Life Onboard Serenity: Into the Black

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 17:31
VIEWED: 10970
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Friday, May 19, 2006 5:52 AM


This is a role-play chain-story! Everyone can play, anyone can post. Come on in, we don't bite!
(Well, Jayne might, but we try to keep him on his leash.)

Previously on board Serenity:

And Our Latest Adventure-
In which we made a deal with Badger, got the goods from Sir Warick, Ertia got a new warrant for her arrest, and JR caught the eye of Sir Warick's beautiful daughter Sibyl!

13 got better, then got insane. (We're blaming that on Solar storms.)
Our Mystery Man woke up without his memories, (which had nothing to do with the solar storms.) And Ertia & Pain had a very quiet, discrete intimate moment; again, not to do with solar storms.

Now- we're Into the Black, we've got food, and we've got a ways to go before we get... get...ummm... hold on.
"MAL!? MAL? Where the hell we takin' all this meat anyway?"


Friday, May 19, 2006 6:06 AM


Whoo hoo!!! New thread yay! *sniffs* mmmm new thread smell. Now if I only had something to write.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 19, 2006 6:20 AM


Fly returns to the galley and hands Book the book.

"The Art of War?" Zoe asks, one eyebrow raised. "He risked his life for that?"

Mystery Man shrugs and says apologetically, "I don't really remember."

"I don't think it was the book itself," Shepherd answers. He looks around the table, picks up a knife and neatly slits the binding.

Simon gasps. "That's an ANTIQUE! Are you out of your mind?"

The room falls silent as the binding splits and exposes a book within the book, a small, handwritten journal.

"This is what the Qin Shi wanted." Shepherd Book says smoothly. "I believe our young friend risked alot to get it. Now we have to get both of them back where they belong."

"Yes. But I don't know where that is." Mystery Man frowns, pushing his plate away.

Kaylee reaches over and pats his arm. "Don't worry none. We'll figure it out."

"I hate to say it," Shepherd looks directly at 13, "But the Qin Shi headquarters are on Osiris, right abouts where that map that 13 has points."

PHEW! How's that for pulling answers out of a fortune cookie? FLY!!!!!!! COME HOME!!!! PLEASE! We need you out here!


Friday, May 19, 2006 6:28 AM


*Pain drops his fork onto his plate, stares at 13, then says out loud*

So does that mean we're goin' to Osiris?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 19, 2006 7:01 AM


"Whoa. Not so fast." Mal grunts, his chopsticks half-way to his mouth. "We gotta job to do. We aren't screwin' up a payin' job for a stack of non-payin' customers."

Mystery Man nods, "I understand, sir."

"We get to ..." Mal pauses, and glances at Zoe. "Zoe? Where we supposed to be takin' this stuff again?" Without waitin' for her answer, he rushes on, "When we get the delivery and get paid, THEN we'll see about goin' a Blue Sun Core World Alliance Suicide Run."

The others all shift uncomfortably.

JR? You were there, weren't you? Where we goin with all this meat?


Friday, May 19, 2006 8:50 AM


OoC: uhh, how about one of the Outer Worlds? Sorry, ain't too familiar with all the planets in this 'verse.

Everyone dies alone.


Friday, May 19, 2006 9:32 AM


OoC: how about whitefall?
-try it out, I dare you


Friday, May 19, 2006 9:48 AM


Zoe frowns, "So all the way out to Whitefall, and then back into the Core?"

Mal smiles, "Lets just see how things deal out on Whitefall. One thing at a time. Now, someone pass me down those green beans and some more rice."

River passes the bowl of green beans down the table, pausing to snag one for herself as Pain takes it from her.

Ertia looks around the table. Good sexin', followed by good eatin' and good friends! It doesn't get much better than this!

She slips her bare foot out of her boot and runs it up Pain's inner thigh, smirking when he almost drops the green beans into Guy's lap.

Aside from the fact that they had an insane robot, someone tried to turn her in, and they were possibly headed into a dangerous mission into Alliance territory, she couldn't help but grin!


Friday, May 19, 2006 9:57 AM


Ertia beat me to it.


Friday, May 19, 2006 9:58 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
smirking when he almost drops the green beans into Guy's lap.

*when this happens guy looks at pain and says* could you try to keep your mind on what you're doin'?
-try it out, I dare you


Friday, May 19, 2006 10:08 AM


*Pain turns to Guy, smiles and says*

I can't make any promises on that.

*Pain returns his attention back to his food as Ertia continues giving Pain his "inner thigh massage". Pain looks at her and smiles as he swallows a piece of chicken. She smiles back as her foot feels him getting aroused. Pain tries concentrating on finishing his meal. He thinks to himself*

If she keeps this up I'll be takin' her right here and now.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 19, 2006 12:28 PM


OoC: Wow Bluemask!! Howdy!! and welcome to our 'verse.

Everyone dies alone.


Friday, May 19, 2006 12:33 PM


OoC: what he said ^
-try it out, I dare you


Friday, May 19, 2006 12:38 PM


errr.. of course you avoided all of us. We're in the Galley having dinner. Except, apparently, Book??

Wash's voice comes over the shipwide com. "Kaylee, we got some kind of power malfunction in the cargo bay."

"On it." Kaylee wipes her mouth delicately and stands from the table.

"Better not affect the temps." Mal grumps, "Not with all that dried beef in there. Pain, JR. Give her a hand."

Ertia smirks as Pain hesitates before standing up. She can feel the effects of her teasing against her toes, and presses lightly before withdrawing with an apologetic grin.

"Pain? You waitin' on something?" Mal prompts.


Friday, May 19, 2006 12:53 PM


Welcome BlueMask

*Pain takes a swig of his cider and says to Mal*

Uh no sir.

*Mal replies*

Good. You ain't no use to me if'n you're distracted.

*Pain nods and gets up. He looks at Ertia and mouths the word "later". Pain unholsters his pistol and makes sure it's loaded before reholstering it. He nods to JR as the three of them head off to the cargo bay.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 19, 2006 1:13 PM


*Question for Bluemask: Grimjack? Is it you? Anyway, welcome back (or not), you won't have much trouble with me! Now, for a hallucinatory dream!*

*13 is standing in a rainbowish limbo, a purplish electric eel coursing thunder as it wavers through the pandemonium. An incredible boinging sitar is heard in the background, as 13 clutches a paddle marked FAH Q. Suddenly it transforms into a Gilette, and the bot dutifully shaves. Rainbows sprout from the blades as it grins back at him.*

Hey there Gilette..have a nice night?

*13 is jerked out of this dream suddenly, to see a charred hole in his pants.*

That's...odd....*he shakes his head doggedly, eyes coursing across the room.* What happened?




Friday, May 19, 2006 3:37 PM


*Still in his electric-induced state,13 continues on his odyssey, full of cool colors and vivid images. While looking for Fly, he decides she must be in the Engine Room. He goes there in hopes of saying something meaningul, instead bumping into Bluemask. The ninja prepares to concuss the bot with ease, until 13 raises a hand.*

I know I've done horrible things to you before, Fly. Putting you through the pain, the guilt, the anguish of killing a friend, watching them die...until a few hours ago, I never gave thought to how you felt...and about what I feel now. *He shudders, taking a deep breath. Bluemask doesn't move, perplexed and curious at this interesting speech. In fact, he leans against the wall in a relaxed manner, foldinghis arms. 13 continues.

I guess...since you asked that question, I've been thinking about it ever since. 'Do you love?' I never understood love before, but now I do. *He breathes deep.* I do love, and I love yo...*Suddenly, Bluemask's hands whip forward, applying pressure to 13's carotid. It does nothing of course, other than startle the bot.*

Okay, I deserved that. But I'm still not finished. I lo...*Bluemask calmly depresses a red button on a tube, and 13 collapses, lifeless. Bluemask continues to the Engine Room.*



Friday, May 19, 2006 3:37 PM


(Doublepost. Whoops.)



Friday, May 19, 2006 4:40 PM


anyone else get the feelin' somethin's not right?
-try it out, I dare you


Friday, May 19, 2006 9:00 PM


*Pain, JR, and Kaylee were searching the cargo bay when Pain had seen something blur past him. He had thougt it was just his mind playing tricks on him when he heard the sounds of a scuffle coming from the engine room. JR says to Kaylee*

Go tell the Captain we have an intruder onboard ma shong.

*Kaylee bites her lower lip as she runs across the cargo bay and into the galley, relaying what JR said to the rest of the crew. Meanwhile JR unslings his HK SMG and takes the point position. He motions to Pain to take the rear. Pain nods as he unholsters his HK .45 pistol and makes sure the silencer's still attached. They quitely make their way up the stairs by the infirmary and round the corner. When they reach the back hall both of them see River fighting with someone in black and 13's body on the floor.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, May 20, 2006 12:23 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
Fly returns to the galley and hands Book the book.

"The Art of War?" Zoe asks, one eyebrow raised. "He risked his life for that?"

Mystery Man shrugs and says apologetically, "I don't really remember."

"I don't think it was the book itself," Shepherd answers. He looks around the table, picks up a knife and neatly slits the binding.

Simon gasps. "That's an ANTIQUE! Are you out of your mind?"

The room falls silent as the binding splits and exposes a book within the book, a small, handwritten journal.

"This is what the Qin Shi wanted." Shepherd Book says smoothly. "I believe our young friend risked alot to get it. Now we have to get both of them back where they belong."

"Yes. But I don't know where that is." Mystery Man frowns, pushing his plate away.

Kaylee reaches over and pats his arm. "Don't worry none. We'll figure it out."

"I hate to say it," Shepherd looks directly at 13, "But the Qin Shi headquarters are on Osiris, right abouts where that map that 13 has points."

PHEW! How's that for pulling answers out of a fortune cookie? FLY!!!!!!! COME HOME!!!! PLEASE! We need you out here!

Ertia,,,,,don't forget the Journal.....The Art of War is just a book,,,,,he was holding a journal....have fun with that.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, May 20, 2006 12:30 AM



Originally posted by BlueMask:
The mid-ship airlock slid alarms sound was made.

A form draped in black dropped down into the hallway. Quickly the being removed the jet black atmo helmet.. revealing a skin-tight blue-bonded mask. Placing the helmet in the airlock, the intruder resealed the hatch and silently made its way down Serenity's interior, easily avoiding all of the ship's residents...except one.

"Son, what business do you have in the home of my friends," inquired Shepherd Derriel Book.

Without responding the creature shot a kick toward the head of the preacher, which was blocked rather effectively by the old priest.

"Son, we don't have to do this." said the man of god.

Back and forth they went...kicks and strikes moving silently between the two. Neither could find an opening...neither would allow an opening to be found. Through it all, Book remained silent...he did not call for help.

Finally the blue masked fiend leapt back and launched a hand dart at the Shepherd. Book blocked the dart's tip, deflecting it into the wall...just as the Mask had hoped. The shaft of the dart exploded into a cloud of gas quickly rendering the heroic priest unconscious.

The Mask caught the preacher as he fell and gently guided him to the ground. Quickly the intruder stowed Book's inert body under the stairwell and continued deeper into the belly of Serenity.

Finding the Cargo Bay empty, the Mask quickly cut the power to the area...relying on its mask's 'night vision', the being made its way to the floor of the bay.

Slowly the creature approached the hover-mule. Once it stood beside the craft, its hand reached up and lovingly caressed the Mule's frame.

Another one of your characters 13?

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, May 20, 2006 4:06 AM


*after Kaylee relays JR's mesage Guy gets up*

remember what I said about having a wierd feeling?
-try it out, I dare you


Saturday, May 20, 2006 8:38 AM


(He ain't one of min, Fly. BTW, Welcome back. I had a confession wrote out, but decided to hallucinate it instead.)

(do you love do you love doyoulovedoyoulove)

(boinging sitar)



Saturday, May 20, 2006 9:54 AM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:

"I don't think it was the book itself," Shepherd answers. He looks around the table, picks up a knife and neatly slits the binding.

Simon gasps. "That's an ANTIQUE! Are you out of your mind?"

The room falls silent as the binding splits and exposes a book within the book, a small, handwritten journal.

"This is what the Qin Shi wanted." Shepherd Book says smoothly.

Ertia,,,,,don't forget the Journal.....The Art of War is just a book,,,,,he was holding a journal....have fun with that.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."

I'd reread the entire section from the very first post regarding the damaged to shuttle and the memories of Mystery Man: The journal was INSIDE the "Art of War" when he discovered it- he was only holding 'the book' when he passed out. I had to assume that he didn't have both when we brought him on board. I had to assume the journal was still INSIDE the book.
Judging from the scene with the mule, I'm guessing BlueMask is Grimjack?
Okay- where is everybody and what are they doing? As far as I know, he put a device on the door so we couldn't get out- then suddenly 13 and River are taking him on and Kaylee, Pain and JR are in the cargo bay?
Serenity is disabled? Do we still have heat and air, or, as in Out of Gas, are we dead in the water?


Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:07 AM


I'm thinking 13 opened the door that had the device on it and the electrical discharge increased his "high". Pain and JR were in the cargo bay and sent Kaylee back when they heard a tussle in the engine room and decided to check it out. It appears that Serenity is disabled.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:33 AM


*13 rises from the floor, wiping bleary, bloodshot eyes.*

I'm up, I'm up, quit hasslin' me Ma...wait a tic...*he looks around.* Where is everybody?

Hmmmm....*He idly shoves his finger into an outlet.*



Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:35 AM


(Oh yeah. It's Jack. Maybe he's a Qin Shi? Only time will tell, and more electricity!)

*13 hums as the charge courses through his body.*

Electric shivahs...across ma skin..doo doo doo...



Saturday, May 20, 2006 3:51 PM



Originally posted by BlueMask:
Noticing the alert, Hoban Washburne flipped three switches,

OoC: would those be the magic three switches?
-try it out, I dare you


Saturday, May 20, 2006 4:39 PM


*Pain and JR had gone back behind the corner to discuss how to engage the intruder, when they heard the sound of someone falling. Pain makes a motion for JR to wait as he steps into the back hall with his weapon drawn. He notices River laying on the floor unconcious but breathing and motions for JR that everything's secure. JR walks out with his SMG pointed at a 45 degree angle. He notices River, walks over to Pain and says*

She unconcious?

*Pain nods, looks into the engine room and notices the remains of something on the ground. He walks over to it and kneels down to inspect it. JR walks over and says*

You have any idea what that is or was Pain?

*Pain shakes his head and says*

Nope not a clue. But it's probably the reason why the ship's slowin' down. Looks like whoever this person in black is used some sort of acid to destroy whatever that thing was.

*Pain looks up and notices the open hatch to the ducts and says*

And whoever that person is got away through the ducts.

*JR looks over the entrance and says*

Let's go in I'll take point you cover the rear.

JR turns to Pain and says*

I could use a boost if you don't mind.

*Pain replies*

Yeah no problem.

*Pain interlocks his fingers as JR uses Pain's hands as a step and climbs into the duct, sweeping it with his SMG as he moves forward. Pain uses his strength to pull himself in after JR and follows him through the maze of ducts.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:05 PM


The ducts had recently been cleaned (thankfully), and that made the interior surfaces very slick. JR, with Pain's boost, slid into the somewhat narrow opening. Not having much traction inside the metal passageway, he turns his machine gun's safety on and manuevers it over his shoulder and on his back, unholsters his Glock, cocks the weapon, and from his armored vest's interior pocket, he takes out a small flashlight with a custom-made fastener, turns it on, attaches it to the bottom of his pistol and commences to wind his way thru the thermal passage, with Pain about four feet behind him. Both men are trying to make their way along the slippery surfaces of the conduits when suddenly, the proximity detector starts to blast out its warning. "Gorramit, now what?", JR says.

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:42 AM


*Pain responds while trying to find some traction*

I don't know but it's probably something that's not good.

*JR replies as he trudges ahead*

Yeah you're probably right.

*Pain nods and silently swears for not having his flashlight attachment for his gun. They continue on their way not noticing the finely concealed motion detector on the ceiling hiding in the shadows.*


*Mal feels the ship slow down as he hears Wash's announcement. He turns to Kaylee and says*

Kaylee darlin' go see want you can do 'bout gettin' Serenity movin'. Ertia I want you to go help her dong ma.

*They both nod and head out to the engine room. Mal heads off to the bridge along with Zoe. Fly, Simon, and Guy remain in the galley with the mystery man when Book stumbles in, badly bruised and beaten. Simon says as he rushes to help Book*

Ai ya what happened?

*Book answers in a hoarse voice*

I was ambushed by someone in a black jumpsuit. They were masked I couldn't tell who it was. They fought like they had training. I believe they might be looking for someone on this ship.

*The mystery man perks his ears as Book descibes his assailant. Fly gets a washcloth and heads for the sink. She wets the cloth, walks over to the Shepard, and starts to clean his wounds. She says to him*

Do you know who this masked man is looking for?

*Book shakes his head "no" as Fly applies the wash cloth to his forehead. The mystery man speaks up*

I..I think I do.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:50 AM


*13 yanks his finger from the outlet and promptly collapses, only to rise again with an insane light in his eyes. In the galley, he notices Fly, whom he still believes is the one who incapacitated him. He walks over for meaningful conversation.*

13, interuppting (sp?) the little conference: Fly, I know what I said earlier was unexpected, and gave rise to some..feelings, I meant it. But that doesn't mean you can just knock me out whenever! When I said I lo-(he is cut off by Simon, rather angrily.)

Simon: We don't have time for you, in case you didn't notice. We need to concentrate on other people's lives, not just your own little mindgames and such!

13: Oh...well, alright, whatever, man. I'll just..sit in this chair. Right here. Now.



Sunday, May 21, 2006 12:18 PM


*sees the intruder take out the cigar*

need a light?

*bluemask drops the cigar, and attacks viciously only to have Guy hold him off*

well, you got skill

*bluemask then attacks again, more stratigicly this time. Guy fights back hoping help will come before bluemask wares him out*
-try it out, I dare you


Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:46 PM


OoC: This thread would move faster if people would post more often. Also I'm having computer troubles so I might not be on as much as I'd like to.

*Pain and JR continue their search in the ducts when they hit an intersection. Before they can decide which why to go two discretely hidden canisters activate via the motion sensor they had passes and encase Pain and JR in an opaque cloud of gas. They both start coughing as Pain manages to say before they both pass out from the gas*

Son of a bi....

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 22, 2006 3:46 AM


*panting* well..

if you're sure

*heads down to engine room*

hey Kaylee,

think this would help?

*he says as he extends the theta compressor*
-try it out, I dare you


Monday, May 22, 2006 6:12 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
OoC: This thread would move faster if people would post more often. Also I'm having computer troubles so I might not be on as much as I'd like to.

sorry! things kind exploded on me this weekend, and I've been busy! I'll post something real soon!


Monday, May 22, 2006 6:57 AM


*hugs SameErtia* There there it's ok.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 22, 2006 9:06 AM


The gas enveloped Pain and JR quickly, so much so that neither man had time to react except for Pain's expletive. As they lose consciousness, their grip on their weapons loosens, and....both men start to slide! The conduit they were in is built at approximately a 30 degree angle, and the surfaces were very slippery. Both men start to go backwards, banging into an intersection corner, then, back to the hatch where they first began their search. The hatch had been left open. They were both still unconscious, feeling no pain as they each hit the walls of the ducts on the way out. At the hatch, both weapons and men fall 8 feet to the hard metal surface below, one big pile of flesh, clothes, and guns.

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, May 22, 2006 10:31 AM


*Kaylee takes the theta compressor from Guy when they hear a thud and turn around to see JR and Pain laying on the floor in a pile. Kaylee, Ertia, and Guy run over to them to check for any injuries. Ertia gasps and says*

Pain? JR? Can you guys hear me?

*Pain and JR moan but are otherwise nonresponsive. Guy looks down at Pain and says to the ladies*

Is his arm supposed to bend that way?

*Both women gasp. Ertia says to Kaylee*

Honey you go fix the engine. I'll go get the doc. Guy you try to wake them up.

*Kaylee and Guy nod as Ertia heads for the galley to get the doc. Kaylee goes to the engine and goes to work, while Guy tries to wake up Pain and JR.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 22, 2006 12:06 PM


OoC: Seems we have a little "competition":
Should we let these guys know 'bout our part of the 'verse? Or just leave them to their part?

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, May 22, 2006 1:18 PM


Ertia runs back up the passage to the galley, "DOC! Pain and JR are down! Pain's arm looks broke."

Zoe gives her a hard look, "What's happening with the engine."

Ertia shrugs helplessly, "Part was missing. Like completely taken out. Guy rustled up a new one from somewhere, and Kaylee's puttin' it in."

"Took it out?" Zoe confirms, blankly.

"Yah! No broken wires, no nothing..." Ertia remembers her suspicion that someone tried to turn her in.

There's a hum as Serenity's engine comes to life...


Monday, May 22, 2006 4:12 PM


*Pain is still under the effects of the gas. He is totally unaware of his surroundings, let alone the fact that his arm is broke. He finds himself in a jungle on Greanleaf, the year being 2514 just weeks after him and Fly broke up. Pain had decided he needed some time to himself and took a job for a drug lord named Cortez. Cortez had paid Pain a substantial amount of money to find one of Cortez's dealers who owed him money and skipped out on paying. Pain had recieved intel that the dealer named Lee Chen was hiding out on Greenleaf with a small group of breakaways from Cortez's cartel. Cortez gave Pain a half dozen of his own elite army to take down Chen and bring back his money and a little souvenir from Chen. Pain was trudging through the jungle swatting away the bugs while searching for Chen. He had taken his favorite shotgun with him, a SPAS-12 selective fire shotgun loaded with flechette rounds, as well as his Steyr AUG bullpup assault rifle. He was currently carrying the shotgun making his way to Chen's supposed hideout with Cortez's men when they found themselves in an ambush. Apparently someone tipped off Chen that someone was coming for him and he laid out the trap. Pain didn't care he leveled his shotgun and swept the area in front of him emptying the 8 round clip, as the sounds of return fire filled the air. Pain was lucky he was wearing armor when three bullets stitched across his chest knocking him off balance. He stumbled over a tree root and fell down a steep slope, the man who shot him apparently thinking he had killed him. Pain slid down that slope for a good five minutes before his head smacked a small boulder knocking him out for a short while....*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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