebody other than him.*



Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:00 PM


There's a bump as Inara's shuttle locks into place, and they all look up to watch the graceful Companion emerge.

Ertia manages to elbow Jayne, who seems to be drooling, and wave to Inara at the same time.

JR, however, gives the Companion no more than a welcoming "Hey, 'Nara." before returning to his work. Surprised, Ertia glances over at him.
His eyes are distant, and there's a little smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Pssst! Jayne? What's with..." She hisses, and points to the other gunman.

Jayne glances over, shrugs, and says in a far louder than necessary voice, "Reckon it's that Sybil Harrow."

All heads turn towards Jayne, then back to JR, who manages to drop a crate onto his foot.

"You okay?" Fly rushes to help him move the crate.

"Fine. I'm fine." JR shoves the crate into place.

Serenity roars as she lifts from the ground and Ertia feels her shoulders relax. They were leaving Persephone behind and the Alliance along with it.

She helps Pain heave the last crate into place and then stands back and watches as he pulls the cargo straps tight, his arm muscles bulging.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:42 PM


*Pain finishes tightening the strap as Serenity hits a pocket of turbulence. Everybody grabs on to something as Serenity smooths out. Pain turns around and sees Ertia looking at him. He smiles at her and says*

You ok there Ertia?

*She smiles and says*

Yeah Pain I am.

*Pain grabs the railing as Serenity rocks a little as she leaves atmo, the solar storm missing Serenity by a few seconds. Wash's voice comes over the ship's P.A.*

Well travellers it's looks like we just missed getting hit by that solar storm. It's all smooth sailing from here.

*Ertia smiles and breathes a sigh of relief. She won't have to worry about the Alliance for awhile. She says to Pain*

Well now that that's over with I guess we can all relax now huh?

*Pain lets go of the railing and says*

Yeah I guess we can. Well I guess I'll go take my cargo out that passenger dorm now. Got some equipment that needs to be stowed in the ship's weapons locker. You can help if'n you want.

*Ertia thinks about it and says*

Yeah sure I'll you.

*Pain raises an eyebrow and chuckles as Ertia blushes, a little embarassed of her slip in grammar. He says to her*

Alright follow me it's just a few guns an some ammo nothin' more.

*Ertia nods her head as Pain walks in front of her. She bites her lower lip as she walks behind him, picturing his muscles bulging again.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:19 PM


As she passes 13, she pauses and reaches out, laying a hand on his shoulder. "13? You back?"

He looks at her, eyes cold and alien, his damaged face making a mockery of what humanity remains. "Yes. I'm back."

"Good. That's... good." Ertia isn't sure what else to say. "You know, we've got some of that plasticine compound left from the shuttle repairs. I bet we can make you some new skin out of it."

He just nods, and turns away.

Ertia sighs as she follows Pain. When did things get so complicated?

Only one thing in the 'verse was making sense, and that was the solid heat that was building in her belly as she watches Pain walk. She swallowes it down, straightening her shoulders, but as she passes through the doorway into the passenger dorms, she glances up.

Inara is leaning on the rail, watching them with a smug and knowing smile on her face.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:11 PM


*They enter the passenger dorm where Pain stowed his crates. He picks out the one with the half dozen HK assault rifles, turns around and says to Ertia*

OK this one's loaded with a half dozen assault rifles. The same exact kind the Captain used in the war.

*Ertia looks up at him noticing the desire for her in his eyes. She smiles and says to him*

You're letting me hold a crate of automatic weapons? Ain't that against the Captain's rules?

*Pain smiles and says*

Well these ones ain't loaded so I don't see no reason why you can't hold one.

*Ertia sets the rectangular crate on the bed as Pain watches her bend down, exposing some of her cleavage as she opens the crate and takes out one of the rifles. She pretends to inspect it as Pain continues to watch. He wonders how long he can restrain himself before his urges take control. Ertia looks at him as she puts the rifle back in the crate and closes it. She sees the hunger in his eyes as the fire in her belly starts to burn again. She wonders to herself how long she can resist before her urges take control of her.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:59 PM


The trip back to Serenity had been uneventful, except for the extra Alliance patrols that seemed to be everywhere. JR was once again admiring the country side, but this time he was riding shotgun, his HK laying across his lap. Suddenly, Mal says to him, "Well, what'cha think." No response from JR. "HELLO!!??," Mal yells out. JR comes back down to earth. "Oh, sorry Cap'n. I didn't hear ya," JR says. "Obviously," Zoe says from the back seat with that sly smile. Mal says again, "What'cha think of her?" JR can only smile, and say, "She's everything a man could ever want, but she's too high class for a man like me sir. 'Sides, I found out I'm fifteen years her senior." Mal, without a second's hesitation says, "And????....Your point is???....." JR continues, "Well, she can't possibly see a future in someone like me." Jayne throws in his typical observation, "Ain't too young for me!" Zoe looks at him and says, "You wanna walk back to the ship?" Mal and JR both laugh and think at the same time, "Not a bad idea." Mal then says, "OK, Serenity just ahead. Let's get ready to unload both Mules." After both mules are brought on board, Mal checks with Wash on flight plan status, then asks JR, "By the way, what's in that frig on the other mule?" JR says, with a hint of embarrassment, "Well, that was a little going-away present from Sybil. Thirty pounds each vacu-frozen pork and chicken, plus she also gave me...I mean us, two ten pound bags of white rice." Jayne and Pain commence with the drooling all over again. Fly, Ertia and Kaylee all stand staring at JR, with Ertia finally saying, "Man, did you sweep her off her feet, you little charmer you!" Kaylee thinks to herself, "Is this guy for real?" Mal smiles and says, "C'mon people, we'll eat later. Gotta get off planetside, try to beat that storm heading this way."

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:22 PM


Everyone is helping with the food and weapons brought on board, when there's a familiar "bump" of Inara's shuttle. Serenity lifts slowly, then points her nose to the sky in a slow ascent. There's some turbulence, but nothing Wash can't handle. "Best pilot in the 'verse," Zoe says out loud. Inara makes her usual grand entrance, with, unusually, JR giving just a passing hello, unlike his typical fawning over her. Jayne makes a comment about Sybil, which catches JR off-guard and drops a crate, almost breaking a foot. "Gorram Jayne," JR thinks to himself. He sees Ertia and Pain leave together to the crew's quarters section and says, "Man, those two ought'a get a room. Ohh wait, maybe they are. Hope Mal hasn't noticed them yet, way they carry on with the flirtin' and stuff." JR thinks to himself, "It's rare finding someone you like when you're flyin' out in the Black, like the way I found....." He sees Inara looking down at him with that gorgeous smile. "Care to talk about your new friend?", she tells him. This time, there's no escaping it: he's blushing.

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:55 PM


Inara invites JR to her shuttle for a talk and some tea. "Well, the girls were talking about a star-struck rich girl back at Persephone. They say she bore a striking resemblance to me." JR's hand is shaking, so much he can't hold the cup of tea straight. "Oh I'm gonna be in trouble," he says. Inara tells him, "What? Why? Why would you be in trouble?" JR says, "Trouble in that I usually don't wanna talk about myself, and you have a way with men that just turns them to so much jelly, being as irresistible as you are....oh, see what I mean?" He puts the cup down, and says, "Miss Inara, I gotta go and..." She interrupts him and says, "JR, is there something you would like to say to me?" JR has been turned in to so much jelly. "I....well, it's not.....I mean....ain't easy to know," he stammers. "Please, let me finish your sentence for you dear, and PLEASE, don't call me 'Miss'", she says. "You've had, what you might describe as a crush, on me since you came on board almost two years ago, yes?" JR is beginning to feel like diving for cover or running for the doorway. "Uhh,....well.....I don't believe I can talk 'bout such things with you, being as how you and the Captain have a history with each other." Inara says, "What Mal and I have is complicated. You, on the other hand, is just lust. But, you have been very respectable towards me, more so than most of the other men around here. And thank you, for calling me irresistible." She smiles again, steps up to him, places her hands on his shoulders, and kisses him on the lips. "After two years, you needed that, get it out of your system." JR suddenly feels he's been released from a spell of some kind. "Wow, Inara, how did you know?", he asks. "I make it my business to know how men think and yes, even feel. Now, tell me all about Sybil. But be careful, or I might get jealous."

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:28 PM


OoC: here I am *raises hand from the back of the room* sorry I was out of it for so long

*sees pain and ertia leave together and says to himself*
well, pretty obvious where this is heading
-try it out, I dare you


Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:13 AM


*Ertia gets up and puts the crate back on the others. She then slides the door shut and locks it. She turns around and they both look each other up and down, both of them knowing they can't hold back any longer. Ertia seductively walks towards Pain and wraps her arms around his waist as they start to kiss. Pain pulls away slightly with his mouth a few inches away from hers and says*

You know you don't have to do this if'n you don't want to.

*Ertia looks into his eyes and says*

I know but I want to. I can't hide my feelings for you any longer.

*She looks down, smiles and continues to say*

And I can see you feel the same way.

*They passionately kiss again, only breaking away to rip each others clothes off.*

I decided to leave it there, since I'm at work and it'd seriously hamper my work if I continued.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 18, 2006 9:00 AM


GUY! JR! Welcome back!
Awww, adorable scene with Inara, there, JR... Reckon it won't be too long 'afore we're headed back to Persephone then? Or is Sybil gonna run away from home and join us?
Okay. Lets get it on, shall we? errr. Not... I meant... ah...
Oh, SAY! I think maybe Kaylee and Book are fixin' to make some dinner...

As Ertia turns from the crate and looks up at Pain, she realizes that she's been lying to herself. She thought she could handle this. Could keep herself safe.

She thought she could tell him no, walk away. But she was lying. Determination steeled her resolve as she walked to the door, closed it, flipped the lock and turned back, her heart pounding.

Then she was in his arms, his mouth on hers. When he broke away, she thought she would die of disappointment, barely hearing his words.

You know you don't have to do this if'n you don't want to.

Somehow, she finds an answer, and lets it rush out of her mouth, "I know but I want to. I can't hide my feelings for you any longer."

Then the desperation was back, the hot hunger that she couldn't seem to control. "And I can see you feel the same way."

For a moment, as their clothes come away and they fall together to the bunk, skin on skin, mouth on mouth, she tries to remember that she's a fugitive. She tries to remember that she can't trust anyone.

She has to hold back. Has to protect herself.

She tries to remember these things, but as he pins her playfully to the mattress, she forgets everything.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:17 AM


EDITED TO ADD: Some content not suitable for those under 17

Select to view spoiler:

*Ertia arches her hips letting Pain's manhood go deeper inside her. She moans as she thinks to herself before getting lost in the waves of pleasure*

The Lord definately built him well.

*Pain gets up not missing a beat and sits on the bed with Ertia on his lap. She wraps her legs aroud his waist as he continues to thrust himself inside her. She moans as his lips leave hers and starts kissing her neck, moving down slowly and methodically.*

Meanwhile in the cargo bay......

*Jayne is unloading another crate as the sounds of Pain and Ertia's lovemaking float in. Jayne says out loud*

Gorrammit their ruttin' is jus' as loud as lil' Kaylee's and the doc's!

*Kaylee makes a face at Jayne as she says*

Aww I think it's shiny those two have found each other.

*Kaylee skips a little as she goes to help the Shepard with dinner, wondering how many of the crew have heard her and Simon as they had sex in various places onboard. 13 hears the sounds and shuts off his ears but turns on his infrared sensors. Everyone else just tries to ignore the sounds and carry on with their work.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:54 AM


*As 13 tries to block out the sounds, he contemplates love.*

He never understood the concepts of love, even before he was made android. Never understood why a person would care for the sake of caring, not for personal gain or some ulterior motive. He'd been kicked around too many times to explore the concept, broken too many times to care about anything but staying through the next moment.

(do you love?)



Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:00 AM


OoC: fyi, I'm 16!!!!

*as he hears pain and ertia*

yup I knew it
-try it out, I dare you


Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:39 AM


I'll be careful next time. Writes down "Must use spoiler command"

Location: Cargo Bay

*As the sounds from the passenger dorm area ensue, Fly walks over to the hover Mule and takes the two ten pound bags of rice out. She turns to Guy and says to him*

Hey Guy you want to help take some of the crates of vacu-frozen pork and chicken and take them to the galley?

*Guy snaps out of being distracted and says to Fly*

Sure thing Fly.

*Guy heads over to the hover Mule and takes out a small crate of chicken and one of pork. Both him and Fly proceed to the galley. Guy asks Fly*

So does this happen much on the ship?

*Fly chuckles and says back*

No not all the time.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:08 PM



Originally posted by Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown:
OoC: fyi, I'm 16!!!!

ooopsie! xnay on the anhoodmay!


Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:15 PM


Alright geez. Anyways I edited my post to include a spoiler command. Happy now?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:32 PM


yup sorry I should have told you sooner
-try it out, I dare you


Thursday, May 18, 2006 1:10 PM


psssst...Pain...i really enjoyed the anhoodmay... :D Made for an interesting coffee break! Should have seen my face though when my coworker came up and said, (and I'm not joking!) "This is a really big package!" errr. how did SHE know? Oh! OH...she means the UPS shipment. right...

Ertia collapses against Pain's strong chest, his arms tight around her as she screams out her passion and feels his own release in the rocketing tension of his body.

Her entire body is trembling as she slowly returns to herself. Wow. is all she can think. Just wow. So much more than she'd expected!

The overwhelming combination of tenderness and power in this man has shaken her to the very core. And a few other select places as well.

"You okay, bao bei?" He asks, grinning, leaning back. He looks...smug...satisfied...happy.

She grins back, running her fingers through his hair, still clinging to his entire body with all of hers. "Better than. You?"

"Oh yeah. I'm good." He kisses her again before she slowly lifts herself from his body.

"Pain..." She tilts her head, meeting his gaze tentatively, "I ah.. I'm not..."

"I know." Pain gives her a little shake, kissing her again.

"You do?" Surprise laces her features.

"Yeah." He grins again, "You ain't in any position to be committing to anything. Me either. We got alot on our plates. Don't mean we can't have some fun together."

A slow smile as his words sink in, her shoulders relaxing. He does know. She reaches up and pulls his head back to her mouth, murmuring, "Fun...I like fun. I'll take some more fun if you don't mind."

He chuckles, a low deep warm sound that sends a surge of heat back through her cooling body. He leans down, his lips meeting hers.

Mal's voice comes over the Shipwide Com: "We got Dinner Served in Ten Minutes. Any crew NOT takin' sexual advantage of each other might want to get themselves to the table."

They break apart, laughing. As she stands to dress, Ertia realizes that a) she's starving, and b) her t-shirt is reduced to shreds.

With a sly smile, she grabs Pain's t-shirt and puts it on, letting it hang from her slender frame.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 1:38 PM


Wait...*swallows Pepsi*...Ok. ROFLOL!!!! That is just too F-ing funny Ertia. I'm glad you liked it.

*Pain smiles at Ertia as he watches her put his shirt on. He then picks up his pants from the floor and puts them on. He fastens his belt and grabs his boots, sits down on the bed and puts them on. He gets up, walks to the crates, and holsters his pistol. He smiles at Ertia and says*

Perhaps we should get something to eat.

*She smiles at him as he picks up his body armor, and says*

I am kinda hungry for some food.

*Pain grins and walks over to her. He kisses her again and says*

Yeah and perhaps afterwards we can have dessert.

*Ertia giggles as she unlocks and slides open the door and says to him*


*Pain smacks her butt playfully as they exit the room and head for the galley. She gasps and gives him a playful punch in the arm. They walk up the stairs and hear the sounds of people coming from the galley.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 18, 2006 2:03 PM


*13 sits on a crate in the cargo bay, leaving his bunk to wander awhile. Suddenly, a sharp and sudden pain lances through his head. He collapses to the ground, grinding his teeth in pain. He realizes that the storm they may have avoided, but electrical disturbances can send some pretty fine signals. Must have...*

*13 rises from the floor, a dazed and and somehow pleasant smile stretched across his face. Slowly, with a child-like giggle, he raises his hand to his face.*

So...soft....tee hee...*he now begins to twiddle his thumbs rapidly whilst walking into a wall repeatedly, whistling a broken tune.*

"I'm a wanker, I'm a wanker, and it pleases me good as it bloody well should, I'm a wanker, and I'm always pulling ma pood," he sings in a passable Australian accent.

Let's go'n see wot every'n else doin'...



Thursday, May 18, 2006 2:54 PM


*13 encounters Guy on his trippy electric high, and grabs him by the arm, shaking his head at the former HC crewmember.*

Ya know, Guy, I always washalittle worried bout you, back on HC..but'n you come through the fire, pal, you made it. Not like Roker, or XIII, or...*agonizing sob.* I just sheen so much death, man, and its weighing on me like a bowling ball man! *He has guided Guy by the arm to the galley, where the hallucinogenic bot notices a fluorescent train on the table. A quote strikes him:

Now you're on the gravy train with biscuit wheels, man! *He cackles rather madly as Guy smiles uneasily, and slowly backs away...*

*13 shrugs off his good pal's retreat, and meets up with Inara. He squints at the funny gold thing, and ponders aloud:

Why's there dragons on your wrap? You gotta religion ore some'in?

Have we even spoken before? No, doesn't matter, I says: Carpe diem, roll with da punches, go with the flow...speaking of flow...

*He darts in front of the fellow wanderer River*

You know, per'aps we should calls you Estuary, or Brook, or Stream! I like that last one.



Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:01 PM


Ertia and Pain enter the galley. Ertia's a little nervous, expecting all eyes to be on them.

Instead, all eyes are on 13, who is still looking at River, but laughing.

The girl looks at him seriously for a long moment. "The girl's name is inconsequential. The 13 could be 234. It would be the same 13."


Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:11 PM


Ya know River, yous got quite the brain...perhaps we could play 'Multiples of Two Hundred Seventy Five Million' fer a spell?

Good point with da name thing...not quite sure why I got branded with the 13...*he gestures to the number tattooed onto his cheek* Guess I thought it was cool...merhaps we change it to 234? Stable patterns are always better than scary superstition.

*He notices Sam staring.*

How was it? Good? I 'ope so, as mine doubles as a pistol, me being sterile, depriving me tool of a use. No joke, honestly! *He turns to the wall, and a blast rings out, echoing across the galley. He points at the slug embedded in the wall, and then gestures towards the smoking hole in his pants.* Case of emergency, eh? Never know when a woman of loose virtue may snatch up the wandering pizza delivery boy! *He cackles again, collapses in a chair, finely inspecting his belt buckle.*



Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:25 PM


*The bot's eyes close softly, and he begins to snore, a strange sound that is akin to a dial tone.*

Pain: What in the hell just happened?

*13 mutters: just a name...don't mean baby don't be like that.bud you's cruisin' for a bruisin'...Thirteenth Ace...*



Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:28 PM


As if in a play, Mal, Zoe and JR show up on cue, guns ready to spit out lead. Mal shouts, "Who the hell is firing on my boat again????"

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:36 PM


"Uh...did 13 just go insane and then fall asleep?" Ertia asks, still blushing from his frank commentary.

"Looks like." Fly scoots a little further from the body.

Mal moves forward, gun pointed, ready to blast 13 to bits once and for all, but Simon speaks up. "I think it might be a side-effect from the solar storm. The electricity could have interfered with his processors."






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