Life Onboard Serenity- Into the Black II

UPDATED: Sunday, June 4, 2006 07:21
VIEWED: 18192
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:15 PM


This is a role-play chain-story! Everyone can play, anyone can post. Come on in, we don't bite! At least, not without permission...

Previously on board Serenity:

And our latest adventure,

In which things went to hell in a handbasket.

Lesseee--- we got... 13, back to coherency, so that's good.

We got GrimmJack returned as a BlueMask, a masked invader who beat down Shepherd and River before dissabling the ship and letting onboard two Blue Hands agents.

Ertia, in a sudden flash of coherent firearms use, (don't get used to it!) shot all three with her laser pistol, killing one agent, mortally wounding the other, and burning a pretty hole in BlueMask's leg (Sorry, dude, but you DID disable our ship!)

We've discovered that the Mystery Man from the shuttle (who is still sans memory, btw) is an agent of a secret society called the Qin Shin warriors, and that the Journal he was carrying is an important artifact.

The Qin Shin secret headquarters are on the same island the encrypted map pointed to on Osiris.

We've got a whole cargo load of beef destined for Whitefall, and who knows how many other loose ends out there! :D

Currently most of us are in the Infirmary, either waiting to torture the remaining BlueHand agent for information, or question BlueMask, who's author seems to have disappeared.

Where are we? What are we doing? And where are we goin'?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:22 AM



Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:42 AM



Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:44 AM


*walks up to newhall spaceport*

"well thats a mighty fine lookin ship

i wonder what the milage on that baby is?"

*he looks up to the firefly class boat*

"yep looks clean enough."

wolfie you've done it again!

*walks up to the man standing next to it*

"howdey fella"

"i'd like to take passage on your"

*looks at name tag*

at that moment 7 alliance feds ran in and shot the man down.

wolfie ran for cover, when he found it he exchanged fire with them, killed 2 but one of
them jumped up behind him.

"what the?"

the fed slit his throat.

at that moment wolfie woke up in his bunk.


"what in the name of earth-that-was was that!"

*opened the door to his room*

he was still on serenity. "whew"

what the hell was happening to him?!

it was exactlly the same each night, it was like a different version of his arrival!

the idea of his freind jack being shot was unthinkable.

and what about all these weird thouts he was having, he didn't remember ever being on a planet called... what was it, oh yeah miranda, it was that river girl, they were her memories.

he couldent stand this any longer, two readers on one ship, can't be good, at least he could trust the girl not to tell the rest of the crew.

the thought of followmal, dr.pain, radar all in MY danger.


he got dressed at went down to breakfast, muttering.

"maybe i should tell them, nah it would be too much"

he continued to eat his proteinflakes and strawberries.

" i wonder if the rest of the crew are doin ok in the infermary."

thank god i didn't show myself until after the firefight.

but then, it was very cramped in that secret holding bay.

*walked over to the cupboards, picked out a jar and made some nourishing soup*

*took it to the infermary*

"god damn yung ching dai fow twan jack, he was my freind and he betraied us all, good thing i stabed him as he left."

*walks into the infermary with nourishing soup.*

"by the way whose the captain coz i just come out of hiding as you all know and havvend spend much time openly on the ship?"

translation:yung ching dai fow twan = dirty son of a whore.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 5:50 AM


Ertia stares at Wolf. "Wolf? Dude? When did you get here? I haven't seen you since..."

She quickly re-thinks the rest of her sentence as Mal shoves her firmly out of his way. "I'm the captain. Where the hell have you been?"

Ertia quickly puts a hand on Mal's arm. "Relax, Captain. I once spent an entire firefight under the kitchen table, remember? Some of us don't have the need for constant violence."

Mal glares down at her for a second before glancing around the infirmary. "All right, people, we got work to do in here."

He gestures casually towards the BlueHands agent, laboring for breath.

"Everybody not wantin' to be a part of this, get out. That means you, Ertia and Kaylee. Take River out of here before she wakes up. Simon..."

Mal hesitates as he looks at Simon. He never calls him by his name, not to his face, not unless he's serious, and Simon knows it. Still, the Doctor ain't weak, just not many men have the stomach for what needs to be done.

Book steps forward, "Captain, this man isn't going to break."

Mal starts to interrupt, but Book walks calmly to the cabinet and removes a selection of needles, drugs, and scalpels. "But he just might talk with the right inspiration."

Ertia nudges Pain and gestures him to help her carry River out and back to her room. Just the thought of what's about to happen has her sick to her stomach.

Simon nods slowly, and backs away. "I can't be a part of this."

Mal doesn't look at him now, his eyes on the rapidly blinking eyes of the Blue Hand Man. "Fine, Doc. Take the BlueMask out of here and patch him up. Pain, Guy, JR? If y'all can get some answers out of him, I'd be grateful."

Kaylee grabs the portable medkit and Simon aids the still masked man to the sofa outside the Infirmary.

13 extends his claws once more, a grim smile on his face. "I can help, Captain."

Ertia slides the doors closed behind her and hears the bar slide into place from the inside. Quickly as she can, she follows Pain as he carries River to her room.

As Pain turns to go, she pulls him to her for a brief kiss and then releases him. "I'll take care of River. Go question the Mask."

"Jack." He corrects her, his calloused fingers brushing her cheek gently.

Then he leaves her alone, and she sits down beside River's still form, pressing a cold pack to the ugly bruise on the girl's cheek.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 6:28 AM


*Pain walks over to the couch where JR and Guy are watching the doctor patch up BlueMask. Pain whispers to JR*

You got any ideas on how to get any information out of him?

*JR pats his holstered pistol, grins and says*

Oh I think I do but I reckon the Captain wouldn't like it. How 'bout you?

*Pain nods and says as Simon finishes up*

Well I have a few ideas but seein' how it's Jack I ain't goin' to be enjoyin' carryin' out any of them.

*The three of them stand there looking at BlueMask pondering how they're going to make him talk.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 7:32 AM


you might not do it dr. but i sure as hell will,

*pulls out knife and steps towards jack*

"hehe im gonna get me an ear"


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:18 AM


*Inara has returned to her shuttle, settling in front of the Cortex-screen, preparing to schedule some clients for once. Suddenly, the glowing blue screen is replaced by a bone-white face, long ragged hair covering dark, intense eyes. Numerous bruises and cuts dot his face, a bizarre patchwork of pain. Inara is the first to speak*

Umm...hello and who is this?

XIII: Names XIII. *His natural flirting kicks in, and he grins in a dashign manner, even with the bruises* That'd make you..*he shakes his head.* It doesn't matter. Listen, grab 13 quick, I've only got a short while before they figure I sent a signal!

Inara: Who? What? Who captured you?

XIII: JUst get 13 here ASAP. Tell him 'Orphan.' That's all you need. *HIs eyes flash to something unseen, and Inara gasps.* Oh crap. Write this down. *Inara, staying sharp in confusion, grabs a brush and paper, rapidly inking the brush.* I'm at Orphan's ship, probably six hours from you. My signal coding is: 76843. That's all you need. Make sure 13 goes alone. Orphan..*XIII is dragged away by hulking thugs. The screen shorts out.*

*Inara gathers herself, wondering who that was as she runs the notes up to 13.*



Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:45 AM


What are we playing here? 'How many sub-plots can we create in one chainstory'?

River stirs and opens her eyes.

"Hi, sweetie. How you feeling?" Ertia gently strokes the hair back from her bruised cheek.


"He's just down the hall. You want me to get him?"

River rises slowly. "No. Can't let them hurt him. Not his fault."

"Who? River? You should be laying down." Ertia tries to stop the girl but she pauses in the doorway and looks at Ertia with haunted eyes.

"Don't you understand? They will destroy us all, one by one. They tried 13, and then Jack. And they won't stop until we stop them."


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:49 AM


*13 is confronted by Inara just as he gets ready to operate. He tries to wave her away, but she shoves a beautifully written piece of paper at him. He scans the paper, and something unfamiliar crosses his face, something that Inara knows well.*



13: Christ, there's too many! *He is clutching two revolvers, occasionally firing from behind the makeshift barricade, a steel table. XIII is sitting beside him, an enormous, hybrid pistol in one hand. Beside him is a steel-haired man, a scoured Alliance force-rifle in each hand. Orphan.*

XIII: Shouldn't have tried to knock over that bank, huh?
Orphan: Yeah, the laser bars were a nice touch. Little unexpected, though...*He ignores the bullets whizzing over his head, calmly firing the dual force-guns, incapacitating two ALliance soldiers.*

*13 motions to a weakened section of wall, and Orphan unhooks a sticky grenade from his belt. He hurls it at the wall, counting silently.*

*The wall disappears in a cloud of dust, the heat singing XIII and 13's eyebrows. Orphan darts ahead of the two, casting a smoke grenade into the doorway of the hideout. XIII and 13 silently follow him into the night.*

*Outside of the hideout, a Hummingbird skiff is waiting the trio. They hop in, gliding towards High Charity. A graying man waves them over.*

XIII: Wes, tell Roker to take off! Alliance won't have the time to send gunships if we go now!

Wes: Do we have the cash? *Orphan nods, grinning widely.*
Orphan: Although, next time, I'd like it if your little gadgets worked out next time. Lasers almost took my head off.

*They rush into HIgh Charity, where Guy is waiting, .45 at the ready. He holsters it at Orphan's command, and High Charity takes off.*

(OoC: I have only the slightest idea of who Orphan is. I think Guy (A former High CHarity crew member, can help with background?)



Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:06 AM


(Don't worry about the 13/XIII/Orphan sub-plot. I've got an idea that'll only require two or four posts, in which I'll take care of unfinished business.)

(Or die.)



Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:39 AM


Inside the Dying Angel...(Orphan's flagship)

*XIII is hanging by leather straps, drool dripping from a slack mouth. He is shirtless, bruised, and bloodied. His back is ragged and torn from a whip, and a shadow named Orphan stands before him.*

Orphan: You think that he'll come save you? Think that he still cares? *XIII looks up with bloodshot eyes.* He didn't come for me. *XIII begins to laugh, a rattling bloody sound. He chokes out mumbled words.*

Don't feed me that bullshit, XIII. You know that you both could've tried. But, the money was just a little too good, wasn't it? *Orphan smiles almost dreamily, caressing the hilt of a katana lovingly.*

I hope he does come. One last battle, right?

(OoC: Alright, know who Orphan is now. This is 13, but I'm just using XIII's account. We're actually different people, I swear!)


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:12 AM


(back on the serenity)

wolfie follows mal into the corridor.

*mal slams wolfie against the wall.*


"what the hell did you think you were doing?!"

"i was interrigating the person who sold you all out!"

" in the worlds did you come from anyway?"

"i took some hints from a certain bounty hunter"
"but that doesent matter!"

" ok but i wanna know if you ain't gonna sell me out as well."

" look i have my own reasons to hate the blue glove organization. but thats my buissness, mine and ertias."
"LOOK, i can pilot this ship better than almost anyone on this boat, and those that can sky her better than me are in the infermary."

*wolf hits mal in the chest, just hard enough to make him let go*

"and you'll see that i ain't no pussy in a fire fight neither"

*mal opens his mouth to say somthing, but wolf stops him.*

"i've been up against alliance, hybrids, smugglers, murderers, you name it i've fought it!"
"i was a browncoat, i for the independents, seargeant-major wolf speedfreeze, thats what they called me. battle of serenity vally. yeh i know."
"but that woudnt appear on any records, i started half way through, had to take my gun and coat from a dead man, but don't worry mister reynolds, i gave 'em back and got my own."

"well...ok then."

*wolf hushed him*

"look, i ain't lookin to rule, your position as cap'n is safe."
"me and kaylee had a bit of a hoo ha quite a few years back, but i'm sure you don't like romance stories. we mostly stay outa each others way."
"so all in all cap, you got nothin to fear so don't worry."

*him and mal walk back into the gally where everyone was listning at the door but they sudenly all acted nonchalant*


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:34 AM


*seeing 13's reaction*



13, buddy, what is it?
-try it out, I dare you


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:38 AM


( if this is the life on serenity can we try to keep it a liiiittle bit more centered on serenity please?)


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 12:01 PM


(Good point, Wolfie! I gots a new idea for a tiny tiny spin-off I want to try out. I won't be able to do it right unless Guy comes with me to the Dying Angel. Whaddaya say, Guy? Wanna? Anyway..)

Guy, remember five years ago, that bank job we pulled?

GUY: With the lasers, yeah.
13: Well, Orphan's back, and he's got XIII.

*Guy reels, floods of memories and mixed emotions drowning him at the mention of that name.*

13: XIII sent out a distress signal. Inara wrote down most of it here. *He passes the note to Guy, who studies it carefully.* I've already made the calculations. If I leave now, I should be able to rendevousz with you guys in twelve hours. *He and Guy walk to 13's bunk, where Guy begins to talk.*

No way Orphan's back. For one thing, he couldn't have broken out, and how'd he even get his own ship?

13: I don't have a clue. I just know he's got XIII. *He rummages in a large, weathered satchel, finally drawing out a long, wooden box. Inside is a trainer katana, carved with the name 'Delilah.'*

GUY: Oh, Christ....Orphan won't stop with XIII. He'll track us all down...
13: Not if I stop him first. *13 leaves his bunk, making his way to shuttle 2.*



Wednesday, May 31, 2006 12:26 PM


20 minutes ago....

*Pain was relieved when Mal showed up and took Wolfie away after Wolfie was about to cut BlueMask's ear off. Mal had told JR and Pain to watch over BM. JR had volunteered to go first and was stationed outside of the infirmary. Pain and the rest excluding River and Ertia headed to the galley. Once in the galley Pain walked over to a chair and sat down, pulling out a half smoked cigar and lighting it, as 13 and Guy started talking to each other. Pain was too preoccupied to listen to their conversation. He thought to himself*

How long has it been since I last saw Wolfie. Must've been two years ago a least. He even called me Dr. Noone even calls me that anymore.

*Pain's thought trail off as he hears a scuffle outside. Everyone except for 13 and Guy run over to the closed door and listen. Everyone hurries back to their seats as Wolfie and Mal step in. Pain had sat down on the couch in the alcove, still smoking his cigar. He was feeling tired as he'd been awake for about a week straight. He thought to himself*

Gorram insomnia probably should go to the infirmary and see if'n the doc can give me something.

*Pain was too busy lost in thought to see 13 and Guy leave.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 12:34 PM


*evryone stops talking as a large explosion rocks the ship violently*

fly" sir we have been boarded!"

mal" GET BARRICADES UP!" " pain, 13, book, arm yourselves and get ready!!
river, kaylee, ertia lock yourselves in one of jaynes old bunk, oh and give vera to the pup, see what he can do with a real weapon."

relising mal ment him wolf ran to the bunks and grabed the mighty rifle.

[[10 minuits later]]

pain, 13, book and wolf are at the front line of the barricades.
mal and zoe are guarding jack.
simon and the others are holed up in the space including the bridge and the bunks.

everyone prepares as the first shots are heard and people began banging against the doors.

*wolfs eyes glaze*
*wolf shakes his head as if shaking off water*

wolf" its the feds, they want their men back."

13" how do you....?"

*the men brake through*

wolf" never mind, FIRE!!!."

*guns blazing the ragtag crew fully attack the aggressors.*

*in the confusion wolf saw that he got 3.*
*13 got 2.*
*pain got 4.*
*book got...7! what kind of a shepard was this guy?*
*but there were still many more coming*

*13 stood up*

" DIE YOU JIN CHOW LU TZE!!!!!" cried the hybrid.

*book dragged him to the ground*


(run with it dudes and dudettes!)


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:05 PM


*Pain was running out of ammo quick. He cursed at himself as he fired his silenced .45 around the corner. He called out to Wolfie as he ejected an empty clip, holstered his pistol, and unholstered the Ruger Super Redhawk revolver*

Wolfie cover me I'm goin' to get me some more ammo.

*Wolfie nods and fires at the oncoming feds as Pain raced to the vacant passenger dorm. Once there he holstered his revolver and slid open the door. He hastily opened the crate of SMGs that he had purchased on Persephone and took out one of the FN P90's. He slung it over his good shoulder and stuffed a dozen 50rd clips into a side pocket. Satisfied with his armament Pain unslung the SMG and raced back to where the others were. He made sure the lightweight gun was cocked and set it to fire 3-shot burst. He leaned against the wall, took a few deep breaths, and resumed firing on the feds.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:25 PM


Did anybody question BlueHands Man? Is he dead yet...'cause he's been dying for a while? Can we throw the body out the airlock?)

Stray fire strafes the cargo bay.

Adam, the Mystery Man, falls down dead, his body riddled with bullets, neatly removing a troublesome side-plot.

Ertia, hiding with River and Kaylee in the Engine room, (because putting our mechanic in a bunk when we need her in the engine room doesn't make alot of sense) checks the charge on her laser pistol. Less than quarter charge. Not much use if they break through to the engine room.

She bolts the heavy door and glances over to Kaylee, who sparks up her welder. The petite mechanic shrugs; "Just in case."


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:33 PM


* after making sure 13 had calmed down a bit,
book jumped the barricade, picked up a fllen
alliance force rifel and shouted for wolfie to
follow him.*

* wolf snatched the best weapon he could find and loaded VERA.*

* together with book wolf cleared the bay area, he then threw his patented smoke-grenade-chain- belt into the cargo hold.*

* book set off 7 flash bombs and drove the invaders off.*

* with that wolf fired vera into their hull and caused a breach, that made leave for now.*

mal" gorram it why do we still have this beef on my ship?"

MAL*whispered*" nice work pup, oh by the way you can keep old VERA there, make sure you treat her right"

*wolf smiled*wolf" oh, don't worry, i will."

(blue hands man is dead, bluemask is not)
(sorry about the engineer thing, i was thinking about locks and ladders on the bunks.)


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:46 PM


Uh... That's Jayne's gun. Jayne's still on this ship. He ain't gonna be too happy with mal handing you his gun!


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:47 PM


*Pain was glad that it was over. He had managed only a small cut on his cheek caused by a bullet fragment. He slung the SMG over his shoulder, carefully sweeping away shell casings with his foot and heads to the infirmary. He says to noone in particular*

I'm goin' to the infirmary. I think I'll pay the doc a visit and see if'n he'll give me somethin' for my arm and my insomnia.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:48 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
Uh... That's Jayne's gun. Jayne's still on this ship. He ain't gonna be too happy with mal handing you his gun!

i'm plannin on havvin an argument and losing.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 2:02 PM


[[[the dext day]]]

kaylee" so i supose you gave jayne back his gun?"

wolf" yeah"


wolf" why did you have to leave?"

kaylee" oh come on wolfie that was along time ago."

wolf" but don't you remember all the good times we used to have?"
" the sunsets, the dinners, the waks on the prairie."

kaylee" *sigh* yeah they were great, you were great, i was great, but thats in the past, i got simon now."

wolf" yeah, i guess. peace?"

*holds out a hand, kaylee shakes it*

kaylle" peace."

kaylee" you know, you should take my example, forget about what that we had all those years ago and find yerself a girl."

wolf" yeah. yeah! good idea, thanks kaylee!"

* he starts to walk away*

kaylee" hey, pawsie! good luck!"

*wolf smiles remembering the name she used to call him*

wolf" thanks!"

* wolf walks off happy to have that off his chest and happy to be able to be freinds with kaylee again without the shyness and discomfort.*


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 2:31 PM


*8 Hours Earlier*

Finally getting the all-clear from Zoe, Ertia, Kaylee and River make their way from the engine room.

The ship is a total mess. Bodies litter the cargo bay, blood is splattered everywhere. Outside, the blackened hulk of the Alliance cruiser floats ominously.

"Jesus, what have we done?" Ertia looks around herself, only to have Book place a strong hand on her shoulder.

"Made ourselves one of the most wanted ships in the Universe." His words are none to reassuring.

Mal agrees. "We've got to get out of this sector, and now! I'm going to talk to Wash. Y'all get some rest, then I want this place cleaned spic and span- not a trace of any of this left."

He pauses at the door, "Ertia, we're gonna need new registration numbers, plates, papers, everything. Dong ma?"

She nods tiredly. When had things gotten so out of control? Slowly, she turns and starts to head... where? She still doesn't have a bunk. Her empty crate is now full of beef.

Slowly, uncertainly, she makes her way to Pain's room and opens the hatch. "Pain? You 'wake?"

There's the mumbled reply of one who's just had one of Simon Tam's patented Painkiller-Sleep it Off cocktails.

She drops to the floor and makes her way over. Pain glances up blearily, then scoots over, holding up a corner of his blanket.

Ertia knows an invite when she sees it, stripping off her t-shirt and jeans before tucking herself in beside the big mercenary. Moments later, they both sleep.

*okay- now it can be morning!*


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 2:49 PM


* wolf dreamed he dreamed of the last time he saw pain and ertia.*

it was supposed to be a nice run of the mill bank job, only i didn't quite turn out that way.
it started with the trio setting out fresh from a holiday away from the crew of the Heart Of Haven, (of course these were the days before those two got together.) we set out fine and dandy ready for a full days work of crime and balckheartedness, but the one word that made everyone so afraid, and the fate of the man that cried it, still haunt me to this day.
how could one word have made the three toughest hired guns in the sector so terrified, so scared for their lives that even pain showed signs of emotion!

that one word, REAVERS, it all ended with us being the only ones left, of course they didn't know i survived they must have thought i died, i should have. i lost everything that day, my crew, my home, my beloved heart of haven.
even my trust in my fellow man.
i guess thats why i became an assasin, because assasins don't exist, but thats another story.

it must have been such a shock to see their old captain alive and well again, i can't keep ignoring them.
i guess thats why kaylee left, that why they all leave, sooner or later, i can't share my emotions.

well that ends now, kaylee told me to take a page from her book, i wil i'l start being more open with my emotions.

i'll sit them down and talk to them about it at breakfast.


oh my god i over slept!

*wolf quickly got dressed and ran into the gally*


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 3:01 PM


pssst- Wolf, you might want to read some of the back-story. I haven't been out in the black too long, having previously been in prison. Kinda new to this whole robbin' and killin' thing. Pain & Fly were together before that- maybe that's her you remember with him?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 3:09 PM


thats the one, fly.

sorry 'bout that, got the wrong person, its hard to remember when their not real.

i havent read all the back story yet but im gettin through it, theres so much!


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 3:22 PM


*Pain woke up well rested. Whatever was in that cocktail the doc gave sure worked. He smiled as he saw Ertia snuggled up close to his body. He realized he had slept on his bad arm but he didn't care. Pain draped his good arm over Ertia's stomach and whispered into her ear*

Hey beautiful time to get up.

*Ertia squirmed and backed her body into his. She smiled as she felt his response. She replied to him with her eyes still closed*

Do I have to? Can't we just stay here for awhile longer.

*She turned over, wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled herself closer to him. She kissed him and smiled as he said with a grin on his face*

I don't see why not.

He kissed her back and held her tight. He considered all of the things they could be doing as he ran his hand through her hair, her head laying on his chest.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 3:33 PM


No problem! Hey...whatdya mean 'not real'?

Mal sits at the dining table, his coffee in his hands left to cool. They'd used up alot of fuel breaking free from the Blue Hands ship, and Wash told him they couldn't get far.

If the Alliance cruiser they'd just destroyed had radiod their location and asked for back-up, Serenity was as good as caught.

How were they gonna get out of this go se?

"Captain." Book enters quietly, "I take it you're pondering our current dilemma?"

Mal nods. "Any bright ideas, I'd sure love to hear them."

Book nods, contemplative. "The Blue Hand operatives move under complete secrecy. No one would have known they were here. The Alliance cruiser on the other hand...that's a problem."

"So I've figured." Mal glances around wearily.

"There's only one thing the Alliance tries hard to cover up out here." Book says suggestively, "Only one thing they seem to be afraid of the Core learning about."

Mal's head comes up in comprehension, "Reavers."

"We desecrate the bodies, strip what's left of the cruiser, make it look like Reavers made the hit." Book's voice is grim, and those of the crew up and coming in for breakfast freeze at his words.

"If they think Reavers did this, they won't be looking for us." Zoe's voice is assured.

"Wake everybody up." Mal sighs. "Lets get this over with."


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 3:40 PM


Meanwhile, in Pain's bunk
Ertia squirms closer to Pain, enjoying the feel of his body against hers.

She kisses him again, then raises herself up to straddle him. "Doc said you're supposed to take it easy, remember."

"Got no problem with easy." Pain murmurs and Ertia watches his eyes close as her hands play over his chest, slide down across his toned abdomen, and then lower still.

She can feel his hardness against her inner thigh and shifts slightly, teasing him, watching his eyes shoot open as he groans.

Slowly, she lowers herself onto him, rocking gently as she takes him deeper with each miniscule thrust.

Suddenly, his good arm comes around her waist and pulls her hard down onto him. "'nough teasing, girl."

Her answer is lost in her moan of pleasure...


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 3:55 PM


(meenwhile in the gally)

wolf" what! make it look like reavers!? if we do that true we wont be in the heat anymore but what do think more so called reaver activity is gonna do to the local planets?"

zoe" its a risk were going to have to take pawsie."

*kaylee snorted into her milk, she has to leave the room through non-stop gigglefit.*

river" the reavers are not our freinds."

book" no river their not." he said comfortingly

river" no! the reavers are not our freinds but they are stil human beings! they dont deserve to be blamed for everything!"

wolf" exactlly!, rivers right!"

river" shut up pawsie-pie!, (wolf went scarlet) you just don't want to blame them because if you run from the law you can get your hands on the Mcgee fortune, BUFFALOE!!!"

*she fainted*

simon" she was doing SO well!"

*he and book take her to her room*

mal" so its desided then, we'l make it look like reavers.

jayne" i dont care, i got enough heat on me already.

pain walks in, looking severly relaxed.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:02 PM


by the way, when is this set? before firefly in between or after serenity?
also how many people must we have on the crew coz im readin the back story and theres loads of em!


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:06 PM


(Alright, time to launch the FINAL sub-plot, complete with revelations! Guy, you no longer have a say in the matter. I's yanking you off for a post!)

*Shuttle 2 closes in on the Dying Angel, smoothly piloted by Guy. 13 stands emotionlessly at the bridge, eyes studying the Dying Angel, a black and cruel-looking craft. Orphan's style.*

*After the two board the Dying Angel, five armed thugs escort them to the War Room, where the scarred Orphan awaits. Guy stands nervously, hand almost touching the .45, while 13 and Delilah prepare for battle.*

(Okay, in two posts?)



Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:10 PM


are we aloud to ki off people like zoe and simon?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:13 PM


Before Pain and Ertia enter the galley.....

*He smiles as she continues to ride him. He glides his hand up her naked body, running his fingers up her spine. She bites her lower lip as his hand comes up to her neck and he lowers her mouth down to his. Their lips meet and Ertia moans as Pain sucks the breath out of her, their tongues exploring each other's mouth. Their mouths depart as Ertia arches her back and rides Pain deeper. Pain smiles at her and runs his hand down her chest and adomen, tracing the lines of her body as she continues to rock back and forth. They continue for another twenty five minutes until they both come. Ertia collapses onto Pain and smiles at him. He smiles back as she says slightly out of breath*

That was fun Pain.

*She kisses him and continues to say*

I hope we can do that again sometime.

*He brings her mouth to his, kisses her and says*

Oh I'm sure we will.

*They lie there for a moment, then they get up, Ertia gets dressed and helps Pain get dressed as well, albeit taking her time just to take in the sight of his body. They leave his bunk and enter the galley. Pain sees Wolf and notices Wolf sees a relaxed look on Pain's face. Pain nods his head at Wolf and says as he heads for the pantry*


WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:18 PM



*wolf raises one eyebrow."

wolf" someones in a happy mood."


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:25 PM


jayne" hey pawsie pie!"

wolf" don't."

*jane and wolf circle each other and both draw but wolf is faster and shoots jayne in the chest,*

simon" hes..."


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:28 PM


No killing of canon characters! No killing of other peoples characters without permission! (Well, except in case they abandon them as in the case of our Mystery Man).
We're set Pre-Serenity. Wash is still our Pilot. Zoe's still our First-mate. Apparently Pain and I are just mating... errr.. Sorry! Try to contain that.
Yup. we gots ourselves a mess of crew, and a mess of passengers and a ShipsCat (wonder where she's hiding?) The thing is, anybody can join, anybody can play... Part of the fun that way, I think.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:33 PM


ok then just wondering...

... ok" finished simon

wolf" ill be in my bunk"


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:36 PM


how am i supposed to conatain it? its on the screen you space-rascels!
but ill try, for the good of the crew.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:42 PM


*Pain watches as Wolf and Jayne squabble. He turns back around to help Ertia with the food when he hears a shot ring out. Pain turns around, still relaxed from his morning sexing and a little from the meds Simon gave him, and sees Jayne laying on the ground, Wolf standing over him with a smoking pistol. Pain cocks his head and says as Simon and everyone within earshot of a gun blast comes in and Wolf walks out*

Saw that comin'.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:49 PM


*wolf stops halfway to the door gun still smoking, he turns and faces pain*

wolf" don't YOU start."


although my charechter seems to have issues, nice jayne refrence there


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:58 PM


(Meanwhile, on the scaaaary Dying Angel..sub-plot resolution coming right up!)

13: Draw your sword, and we'll settle this, once and for all. *Guy thinks to himself: Oh God, not the Stallone talk again..*Orphan grins, folding his hands, looking shockingly like David Carradine.*

"We'll get to that," Orphan said, "but first I need to make my point. And listen to this Guy, its something you don't know."

"You never questioned any of the other crew about why or how 13 got there, did you, Guy?" The former HC shook his head slowly. "Well, if you had, they would've said that he got shoved in a crate by his enemies. That would've been wrong."

"You see, 13 lied to them, to you, the entire time. Back before he died, he was in some rough trouble with the law. No, more than rough. Million-credit bounty, was more like it." Orphan's eyes shone with a malevolent gleam. "What was her name, 13? That girl you murdered? Ione, wasn't it? Parliamentarian's daughter, no less." Orphan grinned again, 13 still blank faced. "He killed her, Guy, in cold blood. No reason."

"That was a long time ago. I wasn't the same person, Wesley took that out," 13 put in, beginning to shake.

"Now, that's where you're wrong, assuming you're less human than you are. You didn't change after Wesley. You're still the same man, the same killer. That voice, that evil little whisper, that wasn't me projecting, that wasn't Blue Sun, it was you. That part of yourself that's always been there, the only thing you have left, that instinct and thirst for death."

"We're going, Orphan, whether you try to stop us or not. With XIII."

"That's a shame, because he's dead! Gnawed his wrists, bled to death in his chamber. You would've appreciated it, 13."

"Go. I won't stop you. Just...think about what you've heard, both of you. Accept it or tell. I just set the ball rolling."

*13 thought over this as he and Guy silently left the Dying Angel, Shuttle 2 making its way back home. Guy didn't say a word, hands tight on the controls, eyes glued to the black.*



Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:59 PM


continues into his bunk then goes into a light sleep.

nice one 13

wont be postin for a few hours,

got to sleep sometime.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 5:11 PM


*Pain watched as Wolf left for his bunk, still grinning. Pain turned and watched as JR and Fly hauled Jayne off to the infirmary with Simon following them. Pain then turned his attention back to helping Ertia prepare something to eat, the grin still on his face.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 5:42 PM


NO! 13! You mean you didn't rescue XIII? Oh no!

Ertia sautees onion and mushrooms in the largest skillet before breaking eggs in and scrambling them up. "Wow. I can't believe he shot Jayne like that! Is he out of his mind?"

Pain deliberately rubs his body against hers as he reaches over her for the salt to add to the biscuit dough. "Well, seein' as you shot Jayne yerself, I don't think you can say much about it."

She sticks her tongue out at him. "That was an accident! Wolf just up and shot him in cold blood."

Pain leans deliberately close, sending a shiver of anticipation up her spine as he murmurs, "You keep stickin' that tongue out and I'm gonna find a use for it."

"HEY!" Mal barks, "You two wanna quit screwin' around and get cooking! We got a lot of work to do and best we ain't doin it on an empty stomach!"

"Ooops," Ertia whispers, "He's grumpy again."


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:09 PM


*Pain rubs against Ertia one last time, sidesteps to her left and whispers back*

No kiddin'. Haven't seen him this mad since we got piss drunk.

*Ertia nods as she tries to remember that day. She continues her work with the skillet as Pain works on the biscuit dough. They could hear Mal mutter something in Chinese as he stormed out of the galley, possibly heading for the infirmary to check on Jayne.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:25 PM


*wakes up, bearly remembers his own name, then remembers what he did that morning.*

wolf" oh god! did i really shoot jayne? mal is sooo gonna airlock me."

wolf" what the hell did i do that for? i meen he's idiot but jeez, why'd i shoot 'im?

* another thought enters his mind, it it of the crew.*

wolf" oh god their gonna hate me."

* he sighs and gos into the infermary. mal takes a swing at him.*

wolf" o.k o.k i'll wait out side."

*he backs off outside.*






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