Life Onboard Serenity: Into the Black

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 17:31
VIEWED: 10968
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Monday, May 22, 2006 4:37 PM


*13 is still sitting at the galley, trying to calculate the algorithm of salt falling from a shaker.*



Monday, May 22, 2006 4:41 PM


LOL....guess what my last name is...(hint: I'm Hispanic) :^D

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, May 22, 2006 5:01 PM



Originally posted by 13:
*13 is still sitting at the galley, trying to calculate the algorithm of salt falling from a shaker.*


ROFLMAO Dude! I am so never going out with you!


Monday, May 22, 2006 5:13 PM


OoC: lol ertia

*Guy says as shaking Pain and JR*

Pain, JR come on wake up, WAKE UP!!!

*JR stirs and says*


Guy: I was hoping you could tell me
-try it out, I dare you


Monday, May 22, 2006 5:16 PM


(Damn, knew the salt-shaker was bad conversation. C'mon, thinka something, B...of course, it's so obvious!)

The ketchups viscosity, if you take into account the temperature of the refrigerating device, will equal...*Suddenly notices nobody is around.*

Guys? Guy?



Monday, May 22, 2006 5:24 PM


Mal stands for a minute in amazed fury. Finally, he stammers out, "What in the sphincter of HELL is happening on my boat?"

Then he snaps orders in sequence.

"Zoe, Ertia, get to the Engine Room.
"Doc, check on Pain and JR.
"Jayne, check the airlocks. Lock everything down you can." He slams his fist onto the com button, "Wash, get us hell and gone towards ANYWHERE!"

"Kinda like to, Mal." Wash's voice comes back, "But we're on a magnetic grappler to something."

"Well, UN-GRAPPLE US!" Mal growls.

Ertia and Zoe are already halfway down the corridor, and what they see as they come close makes Ertia's gut tighten sickeningly.
Three figures stand over a body on the floor- River's bare toes visible around one black boot.

Before she knows it, her laser pistol is in her hand and she's squeezed off three blasts on full-power...

y'all know how I am.. did I hit anything?


Monday, May 22, 2006 5:29 PM


Huh I didn't know that.

*Pain woke up about twenty minutes later at the bottom of the slope. He cringed as he touched his head and saw semi congealed blood on his fingers. He got up only finding his shotgun nearby, picking it up, then slowly and quitely making his way back where the ambush happened. He hid in some tall brush for a good fifteen minutes before stepping out into the open. Pain had found only five bodies of his team on the ground and no signs of their weapons. He silently swore to himself and decided to continue with the job. He had taken to the cover of the jungle and made his way to the hideout, only having to dispatch six men doing patrol with his combat knife. He quickly made his way into the building taking out a guard and using the guard's silenced Uzi to take out his friends. He progressed through the building, taking cover behind a large statue of a nameless deity, when he spotted Chen walking down a corridor with the one survivor of his team and a handful of gunmen at their sides. He could hear all of them laughing and cursed the hun dan for selling him out...*

*Pain was still unconcious and completely unaware of what was happening.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 22, 2006 6:24 PM


The fog leaves JR brain. He feels at least two large bumps on his head, and a sharp pain on his right side. "Guy!", JR yells. "You go tell Mal we have an intruder inside Serenity, maybe more'n one. Oh, good Lord, Pain." He sees Pain's arm twisted at a sickly angle. He grabs his Glock, then grabs Pain's nearby pistol, grimacing from the feeling in his rib cage. "Pain, Pain old buddy, come on wake up." Pain also has numerous bumps and a small cut on his head and the one good arm. Where is that flask, he thinks to himself, carefully checking Pain's vest. Ahh, found it. He opens it, and pours a small amount on Pain's face. He says aloud, "If'n this don't wake you up, nothing will."

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, May 22, 2006 6:41 PM


*Pain had entered the room and taken out Chen's men. He was about to kill Chen when Chen said in JR's voice*

If'n this don't wake you up, nothing will.

*Pain grunts and swears as he feels the pain of his broken arm. His vision was blurry as he blinked his eyes. He sits up, turns to a blurry JR and says*

What the ruttin' hell happened?

*JR responds*

No time to tell you right now here's your gun.

*Pain takes his pistol in his good hand and sways a little as he gets up. He steadies himself against the wall as JR says*

You ok Pain? Your arm don't look to good.

*Pain bites down on his lower lip as a fresh wave of pain runs through his body. He says to JR*

Yeah nothing I can't handle. Let's go deal with the intruder.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, May 22, 2006 7:00 PM


Zoe's hand clamps over Ertia's wrist, pausing her fire.

Two of the figures have fallen forward, onto River's prone body. The third, a laser burn opening on his lower leg, falls back with a howl of pain.

Somewhere on the other side of the engine, Kaylee is yelling, "What is GOING ON?"

The howl of pain dies away, and the intruder turns his head. Behind the mask, there is something all too familiar about the voice, harsh with pain, that says, "Don't. It's not what you think."


Monday, May 22, 2006 9:56 PM


OoC: Due to continuing computer problems I won't be here as much til Sunday at most. I'll try to get in some post when time comes up. Until then I leave Pain in your guys' control. And Ertia try to let Pain heal up before you sex his brains out.

*Before Ertia or Zoe can speak, Pain and JR get walk in. JR is holding his side where his ribs hurt, as Pain grits his teeth to distract him from his broken arm. Zoe turns to look at Pain and notices his arm she says as she returns her gaze to the Mask*

Pain you better let the doc take a look at that.

*Pain grunts, clenches his gun tighter in his hand and says*

Yeah that seems to be the popular theory.

*The Mask says to Pain as Pain raises his gun*

You really should Pain it really doesn't look good.

*Pain smiles a little before grin=macing at the pain in his arm and says*

Hello Jack long time no see.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 10:52 AM


OoC: I'm temporarily using the computers at my city's library til Sunday. I'm also now between jobs as of today.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 1:18 PM


Oh no! Pain, that sucks. *hugs*

Things move too quickly for Ertia to really register.

Zoe dashes forward and drops her knee into the back of the masked man's neck, holding him to the floor.

"River? Check River!" She orders, and Guy moves forward, dragging the prone girl from under the bodies.

"Are they alive?" She points to the bodies. When Ertia just stares blankly at her laser pistol, Zoe yells her name, "ERTIA! ARE they alive?"

"I'm not a doctor, Zoe!" Ertia says a little louder than she means to, "How did they get on board? Who are they?"

"Are they alive?" Zoe repeats herself.

"River is." Guy answers, then points to one of the bodies, "And that one is still breathing."


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 4:51 PM


Thanks for the hug I needed that.

*Pain walks over to the man on the floor. He points his silenced pistol at the man and turns to Zoe, trying not to think of his arm, and says*

You want me to kill him?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 6:21 PM


Zoe had pounced on the creature with the blue mask. JR hears its comments to Pain about Pain's arm, and then Pain calls him "Jack."
"What did you call it?" JR asks. He walks over to Zoe and her captive, the Glock raised to fire point-blank at the intruder. Then he notices the blue gloves of the other strangers.
"Holy sh*t, these are BlueSun guys. Heard tales of them killin' people just by looking at 'em. Make sure the one that's alive isn't armed and secure him." Suddenly, Serenity starts to shake, like it's trying to take off, and the engine starts to rev higher. Over the com, Mal says, "Hang on people, we're trying to get free of somethin' that's got a hold of us!"

Everyone dies alone.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 7:09 PM


Wash's voice comes over the com,

"Kaylee? Kaylee! Give me full right port thrust! ON MY MARK!"

There's a seconds delay as Zoe reaches up and flips the com switch with the butt of her gun, and Kaylee yells over the engine, "Gotcha!"

Everyone tenses. Zoe still pins Blue Mask to the floor and JR's managed to grab a roll of duct tape from Kaylee's supplies and secure the seriously wounded blue-hand.

The smell of laser burned flesh fills the air as he flips the man face-up. There's a low unconscious groan. It's a gut wound, the burn slowly spreading outwards. "Nice shot, Er..."

"NOW" Wash yells and Kaylee does something that causes Serenity to jerk and rumble, tilting hard...


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:30 AM


*Pain stands down as JR secures the wounded Blue-Hand. He replies to JR's question before Serenity starts to buck*

The cigar on the floor over there kinda gave it away and the fact that he knew my name as well.

*Pain feels Serenity pull hard and falls backward hit hits the wall with a loud thud. He holsters his pistol and rubs his head. He says to everyone*

Well that was fun. Anybody want to take me to the infirmary now?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 9:38 AM


*Pain enters the infirmary, supported by Sam. He double-takes as he sees a remorseful 13 stitching up his numerous bullet wounds.*

Pain: WHat are you doing in here, Pistol-Pants?
13: Hiding. From Fly...
Sam: Why exactly? *Curiosity piqued, she softly rests Pain on the gurney, listening to the bot.*
13: Well....when I was under the influence..*Pain snickers.* I said some things that I probably should've kept quiet about.
Sam: I don't think so. See, I don't think you two had a chance to talk at all, what with the intruders.
13: But, I found her in the hallway, going to the Engine Room. We...talked...and then she hit me. I was knocked out somehow.
Sam: I guess it all depends on what you said. Still don't understand why she'd knock you out, if she even could...
13, swallowing loudly: Well..I said I..actually, let's forget about that. What we really need to know is who the intruder is.
Pain: You know about that? Thought you were too spaced out to listen in.



Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:49 AM


Ertia settles Pain in after half-carrying him to the infirmary. She muses to herself that all that muscle didn't seem so heavy earlier in the day.

Half-listening to 13, she reaches for the painkillers, adjusts a hypo and squeezes Pain's arm in warning before plunging it in. "This should dull it a little. I think Simon's taken to hiding the good stuff."

She gives Pain a wink as he growls, "I'll kiss it all better for you later."

Then she takes a critical look at 13. "Did you just say Fly knocked you out?"

He nods, "Yes. I'm afraid I was kind of out of it."

"You must have been if Fly was able to knock you out." There's something about the story that doesn't make sense, but Simon rushes in just then, followed by Mal with the unconscious River in his arms.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 1:47 PM


*Pain watches as Mal and Simon put River on the counter. They turn to see 13, Ertia, and Pain. Mal looks at Pain's arm and says*

Wo de ma! What happened to you?

*Pain smiles (somewhat from the painkillers but mostly because of what Ertia said to him) and says*

Oh nothin' Cap just knocked out by some gas and fell out of the thermal ducts. I'd be appreciatin' it if'n someone would fix it.

*Pain looks at Simon as he looks at Pain's arm. Simon grabs some stuff from the various cabinets. He says to Pain as he looks over the severity of the break*

Well it looks like you have a compound fracture. I can mend it for you...

*He looks at Ertia and continues*

..but you'll have to lay off doing any heavy physical lifting for about two months.

*Ertia blushes as Simon injects some kind of mending meds into Pain's arm, puts a cast like thing on his arm, and puts a sling around his neck to support his arm. Simon then goes to help his sister. Mal looks at Ertia and then at 13 and says to her*

What's he doin' here?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 2:05 PM


"Just doing diagnostics and patchwork, I think, Captain." Ertia manages to answer with a straight face, her mind on the fact that Simon said no heavy lifting. He didn't say a word about the man layin' on his back!

She meets 13's eye, silently begging him not to antagonize the captain further. "His electrics got rattled. We get free?"

"Wash pulled us out, but now we got a serious problem." Mal frowns at her, and then around the sick-bay. "We just tore off from an Alliance cruiser, and we got a dead Alliance agent in our Engine Room."

Ertia cringes. "I didn't know what else to do, Captain. I saw them over River, and ... how'd they even get on here!"

"Jack." Pain says, "That masked guy is Jack."

"No..." Ertia rejects it immediately, "He wouldn't do that! Help them find us? Get us on board? He gave his life for us!"

The impact of it shakes her faith to the very core. She thought she couldn't feel any more betrayed than she had earlier, when she realized someone had turned her in. But this?

"You're wrong. Jack's dead, Pain." She turns on her heel, ignoring Mal's voice calling her back. There's no way Jack would give them up! Turn River in?

It's time to unmask the intruder so she can look into his eyes when her laser-fire blossoms right between them.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 2:07 PM


BlueMask, you out there?! Guy? JR? What's happening in the Engine room?


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 2:25 PM


*Pain gets up from the chair he's sitting in. He ignores Simons pleading that he sit back down as he heads out the door after Ertia. He catches up to her and puts his good hand on her shoulder. He says to her as she turns around*

I know it was Jack.

*Ertia replies*

No you don't Jack's dead and you know it.

*Pain tightens his grip on her shoulder a little bit, looks into her eyes, and says*

JR only found one of Jack's pistols and the remains of a cigar. He didn't find a body or anything that might indicate someone hid a body.

*Pain's voice becomes a little bit calmer as he continues to say to her*

I know the Mask is Jack because it was his voice albeit a little gravely sounding but it was Jack. If'n you don't believe me then unmask him.

*Tears start to well up in Ertia's eyes and Pain wipes them away with his hand. She says to him*

Alright I'll entertain your idea but I still don't think he's Jack.

*The two of them go off to unmask the Mask.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 4:46 PM


OoC: hello here I am, BURMA!

*to himself as ertia and pain go off to unmask Bluemask*

well, things are fixin' to get interestin'
-try it out, I dare you


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:21 PM


JR and Jayne both secure the Blue Sun man using duct tape on his wrists and feet, then covering the mouth with tape and covering his eyes with a bandana JR had in his back pocket. "Jayne, I got this piece of go se. Go check on Wash up top, see if'n he needs anything, then look for Inara, probably in her shuttle. Ain't heard from her in a spell." Jayne leaves for the cockpit. JR picks through the pockets of Blue Sun man, wincing from the sharp pain in his right rib cage. "Gotta get Simon to look at that, but first things first." BS man has only one thing in his possession, a long, thin plastic and metal device, slightly larger than a ball-point pen. He thinks to himself, "What the hell is this?" "Son, put that down real gentle-like," said Shepherd Book. "Believe me, you don't know what you're handling there. Now again, JR, please, put it on the floor." JR lowers it to the floor, then steps away. Book picks up the strange object as he eyes the BS man. "I can't recall the last time I felt compelled to kill a man." JR's eyes turn wide. "What? You want to kill him, even when he's all helpless and shot up like that?" Book looks at him with eyes of stone and says, "If Ertia hadn't shot these two, we'd all be dead now. He's not as helpless as you think." JR says, "Well then, I better go take him and myself to the Doc so's he can patch me up and maybe give this fella something to keep him unconscious. 'Sides, don't reckon he'll be living much longer anyway with that gut wound." He picks up the slightly-built man by the back of the suit then heads towards the infirmary.

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, May 25, 2006 9:35 AM


Ertia stomps up the stairs, "Still, if that's Jack, why lie to us? Why let them on board? And who the hell are they?"

"Book says they're Blue Sun." JRC comes down the steps towards them, the injured man dragged over his back. "Says he's dangerous."

Ertia squishes back against the rail so that JR can squeeze by and says to Pain, "See? Why would Jack put us in danger?"


Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:06 PM


*He watches as JR passes by them. He says to Ertia*

Perhaps he was being forced to I don't know I'd like to know why myself. Let's go follow JR back to the infirmary and ask.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:44 PM


Ertia turns back towards Pain. Being on the step above him brings them almost eye-level. "I know what you're doing."

He looks back at her, "What?"

"You're trying to get me to calm down!" She practically shouts, "Before I go up there and fry that bastards brain! But it's not gonna work!"

Spinning on her heel, she sprints up the rest of the stairs and down the hallway towards the engine room.


Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:46 PM


*13 has finished stitching his facial wounds, and grins wolfishly at himself in a mirror.*


*He then notices he hasn't changed his clothes since being gunned down, and they are riddled with holes. Quickly, he strides to his bunk and tugs on a non-descript black t-shirt, and faded gray cargo pants. Back to the infirmary, where he begins stitching numerous cuts and wounds on his arms, ignorant of the crowd gathering there.*



Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:50 PM


*Pain sighs and says*


*Pain changes his mind and heads for the galley to get something to eat.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:20 PM


Ertia comes to a halt at the engine room door.

Zoe is still there, and Shepherd Book has joined her.

BlueMask is propped on the floor, his wounded leg tied with one of Kaylee's scarves, his hands duct taped behind him.

Across from him, Mystery Man stands against the wall, arms crossed, looking down.

Book is saying calmly, "Now, son, that's a pretty far fetched tale."

"It's true." The tortured voice comes from behind the mask. "I swear it. I didn't remember...anything..until I found myself in the corridor here."

"That sounds familiar." Mystery Man says with a faint smile, his gaze still on the floor.

Ertia fingers the trigger of her laser, slowly raising it, her voice sounds strained and wounded, even to her own ears. "Take off the mask."

"Ertia, calm down." Book half steps in front of her, but she sidesteps him.


Where are ya, Grimmjack? Don't make me shoot you. 'less'n of course you think I might miss. Or maybe trustin' the others not to let me fire? Errr...guys, you aren't gonna let me shoot him, are you?


Friday, May 26, 2006 6:45 AM


help...where is everybody! we've fallen and we can't get up. Guy, quit playin' with those llamas.


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:15 AM


*Pain hears Ertia yelling from the engine room. He puts the empty bowl down on the counter and walks to the engine room. He puts his free hand on her shoulder and says*

Ertia lower the gun and calm down please.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:23 AM


Her hands are trembling. She can barely keep her pistol from slipping out of her hand. When Pain's hand closes on her shoulder, she feels the tension slip away, her fury and fear failing her at last.

She still looks at the intruder, but now her voice is pleading, "Tell me you aren't him. Tell me you're not Jack."

"So you can shoot me?" The voice behind the mask is too familiar and she blinks back tears once more.


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:36 AM


*Pain takes his hand off her shoulder and runs it down her arm. He puts his hand on her laser pistol and smiles a little as she loosens her grip on it. Pain motions for Book to take the gun. Pain still with his hand on Ertia's, says to the masked figure*

She ain't goin' to be doin' that right Ertia?

*He turns her around and looks into her tear filled eyes. He says to her*

You're not are you?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 26, 2006 9:01 AM


"Not if he can give me one good reason why I shouldn't." Ertia slumps back against Pain, watching Book power down her laser pistol.

"I think we should wait for the Captain before we do anything foolhardy." Book suggests quietly, and Zoe nods her agreement.

Then she leans close to BlueMask, her fingers twitching along her own gun, "But if you turned us in, I'll kill you myself. Fly, Book, can you get him down to the Infirmary, get his leg patched up."

She looks over at Ertia and Pain, and points to the body on the floor. "You two, get this body out of here. Kaylee can't work tripping over that thing."

Ertia grabs one limp arm and Pain the other and they unceremoniously drag the dead Blue Hand down the stairs towards the cargo bay, Mystery Man trailing along behind them curiously.

Ertia leans towards Pain, "Sorry. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just...Lost my head a little."


Friday, May 26, 2006 9:13 AM


*Pain smiles at her and says as the dead man's boots thump down each step*

It's ok Ertia I'm used to gettin' yelled at. I know it wasn't directed at me.

*She smiles back mentally sighing that he understood. They make their way into the cargo bay and plop the dead man on the floor. Pain looks over the body as Ertia presses the button to open the lower doors. Pain waits for the doors to finish opening and kicks the body into the lower bay and nods for Ertia to close the door. The Mystery Man watches them from the stairs. Pain smiles at her and says*

I'll sure be glad when this ruttin' go-se is over and done with.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 26, 2006 9:16 AM


*13 looks up as Fly and Book enter, each reluctantly supportinga blue-masked man. The bot shrugs, and resumes stitching his wounds.*

*After the nanobots in his bloodstream took effect, they rapidy repaired the cuts and bullet holes in his face. Removing the stitches from the tissue, 13 begins to spread plastiskin and fleshfoam over them carefully.*

(I think its just us, Pain and Sam. FOr the time being...)



Friday, May 26, 2006 1:20 PM


OoC: me here

*Guy watches the group carry bluemask into the infermery*

Guy: well this day has gotten far to interestin' for my liking
-try it out, I dare you


Friday, May 26, 2006 1:39 PM


phew...I thought the llamas had kidnapped you, Guy!

Ertia hits the button to release the airlock and empties the body into space before turning back to Pain, "How you feeling? Arm okay?"

"I've had worse." He gives her a smile that warms something inside, and she grins back.

Mystery Man leans against the rail, watching them. "So, is this how things always are around here? Strangers on the ship, lost people with no memories, bizarre artifacts? People getting beaten up and shot?"

They exchange a glance and Ertia bursts into laughter, leaving Pain to answer, "Well, not usually. Usually, we got Alliance, Outlaws and Reavers on our tail, too."

Ertia finally stops laughing and straightens up. "Look, we can't keep callin' you Mystery Man, now that you're up and awake. Any chance you remember your name?"

MysteryMan shrugs, "Honestly, I don't remember much of anything. Flashes here and there. The Doctor things it will come back in time."

Ertia stares at him for a long moment, "Well... I'm going to call you ... Adam."

"Adam? Why Adam?" The Mystery Man tilts his head, regarding her with dark brown eyes.

"Adam was created by God with no knowledge of self." As though this explained everything Ertia gave Pain a little tug towards the infirmary, "Let's see what's going on with the others, shall we?"


Friday, May 26, 2006 2:50 PM


*13 looks up at the trio of Pain, Sam, and Adam (I heard the naming apparently...) and grins. It is strange, this new expression. Half of his face seems almost human, with bare traces of scars, but the other is still torn. Perhaps his repair of only one side is a subconcious projection on how he is torn apart by life..hmmm...I'll have to think on that one. Time for some dialogue now!*

Hello you three.

(Okay, not lots..but hey, it's something!)



Friday, May 26, 2006 2:53 PM


*13 mentions to the Mystery Man:*

You think this is strange? You should've been here when I first came around...there were lovebots and streaking, with a crazed Roman numeral blowing up rooms...I made a speech, it was nice.

*He resumes repairs on his body, but refuses to change the scarred side of his face.*



Friday, May 26, 2006 3:17 PM


* to everyone in the infermery*

you lot will have to tell me about that sometime
-try it out, I dare you


Friday, May 26, 2006 5:40 PM


"Someday, maybe, Guy." Ertia promises, leaning on the doorframe. The Infirmary is kind of full at the moment, but she watches 13 admire his healing work and thinks she'll be glad when he finishes the other side, too. "I missed out on some of it, but we've had some crazy times."

"Yah. It was pretty fun. Ertia shot at us." JR teases while Simon wraps his ribs.

"Sit still, please." Simon admonishes, taking another glance at River.

"Doc, how's River?" Ertia manages to ask, the girl is still unconscious. It's worrisome.

"Not as bad as him." Simon gestures to the still form of the gut shot man with the blue gloves. "I'm afraid nothing can be done with the extent of the damage."

Mal frowns at this news. "Can we get him conscious long enough to tell us what he wanted here?"

Simon frowns, "I should think that was obvious. They were here for River."


Saturday, May 27, 2006 8:10 AM


*Pain listens as everyone talks. He hopes River gets better. Even though she could be annoying and cryptic most of the time he still thought of her as family like he did most of the crew. Pain leans close to Ertia, his lips brushing her right ear. He whispers to her*

I'll be back I jus' have some things to get from the vacant passenger room. Namely my revolvers.

*Ertia nuzzles her head on his chest, smiling as she looks at him, and whispers back*

Ok then Pain I'll still be here when you get back.

*Pain gives her a wolfish smile, turns, and heads for the passenger dorm where they had their not-so-silent lovemaking. He slid the door open and walked in. He knew noone had cleaned it because it still smelled of sex and the crates of weapons were still there. Pain noticed his Ruger Super Redhawk revolver laying on the ground, still in its shoulder holster. He picks it up and slings it across his good arm. Pain then searches the room for his S&W 327PC snub-nosed revolver. He searches for five minutes before finding it underneath the covers, still in its ankle holster. He grabs it and heads out the door. He mutters to himself*

I'm goin' to have to get these crates out of here one of these days.

*Pain makes his way back to the infirmary and brushes against Ertia. She smiles as he stops and stands next to her. He says to her*

If'n you don't mind could you help me put these on?

*She looks at the holstered weapons in his hand, smiles at him and says in a seductive whisper*

Sure but you do know they'll just be gettin' torn off again don't you?

*She looks him up and down before turning her attention back to what's happening in the infirmary. Pain lets her words run through his mind as he pictures her naked. He bites his lower lip and feels himself getting aroused.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:22 PM


*13 is still preening himself, examining a..*

Bald spot? What the...*He peers closer, and dismisses this disturbing new development to check on the rest of the crew, chatting with Guy.*

Oh, they were fun times. XIII decided to drop in and steal all of Jayne's weapons. He unloaded on that lovebot!

Remember that, Fly? *13 chuckles and Fly remains unresponsive to him.*

Yeah, that was a little while after I got shot. Pow, right in the heart...*He smiles almost wistfully, and shakes away the memory.* I got through it, anyway. With a little complimentary engineering.

*He strides to the unconcsious River, and a dark shadow passes over his face.*

It'll be alright...I know it will.



Saturday, May 27, 2006 5:03 PM


Mal stands looking down at the wounded Blue Hand, his gaze inscrutable, his eyes hard. "Wake him up, Doc."

"Mal, he's dying." Simon protests, all of his instincts against increasing the suffering of another.

"Then he's got nothin to lose. WAKE HIM UP!" Mal orders, and Ertia cringes back a bit.

Simon leaves off tending River and walks to the cabinet, removing something and slamming the cupboard closed. He shoves the hypo at Mal. "You do it. I won't be responsible."

The entire room goes silent as the two men square off, Simon's Hippocratic Oath warring with Mal's will to understand the threat to his ship.

After a moment, Mal takes the hypo and turns back. "Then you might not want to watch this."

He rams the needle full of stimulant into the mans carotid artery and intently watches the pained surprise as the man awakens.

Ertia can't watch. She buries her face against Pain's chest and feels his arm come around her.

"It won't work, Captain." Book says quietly from behind Ertia. "These men are trained to withstand more than you can give them."


Saturday, May 27, 2006 6:19 PM


*13 casts a dark gaze at Book*

Think they'll be able to stand what I can give them? Fly might have taken away my primary blades, but...*His fingernails extent, glinting from the cold blue light...* I still have my back-up. I'm willing to work with Mal on this. Shall we, Captain?



Saturday, May 27, 2006 6:56 PM


Simon had just finished wrapping JR's sore ribs, when Mal jabbed the syringe into BS man's neck. Inara and Kaylee had walked in at the wrong time, and let out a collective gasp. Again, the Shepherd's eyes turn cold, with a shocking murderous intent, but he still tells Mal that it won't work. Bluesun regains consciousness, moaning but eyes almost wide-open. 13 raises a hand and a long thin blade appears from the nail. Everyone, even Jayne, takes a step back, horrified with the look on 13's face, still holding a dangerous weapon. JR jumps off the bed, Glock in hand, pointing at 13. Fly yells, "JR, no!!" JR steps closer to 13 and says, "Don't try anything 13," he says. "These new hollow-points won't leave much left'a ya. Cap'n, it's up to you."

Everyone dies alone.






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