Favourite dramatic moment in the Whedonverse?

UPDATED: Friday, May 26, 2006 09:10
VIEWED: 6102
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006 9:52 AM


What was the most intense moment that made you lose your breath, made the hairs on your neck stand on end, or brought gentle tears to your eye as a lump manifested in your throat?
I guess I'm asking for the most powerful effect Joss had on you in a single scene of Angel, Buffy or FF/Serenity...

Chrisisall, with a hard one


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:45 AM


Wesley in 'Not Fade Away.' Wesley reading to Fred. Spike in 'Chosen.'

A Decent Brawl.

Answered. Anything else?



Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:57 AM


What happened? He see your face?

in general.... and among many

Wash saying in WS:
"Bastards not gonna get days"

usually didn't get that kind of dogged conviction from the "lil man"...

Wha?!?... *sniff sniff* OH.... IM ON FIRE!!!


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 11:13 AM


For me it's possibly from Out Of Gas, when Mal said "Everyone dies alone." *Chrisisall shudders at the starkness*
It's ever so hard to choose just one, maybe I should have said top 3 or something...

I may have other ideas after I finish Angel season 5, I don't know yet.

Chrisisall, jumping his gun, as always


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:05 PM


Picking one is too difficult...

Good call on the 'everybody dies alone'. Powerful scene.

Best story arc that made the hairs on the back of my next stand up was evil Angel in Buffy season 2. Poweful stuff also from Angel locking the lawyers in with Darla and Dru. (The 'I just can't seem to care' moment).

Tears moment was probably Inara crying in Heart of Gold. Damn near broke my little shipper heart.

I'm going to S3!!!
(*Insert hysterical celebration dance here*)


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:18 PM


In Firefly

Mal's:(I think this is the quote, not sure though) Everybody dies alone.

And in Serenity: Wash's death

I haven't seen enough of Buffy or Angel to pick my favorite tear jerker moment from them.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:26 PM


oh god, good question!!

Re: FF/S I'll have to get back to you, but for sheer cliche sakes I'll have to go for the moment Buffy jumps in the finale of S5 with the delayed VO "Dawn, listen to me. Listen. I love you. I will *always* love you. etc" and "the hardest thing in this world is to live in it". Again, cliched I know, but hey, you gotta love it.

Also great moments are Firefly ep Serenity "Kaylee's dead, not" moment; hi-larious. Closely equated with Buffy Lover's Walk, "Cordelia's dead (spike though the chest, cut to funeral), not." Whedon you evil b*stard.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:41 PM


Firefly : Jubal Eary's final line of "Well here I am." I just found that predicament of floating around aimlessly in space as profoundly human.

Angel : Tough call this as many episodes of angel had this effect on me but I'd have to say it was the second season, where we go back to the 50's when Angel was first at the Hyperion hotel, and he lets that demon take the rest of the hotel guests and uttering, without turning back to look at everyone: "Take them, have them all." (words to that effect)

Buffy : Anya's confussed speech upon learning of Joyce's death and not knowing the correct way to express herself.

SERENITY : Mal's speech at the dinning room table when he's readying the crew to undertake the risk of bringing the disc to Mr Universe, and upon his final line the sunlight bleeds off and we see his expression.

Not an easy question Chrisisall - but then when do you ever ask an easy question :D



Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:48 PM


Let's see...OoG when the two shuttles take off in the opposite directions and Mal's walking through Serenity alone-between the music and the bluish tone of the scene-powerful stuff....Ariel at the end when Jayne says, "Don't tell em' what I did," a moving and unexpected glimpse into the conscience of a character that you didn't think had one....OiS at the end when Mal reaches out and gently holds Inara's face, his first real display of affection for her, she lowers his hand (the ol' she wants him, but it's too painful, and he loves her, but it's too late-Oh, the beautiful angst!)

"Wheel never stops turnin', Badger." "That only matters to the people on the rim."


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 1:00 PM


I have to say that second when Kaylee gets shot. I thought she was honestly going to die the first time I saw that. And then when Mal says Kaylee's dead. The seconds that follow nearly killed me just watching them.

An I carried such a torch.......For the Dark Lord


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 1:01 PM


Two moments always make me cry...every time...over and over.

Out of Gas - the very end when the salesman is trying to sell Mal the ugly yellow ship and he only has eyes for Serenity.

Serenity - the end of the BDM when Mal explains to River that the first rule of flying is love.

Guess you can tell I love that ship...


I've been sane a long while now, and change is good...


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 1:50 PM


Series: 'Out of Gas' with the "everyone dies alone" scene as well as the last scene in that ep in the infirmary.

Movie: Zoe losing it in battle on Mr Universes's moon.

Buffy: 'The Body' Buffy and Dawn seeing their mother in the morgue.

Angel: 'Epiphany' The scene with Kate with the quote "...if -- nothing we do matters, -- then all that matters is what we do."



Wednesday, May 24, 2006 2:33 PM


wow that's tough...I think I have to go with either

Select to view spoiler:

buffy's death in "the gift", Angel's death in "Becoming"

or most of "Chosen" though there's also "hole in the world" in Angel, that one definitely gets to one, and the end of "not fade away". I can't think of anything really that competes with any of those from firefly. But yea, can't really narrow it down to just one lol.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 3:13 PM


The last minute of the Buffy episode immediately preceding "The Body."

The end of OoG, when Mal asks if the others'll all be there when he wakes up.

RIVER: You gave up everything you had to find me. . . and you found me broken.
SIMON: No, mei-mei. Everything I have is right here.

(Big manly tears.)

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 3:23 PM


For Firefly one tearjerker moment for me is the quote in my signature
"Sun came out, and I walked on my feet and heard with my ears. I ate the bits, the bits stayed down, and I work. I function like I'm a girl. I hate it because I know it'll go away."

In Angel

Select to view spoiler:

When Fred is dying/becoming Iliyara(sp?) and Wesley is holding her, that whole scene

"Sun came out, and I walked on my feet and heard with my ears. I ate the bits, the bits stayed down, and I work. I function like I'm a girl. I hate it because I know it'll go away."


Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:04 PM


There were many many scnes in Firefly that struck me (which is why I became a fan) A lot of them have already been mentioned. Mal moving through the ship in Oog, Kaylee being shot (wow that was something, Jewel gave a really good performance) I just can't watch the torture scene in Warstories, makes me cringe. And many many others.

But what hit me the hardest was Wash's death. I just didn't see it coming. It was so quick, so unexpected, and to me so senseless. Again I KNOW why Joss did it but the rest of the movie was a blur to me, I barely payed any attention to the end. It seemed... meaningless. I didn't care about Mr Universe (frankly that character annoyed me) Seeing Book was bad enough (another waste) but Wash? Got me real bad. So bad I've only watched the DVD 3 times. Nothing hit me this hard since Vader told Luke he was his father. Not even that. So ya, Joss has a knack at playing with the emotions.

Buffy and Angel, don't watch the shows so can't comment.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:11 PM


Well, there's so many it's hard to choose. If someone came at me and forced me at gunpoint, I coule (MAYBE) narrow it down to two. One is from Firefly. The scene is titled River's Dance or something like that (but I call it River Dance, just because of the stupid pun it makes lol). When River is dancing in Safe and mal and Jayne are elbow-deep in some gunplay, and the music for the dance eventually takes over, and the dance and the fire fight both match up to the music. Pure genius. It's inspirational (especially for someone like me, who wants to someday get into directing). The other is the second scene of Serenity, when the letters of Serenity fade in and you can see them on the side of the ship and there's a soft violin, but it's otherwise dead silent. That was just so unbelivably powerful to me... *in awe*

"If I hear the words 'that's final' coming out of your mouth again, they truely will be."


Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:25 PM


Mal and Inara in her shuttle
Inara: Mal, come with us.
Mal: Can't... 4 to a shuttle ,Inara, 4.
Inara: Mal,you don't have to die alone.
Mal: Everybody dies alone.

Gets me every time. A basic truth of life.


Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:34 PM


Never really seen any Buffy or Angel, but Firefly,WOW!! Let me think.

There are many times I've gotten lumps in my throat.I look around,see if anyones watching.

One that gets me pretty choked up is from OIS. When River starts explaining that shes going away because shes not wanted aboard the ship. I really want to kick the crew of Serenitys a$$ for that one. I know shes got ISSUES and all, but just think of what that poor girls been through. Funny the way she saves them all in the end though. Thats a hoot



Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:38 PM


Too many powerful moments to list. Just got done watching one of my favorites though. In Objects In Space, the scene between Early and Kaylee in the engine room. Intense damn scene. whew...

But, there are many moments in Firefly that really tug hard at the old heart strings. No doubt.


Thursday, May 25, 2006 3:34 PM


Just have to add the two favorites that sold Firefly for me, (and this was when it originally aired so it was a rare and special thing)

Mal kicking Crow into the engine and Mal (once again) coming up the ramp and shooting Dobson.

I mentioned in a thread last year that I always hate the typical letting the bad guy go so he can later chase you and be an annoying boil on your butt. I always think, why the hell don't the hero's just get rid of them in the beggining. It's not like they eventually don't kill the henchmen, so why not just do it to begin with and they can focus on dealing with the main bad guy?
Are they trying to show that the hero is noble taking the high road by NOT killing the henchmen until there's no choice? Or just dragging the suspence? A little of both I assume. I think the most guilty that do this are the Bond films. How many henchmen are allowed to live only to have them come back and be a bother? Granted a lot of them perish but the main henchmen (like Crow was) always end up living only to come after Bond again. Bullspit. So when I saw Crow get up and make his threats I thought 'Uh-oh, here we go, typical cliche big bad man's going to keep coming after Mal and company. Why can't they just get rid of him?' And Mal did, and I freaked, and I was hooked, and thus started my love affair.

As for Mal shooting Dobson Clint Eastwoot style, I felt a similiar way as how he dealt with Crow. Moreso because I really hated Dobson, even bumbling "we don't know he's an agent yet" Dobson. That's why when that scene comes up I pause and slow-mo it. So funny to see this idiot making threats with a gun pointing at Rivers head and Mal just strides up pulls his gun and all in such a quick smooth motion he never blinks once and is so non-chalant about it you'd think he'd just flicked a fly off his nose. Dobson can't even finish his sentence. Laughing as I think about it.

Dammit Joss, do you realize before Firefly I could watch a lot of crap on TV? Now I look at the shit that's on and think if only Firefly was on instead of another "Strange people on a Desert Island sharing a Room together as they try to think of ways to get off the island that all starts with an Amazing race to the sea....


If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Thursday, May 25, 2006 4:00 PM


That's easy. The last five minutes of "Five by Five" in ANGEL where Faith breaks down in the rain.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There's only one "Return" ok, and it ain't "of the King", it's "of the Jedi."

"Maybe we should start calling your friend 'Padme' because he loves 'Mannequin Skywalker' so much, Right? (imitating robot) name is shitty acting is ruining saga."

Excerpt of internet teaser for CLERKS 2.


Thursday, May 25, 2006 4:45 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
That's easy. The last five minutes of "Five by Five" in ANGEL where Faith breaks down in the rain.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There's only one "Return" ok, and it ain't "of the King", it's "of the Jedi."

That was really intense...had me a tearin'.

And I agree about your 'Return' thing Chrisisall


Friday, May 26, 2006 6:06 AM


Faith's breakdown at the end of 'Five by Five' floored me when I first saw it. I especially love that soft rumble of thunder just as the screen goes black.

Another would be Darla staking herself to deliver Connor.


Friday, May 26, 2006 6:40 AM


oh there are so many

I have to say Buffy at the end of scene 5

Wash's death

The look on Mal's face when Inara walks away from him.

I could go on and on and on


Friday, May 26, 2006 7:42 AM


Firefly: Out of Gas, when Mal accidentally drops the catalyzer and it disappears underneath the engine. He's been shot, he's bleeding to death, he's suffocating, he's all alone and running out of time... it turned out not to be a big deal, but at the moment it happened...whew. Just thinking about it hurts my stomach.

Buffy: It's been a few years, so I don't remember that well, but there was the moment Buffy had to kill Angel... and Xander's showdown at the end of The Zeppo... and the one when Tara died such a pointless, stupid death... and the moment Dawn realized she wasn't a Potential and handed the glory moment off to Amanda... Hmm. There were lots of great moments in that show, weren't there? (And I've no doubt that Firefly, given the chance, would be even better. Damn FOX.)

Angel: I've only just finished season 3, but so far... Faith breaking down at the end of Five by Five. Angel overwhelmed by darkness and despair, and having sex with Darla... and then later, when he realizes that Kate had tried to kill herself and he goes and saves her life (finally ending that long, dark, painful, incredibly mesmerizing story arc). Darla staking herself to give birth to Connor.

I've also had lots of "Joss, you're such a bastard" moments -- moments that were excellently done, very plausible, great plot twists or whatever, but that showcased over and over the fact that he just won't let happy, well-adjusted romances stay that way on his shows. Most recently it was in Angel, the episode "Billy", where Wesley becomes a misogynistic would-be murderer who tries to kill Fred, effectively killing the budding romance that could-have-been. "Joss, you bastard!" I ranted at the screen. I don't know what happens in seasons 4 and 5, but as of this moment, in my mind's eye, Wesley is _dying_ inside and I think that losing Fred to Gunn is part of the reason why.

Ok, gotta go back to work. Love this website, but it sure makes a lousy employee out of me :)

Indigo S.


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:05 AM


I think I just figured out my favorite
During the message when Mal is holding his old friend and the frustration and stark pain of the senseless death when Mal would have been willing to help is just heart rending


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:29 AM


Buffy: When Oz leaves Willow mid-season 4 telling her he's loved her his whole life. Always gets me.

Angel: A couple moments, but these are the ones that stick out the most - "I will remember you", S1, the last three minutes when Angel comes back and tells Buffy what he's done. - "A Whole in the World", S5, pretty much the whole episode, but especially when Fred asks Wesley "Why can't I stay?" - And there's an episode in early S3 (I cannot think of the name right now) where Fred's parents come back and she runs away. Her breakdown in the train station always kills me.


"Serenity" (pilot) - When River first comes out of the box and Simon calms her down, telling her she's safe now.

"I didn't think you'd come for me."
"Well, then, you're a dummy."

"Safe" - You found me broken. & Mei mei, everything I have is right here.

"War Stories" - What am I? (River asks Simon)

"Heart of Gold" - Inara's crying scene, kills me every time

"The Message" - At the very end, after Tracey has died and they replay his message. That last time always chokes me up (I know, a lot of people don't like this episode, but I think the scene at the end is heart-breaking.)


"Put a bullet to me." - River

"I wish you was someplace else." - Mal
"I was." - Inara


Can you tell who my favorite characters are?


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:57 AM


I can understand why everybody picked the ones they did above but as soon as I saw the title of the thread, my answer came screaming into my head loud and clear:

Final scene in Angel. You have to watch the entire series to get the full impact of it but that's the one that turns me inside out every time.

If JW had been given the opportunity to tell the Firefly story as completely, I expect one of the season finales would have effected me more by now. Alas, that was not the path taken in this world...

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Friday, May 26, 2006 9:10 AM


BangBangBang and "My turn."






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